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En.Beyond the Veil Volume Two(1-15) - megamatt09 - Multifandom.w.txt

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  Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/933019.
  Archive Warning:
  Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
  F/M, Multi
  Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, X-Men Evolution, X-Men (Comicverse), DCU
  Harry Potter/Kara Zor-El, Harry Potter/Kitty Pryde, Harry Potter/Jean Grey, Harry Potter/Wanda Maximoff, Harry Potter/Rogue, Harry Potter/Chloe Sullivan, Harry Potter/Alison Blaire, Harry Potter/Gwen Stacy, Harry Potter/Multi, Harry Potter/Rachel Summers, Amara Aquilla/Harry Potter
  Harry Potter, Kitty Pryde, Gwen Stacy, Kara Zor-El, Jean Grey, Wanda Maximoff, Rachel Summers, Rogue (X-Men), Chloe Sullivan, Alison Blaire, Amara Aquilla
  Additional Tags:
  Lemon, Harems
  Part 2 of Beyond the Veil
   Published: 2013-08-19 Completed: 2013-11-28 Chapters: 30/30 Words: 273163
  Beyond the Veil Book 2 Challenges
  by megamatt09
  The world as we know it has changed and Harry Potter, his collective, and his allies have to deal with new challenges. The Apocalypse could be near. DC/Marvel/Harry Potter crossover, Harry/Multi.
  Shadows of the Past Part One
  Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, DC Comics, Marvel Comics, United States Congress, A Lemonade Stand, A Cheerleading Squad, Power Girl's Rack, or Your Souls.
  The Veil was an anomaly located within the Department of Mysteries. There had been many curiosities regarding magic studied in that location but none had been more mystifying then the Veil. There was something about it that drew people to it. For years, it was used by the Ministry to send prisoners who had done horrific things to a place where they would suffer a fate worse than death.
  Then the Ministry made a deal with the Dementors and the Veil forgotten about.
  Harry Potter was another mystery that had defied all explanation.
  Harry Potter stepped through the Veil.
  The essence of magic flowed through Harry Potter in that world and followed him out of it. After the events of Halloween 1981, Albus Dumbledore stated foolishly that the Magical World owed a debt of gratitude to Harry Potter. The Ministry agreed, even though it was a politically motivated maneuver to get them into the good graces of the general public. They would put their wagon behind this young hero and reaped the benefits.
  The moment the Wizarding World failed Harry Potter, that debt caused the lives of every man, woman, and child to be in peril. They forfeited any freedom that they would have.
  Some lost their powers, others perished, and for some, it was like they never existed. They were erased from the vast tapestry of the multiverse.
  Harry Potter stepped through the veil and the pouring of magical energy swirled around them like a vortex. Said Vortex caused reality as it was known to be rewritten, lives to be changed, and twisted all around until they were recognizable.
  Lord Voldemort clung onto life, he refused to be defeated by his own mortality. He refused to lose this easily. His body burned down to its very atoms as his essence was torn cleanly from it.
  Sirius Black was the first to go through the Veil. A physical body was never sent through, rather a ritual was sent to banish their souls through the veil whilst the physical body was burned as a symbol, but be that as it may, Sirius Black's body went through the veil. His soul ripped from it whilst it floated aimlessly in the void and his body was left in a state of flux.
  Harry Potter followed him, the moment he stepped through, the debt that Dumbledore and the Ministry claimed that they owed him was called into question. As a result the world became unraveled, it was no longer the same.
  The second Harry Potter passed through the veil, a soul was torn from his body. However, the powers that be were not particular about whose soul was torn from his body. The soul fragment of Tom Marvolo Riddle was ripped from his being and floated aimlessly. Harry's body drifted in stasis for what seemed like an eternity and given the nature of time and space passing through this Phantom Zone, it might as well have been. Then somehow he escaped through a backdoor that had been set up by his bloodline.
  The Phantom Zone was a place that no prisoner had ever escaped but Harry Potter always defied expectations.
  Once he found a way to get out of this room, it had been secured with a powerful seal that he could not break. And then after he killed Potter, and his friends he would find out where here was.
  The Dark Lord found his way out of the Phantom Zone through a weakened body that was strengthened over time through Potter's foolishly noble efforts to revive his godfather. Little did he know that there were three things that went through the Veil that day.
  As for Sirius Black's soul, he was forever lost in an endless void, it's fate undetermined. Lord Voldemort suspected that this soul fragment was consumed by the Phantom Wraiths. The Phantom Zone was a worse fate than twelve years under the tender loving care of the Dementors of Azkaban.
  Despite the fact that this body was inadequate, Voldemort summarized that this was better than the alternative. He remained asleep, in this place, until the moment where Harry Potter would return and he would finish the job he started on Halloween Night of 1981.
  Then he would slaughter all of Potter's friends because that's what he did.
  Once he found a way to get out of this room as well, it had been secured with a powerful seal that he could not break. And where he found out where here was.
  Chapter One: Shadows of the Past Part One.
  All was quiet in the Xavier Institute, the X-Men were known to the news media where they had been mere myths a few weeks ago. It was only a small relief that none of the names could be attached to the faces. Only time would tell whether or not they would be outed even further to the public but the Friends of Humanity membership swelled over the past couple of weeks.
  A young woman with a hood pulled over her head made her way to the Xavier Institute. She was dressed in a black hooded sweatshirt and jeans. The woman phased through the front gates of the Institute, unseen by the Mansion's legendary security system. The woman turned around to ensure that she was not seen by any unsavory individuals on the outside before lifting a hand and knocking on the door.
  She waited for someone to answer the door. The hooded individual knew that things likely would have gotten rather chaotic thanks to Harry's disappearance. She tapped her foot on the ground impatiently.
  The door creaked open and she heard a laugh track in the background and a faint, but still audible, uttering of "Hello, Megan!" from the television in the Institute. A smile crossed her face as she waited for the person on the other end to answer.
  The individual who opened the door was a red haired woman with green eyes. She had short hair and was dressed in a green top that hugged her upper curves, along with a tight pair of black shorts.
  "Rachel, isn't it?" the hooded woman offered.
  "Yes, this is me," Rachel commented in a distracted voice. "Who are you?"
  "My name is Megan Morse, I'm here about an urgent matter," the woman stated and Rachel tried to peek underneath the hood. The hood fell down to reveal a woman with red hair and green eyes, along with freckles.
  Rachel's eyes flickered, as she looked from the Megan on the television screen to the Megan in the doorway and blinked. The redhead telepath tried to keep her mind on the business at hand but curiosity brimmed through her mind as she wondered what was happening here. She faced the other redhead, and decided to get straight to the point.
  "What is about?" Rachel asked in a curious voice.
  "It's about Harry Potter," Megan told her and Rachel's eyes widened.
  "If you're here to see him, you're too late," Rachel stated, her voice nearly choking a little bit. She managed to keep herself calm.
  "He's still alive."
  Rachel's eyes widened before she turned around and saw a few other people sitting around the mansion's living room.
  Rogue sat there, dressed in a yellow jacket along with a green top and green pants that tightened around her shapely hips. She had shed most of her goth look over the past couple of weeks, it was a phase that she went through as she was a teenager, but now it was time to move on to something else. Even though she was still technically one, the point still stood.
  Given that it was also a byproduct of Mystique's attempt to control her surroundings, it was just as well. Rogue recalled that it was something she was conditioned to do and she had been thinking about making the change for some time. After what happened with Harry, this was the ideal time to pull the trigger.
  Wanda sat around the front area of the Xavier Institute as well, her long dark hair flowed freely down her back. She thought about cutting it but decided not to. She was dressed in a red tank top and red shorts, as she crossed her legs, deciding to skip wearing shoes for now. She had been hit hard ever since that ship opened so her eyes flickered with a far off expression in them.
  Kurt was still Kurt, blue and fuzzy as ever, although losing a member of his team, even though it was one that was technically leaving anyway, took a lot of the fun loving part out of his persona.
  The rest of the New Mutants were presently in the Danger Room with Scott. Scott's taking over the training from Harry went over about as well as a fart in church. He was not liked by many of the new recruits, with Tabby and Bobby being among the two most vocal about voting to enact a procedure to remove the stick from his ass.
  "What is it?" Rogue asked as she turned around, watching the situation unfold.
  "She says....she says that Harry's still alive," Rachel commented in a tense tone of voice.
  Dare she hope?
  "I must admit, I was quite skeptical about young Mister Potter's demise as well."
  Doctor Henry McCoy, better known as Beast, stepped forward. His kindly demeanor was enough to offset his blue fur and skin. He watched the entire group, curiosity brimming through his eyes.
  "What....what did you find out?" Wanda asked speaking up for the first time.
  Beast waved his hand a little bit to get the group to calm down. "I've been analyzing samples from the area where Harry was....supposedly vaporized."
  Rachel was the one who decided to ask the question that was burning on the tip of their tongues. "Supposedly?"
  "Yes, it does appear that young Mister Potter could not have been murdered at that point, as normally there should be particles that matched up for him, no matter how microscopic it was," Beast commented to them.
  "And we didn't find this out after this happened why?" Rogue asked, feeling a bit angry about the entire situation.
  Beast held his hand up in a calming manner as he surveyed her. "It wasn't that simple. Tests of this nature take time, there are variables both intended and unintended that we have to hammer out, I'm just beginning to piece together a vague idea of what happened."
  "So....there's a chance he's still alive."
  These were the first words that Jean had spoken in almost two weeks since it happened. She stepped down the stairs in a funk. Her red hair hung loosely around her face as she was dressed in a red top and a black skirt as she edged down the steps.
  The worst thing about this was that the Phoenix Force appeared to have left and Jean could not access it. Losing the Phoenix Force meant a huge part of her died and no matter how much she tried, it refused to respond to her.
  There was something that happened two weeks ago when the ship landed down on the ground and Jean mulled it over in her mind. The redhead telepath could not determine what happened.
  "There's more than a chance, he is alive," Megan offered them and they all turned to her.
  "If he's alive, then he should have...."
  "Do not judge what is happening before you hear me out completely," Megan stated, her voice flaring up with a certain amount of warning as she stared down the X-Men.
  Ororo was the next one that showed up and she was followed by Professor Charles Xavier who turned up being wheeled in a wheelchair.
  "The world has changed, although none of you realize it yet," Megan continued as she spoke to them in an extremely cryptic tone of voice. "Very few remember how things used to be before the change happened."
  "How did it happen?" Kurt asked, curiosity getting the better of him but Rogue side stepped him.
  "That doesn't matter, tell me where Harry is," Rogue stated as she prepared to adjust her bracelet and get some information out of this woman one way or another.
  Megan's eyes flashed for a few seconds. "I cannot do that, but I do have a message from him from you."
  "What do you mean you can't do that?" Rachel asked her. "Do you mean you can't, or you won't do it?"
  "Calm yourself, Harry is fine," Megan argued trying to keep a cool head in the situation. "He's not been held anywhere against his will if that's what you're worried about."
  Megan took a second to compose herself. She sympathized with the fact that they were worried about him, if the situation was reversed, she would feel the same way.
  "Harry has left a message to give all of you, to Jean, Rachel, Rogue, Amara, Laura, Wanda, and Kitty in particular," Megan narrated for them.
  "Kitty's not here, neither is Laura," Ororo informed Megan. "Laura left the morning after so she could track Harry, because she's adamant that he's not dead."
  "And Kitty left in the middle of the night, with a note that said that there's no reason for her to stick around since the reason she came here is gone," Rogue added, had she known, she would have told Kitty to stick around for a little bit longer.
  Yet, by the time she woke up to go use the bathroom, Kitty was already gone. She took her stealth training to heart as she did not even wake Rogue up. Rogue was very much annoyed about Kitty up and leaving and she'd better have a good explanation as to why she left.
  "Just take these messages and make sure they receive them should they return," Megan told them as she handed them to Rogue who passed them around.
  "What can you tell us about where Harry has gone to?" Xavier asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.
  He asked a question to get the information first and foremost in this young lady's mind and with a telepathic prod, he tried to enter her mind.
  Xavier was evicted rather quickly. Her mind was both that of an extremely strong telepath and also very alien, a human telepath would be unable to read it properly. Then again, he had never been able to read Harry's properly as well, the thoughts were too chaotic for him to handle for more than a few seconds.
  'I wouldn't try that again, if I were you,' Megan thought to him in a sweet tone, although there was an undercurrent that hinted of more drastic action should he do so.
  "So he is okay then," Rogue offered in a quiet voice.
  "Yes, he's fine," Megan remarked before she added. "It will be a while before Harry will return. If you must have any solace, it will be a lot longer on his end then from your perspective."
  With this cryptic statement, she slipped out the door phasing through it.
  "She's a telepath," Xavier remarked to them and Ororo looked at her mentor in an exasperated expression.
  "Please tell me you didn't try to read her mind," Ororo said to Xavier after she finally found her voice.
  "I....I didn't read her mind," Xavier commented, his voice shaking a tad.
  "Maybe because you were unable to," Rachel offered, there was something about the world that was different. She had a feeling that they would know about it all too soon.
  It had been two weeks since Harry disappeared which meant that he must have been in bad shape if he just woke up. Rachel did not doubt that there was something that happened to prevent him from seeking them out. All of those meteors raining directly down on his head, plus that mysterious alien ship were two things that Rachel thought that she should known about.
  "I'm afraid we have another problem," Ororo offered to them and the group turned to face her. "It appears that Kitty left but she did not return home to her parents as we thought."
  "So where did she go?" Wanda asked and Kurt popped in.
  "She wasn't at school or anything, I thought she went back to Chicago," Kurt offered, and the others nodded.
  "It was the assumption to make, but Charles wished to get in touch with her, see if she had any second thoughts," Ororo continued before she paused.
  The mystery of what in the world happened to Kitty Pryde was only secondary to what happened to Harry at this point. They wondered if she had come to a similar conclusion that Laura did and tried to track Harry down.
  Jean was glad that Harry was fine but she wished that someone would shed some light on the Phoenix Force problem. Everyone assumed that her recent problems had to do with Harry and while that was not necessary untrue, there were other factors as well.
  The Artic was secluded and out of the middle of nowhere. It was the perfect location for the Fortress where a certain emerald eyed young man rested and recovered.
  The heritage of Harry Potter was many things; in fact, he tried to figure out what he was. He was a wizard or at least he could perform magic. Then he was technically classified as a mutant as well. His extraterrestrial origin was something that added an entirely new dynamic to this issue.
  "So what am I?"
  That was the question that Harry Potter asked of this mysterious Fortress. He had been out for eleven days and had rested for four more before he was able to move around for more than a few moments at a time. The meteors wouldn't have normally affected him as such but given the large quantity they did.
  "It is a long and labored story, so I do hope that you can spare the time," one of the four Artificial intelligence constructs in the Fortress stated.
  The Fortress had four artificial intelligences, advance and light years away from anything that would be crafted on Earth. It was amazing to think of the possibilities that such a technology could be made but it was true.
  The first Artificial Intelligence was a blonde woman with bright blue eyes, dressed in white robes that wrapped around her body. Her name was Lara Lor-Van, she was the birth mother of Kal-El. Best they could figure was that Lily using Harry's blood to revive the injured infant Kal-El after his escape pod failed caused them to merge given that magical blood was different than non-magical blood. It was slightly sentient in fact. Therefore Harry Potter and Kal-El merged into one being, known as Har-Rell.
  The second Artificial Intelligence was named Alura In-Ze, she also had blonde hair and blue eyes. She was the mother of Kara, and thankfully Kara took after her mother more than her father from what Harry could find out. Her father undertook an illegal mining operation on Krypton that led in part to the planet's demise. Granted there were a lot of other problems with Krypton but that was one of the underlying factors that contributed to it's destruction.
  The third Artificial Intelligence was Peve-Rell. She was the daughter of a lost house on Krypton and a genius inventor. She had created three artifacts that were the subject of much mystery, not to mention bloodshed, in the Wizarding World throughout the past several hundred years. She stayed on Earth for a time and after that time; she created an extremely sophisticated artificial intelligence that was supposed to seek out the one worthy of her heritage. She had chocolate black hair and dazzling green eyes that only a few shared.
  The fourth Artificial Intelligence was something that was a surprise and quite frankly a shock to Harry Potter. It was a bit of a mystery how she got here. She had red hair, green eyes, and was dressed in robes that were white. Her name was Lil-Rell but she was better known as Lily Evans or as she became Lily Potter. She was the last daughter of the House of Rell, sent to Earth years ahead of it's destruction and found by the Evans family after they struggled to have a second daughter after the birth of Petunia.
  If Petunia only knew how special Lily was, she would be far more jealous than she was to begin with but that was beside the point.
  "The world as you knew it no longer exists and only a few remember what has happened before the flashpoint," Lara stated, breaking the silence.
  "Once you opened up the box to escape the shadow realm, the crystal acted as a temporal beacon," Lily explained to all. "Some had already found their way through the barrier but not completely. Reality has a way of fixing anomalies whilst creating many more. There were many things that happened on many Earths. There was a collision of sorts, a Crisis On Infinite Earths. Everything reset and nothing was as you remembered."
  Harry inclined his head, his jaw set before he commented with two words. "I see."
  "The people you knew and even cared for in the Wizarding World, they may still exist in this new fusion world," Lily offered to Harry and he paused for a long moment. "However in another sense, they don't exist."
  Peve was the next one who chimed in. "Those names and faces might be the same but their experiences, memories, and even powers can and will be different. They would be hard pressed to pick your face out of a crowd, many, if not all, of them have not even heard of Harry Potter."
  'There's a change,' Harry thought with a smile and it was a welcomed one.
  Harry's head turned towards them and figured that this would be the case. He had truthfully made peace with that world months after he arrived here. It was going to be somewhere between a snowball's chance and when hell froze over of him ever returning. The fact that none of them remembered him would make it rather easy to make a clean break.
  "You didn't sacrifice them and anyone who accuses you of doing so is a fool," Lily added in a firm voice. "They were the ones who tried to make you into a symbol. If Dumbledore had not done so, if he had kept his mouth shut and did not give birth to the entire Boy-Who-Lived legend, then none of this would have happened."
  "Empires fall because of many actions, you going through that Veil was the final feather on an already back breaking amount of fucking idiotic decisions," Alura added, speaking up for the first time. "It happened with Krypton, it happened with that world, and it will happen on several more. The smallest event could get the domino effect rolling."
  The domino effect of disasters fell over and that lead to the situation that was now. The fury could be scarcely believed.
  "It's done now," Harry said in a conclusive tone of voice and everyone agreed with that point.
  "Yes, it's over," Peve agreed. "And you have sent your messages through to your friends."
  "Yes, I have," Harry remarked before he placed his hands on his lap and shifted his body, sitting perched on the block of ice. "I will remain here forever long it takes for my training to occur."
  "It is a mature action not to seek them out immediately," Lara commented in a proud voice.
  Harry waved it off. "If they are unable to function without me, then I feel in some way that I have truly failed."
  "Or they have failed you," Lily remarked in a crisp tone voice.
  Harry did not respond to this revision of his statement; all he did was keep his eyes calm.
  "I'm sure they'll all be fine, they have to be fine."
  Kara stepped forward, practically floating a few inches off of the ground. She threw her arms around Harry in a strong hug. He pulled the blonde into him tightly.
  Harry and this Fortress was all that she had left of Krypton, it was destroyed, her entire world crumbled to nothingness. The fact that Harry and her remained here together would give the blonde some time to come to terms to it.
  She did not completely understand everything that happened with the death of Krypton. Thanks to the weirdness of the wormhole, she arrived technically after Kal. She was supposed to keep an eye on him but that didn't go as planned. Make sure that the AI system launched completely as planned.
  Lara's AI was the only one that she knew of. Granted, she supposed that she should have figured out that her mother was adept enough to figure something out. Lil-Rell and Peve-Rell were surprises to her but Kara decided that the best she could do was roll with the punches.
  "How are you finding the Fortress?" Kara asked Harry and Harry turned towards her with a smile.
  "The Fortress is fine, I'm still in awe over the technology inside," Harry informed her. "And trying to figure out my own heritage....that was a surprise."
  Kara supposed she could understand, all she knew of Earth came from television signals that came from the planet. Harry tried to educate her the best he could but there were so many things that needed to be explained and somethings that were hard to explain.
  "I think that your heritage is elementary," Lily remarked as she mulled it over. "You are forty percent my son, thirty five percent Lara's, twelve percent James, and eight percent Jor-El."
  "And that eight percent of Jor-El might get you in trouble," Lara deadpanned with a shudder.
  "What as he like?" Harry asked, curiosity brimming from his voice.
  "He was the foremost genius on all of Krypton," Kara chimed in, although she did not get along with Jor-El that much, she had to respect the many achievements of the man.
  Alura on the other hand snorted. Sending a child alone to an unknown planet with no failsafe in an escape pod that wasn't tested made her question his intelligence. She had little to no respect for Jor-El at all and saw him as fairly immersed in his own hype.
  "So he's kind of like the Kryptonian version of Reed Richards," Harry remarked and Lara let out a whistle.
  "Yes, if Reed Richards is an absent minded scientist who focused more on his work and wouldn't notice a naked woman if she was dancing in front of him, then yes, he was Reed Richards of Krypton," Lara stated coolly.
  Harry smiled, sounded exactly like Reed Richards.
  The AIs were fairly intelligence and could interact with Harry, could be touched by him and touch him, and could feel. That was quite interesting.
  "So how was the first fifteen years of your life?" Kara asked, trying to initiate conversation.
  "Terrible," Harry chimed in, completely blunt.
  "Well he has his mother's sharp tongue," Peve remarked dryly, not bothering to clarify which one she meant.
  "But things improved when you left that world," Kara stated and Harry simply nodded towards her. "And for that I'm glad."
  "I am too, I am too," Harry stated as he prepared to start his training.
  "You're going to be amazing and are going to do some great things, you know," Kara remarked to him as she placed her arm around him, looking at him with wide eyed adoration.
  "You have some really lofty expectations of me, don't you?" Harry asked her and Kara nodded.
  "Wouldn't have them so high if they weren't so true," Kara remarked as Harry tightened the hug around her. She curled up onto his lap. "I just can't believe it's all gone."
  "Nothing is forever," Harry informed as he ran his hands down her hair. "Krypton sounds amazing."
  "It was," Kara remarked with a smile as she rested herself in Harry's arms. This was about the only place she felt safe, here and inside the Fortress, in their brand new world. "I can't wait to meet them."
  "You will soon," Harry said to her.
  "What if they don't like me?" Kara asked as she bit down on her lip.
  Harry held her in tightly as he looked in Kara's bright eyes with a smile. The blonde stared back at him, she could get lost in his emerald green orbs for hours.
  "They'll like you," Harry told her in a bold tone of voice as he stroked her cheek.
  Kara nodded, she could not wait to learn more of her new home. Although she hoped to stick to the Fortress for a little bit longer because it gave her a sense of home and security after losing hers. For her, Krypton was still around a few weeks ago from her perspective and now it was gone. She still saw the images in the back of her mind.
  On the outside world, he would be gone for a month but inside the Fortress, he would be in here for a year. He would not age physically but then again, he was slowly reaching the age where he would stop aging to begin with. Kara would stop aging as well when she reached her mid-twenties but since she just turned sixteen years old before she went into stasis, she had plenty of maturing to go.
  "I want you on it right away."
  Nick Fury barked these words to the SHIELD agents that he spoke through over the communication link as he was on route with the Avengers on a little recruitment mission.
  "And what are we after sir."
  "I told you, there's been sightings of a vigilante in Gotham City, that's in New Jersey," Fury told them, agitated that he had to repeat himself. "Reports are sketchy, but the clearest reports are that this vigilante is dressed up as a giant bat."
  "A giant bat, sir?"
  "I'm just telling you what the reports indicate, I want to find out more about this," Fury continued, the fact that there was someone out there who had been adept enough to escape Nick Fury's watchful eye put him in a dither.
  Potter was another one but Fury knew that he was still out there. He had people searching for the last two weeks but the emerald eyed sorcerer turned out to be annoyingly resourceful. That was something that Fury learned anew time after time when he went up against that particular young man.
  Now that they were on a mission of a different kind, Fury arrived at the lab of Doctor Henry Pym, flanked by Iron Man, Hawkeye, and Black Widow. The rest of the Avengers were on other missions, the world did not save itself after all.
  Fury was thankful as well that his men managed to salvage the alien ship before anyone could get their hands on it. They had not been able to get it open but it was only a matter of time. SHIELD needed to possess whatever secrets was on that ship, it was a matter of galactic security. If there were aliens among them, then Fury needed to take the steps necessary to protect the world.
  The Commander of SHIELD walked forward and entered the lab.
  "Nick Fury, it's....an honor to meet you," a young woman in her early twenties stated, in an excited voice. She had dark hair and was dressed in a stylish black top and tight black pants, she was buzzing with excitement. "You might have heard of me....I'm...."
  "Yes, I've heard of you, Miss Van Dyne," Fury commented in a business like tone of voice.
  That tone was so dismissive it nearly took the wind out of her sails. Janet Van Dyne, or as she now was called, the Wasp, a budding superhero who had aspirations of joining the Avengers, looked eagerly towards Fury.
  "Right, I'm sure that you're here to recruit me to the Avengers," Jan commented as her voice bubbled with excitement. She bounced up and down on the balls of her feet, overly excited and smiling widely.
  "Actually we're here to see Doctor Pym," Tony stated in a business like tone of voice.
  "But we'll be sure to get you an autograph if you're really good," Clint added with a smile and Natasha rolled her eyes at his antics.
  She had been leading the search in the aftermath of Harry's disappearance, at least until Fury pulled her off of it. He commented that she had too much of a personal interest in Harry. It was just as well as she was having no luck but the rest of SHIELD had even less luck.
  The man in his mid-thirties with sandy blonde hair barely looked up from his work. A number of inventions were strewn across the lab table, it was the true calling card of an absent minded inventor. He tapped his fingers on the table before he looked up. There were tanks of ants all over the lab as well.
  "Hello, Commander Fury," Pym stated as he barely looked up from his work.
  "We believe that your technology and how you've adapted it may make you a perfect fit for the Avengers," Fury said gruffly, getting straight down to the point.
  "What about me?" Jan asked, and Fury turned towards her.
  "Yes, Miss Van Dyne, you as well," Fury remarked calmly and Jan looked excited about the possibility of doing something decent for the world.
  "Yes, I've seen what the Avengers have done," Pym commented in a docile voice. "I'm appalled at some of the actions that this team has undertaken in their attempts for so called justice."
  "What do you mean, appalled?" Tony asked, he felt like he was personally insulted in some way.
  "Well you use ruthless violence against those who you go up against, when you should just talk to the criminals to try and pacify the situation," Pym stated as his voice remained calm and even. "You may be making the situation worse with your heavy handed tactics."
  "Talk to and...pacify the situation," Natasha muttered, as she mulled over those words in her mind. They sounded as absurd out loud as they did inside her head.
  "Yes, I'm all for the fact that criminals can be rehabilitated, but they need to be treated with respect," Pym offered the entire group.
  "Treat the murderers and crazed maniacs with respect?" Clint asked with a raised eyebrow. "What, are we supposed to play patty cake with them, bake them some cookies, maybe do some hopscotch for an encore?"
  Pym shook his head and tutted.
  "I created the Big House for SHIELD and I am confident that the criminals inside will become productive members of society," Pym offered to them. "They are being treated with respect, I speak with them about their problems and try not to bait them or worse injure them with brutality."
  Clint bit his tongue, it was very hard for him to be quiet now.
  "Here are the readings you requested, Doctor Pym."
  A robot with glowing blue eyes walked over.
  "What is that?" Clint asked looking rather disturbed by the presence of the robot.
  "That's Ultron, he is the next generation of artificial intelligence, based off of my brain waves," Pym informed them as Ultron stepped forward towards them and handed Pym a piece of equipment.
  Jan, Tony, and Clint all shuddered but Natasha remained stoic and stared forward even though she was secretly unnerved. She had to resist the temptation to smash this stupid robot into pieces.
  "Okay that's kind of creepy," Tony whispered as his gaze focused towards the head of the robot but Pym heard him and frowned.
  "It's not creepy, it's based off of an ant's head," Pym offered to them sternly. "Ultron is a pacifist and wouldn't harm anyone. He does not know the concept of violence unlike certain Avengers."
  "Yeah, well sometimes you got to get your hands dirty to protect people," Tony offered Pym but the scientist shook his head.
  "I wouldn't suspect a hedonistic playboy who goes joyriding around in an overgrown tin toy to understand my work," Pym offered with a tut before he turned his attention fully to Stark. "You're still selling weapons to the government, to go against enemy countries."
  "Not any more, Stark pulled his weapon's contracts," Fury corrected Pym, not sounding too pleased with that fact but it was something that he had to deal with.
  "Well, maybe there's hope after all," Pym commented flatly as he turned away. "My answer, in case you haven't figured it out is no. I don't want any part of the Avengers."
  "Okay, well if you change your mind, you know where to find us," Fury remarked and the group turned around.
