Журнал "Самиздат": Миниатюра

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Рождественский детектив-24

 Александров А.
 Анкудинова А.
 Антонов В.В.
 Ари Х.
 Барабаш П.И.
 Беглов Р.Р.
 Белоусов А.В.
 Березина Я.Р.
 Берлюта В.А.
 Блатник М.М.
 Большаков А.В.
 Боровикова Я.Ю.
 Варнин А.А.
 Вознесенский В.В.
 Гами А.
 Гапонько А.
 Гаранин И.Л.
 Гарридо А.
 Гарси Н.
 Джумова Н.К.
 Джумова Н.К.
 Дмитриева А.
 Долина Д.
 Дубинская М.В.
 Завалюева Е.Н.
 Золотарева А.
 Карова О.
 Князев В.Е.
 Командровская С.
 Комнино-Варваци В.И.
 Кочетков С.В.
 Левадский А.А.
 Левченко Ю.Г.
 Лера М.
 Лунина Е.Б.
 Мартыненко Л.А.
 Маслов Р.В.
 Матусевич C.
 Меломедов В.Е.
 Мира Н.
 Назаров А.А.
 Неудачин С.
 Олешкевич Н.А.
 Осокина Л.
 Писарева Р.
 Понд А.Д.
 Проект С.
 Прутковская А.И.
 Свидовая А.
 Скворцова О.П.
 Соловьёва А.
 Сорокина А.А.
 Соснин Е.Ю.
 Сочнева М.В.
 Старк Д.
 Тасси Л.
 Тетерник А.
 Угничев А.В.
 Фролова О.В.
 Чекалов Е.В.
 Черносвитов Д.О.
 Шамаева Г.В.
 Шиманович М.И.
 Шлотова М.В.
 Юденкова Е.
 Яковлева И.А.
 Mirlena V.
 Russel S.
Страниц (694): 1 ... 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 ... 694
  • Yuu Sangre: Нотные запахи 6k   Проза, Любовный роман Комментарии
    Письмо Н. к милой Жоржетт, строки, хранящие воспоминания о прошедшем лете и недопетых романсах.
  • Yuu Sangre: Обряд искупления 8k   Проза, Фэнтези
    Сколько моих предшественников, стеная и плача, заполняли собой ненасытное тело бесстыдного Змея, ломая ногти о белые чешуйки его кожи?
  • Z.Новопольцев Игорь Aндреевич: Данте Алигьери - сумасшедший 1k   Фантастика
  • Z.Новопольцев Игорь Aндреевич: Молодильные яблоки 2k   Фантастика
  • Z.Новопольцев Игорь Aндреевич: О пользе чувашской мифологии 1k   Проза
  • Zaleski Vladimir Vladimirovich: O Conto da Dança Vasco da Gama [publishing house] 0k   Переводы
    [publishing house] Vasco da Gama: a civilização mudou com os sons alegres da dança.
  • Zaleski Vladimir Vladimirovich: O Conto da Dança Vasco da Gama 17k   Переводы
    Vasco da Gama: a civilização mudou com os sons alegres da dança.
  • Zaleski Vladimir Vladimirovitch: Le conte sur Louis Antoine de Bougainville [publishing house] 0k   Проза
    [publishing house] Le conte sur Louis Antoine de Bougainville (Сказка о Луи Антуане де Бугенвиле). Experimental de l'express-traduction du russe vers le français (Экспериментальный экспресс-перевод с русского языка на французский язык).
  • Zalesskaya Elizaveta: Elizaveta Zalesskaya. Memories 26k   Переводы
    MMMCCCLXVIII. Elizaveta Zalesskaya. Memories. - September 18, 2023 (date of posting on the Internet).
  • Zalesski Vladímir Vladímirovich: Enrique el Navegante, Fernando de Magallanes, Juan Sebastián del Cano, Gonzalo Gómez de Espinosa, ... 63k   Переводы
    Vladímir Vladímirovich Zalesski "Enrique el Navegante, Fernando de Magallanes, Juan Sebastián del Cano, Gonzalo Gómez de Espinosa, Francis Drake. El orden y la improvisación. Ensayo". Vladimir Vladimirovich Zalesski "Prince Henry the Navigator, Fernan Magellan, ...
