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To Ethel Kelly...

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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To Ethel Kelly

Subtle old lady in a white knit hat,
With bright blue eyes and shiny silver hair.
You wore blue tennis shoes,
And walked away through the woods.
You walked away from your 85 years
And from all of us.

You didn't want anybody
To see how you were dying.

Brave old lady from Mississippi,
You lived between trees and cotton fields,
And you put on your blue tennis shoes, 
And walked away from rules and orders.

Tiny old Southern lady,
You put on your bright closes,
Walked away and died in the woods.
You will walk forever, your blue eyes shining
In the blue-blue sky,
Your white hair is like white clouds.
You will walk forever...

ноябрь 2003

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