  "Wait, I didn't say no," Jan offered and Pym looked up, looking at her.
  "You are actually considering joining these people," Pym stated, feeling rather betrayed.
  Jan's face crossed with a bit of annoyance. "Hank, they might get rough a lot of times but the Avengers do a lot of good for the world. Like it or not, they are something that is necessary."
  "If I can rehabilitate these people, with the help of my Ultron bots, I'll prove that the Avengers aren't necessary," Pym argued stubbornly, the doctor determined to show that his way was the right way.
  The Avengers made their way back to the transport vehicle. As always, Tony could not resist putting in his two cents on the matter.
  "Really charming guy, isn't it?" Tony asked to the group.
  "Some would say the same thing about you Stark!" Fury snapped as he kept walking.
  Clint frowned before he spun around to face Tony. "He hasn't been the same since he got married, has he?"
  "When did this happen?" Natasha asked, confusion flickering through her eyes, this was news to her. Then again, she had preoccupied by other things.
  Clint was all too happy to let her in on the news. "Well Fury met up with an old flame from during his CIA days. It was one of those whirlwind things that happened so fast if you blink you'd miss it. Go to Vegas, get smashed, get married, you know something like that."
  "Fury doesn't seem to be the type," a woman off to the side stated, her face immersed in the shadows. She was a fairly new recruit to SHIELD having been brought along from the mission although she was trained by Natasha, which was the highest praise one could offer.
  "I didn't think so either, but he surprised me," Clint remarked before he raised an eyebrow. "Although this woman....well she's a handful in more ways than one."
  "Yeah, Nicky Boy likes his woman large and in charge," Tony commented with a chuckle. "She's tenacious like him, I'll give him that."
  "She's more than enough woman to handle Fury," Clint added.
  "If you two are quite done gossiping about my personal life!" Fury snapped and Clint and Tony shut up.
  Natasha found some amusement that they had been smacked down like two children.
  "Sir, an energy beacon has been picked up over the Jersey Shore, and it's heading North."
  "What now?" Natasha asked but she got no answer.
  The work of the Agent of SHIELD was never done.
  "Krypton was not a world that prided themselves on their emotions," Lara explained to Harry before she added with a small smile. "Although we could get emotional with the best of them and it always got us in trouble, no matter what."
  Kara picked up. "Yes, we were supposed to be the stoic race. Yet we were responsible for more wars than most other planets in the universe."
  "According to the official archives, a lot of Krypton's problems were because it was in a strategic location between two warring alien races," Peve stated as she combed through the archives that Lara had left in the Fortress.
  Jor-El had been killed before he was able to complete his AI Programming but given some of his more questionable decisions, Lara suspected that it might be for the best. He would want to test his son, making him run through hoops until he reached some vague and mysterious destiny.
  It was mostly completed actually but Lara conveniently misplaced it. It was Lara who put Kal-El on the ship, cursing Jor-El for making such an inadequate escape vessel despite knowing that the planet was going to hit critical mass almost eight terminal cycles before it happened. Thankfully she had a failsafe that she could send along, giving it to M'gann to get to her son when the time was right.
  "Those two races were the Skrull and the Kree, they've been going at it for thousands of years, long past the point where the entire point of the conflict has been forgotten even by them," Lara continued as her construct shifted her eyes around. "Several planets were destroyed. The Skrull had a prophecy that they would take over a new home world as their own. They tried a scheme to gain control of Krypton but Jor-El and Zod managed to uncover their plan."
  "You've spoken of Zod a few times before," Harry told them. He was curious about something. "Who is he?"
  That was a loaded question and Lara decided to give the most concise answer she could. "Zod was a brilliant war commander on Krypton. He waged several successful campaigns, both against rebel forces on Krypton and against attacking enemies as well. He waged one of the most successful campaigns on our planet in the Argo Valley during a bitter winter. Despite most of his troops suffering severe frostbite and fever, he managed to defeat enemy forces and was instrumental in protecting Krypton against many grave terrorist threats."
  "Sounds like a true blue hero," Harry commented and Kara let out a long sigh. She looked despondent which Harry noticed and he grabbed her hand.
  "Well he was," Alura remarked in a saddened tone of voice. "War turns people funny and Zod lost his sense of reality. He thought that Krypton owed him a greater debt and more credit than the Council was willing to give him. So he decided to stage a coup and overthrow the government."
  "Zod failed but got the last laugh as he planted an explosive device that sped up the deterioration of the already unstable core, but naturally we were in denial for eight months, well most of us," Lara picked up where Alura left off. "The wars with the Kree and Skrull did more than their fair share of damage but mark my words; it was Zod who was the final nail in Krypton's coffin."
  "So Zod was killed with the destruction of Krypton?" Harry asked them.
  "No, Har-Rell, it was worse, much worse," Peve added, speaking up once more. "His soul was stripped from his body and it was banished into the Phantom Zone. It is a dimension that some of the worst criminals of the twenty eight galaxies were sent."
  "Dementors were once creatures who escaped from the Phantom Zone but the Ministry thought that they could foolishly tame them," Lily offered them. "It was merely a ceasefire at best for their darkest desires were fed, the souls and memories of others which they could consume."
  "The archway you arrived from your prime dimension, before the merger, was a primitive gateway that was lost hundreds of years ago," Peve explained to him. "Your Ministry used it as a means to dispose of less than desirable elements from your world."
  This was a fascinating conversation but M'gann showed up once more. She was the only one who had been allowed entry into the Fortress, other than Harry and Kara, and had been used as a go between to the outside world if they needed anything.
  "I delivered the messages like you requested," M'gann offered to Harry.
  "I appreciate it, really I do," Harry told her with a smile. "You know why I did it."
  M'gann nodded. "Yes, if you left, it might be difficult for you to return. It's best you get your training done before seeking them out again. At least they've been told that your okay."
  "Yes, at least they've been told," Harry agreed but there was a few seconds more M'gann dropped the next bombshell on him.
  "Kitty and Laura weren't there."
  Harry's eyes flickered open and suddenly a feeling of dread filled. It was likely nothing but at the same time, he could not help but jump to the worst possible conclusion. That was the way that Harry was.
  "Did you find out where they were?" Harry asked M'gann and she was prompt to answer.
  "Laura left shortly after you disappeared, she never believed that you were dead so she went looking for you," M'gann offered Harry.
  'Well that's proof that she's Logan's daughter more than anything,' Harry thought to himself.
  "What about Kitty?"
  M'gann paused. "She thought that since you were gone....there was no point in her staying."
  Harry could have smacked himself. "I should have...."
  "No she left days before you even woke up so even if you sent something straight away, the point was moot," M'gann commented, she had been around Harry often enough, incognito, to know when a fresh round of self-loathing was coming up.
  That was true but Harry had other problems. The world at large was not fond of mutants, especially one like Kitty. She had butted heads with the Friends of Humanity a few times already and while she was not as known as someone like Captain America or Spider-Man, there was a chance that someone might have recognized her.
  Despite every precaution possible being taken, Harry was still outside.
  "What about my ship?" Kara chimed in suddenly, that was something that she worried about but it had been lost in her concerns to make sure that Har-Rell was well.
  M'Gann's eyes snapped open before she stated in an apologetic tone of voice. "I don't know...it was gone, someone took it."
  "They won't be able to get it open, would they?" Harry asked Kara and she shook her head.
  "I don't think so," Kara stated but never the less she dreaded the humans finding out more than they should. Harry sensed her dismay and placed an arm around her shoulder to try and calm her down.
  "We'll get it...eventually, I need to find out where Kitty is....unless she went back home?" Harry offered M'gann but the Martian Girl shook her head.
  Harry thought about it, it was time to take drastic action.
  "Har-Rell, if it's important to you, go, but return once you have found that she is okay," Peve said firmly and the other Artificial Intelligences were in agreement.
  It was time for Kara and Harry to venture out into the outside world, with all of the dangers of it.
  The new semester was going into full swing at Midtown High School and Gwen in particular looked forward to seeing what would happen in her senior year. The events of two weeks ago still flickered through her mind and just this morning, she received a message that confirmed her suspicions.
  Gwen hated to tell people that she told them so but she really did tell them so. The blonde stood at the edge of the schoolyard, waiting for the first bell to ring.
  'As usual, Peter is late,' Gwen thought, but then again, he always tended to run into some early morning crimes that he had to bust.
  "Gwen, did you hear the news?"
  Gwen's other male friend, other than Peter, walked up. Harry Osborn greeted her with a jovial smile.
  "What was the news?" Gwen asked, curiosity getting the better of her. There was something that was going to happen but she had no idea what.
  "My father has gotten a clean bill of health and he's back to work," Harry stated with a bright smile and Gwen tried to remain calm although she was a bit worried about Osborn.
  She wanted to be happy but the truth was she was not happy. She knew what Norman Osborn did as the Green Goblin. Therefore, while he claimed insanity and was rendered in a catatonic state for nearly six months, she wondered how much of it was legit. Gwen offered a bright smile, trying to be happy for her friend.
  "And my father is funding the new Mutant Response Division," Harry added with a bright smile on his face. "It's ironic, isn't it, because it's mutants that put him there in the first place?"
  "Really, I didn't think....I didn't think you got along with your father all that much," Gwen offered and Harry looked at Gwen with a wide smile.
  "I kind of don't but I'm happy that he was put in charge of the MRD," Harry remarked as he looked Gwen directly in the eye. "Maybe he'll micro-manage someone else's life other than my own. And maybe I'll stop getting lectures how I should take more after Pete or Lex or Tess."
  Gwen heard all too much about how Norman downgraded his son and said that he should take more after his best friend or his cousins. Having never met them, Gwen could not say anything positive or negative, although she did hear the younger Osborn go on a few rants about them.
  Harry looked over his shoulder.
  "Speaking of which, where is our grandmaster of tardiness?"
  "I don't know," Gwen offered as she did wonder if he had been caught up doing the Spider-Man thing a bit too much this morning.
  The disappearance of Arcane was something that was the topic of discussion throughout the schoolyard. There were many people who had their own theories about what happened but none of them could even figure that point out.
  "I tell you Arcane is still out there."
  "Where is he, flying in a UFO with Elvis and the Loch Ness Monster?"
  "I don't know, he might be," one of the students stated.
  "I heard he crash landed on an island nation made up of nothing but Amazon women."
  "Oh don't be ridiculous!"
  A young blond haired man dressed in a Midtown High Football team jacket, a t-shirt, and sweatpants rolled his eyes at the spectacle. "I don't know why they're talking about Arcane like this. I mean, the guy's alright, but he's no Spider-Man."
  That was the words that came out the mouth of Eugene "Flash" Thompson. Flash was the number one fan of Spider-Man and the number one tormenter of Peter Parker. Life did love its little irony's like that. Regardless he stood them, bold and brave.
  "I don't know, I think he's kind of cool," a dark skinned girl with Hispanic features stated as she turned around. Her name was Liz Allen, she was the captain of the Midtown High School Cheerleading Squad and the on again and off again girlfriend of Flash Thompson.
  Today they were on again but that could change before the next bell. Thus was the politics of a high school.
  "You think....I can't believe it Liz, he's some brooding loner who is standing in the shadows, who does that?" Flash asked in an exasperated tone of voice as he threw his hands up.
  Despite everything, he was pumped up for the latest Football season. Flash in particular could not wait for the game against Bayville High. He wanted to show up that low-rent, third rate, Flash Thompson wannabe, Duncan Mathews and show him who the man was on the field.
  Gwen turned her head around and a red haired girl with a black t-shirt and tight jeans showed up. "Hey, MJ."
  "Have you see Peter?" Mary Jane asked her.
  "Funnily enough, you're only the second person to ask me that, and I don't know," Gwen offered Mary Jane and the redhead nodded in response.
  "Fair enough," Mary Jane commented as she peered out before a smile crossed his face. "Ah, there he is."
  Gwen noticed that there had been something off about Peter's demeanor over the past few days but it really set in to her now. The blonde eyed her friend; there was something vaguely unsettling about the way he was acting. She would not say that she was completely concerned but it was getting that way.
  "Hey, Pete," Gwen offered with a smile but Peter brushed by her, with a sour expression on his face. "Okay, not....not the greeting I was expecting."
  "Pete, good to see you," Harry commented in a cheerful tone of voice. "Did you hear about my father?"
  "What did Osborn do now?" Peter asked, his eyes glaring with a serious bit of maliciousness.
  "Well Dad....he was given a clean bill of health," Harry remarked, trying to keep his voice excited, as if he did not sense the serious undercurrent of hostility coming from his friend. "And he was put in the charge of the new Mutant Response Division. We'll all feel safer at night, won't we?"
  "Don't be an idiot, the only person who benefits from this is Norman Osborn, just like it always has been," Peter offered, his teeth grinding together before he peered over his shoulder and then turned back towards Harry. "If you ask me, Osborn should have gotten blown up. Serves the psychopath right."
  Gwen and Mary Jane exchanged shocked looks at this statement coming from the mouth of Peter of all people. Sure it was something that was thought, by Gwen in particular, but it was not anything that they would dare say out loud. The blonde wondered what Peter might have been thinking, there was a sense that his filter had been removed from his mind.
  Harry in particular, well he was not too happy to say the very least.
  "You know Pete, that's out of line, I don't know what your problem is."
  "Hey look over there, nerd fight!"
  "Butt out Eugene!" Gwen snapped angrily before she turned around and saw Peter and Harry who were both staring down each other, tension was raising between both of them.
  "You know, your dad's a psychopath, I'm just telling you what everyone else is thinking," Peter answered.
  Peter smiled, it felt good not being a meek little child. It felt good to pound those criminals today until they begged for mercy and then pound them some more. Sure he broke a few bones but they lived. Granted it was in pain but things could be worse, they could have been dead.
  Gwen wondered what the problem as but the bell rang and that was the cue of everyone to go inside.
  "Pete's taken a huge dose of the Jerk Juice today," Mary Jane whispered to Gwen and Gwen responded with a nod.
  Gwen had no idea why Peter was acting the way that he was but it was starting to annoy her a little bit. She would have to worry about it later; she did not have a class period with him until fourth, so she would not be seeing him until them. The blonde edged her way into the school, her mind half on everything.
  There was a sense that she was waiting for some sword to drop over the top of her head to lop it off.
  Gwen spun around and saw the person who was waiting for her by a set of doors the other end of the school. She greeted her with a smile and a wave, before the young blonde with a headband was greeted by another young blonde.
  "Hey Chloe, what's in the news?"
  Chloe Sullivan smiled at the utterly bad inside joke that the two of them shared.
  "Nothing good, it appears that a certain group wants to hijack my paper for their nefarious purposes," Chloe remarked as she lead Gwen inside her office. Well it was an office in the loosest sense of the word, in reality it was a converted Janitorial Closet but Chloe still counted it as such. "You might have heard of them, they'll the charming group known as the Friends of Humanity."
  Gwen's eyes widened at this news and suddenly she was worried that Chloe said something that she should not. As long she knew Chloe, there was always this fear that the young female would say something that would not be in her best interest. The two blondes kept their eyes on each other.
  "Yes, I've heard of them," Gwen said in a slow voice, really hoping that things did not spiral out of control in the worst way possible.
  "I wrote a piece in the Torch, that talked up the X-Men, saying that they were misunderstood and did not deserve to be judged because of them being different," Chloe told Gwen as the two walked forward around her office. "Sure, it's not the latest awe inspiring Flash Thompson victory on the Football Field, but still I thought it was a relevant piece of information."
  Chloe let out her breath in a long sigh before she turned her head around towards Gwen and cupped a hand on her chin.
  "And that's only the beginning, he wants me to print awareness against mutants," Chloe said to Gwen, her frustration becoming obvious. "He wants me to spearhead a call to arms to out mutants and to put them in their place."
  "So that didn't go over too well," Gwen remarked to Chloe and the blonde shook her head. "Actually can't he get fired for that?"
  "Given how crap the school board is around here?" Chloe asked Gwen and Gwen nodded. "The only thing they put money into is Football and the circus er I mean the Cheerleaders. It takes them forever to get anything constructive done. No one's going to complain, for fear out of being outed as a mutant supporter."
  Gwen nodded, that did not seem right but that was educational politics in the 21st century. The people running the place did not care, teachers didn't care, and they herded students out like they were cattle.
  "And that's only the beginning, he wants me to print awareness against mutants," Chloe said to Gwen, her frustration becoming obvious. "He wants me to spearhead a call to arms to out mutants and to put them in their place."
  Chloe's expression turned a bit irritated and there was a certain fever pitch in her eyes before she added.
  "And if I don't do it, he'll find someone who could."
  Chloe sighed, she turned around and looked out the window, when she started the paper, she didn't even have a window or a door. Her office was an alcove in the middle of the math corridor, so a converted Janitor's closet was a step up. That was how far she brought the Torch in the past few years since she came here. Even though she was in her Senior Year, she didn't want the paper to fall out of her hands just yet.
  It was amazing, there wasn't a school paper until she founded it, well unless you counted the badly printed and full of grammatical errors lunch menu as a school newspaper with "dessert" being spelled as "desert". Chloe remarked one day that she'd have a Gobi with her lunch.
  She was landed in Saturday detention for a month for being an disruptive force. In slightly related news, school administrations had no sense of humor whatsoever.
  "I wonder if I could be fired from the paper that I set up," Chloe offered with a despondent sigh but Gwen placed her hand on her arm. "Guess we'll find out before long."
  "Don't give up, if anything else, trying to silence you might make the story that you wrote more attractive to other people," Gwen remarked before she offered an alternative. "If push comes to shove, you can take it to the Daily Bugle. Jameson might be a hard ass, but if you fight for it hard enough, he'll give space to anything. Hell he's ran some pro Spider-Man pieces, in the same issue even where he is bashing the web head like it's nobody's business."
  "The Bugle....I don't know about that," Chloe offered in an apprehensive tone of voice. "That might be....that might be stepping in on my cousin's territory."
  Chloe smiled, said cousin may have gotten an overinflated sense of her own self worth and also her own mortality landing the job with the Bugle straight out of college. She supposed that she should be happy for Lois but she did get herself into situations that tested her mortality more often than not. Then again, she was adept enough to get herself out of some rather tight fixes.
  "I'm sure that there should be no problem," Gwen offered before she eyed the wall with several press clippings and computer print outs that described Arcane. "Well this is new."
  "It's merely a scientific curiosity, he's been connected to the X-Men or at least he was before he disappeared," Chloe remarked before she clicked her tongue and checked her e-mail. She deleted the male enlargement pill spam before she got down to the grim and gritty of what she needed to read. Amusement flickered through her eyes as she read the e-mail "Although after his disappearance, he's been sighted in more places than an army of Elvises. Or is it Elvii? I wonder, what is the proper plural form of Elvis?"
  Chloe wondered if there were many more puzzle pieces that she needed to put together regarding the mystery that was Arcane. There were many theories, some of them really wild. One of them was that he was part of a race of vampires that sparkled in the sunlight.
  Who the hell came up with such absurdity? Vampires didn't sparkle in the sunlight, they burned to a crackly crisp.
  "Hey, Chlo, what's this?" Gwen asked as she looked at a pamphlet that was buried underneath some clutter on her desk.
  Chloe raised an eyebrow before she turned towards Gwen. "Oh that's just some junk mail that I found when I was doing some digging. It's nothing."
  Gwen looked through it; it was promotional material that advertised the First Church of Shi'ar Enlightenment that promoted the worship of the Star Child who they claimed to be the one true savior of the universe.
  "The Star Child and the Fire Bird Shall Unite To Bring A New Hope to the World."
  Curiosity got the better of one Gwen Stacy, even though Chloe discounted it as bunk.
  "No way," Chloe breathed, letting out a prominent sigh.
  "What?" Gwen asked as she corked an eyebrow.
  "There's an alien ship that's been sighted outside of New York City," Chloe commented as she watched the grainy images come to light. A poor quality video clip really did not show her anything.
  Gwen could not discount that business was about to pick up in the worse way.
  The raven haired reporter with violet eyes walked down the streets of New York at a brisk pace with a purpose. She continued to keep her movements fluid, careful. Her name was Lois Lane, less than a month on the job at the Daily Bugle and already she was on the story of the century.
  Two alien invasions in less than two weeks, that couldn't be a coincidence. New York was rocked by the meteor shower that brought the mysterious ship. By the time that Lois arrived to get a better look at the ship, it was gone.
  Was it government intervention or was it something else?
  There was a humming above her head and Lois turned her head around. She stood on her heels and there was a hushed crowd around them. The raven haired reporter continued to make greater strides to her destination.
  A holographic image popped over the ship. The image was distorted but a milky white face with blue eyes could be seen. Lois arched her head over to the side, she wondered if it was going speak.
  Would it be capable of sentient speech?
  The voice module crackled to life and the entity stated in a gruff tone of voice.
  "I am here to protect you from the Star Child. You have one of your orbital cycles to surrender him to me or you will face oblivion."
  Lois wondered if her first big story would be the end of the world as she knew it. Somehow she wasn't feeling fine.
  To Be Continued in Part Two on August 22 nd 2013.
  I didn't respond to review responses for the last chapter because it was old news anyway. So if you read this and still wonder why, now you know. And if you don't read this, well...there's no use to really talking to you anyway because you're not reading this text to begin with.
  Really simple explanation for the world as it is: When Harry opened the box, the DC and Marvel universes fused and retroactively combined together. Harry and Deadpool are the only ones who remember the world completely how it used to be. Given that this is a comic book story, it runs off of comic book logic. As we know, every time the Scarlet Witch has the sniffles, reality could get rewritten(*)
  *=This never happened, but it could have.
  Shadows of the Past Part Two
  Chapter Two: "Ghosts of the Past Part Two."
  The entire world heard the statement that echoed throughout the entire city. Every set of ears within hearing distance could pick it up and the news media heard it, which meant it would be spread far and wide all around the world. There were whispers that were overheard, as they wondered who the Star Child was and why they should turn him over.
  One orbital cycle was the ultimatum that was given. There was no telling what the consequences might be but it would not be prudent to test this individual. That was the case with many consequences; there was nothing good that can come from it.
  Harry showed back into town just in time to hear some mysterious enemy calling for his head. His form was cloaked so he could not be seen. The camouflage spells allowed Harry's body to warp into the surroundings around him, which worked like a charm as no one even flinched as he rushed in next to them. Given the nature of the message that he was greeted with, not being seen might have been the most promising thing in the world. The wizard turned on his heel and listened for the humming.
  Kara floated next to him, dressed in some Earth clothes that they acquired. She wore a black jacket, a white tank top, and tight blue pants that wrapped around her lower half. The blonde saw the scene unfold before her.
  "Okay, I'll bite, what's this about?" Harry breathed but Kara shrugged her shoulders as she tried to study the ship.
  "I don't really know," Kara commented as she bit down on her lip nervously. "The problem is....well Jor-El made a few friends during his time and more than a few enemies."
  Harry placed his hands over the back of his head and rolled it back, that was about right. Then again, he had to deal with the same thing from his Earth father making an enemy out of Snape. So why would things be different with the Kryptonian version?
  Now was not the time to bemoan about what happened, rather it was the time for Harry to keep his eyes focused on the ship along with the mysterious occupant that currently called for his head. He saw a weird pulsing energy field wrapped around it. The energy was unlike anything that he'd ever seen or experienced on Earth. The young mutant alien wizard twisted his sight off to the side and heard it humming rather loudly.
  Dare he rush it and see what was up with it?
  Harry felt that this was only the beginning of something dangerous that could put many people within the city in the cross fire. He hovered high in the air.
  "If the Star Child can hear this, your deception will only last for so long. I can shield the world from the dangers his presence causes you but you must hand him over. It's for the Greater Good."
  Harry had no idea why but hearing that phrase made him want to hurl.
  "So come out from beneath your rock and take the medicine that you deserve. I promise that things will be made easier on you."
  "Melodramatic much," Harry remarked as he placed his arm around Kara who was hovering above the ground. The wizard spun around to face the blonde. The two of them looked at each other. "Well....there's really no point in hiding too much longer. He knows that I'm here."
  Kara nodded in agreement. "And his.....that ship looks pretty high tech."
  Harry wasn't exposed to Kryptonian technology for his entire life, so he would have to take her word for it. Knowing Harry's luck, the ship would be resistant to all energy attacks including magic. Any villain with a few brain cells in their head would find ways to negate magical attacks whenever possible. The few that didn't, well they didn't have many brain cells in their head to begin with to not negate an obvious and easy way to take them down.
  The wizard's eyes followed the situation and sirens were heard. There were a countless number of people converging on the scene, the police were trying to close off the area around the ship to make sure no one got too close. It was futile.
  'There's nowhere on Earth they'll be able to hide,' Har-Rell thought to himself as he turned around, his eyes narrowed.
  He tried to focus his X-Ray vision because he could analyze energy patterns with greater precision. And with any luck, he could analyze a weakness in the ship that he could exploit. The wizard saw several microscopic particles working together in unison, it was almost like a hive mind type situation as the nodes twisted together. The wizard's eyes flickered towards his destination and his heart thumped even more loudly across his chest.
  Kara wondered what he was doing but she remained quite.
  "It....doesn't appear to have a flaw," Harry whispered to her.
  Kara opened her mouth but Harry silenced her.
  'Actually it's best if the two of us speak like this,' Harry thought to Kara.
  'I guess,' Kara thought to herself as her eyes closed and they flickered shut. 'I'm not sure if we can get to it from here.'
  'We've got to try, just isolate the sounds the best you can and we'll go from there,' Harry thought to her as he grabbed her hand. 'It's all about focus, it's all about picking out one little hum out of a thousand. Trace the transmission because it's a feedback loop we can exploit.'
  'How do....how do you even know it will work?' Kara asked, granted she worked with her powers a little bit in the training simulator her mother had. Yet going through a training simulation and going against an actual situation was two different things all together.
  'Have some faith, Kara, it will work,' Harry thought to her as the two Kryptonians tried to get a sense of what was going on around them.
  The wizard listened to the situation at hand, and he wondered if the other members of the X-Men or the various heroes that were mulling around the area of New York heard the transmission signal. Knowing them, they were going to be on the ball as usual which caused Harry to be on the edge of his nervousness
  Krypton made many enemies and that was a statement that Harry remembered that Kara informed him. Lara mentioned it as well, so it was something that he should be reinforced.
  And given that he and Kara were the last two survivors of the planet. They were at the top of the hit list.
  The Quinjet that contained the Avengers touched down in front of a nightclub with the marquee of "Delacour's" on it. It was one of the hottest night clubs in town. Iron Man, Black Widow, and Hawkeye exited the jet and tried to get a good look around.
  "Okay, Thor, Ms. Marvel, and Mockingbird are close by but it will be nearly thirty minutes before they are able to get here," Iron Man informed the rest of the team. "So can we....I don't know, try and go in there and not draw attention to ourselves."
  "Something tells me that thing knows that we're here," Hawkeye stated as he looked at the energy field appearing around it that knocked the tanks over as they tried to approach it. "And something tells me that my arrows won't even ding the paint job."
  "Yeah that goes without saying," Natasha agreed as she frowned and looked at everything but she heard the faint echoing and the humming that came from the ship.
  "Once again, you harbor one who comes from a planet of war criminals. If you do not bring him forth within the time your sunsets upon your planet, then that will be the final sunset that you will ever experience for the rest of your life."
  There was another humming as Tony tried to calibrate his suit to lock onto it. He whistled nonchalantly as he spun around.
  "Well, they're not....well they're not lacking for any attention," Tony offered in a pained tone of voice.
  "We've got to take that thing out, now," Natasha said as she held a gun over her shoulder and prepared to take fire. "It has to have a weak spot."
  "Well, it's doing a damn good job at hiding it," Tony remarked as he tried to keep scanning the bottom of the ship but found nothing. "Just got to figure out how to coordinate a way get around that thing's defenses and then I'll be in, trust me, it will go off without a hitch."
  There were many hitches in that plan as the Avengers were rapidly finding out. Thor and Ms. Marvel were still a short while from arriving but they couldn't help wonder what state they would be in by the time that got here. The ultimatum rang supreme.
  There was one particular woman who was not a super hero but she also did not know any fear. Lois stood at the edge of the grounds and heard the winds whispering on either side. The purple eyed woman flickered her expression towards the ship. It was beyond army standard which meant that they were being visited by someone who was not quite of their world.
  Again, twice in a little over two weeks that was about two much to be a coincidence.
  Lois knew that she was not going to get any closer than her vantage point.
  'Unless....no that's too risky,' Lois thought to herself which meant it was more than perfect to take the risk that she wanted to take. The dark haired reporter climbed up a ladder and looked up over the edge.
  She was perched in a perfect vantage point, to see the army helicopters circling around the ship. The reporter watched from her perch point, her fingers nervously drumming. The dark haired woman bit down on her lips as her head turned off to the side.
  'Okay, it's....it's moving in this directions, and they're trying to take a shot at the ship,' Lois thought to herself as her eyebrow raised a little bit before she let out the breath she was holding. 'Are they insane?'