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: "Academy" or a Scientific Elevator in the direction of a plinth 8k   Переводы
    "Academy" or a Scientific Elevator in the direction of a plinth
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: "Attracts invincibly". M. Gorky and Yu. Trifonov. Indulgence in family. Essay [publishing house] 1k   Переводы
    [publishing house] "all this there were errors of the feelings, but not errors of costing" [publishing house]
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: "Conditions" radio program on Kosti-Nf. The story 0k   Переводы
    Текст временно не публикуется. The text is temporarily not published. "Conditions" radio program on Kosti-NF. The story.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: "Cultural" "aziatchina." The sketch 3k   Переводы
    "Cultural" "aziatchina." The sketch.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: "don't be discouraged, Lieutenant Golitsyn! Cornet Obolensky, pour some wine! " A sports story 3k   Переводы
    "Don't be discouraged, Lieutenant Golitsyn! Cornet Obolensky, pour some wine! " A sports story.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: "Get thee behind me, Satan". A Moral Manifesto 3k   Переводы
    "Get thee behind me, Satan". A Moral Manifesto.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: "He brought the stars closer." Emmanuel Macron will take part in space exercises. The note 6k   Переводы
    "He brought the stars closer." Emmanuel Macron will take part in space exercises. The note.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: "Inhabitants of Rech Pospolita" - "East-republicans"? An essay 5k   Переводы
    "Inhabitants of Rech Pospolita" - "East-republicans"? An essay.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: "Journalists" and "experts". A note on a new notion 5k   Переводы
    "Journalists" and "experts". A note on a new notion.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: "She resisted me. And I killed her." André Maurois on the drama "Antony" in a book about Alexandre ... 5k   Переводы
    "She resisted me. And I killed her." André Maurois on the drama "Antony" in a book about Alexandre Dumas. A literary note.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: "The sin of betrayal (of Judah)." Lukashenko. Reward. Azaryonok. An interesting story 6k   Переводы
    "The sin of betrayal (of Judah)." Lukashenko. Reward. Azaryonok. An interesting story.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: "Victory Day. Before. And after. Miniatures" [publisher] 2k   Переводы
    [publisher] На некоторое время размещается в Интернете Сборник ""Victory Day. Before. And after. Miniatures"". The collection ""Victory Day. Before. And after. Miniatures"" is placed on the Internet for some time. The miniatures published in this collection are the translations ...
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: についての対話心地良いカフェ ... 5k   Переводы
    ロシア語から日本語への実験的翻訳。Experimental translation from Russian to Japanese. Экспериментальный перевод с русского языка на японский язык. Владимир Владимирович Залесский ...
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: बातचीत के बारे में ... 7k   Переводы
    प्रायोगिक अनुवाद रूसी से हिंदी तक। The experimental translation from Russian into Hindi. Экспериментальный ...
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: Świąteczna opowieść 2k   Переводы
    Eksperymentalny tłumaczenia z języka rosyjskiego na język polski. Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Рождественский рассказ".
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: Διάλογος για τις προοπτικές ... 5k   Переводы
    Πειραματική μετάφραση από τα ρωσικά γλώσσα στην ελληνική ...
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: 'Dumas père and Dumas fils' as the cultural symbol of a 'New France'. Essay 4k   Переводы
    'Dumas père and Dumas fils' as the cultural symbol of a 'New France'. Essay.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: (New) Acting Governor of the Khabarovsk krai. The experimental essay - an attempt of a brief characterization ... 0k   Переводы
    Текст временно не публикуется. The text is temporarily not published.(New) Acting Governor of the Khabarovsk krai. The experimental essay - an attempt of a brief characterization of expressive indirect biographical details.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: 0.39 percent. A judicial reform in Bolivia. A brief review 5k   Переводы
    0.39 percent. A judicial reform in Bolivia. A brief review.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A "joinings" to a "competitions". The Story 3k   Переводы
    A "joinings" to a "competitions". The Story.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A "Russial" literature. What is it? A note 3k   Переводы
    A "Russial" literature. What is it? A note.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A bad head does not give rest to legs. A South direction. Historical and geographical sketch 4k   Переводы
    A bad head does not give rest to legs. A South direction. Historical and geographical sketch.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A Belarusian Compromise. A political version 0k   Переводы
    Текст временно не публикуется. The text is temporarily not published. A Belarusian Compromise. A political version.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A Belarusian doctor Aybolit. A diary note 0k   Переводы
    Текст временно не публикуется. The text is temporarily not published. A Belarusian doctor Aybolit. A diary note.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A Bendership and another a la Nenashev. A sketch 4k   Переводы
    A Bendership and another a la Nenashev. A sketch.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A brief essay on digital pressing 9k   Переводы
    A brief essay on digital pressing.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A brief history of the "Bureya problem". December 14, 2019 8k   Переводы
    A brief history of the "Bureya problem". December 14, 2019
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A brief review of the Internet material about the Belarusian nuclear power plant 0k   Переводы
    Текст временно не публикуется. The text is temporarily not published. A brief review of the Internet material about the Belarusian nuclear power plant.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A brief review of the interview given by Igor Leshchenya 0k   Переводы
    Текст временно не публикуется. The text is temporarily not published. A brief review of the interview given by Igor Leshchenya.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A brief review of the interview of Aleksander Kwaśniewski to Bbc on September 2, 2020 0k   Проза
    Текст временно не публикуется. The text is temporarily not published. A brief review of the interview of Aleksander Kwaśniewski to BBC on September 2, 2020.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A brief review of the New York Times mini-film about Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya "i"m Trying to Topple Europe"s ... 0k   Переводы
    Текст временно не публикуется. The text is temporarily not published. A brief review of the New York Times mini-film about Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya "I"m Trying to Topple Europe"s Last Dictator".
