Риваль Айми : другие произведения.

Age Of Romance

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                        I feel, you"re sitting next to me,
                        I share my breath with moonlight,
                        It"s hard to wish you goodnight!..
                        I can"t allow myself to see,
                        The sadness in the eyes of thee.

Our silver shapes with shivers pass,
Of whom these stars are rustling?
Your weightless steps, the dew on grass,
The stream of time is bustling.

When have I lost my way in dark?
Your voice has brought no guidance,
This golden moon is mortal mark,
My memories slip in silence.

I must admit the end of age,
It"s, all in all, old-fashioned.
Forgotten bird in velvet cage,
The senses, I have mentioned.

I can"t forbid myself to cry!..
I miss, but I remember, thus.
But how can romantics die,
If after nothing"s left for us? 

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