Пряхин Андрей Александрович : другие произведения.

May Daymonstration

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    May Day in Russia is now well-known with the students` `monstrations`, the informal mocking rallies with the absurd broadsheets and handwritten posters in the hands of their participants, a parody of May Day demonstrations of the Soviet past and their hypocritical replicas at present. Those carnival processions of the Russian youth are peaceful, innocent, full of joy, witty, they are the moving and improvised street performances. In some sense, they are literature, I`d call them the literary rallies, or `litterallies`. Alas, from the view-point of some authorities their main drawback is that they`re informal. By that reason officials are rather afraid of them and behave in a style of a classical bureaucrat, comrade Byvalov from the excellent Soviet comedy movie https://youtu.be/QcbLHi5khu8 They demand understandable slogans rather than the following ones: `Leprechauns of all countries unite!`,`Velvet trilobite eats my brain!`, `Return our probabilistic machine!`, `Uncommunikettlive!` ("Молчайник!"),`Tomorrow will never come!`, `All march to the construction of the Death Star!`, `It`s high time to reboot the Windows`, `I`d like to buy common sense!, `According to statistics there`s always one Svetka per one Genka who will fall in love with him` (Svetka and Genka are short for Svetlana and Gennady), `Today`s the day after tomorrow!`, `A good person must be delightful`, `The wonderland exists!`,`A violet acorn of goodness is in danger!`, `I changed polarity of the neutron stream of marmelade!`, `No more cookies on the dark side!`, `Husbands, love your wives!`, `All`s possible with God!` and even simply `Mee mee mee!` If you`ve been tired or afraid of these absurd and as much as twice funny (both `strange` and `ha-ha`) slogans, then you must be an official (consider it to be a test). In that case you`d better listen to a nice Brazilian tune of the song `Bim! Bom!` Sung by Astrud Gilberto https://youtu.be/VtbxOZVUfuk It`s kinda Bonus!

    that's the way I want my song
    just the words that go BIM BOM
    sorry but my heart has made it so
    only bim bom bim bom bim...

    1) The regular bourgeois visitors of the Moscow Restaurant `Gorky Bar` (named so after Maxim Gorky) recite line by line `The song of the Petrel` (from 0:45). They learned it by heart when they went to school. The present Russian schools, though now they`re thrice as the bourgeois ones, still go on with making pupils to learn Gorky`s Petrel by heart. It doesn`t embarrass the govt. The govt. seems to say, `Read whatever you want, but never ever gather more than three persons at one place, since we`re afraid of your misbehaving in a Gorky`n`Petrel`s way! People, you know, they are so unpredictable! You never can tell what`s on their minds!` https://youtu.be/GFDSza4yE7c
    2) A satiric reciting of Gorky`s `Petrel` by a famous, excellent Russian actor Andrei Urgant. It`s a masterpiece, his fresh and innovative interpretatation. Gorky`s text admits that way of re-thinking! The literary texts contain more meanings than their authors are used to anticipate! From 1:59 to 3:41 https://youtu.be/vDrQRA5-4Xk
    3) The school girl is doing her homework, learning the Petrel by Gorky by heart for the tomorrow`s lesson of literature. Mother: `Liuba, drink your milk and sleep well!` Lyuba: `I hear you, mommy`. The mise-en-scène familiar with the millions of the Russian nationals is performed by Lyubov Glushkova, an 11 year old schoolgirl. https://youtu.be/01nOHBuAnhY Animation cartoon `THE STORMY PETREL` https://youtu.be/Mxv_TtjnBJQ

(an episode from the Carnival Night (1956), Russia)

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Personnel of a large state-owned enterprise or company organizes a New Year corparate party where many
of employees and workers will be the amateur actors and actresses, singers, magicians, clowns, etc. But their chief,
comrade Byvalov, a famous bureaucrat and official, is rather afraid of his initiative subordinates and their
informal activities. Comrade Byvalov (a speaking family name meaning `knowing who`s who and what`s what`) would
like to take all under his small-minded and timorous, but formal control. Why then? `Cuz you never know what might
happen! You never, so to say, can tell!