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A Bright "Vague Time". The development of Siberia. 400-year geopolitical rents. An Essay exposing the ... 4k   Переводы
    A Bright "Vague Time". The development of Siberia. 400-year geopolitical rents. An Essay exposing the historical illusion.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A broken rabbit leg, Zhirinovsky, the security forces reserve in case of help to Belarus. A political ... 2k   Переводы
    A broken rabbit leg, Zhirinovsky, the security forces reserve in case of help to Belarus. A political note.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A calmness in Bolivia after the presidential elections. A political essay 3k   Переводы
    A calmness in Bolivia after the presidential elections. A political essay.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A care of a government money. The sketch of the state morals 3k   Переводы
    A care of a government money. The sketch of the state morals.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A caring mayor and a real estate insurance. A story 5k   Переводы
    A caring mayor and a real estate insurance. A story.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A catastrophic climate incident in the Krasnoyarsk Krai and a new approach to recreational and urban ... 9k   Переводы
    A catastrophic climate incident in the Krasnoyarsk Krai and a new approach to recreational and urban policy. The essay.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A chinese casket on the Kosti-Nf. A story (continued) 15k   Переводы
    A chinese casket on the Kosti-NF. A story (continued).
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A citizen of Greenland. Anecdote 1k   Переводы
    A citizen of Greenland. Anecdote.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A Classical school of Dramaturgy, a theater criticism and a creative market. Essay 5k   Переводы
    A Classical school of Dramaturgy, a theater criticism and a creative market. Essay
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A common thinking. A joke 2k   Переводы
    A common thinking. A joke.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A comparative history of the Mir space station and the Mirny Antarctic station. Essay on scientific and ... 9k   Переводы
    A comparative history of the MIR space station and the Mirny Antarctic station. Essay on scientific and technical history.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A complaining human? A pondering human? A teaching [an educating] human? A brief review of Maria Shukshina's ... 5k   Переводы
    A complaining human? A pondering human? A teaching [an educating] human? A brief review of Maria Shukshina's open letter "To the secular and spiritual authorities".
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A completion of "The cultural discussion"? The sketch 2k   Переводы
    A completion of "The cultural discussion"? The sketch.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A confession of the famous capital showman from the big southern city 3k   Переводы
    A confession of the famous capital showman from the big southern city.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A confidential actions on Kosti-Nf. A story 8k   Переводы
    A confidential actions on Kosti-NF. A story.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A conversation of conspiracy theorists about the monument to birds. The story 2k   Переводы
    A conversation of conspiracy theorists about the monument to birds. The story.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A creative participant of a Yeltsin processes 2k   Переводы
    A creative participant of a Yeltsin processes
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A cultural code of intellectual borrowing. The third name of the radio program. A note 7k   Переводы
    A cultural code of intellectual borrowing. The third name of the radio program. A note.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A culture of H-packing. A culturological essay 4k   Переводы
    A culture of H-packing. A culturological essay.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A cultured people of Evgeny Kharitonenko with some kind of secret; Ivan Iv Vasilyevich and "Baltarusia". ... 4k   Переводы
    A cultured people of Evgeny Kharitonenko with some kind of secret; Ivan IV Vasilyevich and "Baltarusia". The note.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A dark story with an oil spill. On the Moskva River. The note 2k   Переводы
    A dark story with an oil spill. On the Moskva River. The note.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A development of a modern Russial literature. Essay on a modern Russial culture 3k   Переводы
    A development of a modern Russial literature. Essay on a modern Russial culture.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A development of tourism in Uttarakhand and on Lake Baikal. The note 4k   Переводы
    A development of tourism in Uttarakhand and on Lake Baikal. The note.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A dialogue about a new approach to a forestry 3k   Переводы
    A dialogue about a new approach to a forestry.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A disappearance of Fyodor Riplich, resident of Babruysk. A story 6k   Переводы
    A disappearance of Fyodor Riplich, resident of Babruysk. A story.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A discrediting of the sinister plan on the Kosti-Nf. A story 12k   Переводы
    A discrediting of the sinister plan on the Kosti-NF. A story.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A Fairy Tale about Phrunze 3k   Переводы
    A Fairy Tale about Phrunze. Translation from Russian into English. Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Сказка о Phrunze".