  Again, there was no way to answer that question with picture perfect clarity. The dark haired woman placed her hands on the edge of the wall that she stood and leaned forward to face the situation. Her purple eyes flickered forward and she studied the situation. There was chaos on the ground. The first volley was not effective, so they were coming around to try to get in front of the ship to before launching another. The woman twisted her expression around and studied the scene before her once again.
  'Yeah its official, they are nuts.'
  Once again, Lois frowned as she heard the next few words.
  'Fire at will, yeah its official, they are nuts,' Lois repeated to herself twitching her thumbs slightly and her eyes widened as they followed the progress of the men on the ground.
  They were nuts as the woman turned her head around and breathed in before she breathed out. There was a rumbling that echoed from underneath her.
  Elsewhere, Harry made his way around the crowd, with Kara following him. The two of them flew over the heads of everyone. It was one of those damned if you do, damned if you don't type things, because if they flew too high, they would be running into the army helicopters. If they walked they would be running into the troops on the ground.
  Harry preferred not to run into anyone at least for now. His knuckles cracked together as he kept a slight eye on them. The wizard's expression flickered forward as he scanned it but there was one thing that he established in a matter of moments.
  'The person who is in that ship isn't there,' Harry thought to Kara and her eyes widened. 'It's a scouter ship, he'll arrive once they've surrendered me.'
  'You're not going to surrender, are you?' Kara asked.
  Harry snorted.
  'I didn't even bother to look up the meaning of the word,' Harry admitted to the blonde.
  Kara did not say anything now; she waited for Harry as his eyes followed the progress of the tanks. There was one statement that fluttered through Harry's mind as he breathed in and he breathed out.
  Harry decided that it was best to clarify after that statement went through his head. 'They'll never be able to blow a hole through their defenses, not even in a million years, not now, now ever.'
  Harry saw everyone back off and the tanks roll in before a missile was launched at the ship.
  There was a pause and the shell was held in place by the energy field. The commander raised a hand, telling them to cease their fire. A moment in time existed were everyone looked around and there was a long pause as he breathed heavily in and out.
  'Nothing,' Harry thought to her. 'See what you can do about getting the civilians out of here if things get ugly.'
  'Right,' Kara thought to herself as she waited for the signal at a moment's notice.
  An explosion resounded as the shell bounced off the tank.
  Lois moved out of the way and scrambled down the steps. She never thought that she would see the army do something so entirely stupid. The woman's eyes widened, if her father saw something like this, he would roll over in his grave. And given that he was not even dead, that really would be a grand accomplishment in stupidity.
  The reporter staggered a slight amount as she felt herself get rocked by the missile explosion beneath her. The building quaked around her and she lost her balance.
  Lois was about to get crushed by the falling debris but someone or something pushed her out of the way. Someone caught her in his arms and things were happening way too fast for her to reconcile everything. The debris that flew towards the crowd suspended in the air.
  The reporter did get a look at her mysterious savior for he moved too fast but he did save her ass. She would be getting her story alright if he did not intervene, her own obituary.
  "This is Cat Grant of Daily Bugle Communication and I am on the scene here as an alien ship appeared earlier today. Our mysterious attacker from the stars showed up today and demanded that we surrender someone, or something he called the Star Child to him. The entire city must wonder one thing and that is, who is this Star Child? Why is this attacker here, what does he truly want? We're going to stay with this as long as we can, until the very end."
  Rachel watched the television at the Xavier Institute with a nervous expression flickering through her eyes, she heard the mysterious Star Child being talked about. The red head woman put every single piece together. About a day ago they got the news that Harry Potter was alive and was out there. She supposed that she should have had more faith in him but it was just the way he supposedly died that was so shocking and sudden.
  "Wait....there's been....what is that?"
  The blonde reporter turned around as she saw a blur move off to the side. The woman who he saved had wide eyes and her breathing quickened.
  "This just in a mysterious hero has shown up and saved civilians from the alien ship which has tried to attack us."
  "No way."
  Rogue breathed out this question as she popped up and placed a hand on her hips. The young mutant's eyes widened at the events happening on the television screen and her heart beat strongly against her chest. Her eyes blinked rapidly as her breathing became even more frantic. The young mutant arched her head back and let another breath out.
  "It's actually....yeah I figured this was going to happen," Rachel offered but then she shook her head. "Looks like Harry returned."
  "And he's in the thick of things as usual," Kurt commented as he showed up.
  "So, he decides to show back up and gets himself right into trouble," Scott offered as he showed up for the first time that day. The mutant's eyes narrowed. "Figures."
  Rogue was not in the mood to deal with Scott's bullshit and neither were Wanda or Rachel by the looks in their eyes. She was the one who finally broke the silence. "The thing about Harry is that he might get himself into trouble but he gets himself out of trouble pretty well. So I wouldn't really worry about him too much."
  Scott's eyes flickered a moment and he was about ready to say something but there was another bit on the news that prevented him from speaking once again.
  "This just in, our mysterious visitor from the stars has brought forth another message. We're trying to get the feed up so you the viewing audience can hear it."
  The humming nearly blew out the television speakers as the group of X-Men edged around it.
  "So he is present, but he does not show himself. The problem is that his kind does not care about anything when they conquer. I am a savior of this world but I will destroy it should the Star Child not surrender himself."
  Rogue's eyes widened and she wanted to slap herself. What kind of backwards logic was coming out of his mouth? The southern belle could not follow that line of reasoning even for a moment and she wondered if someone was losing his mind the more he talked.
  "I will give you a short time longer but if the Star Child does not face me, he will suffer the consequences."
  "I don't think he wants to go there," Amara whispered, speaking up for the first time. She sat in the corner, quiet, watching, along with the rest of the new mutants.
  "Well we got to go down there, don't we?" Bobby asked and Scott spun around to face him.
  "This isn't our problem."
  Scott stated these words in the most dismissive way possible, in such a matter that they could not believe what he said. The rest of the X-Men looked completely exasperated that he said such a thing.
  Tabby decided to offer him her own two cents. "Isn't our problem? Are you fucking retarded? You know there's a damn good reason why no one likes you...."
  "Enough, Tabitha," Xavier offered in a crisp voice, knowing that the last thing he needed was the team being broken apart by infighting. Now that Harry departed, Scott was going to be the leader of this team. He might not be the leader that anyone wanted but he was the leader that he needed. "We don't even know if it was young Mister Potter down there."
  "Actually there might be a pretty good chance it was Harry, if that girl who came here informed him that Kitty was gone," Ororo remarked to the rest of them.
  "I can't believe you didn't notice she left until the morning," Rogue offered as she gritted her teeth. "But then again, giving the mansion's stirring security system I'm not surprised."
  Xavier allowed Rogue's comment to brush over him.
  "So what are we going to do?" Kurt asked and Scott was the one that tried to answer the question but it was Jean that stepped up.
  "We're all heading downtown, we're going to see what's going on," Jean said as she stepped on Scott's toes, taking the leadership of the team. She figured that someone was going to have to step up and do so, since Harry had other more pressing matters on his hand. Phoenix Force or no Phoenix Force, Jean was not going to just sit back and ideally wait for this team to sink into the ground.
  Scott's disbelief was completely off the charts.
  "I do think that it might be a good idea to at least take a look at the situation that's transpiring," Xavier offered before he added. "But this is merely a fact finding mission, do not engage the enemies. Let's not forget that given recent events, mutants aren't the top of the list."
  "Don't see you doing much of anything to put out good publicity," Rogue said in a challenging voice.
  "Rogue, that was out of line," Scott offered and Rogue rolled her eyes.
  "Shut the fuck up, boy scout!" Rogue snapped back.
  "We should go now, see if we can help any," Kurt offered as he tried to be the one to maintain peace in this situation and Scott's eyes widened. "Hey man, nothing against you but that ship looks dangerous. People could get hurt."
  Kurt thought that Scott should remove the stick from his ass before someone ripped it out of it and beat him to death with it. But he was not about to say that out loud.
  The X-Men all got to their feet, with Scott following them, about to open his mouth but he was cut off.
  "Follow my lead," Jean told them all and they all ignored a few half-hearted attempts by Scott to try and take the reigns.
  'Good for you Mom, a pet rock has better leadership skills than Cyclops,' Rachel thought to herself as the group scrambled out the door.
  It was now time to show himself to the world for the first time, well kind of. Harry was not about to let Arcane make a return to the world. As far as the world at large knew, he was dead or at least in hiding. In fact, from the few bits of information that traveled to his ears at the Fortress, Arcane had developed some kind of Elvis like cult status where people speculated on whether or not he was dead, with a website that tracked various "sightings."
  That both amused and scared Harry at the same time.
  In the end, Harry wondered if people really should do better things with their time. He stepped forward, dressed in a black long coat, a black shirt, and black pants, with a silver symbol etched on the edge of the coat. It was a triangle with a circle in the middle and two lines down it, upside down for the world to see.
  "Star Child, I am growing impatient."
  "Then you should learn some patience!" Harry yelled, as he rushed forward. No one could get a clear shot of his face. The nature of magic prevented him from being picked up on camera as anything but an indistinguishable blur.
  The menace in the ship remained silent, there was a moment in time where everything crawled to a stop. Harry wondered if he thought this little mission through so far or not. Kara returned, having herded many of the civilians off but she was ready to go at a moment's notice, in case more came.
  "You are not a coward, that is a virtue that will serve you well upon your death," the voice echoed from the ship surrounded with an energy field. "And both of the last children of Krypton stand before me, soon to be defeated, but it is something that I have looked forward to for quite some time."
  a rumbling echoed through the ship.
  "I've waited for a long time...."
  Harry analyzed the ship and several razor sharp spikes made of pure magical energy were conjured in mid air and fired. He was not going to mess around with this guy, he was going straight for the kill. While he sensed that the ship might be made invulnerable against magic, he was still going to try to bombard it anyway. On the off chance that he was wrong, he could get something done.
  The blasts of magical energy connected with the ship with a solid explosion. It rocked the ship hard and Harry's eyes turned slightly.
  There was nothing, not even a dent in the edge of the ship.
  "A noble effort."
  Harry was getting annoyed by him already. The Kryptonian mage edged forward before he threw his head back and spoke in a commanding voice. "There is nothing noble about your effort, you know."
  "Arrogant whelp."
  "Oh, that's cute, isn't it Kara?" Harry whispered to the blonde beside him.
  "Yeah it is, Har-Rell, it's extremely cute," Kara stated as the ship hummed next to her.
  Harry waited for his words to sink in before he began to speak once more and he spoke in his most commanding voice possible.
  "Let's face it, you can't defeat me, you don't have the power to do so. So you're weak and....you're not even here right now are you?"
  Harry's expression twisted to a rather malevolent smile.
  "Let's face it, no matter what you try to do, you can't defeat me."
  Har-Rell's face was smiling wildly, in a moment that should have been captured for the world.
  "Sad really."
  There was a rumbling within the ship as Harry shifted himself up and waited for the individual to present himself. Forcing him to fight head on by playing to the ego of this entity, that was what Harry was hoping for.
  'Actually, I wonder if this is...a good idea,' Kara thought to him through the bond link.
  'Kara, you'll learn before too long that heckling the bad guy is the most fun part of being a hero,' Harry thought, although he figured that he learned that from hanging around Spider-Man a bit too much to be considered healthy.
  The crowd backed up, except for one reporter, who did not have enough near death experiences for one day. A large imposing figure strode forward. He had chalk white skin, with silver body armor that wrapped around him. His grey eyes focused on Harry intently and his silver hair stuck up in the air.
  "You will pay for your insolence and your arrogance alien," it stated, although maybe it was he, although with some aliens it was hard to tell. "Krypton spurned my offer at alliance, and then humiliated my people."
  'Here's a nice fact, this guy tried to conquer Krypton,' Lara thought from the Fortress as she transmitted a message into Harry's mind.
  Harry was taken aback that he had some kind of mental link to the Fortress but he supposed that now as not the time to ask questions about that. Rather his eyes watched the individual facing him down.
  "My name is Tyrell, if you wish to know your executioner," the individual offered.
  "Yeah, I do think it's a common courtesy to know the name of the person that I'm about to knock around," Harry fired back without missing a beat.
  He shot a white energy pulse from his hand but Harry threw himself to the ground and dodged it. His eyes squinted before the wizard sent heat vision out of his eyes towards his enemy but his shield protected him.
  "You wish to play with fire, you might get burned," Tyrell offered but Kara broke out into laughter. The villain seemed confused. "Do you find my statement amusing, girl?"
  "No it's just....I've heard people use that sentence on Earth television before, it's kind of....well it's kind of corny," Kara offered before she turned her head around and there was a fireball that shot out.
  Kara had some pretty good reflexes and she dodged out of the way. The blonde tucked and rolled but then she saw a group of children in the way. She darted out of the way, scooping them up, and speeding them off, before they could be crushed.
  Harry jumped into the air and grabbed Tyrell around the waist, before leaping higher. His body flew to undreamed of heights, before he brought his enemy higher and higher above the pavement, to make the most impact before he hit the ground.
  Tyrell struggled, this was not going as he planned, and sure enough, the Kryptonian let go of him. He tried to accelerate himself to the ground but a series of ropes shot around him. The enemy spiraled in the air like a demented marionette on a string, before he was flung head over heels.
  "Just wait," Tyrell stated as he tried to heal himself but was blasted once more.
  "I'm sorry, I thought that we were going to fight," Harry told him as he placed a hand on his hip.
  "Just wait," Tyrell stated as he tried to heel himself but was blasted once more.
  There was a loud round of explosions as the X-Jet touched down to the ground outside of the area that was roped off. Once the jet was safely on the ground, Jean exited it and stepped forward. There was something about the ringing in her ears now that was vaguely unsettling.
  "I'm sorry, I thought that we ready to fight."
  Jean would recognize that voice anywhere, and Rachel, Rogue, and Amara picked things up, with Wanda following behind them. The group exited the jet, followed by the others.
  "Remember what the Professor said...."
  "There!" Rachel yelled as she ignored Scott and pointed to see the blur in the distance that dodged an energy attack.
  "Okay, I'll bite, what is that thing?" Bobby asked as he watched them all.
  Tabby closed her eyes. "Someone that wants to take Harry down in the worst way."
  "Is there a best way to take down someone like Harry?" Bobby asked but that statement got no answers whatsoever.
  There was a loud humming around them once again, the ship was abandoned and Jean felt like she was drawn by it a little bit. Her eyes flickered in mild recognition and the humming got even more prominent. The ship was before her.
  'Jean....it's...' the garbled voice of the Phoenix Force sounded.
  Jean shook her head, the Phoenix Force was back, kind of, and it was like a badly tuned radio. She wondered where it had gone in the last few days.
  The debris fired out into the crowd but Jean stopped it with a telekinetic attack.
  "I think we should take this vandal down with extreme prejudice!"
  The thunderous voice of Thor could be heard as he showed up, with Ms. Marvel behind him, to join Iron Man, Black Widow, and Hawkeye, who had most of the crowd out of the way.
  "Well it looks like the gang is all here, so can we stop this guy?" Iron Man asked but Hawkeye raised his eyebrow as he watched the battle before him.
  "Why, he's doing plenty?" Hawkeye asked Iron Man and sure enough the battle continued.
  Harry thought that he held his own against some rather dangerous individuals but this guy had a real axe to grind with him. Which was a shame, as the wizard never met this Tyrell guy in his entire life and there was another loud humming that was driving him up a wall. He avoided hearing the humming and powered on through.
  'Okay, I might not have met him before but now I don't want to,' Harry thought to himself as he drilled him with several high impact attacks.
  A combination of magical and physical attacks was the order of the day for this particular wizard. He sent them at his enemy like a volley of intensity. The wizard continued to push himself forward and tried to nail him back.
  "I don't think you've grasped one simple point...."
  Harry angrily blasted him backwards, managing to maneuver him so he did not hit anyone but also give him the greatest amount of pain possible. He did not know where the organs were for this guy but he was bound and determined to hit the most painful spots that would not kill him. Given the grunts of agony, Harry was a bit closer to getting to that point than he believed previously.
  If only he was done but a wizard's work was never done. He twisted his head around before he watched his enemy stagger to his feet. Tyrell was struggling, armor slightly damaged.
  "You aren't the only one who thrives underneath a yellow sun, Kryptonian," Tyrell breathed as he felt the sun's healing embrace.
  "Maybe, but you're the only one who is dependent on it," Harry commented before he flickered his hand and a red dome appeared around them.
  Tyrell held his hand out and saw that his healing had been haltered. The red solar radiation filtered in to him.
  "My powers are derived from magic, whilst you're very dependent on the suns healing yellow rays," Harry offered to him.
  The enemy's eyes flickered towards his face.
  "Very clever, but ultimately futile."
  An energy blast cut through the air and rocketed towards Harry's chest.
  He dodged the attack and Thor showed up to smash Tyrell in the chest for all that he was worth. His armor cracked and the enemy flew head over heels.
  Time seemed to slow down to a crawl before his enemy smashed onto the ground with a thunderous crack. Bones could be heard cracking and snapping.
  "I will not lie, that felt good," Thor offered, as finally that rogue had shut his mouth and silence was bliss.
  "So, is it over already?"
  Iron Man hovered over towards them, with the rest of the Avengers popping up, at least the ones who were able to show up for the battle on such short notice. The Armored Avenger used his armor gauntlet to analyze the blood that had been spilled on the ground.
  "If I thought it was that easy....well I would be more concerned," Iron Man commented in a light tone of voice.
  "Easy?" Harry asked.
  Iron Man sighed before the man underneath the armor offered a few words to Harry. "Look, I know you're always a right little ray of sunshine but...."
  There was a loud whistling sound from the ship, which had been left unattended during the battle. Kara flew over, clutching her ears.
  It was now that Harry noticed that the X-Men were here but he could not really be bothered too much about that. The shrill sound assaulted his super powered hearing and his knees buckled slightly before him. He grabbed onto Kara as she nearly dropped to her knees.
  "Awful," Kara breathed as she rubbed the side of her ears.
  "Not just awful, he's done something," Harry offered as he picked up the beaten form of Tyrell, silver blood pouring out of his mouth. The emerald eyed enchanter shook Tyrell, glaring in his eyes. "What did you do?"
  "Sealed your fate, sealed all of your fates. This world dies for its sins, and I am the savior that brings them to their realm of damnation."
  Harry knew immediately then what it was, it was a bomb, and it kept humming.
  To Be Continued in Part Three.
  Shadows of the Past Part Three
  Chapter Three: "Shadows of the Past Part Three."
  Harry's hearing was assaulted by the loud whirring sound and Kara as well was bombarded with the noises. The two Kryptonians found out rather quickly that super powered hearing can be extremely sensitive to extremely loud noises. The two lurched forward as Harry grabbed his ear and started to rub it, not really hearing anything of value as he turned around.
  "So do you have any idea what that noise is?" Stark asked and Harry inclined his head as he considered the question until he confirmed that he did not with a rough shake of it.
  "Not particularly, but I don't think it's something that we should be throwing up the red flag for," Harry remarked as he watched Carol and Natasha edge over to the crowd, keeping their expressions firm and extremely neutral. "If you can analyze it, it will be a big help."
  "Yeah, I'm futuristic, but even this is a bit much by my standards," Stark remarked but never the less he calibrated his suit in an attempt to locate the sound that ship was giving up. "It's given off a high level frequency, some form of radiation. I don't believe....actually I might be able to figure this out, given time."
  Harry's hands placed onto his head as he pondered what he had to do. The individual on the ground laughed even though he was secured and not in any position to triumph. Harry needed answers and since this man's brain proved to be quite resistant to any kind of mental techniques, he needed to be kept awake for questioning.
  For now at the very least.
  "You don't get it, do you?" Tyrell asked, his eyes flickering with a fury that could not be matched by anything Harry ever saw. "You see this thing before you, it is something that will wipe the rest of your kind clean from the face of this planet."
  "For someone who hasn't won, you've got quite the mouth on you," Carol commented to him as Tyrell's eyes turned to the blonde with a furious expression.
  "It doesn't matter if I win, as long as this false prophet dies," Tyrell offered as he still felt the ravages of going through the battle with this one. He was far stronger than he thought. "I always have a contingency plan. You were spared a few scant years, I do hope that you've made the most of them."
  Harry blocked out these words, discouraging as they might be. The wizard's expression remained cool and collected. Most people would lose their cool when they came under fire. Harry was not one of those people, ever since the moment that he was born, he always kept his head in a crisis.
  "Harry," Rogue offered the moment he walked forward to join her.
  "Rogue, Rachel, Wanda, Jean, Amara, Kurt, Bobby...." Harry stated before he added as an afterthought. "Scott."
  Scott nodded briskly.
  "So I'm guessing that you weren't as dead as we thought," Scott offered back to Harry coolly.
  'Don't sound so broken up about it,' Rachel thought, eying Scott, wondering what his problem was. Although his problem could be a culmination of many things that had happened, including getting a strong sense of his own self-worth.
  Rachel thought that if Harry could be the better person and just blow Scott's attitude off, she could do so as well. After all, Harry was able to be a great leader in spite of what the other people around him said. The magical mutant was someone who inspired others around him to do great things. Harry turned off to the side, green eyes flickering with intensity as he did.
  "No, I wasn't dead, but it's a long story and I wish to have enough to time to do it the proper credit," Harry offered Scott in the coolest voice possible.
  Rachel smiled, that was the biggest brush off ever.
  "Hello, Harry, it's good to see you once more," Ororo offered as the group eyed the blonde.
  "This is Kara, she's...just like me," Harry remarked to the group as they were about to questioned things.
  They had their mouths open but Jean was the one who cut in with a few more words. "Yeah, I know things seem frustrating to try to figure out but we've got to wait for this to pan out. Trust me, Harry's got a good explanation for all this, he always has a good explanation for something like this."
  Everyone responded with crisp nods as Harry moved away from them towards the Avengers. Harry held a device in his hand that was picking up the energy readings.
  "Okay, I'm getting a reading on the ship, are you getting that Tony?" Harry asked.
  "Gotcha lot and clear," Stark remarked with a nod as he saw the symbols around it.
  "Wow, that's....I don't understand a word of that," Carol remarked as she looked over the numbers, and she had dealt with some pretty high tech stuff in her days. Especially the technology that she confiscated in her work with SWORD, it was amazing. She watched them click through everything, amazed as they got more and more information to try and pinpoint what needed to be done. "It's amazing though, I think."
  "It is pretty amazing but we've got to focus, we have to shut that ship down," Harry offered as he locked onto a solution. "And I believe that if we siphon off the energy, to the point where it can't reach critical, I can put a shield around it and vanish it piece by piece. Your arc reactor can do that."
  "It can?" Tony asked and Harry nodded his head. "Is that....is that safe?"
  "It is," Harry offered to him, he would not have offered that point unless he was one hundred percent sure. "I'm sending you the calibrations right now, I tried to dumb it down as much as I could."
  Tony's facial expression turned to that of a mild amount of annoyance.
  "Hey....I didn't roll off the turnip truck yesterday," Stark protested as he continued to flicker through the readings.
  "The real question is do you need anything explained?" Harry asked and Stark paused before he looked over everything.
  "No, I'm good," Stark replied to him in a calm tone of voice before he asked the question that burned on the tip of his tongue. "So how long is this going to take?"
  "Three minutes, and you've got three minutes and nineteen seconds before we get blown into microscopic dust particles," Harry informed them as he had everything prepared, all Stark had to do was work his magic.
  "No pressure or anything," Hawkeye remarked as he let his breath out in a whistle.
  Harry turned around and saw Nick Fury standing there, arms crossed. The green eyed wizard focused on Fury, his green eyes meeting Fury's one eye.
  "So missed me Fury?" Harry asked of him.
  "Yes, like bowel cancer," Fury offered to him but a smile crossed the face of the grizzled commander of SHIELD none the less. He took a moment to adjust to the situation before he remarked in a cool tone. "Didn't think for a moment that you were dead."
  "No body, no death," Harry offered Fury and the Commander inclined his head with a brief nod.
  "Right in one, although even if you did leave a body, I wouldn't be convinced," Fury replied crisply to him. "It would likely be a clone or a robot or a robot disguised as a clone anyway."
  Stark meanwhile was shaking, siphoning off this energy caused the systems of his armor to go haywire. Harry's eyes flickered towards him and he placed a hand on his forearm to try and stabilize the billionaire.
  "I'm fine....I'm fine," Stark managed as he shook badly. He twisted his head around and paused. "That was unpleasant but I've had worse."
  Harry had no time to follow up on that statement as he managed to shield the ship. His eyes closed as he concentrated on safely getting it out of there. If he missed one part, that would be the end for them all. Piece by piece, the ship disappeared into nonexistence where it could not harm anyone ever again.
  Tyrell's eyes widened furiously.
  "This guy's really asking for it, isn't he?" Rogue asked.
  Jean smiled, her Phoenix Powers were not back to one hundred percent but she could use them now.
  Harry decided that if they worked together, they might be able to take him down.
  "You might defeat me but...."
  Wanda blasted him with a hex bolt causing his head to ring. His armor, which had nearly been healed, failed once more thanks to her powers. The young magical mutant held her hands up and watched him with a raised eyebrow before she remarked in a stoic tone.
  "You talk too much."
  Rogue was the next to attack him, flying at him with the utmost fury. Her punch rattled him, it was nearly strong as what Harry was capable of with his Kryptonian abilities. It rocked him with furious fury.
  Kara zipped forward next but her training was rather rudimentary, so all she served as for the time being was as a super powerful distraction. She zipped to the right and zoomed to the left which caused Tyrell to swat at her, like trying to nail a fly.
  Thor smashed Tyrell with Mjolnir and Iron Man, suit now back to full strength, fired at him with a series of repulsor blasts. The alien stepped back, his armor cracking but he pushed all of his bio-energy into protecting himself.
  'And he has a weakness,' Harry thought to Jean. 'His body might heal fast, but let's see how much of a hammering his mind can take.'
  'On it,' Jean thought as she tried to lock onto the mind but the thoughts were too alien to comprehend.
  The Phoenix Force flickered through her subconscious, she tried to push into his mind at full power. Jean felt like it was behind a locked vault, all she needed was a bit more time and she would have him. There was a loud cracking sensation as the Phoenix Force pushed out towards him.
  Jean went full phoenix and knocked Tyrell back.
  "They fight by you," Tyrell grunted as he ignored the ringing in his ears and Bobby fired a blast of ice towards him. It froze his legs but not for long. "They fight with you they'll..."
  An arrow fired into Tyrell's chest and Natasha flicked a grenade. Water splashed on the ground at Tyrell's feet and the alien looked outraged.
  "You try and defeat me with water," Tyrell remarked, unable to believe that such a thing occurred. "You must be....argh."
  Natasha tried to defeat him with both water and a huge burst of electricity from the Widow's Bite. This fried Tyrell rather harshly. He screamed out loud in agony but he was not taken down, not yet. He refused to be dropped by an attack from a mere mortal.
  The combined psychic attacks by Jean and Rachel put him down onto the ground and his knees buckled, before Harry focused his eyes.
  He could kill him where he stood but if Tyrell died, he would not learn anything. Therefore the wizard threw his full might towards his enemy and with a blast of magical energy he flew backwards to the ground.
  He followed this up by punching him so hard that in the face that his jaw cracked, sending Tyrell straight into dream land.
  Tyrell leaned back against the wall of his cell, all things considered, he did not look too rattled by his predicament. The alien's eyes narrowed at Nick Fury who walked up towards him to stare him down.
  ""If you were smart, you'd end this right now before I escape, and believe me, I will be able to escape," Tyrell told him, even though it pained him to speak!. He refused to allow himself to show any vulnerability to these barbarians.
  "In a moment," Fury informed him as his arms crossed and he kept his neutral expression on Tyrell. "What was the point of today's attack?"
  Tyrell offered the most twisted and to the point answer he could.
  "You humans were in the way; it wasn't anything personal, against humanity at least. The Star Child is another matter entirely. Sometimes planets die just for the sake of being in the way. Mine did, and others did and yours will as well."
  Tyrell decided to offer Fury the courtesy of informing him exactly what he meant by these remarks.
  "Earth is nowhere near important enough on the galactic arena to have mandated any sort of attention, until now. It is a planet that is ripe for conquest. Or ripe for destruction depending on the race. It's weak and primitive."
  "If we were so weak and primitive, how are you in this cell and the Earth not a chunk of smoldering cinders?" Fury challenged him.
  Tyrell's snorted as he held his hands on his chest, and threw his head back before looking at the director of SHIELD. A look of superiority that Fury wanted to slap off of his face crossed it.
  "You do not get it at all do you?" he asked in a calm voice. His tone was icy and his teeth clenched together. "You do not get what you're dealing with. I would have destroyed you if it was not for your alien savior."
  Tyrell paused before he continued in a calm tone of voice. "You would have been stomped by him. Of course, I would not have been here in the first place had he not been here. His kind is truthfully a double edged sword. He will lord over you and control you. Allowing me to destroy you would have been the kindest thing in the world for it has just begun. Now you have to face future humiliation at the hands of other races throughout the twenty eight known galaxies."