Comrade Byvalov: Well, now let"s hear the artistic account of our clowns!
Bim: Hi, Bom!
Bom: Hi, Bim!
Bim: Where are you, Bom?
Bom: I"m here!
Bim: Hi, Bom!
Bom: Hi!
Bim: Do tell me, Bom! Why are you crying?
Bom: Bom, you know, I am getting married!
Bim: Congrats! Congrats! And your bride too!
Bom: Hush! Silence! For Christ"s sake, tell her not a word!
Bim: Why then?
Bom: Because she hasn"t known about this yet!
Bim: How come?!
Bom: Because I"m marrying quite the other girl!
Comrade Byvalov: One minute, comrades! That's past praying for! How"s that, you are going
to marry and sob! It"s improbable in general! (to the white clown) What water is flowing from your
Bim: It"s tears!
Bom: He is wringing emotions from himself like that!
Comrade Byvalov: Comrades, dear! How long would you have to sob before some water could
flow out of a handkerchief?! And then, be kind not to kiss him! This makes a dual impression!
Bim: Sorry, but I think, comrade director ... you"re incompletely ....
Comrade Byvalov: Completely! You are stating that your bride is unaware of your marrying the
other girl. It"s not good! She must be notified. It"s your duty to make her know!
Bim: You really think so? But that"s the whole point! The humour!
Bom: The point!!!
Comrade Byvalov: Can I help it if it`s the point? And, this is what, what names do you address
each other?
Bim: Clowns` names! Bim and Bom!
Bom: This is but a tradition!
Comrade Byvalov: Comrades-comrades, excuse me but you are the adult ones! Have you got
your family names?
Bim & Bom: We"ve got `em.
Comrade Byvalov: So use your family names, and don`t shed tears any more. And ... how to put
it better? Be more invigorating! Chop-chop!
Bim: Comrade director ... Tell you what!
Bom: Kol` (vocative case from Kolya, Nick, Nicholas): Just don"t go on!
Bim: Marusia! (informal for Maria, Mary) Ha-ha-ha!
Bom: Hi, Sidorov!
Bim: Hi, Nikolayev!
Bom: Sidorov, be kind to formally inform me about the reason of your joy!
Bim: I am happy because I"m getting married!
Bom: Congrats for you and your bride!
Bim: Gonna go and notify her to make her happy that I am getting married quite the other girl!
Bom: Marusia!
Comrade Byvalov: One minute, comrades! Just a minute! Something has gone absurdly wrong!
If he"s got his bride why he`s marrying the other girl?
Bim: But therein lay a component of satire ...
Bom: That is the matter!
Comrade Byvalov: What kind of matter indeed?
Bom: That kind of matter that he is a frivolous person deceiving his bride!
Comrade Byvalov: Who? Sidorov?!
Bim: Oh sure!
Comrade Byvalov: Thus, he has been morally decomposed or what?
Bim: Indeed!
Comrade Byvalov: Then why do you congratulate him?
Bim: How don"t you understand ...
Bom: Kolya (informal from `Nikolai`), don"t get torqued! (i.e., get angry)
Comrade Byvalov: If a person has been morally decomposed he should be told about this inambiguoiusly!
This is not a reason for joking, so to say! (to Bim) You"ve got a ridiculous appearance, Sir! (playfully,
curiously bouncing Bim`s necktie for a little) ... So, comrades, be serious, go on stage being dressed in
a human way, in an accepted manner. And come to a head immediately! Put a question point-blank!
Come on, comrades, I"ve got little time. Do it quick!
Bim: Kolya, don"t !
Actor (to an amateur actress): Would you be so kind as to play up to me? Seraphim Ivanovich asked me
to learn the part in a dramatization of a fable....
Amateur actress: What fable?
Amateur actor: He asked me to choose one, but I don"t know which one to choose!
Actress: What if I am your partner on stage?
Actor: I"ll be much obliged.
Actress: I"ll drop in soon, right?
Actor: Right! (Actor`s played by Sergei Mikhalkov, a famous Russian children`s author and fabulist, he`s
the father Nikita Mikhalkov and Andron Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky).
Bim and Bom are back on stage dressed in suits as officials
Bim: Comrades! Unfortunately, sometimes in our environment there are cases of a frivolous attitude to the
marriage and family life!
Bom: We declare point-blank that (l` in chorus) this foul practice is absolutely intolerable any more!
Bim: Under no circumstances, of course!
Comrade Byvalov: This is the goods! Now you"re talking! Well, accepted, comrades.



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The banner WE ARE YOU! A girl is holding the poster that reads `But we are better!` In the background posters
are like that: `My name`s Diana, but it`s not infectious!`, `Intellect of the nation`, etc.