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A fairy tale about the King of stellar creativity [publishing house] 1k   Переводы
    [publishing house] Phased translation from Russian into English. Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Сказка о Короле звездного творчества".
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A fairy tale of spring wind music [publishing house] 0k   Переводы
    [publishing house] Translation from Russian into English. Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Сказка о музыке весеннего ветра".
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A fantastic story about three reforms of Mikhail Degtyarev in the Khabarovsk krai 3k   Переводы
    A fantastic story about three reforms of Mikhail Degtyarev in the Khabarovsk krai.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A few words about the interview with Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya on February 14, 2021. The note 0k   Переводы
    Текст временно не публикуется. The text is temporarily not published. A few words about the interview with Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya on February 14, 2021. The note.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A Five thousandth radio reportage on Kosti-Nf. A story 6k   Переводы
    A Five thousandth radio reportage on Kosti-NF. A story.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A flooding, a natural water attacks and a standards. A patriotic note 2k   Проза
    A flooding, a natural water attacks and a standards. A patriotic note.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A French algorithms in the fate of Vysotsky. A note on chapters 10 - 28 of the book by Vladimir Novikov ... 6k   Переводы
    A French algorithms in the fate of Vysotsky. A note on chapters 10 - 28 of the book by Vladimir Novikov "Vysotsky".
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A fundamentally new space technology - a space helicopter. The note 4k   Переводы
    A fundamentally new space technology - a space helicopter. The note.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A glass of vodka, a literary institute, a new radio station. A literary joke 5k   Переводы
    A glass of vodka, a literary institute, a new radio station. A literary joke.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A goblet of success. A note on chapters 9-12 of the book "Vereshchagin" 7k   Переводы
    A goblet of success. A note on chapters 9-12 of the book "Vereshchagin"
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A good mood and a bad mood. The story 1k   Переводы
    A good mood and a bad mood. The story.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A Great Drama. 1810 - 1817. A note on chapters 4-7 of Joseph Lavretsky's book "Bolivar" 8k   Переводы
    A Great Drama. 1810 - 1817. A note on chapters 4-7 of Joseph Lavretsky's book "Bolivar"
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A great person. A note on chapter 3 of the book "Diaghilev: outrunning the time" 8k   Переводы
    A great person. A note on chapter 3 of the book "Diaghilev: outrunning the time"
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A great Tolik and the aid to the African state of Longo on Kosti-Nf. The story 4k   Переводы
    A great Tolik and the aid to the African state of Longo on Kosti-NF. The story.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A Hero of Our Time. The essay of a brief research of the modern society 5k   Переводы
    A Hero of Our Time. The essay of a brief research of the modern society.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A high-level delegation to Minsk. A political note 1k   Переводы
    A high-level delegation to Minsk. A political note.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A historical and futuristic mythology of Alexander Solzhenitsyn. How can we arrange Russia or To live ... 9k   Переводы
    A historical and futuristic mythology of Alexander Solzhenitsyn. How can we arrange Russia or To live not according a lie. The note.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A historical science and an indisputable truths. The note 2k   Переводы
    A historical science and an indisputable truths. The note.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A historical track for the new head of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov. A political note 4k   Переводы
    A historical track for the new head of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov. A political note.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A history, archives and the textbook. The story 1k   Переводы
    A history, archives and the textbook. The story.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A kind Senya and a visit to the cafe. The story (continued) 6k   Переводы
    A kind Senya and a visit to the cafe. The story (continued).
