It hurt so much I'd almost turned into poet
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Аннотация: Another song by the 'Disciples', all the letter omissions intentionally commited. Gawd, it took several days to bring Llewel back to life after he'd only suspected himself being cheated on. That's the result
Sometimes believing you is so hard I get lost;
Cold and shivering without a wire tossed
To keep mechanic heart beating -
I can see it rotten asf I was a surgeon,
Self-examination being my last step.
Like there's fog on my eyes
I cannot see yours,
Bet you'r looking at someone else.
And it hurt so much
I'd almost turned into poet.
It's I everytime who am at fault
Confessing my sins, mea cupla on scales
To only hold your hand again -
The single thing that keeps me going,
Paranoid, mind-eaten child.
Like there's fog on my eyes
I cannot see yours,
Bet you'r looking at someone else.
And it hurt so much
I'd almost turned into poet.
Oh, I know it, I shd believe you at most;
It just doesn't fit into my mind, so lost;
Wonder it I can get fixed at all,
Unless you'r next to me 24/7
To cast the goddamn rhymes outa my head.
Like there's fog on my eyes
I cannot see yours,
Bet you'r looking at someone else.
And it hurt so much
I'd almost turned into poet.
It hurts so much, I'd almost turned into poet..
It hurt so much
I turned into..
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