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Banner: `GOD FORGIVE!` Posters: `How many months are there in May?`,`Cat of Moebius walks by itself!`,
`Chaos will win an order since it`s better organized!`

A reporter: `There were dogs and teddy-bears in the procession. One of policemen while talking by phone told
someone: `Forget the idea of it! I am not bored in the least. You should see a crowd of those monkeys!`... In
response the monstrators unfolded their main poster: `GOD FORGIVE US!` and started chanting it!`

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`HELL`S OURS!`was a main banner of one of the monstrations of the previous years`. Oh, what I see! BAKA BAKA!
It`s in Japanese (`baka` is `a fool, silly`).

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The quasi-apocalyptic slogans of the monstrators` banners shouldn`t suprise us, as it`s just a making fun of a moral panic
sometimes expressed in a Russian officialdom about the monstrations as an issue that appears to threaten the social order.
The monstrators are sometimes described as a collective `folk devil`. So the very `folk devils` reflect that officialdom`s
phobia in their mocking banners like the above-mentioned `HELL`S OURS` or `IT IS CURTAINS FOR US!` Still they
remind that `WE ARE YOU!` (See the book of `Folk Devils and Moral Panics: The Creation of the Mods and Rockers` by
Stanley Cohen (1942-2013), the Emeritus Professor of Sociology at the London School of Economics).

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We can read in the book that a moral panic is a person or group of people who are portrayed in folklore or the media as outsiders
and deviant, as a public enemy and `a city threat`. The most radical and popular slogan of the 2019 monstration went not far than
that one:

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`social lift` is Russian for the upward mobility, climbing the social ladder).

You cannot but agree that even that complaint is too far either from the liberal or lefist agenda. To compare enough to remember
Vladimir Mayakovsky`s lines which would have cost him and hero of his poem Lenin lying in Red Square their freedom in nowadays Russia:

Ешь ананасы, рябчиков жуй,
день твой последний приходит, буржуй.

`Eat up your pineapples, fried hazel-hens chew!
The last day of yours, bourgeois, is to come very soon!`

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This program declaration will also hardly remind one of the liberal values. So what`s the use of worrying? Eat up your pineapples,
fried hazel-hens chew! Be free! Without any fear! As to the timing of this pleasant process it depends upon an individual life span

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Hey, you librarian with the shapely legs!
Stop putting on airs,
On! To a sauna with us, to have sex!

only. Therefore their fear for monstrations is nothing but an existential fear for the youth, their unbeatable advantage which was
expressed in one of the monstrations in a paradoxical way ad absurdum as:

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Who can argue with that nature of things? None. So what to do for the elder ones? To envy! To put up with it. But is is an unbearable
idea for the bolshies renegades, the nowadays bourgeois, they would like the future to belong to them too, they would like to take
control of it. They want to live and rule forever! Trotz alledem! Despite everything! Poor Xanphs, masters of the wise, but naive young
Aesops, they would like to drink up the sea! New, but old Fausts, they exclaim addressing `the Moment flying: `Linger a while - thou
art so fair!` (`Werd ich zum Augenblicke sagen: `Verweile doch! Du bist so schön!`) But the only thing they can count on is just a
restorative surgery! (Personally I`d prefer to have an excellent lifetime glyptic portrait made by a famous sculptor in an Old Roman way!

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The Stormy Petrel. Painting by John James Audubon

By Maxim Gorky
Up above the grey sea surface wind starts gathering the clouds. Twixt the clouds and sea surface there
soars a proud petrel like the blacker-than-black lightning.
Now its wing touches a wave crest, now it upward shoots like an arrow, when it cries the clouds hear
joy in that bird`s bravest outcry.
There`s a storm lust in its shouts. The savage fury, heat of battle, and dead certainty of triumph is
discerned in them by clouds.
Gulls are groaning before tempest, they are groaning, rushing `bout, they`d like on a pain of terror hide themselves under the surface.
And the loons are also moaning, they escape the joy of battle, terrified by crash of thunder.
Silly penguin`s shyly hiding its fat carcass twixt the mounts ... The free petrel`s soaring only,
brave and proud, o`er the sea, grey with the whitecaps.
The black clouds o`re the ocean are meanwhile going down and down, and the singing waves are
soaring up and up to meet the thunder.
Thunder`s rolling! Vying with the wind the waves are foaming up with wrath and howling. Here`s the
wind embracing tight the trains of waves to crash them wildly and. against the cliffs, to dash the em`rald
giants into sprays out of malice.
Like the blacker-than-black lightning the storm petrel`s streaking, crying, as an arrow spearing clouds,
with its wing it`s clipping wave crests.
See it`s drifting as a demon, proud, black and stormy demon, it is laughing at the clouds, it is crying
being delighted.
The keen demon has a feeling that the thunder`s wrath is fading. It is sure that the clouds will not hide
the Sun forever. No, they won`t hide!
Wind is howling ... Thunder`s rolling ...
Clouds o`er the deep are flaring with a flame of blue. Sea`s catching zigzag lightnings to extinguish
them deep down. Like the fiery sea serpents the reflections of the lightnings on the sea are quickly dying.
`Tempest, soon it will break out!`
It`s the brave and proud petrel that is soaring twixt the lightnings over rage of the sea tempest; it`s
the prophet of the triumph, it is crying,
`May the gale break out stronger!`