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A Literary note on chapters 1-4 of the book by Jean-Louis Thiériot "Margaret Thatcher: "From the ... 5k   Переводы
    A Literary note on chapters 1-4 of the book by Jean-Louis Thiériot "Margaret Thatcher: "From the Grocery Store to the House of Lords"
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A Literary World. A literary and historical essay 10k   Переводы
    A Literary World. A literary and historical essay.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A long-awaited successful breakthrough in nanotechnology. Mimi Aung and the space helicopter "ingenuity". ... 8k   Переводы
    A long-awaited successful breakthrough in nanotechnology. MiMi Aung and the space helicopter "Ingenuity". A super brief review.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A Malefactor or a Fairy Tale how Chekhov wrote a story 3k   Переводы
    A Malefactor or a Fairy Tale how Chekhov wrote a story.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A mastery of the game on negative trends. A cultural essay 4k   Переводы
    A mastery of the game on negative trends. A cultural essay.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A media construction set for a broad public worldview. A treatise on the reflection of reality in a modern ... 8k   Переводы
    A media construction set for a broad public worldview. A treatise on the reflection of reality in a modern media.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A Media crime and a media punishment. A detective-fantastic story 8k   Переводы
    A Media crime and a media punishment. A detective-fantastic story
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A media-throw outside the information holding. A story 4k   Переводы
    A media-throw outside the information holding. A story.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A meeting of the President of the Russian Federation with members of the Hrc. The note 5k   Переводы
    A meeting of the President of the Russian Federation with members of the HRC. The note.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A metropolitan Cyborg against the young Fox. A story from Russial realism 8k   Переводы
    A metropolitan Cyborg against the young Fox. A story from Russial realism.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A micro water heater for Sergei Furgal, a huge skilles and brains for the Far East. A sketch 5k   Переводы
    A micro water heater for Sergei Furgal, a huge skilles and brains for the Far East. A sketch.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A mine in the Cordilleria. The story (from the archives of O. Henry) 6k   Переводы
    A mine in the Cordilleria. The story (from the archives of O. Henry).
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A money and a politics. How and when to write literary memories. About the literary portrait of N. G. ... 6k   Переводы
    A money and a politics. How and when to write literary memories. About the literary portrait of N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky from S. G. Petrov-Skitalets
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A month in the Far East. A completion of the earth path of Vasily Vereshchagin. A note about chapter ... 9k   Переводы
    A month in the Far East. A completion of the earth path of Vasily Vereshchagin. A note about chapter 38 of the book "Vereshchagin"
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A moral altitude. An essay 9k   Переводы
    A moral altitude. An essay.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A morning coffee with the thesaurus on Kosti-Nf. A story 6k   Переводы
    A morning coffee with the thesaurus on Kosti-NF. A story.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A movie script on the Kosti-Nf. A story 11k   Переводы
    A movie script on the Kosti-NF. A story.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A mysterious ballet in the sphere of Russial culture. A sketch of the Russial criminal sub-culture 7k   Переводы
    A mysterious ballet in the sphere of Russial culture. A sketch of the Russial criminal sub-culture.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A new appointment to the post of great Tolik and a media pill on Kosti-Nf. The story 5k   Переводы
    A new appointment to the post of great Tolik and a media pill on Kosti-NF. The story.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A New Civilization and April Fool's Day. Essay 2k   Переводы
    A New Civilization and April Fool's Day. Essay.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A new reality - without passions, weaknesses and without mistakes. A philosophical sketch 6k   Переводы
    A new reality - without passions, weaknesses and without mistakes. A philosophical sketch.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A new role of Internet-counters, a media freedom and a human rights. A political sketch 7k   Проза
    A new role of Internet-counters, a media freedom and a human rights. A political sketch.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A new success of modern Europe and the Western World. A political note 0k   Переводы
    Текст временно не публикуется. The text is temporarily not published. A new success of modern Europe and the Western World. A political note.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A new type of investigative journalism and the verification of the result. An essay 6k   Переводы
    A new type of investigative journalism and the verification of the result. An essay.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A new word in the literature about success. A conceptual sketch 6k   Переводы
    A new word in the literature about success. A conceptual sketch.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A new, exciting, literature on Kosti-Nf. A funny story 14k   Переводы
    A new, exciting, literature on Kosti-NF. A funny story.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A nooses for a catching of a rappers. The sketch 4k   Переводы
    A nooses for a catching of a rappers. The sketch
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A note on a literary irony in connection with the reading of Gennady Matveyev"s book "pilsudski" 4k   Переводы
    A note on a literary irony in connection with the reading of Gennady Matveyev"s book "Pilsudski"
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A pandemic of coronavirus, a brigades and a sub-cultures. The sketch 2k   Переводы Комментарии
    A pandemic of coronavirus, a brigades and a sub-cultures. The sketch.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A paradoxes. A note on the book of Joseph Lavretsky "juarez" 5k   Переводы
    A paradoxes. A note on the book of Joseph Lavretsky "Juarez"
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A parliamentary sketch on the Kosti-Nf. A story 9k   Переводы
