Рыбачук Оля : другие произведения.


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That was a game. A mere game.

And I was eager just to play.

To hide-and-seek, to hunt the game,

To fly or fall - and be what may.

I madly ran to catch the wind.

I laughed and cried - that's not a sin.

Cognized and thought, that grabbed your mind...

Oh, my, that way I'm really blind!

I dived inside your inner you,

Amazed at things I never knew.

And stunned I stopped, - to hesitate.

A picture ceased to animate.

All's mixed and scattered in my head.

My I and dreams, I used to have.

My ego's lost and lost my past,

The seconds gone and minutes passed.

Now don't know what is what...

Just truth or lies or petty fraud...

It's easy to deceive yourself

Behind the eyes of real self.

And where's me? And where you?

How should I know what is true?

Afraid to make a forward step,

I stumble, falling on my lap.

I wish you came and gave your hand

To make me firm, to be my friend,

To sooth my pain, to blank my brain,

To set me free, to fill my vain.

But that's the game! And I must play

Not breaking rules, not go astray

In labyrinths of your soul!

Against the fate? It's time to go.

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