  The alien's face contorted into an extremely ugly grimace before his eyes fixed on everyone around him. He turned his expression around before he continued to speak a tiny bit more.
  "Perhaps the aliens have already arrived here and have infiltrated humanity."
  That statement was not a good one for a known paranoid like Nick Fury to hear. He reached forward and nearly grabbed the bars before stopping himself, a demand spat out of his mouth.
  "What are you talking about?"
  Tyrell kept his expression rather calm. "What makes you think I'm speaking about anything of value? I know little more than you do. You might contain me for now but there will be others. And there will be others that would draw out all of humanity's suffering to the point where you will be begging for the end but there is no end in sight."
  Fury pondered over these words in his mind, it made him think more than ever. The Director of SHIELD found himself being drawn to paranoid thoughts and wondered if this individual knew far more than he thought that he did. The government agent twisted his expression towards his prisoner.
  "That's all the free information you're getting from me," Tyrell offered Fury. "You wish to find any more from me; you take it up with the galactic council. But given the Earth is not regulated by them, you might not want to deal with them and any sanctions they might pose upon you barbarians."
  "You forfeited any rights the second you stepped onto this planet and tried to blow us into smithereens," Fury barked as he lost his temper before his eye flashed towards Tyrell. "Let's see you chill here for a while. Maybe you'll be a bit more cooperative later."
  "Death means nothing to me, imprisonment either, and torture is not something that I fear," Tyrell commented without blinking as he watched Fury. "You've never dealt with anything like me, I'm not one of your psychotic Earth criminals that you can shake with a few threatening words."
  "You'd be surprised how many men I've shaken," Fury growled as he spun around and walked away.
  "Nothing like me," Tyrell stated nastily.
  "So any luck cracking Ziggy Stardust over there?"
  That question was stated by Tony Stark who kept his eye on Fury who shook his head.
  "The new prison should hold him, even if he breaks from his cell, he won't be able to find his way out of this realm without at least three sets of codes from three trusted agents of SHIELD," Fury informed Stark. "No, he hasn't cracked yet but he's let more slip than I think he intended to."
  "Or just enough," Reed Richards commented before he looked over the notes on his paper. "42 should hold, this area of the Negative Zone cannot be accessed without the authorization codes to the portal."
  "We might consider bringing more prisoners over here, it would keep them out of the way," Stark offered to them and Fury turned around.
  "It would be more secure and they could escape but wouldn't be able to get out of here," Fury commented to them.
  Fury had other things to determine, the report of Harry Potter's demise was greatly exaggerated which he suspected that it would be.
  "Potter popped up quick and then he's gone back into the night," Clint offered as he joined the group after they exited the portal into the SHIELD facility.
  "Well he's like that," Fury offered to him but then he saw a smiling Harry Potter standing before him. "Where have you been?"
  "Around," Harry commented in a light tone of voice.
  "Do you have any idea about this nutjob?" Fury asked to him but Harry raised a hand with a calm expression blinking through his eyes.
  "I wish I did, but I really have no idea," Harry remarked as he took in the SHIELD facility and had a good look at everything that was around him. He was completely impressed by everything and he whistled for a few seconds. "Nice place you've got here, Fury."
  Fury did not say anything, but he knew that Potter knew far more about this situation that he was letting on, it was just having him say anything that was another matter entirely. There was a few seconds before someone spoke up.
  "So are you back for long?" Natasha asked as she turned up, thinking that she heard the sound of Harry's voice. The wizard's expression turned toward hers, with a smile crossing his face.
  "Well I'm back for a little bit, just making sure that SHIELD has our little visitor from the stars completely secure," Harry told them as Fury looked over his shoulder. "May I help you, Fury?"
  "You had another one with you, where is she now?" Fury asked but Harry turned towards him, his expression locked onto the Commander of SHIELD.
  Harry turned his head towards her. "She's in a perfectly safe location. She hasn't caused any harm to anyone, so don't start getting it in your head than this is much more than it is"
  "And what is it?" Fury demanded to Harry.
  "Oh, it's nothing much, just two people who lost their homes trying to find a new one," Harry remarked to him, his expression warning Fury to let it die right now. "Don't push the issue Fury, I'd worry about other matters. Like how an alien ship got to Earth mostly undetected."
  Again Fury grudgingly admitted that there was a point of some sort that was made. The fact of the matter was that if he allowed this ship thing to pass without incident, there was going to be a huge problem. This individual had a point, there were a lot about Earth's defenses that could need some fine tuning.
  "So....welcome back I guess," Carol remarked to Harry who turned to the blonde with a nod. He had barely noticed she showed up until now.
  "Well I'm not officially back, at least not yet, although give me a little bit and I'll be around," Harry remarked as he stepped forward.
  "How long?"
  Harry smiled as that question was given and he decided to give them the answer to them. "As long as it takes but don't worry about me being gone. This world stood for thousands of years without me, I'm sure it will hold on it's own for a couple more months."
  The wizard knew that he left the prisoner in good hands but he paused before he offered Fury one more piece of information.
  "You better be on your guard, because someone like that never works alone," Harry remarked to Fury and the Commander of SHIELD nodded.
  "Duly noted."
  Harry stepped to the edge of the Xavier Institute, with Kara on one side of him. She was dressed in a blue jacket, a red tank top, and blue jeans that fit snugly around her along with tennis shoes. She wore a pair of glasses that covered her face and a hair dying charm had been applied that turned her hair brown. It was hoped that this was a good enough disguise so that no one could put two and two together.
  Harry wore a green jacket, a black top, and blue jeans, with a pair of glasses. It had been a long time since he wore glasses but naturally he did not have to. They were mostly for show, to maintain the human mask that he presented to the outside world.
  A third individual joined them quickly, it was Megan. She was dressed in a green top and a jean skirt, along with knee high red boots. Her red hair was tied back in a ponytail which flowed down her back. Not wanting to be left out, she wore a pair of glasses as well.
  "I don't know, there's something about a pair of glasses that throws people off," Megan offered to them with a shrug. "Or at least it does on Earth television."
  "I can't believe that people would be that gullible, well actually I can believe that," Harry offered them as Megan's expression turned into a smile. "So did you rest well in the Fortress?"
  "Yeah, I just wish the security system was better," Harry offered as he reached forward. "Well this is the part a ton of meteors falling on the top of my head delayed for a little bit."
  "Well I was there, I didn't get to do anything," Kara offered before she spoke to Harry. "Did you....did you do anything out there in battle like freeze up or something?
  Harry smiled back at her. "I've done that a few times, don't worry. I didn't expect you to be the best in the world out there, you're still learning."
  Kara nodded, her spirits lifted a slight bit before she turned towards the Mansion. "So this is the place that you lived at for a year in this world."
  "Yes it is," Harry offered and Kara whistled as she looked over it.
  "Pretty neat,' Kara commented to him as she continued to use her eyes to scan up and down the Mansion, her expression growing more expressive with each swipe over it. She shrugged her shoulders and peered over one to eye Harry. "It looks amazing."
  "Yeah, I just wish the security system was better," Harry offered as he reached forward. "Well this is the part a ton of meteors falling on the top of my head delayed for a little bit."."
  "Yes, I know, but it's for the best that you say your goodbyes before you leave and then you can focus on your training," Megan told him.
  Harry smiled, the hardest part was leaving but it was something that he knew was going to happen from the moment he got here. The only regret that he had, minor as it was, was that he would get people's hopes up that his return would be permanent. He raised his hand and knocked on the door.
  Now with that motion was out of the way, Harry tapped his foot on the ground impatiently as he waited for someone to answer.
  The door opened and Jean looked outside. For a second she thought it was some Friends of Humanity idiot that she had to mind wipe again or make him think he was a three year old or something. Thankfully her mood and her eyes brightened as she saw who was on the other side.
  "Harry!" Jean yelled as she threw her arms around Harry and got on her tip toes, before she kissed him heatedly.
  Harry hoisted her off on the ground, his arms wrapping around her. Jean pushed herself into the embrace, her tongue inserting into his mouth. The fact she fought her very obvious attraction to Harry for months flickered through her mind and she felt stupid because of it but Jean made up for lost time.
  Megan hummed lightly and checked her watch as Jean broke apart from Harry, both having swollen lips and messed up clothes.
  "I didn't expect you to stop by....considering what happened," Jean stated and Harry raised an eyebrow. "I mean....I know you would if you could but there were other circumstances."
  "I know Jean, trust me," Harry remarked as he turned over towards Megan and Kara. "This is Megan, I believe you two have already met."
  "Yes we have," Jean agreed as she moved over to greet the girl. "The Professor is flummoxed by you."
  "I aim to please," Megan offered with a bright smile, but there was a certain amount of mischief that danced through her glowing green eyes as she looked at Jean.
  "And this is Kara she's....a fellow survivor of my world," Harry remarked, considering that Jean did not know much about anything.
  Rogue, Wanda, and Rachel turned up before anything further could be said on that note.
  "Harry, welcome back, Sugah" Rogue offered as she moved towards him with a tight hug. Harry noticed that she'd seem to done away with her Goth look.
  While he didn't hate the Goth look per say, it did do Rogue a great disservice to her natural beauty. Even though she did pull the Goth thing off well but still she looked rather nice. He drank in her look, her dark hair with a hint of the white stripe in it. Her dazzling blue eyes and pouty lips were even more beautiful now. Her tight green shirt wrapped around her and showed off her skin, as the bracelet that Harry gave her was on. Her tight pants looked even tighter around her, as her sexy ass was well developed.
  "Nice, to see you Rogue, you look beautiful," Harry told her and Rogue's face spread to a wide ear to ear grin, before she planted her lips on Harry's with a searing kiss.
  She pulled back, with a hand on her hip. "Why thank you Sugah, glad to see you approve."
  The Southern belle offered in a more serious tone of voice. "It's good to see you."
  Rogue looked wonderful but Wanda looked absolutely stunning as well with what she did to herself. Her dark hair hung down past her shoulders, which suited her quite nicely. She wore a red top that showed off her toned stomach, along with a red skirt that wrapped snugly around her hips. Harry looked her over, and Wanda's feet were covered by a pair of red pumps.
  "Hello Harry, welcome back," Wanda offered to him with a smile, pleased to see that her attire was getting the desired reaction from him.
  "Wanda, you did something with your hair didn't you, it looks great," Harry remarked to the young magical mutant.
  "Thank you Harry," Wanda told him, her lips curling into a smile, the first thing that he noticed was her hair. She was still quite pleased by what she'd done with it.
  Rachel was silent for a few seconds. "Harry....don't take this the wrong way, but....Cyclops is being a dick and I might just strangle him if I'm here for too much longer."
  "Well that was forward," Megan offered in a dry voice as Kara giggled off to the side.
  'He's her father, long story,' Harry projected to both of the aliens next to him.
  'Given my father, I can relate,' Kara offered as she wrinkled her nose.
  'Well I didn't have any parental issues, or I don't remember them' M'gann offered before she smiled in remembrance. 'There is my uncle J'onn, we got along pretty well.'
  'You know, I can hear your thoughts as well being a telepath, don't you?' Rachel interjected but she sounded amused.
  'Sorry Rach,' Harry told her in an apologetic tone of voice through the mental link.
  'It's fine, why do I have a feeling that there are going to be a few new members of the family?' Rachel thought, blocking this thought towards Megan and Kara, so only Harry could hear it. The young woman's eyes flickered with mirth.
  Wanda hugged Harry as he was thinking and he felt her arms wrap around him, along with her supple chest pressing against his. The young magical mutant was quite a sight to behold in her new attire.
  "So what's with the new look if you don't mind me asking?" Harry asked Wanda and she smiled back at it. It was good to see her smile given how broody she could get.
  "Well, I was thinking, my old look...it was kind of a manifestation of the anger that I had towards my father," Wanda remarked to Harry before she held her hands up. The nubile young mutant thought about it, a momentary flicker of rage appeared through her eyes but she got better at controlling these outbursts. "I'm not going to forgive my father but if I've learned anything, life is too short."
  "And my look was something that Mystique forced on me to control me," Rogue offered, although she did enjoy it at the time for what it was worth.
  "Okay, fair enough," Harry remarked to them both.
  "Harry, I thought I heard your voice."
  Ororo stepped forward, followed by Kurt and Hank. The three of them nodded towards Harry.
  "Ororo, it's good to see you," Harry remarked as he saw the mature woman's eyes travel over him, lingering in certain places for more than normal. He smiled at her before he cleared her throat.
  "It seems that you have changed much since you left the Mansion," Ororo commented as she recovered with dignity. Although she caught her gaze lingering on his body for a bit longer but she chalked that up to the stress of the past few weeks.
  "Well, we all go through changes, my species goes through a metamorphosis at the age of eighteen, it's just that mine seems to been a little bit delayed," Harry informed Ororo as he watched her, his eyes traveling discreetly over every inch of her. "You don't look too bad yourself."
  "Why thank you," Ororo offered although her cheeks felt a bit flushed. Harry was always a joy to have around, he did seem to be able to guide the New Mutants quite a bit better then Scott.
  "Might I ask where everyone else is?" Harry asked.
  "Well, Logan is out doing the Logan thing, you know how that goes," Kurt commented to Harry and he nodded. "The New Mutants are in a training session, they might not be out for an hour. Professor Xavier and Scott are overseeing it."
  'And they're all saying save us Harry, please,' Rachel thought to him in amused tone of voice.
  "And I'm trying to undertake one of the most stressful endeavors that has ever been placed into my hands," Beast commented in a light hearted tone of voice before he remarked to Harry. "I'm trying to ensure that the Mansion's security system works in a way that is functional enough."
  Harry smiled back at Beast. "I wish you the best of luck in that."
  The fuzzy blue mutant shrugged that off. "Luck might not be nearly enough to navigate through the quagmire that it is, but I will endeavor to do my best."
  "If anyone can do it, it's you," Jean remarked to him with a smile before she decided to address the elephant in the room that they had been all carefully sidestepping. "Well....I think we know the reason where you came out of your cave."
  "Yeah, Kitty up and left in the middle of the night," Rogue chimed in, deciding to get straight to the point because there was no use in tap dancing around it.
  "And no one had a hint that she was going," Harry commented in a crisp voice.
  Ororo shook her head and her eyes gazed upon Harry's before she commented in an apologetic tone of voice. "No Harry, but we hoped....perhaps foolishly, that she would have turned back around and returned."
  'There's no telling what happened,' Megan offered him through the mental link and Jean hopped into the call.
  'Yeah, she might have decided to do what Laura did and track you down as well,' Jean thought to Harry before she added. 'I'm sure that's where Logan is, making sure that Laura doesn't get herself into any trouble.'
  'And of course, Logan's the best judge of this,' Harry projected to her through a mental link in her mind.
  'Yeah well...let's just roll with it for now,' Jean offered Harry with a brisk shrug.
  "So she's....not here," Harry offered, he felt an impending feeling of dread filling his stomach that he could not shake.
  "There is no indication that she has been captured by any unsavory parties," Hank offered them before he added the other part to that unfortunate statement. "And there is no more indication that she has not been captured."
  "I think Kitty is competent enough not to be captured by someone," Harry offered in a bold tone of voice.
  He sure hoped that she would be but given that Harry partially trained her, he would feel like a failure if something happened to her. Not to mention the fact that she was one of his many girlfriends, so if something happened to them, any of them, Harry did not know what he was going to do.
  "I'm pretty sure you're right, Harry," Rachel offered to him but her face contorted into a bit of an agitated expression. She was not too happy with Kitty right now.
  Kitty better have a damn good reason to leave as she did. Rachel was numb with the shock but she was moved over to Gwen and Laura's way of thinking shortly after the funeral. The death was too clean and there was no way that Harry could not have survived.
  "Harry, can I speak to you for a minute about something before you leave?" Jean asked as Harry smiled.
  "Be with you in a minute, Jean," Harry offered her before he turned to them. "I'm sure you're all wondering about the new school."
  "The thought did cross my mind once or twice, yes," Wanda offered him with a bit of a smile, she did not feel that much at home with the X-Men, because she technically was not one. "I thought you had premises set up and everything."
  Harry turned towards her. "Yes, I'm setting it up but I want to make sure security is a bit more fine-tuned, it should be done by the time that I get my training done."
  "Training?" Rachel asked but she shook her head. It was hard to believe that....well it was hard to believe that he needed more training.
  "Yes, it has to do with my unique heritage, I believe Megan has told you that," Harry offered to them.
  "Yes, I have," Megan remarked. "His training will take a month to six weeks, in the real world but it will be much longer inside the time bubble."
  "So you should take some solace in the fact that it will be a lot longer on my end than it is on yours," Harry commented.
  "I think Megan told them that too," Kara commented lightly towards them.
  "It must be extremely important," Ororo offered them and Harry's expression turned towards her, before a smile popped up over his face.
  "The most important training I can ever undertake," Harry told her as he placed a pair of hands on his hips.
  He was confident in that and he was not knocking the training that the Xavier Academy offered, but this training was equally important as well.
  "So, I believe that you wanted to have a few words with me, Jean," Harry offered her and the redhead nodded towards him. "Kara, Megan, you can get to know the rest of them a bit better, Jean and I will be back shortly."
  "Right, see you later Harry," Kara offered as she planted a kiss on his cheek as she stood on her tip toes.
  Jean and Harry made their way up the stairs of the Mansion. It allowed Jean to collect her thoughts for a few seconds.
  Before too long, they reached Jean's room, a venue that Harry had been seen the inside of many times before. The young redhead telepath shut the door behind her after she ushered Harry inside.
  "I didn't want Professor Xavier or Scott to find out about it, they think that I was upset about you being gone, which I was," Jean told her and Harry cupped a hand to her chin.
  "Believe me, my beautiful phoenix, I know," Harry informed her as he snaked his arms around her waist.
  Jean leaned against Harry, feeling the nice sensation of her chest pressing against his and that gained her the needed confidence to look him straight in the eye. She drew in a deep breath and continued to talk.
  "So, the Phoenix Force, it vanished without a trace for a little bit, at least until you came back," Jean remarked as she spoke to Harry.
  'You know, since I'm back, you could have just asked me,' the Phoenix thought to Jean.
  Harry smiled back at Jean. "There you go."
  'What happened anyway?' Jean thought to the Phoenix.
  'Your guess is as good as mine, someone tried to cut us off, so we lost touch,' the Phoenix thought to Jean with a slight flicker of irritation prominent within her.
  'Will it happen again?' Jean asked Phoenix.
  Phoenix seemed thoughtful for a brief few seconds before she remarked back to Jean.
  'I will make every effort not to allow it to happen,' the Phoenix thought to Jean. 'Tell Harry that it's good to have him back.'
  "The Phoenix says it's good to have you back, Harry," Jean remarked to him and Harry's expression turned towards her with a smile.
  "I've heard, it's good to be back, even if it is for a short time, especially with such company," Harry offered Jean and Jean looked him over.
  "You know Harry, we're here alone for a few minutes, we could have a little fun before we leave," Jean remarked to him as she placed her hands around his waist.
  Harry looked over Jean's body, a black t-shirt stretched over her ample curves, that showcased her sexy belly button, tight black shorts wrapped around her sexy hips, and showcased her beautiful long stems. They were gorgeous legs that could stretch on for miles and they were quite drool worthy.
  "I'm open to it," Harry offered as he wrapped his arms tightly around her and Jean placed one of her bare legs onto his hips, and looked in him the eyes.
  "I'm sure," Jean offered him in a lustful purr as she straddled his lap and tightened her grip around his neck before her lips met his in a searing kiss.
  Smut/Lemon Begins.
  Harry kissed Jean heatedly and she returned the favor. The sensation of her lips on his was like an extremely pleasurable fire and it was amazing. The two of them enjoyed their moments together, their limbs tangled around each other, and Jean's covered crotch moving up and down his.
  Jean pulled back and allowed Harry to pull her shirt over the top of her head. This set her flaming red hair in disarray and Harry saw her generous bust encased in a black bra. Her amazing cleavage brought drool to Harry's mouth and she worked open the buttons of his shirt in response.
  "Mmm," Jean moaned as she feverishly worked his shirt off to reveal his chiseled chest. His muscles got more defined since the last time. She straddled his lap and Harry traced patterns on the small of her back, feeling the lovely flesh underneath his hand.
  She ground her mound up and down on his cock, causing his erection to grow even larger.
  Jean wiggled her skirt off and it slid down her legs to reveal a matching black thong that covered her sexy ass. The redhead telepath threw her head back and moaned as Harry planted kisses on her neck, sucking on her flesh.
  "Oh Harry, I missed this a lot," Jean panted, her eyes glazing over lustfully, as she unbuckled his pants, and motioned for him to lift his hips up.
  Her pussy dripped wet for him and she burned with desire for him. The redhead felt her mind connect with Harry as he wrapped his arms tightly around her, pulling her into him.
  "Harry, I need you," Jean panted as she looked at him as fire appeared around them.
  Their strong and durable mutant bodies survived the fire around them, but their under garments had no such restrictions. Jean's eyes widened as she drew her tongue over her lips, licking it.
  Was it her imagination or did Harry get much bigger since the last time they made love?
  It didn't matter to Jean, in fact she was not complaining, she placed her hand on his throbbing member, all twelve inches of it and brought her hand up once and stroked it down. Her hand wrapped around it, clasping around the throbbing hard cock.
  "Jean," Harry breathed as he felt her tight hand wrapped around him.
  "I missed this cock," Jean stated as she twirled her tongue around him and licked it, pulling cues from his mind what he wanted from her. She kissed the tip of it, placing her lips around it, offering some suction.
  "Feed me," Harry prompted her and Jean smiled.
  "Of course, love," Jean stated as she threw herself over Harry's hand, feeling his hands maneuver around her hips and thighs. The caresses he gave her were intense and he worked around her.
  Jean's eyes flickered shut as his tongue worked into her after a few more seconds and drove in and out of her. The redhead panted as her legs tightened around Harry's head and he continued to delve into her dripping hot mound. His tongue drew even deeper into her and she could have sworn that he found a way to make it grow in length.
  "Damn it Harry, that feels so great," Jean breathed as she bent down.
  'Make sure to return the favor, Red,' Harry thought to her mentally to her.
  'Of course, Green eyes,' Jean projected to him, feeling the pleasure that her mate was giving her and was determined to give him as much pleasure that he gave her.
  The redhead captured his cock into her mouth and drew it between her lips, sucking on it deeply. Her eyes closed together as she stuck her lips around his throbbing hunk of meat. Pure erotic energy flooded through both of the lovers as the two of them indulged themselves into each other. Jean's lips formed a vacuum tight seal around his throbbing member and she sucked him off deeply, her eyes flooded over with an extremely high amount of pleasure.
  'Mmm,' Jean hummed to herself.
  'Keep doing that,' Harry thought to her as he felt her tongue work him over and take her deep into her throat, the redhead continued to go down on him.
  'Believe me, I'll give you all of the....love you need,' Jean thought as her nose touched down onto his pelvic bone as his cock pushed down her throat.
  'Damn it Jean, you're amazing, amazing, fucking hell,' Harry projected to Jean through her mind and she placed her hands on his hips.
  The redhead took more of his throbbing prick into her mouth, determined to coax all of his cum out of her. She felt the sensation of his cock throb in her mouth and she could not wait to have it spewing inside.
  She closed her eyes as she felt his tongue probe her and begin to rattle inside her. The redhead screamed out loud as she felt a flood of her juices spill across his face. The redhead clenched her thighs and his tongue never broke motions, licking her deeply. Losing herself in the sensations Jean squeezed her thighs between him as his hands roamed her body, until she realized that it was not her hands. He sent little telekinetic caresses at her body, stimulating her most sensitive areas.
  The redhead screamed lustfully as more juices spilled from her but Jean was determined to get his seed down her throat. She closed her eyes, sucking a lot of it up rather amazingly. She was going to bring every single drop he had out of his balls and into her mouth. Her face pushed down onto him.
  'Harry, cum, you know you want to,' Jean encouraged him, sending a small jab to the pleasure center of his brain with her abilities.
  Harry returned fire, sending an even more prominent bolt of pleasure and Jean lost her juices on Harry's face, splattering him. The sticky juices flooded onto his face and Harry kept using his tongue to draw every single little bit out of her. She panted heavily, grabbing onto his thighs. The redhead sunk her nails into him and brought his phallus into her mouth.
  Eventually something had to break and Harry's loins tightened, before sending a steady stream of cum into Jean's waiting mouth. He pumped his seed into her as she sucked him up heavily. The redhead's eyes tightened shut as she brought her mouth up and down, using her lips and mouth to stimulate him.
  Jean broke away from Harry, his seed dripping down her lips and she stuck her tongue out to show his seed on her tongue. She then used her tongue to lick the excess off her face, slowly and then reached forward.
  "I taste good don't I," Jean offered as she took her fingers into her mouth and threw her head back to suck off her own love juices. The redhead rolled her head back and moaned, licking the excess seed from her fingers as she sucked it, slowly, using her tongue the entire way through.
  "Yes, yes you do," Harry remarked, unable to believe how hot this is and Jean took some of her juices and fed them to Harry.
  His throbbing cock was primed for her dripping snatch and Jean could sense his want. It was just as well as it matched her own.
  The redhead pushed herself up and with another moment, slid his cock inside of her tight pussy. She breathed heavily as he entered her body, working his throbbing cock into her tight center. The emerald eyed wizard pushed into her as Jean rode it.
  The Phoenix fire licked their bodies, as the room heated up to an amazing temperature. The room burned around them lightly, but nothing was compared the burning passions that Jean and Harry shared to each other. She allowed his thick pole to enter and exit her. Jean pulled herself up so it almost touched her entrance before she slid back onto his throbbing cock.
  "That feels so fucking good," Harry offered Jean as she rode him one hundred percent of the way and he tightened his arms around her.
  Jean felt his thick tool work into her, as she rotated her hips slightly around his thick member. The redhead bounced higher and higher, wrapping her tight walls around him.
  'The only thing that fits my pussy, I missed this so very much,' Jean thought to him, keeping her thoughts on making him feel more pleasure than he ever had.
  The walls tightened around his probing prick as Jean pushed himself up and down on him, riding him. Harry felt her walls caress him in the most pleasurable manner possible as she tightened around him. Jean's eyes closed as she reared her head back with a sigh and moaned lustfully as his cock buried into her.
  "Deeper Harry, please," Jean breathed as he grabbed onto her hips.
  The searing passion was nearly too much for her to undertake, but he penetrated her more deeply yet. She worked back into him, each other matching the other.
  "Keep riding me that's it," Harry panted as his hands bound her swaying breasts, running them all over the delicious buffet of flesh.
  The wizard sat up and Jean grabbed him around the head, before she pushed his face into her breasts. Not that Harry needed much coaxing to be in there but she was impatient. His mouth did not disappoint her. It worked over her breasts just as well as his stone hard dick cut a mighty pass through her beautiful pussy.
  Jean's hips tightened up around him as she pushed herself up and down upon him, riding his thick and throbbing pole even more. She tightened around him.
  Harry felt heaven and he encouraged her.
  'Ride me, faster, harder, oh that's it,' Harry panted to Jean mentally as the flames continued to surround them.
  Sweat rolled down their very attractive bodies as they exchanged the age old dance of passion. Their green eyes glowed with an intense fury as Jean wrapped her arms around Harry and pulled him into a tightening embrace, his face continued to ram into her supple tits.
  "Fuck, cumming so hard," Jean breathed as she reared her head back with a lustful moan.
  His twelve inches of manhood was like sexual electricity tingling every single inch of her body, from the tips of her ears down all the way to her toes. The redhead's eyes flickered a bit open as she worked onto his throbbing boner.
  He was amazing, no end in sight.
  'Keep it up,' Harry encouraged her as he sucked on her tits which made her cum son hard.
  Jean understood the value of his penis penetrating her, the two going against each other like this, that made the perfect match. She rode him even harder yet, her walls tightened around him as she pushed herself up and down. Clear juices lubricated the prick that penetrated her center as he drove into her.
  Orgasms passed through her body, each one causing a flutter of desire and the fire surrounded both of them. Jean felt his hands roam her and she continued to hold him onto her breasts. Her tight walls milked his incoming thrusts and he further worked into her.
  'Fucking hell,' Jean thought to herself as she felt another orgasm rock her body with glowing intensity.
  Sweat covered her body but Harry made her feel so good that it was hard to forget about that. His cock thrust into her even deeper, each orgasm rattling her body.
  "Oooh, ah, mmm, yeah," Jean moaned as her pussy wrapped around him. Her hot searing groin rubbed against his erection before she impaled herself onto him completely once again.
  That sensation was nearly Harry's undoing but he closed his eyes as she tightened around him. The young mutant rode him heavily, the two of them working up an even heavier sweat as a lot of time went by.
  It occurred to both of them in a fog of lust that their friends might have noticed that they were gone for a long time although Harry suspected that his time dilation powers might have kicked in. It was rather touch and go at this point. Her walls wrapped around him as she rode his throbbing cock.