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Alexei Peshkov (Maxim Gorky) - Young Years

Максим Горький
Над седой равниной моря ветер тучи собирает. Между тучами и морем гордо реет Буревестник,
черной молнии подобный.
То крылом волны касаясь, то стрелой взмывая к тучам, он кричит, и - тучи слышат радость в смелом крике птицы.
В этом крике - жажда бури! Силу гнева, пламя страсти и уверенность в победе слышат тучи в
этом крике.
Чайки стонут перед бурей, - стонут, мечутся над морем и на дно его готовы спрятать ужас свой
пред бурей.
И гагары тоже стонут, - им, гагарам, недоступно наслажденье битвой жизни: гром ударов их пугает.
Глупый пингвин робко прячет тело жирное в утесах... Только гордый Буревестник реет смело и
свободно над седым от пены морем!
Всё мрачней и ниже тучи опускаются над морем, и поют, и рвутся волны к высоте навстречу грому.
Гром грохочет. В пене гнева стонут волны, с ветром споря. Вот охватывает ветер стаи волн объятьем
крепким и бросает их с размаху в дикой злобе на утесы, разбивая в пыль и брызги изумрудные громады.
Буревестник с криком реет, черной молнии подобный, как стрела пронзает тучи, пену воли крылом
Вот он носится, как демон, - гордый, черный демон бури, - и смеется, и рыдает... Он над тучами смеется, он от радости рыдает!
В гневе грома, - чуткий демон, - он давно усталость слышит, он уверен, что не скроют тучи солнца, - нет, не скроют!
Ветер воет... Гром грохочет...
Синим пламенем пылают стаи туч над бездной моря. Море ловит стрелы
молний и в своей пучине гасит. Точно огненные змеи, вьются в море, исчезая, отраженья этих молний.
-Буря! Скоро грянет буря!
Это смелый Буревестник гордо реет между молний над ревущим гневно морем; то кричит пророк победы:
- Пусть сильнее грянет буря!..


Lesha1 (591x394, 119Kb)
Alexei Mikhailovich Turkus (born 1955)

The Argus International, Moscow, 2004

The lesson of literature in school. A high achiever and teacher`s pet is reciting Gorky`s Petrel in an emotional, deep-felt way being interrupted
with the teacher scolding regular latecomers. Because of artistry and the nerve strain of the girl the reciter of the text the poem starts coming
true right in the class. Wow!!! The soundtrack of the animation includes Italian Polka by Sergei Rakhmaninov https://youtu.be/0OOnodI-RAw
and Frederic Chopin`s Étude No12 in C minor, Op 10 'Revolutionary' https://youtu.be/2udCI6NM674(played by Nikolai Voronov)

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CLASSROOM, slogans on the wall read `THOU THE BOOKS!`, `ATTENTION!` and `LIGHT OF POETRY`. Portraits of Pushkin, Tolstoy, etc.

