Васько Андрей Арнольдович : другие произведения.


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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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                Petticoat, petticoat,

                framed with petals knees of a lass;

                a tiny vein went up, as a road

                on the leg, pulsed with a mass.

                She was giving her impassioned

                touchy heart to dear Lord,

                while breathing, moved her fashioned

                tender breast up, squeezed the board.

                In the climax of the prayer

                a few drops came on the cheek;

                a rose, as confession layer,

                was appeared, tried to sneak.

                After, she was by the altar

                getting the Lord's flesh on the tongue...
                She was innocent, great punter!

                It was Sunday, there was sun.



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