  "Harry, finish me," Jean breathed as she removed her breasts from his face and tilted his head up, so she could meet his lips with a kiss.
  She sucked on his tongue as she squeezed around it, her searing hot core wrapped around him.
  'About to finish me, really,' Harry informed her and Jean smiled before she gave Harry pleasurable caresses with her center as she pushed herself up and out.
  The sensation of their organs meeting was amazing and Jean worked him over. She moaned into his mouth and both stimulated each other's pleasure centers of their mind with their telepathic abilities.
  Harry's loins exploded as his balls burst and he sent a heavy stream of cum into her pussy. Several ropes of cum shot into her womb as he pumped into her, a never ending stream came.
  Jean came hard to the point where her body shook amazingly. Pure sexual fire and erotica flowed through her as she milked his prick for every single drop of semen that dropped from his balls. Her breath became rather labored but she held onto him with her tight walls.
  The two collapsed in their enjoyment.
  Smut/Lemon Ends.
  Jean's room was reduced to ashes, with her bed being the only thing that was not destroyed but it was soaked. Harry smiled at her and waved his hand, restoring everything back to normal.
  "Magic, nearly as amazing as you," Jean stated as she pushed her body against his and she pulled him into a kiss.
  Jean smiled as she felt him throb next to her. This caused warmth to spread to her loins.
  "Guess someone's ready for another round," Jean purred, licking her lips and her body heated up all over again.
  "So, I'll see you in a little bit,' Kara informed Harry as she leaned forward and gazed into his eyes. "What took you so long in there anyway?"
  "Jean wanted to say goodbye," Harry informed Kara and the blonde looked perplexed a little bit.
  "And Rogue, Rachel, and Amara did as well?" Kara asked, knowing that Harry spent a fair bit of time with them in their rooms.
  "Yes," Harry commented to her, remembering that, granted he was up there was a long amount of time.
  "Well at least Megan is in place and she'll be able to keep an ear out for Kitty," Kara offered before she reached over and tightened her grip around Harry's hand, before pulling him in close. "I know you're worried about her, I would be if I was in your position. I would be worried about my first girlfriend as well."
  Kara hoped that Kitty would turn up soon so Har-Rell's mind could be completely at ease.
  "I just have one more loose end to tie up, Gwen wanted to talk to me about something," Harry informed Kara and she nodded. "After I get that done, I'll see you back at the Fortress."
  "I'll be waiting," Kara remarked to him as he pulled her into a tight embrace.
  The blonde breathed heavily, his tight muscles pressed against her body. Her eyes flushed a tiny amount as she struggled to keep her head above the water. The next maneuver he did caused her mind to fly into overload.
  Harry's lips met hers in a tender kiss. It was brief but it offered the promise for much more later. The blonde hoped that Harry would be the one to personally tutor her on several matters, one of them was love.
  "Okay, I'll....see you in a little bit," Kara commented shakily as she turned around and flew off but her mind was sent into dream land.
  Harry smiled as he spun around before he marched up to the door. Raising his hand, he knocked twice. A few seconds wait was all that Harry had before it opened to reveal a blonde that was not Gwen.
  Chloe's eyes widened as she saw this young man standing before her. Slowly her eyes traveled down his body, taking every inch of his form in through her eyes. The blonde took a few seconds to clear her head but there was one thought that passed through her mind.
  'Oh hello,' Chloe thought to herself but she shook off those thoughts.
  Harry caught that thought but wisely he said nothing.
  "I'm Harry Potter, I'm here to see Gwen Stacy, is she in?" Harry asked Chloe and the blonde's eyes flashed as she tried to focus.
  "Right, I'm her friend Chloe Sullivan, she's in her room, I'll go take you to her," Chloe remarked to Harry shaking her head. "So where has she been hiding you?"
  "Oh I've been around here and there," Harry informed Chloe and the blonde's head nodded before she led him up the stairs.
  Chloe covertly maneuvered herself behind Harry so she could check out the merchandise ahead of her. The blonde liked a lot of what she saw, that much was for sure. She knew what Gwen saw in him and she had to admit, she liked it.
  'Must be a college student, that would explain why he's so much mature than the usual high school crowd,' Chloe thought to herself as she turned around.
  "Chloe, who was at the door?"
  "It's Harry," Chloe informed Gwen.
  There was a pause of shocked silence, before the door of Gwen's room opened and Gwen rushed forward, before she greeted Harry with a tight hug, her arms wrapping around his.
  ""Harry, it's so nice to see you," Gwen breathed as she wrapped herself even tighter around Harry.
  "Nice to see you too Gwen," Harry commented.
  Chloe smiled, she thought that it might be a prudent idea to get out of here before things got a lot less PG rated.
  "Okay, Gwen, thanks for the reference material, even though I can't cite you for it," Chloe remarked as she turned towards Harry. "I'll talk to you at school on Monday."
  "Okay, Chloe, it wasn't a problem at all," Gwen remarked with a smile but her arms never left Harry's waist.
  "It is nice meeting you Harry, hopefully we can meet up again sometime," Chloe offered but she shook her head.
  "Oh believe me, I'm looking forward to it," Harry told her as he eyed her with a smile.
  Chloe shook her head, she knew that working fourteen hour days was beginning to get to her, between school, her real job, and work on the Torch. She decided to bolt before she made an even bigger embarrassment of herself than usual.
  "So how are you doing Gwen?" Harry asked her once Chloe was completely gone. "Did you miss me?"
  "I didn't believe you were dead," Gwen offered him in a dismissive tone of voice before she led him into her room. There were two chairs in front of her desk.
  "Well that's an astounding amount of faith," Harry remarked to her and Gwen's lips curled into a smile.
  "Believe me, you're worth it," Gwen commented before she turned towards him. "I figured that little incident with saving Chloe's cousin was you."
  "Oh that woman I saved was Chloe's cousin?" Harry asked her.
  Gwen smiled. "Yes, and she'll be after you, to find the true story. Chloe too once when she recovers from having an unexpected up close and personal experience of the Harry-Kind."
  Harry wondered in what sense of the word Gwen meant, when she said that they would be after him, but he shook his head.
  "So, I'm glad you could stop by, because I need to talk to you about this, apparently you're pretty popular," Gwen remarked as she held the pamphlet that she took from Chloe's desk the other day out and handed it towards Harry.
  "The First Church of Shi'ar Enlightment," Harry read as he looked at the pamphlet, he was both curious and suspicious. "They are dedicated to worshipping the Star Child."
  "Yes, that's fascinating, isn't it?" Gwen offered Harry as she arched her head back and a smile popped her tongue a little bit. "You know, between this and the little altar on Nova-Roma, this isn't a coincidence."
  "No, although I don't even know why I'm so well known before I even came to this dimension," Harry offered to her and Gwen shrugged.
  "Could be anything, these ancient cultures are popping up everywhere with their own beliefs, and it's hard to trace back where they started," Gwen commented as she turned to face Harry but she bit down on her lip as she looked over the information she'd printed off. "And I've been able to dig up very little on the Church of Enlightenment, but it's been around for eighteen years."
  "As long as I've been alive then," Harry offered to her, although once again, that did not add up. There were a few different explanations that coursed through Harry's mind, each as outlandish as the last one.
  "I'll try and find out as much as I can but what I've got is facts that anyone with an Internet connection and fifteen free minutes can find on Google," Gwen told him as she turned her head around. "Although there is one extremely interesting thing that I've found out."
  "And that is?" Harry asked her.
  "The Church is made up of strictly women," Gwen informed him and Harry's eyebrows raised at that thought.
  Now he was even more curious that he was before.
  "I'll see what I can dig up for....how long will you be gone anyway?" Gwen asked Harry.
  "About a month, give or take a couple of weeks," Harry offered before he decided to ask Gwen something. "You haven't heard from Kitty have you?"
  Gwen offered him a slight smile. "No, Harry, I haven't but if she turns up, I'll be sure to let you know."
  Harry hoped that Gwen would know something, given her and Kitty were good friends.
  "I've got to get going," Harry offered and Gwen looked disappointed. "Yeah Jean, Rachel, Rogue, and Amara all kept me at the Mansion a bit longer than I thought for their goodbyes."
  'Hoggish bitches,' Gwen thought to herself, knowing that she could score herself some Harry time if that didn't take so long.
  "Okay, I'll see you when you turn up," Gwen offered him as she wrapped her arms around him tightly and pulled him into a long kiss.
  The kiss lingered for a little bit, but Gwen wished it would have lasted far longer and went somewhere.
  "See you later," Harry offered but he stopped before he handed Gwen a watch.
  "What's this?" Gwen asked him.
  "It emits a super sonic signal that I'll be able to hear from anywhere in the world, use it to contact me if you hear from Kitty," Harry informed her and Gwen nodded in understanding.
  Before she could say anything, he vanished in the blink of an eye.
  Curiosity always burned within Lois Lane more than anything else. The reporter had the events of today, written down on paper but there were a lot of details that she missed. The twenty year old reporter placed a pen in her mouth and threw her head back, with a prominent sigh as she looked around the office.
  "So....I was sprinted away before all the good stuff happened, that's about right," Lois remarked as she mulled over her notes with the second hand accounts that popped up all over the internet.
  "And there's the jolly one himself, one week on the job and I'm about to be on the unemployment line," Lois commented to herself in a dry tone of voice. She stepped forward as a red haired photographer sat in the side, fiddling with a camera.
  "The boss sure does seem to have an axe to grind with you, Miss Lane," the photographer stated in a nervous tone of voice. There was a pause as all Lois could see was the red hair as the face of this reporter was down. "I could have got some great pictures even, but....I'm not sure if Mr. Jameson's going to be happy with anything. Peter warned me that he's a bit....well he's a bit...."
  "Of a hardass," Lois commented and the photographer snapped her eyes up before she nodded. "I wouldn't worry about it, Jenny; it's just the way Jameson is. If you ask me, he has a big stick up his ass."
  The photographer nodded but she was glad that it was Lois who stepped into the lion's den that was Jameson's office and not her. She shuddered at the thought and she had only been here on an internship for a couple of weeks now.
  Lois, fearless and bold as usual, stepped into the office. Behind the desk and a cloud of cigar smoke was J. Jonah Jameson himself.
  "Lane, I must be nuts hiring some kid who is wet behind the ears out of college as a reporter," Jameson offered to her in a critical tone of voice and an even more critical glare.
  "Hey, if it wasn't here, I would have gone straight to the Daily Globe," Lois offered trying to puff herself up a little bit even though she was kind of nervous.
  Jameson looked outraged at such a thought. "That glorified tabloid wouldn't know what to do with a reporter like you."
  Lois was numb struck before her eyes turned. "Um thanks, I think."
  "Don't thank me yet, Lane," Jameson told her in his most critical tone of voice, he had one of those tones that carried a lot of weight. His beady eyes fixed on her face as he surveyed her. "There's still a lot for you to do and one of those things you've got to do is track down the person that saved you."
  Lois's eyes flickered, she did enjoy a challenge.
  "The little blurb about him wetted the interest of the audience, but if I've learned anything about the people Lane, they're fickle, they want more, and they wanted it yesterday," Jameson informed Lois and the woman nodded. "Do you understand, am I clear?"
  "Crystal," Lois offered to Jameson, as she did wonder what the angle of this individual was. She would find out before too long she suspected. The dark haired reporter turned her head around a tiny bit. "So how do you propose I get an interview with this guy?"
  Jameson's expression flickered towards her. "I don't know....that's something that's up to you, you're supposed to be a creative writer, you should be able to figure it out on your own. I'm not there to hold your hand after all."
  "Right, right, I gotcha," Lois offered as she thought about this.
  It had been a shot in the dark that he saved her. What was she supposed to, put herself in mortal peril just to get one guy's attention? She hadn't even been that desperate in high school and she did some rather stupid things that she would like to leave in the past. The dark haired reporter thought about it and something flickered through her violet eyes.
  "I want to know this guy's story, everything you can find out, but I want to know most of are what is he?" Jameson asked Lois and the reporter's eyes narrowed in deep thought. "For all I know, he's someone who escaped from a children's fantasy novel, he could be a mutant, some kind of alien, a government experiment gone wrong, his story could be anything. I just want to know what he is."
  Lois thought that Jameson might be abrasive but he had his own way of motivating people and it worked for him so she couldn't really complain.
  "I'd give you Parker as a photographer, but the kid's copping an attitude, teenager's these days," Jameson bellowed, angry that Parker had the gall to tell Jameson that he was being underpaid. "Olsen's, she's too wet behind the ears, so that leaves you one alternative."
  Lois had only been here for a short time but she knew that this was coming. Jameson bellowed at the top of his lungs.
  Jameson's voice could have carried to someone who was on the moon and a man in his mid-thirties entered, he was built like a shaved gorilla, dressed in a black leather jacket, blue t-shirt, and nice dress pants walked into the room. His name was Eddie Brock, he was a photographer at the Daily Bugle.
  "Brock, this is Lois Lane, you'll be working with her getting pictures of our mysterious blur," Jameson offered to her. "Lane, this is Eddie Brock, he's the best photographer the Bugle's budget could buy."
  Lois could only imagine how good he was, given Jameson's notorious shoestring budget.
  "Hey, there, Lois, mind if I call you Lois?" Brock asked her as he looked Lois over with a leering expression. "I'm sure we're going to have a close working relationship."
  "Charming," Lois dead panned, wondering if she should take a shower.
  She was curious about finding out about her mysterious savior but she did not appreciate the company she had to keep to do so.
  The Friends of Humanity were still active and they were more vocal than ever. The group expanded their membership over the past couple of weeks after news about the X-Men hit the media. They played on the very real fears that people had about people that were extremely different than then.
  There was a creaking sound as a young mutant ran the streets, the friends of humanity on his tail. All he could was turn any material into a sticky paste. That wasn't a very dangerous power, was it? Yet people chased him down.
  "Come out you filthy little mutie, it's time to take your medicine."
  The Friends of Humanity walked towards the young mutant, they were like a lynch mob. The leader of the pack holded a club that he would beat the freakishness out of the mutant. The young man backed against the wall, trembling and twitching a tiny bit as he shifted his expression towards him.
  "P-p-please don't hurt me," the mutant stammered in a horrified tone of voice. He twisted his expression as the club was raised over the head of the leader of the Friends of Humanity.
  The representative of the Friends of Humanity was grabbed around the ankles and pulled underneath the ground by a pair of hands. He screamed before there was a loud clanging sound.
  The ground appeared to cough him back up into the air and he landed, breathing heavily, several bones in his body cracked. It appeared that whoever the attacker was they did the most painful damage possible.
  "Come out you filthy little freak!"
  One of the Friends of Humanity members put on a pair of brass knuckles and was about to pound his enemy if they should pop out of the ground. He stepped backwards and waited for their mutant to come up.
  Said mutant grabbed him from underneath his feet and pulled him down. There was a loud smack and the member of the Friends of Humanity popped back from underneath the pavement.
  The third and fourth members of the group were about ready to lose their shit and spun around, nearly tripping over themselves to get out of the way. Two hands pushed out of the concrete and knocked their heads together.
  That was a panicked scream and the final member of the mob was a lot braver than he felt in the first place. There was a sense that there was nothing he could do. He pulled a knife out and started stabbing at the sidewalk beneath him.
  This proved to be folly as his knife was pulled from his hand and into the ground. The Friends of Humanity member staggered for a few seconds before an individual popped out from beneath the concrete.
  A somersault kick smacked him in the face and the individual grabbed his head, before pushing it down into the Earth. One huge curb stomp knocked the final member out.
  "Pathetic," the individual offered in the heavily modulated voice before facing the mutant the Friends of Humanity terrorized. "You're perfectly safe now, don't worry."
  The mutant nodded but he was in numb shock. The figure wore a black cloak that covered the body for head to toe, with the slightest hints of red. Silver gloves covered the hands of this mysterious vigilante along with silver boats. A silver facemask with indistinguishable features covered this savior's face.
  "Who are you?"
  There was no answer; the mutant savior disappeared just as quickly the savior arrived.
  To Be Continued in the Next Chapter.
  Chapter Four: Interactions.
  The Fortress of Solitude blinked to life as Harry returned and sat himself down upon a block of ice. There were certain things that he knew that he needed to do.
  "The training should not take too long since you already know a fair bit about your powers work," Lara explained to him as her hologram turned her head around to face him, a smile crossing her face. "If you went into this blind without some grounding in your powers, it could take anywhere from eight to twelve years inside this Fortress."
  Kara whistled and she was not the only one who did so. She leaned against Harry as the two sat down next to each other and Harry threw his arm around the blonde as she rocked in place a little bit, the blonde crossing her legs.
  "Thankfully you've been able to access some of your powers and have fine-tuned most of them,"As Alura continued the explanation to them on Lara's behalf. "Flight was one power that could potentially have been hard for you to learn, but as it is representative of the freedom that you longed for, it came to you quite quickly if I'm not mistaken?"
  "No, you're not," Harry agreed with her as he faced the holograms firmly, and did not even blink.
  Kara could feel the intensity that was rolling off of Harry; she'd be lying if it was not a tiny bit intimidating. It caused a shudder to flow through her body and the blonde picked up on a few more stray thoughts. She practiced her powers only a tiny bit, enough to do some crowd control out there but in a fight, there were certain things that she had not been able to grasp just yet.
  "I'm a bit nervous," Kara admitted to Harry but he wrapped his arm tightly around her.
  "Don't be, it's not that bad," Harry commented as the holographic program in the Fortress kicked into place.
  Kara smiled, she was going to take Harry's word for it. What was the worst that could happen after all? It was just a training session after all, a simulation.
  Harry turned around, his eyebrow raised, it occurred to him how much the area around him resembled the Danger Room. In fact the resemblance was an uncanny one. The wizard looked at the surroundings that manifested itself around the two last survivors of Krypton.
  "As you know, trying to pinpoint oddities within your surroundings is extremely important in achieving a victory in the long run," Lara explained to him.
  Harry nodded with a smile, that was a lesson that had been hammered into his head over and over again. Or as a wise man once said, CONSTANT VIGILANCE!
  Several walls appeared around Kara and Harry creating a maze-like area. Harry flashed back to his fourth year at Hogwarts, the final task in the Triwizard Tournament. It was not a happy set of memories to go back to and this scenario reminded him of that situation. Despite his heart drumming a death march against his rib cage, Harry remained calm and focused.
  "Are you okay?" Kara asked Harry, concern dripping from her tone.
  "Yeah, I'm fine," Harry informed her, feeling the flashbacks attempt to overwhelm him but this was not the time to be concerned by them. He shook them free from his mind.
  It was time to go through the first stage of this training simulation.
  "The exercise is extremely simple," Lara informed Harry as she hovered over the maze. "Get through the maze without triggering any traps."
  Harry interpreted that to mean that getting through the maze was not a race to say the very least. That actually did bode out quite nicely in many ways, it would show patience, which was something that he had trouble trying to teach the New Mutants in the Danger Room. They were people who jumped in to the battle without thinking about things clearly.
  Sometimes that worked and other times it failed to work more often than not. That was just the nature of training; one had to be up for experimenting through various steps, to see what worked, and what did not work.
  Harry spotted Kara as she nervously fidgeted from one side to the next as she looked towards the maze.
  "Focus your hearing, isolate one sound at a time, do not try and listen for anything that is further ahead or behind you," Harry told her and Kara nodded towards him in understanding.
  "Super hearing is one that I had trouble with," she admitted as she stepped forward before Harry's smile continued to be reassuring.
  "It often is an extremely tricky one, but you'll get the hang of it," Harry offered her with a smile crossing his face as he lead her through the maze.
  They moved their way through half of the maze, thankfully not tripping any traps. That proved to be useful as their journey continued throughout the maze. The two Kryptonians worked together with Harry grabbing Kara around the arm as she nearly missed hearing something. The blonde stood on her heels with a set of widened eyes.
  "Oh, sorry," Kara whispered to him and Harry inclined his head with a nod, they needed to keep going through the maze to reach the end.
  "That's quite alright Kara, just keep your cool and everything will come out alright," Harry responded as he held her up into the air, hovering with the blonde. Her eyes widened as she swayed through the air.
  'Got to keep focus, if we lose the focus, we are done,' Harry thought to himself and also partially to Kara. Given their closeness, there was going to be a mental link that was formed.
  Kara thought of the lofty expectations that had been put on her and the irony of this situation. She was sent from Krypton to guide Kal-El, well now technically Har-Rell, to make sure he understood how his powers underneath the yellow sun. The fact of the matter was the opposite was true, he found a way to guide her and teach her to be as strong as he was.
  She felt a bit useless at first, due to the fact that he had already found his place on Earth but Kara shook those thoughts off. She was not useless, she could still support him. She drew confidence from him.
  Kara was proud of what she heard about him, Rachel, Rogue, and Amara in particular could not say enough good things about him, and the other New Mutants had their own words of praise for him. The only one that did not seem to have a glowing review of Harry was Scott. He didn't seem to like Harry for some reason.
  Which was just as well, Kara did not like him either, he reminded her of his father, always a condescending jerk.
  "We're going around this tight corner!"
  Harry stopped and paused, with Kara copying his movements as the two took the corner. There was a loud thumping that continued to resound all around them. The two Kryptonians offered a lengthy and labored sigh as they continued to edge their way forward.
  "Next corner, and turn, taking this path," Harry offered, he saw that part of the floor was rigged.
  He paused and used his X-Ray vision before he grabbed Kara's sleeve. She stopped and watched.
  "Takes us into a vortex, good eye," Kara told him as he hung onto her and she nodded.
  She would have to learn to be more careful.
  "Yeah, it does, it lures us into a false sense of security and tricks us into taking the easiest way to the center of the maze," Harry remarked to her as the two of them picked up the pace.
  'Only fly twelve inches above the ground, any higher and we'll be weighed down and knocked out,' Harry informed her through the link.
  Kara and Harry made their way through the maze, the training taking a few more minutes than it would have without the obstacles. Which was the point of the training exercise; it was testing to see if they could avoid obstacles and not have them trip either of them up. Kryptonians tended to have this ability to run head long into situations that could be easily avoided, which could have been mitigated with a bit of deep thought.
  "Keep it up," Lara encouraged Harry as she twisted her head around a slight bit and they were about ready to reach the exit.
  Both stopped and scanned the exit and sure enough, it allowed them to escape. Both Harry and Kara flew out of it.
  "You did it!" Kara yelled as she threw her arms around Harry and he responded by pulling her closely into him.
  "No, Kara, we did it," Harry informed him, feeling pleased that the two of them worked together.
  "Harry is correct," Peve informed both of them. "It is not the effort of one that wins the battle but the effort of the team."
  "I couldn't agree more," Harry said as the simulator turned off temporarily. He guided Kara over.
  "Do you have problems trying to get your team to work with each other?" Lily asked him out of the blue.
  "Yes, all of the time but I think that I made some headway," Harry offered to her. "I think I hurt Scott's feelings that I was a better leader than he was."
  "Then maybe he shouldn't have such soft fucking feelings and he should just man up and do something about it," Lily offered him in an abrasive tone of voice.
  Kara waited for Harry before she decided to ask him the question.
  "Hey Har?"
  "Do you think....well do you think you could teach me anything about fighting the normal way? You know without powers."
  Harry smiled at her as Kara placed her hand on her chin and surveyed him.
  "It wouldn't be a problem at all."
  Kara looked giddy with anticipation.
  "So when can we begin?"
  Harry smiled at her with a wide grin before he placed a hand on hers.
  "There's no time like the present," Harry offered as he snapped his fingers and the red solar radiation bombarded through the Fortress. "Okay, you'll be mortal in a few minutes."
  Kara crossed her arms and waited until Harry gave her the signal to go.
  "Okay, you're good, hit me with your best shot," Harry offered as he prepared himself to drop into a battle stance and eagerly awaited what Kara had to give him.
  Kara smiled as she lifted her hand and rushed forward towards Harry. One punch aimed towards him but the emerald eyed wizard ducked it before he twisted her arm behind her back and pushed her down to the ground.
  She slammed down hard as he stood on her back, pinning an arm behind her back and twisted it around. The blonde twisted herself out of the grip and only got up because Harry allowed her to. Frustration swam through her eyes.
  Gwen Stacy loved trying to dig up information about the unknown. It was one of the things that likely got her into so much trouble. She walked towards the handsome structure that was in downtown Manhattan. She adjusted the headband on her hand as she was about to delve into the unknown.
  'The first Church of Shi'ar Enlightenment,' Gwen read the sign on the marquee, the words passing through her eyes. 'Well the place seems rather innocent enough, I guess.'
  Gwen knew by now that appearances are going to be deceiving.
  "So, this is the place you wanted me to tag along to check out?"
  Chloe turned up to walk beside Gwen. Her eyes traveled towards the sign of the church and her mouth hung open as she read it.
  "Well this is an interesting little place, isn't it?" Chloe asked Gwen and Gwen responded with a brief nod.
  "Yes, the Church....I saw an exhibit relating to the Star Child during a trip I went on over the summer and I did some digging," Gwen informed Chloe and Chloe stopped her.
  "Whoa time out, you mean the Star Child, as in the same Star Child that alien nutcase was going off about a week ago!"
  "Yes, that Star Child," Gwen informed Chloe and the blonde with the headband stepped forward with the other blonde, the one without the headband, following her.
  "So, is he some kind of myth or something?" Chloe asked before Gwen looked over her shoulder and smiled.
  "All myths are based on fact, but then again, you wouldn't exactly shy away from the strange or the weird, would you?" Gwen asked Chloe and Chloe shrugged her shoulders.
  She had an entire wall devoted to some of the weirdness that happened in the world around them and she had a feeling that she didn't even scratch the surface. The two blondes walked inside the church.
  So far the church interior seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary. Gwen's eyes darted around, sure there were not the normal religious figures painted on the windows, so it looked rather Spartan at first glance. The young blonde moved forwards before she leaned forward.
  "Well this might be the most bland church ever," Chloe commented as she broke the silence that existed between the two females. "I mean it's a good thing that you aren't smacked in the face with religion, religion, religion every time you turn around but I was expecting something....well that stands out!"
  Gwen shook her head before she whispered out of the corner of her mouth. "Things aren't always what they seem, Chlo."
  "Oh, I know that, I know that," Chloe informed Gwen as she waved her hand slightly before she turned to the office door. The blonde's own interest bubbled to the surface. She wanted to find out a bit more about this as much as Gwen did. "So, Lilandra Neramani, the head of the Church."
  Gwen smiled before she asked Chloe the question.
  "What have you heard about her?" Gwen asked and Chloe shrugged before she turned to Gwen.
  "Nothing until now," Chloe informed Gwen as she stepped forward. "So what do you need to do to talk to her?"
  "I'm guessing that you just knock on the door," Gwen offered Chloe with a half teasing smile and Chloe's expression turned quite exasperated.
  "Yeah, I knew that," Chloe informed Gwen but there was a bit of trepidation that flowed through her body. Almost like she was about ready to dive into a situation that might change her life forever, things would never be the same again.
  'Ah well, Carpe Diem,' Chloe thought to herself as she raised her hand and proceeded to offer a knock on the door.
  The knock on the door was answered right away. Gwen stood beside Chloe, about a header taller than her. The blonde continued to tap her foot on the ground and waited before she swayed her hips from one side to the next. She started to whistle but Gwen turned towards her, annoyance flashing through her eyes.
  "Please don't do that," Gwen told Chloe and Chloe shrugged her shoulders, before an apologetic expression flickered over her face.
  "Sorry," Chloe told Gwen and Gwen turned towards her. "I'm beginning to think that no one is here."
  "Well that was a wasted trip," Gwen remarked, although she tried to put her ear to the door. There was someone inside, and they were trying to make sure no one was talking.
  "What?" Chloe asked as she saw Gwen listening intently at the door.
  "There's someone behind the door," Gwen offered Chloe in a small voice but Chloe felt a great deal of apprehension flood her. She did not know if she wanted to know.
  "I really hope that we have not stumbled upon some demented cult ritual," Chloe whispered to Gwen, now she was keeping her voice down.
  Gwen grabbed the door and turned the knob but it was locked from the inside. She shrugged, not thinking that it was going to be that easy but she would be a fool if she did not at least try to go in that route. The blonde with the headband was back to square one and now she was on the outside looking in.
  At least until the moment where someone answered the door, a redhead with a beautiful face and brown eyes, who was dressed in a black shirt and a long dress shirt along with heels poked her head out the door, and fixed her expression on Chloe and Gwen.
  "Yes, may I help you?" the redhead asked in a polite tone of voice, although she seemed to be rather curious as to why they were there.
  Chloe, being the master of tact that she was, decided to inform this young woman of precisely why they were here. "We're here to see about the Star Child."
  The redhead's eyes widened for a moment but then she smiled. "Well we're always here to seek out new believers to the cause, especially now that he has returned."
  "What do you mean he has returned?" Gwen asked the woman. "My name is Gwen Stacy, this bundle of fun over here is Chloe Sullivan."
  The redhead smiled. "Patricia Swann."