    A parliamentary sketch on the Kosti-NF. A story.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A phenomenon of baiting in a modern Russia. A political science sketch 7k   Переводы
    A phenomenon of baiting in a modern Russia. A political science sketch.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A planets' caring about the 8th of March. A fabulous story 3k   Переводы
    A planets' caring about the 8th of March. A fabulous story.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A pleasant care. A story 6k   Переводы
    A pleasant care. A story.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A pleasant morning, a fresh milk and a delicious draniki of Aleksander Lokhushenko. A sketch 2k   Переводы
    A pleasant morning, a fresh milk and a delicious draniki of Aleksander Lokhushenko. A sketch.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A pleasant paradise is better than dangerous worlds ... A continuation of the attempt of psychological ... 4k   Переводы
    A pleasant paradise is better than dangerous worlds ... A continuation of the attempt of psychological research.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A political fertilizers. From Beirut to Belarus? The note 2k   Переводы
    A political fertilizers. From Beirut to Belarus? The note.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A political results of the half-year - after the elections in Belarus. An essay 0k   Переводы
    Текст временно не публикуется. The text is temporarily not published. A political results of the half-year - after the elections in Belarus. An essay.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A political scenario for solving the problem of the full-flowing of the Don River 3k   Переводы
    A political scenario for solving the problem of the full-flowing of the Don River.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A primitive historiography of the Japanese invasion of the Russian Far East. The essay 6k   Переводы
    A primitive historiography of the Japanese invasion of the Russian Far East. The essay.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A reality filled with contradictions. A note about chapters 10-13 of Joseph Lavretsky 's book "salvador ... 5k   Переводы
    A reality filled with contradictions. A note about chapters 10-13 of Joseph Lavretsky 's book "Salvador Allende"
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A Recovery of the media market. The sketch 6k   Переводы
    A Recovery of the media market. The sketch.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A recycling of the historical kino-garbage by the information holding. A story 5k   Переводы
    A recycling of the historical kino-garbage by the information holding. A story.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A reforming the judicial system in the Russia. A brief historical essay 3k   Переводы
    A reforming the judicial system in the Russia. A brief historical essay.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A restless week and a constitutional candy of Sasha Lokhushenko. The story 6k   Переводы
    A restless week and a constitutional candy of Sasha Lokhushenko. The story.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A romantic lunch with a music on Saint Valentine's Day. A story 3k   Переводы
    A romantic lunch with a music on Saint Valentine's Day. A story.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A romanticism, a sneakers, a seventh sky. A story 9k   Переводы
    A romanticism, a sneakers, a seventh sky. A story.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A Russial history in the style of French vaudevilles. The Literary note about the books by Henri Troyat ... 4k   Проза
    A Russial history in the style of French vaudevilles. The Literary note about the books by Henri Troyat "Leo Tolstoy" and "Peter the First"
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A Russial politics and peaceful Belarusian women. A political note 2k   Переводы
    A Russial politics and peaceful Belarusian women. A political note.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A Russian literature - A Soviet literature - A Russial literature. A new ideas. An essay on the problems ... 5k   Переводы
    A Russian literature - A Soviet literature - A Russial literature. A new ideas. An essay on the problems of a literary history.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A sadness, a beauty, a something from Dostoevsky (Drawings from the House of the Dead) ... Super-brief ... 2k   Переводы
    A sadness, a beauty, a something from Dostoevsky (Drawings from the House of the Dead) ... Super-brief review of Nadezhda Sayapina's drawings.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A Schedule of the Libyan train. A foreign policy note 2k   Переводы
    A Schedule of the Libyan train. A foreign policy note.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A Scientific Circle Dance and A Scientific Dragon. The Essay on the history of science 6k   Переводы
    A Scientific Circle Dance and A Scientific Dragon. The Essay on the history of science.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A sign, a password, a number, a digitalization, a well-being, a historical identity. The essay on a general ... 4k   Переводы
    A sign, a password, a number, a digitalization, a well-being, a historical identity. The essay on a general culture.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A sincere position, not a political throws. A political note 2k   Переводы
    A sincere position, not a political throws. A political note.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A sketch about the famous ballerina and the reciter of Hamlet [publishing house] 0k   Переводы
    [publishing house] Translation from Russian into English. Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Скетч о знаменитой балерине и о чтеце Гамлета".
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A small plan for a big media company. Media against bureaucracy. A script for a radio program 4k   Переводы
    A small plan for a big media company. Media against bureaucracy. A script for a radio program.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A smart tricks of getting literary money through footmen and musketeers. A note about two books 4k   Переводы
    A smart tricks of getting literary money through footmen and musketeers. A note about two books.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A sneakiness in Russial politics is artistically presented through the prism of state cinema money. On ... 3k   Переводы
    A sneakiness in Russial politics is artistically presented through the prism of state cinema money. On the screening of the film "Dear Comrades" by Andrey Konchalovsky and Alisher Usmanov at the Venice Film Festival. The note.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A space anti-brokering in the information holding. The story (continued) 9k   Переводы
    A space anti-brokering in the information holding. The story (continued).
