A poem by a Russian artist and poet Marat Samsonov. A GOOD NEWS! AUTUMN WON`T COME BACK AGAIN! The song sung by Chinese pop star Wang Qiang (People`s Republic of China) What a beautiful song! Where`s my handkerchief, girls? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLL8329B7x0&feature=player_ ...
Svetlana Plakhutina lived in Vladivostok before she`d moved to Moscow. This is her poem from the collection of poems `An Apple on my Palm` issued in Vladivostok in 2002
The poem `On perishability (To transience)` (На тленность) by Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin (Гаврила Романович Державин) had been written three days before the last day of the Russian poet. While writing it the poet was looking at the then famous emblematic picture `The river of time`(`Der ...
JOY AND FIRE! WOW! Chinese pop star and beauty Ms. Jeannie Hsieh (Republic of China, Island of Taiwan) came upon a snag during her performance. That `snag` was ... see above! It`s really funny! I would hire him as a dance backup for me if I were a singer! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHyvcIaPVpQ&list=PL12018C86ED451608 ...
Стихотворение от лица Джакомо Казановы (Giacomo Casanova) как главного героя возможного в будущем сериала. Не обращайте внимание, я так прикалываюсь! Ведь это - чистое сю-сю! Разве мужчине можно так? Он должен быть добрым и ... свирепым! Впрочем, этот стих можно использовать как ...
Humbert Wolfe was an Italian-born English poet. He was one of the most popular authors of the 1920s.He was also a translator of Heinrich Heine. His career was in in the Ministry of Labour. By 1940 he had a position of high responsibility. Wolfe's verses have been set to music by ...
A door to a woman`s bedroom has been opened by a cockscrew! Cock-a-doodle-doo! A nice poem by a Russian artist and poet Marat Samsonov (Марат Самсонов)http://maratsamsonov.ru/, https://www.stihi.ru/avtor/werro1
Жена должна быть для мужа не только красивой,но и умной Следуя советам жены, муж становится более снисходительным,более терпеливым и ещё более счастливым.
Психологи всего мира активно изучают феномен любви - чувства, присущего только человеку. Они ломают головы, мучаются в поисках пресловутой . Стих на тему любви