  "As in the daughter of the legendary reclusive scientist Doctor Virgil Swann?" Chloe asked, her interest, not to mention her geekdom being piqued to an entirely new level. The blonde's eyes blazed with curiosity and when Chloe smelled something that awoke her curiosity, she was going to dig into it like no one else.
  "Yes, my father, he passed away a year ago but he left behind a great legacy," Patricia commented in a somber tone of voice.
  "Sorry to hear about your loss," Gwen told her.
  Patricia waved it off. "Don't be, he left STARR Labs in very capable hands, the observatory is something that should be used to benefit people here and help establish contact with other alien worlds. Not something that is used to spy on other alien nations because we are paranoid that they could invade us."
  "Am I sensing an undercurrent of bitterness?" Chloe remarked to her.
  Patricia shook her head. "It's just that....there are certain government agents that thought that they could swoop in and take my father's hard earned work for their own purposes."
  "Well some people think that aliens are among us and are here to take over," Gwen remarked to Patricia and the redhead shrugged her shoulders.
  Patricia shook her head. "It's just that....there are certain government agency's that thought that they could swoop in and take my father's hard earned work for their own purposes."
  Patricia also neglected to mention that they were in a safe place because if they were retrieved and translated, they might lead to a vital clue of how to stop the Star Child. And the Star Child could be stopped for all of the wrong reasons, as opposed to helped for all of the right reasons.
  "So, is Miss Neramani around? Gwen asked as she switched topics.
  "She is just getting done with a meeting with someone else who is interested in the church," Patricia offered before she checked the list. "A Professor Charles Xavier."
  Now Gwen's interest was pushed up to the highest degree. Chloe also looked interested.
  "Xavier runs that private school that some of the kids at Bayville go to," Chloe remarked to herself in a casual tone, she had her own theory about that school but it was not her place to blow the lid off of it yet. It was just a private theory that she kept underneath her hat. "I wonder what he has to do with this."
  Gwen's expression widened as she thought about what Xavier might be up to but naturally there was nothing but a few thoughts of extremely idle speculation that went through her head.
  A few snatches of conversation greeted the trio of females but Chloe did not say anything straight away. At least until she saw the statue that was in the corridor and this caught her interest.
  "Hey, Gwen, look at this," Chloe whispered to her as she pulled on Gwen's sleeve and the blonde spun around before looking at the statue.
  Gwen's expression turned towards the statue.
  "Just like the statue that I saw when I was on vacation," Gwen commented as Patricia listened intently.
  "You're referring to the temple on Nova-Roma, aren't you?" Patricia asked Gwen and Gwen's head inclined with a nod.
  Chloe, on the other hand, was not about to let this statement go without a thought.
  "You went to Nova-Roma?" Chloe asked Gwen and Gwen's eyes turned towards her as a smile crossed her face.
  "Yes, yes I did," Gwen informed her in a slow tone of voice.
  Chloe's expression was awestruck but she recovered quickly. "I thought that place was closed off to outsiders."
  "It is," Gwen informed Chloe and she swung her head back, before her mouth hung open.
  "Damn, how do you have all of the luck?" Chloe asked.
  Gwen did not respond to that statement straight away but a look of smugness crossed her face as she edged forward. She saw a few pictures on the wall.
  "So are these people part of the church?" Gwen asked in a would be casual tone of voice, careful not to seem too eager. Of course, she wanted to get all of the answers that she needed. Her arms folded as she watched everything.
  Patricia's face contorted into a smile, her curiosity was amusing and she seemed eager to learn. Although the redhead could not help think that this young woman had a stake in this situation, a personal one. Lilandra would be extremely interested to find out even more about what this girl had to say.
  "Yes, they are members of the church," Patricia remarked to them. "It has quite a following among celebrities."
  "That's Marie Logan, doesn't she run some animal preserve?" Chloe asked to her.
  "And was the star of the moderately popular 1980s sitcom, Hello Megan," Patricia offered before she turned her head around. "It has a fairly dedicated cult following from what I've heard."
  "Amazing," Gwen told them. "And that's the pop star Alison Blaire."
  "They all have pledged themselves to the church in different ways, but naturally we only take in true believers, those who are without skepticism that the Star Child has returned," Patricia offered as she spun around. "After we found a picture of the statue on Nova-Roma, some of the members of the board clued us in on exactly what was going on."
  Chloe was bitten by the curiosity bug. "So who prey tell is on this board?"
  Patricia kept her mouth shut before she faced them. "That information is on a need to know basis."
  Patricia decided not to inform them that she did not know all of the members of the Board, although she had a few hunches about some of their identities. The redhead turned her head around as they kept walking forward.
  "Professor Xavier, I appreciate your interest but you are not what the church is looking for. And I have given you a sufficient opportunity to say your piece. This is far beyond mutants and humans."
  "Miss Neramani, I think that...."
  "I know what you think and I understand the dream that you have. And I wish you the best of luck in your dream, although I'm not too confident that you'll succeed if you continue with your current course of operation."
  "Well, I thank you for your time never the less," the voice of Xavier stated as he rolled out. Gwen and Chloe stepped into the alcove, hoping to get a few hints of why Xavier was at the Church.
  "So, is this it, Charles?" Ororo asked as she followed him out of the office. The twenty five year old mutant was curious to see what he was going to say.
  "I wish to find out what they know about Harry's arrival," Xavier remarked in a calm voice. "If I had known about this Church months ago, I feel that I would have had more then the mess of puzzle pieces that is Harry Potter."
  Gwen felt a bit of smug satisfaction for some reason although she could not place the reason why this was.
  "Perhaps it is not our place to learn everything about him," Hank offered as he walked off with them.
  A dark haired woman stepped out of the office. She had midnight black hair and blue eyes, wearing a black shirt with long sleeves that stretched around her. She wore a tight pair of black pants that wrapped around her supple lower body. She gave the sense of an extremely beautiful woman with assets, although she was rather conservatively dressed and covered them. She wore a pair of dark high heel shoes.
  "Patricia, sorry for keeping you waiting for so long," the woman remarked before she turned to Gwen and Chloe. "We haven't had the pleasure."
  "I'm Chloe Sullivan," Chloe informed her.
  "And I'm Gwen Stacy," Gwen commented as she reached forward to shake hands with the woman. "And you must be Miss Neramani."
  "Please, call me Lilandra," the woman encouraged Gwen as she took a moment to survey both of them and her eyes narrowed towards them. "I think that it would be wise for us all to be on a first name basis given that the two of you have tried to dig up information about the Church.
  Gwen's eyes widened before she opened her mouth.
  "Curiosity is not to be blamed but you should be careful, for every person who understands all of the good the Star Child brings to the world, there is group of people who would like to bring him down," Lilandra told them as she frowned. "The Friends of Humanity have their new scapegoat."
  "Of course, they do," Chloe said through gritted teeth. Lilandra and Patricia looked towards her. "Sorry, I've....I've had dealings with the Friends of Humanity recently."
  "Most have," Lilandra offered, they tried to vandalize an altar a few days ago but she made them regret it. Creed and his band of hoodlums were going to be a problem but there were going to be the least of the problems. The arrival of that Tyrell was also another problem although that had been dealt with.
  Lilandra knew who exactly Tyrell was, his people tried to white knight themselves as saviors. Yet they were far from saviors, rather they destroyed planets, offering twisted justification. If the planets did not bow to their demands, they would obliterate them like they were nothing.
  She remembered her kind, the Shi'ar, which she was among the last survivors of. Most of her kind had been wiped out, another casualty in the galactic war between the Kree and the Skrull. Her brother tried to make a deal and sold out his own people, leading them to their doom, to save his own skin. And he was supposed to be their emperor.
  He was exiled to the Phantom Zone where he would be forever more, like many other war criminals in the twenty eight galaxies.
  Her sister, on the other hand, she disappeared into the night as well, in the chaos of the destruction. Not before causing her own chaos on the way out.
  "Let's discuss more about the church in my life and I'll give you as much information as I am able to," Lilandra remarked to them and Gwen caught this statement.
  Lilandra might be a top member of the church but she was not the undisputed force. There was this mysterious board of directors she needed to unearth as well but one thing at a time, one thing at a time.
  She and Chloe would take this information, to see what else they could find out. Gwen really wished she had spent more time looking around Nova-Roma but it was too late now.
  "Same old, same old at the Mansion?" Harry asked Rachel and Jean as they met him on the Astral Plane.
  The two red heads sat around, feeling that this would be the best way to meet. Even though the temporal influx properties of the Fortress had to line up just right for it to work, they were confident that this was a good way to meet and discuss what had been happening.
  "Business as usual, Scott's acting like his usual charming self," Jean remarked as she tried to keep herself calm. The last thing she needed was some Phoenix Force related tantrum to mess up everything.
  Rachel twisted her head around, placing the palm of her hand on her face. "You'd think he'd learn by now that his leadership isn't something that he's entitled to but something he has to earn."
  "I've been trying to lead the New Mutants, but a couple of them are showing promise for taking leadership in the future," Jean offered as she watched Harry. "And we took in that new girl that you mentioned, although she is looking forward to meeting up with you."
  "Yes, Megan Gywnn, I know," Harry commented to them with a smile as he thought about it.
  "Sam, Jubilee, Bobby, and Tabitha are all wondering what it's going to take to have you at least stop by three times a week to train them," Rachel remarked before she paused. "Actually I know everyone's thinking that, but they're the four who are being the most vocal about it."
  "Tell them to take it up with Xavier," Harry commented, he was not going to do any free training unless it was for his own school. The training he did was to thank Xavier for the room and board that he gave him, there was nothing more to it than that. "I've got a lot to do."
  Training in particular, well it was going to be a challenge as it was an entirely different kettle of fish than what Harry had experienced at the Xavier Institute. The fact of the matter was that Harry thought that he had been ready for training like this for a long time, but he was proven wrong. The Kryptonian training was that intense.
  Rachel appeared to sense what Harry was thinking and she shifted her position from where she sat on the Astral Plane.
  "Training intense?" Rachel asked and Harry smiled back at her.
  "No one said it was going to be easy, although I feel like I already have a solid foundation in place," Harry remarked to Rachel before he shifted one leg over the other as he sat cross legged in the air. The wizard smiled before he continued to talk. "The Kryptonian training at the Fortress...well it's like if the Danger Room was upgraded about twelve or thirteen times."
  "At least," Jean offered, barely suppressing a smile that twitched across the corners of her lips.
  Harry agreed. "Yes at least."
  Harry knew that there was a lot of new security features that he could make use of which used the Kryptonian technology. Granted, a lot of the most Stone Age Kryptonian technology was really advanced by Earth standards and he was going to take some time to really make this work. It was going to be an amazing set up by the time he was done. The young wizard twisted his expression around.
  "Mission wise, it's been pretty quiet," Jean chimed in as she placed her hand to her chin. "Is there any news about....your friend?"
  "If you're speaking of that alien nutcase that showed up, no I don't know any more about him than you do," Harry offered to Jean as he shifted how he sat in the air of the plane once again. "He seems to think that....well my people victimized his people. He's not the poster boy for sanity."
  Jean smirked. "Yeah, I got that much after he tried to blow up the planet because you kicked his ass."
  "Sore losers exist all throughout the universe but there are other threats around," Harry commented before he ran his hands through his hair. "Speaking of what, has anyone heard anything about our favorite Master of Magetism?"
  "No, he's been quiet," Jean told him but Rachel's expression flickered harshly.
  "Not a good thing, a quiet Magneto means that he's plotting someone," Rachel offered as she turned on her seat. "So far, no go with Kitty either."
  "Yeah, I knew that once Megan didn't stop by and let me know," Harry commented, trying not to show the extremely real worry that he had. "I don't know what happened with her."
  Harry's lips curled into a sigh before he turned his head around and Jean reached to the side, as she placed her hand on his.
  "Kitty worked hard in the Danger Room, I would think that she would have some kind of survival instincts," Jean told him before she decided to give Harry the news. "Laura checked back in finally. We told her that you stopped by. She's not too happy about the fact that she was gone and missed you."
  "Figures," Harry commented as he shrugged his shoulders.
  Rachel's lips curled into a smile as she shifted her expression towards Harry. "So she might want to jump you as she comes back home."
  "Again, that's about right," Harry offered as he rolled his shoulders. "So, I think that our time on the Astral Plane grows short."
  "It's hard for even Professor Xavier to maintain this field, and he's been at this a lot longer than I have," Jean remarked to Harry but the wizard's lips curled into a smile.
  "You'll be better than Xavier. Give yourself some time."
  Jean flushed with a smile at that statement, she appreciated the faith that Harry showed in her and was determined to live up to every word that he said and more. The taller redhead stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Harry tightly, pulling him into a strong hug.
  "Thank you Harry, I really appreciate it," Jean said as she leaned down and pressed her lips onto Harry's. He returned the gesture, tightening his arms around her.
  Rachel patiently waited her turn and she was honest, she was getting a bit turned on by this gesture. Then again, she and her mother had spent some time working out the tensions each other felt thanks to each other's powers.
  "Senior year of High School treating you alright, still?" Harry asked after the kiss broke and he pulled Rachel into a hug.
  Jean answered this question honestly, a smile spreading over her face. "About as well as it would given the circumstances, I guess. It isn't the blow off year that the upper class was talking about the last couple of years."
  Jean was determined to graduate with the highest honors possible. That was just the her competitive nature coming to the fore, even though she took a course load this year that might be considered to be a bit insane on top of her responsibilities with the X-Men along with her extra-curricular activities.
  Although there was something that terrified her, there were rumblings that the schools around the United States were going to issue a mandatory policy where students were tested for mutant powers much like some schools tested students for drugs. Even though it was two different things, some people have equated having mutant powers to being on drugs because they were ignorant. Jean did not agree with it but it was there before her.
  The effort was being spearheaded by the Mutant Response Division and funded by Oscorp. Also it was being backed by Senator Robert Kelly, the uncle of current Bayville High School Principal Edward Kelly, who had taken a rather harsh anti-mutant stance. He managed to call in some favors to get Trask's sentence reduced in exchange for him building Sentinels for the government to make sure fugitive mutants who would not register with the MRD would be hunted down.
  While the Mutant Registration Act had not been passed yet, there was a fear that it would. Congress was run by big business more than by the whims of their voters, so with Osborn backing it, it was obvious that some senators were ruled by the thoughts of having a few extra dollars in their pockets.
  Jean shook her head, politics gave her a headache, dealing with sociopaths that wanted to kill her was much more pleasant on her sanity. What that said about her current level of sanity, the redhead had no idea.
  "So, I'm taking care of that dragon of Kitty's until she gets back," Rachel commented as she turned around. "Because, let's face it, I can't exactly send the little bugger to the pound."
  Harry laughed as he tightened his grip around Rachel and leaning down planted a kiss on the top of her forehead.
  "You know you like him," Harry remarked to Rachel with a smile.
  Rachel shrugged. "Yeah, yeah, right."
  She was smiling though.
  "Love you Harry," Rachel told him as Harry smiled.
  "Love you too Rach, you too Jean," Harry commented in a light tone of voice before he turned towards them.
  "See you later Harry," Jean informed him as both of the redheads gave Harry a few more parting kisses before the connection broke.
  It was a credit to their training, Harry's a bit more so as of late in the Fortress, that the link was established for as long as it was.
  Kara slumped against the block of ice, her shoulder sore from the impact from being thrown around the Fortress. She rubbed on her shoulder and tried to block out the pain.
  "I didn't hurt you too badly, did it?" Harry asked.
  Kara shook her head and grimaced. "You make it look so easy."
  Harry smiled towards her. "That was what I thought the first time that Logan put us through the paces. Then again, he's been doing this for an extremely long time."
  Kara leaned back onto the block of ice before she winced as she felt a stabbing pain course through her shoulder. She knew that Harry did not mean to hurt her, but there were some things that happened during the course of battle. He placed his hands on her shoulders and started to rub them in circular motions.
  The blonde closed her eyes as she felt Harry rubbing her shoulders. The pleasure coursed through her body as Harry continued to work her shoulders with an amazing amount of gentleness. Her eyes flickered open and shut for a little bit before a soft little moan escaped her lips from his tender efforts.
  Much to her disappointment, Harry stopped.
  "Alright there, Kara?"
  Kara bit down on her lip, red in the face slightly but remained calm without any shame. "Yes, Harry, I'm fine do you think....you could continue?"
  Harry smiled, said nothing, but resumed his actions all the same, using his hands to work over the back of her neck and her shoulders. The blonde hoisted herself up off the seat, as Harry continued to work over her. The emerald eyed sorcerer was the best in the universe at what he did.
  Kara lost herself to the pleasurable sensations and felt an unbearable heat fill through her body. His fingers brought so much pleasure and he slipped her jacket off, unknowing to her, to access more of the tender flesh that was her upper back. His fingers worked around circular motions.
  Harry worked his hands around her neck and lightly brushed his lips across the back of her neck. This caused Kara to jump up but Harry gently pushed her down by the shoulders.
  "Just relax, Kara," Harry told her as he leaned forward and started to nibble on earlobe.
  Kara was nearly driven nuts by this, wondering if Harry knew what he was doing to her. The blonde's eyes glowed as she felt the arousal from what he was doing.
  "Kara, relax," Harry breathed in her ear, his hot breath hitting it.
  Kara felt cool liquids pooling from between her thighs as his hands worked over her upper neck and down her back. The blonde threw her head back as he worked her over, the moans continued to become even more vocal.
  Suddenly his lips met hers in a tender kiss which she returned. He worked onto her lips and placed his arms around her bare waist. The blonde tilted her head back, allowing further access with Harry kissing her deeply before she returned the favor. The wizard's tongue poked at her lips.
  'Open your mouth, love,' Harry thought and Kara opened her mouth, as Harry's tongue stuck into her mouth, before he went down her throat.
  Kara tilted her head back and sighed with a smile as his tongue worked into her mouth, working inside the blonde's mouth. She felt his tongue massage her lips and gums, as he reached underneath her shirt. The blonde's eyes widened but Harry grabbed one of her hands with his.
  Kara felt herself tilted back on the block of ice as Harry made her feel so good. The touch, the pleasure she craved, and he was the one person that could give her the sensations that she craved. His super powerful touched pleasured her super powerful body, and his thumbs rubbed the skin underneath her shirt.
  With a tug, Harry removed her shirt the rest of the way.
  Smut/Lemon Begins.
  Harry watched with a smile, he saw the beautiful red bra clad chest of Kara and it was amazing. The Kryptonian had skin that did not have a blemish on her and assets that were extremely amazing. He kissed the top of her head, feeling the smooth flesh underneath her and kissed down the side of her neck, along with her shoulders.
  Kara closed her eyes as she felt his pleasurable motions going down her, the blonde felt so much amazing pleasure through her. His hands roamed through her hair as she closed her eyes as well and she arched her head up before the blonde blinked.
  Kara's labored moans continued as he stripped her skirt off to reveal a pair of red panties that were soaked to the brim with her arousal.
  "Your turn," Harry informed Kara after he kissed her a few more times.
  Kara got it immediately and she reached forward, unbuttoning his top. Drool appeared on her lower lip as she saw the chiseled physique before her. She ran her hands over his abs and chest and the blonde was completely transfixed by it.
  Harry could feel her arousal, he had picked up that ability through his training, he was able to sense when women were aroused. Naturally he would need to manage it a little bit because it could get out of control if he was in a room of women. With those thoughts, Kara worked his pants off over his ankles. The blonde licked her lips as her eyes widened.
  He sat in nothing but his boxer shorts. Kara tore them off in her excitement.
  "Sorry," Kara stated but that word was lost nearly upon completion as she saw a part of Harry's body that she was not sorry about.
  He used his telekinetic abilities to bring pleasure jolts through her body. Kara yelped as her eyes fogged over. More juices pooled down from her crotch, soaking her panties. She never felt this good in her life.
  "More, Harry," Kara begged him as she grabbed his cock and started to stroke him, encouraging him to give him more pleasure.
  Harry felt her firm grip around the base of his penis and for a second he lost himself in the thoughts. She was as strong as he was, so it was a different, more powerful sensation than he ever felt before. He did not have to hold back, not really. The wizard pushed his pelvis into her hand and she tightened around him.
  "You feel so good," Kara breathed to him as she got down on her knees before Harry.
  The blonde only saw this done in pictures, so she was not sure where to begin. She decided to let her instincts take control and pay attention to Harry's body language the rest of the way. Her lips wrapped tightly around his thick phallus, it was twelve inches long and it took her a while.
  "Breathe through your nose, honey," Harry informed Kara, guiding her through what she needed to do and Kara remembered that fundamental fact.
  The blonde also remembered that she had expanded lung capacity and she shoved more of his thick rod down her tight throat. The blonde pushed herself down his pole, her throat going around him. She tried to experiment with her throat muscle control as she pushed her nose against his pelvic bone.
  Needless to say, this gave Harry a most enjoyable experience, as she worked him over. The blonde pushed herself up and slammed down onto his thick cock. She blew him and what she lacked experience, she made up in energy.
  "Keep, yes, that's it," Harry grunted as his eyes flickered shut as he felt the pleasure.
  Kara continued to deepen her sucks, working her lips firmly around him. The blonde pushed her mouth up and took more of his length down her throat. The blonde kept up a swift motion until she felt an unfamiliar experience.
  Harry's loins burst and Kara was taken off guard. She tried to stay the course as much as she could. The blonde's lips wrapped tightly around his prick as she milked all of the cream out of him, with the young woman continued to suck him deeply. Her head tilted back as some of it spurted out of her mouth.
  Kara's lips and cheeks were coated with a never ending coat of cum. The blonde's eyes lost herself as she saw the thick white sperm drip from her cheeks. The blonde tentatively scraped the sperm from her face.
  The blonde popped her fingers into her mouth and she felt herself flushed with them. The wizard reached forward and removed her bra while she was busy gulping down the sperm from her face. The semen tasted so good in her mouth, it was so tangy.
  Kara felt a cool breezed manifest from between her legs and Harry playfully splashed some water on her nipples causing them to become rock hard. The blonde felt his mouth on her breast and he slurped her mouth, taking her stiffing bud into his mouth.
  "Damn, that's good," Kara panted but his thumb stroked her clit which caused her to nearly jump into the air and hit the Fortress ceiling but Harry grabbed her around the legs and guided her back down, before pumping his finger into her.
  Kara's eyes fluttered open and shut with the unmistakable pleasure. She felt the pleasure continue to bubble in her body as his fingers pushed in and out of her. The blonde's panting continued to intensify.
  "Would you like something, baby?" Harry asked to Kara, cupping one of her breasts with his hand and whispering in her ear.
  Kara nearly became undone as he cupped her dripping hot pussy. He could feel how wet it was, hell she could feel how wet it was. The blonde's lips curled into simmering desire, as Harry stroked his fingers down her pussy, feeling her and cupping the sex in his hand.
  "Yes, yes, yes, I need....I need you," Kara whimpered as she felt his fingers push in and out of you.
  "You need..."
  "You in me," Kara begged him as she bit down on her lip, her blonde hair framed into her face.
  "This might hurt a bit," Harry warned her.
  "I can take it," Kara panted as she spread her legs subconsciously as she slid back on the block of ice.
  The blonde's pussy was open for him, she was eager to lose her virginity to Harry. The blonde had never been touched in such an intimate way. The sixteen year old alien beauty felt the pleasure of his cock head brush against her open. She braced herself for the penetration, for the ultimate meeting between male and female.
  She grabbed her hands around his shoulder and encouraged him.
  Harry built up the anticipation and despite the cool Artic winds; he could feel Kara's body heating up a tiny bit. The blonde's expression widened as he penetrated her, his thick cock sliding between her pussy lips.
  Kara's eyes widened as she felt her maiden head rip away. She was lubricated enough so it did not hurt completely. Still it brought a few tears to her eyes as she felt it breaking away before the healing powers factored in.
  Harry leaned into her and started to kiss her tears away as he caressed her cheek in his hand. The blonde felt his hands roam her back and then her front. They stopped to trace circular patterns around her toned tummy.
  "Okay," Harry breathed and Kara nodded, as she felt his cock hovering against her entrance, only about six of his twelve inches inside her. "Ready?"
  "Yeah, give it to me," Kara as she tightened her legs around him.
  The blonde felt him slide out before he took the plunge into her. Her eyes practically bugged out as he slammed into her tightly.
  "Fuck, you're really tight," Harry breathed as he grabbed her tits.
  "Yes, that's it, love me, Harry," Kara panted as his kisses continued to go over her body. "We're the last two of our kind, love me, like you can only love me."
  His hands roamed down her body, and worked over her creamy flesh. He pushed his throbbing prick in and out of her, pumping it in between her legs. Each thrust was gentle as it worked Kara up to her first orgasm with a penis inside her.
  The blonde grabbed around him and she pushed Harry's head onto her breasts. He took this invitation by licking and sucking on her breasts. The blonde felt the tingles as his tongue worked her over before his meat pumped between her lower lips. The blonde arched up to meet his thrusts with her own.
  "I feel...so fucking great," Kara breathed, letting the passions pass through her as his stroke motions caused sensations to spread through her body.
  "You do feel so great," Harry agreed as he felt her cunt spasm around him.
  Harry sped up his motions a bit more and she screamed underneath him. Her eyes became barely restrained in the primal lust. They made love for a little bit but Kara wanted more. She sunk her nails into his back.
  "That's it, that's it, that's it," Kara panted heavily as he worked his throbbing prick between her lovely lips.
  The meat between her thighs was a sensation that the blonde never thought she would ever experience. Every single stroke was like a brand new dose of heaven coursing between her thighs. His balls slapped against her as he pumped into her. Another orgasm rocked her.
  The second one of the night and Kara sank her fingers into his shoulder, nails digging into his flesh before she noticed something.
  "Fuck me with all of it," Kara begged him as she felt his cock push into her.
  The blonde's eyes widened.
  "If you think you can handle it all," Harry offered to her, with a smile across his face.
  "Yes, I can handle it," Kara breathed as he pushed out, having all but his tip outside her pussy.
  The blonde's lips were hungry from some prime man meat and that was what she felt as it slammed into her. She pushed herself back as she rocked back. Her legs wrapped around him.
  Kara hovered a few inches off of the ice block that he ravished her on. The blonde felt that the air offered a better area for their coupling. The sensations of the cool artic breeze spread through her.
  Harry thought that it offered him a certain degree to do what he needed to do. His thrusts became harder as he tried to test his limits and by extension hers. In some ways, Kara was the perfect person to test his limitation up against.
  The blonde thought his penis fit her better and she groaned out in erotic energy. Her pussy wrapped around his throbbing prick like a velvety vice. She worked around him and slid up and down his pole. She wrapped tightly around him and pushed against him. Another orgasm passed through her body.
  "So good, so good," Kara panted as he pumped into her and his throbbing cock passed into her.
  Another orgasm, this time more intense, damn he was really good, Kara felt her body shake all over and it made her feel better like she ever was. It was like she was in heaven, being delivered with all of the pleasures. Her walls stretched out.
  Harry felt the velvety dream wrapped around his stiff prick, she continued to work against him, giving as good as she took. Kara was a bit tentative at first but damn if she did not pick this up rather fast. The blonde pushed herself back up and rammed herself down onto his throbbing prick before she worked around him.
  "Rao be praised," Kara told him.
  "I'm sure," Harry breathed as he planted his lips onto hers and they exchanged a sexually charged kiss.
  The two of them tingled with the ultimate energy and they generated their own wind as they worked back and forth each other.
  Orgasm after orgasm rocked Kara, the blond getting more enjoyment. His hands touching her breasts, that gave her even more pleasure than ever before. It was like every single orgasm was accompanied by a miniature one in between.
  Harry was about to finish.
  "I'm going to do it, are you..."
  "Inside me....we....have our ways of choosing," Kara panted, knowing that she could explain her ways to Harry later and how Kryptonians differed from humans.
  The blonde's lips wrapped around him as he pumped into her juicy pussy. This tight twat was snug around him and he kept drilling into her. He gained more speed as he anticipated the climax.
  Kara threw her head back and screamed to release her pent up sexual energy. That gave her most powerful orgasm yet and this proved to be Harry's undoing as her cunt squeezed him like a python.
  He pumped into her pussy, before drilling into her, sending several thick ropes of his cum into her.
  The blonde shuddered as he filled her up with so much cum. It leaked from her pussy, it was so thick and gooey, she had to taste it as it dripped from herself.
  Smut/Lemon Begins.
  "Thank you, Harry," Kara told him, after they were done. They rested in the makeshift bedroom area of the Fortress, with a red blanket draped over them.
  Kara snuggled next to Harry, feeling his warm arms wrapped around her. She still saw the images of Krypton dying around her as she found her way onto the ship. Yet with Harry, the pain was far less than ever before.
  "There's no problem, you helped me," Harry breathed as he brushed her hair from her face.
  "But you helped me in a way that I can never repay," Kara commented but Harry pulled her into his chest, before he planted his lips onto hers.
  "You can repay it every single day, by being your amazing self," Harry told her.
  Kara's lips curled with a smile, she could do that. She dropped her head onto Harry's chest as the two rested with each other.