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A space solutions in a large information holding. A story (continued) 8k   Переводы
    A space solutions in a large information holding. A story (continued).
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A sports interest, a metal ruler and the book with biography of Alexander Solzhenitsyn. A diary note 3k   Переводы
    A sports interest, a metal ruler and the book with biography of Alexander Solzhenitsyn. A diary note.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A state budget - A public company - Money are rotating. A financial note 3k   Переводы
    A state budget - A public company - Money are rotating. A financial note.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A State budget claquers and a "polish theme" 3k   Переводы
    A State budget claquers and a "Polish theme"
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A state official. Theorist of art. A Minister of Culture. A note on chapters 6-7 of the book "Diaghilev: ... 15k   Переводы
    A state official. Theorist of art. A Minister of Culture. A note on chapters 6-7 of the book "Diaghilev: outrunning the time"
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A story about the prime minister, about Khabarovsk and about the portrait of Muravyov-Amursky 2k   Переводы
    A story about the prime minister, about Khabarovsk and about the portrait of Muravyov-Amursky.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A story in three languages. A note on chapters 26 - 28 of the Nicholas Bogoslovskiy's book "Turgenev." ... 4k   Переводы
    A story in three languages. A note on chapters 26 - 28 of the Nicholas Bogoslovskiy's book "Turgenev."
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A strange actor in the information space. Mzkt after August 9, 2020. The note 3k   Переводы
    A strange actor in the information space. MZKT after August 9, 2020. The note.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A strict parenting and the internet content from Senya. A story 4k   Переводы
    A strict parenting and the internet content from Senya. A story.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A sudden popularity. A sketch of history of media 1k   Переводы
    A sudden popularity. A sketch of history of media.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A super-short review of a fragment of Olga Velikanova's book "the Constitution of 1936 and the Mass Political ... 5k   Переводы
    A super-short review of a fragment of Olga Velikanova's book "The Constitution of 1936 and the Mass Political Culture of Stalinism. M: New Literary Review, 2021. Translated from English by Olga Velikanova".
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A super-short review of the film "boris Zaborov. In A Search of the Lost Time" (2015) 6k   Переводы
    A super-short review of the film "Boris Zaborov. In A Search of the Lost Time" (2015).
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A talent who did not want to be digged in the earth. A philosophical reflections on the biography of ... 6k   Переводы
    A talent who did not want to be digged in the earth. A philosophical reflections on the biography of O. Henry in connection with the reading up of the book "O. Henry. The Two Lives of William Sydney Porter " (The biography by A. Tanaseichuk).
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A technical culture: degradation. The essay on a history of culture 5k   Переводы
    A technical culture: degradation. The essay on a history of culture.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A test on the ability to make predictions. A scientific note 1k   Переводы
    A test on the ability to make predictions. A scientific note.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A theft from szlachta; "Russians" and "Sovietish". A cultural discovery and an undisclosed cultural secret ... 11k   Переводы
    A theft from szlachta; "Russians" and "Sovietish". A cultural discovery and an undisclosed cultural secret of Alexander Solzhenitsyn. A buff story.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A throw with a hook. A carrot for a sheep. A reflections on the modern Literary World 7k   Переводы
    A throw with a hook. A carrot for a sheep. A reflections on the modern Literary World.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A throwery in relation of metropolitan journalistess or a concern for human capital. Essay 3k   Переводы
    A throwery in relation of metropolitan journalistess or a concern for human capital. Essay.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A Ticket to the Bahamas (The Short Story) 4k   Проза
    A Ticket to the Bahamas (The Short Story)
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A Top Official. A Top Historian. A Women's rights. An essay on modern history 2k   Переводы
    A Top Official. A Top Historian. A Women's rights. An essay on modern history.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A toy bunny and a star. A Christmas Story 1k   Переводы
    A toy bunny and a star. A Christmas Story.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A trader of dead fish; a chess; and magnanimous Senya. Story (continuation) 4k   Переводы
    A trader of dead fish; a chess; and magnanimous Senya. Story (continuation).