Teach: I`m going to call out to the blackboard ... I`m going to call out ... I`m going to call out to the blackboard ... (pupils are trembling, only a
high achiever and teacher`s pet Rezunova is sticking up her hand wanting to be called)
Latecomer Sidorov: May I ...
Teach: Sidorov! Why are you late?
Sidorov: The tram has broken down!
Teach: Give me your school record book and take your place. And don`t chew in class! ... I`m going to call out to the blackboard ...
Twin Latecomes: May I? May I?
Teach: Petrov and Petrov! Why are you late?
Twin Latecomes: The tram has totally broken down! At all!
Teach: It`s an unreasonable excuse! Place your school record books on my table and sit down. Do it!
Teach: I`m going to call out to the blackboard ... (a clownish side tune) Who has done it now? WHO ... HAS ... DONE ... IT?
Teacher`s Pet Rezunova: It`s Fedotov!
Teach: Fedotov!
Fedotov: What?
Teach: What what? Stand up and leave the class!
Fedotov: But what have I done?
Teach: You`ve said like this! (imitating the sound produced by him).
Fedotov: It was not me! Don't shift blame!
Teach: Who then? Maybe, Pushkin? Get out of class now! Rezunova to the blackboard!
Rezunova: Maxim Gorky! THE SONG OF THE STORMY PETREL! Up above the grey sea surface wind starts gathering the clouds. Twixt the
clouds and sea surface there soars a proud petrel like the blacker-than-black lightning. Now its wing touches a wave crest, now it upward shoots
like an arrow, when it cries ...
Teach: Fedotov! Are you still in class? Leave it!
Fedotov: Why me? What on earth have I done?!
Teach: You`ve done like this (imitating the sound produced by him).
Rezunova: ... the clouds hear joy in that bird`s bravest outcry. There`s a storm lust in its shouts. The savage fury, heat of battle, and dead certainty
of triumph is discerned in them by clouds.

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Teach (to a fresh latecomer): Ivanov! Why are you late?
Ivanov: The tram has broken down!
Teach: Put your school record book on my table! Fedotov, get out of class!
Fedotov: What have I done, after all?
The teach is imitating the sound produced by him in class.
Fedotov: Don't shift blame! Was it me?
The Stormy Petrel: Yes! It was you!!!
Rezunova: Gulls are groaning before tempest, they are groaning, rushing `bout, they`d like on a pain of terror hide themselves under the surface.
The next latecomer: May I come in?
Teach: Give me your school record book!
Rezunova: And the loons are also moaning, they escape the joy of battle, terrified by crash of thunder.

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Teach (to a penguin): What? Has your tram also been broken down? Your record book and take your place!
Rezunova: Silly penguin`s shyly hiding its fat carcass twixt the mounts ... The free petrel`s soaring only, brave and proud, o`er the sea, grey with the
whitecaps. The black clouds o`re the ocean are meanwhile going down and down, and the singing waves are soaring up and up to meet the thunder.
Thunder`s rolling! Vying with the wind the waves are foaming up with wrath and howling. Here`s the wind embracing tight the trains of waves to crash
them wildly and, against the cliffs, to dash the em`rald giants into sprays out of malice. Like the blacker-than-black lightning the storm petrel`s
streaking, crying, as an arrow spearing clouds, with its wing it`s clipping wave crests.
Teach: Fedotov, leave the class immediately!
The stormy Petrel: Don't shift blame! What have I done?
Teach: You`ve touched the wave crests with your wingtip!
The stormy Petrel: Have I really done it? Don't shift blame!
Teach: And now you are clipping wave crests.
Rezunova: See it`s drifting as a demon, proud, black and stormy daemon, it is laughing at the clouds, it`s crying being delighted.
Teach: Who is laughing? Who is crying?
Rezunova: ... it is laughing at the clouds, it is crying being delighted.
Teach(to the stormy petrel): Get out of class!!!
Rezunova: The keen demon has a feeling that the thunder`s wrath is fading. It is sure that the clouds will not hide the Sun forever. No, they won`t hide!
Wind is howling ... Thunder`s rolling ... Clouds o`er the deep are flaring with a flame of blue.
Latecomers: The tram has broken down!
Teach: Get out of class!

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Rezunova: Sea`s catching zigzag lightnings to extinguish them deep down. Like the fiery sea serpents the reflections of the lightnings on the
quickly dying. Tempest, soon it will break out! It`s the brave and proud petrel that is soaring twixt the lightnings over rage of the sea tempest; it`s
the prophet of the triumph, it is crying,`May the gale break out stronger, the Storm that covers skies with clouds!` (Rezunova added a line from a
famous Pushkin`s poem `Storm is cov`ring skies with clouds`)
Teach (to Rezunova): Well done! Excellent! Fedotov! Get out of class and never come back until I have seen your parents!
Pushkin: What have I done? Just look at Gorky, he`s a latecomer!
Gorky: May I ... My tram has broken down!
Pushkin (teasing Gorky): You`ve been late! You`ve been late!
Gorky: Do not tease me, or else I`ll show you!
Pushkin (teasing Gorky): You`ve been late! You`ve been late! A-ha-ha!
Teach: Y`ALL G-E-T O-U-T!

vpizdu_rabotu (420x304, 19Kb)
`Cunt with the work (or: Fuck the work), glasses have been poured there!`

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