  Gotham City was a town that was notorious for one of the highest crime rates in the country and insanity that could not be matched. It was not a place that someone wanted to be in the dead of night, on a full moon, beside a broken down rental car. Those were the thoughts of a young woman with strawberry blonde hair, dressed in a white jacket, a blue top, and sequined pants with high heeled boots as she waited looking around nervously for a cab to arrive.
  That was the fate of the young pop star as she stood in the middle of the streets of Gotham City. Nineteen years old, Alison Blaire felt the perils of fleeting fame. She had her adoring fans but her agent was pressing on her to become something that she was not to widen her demographic. That was not something that Alison was going to jump onto the bandwagon of. The young pop star made a promise to her fans and she was going to keep it.
  "Okay, the cab said that it was supposed to arrive in fifteen minutes," Alison whispered to herself, she was trying not to lose sense of herself as she twisted her head around. A hand was placed on her hip as she stood back against the wall.
  Gotham City was an interesting place, although it was one that caused Alison to question her agent's sanity.
  'Maybe she thinks my CDs will sell better if I get stabbed,' Alison thought in a manner that she wished she was joking about but there was no joking about something like this. Her eyes closed as her lips curled into a frustrated expression. The blonde's hand reached around the back of her head.
  It was unwise to lose her shit especially in a place like Gotham City, where crime rate ran rampant.
  "Hey, sweetie, are you lost?"
  Alison tried not to lose her cool as a trio of burly thugs edged their way towards her. One of them had a knife out already and the blonde pop star saw that the bouncer at the back of the club simply did not give a shit.
  Actually he was well past giving a shit, he was passed out.
  Alison made a pact with herself, if she got out of this alive; she was firing her agent first thing in the morning.
  "No, I'm fine, there's someone, friend of mine's picking me up, big burly guy, you don't want to mess with him," Alison remarked as one of the thugs stopped and took a step back.
  The thug raised an eyebrow before a leering grin crossed his face. "Hey, you're Alison Blaire, that pop star."
  Alison was grabbed around the arm and pulled forward where the thug watched her. The blonde trembled, biting down on her lip as she tried to squirm away.
  "Hey, baby, I know it's stressful being on the road, how about we take you for a little ride?"
  The ride was postponed as there was a figure swooping above them. This caused the thug to drop Alison and she slid away. The second thug offered one oh so charming declaration.
  That was the last thing that came out of his mouth before a pair of feet slammed onto the top of his head. Another swift motion and a second thug was knocked down as quickly as the first.
  Alison watched the progress of the swooping avenger of the night. She could not see the person who saved her, they appeared to move too fast. Or perhaps it was the situation that she was in that gave the impression that was happening. Never the less, the blonde pop star felt her heart thump against her chest.
  She could not follow the progress of the shadowed figure. Whoever it was, they wore a lot of black.
  The next thing she knew was the thugs that tried to attack her were strung upside down and there were the loud sirens. Alison turned her head around, hoping to say a word of thanks to her mysterious savior, whoever they were. He or she worked quite quickly.
  The blonde's heart continued to drum a steady beat across her chest as she arched her neck up in the air.
  Alison stepped to the side, it all happened so fast, she froze up. She wondered what Arcane would do in a situation like this. He would not freeze up like a scared child and let some thugs grab him. He was amazing; he would take care of the situation faster than a speeding bullet.
  Despite what people would say, Alison was not completely infatuated by him. No she was not in the slightest. She just respected his heroics.
  A dark warehouse, with the smell of urine and dead cats filled through one of the worst parts of New York. Smoke that could choke even the most hardened man puffed through the air, as the lime rotted on the walls. There were blood stains on the carpet which had cigarette burn holes on whatever was left of the carpet.
  "Oh, sounds like my mom's house. Wonder if she's baking pie?"
  A tall individual stepped forward, dressed in a combination of red and black edged forward. He had a katana strapped to his back as he looked around, keeping himself walking through the shadows. The assassin sauntered forward and started to sway his hips seductively as he walked.
  "Hey, hey, that's hired mercenary to you, buddy."
  The hired mercenary moved his way towards the figure in the shadows. He always felt a tingle as he made his way into the warehouse. His head spun around before crossing his arms over each other.
  He was one of the top mercenaries in the world, the Merc with the Mouth, the man with the plan, he was Deadpool.
  "Don't forget ruggedly handsome."
  He was pretty good at what he did but he had more than a few screws loose.
  "Well, we all have our problems."
  Deadpool, Wade Wilson, turned around, looking past the fourth wall, before he raised a hand and waved. He stood up straight as someone cleared their throat, before his eyes snapped forward. He edged forward.
  "You use the term edged forward a lot, is it hard wired into your brain? And eyes do a lot of snapping too. At least you didn't have me spin around or something."
  Deadpool stepped across the room.
  "Ah much better."
  "So you've come here."
  "Yes mysterious shadow dude, I've come here, fanboys would riot if I stayed gone long but you called me, it's funny how much my business has picked up since I started using Craigslist," Deadpool commented to himself as he smiled. "What did you call me to of, oh mysterious mystery man of mystery?"
  "I've called you hear to employ you to steal an item of great importance," the individual in the shadows remarked.
  "Oh, have you now?" Deadpool asked. "Theft, I like it, a good old fashioned five finger discount. But the real question do I get to unalive someone?"
  Deadpool paused before he turned towards the fourth wall.
  "I can't say the D-Word, corrective therapy, plus soccer Moms be bitching."
  He snapped towards the mysterious hidden figure in the shadows. Deadpool started humming "who can it be now" underneath his breath.
  "I want you to get an item from SHIELD."
  "Ooh, that doesn't come cheap," Deadpool offered as he stood up on his tiptoes. "How much are you talking to? More zeroes than there are in a Summers family reunion?"
  Deadpool paused, before he added as an afterthought.
  "We should really stop bashing him, it's like going up to a coma patient by this point and kicking him in the end no matter how clich? and boring it might seem. And saying things are clich? and boring is really clich? and boring. Besides, it's fun!"
  "You will be paid handsomely," the man in the shadows stated, glowing eyes flickering towards Deadpool.
  "Oooh, scary," Deadpool cooed as he turned around. "Don't worry, my good man, there's no need to fear, Deadpool's here! Put me in Coach, I'll do well!"
  The Merc with the Mouth stepped back a half of a step as the hand from the shadows handed him more information on what he needed.
  "Um to be continued, I guess," Deadpool remarked as his head turned towards the fourth wall. "BUY MY VIDEO GAME KIDS!"
  To Be Continued in the Next Chapter.
  Going Public
  Chapter Five: Going Public.
  Late nights were something that was part and parcel of the reporting industry. At least that's what Lois Lane believed as she sat at her desk at the Daily Bugle. It was not even a good desk, rather it was something that was second hand. She supposed she should not expect much for a college student.
  Lois read the latest reports coming in, trying to find a connection between the mysterious vigilante who was taking out the Friends of Humanity and the mysteriously disappearing Arcane. There was a theory going around that they were one and the same and it was hard to discount it wholesale. The dark haired reporter bit down on her pen cap, ignoring how bad that was for her. Her mind went all over with millions of different thoughts.
  Graydon Creed was obnoxious to a fault and she felt sorry for anyone who had to be in near proximity of him. Lois got some form of vindictive pleasure in getting to see Creed knocked down a couple of pegs in any way.
  The problem was that more than a few pegs was not enough to get Creed down to a level where he might shut his yap. He continued to press on with his anti-mutant crusade, to the point where he gave Lois suspicious.
  'Someone that obnoxious has to have a skeleton in his closet,' Lois thought to herself.
  As for mutants, well Lois was going to reserve judgment on them until she learned more. She suspected that they were much like most people. There were some good ones, there were some jerks, and there were ones that were pure evil.
  "Hey, Lane, are you busy on Saturday?"
  Lois sighed, speaking of the jerk category, there was Eddie Brock, supposed world class photographer, who took highly acclaimed photos. Or did if you believed the drivel that came out of Brock's mouth because Lois did not find any evidence of Brock's supposed greatness other than his own spoken accolades.
  Naturally there were going to be people who were going to overstate their accomplishments and Lois had to deal with individuals like that time and time again.
  "Yes, Brock, I have a lot to do," Lois offered, taking his comments in stride, she didn't even bother to turn around to face him, her attention remained on the work in front of her.
  Her mysterious savior was something that caused her to raise an eyebrow. This Star Child, as he was dubbed, was an enigma and a half. The purple eyed reporter did not even get a good enough look at him.
  Then again her entire life kind of flashed before her all at once. So there were more pressing concerns that passed through her mind and Lois took an instant to mull it over. The dark haired reporter encountered more and more stress as time passed. She had to figure out how something like this might have happened.
  She tapped her pen on the desk, clicking on it absent mindedly. Which was strange as it bugged Lois when other people were tapping their pen. She placed the pen in her mouth and threw her head back, trying to think about all that she had to do. Her thoughts turned around in her mind as the crafty reporter tried to consider every single possibility.
  "Late night."
  A dark haired woman dressed in a black business suit stepped by. A pair of stockings covered her lovely legs and a pair of black heels covered her feet. She had her hair cut into a bob and was looking at Lois with a curious expression, an eyebrow raised slightly.
  Lois shook her head before cupping a hand to her chin.
  "No more so than usual, Betty," Lois commented to the woman as she turned her head to face her. "Jameson's leaning on me about the Star Child thing and I can't even get a fingerprint that might lead me to him."
  "Well just keep..."
  There was a whooshing sound that resounded through the office and it caused Lois to stand up so fast that she banged her knee on the edge of the desk. Wincing in the pain, the reporter took a few seconds to block the pain out. Betty was taken off guard and a few members of the office staff who stayed around to try and meet deadlines also spun around in confusion.
  The lack of indoor voice indicated that it could only be one person who made this declaration.
  "I don't know, Mr. Jameson, sir," one of the hapless office staff members stated in a timid voice.
  Lois rolled her eyes but them she once again nearly jumped up. This time she spared herself the indignity of ramming her knee into the underside of her desk. She stopped herself and blinked as she saw it there on the side of her desk. It was an envelope that was taped to the side of her desk.
  Thinking quickly, Lois snatched it and stuffed it into her bag. There was no sense in drawing anyone else's attention to it after all. Her purple eyes flickered as she placed her hands on her chin and threw it back with a lengthy sigh. The woman turned her attention towards the situation before she twisted herself around.
  "Well you better figure out what it is or I'll have you busted down to the mail room!" Jameson bellowed in an angry tone of voice that practically shook his office.
  "I wonder if he wants photos of Spider-Man as well," one of the office staff workers stated bravely although Jameson did not hear him.
  Lois on the other end made her excuses and slipped out of the office. She'd learned a lot during her short time as a reporter and she knew that a mysterious note being dropped on her desk was far from a coincidence.
  The woman rushed her way outside towards her car, and she scrambled inside it. With a trembling hand, she ripped open the envelope and a note fell out.
  There was a message, it was short, sweet, and to the point but it offered her a lot of information never the less.
  I hear you want to talk to me.
  Meet me outside of Central Park on Midnight on Saturday.
  Come alone or I won't give you anything.
  Lois read the note, holding it over in her hand. She almost expected a few more words to appear for some reason, as if it was like magic. She turned the note over in her hand and read over it once more.
  "You better believe I'll be there," Lois commented in a low voice, even though there was no one around to hear her.
  Natasha Romanov was used to the cold surroundings like those in the Artic. It was part of her training where she was bred to survive in some of the worst conditions possible. The red haired woman stepped onto the perilous ground and was joined by the rest of her team.
  Steve Rogers was another individual who did not even blink at the harsh Artic conditions. The breeze barely even affected him as he edged forward before he crossed his arms.
  "Stay sharp," Steve informed them as his head turned and the blinding white out kept them from pressing forwards through the snow. "Do you think you can get a visual on what we have in front of us, Tony?"
  Tony adjusted the thermal sensors on his armor.
  "Yeah, I'm not seeing much of anything other than snow, snow, and more snow," Tony informed them as the Avengers crossed through the snow. It was Carol, Natasha, Tony, Steve, and Thor who made made their way towards the destination point as the snow continued to blow around them.
  "Aye, it is quite the treacherous....situation," Thor managed before he turned around. He had suffered worse conditions but it was still no picnic as the people on Midgard might say. The God of Thunder trudged through the snow as his feet sunk into it. Thor crossed the threshold of the snow and once again his teeth chattered together. Normally conditions like this should not effect him but there was something in the air that caused him to be slightly unnerved.
  Carol looked up, there was something that Fury picked up in the Artic and SWORD picked up a brief beacon weeks ago. It was around the time of the Meteor Shower come to think about it. There was one conclusion that came to Carol's mind as she thought about certain aspects.
  'Not a coincidence, there is no way it can be a coincidence,' she thought. Slipping and sliding as they made their way over the ice. The entire group struggled but the five were extremely hardened, they knew what they had to do.
  "I think I hear something," Tony remarked as the billionaire struggled to make his way over the ice. When a misjudged step, and the weight of his armor caused him to slide forwards as he suddenly lost his balance. Reaching over quickly Thor was able to grab him by the shoulder of his armor stopping his descent before he ended up crashing through the ice. After a moment Tony was able to adjust his footing under himself in order to regain his balance. He nodded his head towards Thor in thanks.
  Natasha heard the same thing and her eyes widened expressively. There was a small structure out in the snow that was visible.
  "Either we've discovered that there is a Santa Claus or someone else has set up shop here," Natasha remarked briskly as she pulled herself towards her destination.
  The ice was treacherous and the temperature was below subzero.
  Steve meanwhile looked thoughtful, he did know that HYDRA had outposts all over the world and despite the fact that they got most of them, they might have missed a few. Could this outpost in the Arctic be among them?
  "It's bigger on the inside," Steve breathed after he got the doors open.
  "Great, we've ran into the TARDIS," Tony commented in a dry voice as he tried to get inside but there were many hallways. It was lit with impressive crystal structures all over the wall.
  The armored avenger did not say much of anything but never the less, he was extremely impressed all things considered.
  "Keep going," Steve informed them as there were a few different doorways. Whatever they stumbled into, they would know before too long.
  Natasha slipped away from the rest of the group. She decided to go do some exploring on her own. She did not roam too far but curiosity got the better of her. The redhead spy continued to make her way throughout the area.
  "I see you're impressed."
  Natasha spun around as she heard someone in the shadows. She reached into her belt and was about ready to shoot but a hand wrapped around her wrist. Her eyes widened as she turned around but another hand clasped over her mouth.
  "It appears that I've caught the Black Widow in my web. I wonder what I'll do with her."
  Natasha recognized the voice as he pulled her in close against him, before moving them down a level.
  After they reached their destination, the hand removed itself from her mouth. The redhead spy came face to face with Harry, her eyes narrowing slightly as she focused on his green ones
  "So this is where you've run off to," Natasha breathed to him and the young wizard expressed his amusement towards her answer with a stiff nod. She placed her hand on her hip before she turned her head around to the right and then to the left so she could survey her surroundings. One who did not get a good look at their surroundings ends up day "People were wondering where you went."
  "I get that a lot oddly enough," Harry commented with a smile as he looked towards her. "People need to know that there are times where I do my own thing and you can't really fault me for that. I would think that you of all people would figure out that there are times where we just need to be left to our own devices."
  Natasha smiled; she of all people did understand that better than anyone else. The redhead spy nodded her head slightly in agreement and her arms folded over her chest as she eyed his new development.
  "So, I think the question is did you in particular miss me?" Harry asked as he placed a hand on her shoulder.
  Harry smiled, his senses had heightened during his training in the Fortress. He could now sense when a woman was aroused or at least if they were sexually frustrated. That was a handy little ability to have but naturally one should exercise supreme caution with such a thing or it could run away from him. The young wizard kept his intense gaze focused upon the spy.
  Harry was behind her immediately and he pressed his nose to her neck. His arm wrapped around her waist, narrowly brushing against her breasts for a moment. His crotch a hair away from touching against her leather clad ass. Her curves wiggled enticingly in that skin tight cat suit so there was very little room for imagination.
  "You know, my team could find me," Natasha moaned breathlessly as she felt the desire to have this talented young man take her once again.
  "They could," Harry agreed as he flipped her red hair back and pressed his lips on the side of her neck at that instant, kissing it. "But isn't that half of the fun?"
  Harry smiled knowingly, The Avengers did not find anything that he didn't want them to. This was a dummy outpost that they ran into, the real Fortress was elsewhere. He figured that Fury was going to pick up on something, it was inevitable.
  Natasha felt a sudden sensation of warmth.
  "Magic, it's amazing," Harry commented as he tightened the arm around her waist as he ground his crotch against her backside.
  Natasha nodded wordlessly as she felt his lips on her neck. Her body was starting to glisten with sweat because of the suddenly intense heat. It was a sensation beyond all the words that she could say, so she didn't say anything. Rather the heat rose from between her thighs as the wizard worked his way down her body.
  "And you're nice a wet for me, amazing," Harry commented, as he slowly unzipped her catsuit to reveal more of her body.
  Natasha spun around, and wrapped her arms around him, straddling him as he sat down on desk that appeared behind suddenly, as if by magic. She was not questioning it now, she was ruled by the intense pheromones that were going through the air.
  "I've missed this," Natasha breathed as she got down on her knees, as she squeezed his bulge in his pants a couple of times. "I missed this a lot."
  "It's missed you," Harry informed her as she groped him a little bit.
  Her thumb unzipped his pants and then pulled them down. His boxers gave way next and his throbbing cock was presented for her. Natasha grabbed it into her hand and ran her hand down it. She was naked from the waist down
  Harry cupped her breasts and gave her a tight squeeze which caused the redhead to moan extremely lustfully. She slid to her knees before him and her mouth was opened, prime to welcome in some of his hearty meat between her lips.
  The woman wrapped her lips around his head and gave it a powerful suck. Harry placed his hands in her hair and ran his fingers down it, before he slid down.
  Natasha bobbed up and down on his throbbing prick like she was a pro and she was. She took all of him into her mouth and down her throat, as she felt Harry's hands work down her. His fingers skimmed over her stomach, before he twisted inside her belly button, rotating his finger around it which caused her to moan in pleasure.
  "I think I'll sample some of your nectar, my dear," Harry informed her which caused Natasha to shudder in the ultimate response of pleasure as a few fingers dipped down low beneath her. The woman closed her eyes tightly as the wizard pumped in and out of her. She thrust her hips forward, feeling the amazing sensation of the fingers probing her, making her feel the most amazing things possible.
  'Oh yes, really work me over,' Natasha thought without really thinking about it. The truth was Harry was able to pick what she wanted and what spots were the most sensitive so he stroked her slowly, building up the anticipation, teased her and tormented her.
  Harry smiled, he was getting a sense of what she liked and he continued to work between her lips. The woman's eyes flooded backwards as she felt the pleasure of one finger, then another, then a third entering her.
  This brought her to an orgasm as she continued to slurp on his throbbing cock. She was determined to have his seed down her throat, it had been so long since she had the cum of a real man, since the last time she indulged herself in Harry. She pushed herself further down his pole as it went down her throat. She hummed and groped his balls, trying to coax the creamy delight out from him. The wizard kept working into her mouth with each passing thrust.
  Harry kept up the steady pace, working into her tight mouth. He grabbed around her head and pulled on her hair, the wizard gaining even more momentum as he thrust into her tight mouth.
  "Shit, about done," Harry breathed as he brought his juice soaked fingers up to his mouth and started to slurp off of them. He closed his eyes and feasted off of them. The wizard enjoyed the tastes she offered and he was not about to let up on that at all. He licked them off of his fingers before bringing his tongue around them.
  He thrust into her which caused her to increase her suction around his member. The woman expertly drew herself closer and close, her eyes flickered up towards him as she reached around and squeezed him, fondling his balls. The woman brought herself down onto his pole and worked down her throat. The woman continued to pick up the paces and took more of his meat down her throat.
  'Oh fuck yes,' Natasha thought to herself as she brought her mouth, her juicy lips tighter around him. She pumped his prick in between her lips as she rammed herself down onto him, going further and further down his member. 'That's it, that's it, fucking cum for me now.'
  It was like Harry heard her thoughts as he pumped into her mouth, bringing his seed between her lips. He thrust into her mouth and sprayed his fluids down her throat. Thick ropes of cum splattered down her and her eyes widened, before her lips wrapped around him. The sorcerer worked his magic into her mouth.
  Natasha slid back and slid off her cat suit the rest of the way, past her hips and down. Harry drank in the erotic sight that was before him. Her large breasts bounced before him with pink nipples that were delicious. Her toned body was next, she worked for everything that she had and should have no shame in showing it off. The red strip of hair that worked down between her legs was next, and Harry saw her beautiful pussy, pink and ready for him. Her long legs went down a while and her curved ass was before him. The wizard felt his expression pick up, a lustful amount of desire spreading through his loins.
  He was hard in no time and he grabbed Natasha before he pushed her back against the cool wall. Things were much warmer on the outside but her nipples still were stiff. Harry played with them.
  "Fuck me," Natasha encouraged him, her pussy presented for him as her legs spread. She was ready to take in the full amount of meat between her lips and be indulged by something that was greater. "Take me and fuck me like you've never fucked anyone before."
  Harry spread her lips and speared his thick phallus between her lips, pushing inside her. The young sorcerer speared his member in between her lips, working into her tight pussy. He continued to hammer into her, fucking her hard against the wall. The tight walls pleasured his prick and he got more intense motions as he hammered into her, deeper, going deeper, as his balls throbbed with the grand desire as he drilled this beautiful Russian woman.
  Natasha panted as he grabbed her breast and sawed into her pussy, making greater strides as his thick member pushed between her lips, giving her even more pleasure. The woman bit down on her lip, lustful intentions spreading through her eyes. The woman increased her moans and lifted her hips up towards him. The pleasure was something that could not be measured.
  Her tight pussy wrapped around his organ as he pushed into her. She enjoyed the dominance that he exerted over her, Harry could feel that much, his hands worked her breasts with fluid motions, tight squeezes.
  More juices spilled down and lubricated his tight prick as she continued to work around him, like a tight vice. Her pussy wrapped around his throbbing cock as he picked up a few more paces and thrust deeply into her. His balls throbbed as he continued to work her pussy.
  "Do you want me to go faster?" Harry asked and Natasha's eyes flooded over with desire.
  "Yes, yes," Natasha begged him, her legs wrapped around his waist and he slammed his thick cock into her.
  It went so deep into Natasha that she could hardly stand it, his balls slapped against her flesh as he made his way inside her. His passes got tighter, deeper, even more fluid as he worked into her pussy heavily. The woman wrapped her arms tightly around him as she pushed her hips into his invading prick.
  "More, more," Natasha breathed as she came down from her lash powerful orgasm.
  "Oh, I'll give you more alright," Harry told her as he slammed into her, causing her to moan. He alternated between slow thrusts, and hard and fast ones.
  Each was a pleasurable and welcome sensation that coursed through her body. The widow felt her fingers tingle with the enjoyment that his cock caused her. The woman tightened like a vice around his prick. Her pussy wrapped snugly around his member as he pushed into her, drilling her hard as he could. His passes got even more intense as he worked into her, her tightening walls milking him like a warm vice.
  "Yes, I feel, so fucking great," Natasha breathed as she wrapped her arms around Harry, before her legs tightened around him.
  "I'm sure you do, my sexy little spider," Harry panted as he grabbed her cheeks and worked himself deep into her as possible.
  The dance between the two of them increased with passion and intensity, as he worked his throbbing cock into her. The woman closed her pussy around him tightly and the wizard grabbed his hands around her, shoving his cock deep into her.
  Her pussy lubricated his probing prick and he continued to assault her, thrusting into her. Natasha felt soreness come through her body but also a pleasure. She had much more stamina than most.
  And his mouth was now on a nipple sucking it, which added to an intense amount of pleasure that she was receiving.
  "Fuck me, fuck me hard," Natasha breathed as she locked around him in a tight grip, her back pressed against the cool surface.
  His hands were amazing as they roamed her body. Each pleasurable caress sent a greater degree of sexual fire through her body. The woman closed her eyes tightly as he worked into her.
  He grabbed his hands onto her thighs and rammed his throbbing phallus into her center. He felt her snug pussy wrap around him tightly and she squeezed him, milking his thrusts to try and claim his seed. The woman's legs tightened around him a slight bit more as Harry grabbed her breast, cupping it in his hand and his smile widened as he tried to push into her.
  The intense dance continued as he rammed into her a few more times, offering her harder thrusts. She was completely in a daze as he worked his cock into her. He could go for a long time, that much was sure as Natasha could feel her pussy tightening around his prick.
  "About to the finish," Harry breathed as he grabbed her breasts and played with them, feeling their texture in his hands.
  Natasha screamed, hoping that he used silencing spells, because they might be able to hear her all the way in Russia from what he did to her. His throbbing member worked into her pussy, tightening around him.
  "Yes, finish in me," Natasha panted as she ran her hands down his back, his sweaty body connecting with hers.
  "Yes, but have you earned it?"
  Natasha moaned before her walls tightened around him as she wrapped around him even more and his thrusts buried deeper into her tight body. The woman screamed out in loud, the passion increasing as his thrusts buried into her body.
  "Yes, I've heard it, damn you, I've earned it," Natasha breathed as her hands snaked around the back of his neck.
  Harry smiled widely as he continued to thrust into her sopping wet center and worked into her tight twat, hammering her pussy with everything that he had to give her. The redhead shut her eyes lustfully as he hammered into her.
  His climax was memorable especially when combined with hers. His penis spurted his thick juices into her twat which squeezed him with all of the strength that he could muster. Natasha saw stars as he continued to work into her, as her tight pussy muscles worked out his orgasm, which some more thrusts working into her tight center.
  His balls completely drained of the fluids and he pulled out, leaving her satisfied.
  Smut/Lemon Ends.
  Natasha had to admit that was a reunion and she walked a little lopsided.
  No sooner did that they finish, Carol broke into the room.
  "There you are Natasha....oh hello Harry," Carol commented as she slowly took in everything.
  She saw that Natasha walked around bowl legged and the smile on Harry's face, well it was not hard to put two and two together. Not to mention that they were in here for nearly an hour, if not more before she could find Natasha.
  "Hi, Carol," Harry offered in a cheerful voice as he reached forward to shake her hand. "I trust you're doing well."
  "Fine," Carol managed but she kept her voice steady and business like.
  She hadn't really had a chance to look at Harry recently until now but her eyes were fixed on him now, trying hard to block out the thoughts that went through her mind that were of the risqu? nature.
  "Well I guess we can cancel the search party," Tony remarked as he showed up before he saw Harry. He paused before he locked eyes with the young wizard. "Yeah, I should have figured that you'd be a part of this."
  "Am I that predictable?" Harry asked with a smile.
  "Well no, no one should be able to predict you, given that you're....well you have your quirks," Tony remarked as he stepped forward. "Fury's not too happy that girlfriend of yours has slipped underneath the radar."
  Harry paused to tilt his head to the side as he pondered that statement for a moment, before finally commenting in a slightly confused tone of voice. "You're going to have to be more specific."
  "Right, I forgot, you're everything that the tabloids say I am," Tony commented before Carol, Natasha, and Harry looked at him with three glares which caused him to step back, waving his hands wildly. "Well not everything, because you wouldn't believe some of the things but....still they....I'm just going to shut up before I dig myself an early grave."
  "Smart man," Carol remarked to Tony before she turned back to Harry. "Anyway, he is referring to Miss Pryde."
  Harry smiled as he thought about that, it appeared that the X-Men were not the only ones that Kitty gave the slip to. The wizard's expression contorted as he thought about it.
  None of the tracking charms he placed on her were working, which meant that either something was very wrong or she was smart enough not to wear any clothing that had been in her possession when he was around.
  He grimaced, truly he taught her too well.
  "We have a problem," Steve remarked as he turned up before Harry could even say anything more.
  That was never good, that was one thing that the Avengers could all agree about it.
  "Remember how Fury said that the cargo was being moved today?" Steve asked them and the Avengers nodded in response.
  "What cargo?" Harry asked calmly as he eyed them and suddenly things got more than cool.
  Carol decided to be the one to break this news to Harry. "Well the alien ship that arrived....SHIELD managed to get ahold of it...."
  "And we haven't been able to get it open, even though both Reed and I put our heads together," Tony remarked before he tapped his head in confusion. "Do you think you can maybe voodoo it open?"
  "Voodoo it open?" Harry asked Tony with a surprised expression on his face and he corked an eyebrow.
  "He means use magic to break it open," Carol commented and Harry smiled.
  "That's not the current problem, someone is attacking the transport vehicle that the ship is on," Steve remarked and in response Tony's eyes widened.
  "Who is it then? Doctor Doom? HYDRA? The Mad Thinker? Paste-Pot Pete? Who could be crazy enough to attack a SHIELD transport vehicle?"
  "It be that troublemaker, the one known as Deadpool," Thor commented as Tony's eyes widened before the shock set in.
  "Deadpool?" Tony asked in confusion and he chuckled. "You've got to be shitting me."