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A traditions of change of leaders and a culture of change of political courses. A note 4k   Переводы
    A traditions of change of leaders and a culture of change of political courses. A note.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A trap. A dialog 2k   Переводы
    A trap. A dialog.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A traveling in infectious delirium out of 1861, towards 1825. A philosophical essay 3k   Переводы
    A traveling in infectious delirium out of 1861, towards 1825. A philosophical essay.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A typical scenario for the Lake Baikal? The Uttarakhand disaster (February 7, 2021). Forecasts and trends. ... 15k   Переводы
    A typical scenario for the Lake Baikal? The Uttarakhand disaster (February 7, 2021). Forecasts and trends. An essay.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A walk for bread. A Christmas story 2k   Переводы
    A walk for bread. A Christmas story.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A Western World, a Uniform World and the coronavirus. A philosophical treatise 4k   Переводы Комментарии
    A Western World, a Uniform World and the coronavirus. A philosophical treatise.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: A. L. Sherstobitov. A criminal history and a literary abilities. A literary note 3k   Переводы
    A. L. Sherstobitov. A criminal history and a literary abilities. A literary note.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: About Culture, - A Little 471k   Проза
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: About Kutuzov and about Aunt Alin. Historical essay 4k   Переводы
    About Kutuzov and about Aunt Alin. Historical essay
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: About monuments, about a history and about modern official "historians." The sketch 3k   Переводы
    About monuments, about a history and about modern official "historians." The sketch.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: About Naval Dirk. November 19, 2019 89k   Проза
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: About Nenashev and the likes of him. The Experimental Essay of historical and psychological reconstruction ... 6k   Переводы
    About Nenashev and the likes of him. The Experimental Essay of historical and psychological reconstruction
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: About winners and victories. A historical and psychological essay 2k   Переводы
    About winners and victories. A historical and psychological essay.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: According the Nekrasov lifestyle 1k   Переводы
    According the Nekrasov lifestyle
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: Additional details regarding the Uttarakhand disaster (7 February 2021). The note 4k   Переводы
    Additional details regarding the Uttarakhand disaster (7 February 2021). The note.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: Adolf Hitler's interviews are banned? A note 1k   Переводы
    Adolf Hitler's interviews are banned? A note.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: Akkuyu project in Turkey, Belarusian nuclear power plant. A typical projects of modern effective managers. ... 0k   Переводы
    Текст временно не публикуется. The text is temporarily not published. AKKUYU project in Turkey, Belarusian nuclear power plant. A typical projects of modern effective managers. An essay.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: Akkuyu. Costs - $22 billion. Profit -? A typical project of modern effective managers. The essay 6k   Переводы
    Akkuyu. Costs - $22 billion. Profit -? A typical project of modern effective managers. The essay.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: Alexander Herzen on the Kosti-Nf. The story (continued) 11k   Переводы
    Alexander Herzen on the Kosti-NF. The story (continued).
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: Alexander I, Ivan F. Kruzenshtern, Yuri F. Lisyansky, Nikolai P. Rezanov. Polycentrism of a successful ... 4k   Переводы
    [publishing house] Phased translation from Russian into English. Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Александр I, И. Ф. Крузенштерн, Ю. Ф. Лисянский, Н. П. Рязанов. Полицентризм успешного проекта. Очерк".
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: Alexander Lukashenko - a man in a black cap. A strokes for the portrait 3k   Переводы
    Alexander Lukashenko - a man in a black cap. A strokes for the portrait.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: Alexander Pushkin and the participation of the Ussr in the creation of the Un 2k   Переводы
    Alexander Pushkin and the participation of the USSR in the creation of the UN
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: Alexander Solzhenitsyn writes about Poland. A buff story 7k   Переводы
    Alexander Solzhenitsyn writes about Poland. A buff story.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: Alexander von Benckendorff and the Crimean War of 1853-1856 6k   Переводы
    Alexander von Benckendorff and the Crimean War of 1853-1856
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: Alexandra Sitnikova is declared the winner of the 10-day bout. Report from a 10-day round of political ... 5k   Переводы
    Alexandra Sitnikova is declared the winner of the 10-day bout. Report from a 10-day round of political Thai boxing.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: Alexandre Dumas and Alexander Pushkin. A brief review of the book by Henri Troyat "Alexandre Dumas. A ... 14k   Переводы
    Alexandre Dumas and Alexander Pushkin. A brief review of the book by Henri Troyat "Alexandre Dumas. A novel-biography"
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: Alexandre Dumas. Secrets of first success. Biographical reconstruction essay 15k   Переводы
    Alexandre Dumas. Secrets of first success. Biographical reconstruction essay.
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: Along the elephant there were marching through the streets. A story 12k   Переводы
    Along the elephant there were marching through the streets. A story
  • Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich: Ambassadors of Belarus and artists of Belarus. The note 0k   Переводы
    Текст временно не публикуется. The text is temporarily not published. Ambassadors of Belarus and artists of Belarus. The note.
  • Страниц (694): 1 ... 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 ... 694

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