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The Last Crusader

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Raamatust-Portree-Ungern (372x538, 140Kb)
Roman Feodorovitch (Robert Nikolay Maximillian) von Ungern Sternberg

Roman von Ungern Sternberg, a Russian Baltic German baron born in Austria was
executed by shooting in Novonikolayevsk (now Novosibirsk, Siberia, Russia) in 1921
by the Red. During his life he used to be called `God of War`, `Autocrat of Desert`.
He dreamed of the resurrection of the Mongol Empire of Genghis Khan, formation
of the spiritual military Buddhist Order for Liberation of Russia, Europe and the whole
world from the 3rd International, and believed in the supremacy of the yellow race in
the Earth.

GSyYxPc83ns (340x489, 271Kb)

His Asiatic Cavalry Division included the Russian Cossacks, Buryats, Mongols, Tibetans,
Chinese, there were warriors from about 16 nationalities, all in all, including Englishmen,
Serbs, Czechs, etc.

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He struggled for independent Mongolia but was married to one of the Chinese Manchurian
Qing Dynasty`s princesses, they had got Russian Orthodox church wedding ceremony,
though by that time the baron had been officially regarded as the resurrected Tsagan
Burkhan, Mahakala, the Buddhist God of War, Spontaneous Buddha (pratyeka) by Bogdo
Geghen, the Buddhist leading cleric in Mongolia.
He considered to have reached nirvana as Spontaneous Buddha, but he could have got no
followers as he was uninterested in human plights and sufferings and therefore was fierce,
furious, violent and ruthless.

qcQOo_CTesU (604x419, 180Kb)
Buddhist monks dressed as evil spirits perform a ritual dance. Tibetan state in 1924

Bogdo Geghen (Serene Ruler) himself was worshipped in Old Mongolia as Living Budda
and was the third leading cleric in the Buddhist hierarchy after Dalai Lama and Panchen
Lama. Once he was saved by baron von Ungern-Sternberg from the Red Chinese.

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Ungern-Sternberg struggled against Communists and Internationalists but believed
in the first Communist International in Ancient Babylon.
He was an alien both for the White and Red despite he was paradoxically extremely
close to both movements in an ideological way. He considered himself to be the last
true monarchist.

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Bogdo Geghen

The Soviet propaganda used to describe the baron as a sadist whom, however, he
never was. Yet he left behind him no fewer corpses than Genghis Khan.
By the way, it was him who made Mongolia independent, the Bolsheviks just
availed themselves of the opportunity and usurped his victory.
When Bogdo Geghen heard of the death of `the relative of the White Czar`
as he called him he ordered to have services for that dead man carried out in all
monasteries and temples of Mongolia.

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The banner of the Asiatic Cavalry Division. On the front, "God With Us" in Old
Slavonic, image of the Saviour and monogram of Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich,
Cyrillic "M" with Roman numeral "II", which stands for Michael II, Crown of the
Russian Empire and two 12-pointed stars on the backside.

Baron was being delivered to the trial in an iron cage wearing the parade uniform of
the Czarist Army, all decorations and his golden shoulder straps.
The court paid him back for his words that he used to repeat `Golden Banner will
overcome the Red rag`.
His fate was predestined, since his prosecutor Gubelmann-Yaroslavsky had got a
telegram from V.I. Lenin: `Try him and, if his guilty is to be proved though there is
no doubt about that (!), shoot him immediately`.

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From the transcript of interrogation of R.F. Ungern in the headquarters of the 5th
Army (Irkutsk City), Extraordinary Commission (Red Counter-Intelligence Service)
(Novonikolayevsk City) in August-September 1921:

- What were your family members notable for in the Russian service?
- 72 men killed in action.

- You wrote that three thousand years ago there had been formed the Communist
International in Babylon. Do you really believe in it?
- I do. The whole history proves it.

UtKYqU0GFqE (259x604, 59Kb) FSsif6lLyF8 (250x499, 81Kb)

- You had got the Russian, Buryats, Mongols ... What united them all?
- Discipline.

-What`s your impression of the Red cavalrymen?
- It pained me to see what the Russian had come to, became so petty, small... .

491px-UndurGongor (491x600, 149Kb)

- Did you feel the permanent spiritual liaison with your troops?
- I did. I felt it all the way.

- Your troops had got the three-colour banner with the name of Mikhail the
Second on it...
- It seems to me that I have been the only monarchist in the whole world.

- There`s blood of Attila, the Huns, Germans and Hungarians in my veins.
One of my ancestors was in the order of Richard the Lion Heart and killed
in action in Jerusalem.

- I know just one remedy for assassins, that is the death.

ymZ-LV1yzfw (604x335, 219Kb)
St. George's Cross of Baron Ungern

Lieutenant General Roman Feodorovitch von Ungern Sternberg spent his last
night in the Earth spoiling with his teeth his Cross of St. George lest it could
go to his enemies. He had never stopped wearing that special decoration
witnessing his military valour.

Серый Сказочник
Барон расстрелян, не сбылась,
Мечта потомков Чингиз-Хана
Ушёл из жизни не склоняясь,
И не подсчитывая раны.

Потомок рыцарей креста,
Приросший к Азии душой,
Он богом звался не спроста,
Лишь только здесь он был собой.

Шинель сменил он на халат,
Свои пришив к нему погоны,
И чёрт ему ни сват ни брат,
Он верный сын чужой короны.

Свою идею не предал,
Мечта осталась лишь мечтой,
Но лишь когда всё потерял,
Он наконец обрёл покой.

О нём молился весь дацан,
И Дым над пагодой клубился,
Он мог прожить здесь жизнь как хан,
Увы, не к этому стремился.

By Grey Story-Teller
The baron`s dead, he failed to realize
The dream of Genghis Khan`s descendants.
He laid intrepidly his life,
He didn`t care for his remnants.

An offspring of the Knights of Cross
He had the soul stuck to Asia.
They called him God not as their Boss
But as the Father of their Nation.

Though with a robe`s replaced his coat,
Like gold his straps keep scintillating.
He`s neither kith nor kin to Mongol folks,
The Crown`s faithful son, the Last Crusader.

He didn`t betray what he had trusted,
But dream of his remained his dream.
He found peace for everlasting,
The price for that was his defeat.

All Buddhist clercis prayed for him,
The smoke belched over the pagodas,
He could have lived as Mandarin.
If he had strived for winning glory.

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St. George's Cross

The Cross of St. George (Russian: Георгиевский Крест) was initially established
by Imperial Russia where it was officially known as the Decoration of the Military
Order of St. George between 1807 and 1913.
The Cross of St George was reinstated into the Russian awards system in 1992. As
to the The Ribbon of St George or St. George's Ribbon (Russian: Георгиевская
ленточка), it constitutes one of the most recognised and respected symbols of military
valour in modern Russia.
It is widely associated with the commemoration of World War II and especially with
the units who were awarded the collective Guard battle honours during the conflict.
The ribbon consists of a black and orange bicolour pattern, with three black and
two orange stripes.

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