Музыка The Carrapicho Band
Слова Сергей Харин
Мальчик хочет в Тамбов,
Ты знаешь чик-чики-чики-так. (Дважды)
Но не летят туда сегодня самолеты
И не едут даже поезда. (Дважды)
Ты стояла у берега моря
И смотрела на старый причал.
И с причала какой-то мальчишка
O беде о своей прокричал.
Ветер фразу унес, парень сел на песок
И заплакал по детски, а ты
Подбежала к нему, села рядом у ног
И сказала не надо воды.
Припев (Дважды)
На тебя посмотрел он украдкой
И слезинка блеснула огнем.
От улыбки ее стало жарко,
Вам так весело стало вдвоем.
Руку он протянул и промолвил: "Пойдем".
Море тихо шепнуло: "Смелей".
Длится ваш беззаботный, случайный роман
Уже целых 17 недель. (Дважды)
Припев (Дважды)
Music by The Carrapicho Band
Russian lyrics by Sergei Kharin
Refrain (Twice)
The guy dreams of Tambov
Now you know it tic tic tac*! (Twice)
But there are no flights to there now
And you cannot go there by train tonight! (Twice)
You were standing alone on the pier
You were looking at surf on the shore
When a boy in the roar of the breakers
Tried to shout `bout his dream`s downfall
Wind took phrases away, broke his castle in the sand.
He got cried like a child on the beach.
You ran up to the boy, wiped his tears and then
Said ` The salt water is much within reach!`
Refrain (Twice)
Though he wanted to go there badly
After flashing his look at your face
Through his tears he smiled very friendly
T`was the start of your mutual romance.
With his arm round your waist he just said: `Come along!`
Then the sea sang to you: `Don`t be scared!`
And your carefree, crazy romance has not stopped.
Ever since it`s been lasting, I swear! (Twice)
Refrain (Twice)