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Lost Memories

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  • Аннотация:
    Написано 16.05.2002

Her face, with blades around.
And his, with scars on it.
I"m watching from the shadows.
I listen as they speak.
"You are the mighty goddess..."
"Speak shortly: what you need?"
"My asking"s quite a hard one..."
"It doesn"t matter. Speak!"
"Once I have lost my mem"ries.
I want to get them back..."
"And are you sure you want it?"
She"s angry. Blades are black.
His words continue going.
It"s my time to come out
"Cause I am what he"s seeking.
Or just a tiny part.
"I am not all you mem"ries,
But I"m the part of them.
If you agree to talk now,
We may discuss it, then".
I touch his scarred shoulder
And look in tired eyes.
The last words of the Lady
"I"ll talk to you. Next time." 

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