  "Yes, Deadpool," Fury commented as holographic representation suddenly popped up. "I want the Avengers to make sure that fruitcake doesn't do anything to destroy the ship. If we can get it open, we might be able to figure out a clue of what that nutjob Tyrell was going on about."
  Harry smiled mysteriously in the shadows but said nothing.
  "Yeah, stop Deadpool, it shouldn't be too hard, he's just someone with mental issues, thinks he's a fictional character," Tony commented as he placed his hands on top of his head.
  Steve shook his head before he offered a word of warning. "Careful, Tony, just because someone doesn't seem dangerous, it doesn't mean you should take him lightly."
  "Well we aren't going to accomplish anything by standing around here, are we?" Natasha asked and their heads were shaken.
  Steve's expression turned to a triumphant one before the spoke in a bold and commanding tone of voice.
  Harry tagged along for the ride, because no one was going to turn him down if he went with them, plus he was a founding member of the team, even though he was currently a part-timer.
  Deadpool stood over the various SHIELD agents that he took out. The Merc with the Mouth thought that they might have been better trained but he was more creative with his maneuvering. He reached forward and took the information that his mysterious benefactor gave him. The Merc with the Mouth's eyes read the typed up instructions.
  "Don't know why mister mystery didn't come and get the ship himself," Deadpool commented as he kept reading the document as he shook his head. "Lazy bones."
  The Merc with the Mouth whistled as merrily as he could be, his hands clutched together as he spun his head around. He walked in front of the ship.
  "Oh, my Avengers sense is tingling,' Deadpool commented as he looked over his shoulder. "I better pick up the pace."
  The Merc with the Mouth reached forward and began to diddle with the lock of the ship.
  "Heh, you said diddle," Deadpool commented as lightning cracked in the background. He threw his hands up in surrender and stated in a soft tone. "Joking, joking, joking."
  He was completely insane but he knew it was time to buckle down and be serious. The door was wedged shut, at least for now. The Merc with the Mouth threw his head back.
  "Damn, neck crick," Deadpool commented as he threw his head back. He threw his head back again and again, making like a bobblehead with a demented grin crossing his face as he did so and he placed his hands on his hips, swaying from side to side a little bit. He decided to edge forwards and try and find his way into the system to unlock the ship.
  The instructions were straight forward, so much so that even a child, or an idiot could figure them out. Which made sense considering who's hands they currently resided in. How this individual knew exactly how to disable this ship, well that was something that Deadpool would figure out later. Right now he had to keep his mind on the mission and not on asking stupid questions that would be explained if he exhibited a little bit of patience.
  Not that it was easy for Deadpool to do so but that was just the way that he rolled. He kept himself focused on the panel, clicking through it, causing the front of the ship to open.
  "Face it Tiger, I've just hit the jackpot," Deadpool commented as he continued to open up the ship.
  'Wait for it.'
  There was a second where the doors to the hanger burst open and the Avengers showed up, right on schedule. The Merc with the Mouth turned around.
  "Let me guess you're shutting me down once and for all, aren't you?" Deadpool asked as he placed a hand on his hips and smiled.
  Tony's eyes widened, he had the line all ready and everything. He didn't like it when he was cut off at the pass, not at all.
  "Step away from, it Deadpool," Natasha commented, hoping that this guy gave her a reason to hurt him badly.
  He was number one on SHIELD's most annoying yet somehow dangerous list. She thought that there was an obvious way to correct his behavior.
  "So wait, it's Captain America, Black Widow, Thor, Ms. Marvel, and Iron Man, and yeah its Arcane, hey Arcane, sup, remember the time where I transported you and your friends to Mojoworld, and put you on television and I was like really a robot, man that was so sweet and by sweet that was..."
  Black Widow kicked Deadpool in the mouth mid-stream which was quite frankly kind of rude.
  "What's your problem lady?" Deadpool asked as he picked himself up off the ground before he pulled out two guns, anger flowing through his tone. "NEVER INTERRUPT ME WHEN I'M MONOLOGING!"
  "Bang! Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!" Deadpool fired off a series of shots which caused the group to scatter. They ran around, trying to duck and run for cover. No matter what, Deadpool was trying to get in some pretty good shots at them.
  Captain America used his shield to block the attack.
  "Again, don't underestimate anyone ever," Captain America commented before he rushed forward and tried to disarm Deadpool.
  Deadpool dodged the attack by sliding forwards underneath it, taking out Captain America's legs as both of his feet connected with the Super Soldiers ankles, and sending him flipping forwards over his head. He drew his sword from his sheath only for it to be turned into a rose as Harry blasted him with an attack.
  "That's really....that's really low Arcane," Deadpool commented as he stepped forwards only to hear the ship click open the rest of the way behind him. The Merc with the Mouth spun his head around before a triumphant smile spread over his face. "Hey, it's done. That's awesome!"
  Deadpool cheered with a smile on his face as rushed forward, trying to get to the black box.
  Ms. Marvel grabbed Deadpool around the back of his head and flung him backwards. The Merc with the Mouth flew head over heels and slammed against the wall with a loud crack.
  "At least I didn't drop down to the ground," Deadpool grumbled but then he dropped down to the ground. "Hey, there it is! Spoke too soon."
  Deadpool picked himself up before he checked his watch.
  "It's time to make a strategic retreat," Deadpool commented to himself before he pulled out a cylinder like object which he shook like mad whilst doing a jig. "Come on, let's get crazy! Let's go nuts! Let's get dangerous!"
  Deadpool hoisted the cylinder up before he hurled it like a grenade into the air. It plummeted to the ground and it exploded with a loud crash.
  "What did he throw at us?" Carol managed as her eyes watered over.
  "That be a putrid smell," Thor remarked as Harry waved his hand, to clear the room. "Ah, that is much better."
  "I believe that was a stink bomb," Harry informed him as he coughed a tiny bit.
  "Yeah, that's about right," Tony commented before his eyes watered.
  The sound of an escape pod clicking open was heard and Deadpool was about ready to get out of there.
  "I've got this one," Harry told the Avengers before he waved his hand.
  The loud shock wave spell shot out but it only succeeded in pushing Deadpool further away from them rather then stomping him completely flat.
  "Well that didn't work as well as you intended," Tony remarked to Harry but the wizard shrugged.
  "Trial run," he informed him and Tony whistled.
  "That was a hell of a time to do a trial run," Tony informed Harry, as he turned his head around but Steve shook his head.
  "No time to worry about that, we need to get to the jet, let's go."
  "The ship broke apart the moment that he took the hard drive out which means there's something tangible on it," Fury remarked as he shifted in his seat as he checked in with the Avengers. "We're trying to find out who hired Deadpool because it might give as a clue of what the method to his madness is."
  "Well Deadpool sure as hell has it now, doesn't he," Harry remarked as he moved across the ship and sat in one of the seats. "SHIELD had that ship, who's to say that they had any right to it? You should have told me that you had it when I was there, I could have made sure that a nutcase like Deadpool didn't get his hands on it."
  "Sorry, I didn't decide to run confidential SHIELD business past you, Potter," Fury commented in an argumentative voice and the Avengers all looked nervous.
  Any time that Harry Potter and Nick Fury went face to face, it proved to be a spectacle to say the very least. The one eye of Fury fixed on the two of Harry's.
  "You should have told me, now you lost the hard drive of a potentially dangerous alien ship to a madman, and who knows who he's working for," Harry remarked as he placed his hands on his forehead as the Avengers kept chasing the ship. "Someone who is completely and utterly out of his mind more than likely, great one Fury."
  "And the ship busted apart after he removed the hard drive," Tony remarked to them all before he was visited by a sudden thought. "You know, how did he know how to get the ship open anyway?"
  "Knowing that nutcase, he just started to randomly press buttons for the hell of it," Nick Fury commented crisply.
  Natasha shuddered at the thought, he could have easily got whatever he needed from the ship or he could have blown them all to smithereens. Knowing Deadpool he would cause some kind of Earth shattering Kaboom as well. That was how the Merc with the Mouth worked all the time.
  "Okay, we've got to find a way to track him," Steve stated as Tony calibrated the tracking device.
  "I'm on it already," Tony commented but there was something jamming the sensors. "I don't understand what's going on, there should be a way to track it."
  "Maybe you don't have it calibrated properly," Harry commented to him and Tony shrugged his shoulders as he muttered underneath his breath.
  "Let's see I got that done right, that done right, and that done right....damn it, what am I doing wrong?"
  Harry shrugged his shoulders before he slid back and let Tony do his thing.
  "You could have slipped some kind of tracking charm on him before he went out the door," Tony offered to him.
  "I could have but would it have worked if your equipment is failing?" Harry asked him in an evasive tone of voice. "SHIELD should have their own tracking signal for their escape pods, shouldn't they?"
  Harry's expression was on Fury and the director of SHIELD was all too prompt in answering his question before he nodded.
  "All of SHIELD's ships have their own unique tracking module that I can lock into or I could if something wasn't jamming my signal."
  "That settles it, someone set Deadpool up with some new toys to screw with you," Tony concluded.
  "Electro-magnetic interference is in the air...jamming my scanners...."
  "Commander Fury, you're breaking up," Natasha informed him as she tried to bang her fist on the edge of the console.
  It flickered and sputtered to a stop and there was no telling what Fury was going to do. The redhead turned her head to face her fellow team members.
  "I do believe we're on our own," Steve commented as he clutched his SHIELD.
  When the chips were down, Captain America was going to do what he always did, do things the old fashioned way. He was going to track this thing old school, as best as he could. The First Avenger looked out the window.
  "Oh boy, this is dramatic....the Avengers are coming after me and one eyed Fury is putting a price on my noggin," Deadpool remarked as he navigated the stolen SHIELD transport vehicle. He was surprised he did not have the SHIELD agents bearing down on the back of his head and halfway up his ass.
  Not that he questioned this because he would kind of be an idiot to question something like this. Still Deadpool craned his neck up and back before he heard the ship.
  "Now it's time for the climax," Deadpool commented to himself as he looked at the dashboard before he smiled. "Oooh, what does this button do?"
  Deadpool raised one hand before he pressed the button.
  Missiles launched towards the Quinjet gaining velocity as they hurtled towards them. The aerial craft was able to dodge the missiles but Deadpool did not expect that to take them down. It would be amazing if the Avengers were going to be taken down with one shot.
  Back in the Quinjet, Carol's mouth opened halfway as she was about to ask if Deadpool was completely and utterly insane but she shut her mouth. She knew better now, she really knew better.
  "Has he taken complete leave of his senses?"
  Thor on the other hand, could not resist speaking his mind.
  "Yeah, pretty much, Cap, see if you can get me close, I might be able to scramble him," Tony remarked as he tried to lock onto the computer. "I don't know if this Electro Magnetic interference will cause any problems though."
  "Yeah, it could," Harry offered him before he stepped forward. "Do you want to see if I can negate it?"
  "After your last spell attack, I think you better sit this one out," Tony informed Harry briskly and the wizard threw his hands up.
  "Well very well then," Harry offered as he turned his head away. "You might want to duck."
  "Duck why would we...."
  There was a huge missile that flew through the air towards them. Thankfully Steve was able to evade the flying attack, as the ship spun in the air wildly.
  "Don't fail me now," Captain America commented as he tried to adjust the plane.
  "I think that I can get him from here," Carol offered but Captain America shut that one down right after she said it as he clutched his hands around the stick.
  "No, it's too risky," Captain America stated as an intense glare filled his eyes.
  Now it was time for the moment of truth, he kept things steady as the SHIELD escape pod gained even more velocity. They flew closer to him, closer, closer, they were almost on his ass, getting right up into it. Captain America strapped himself in as did the other Avengers. He looked over his shoulder.
  "Bring down the Thunder, Thor," Captain America commented but the Quinjet suddenly sputtered to a stop before it could get right next to the escape craft.
  "Now what's wrong," Tony said through gritted teeth as he turned his head around, his eyes flickering a tiny bit as he tried to fly on top of it but it was out of reach. The Armored Avenger pushed himself as closely as he could to the edge of it.
  "Our pressure is dropping," Captain America informed him keeping himself calm. "I can't maintain altitude."
  There was a loud explosion that echoed as the engine began to fail, as Harry managed to slow the descent.
  "I can stop us from crashing but there's no way for us to catch up to the ship," Harry informed them and Steve nodded towards him.
  "Our lives are more important than Deadpool, we can catch up with him when we figure out what went wrong," Captain America stated as Harry diverted them safely to the ground.
  They let out the breaths that they were holding, naturally they should have figured out that he was going to get them through this. Not a hair on their heads was harmed as he deposited them to the ground.
  "Well that was unpleasant," Tony commented as he turned his head around and his heart thumped hard against him. His pacemaker was going wild.
  "At least we can walk away unscathed," Carol commented as she stepped out. That was a rule of the Air Force, if you could walk away intact, than one could call it unscathed.
  Deadpool meanwhile was flying away further and further. His eyes widened before a triumphant smirk spread underneath his face.
  "Wait a minute I actually won?"
  Deadpool's expression got even wider. He had one of those Grin grins on his face underneath his mask. It was like he had an idea, an awful idea, it was like Deadpool had an awful wonderful idea.
  "Ha, in your face beyotch, Deadpool wins, buy my game!" Deadpool screamed as he threw his fist up and pumped it into the air. "Screw that Logan guy, I'm the best in the world at what I do and what I do is awesome."
  He hummed Highway to the Danger Zone as he prepared to give them the slip, he was not about to tempt fate. He would leave the Avengers a nice little surprise. They could have the ship; he had the hard drive that was seemingly worth millions of dollars.
  Deadpool rolled back into the meeting point, his expression spun around just because he could before he made strides towards his location. The Merc with the Mouth thought that thought was one of his grandest moments of triumph. And that included the three way that he had with the nuns, that much was true.
  Still he had in in his hands, from SHIELD, the device that he managed to remove from the ship. He held the black box in his hand as he walked forward. The Merc with the Mouth had no idea how he was able to open a ship that even Nick Fury could not figure out how to open.
  Deadpool's shoulders shrugged, there were some things that he was not going to question at all, rather he rolled with the punches.
  'Okay here goes nothing,' Deadpool thought to himself before he raised his hand as he knocked on the door. He paused before he waited for the person on the other end of the door to answer it. Deadpool started to whistle carefully as he turned his head around and swayed his hips to wait for what was happening. 'Wow, we're really building up the suspense, to the point where....oh here comes someone now.'
  The door opened and Deadpool saw it open yet he did not see anyone open it.
  "Okay, this is getting ominous," Deadpool commented as he walked into the room. His expression twisted around as he whistled merrily or at least what passed as merrily for Deadpool. The Merc with the Mouth turned his head around and placed his hand on the side of his face as he watched.
  "Come closer."
  Deadpool did as he was told, he came closer, closer yet but not close enough where everyone was uncomfortable because your right up in their personal space. The Merc With the Mouth shifted his attention towards his mysterious benefactor.
  "Do you have it?"
  Deadpool held the box out for the figure in the shadows to snatch.
  "So, if you don't mind me for being a nosy pants, but what exactly do you want that box for?" Deadpool asked to the individual in the shadows and there was a long pause. "Yeah, I know, I shouldn't ask these questions, curiosity killed the cat, and also it pulverized the pussy, but I need to know why did you send me after the box?"
  The individual in the shadows shifted before a smile crossed his face.
  "Why did I send you for the box? Why not?"
  "Okay, that kind of circular reasoning....wait, wait, wait, wait, whoa!" Deadpool stated before sudden realization crossed through his eyes, not that you could see it because he's wearing a mask. "I know what's going on here, it just hit me, faster than a speeding bullet."
  There was a sense that this man was smiling at him from within the shadows. He stepped forward and Deadpool came face to face with Harry Fucking Potter.
  "Oooh, swerve motherfucker," Deadpool commented as his eyes became even more expressive beneath his mask as he held up the black box. "I didn't....actually that was pretty clever; even I didn't see that coming and I read ahead."
  "Well that was kind of the idea," Harry remarked to Deadpool and the Merc with the Mouth smiled.
  "You know, I called the hot alien blonde coming during my first appearance, so perhaps people should listen to the Pool," Deadpool commented before he crossed his arms and Harry took the black box. "But....I need to do something, oh I've always wanted to do this."
  Harry blinked before he waved his hand which gave Deadpool to continue.
  "I want to play the part of the person who can't read between the lines and asks an obvious question that is obvious," Deadpool commented as he bounced up and down on the balls of his feet like he was a three year old on a sugar high. "Oh can I, can I, can I?"
  "Sure knock yourself out," Harry informed him. It was a lot easier just to let Deadpool talk and get it out of his system.
  "Why didn't you get the black box for yourself?" Deadpool asked to Harry before he blinked. "No look at this way, I mean, all you have to do is say, 'Accio hard drive" and that shit has done been accioed."
  Harry smiled before he crossed his arms.
  "Well I know it's because we need to tell a certain story, but I'm just asking you why you did such a thing,' Deadpool offered as his eyes kept on Harry's face. "So are you going to let me in on the secret?"
  Harry's smile crossed over his face and he drummed his fingers in an oh so casual manner.
  "Well it's simply like this," Harry explained to Deadpool as he leaned towards him. "In the black box came flying out of the ship, then it might kind of clue Fury and the rest of SHIELD that I was after it. So that would be what we might call a really stupid idea."
  "Ah, I see," Deadpool commented as he nodded in understanding. "So your incompetence was blatant as well."
  Harry smiled.
  "I see, I see, man this is so easy, even a three year old can figure it out, you don't need a Power Point, graphs, pretty pictures, or anything to hash it out," Deadpool commented with a smile crossing his face and his head inclined as he kept swaying back and forth like a hula dancer on crack. "I like it, I like it, I really like it."
  Deadpool's expression continued to fixate on Harry.
  "Why didn't you ask Fury for it yourself?" Deadpool wondered.
  Harry smiled. "Would Fury have willingly handed it over?"
  "You've got a point," Deadpool commented as Harry handed over a briefcase at least three times what Deadpool's going rate was. "So this is my, 'we never spoke' money."
  "Exactly," Harry commented to Deadpool as he watched him.
  "And how do you know that thing is legit?" Deadpool asked.
  "You wouldn't be breathing right now if it wasn't," Harry remarked in a cheerful tone of voice before he disappeared with a pop.
  This left Deadpool to contemplate whether or not Harry was pulling his leg.
  Midnight on Saturday came just like clockwork and Lois turned her head around as she took in her surroundings, the intrepid reporter had a mixture of emotions that passed through her being. She folded her arms as she heard the wind flying around her and brought her hair into disarray.
  'This could be some kind of sick prank,' Lois thought to herself as she had an expression that was burning with determination. The woman's hand cupped her chin. 'Wouldn't put it past some people.'
  Never the less, there was something that caused Lois to stay rooted on the spot as she turned her expression off to the side. The woman thought that she better stay where she was, stay put and see what might happen.
  It was not quite Midnight yet so Lois did not have to be too nervous even though she was on edge. It was New York in the dead of night and there were any number of psychopaths that could step in to cause her grief. The woman's eyes widened as she bit down hard on her lip to the point where she almost drew blood.
  Lois had to cut that out, and there was a thought in her mind. It was almost like time had crawled to a stop and was deliberately being slow to mock her, to screw with her. That thought went through her mind as she shook her head harshly.
  'Lane, you need to cut back on the caffeine, it's starting to screw with your mind,' Lois thought to herself but never the less, there were more than her fair share of paranoid thoughts that went through her head.
  "So, I'm here as promised."
  That caused Lois to jump a few feet up in the air as that was something that she did not expect. She thought herself to be extremely alert but this individual caught her completely off guard. Her heart was racing as she placed her hands on her hips before she turned to the direction of the voice. Slowly her eyes blazed a trail forward as she tried to find out who was there. She crossed her arms and decided to offer a blunt statement as only Lois Lane could.
  "You don't have to give a person a fucking heart attack, you know," Lois offered as she saw him standing in the shadows. She could not see his face, although the outline of his shadow made her imagination run wild and her mind delve into the gutter.
  "Sorry, I couldn't resist, you seem like a basket of nerves," the individual in the shadows stated to her.
  "You try being the personification of sanity when you have to deal with J. Jonah Jameson on a day to day basis," Lois remarked to him before she amended carefully. "I don't....I don't want to be the person who complains about her job....I mean, there's nothing that anyone hates more than someone who whines and complains about their job, going on and on, until you want them to shut up or want to duct tape her mouth shut."
  Lois paused before her eyes turned towards the figure in the shadows and a smile crossed her face.
  "And I'm rambling aren't I?"
  Harry's expression flickered into a tiny smile even though Lois could not see him from the shadows.
  "Yes, you kind of are but it happens to the best of us," he remarked before he told her. "Then again some of us do have that ability to ramble and not to mention a certain ability to get into trouble."
  Lois's eyes widened before she was caught off guard by this accusation. "I'm....I'm not getting into trouble."
  Immediately she felt the bullshit slide off of her own tongue. She did have that ability to get herself into any kind of trouble with the best of them that was one thought that flickered through her mind with picture perfect clarity. The reporter bit on her tongue before she kept her expression fixed on him.
  "Well aren't you going to step out of the shadows?" Lois asked him and there was a smile that she could almost sense. Or rather she assumed that he was smiling, it was really hard to tell as he was standing in the shadows, hidden from her. "You're enjoying causing me some grief aren't you?"
  "A little bit of grief, yes, more than a little bit," Harry informed her as he stepped forward.
  "So are you....you're him aren't you?" Lois asked.
  "Depends on which him you are referring to," Harry commented and Lois watched him.
  She was used to playing word games, being a reporter caused them to be second nature to her. She blinked ever so slightly and nodded.
  "Right, perhaps I should be a bit clearer," Lois offered him before her arms crossed open with each other. The dark haired reporter's expression could not be any clearer than it was. "Are you the mysterious disappearing Arcane?"
  "Now, Miss Lane, if I were to tell you that, Arcane wouldn't be so mysterious," Harry remarked to her in a calm tone of voice.
  "Can I at least see a glimpse of you?" Lois asked, feeling even more bold than she was. Perhaps she should learn when to use a proper amount of tact.
  She could sense the chilling breeze resound through the air around her and the woman's eyes widened.
  'Good one, Lois, one step too far,' she thought to herself.
  "Are you sure?" Harry asked Lois.
  "Hey, it's okay, if you're disfigured or something, I mean....my dad's an army general, so I've seen worse," Lois remarked as she turned her head to Harry. "Unless....oh unless you're not disfigured or something but...."
  "Rambling again, aren't we?" Harry asked Lois, his lips curling in amusement.
  Lois threw her hands up into the air and offered him a labored sigh. "Yes, rambling, that's me, rambling Lois Lane, it's a pretty bad habit of mine, isn't it?"
  "Well, it's not the worst thing in the world," Harry remarked as he smiled.
  He wondered if he should show himself. With the charms in place, it was hard for any hidden cameras to get a picture of his face. The dark haired alien sorcerer tapped his foot on the grass before him.
  Lois tried to not take a step forward, as tempting as it was to do so.
  He stepped out of the shadows and Lois tried to catch a glimpse of him. She saw dark black hair and green eyes. He wore a black trench coat, with a black t-shirt, and jeans but other than that, his facial features were pretty much a blur. She wouldn't be able to pick him out of a police line-up after tonight.
  "You don't make anything easy, do you?" she asked him.
  Harry smiled. "Afraid not, Lois. My name is Har-Rell."
  "You're not from around here, are you?" Lois asked him as she looked into his eyes which shimmered out towards her.
  "Well the British accent might clue you in on that fact," Harry teased her.
  Lois crossed her arms, it was an expression that indicated she meant in a way different then that fact.
  "Well I mean that....but there's something beside the accent, all of this mysterious Star Child talk going around and...."
  There was someone who broke Lois's line of questioning before she could really get going.
  "Lane, what are you doing here?"
  Harry spun around and disappeared with a pop before Lois could say anything.
  Eddie Brock showed up, he had followed Lois's car all of the way there from the Bugle but she gave him the slip. The man closed the distance and looked at her.
  Lois wanted to hit him as hard as possible. The fact is that she was this close to figuring out the mysteries of this Star Child. He was about to tell her something tangible and then Brock showed up.
  "Just following up on a story Brock," Lois offered, as she resisted the urge to strangle him.
  It was very hard not to do so.
  To Be Continued In the Next Chapter.
  Chapter Six: Internship.
  Training in the Fortress was intense but Harry and Kara were done with it and the two of them were excited to get that stage of their life completed. The two final survivors of Krypton flew high over Bayville from the Fortress. They were careful not to get picked up on any radar, especially if it was Nick Fury's radar.
  It was a beautiful autumn day, not to hot and not too cold, without a cloud in the sky or a hitch in the arrangements. It was hard to say whether or not a day could be the perfect day, as the term was thrown around a little too often. The blonde disguised as a brunette held Harry's hand as they flew their way towards the Xavier Institute.
  "If I calculated the time right, everyone should be out of school by now," Harry informed Kara before the blonde turned back to him, with a slight smile crossing her face.
  "Are you sure that you got the math correct?" Kara asked him in a sweet and innocent tone of voice.
  "Yes, I'm pretty sure," Harry informed her but he could not resist the bright smile that crossed over her face.
  The Xavier Institute did not change much, even though Harry had been gone for almost a month. The security system was not upgraded yet by the looks of things, even though Beast informed Harry that he would try and take a good solid crack at it. There was something about that security system that made Harry wonder if they were fighting a losing battle and the Institute was built upon cursed ground.
  Harry and Kara dropped down the ground as they felt the rays of the same yellow sun that gave part of their powers. The fact that the Mansion was not compromised by some security threat in a few weeks was a good sign that made them feel extremely relieved. Now they kept their minds on the task at hand.
  Harry decided to ring the doorbell in the mansion. Kara hovered a few inches off the ground and the wizard's eyes turned towards her. The blonde dropped down with a sheepish smile across her face.
  "Sorry, I got nervous," Kara remarked to him before he placed an arm around her.
  "You've been here before," Harry commented to her but Kara shook her head.
  "I know, but...never mind," Kara said to him as Harry's hand tightened around hers.
  "I know, I know," Harry informed her, in some ways, Kara was still getting used to Earth culture.
  Hell, Harry lived here most of his life and there was a lot about Earth culture that seemed fairly foreign to him. He doubted very much that he was alone. That was just the fact of the matter.
  The footsteps indicated that someone was there. The way the door opened made Harry think that there were more than a few individuals who came here as of late who were of the unsavory variety.
  "Get out we don't want any," the growling voice of Logan commented but he stopped as saw Harry standing on the doorstep.
  "Well, it looks like I'm not the only one who came out of seclusion recently," Harry remarked as he stepped towards the entrance but Logan remained standing in the doorway.
  "Potter, heard I missed you about a month ago," Logan remarked as he looked towards the young wizard standing across from him.
  "Yes, this is Kara, she's....well she's another survivor from where I came from," Harry remarked to Logan and the Mutant who was the best in the world at what did was surprised by this one statement that was given form Harry.
  "I could have sworn that you said that you were the last of your kind," Logan offered as he stared towards Harry with his usual Logan expression as he surveyed him through narrowed eyes.
  "Well you never know," Harry told him as Kara turned towards Logan with a smile.
  "You trained....Harry?" Kara asked, she nearly slipped and called him Kal-El. Even though the combined entity was Har-Rell but the fact that universe's merged gave her a slight headache.
  "In a matter of speaking, the kid's alright," Logan offered but this statement caused Harry to smile at him.
  "Alright, man Logan, I never thought you cared so much," Harry offered with a smug little smile. "Or are you getting soft in your old age?"
  "You just don't know when to give up, do you?" Logan asked him as his glance locked onto Harry but the green eyed wizard looked towards him with a smile.
  "So you're back."
  Harry spun around and he saw Laura standing there, arms folded as she watched him.
  "Hey Laura," Harry remarked to her.
  "For the record, I didn't think you were dead," Laura informed him in a firm tone of voice and Harry's smile grew wide.
  "The sentiment is appreciated," Harry commented as he thought that they would be foolish to think that he would be dead after all he's been through. "It's good to see you again Laura."
  "Is Harry here?"
  That statement was given by Rachel who peered her head halfway out the door but she could not completely see him. The wizard's glance locked onto her and a smile crossed his face.
  "Yes it's me," Harry remarked to Rachel, Jean, Amara, and Rogue all who turned up to face Harry, practically running into each other in the process.
  "It's great to see you again, Harry," Jean offered, trying not to seem too eager. She figured that he had about ten million other things on his mind and didn't have the time to deal with any of her hang ups, although Jean's excitement could barely be hidden despite her best effort.
  "Well, the feeling's mutual, Jean," Harry informed her with a bright smile across his face.
  "Is he here?"
  A pink haired girl walked around the corner, her eyes falling to rest upon Harry. A couple of months back, Harry saved her from the Friends of Humanity and she was recruited to the X-Men. Needless to say she was disappointed to find out that Harry was not the one who was going to be teaching her.
  She didn't like to say bad things about people but that Scott person was not a people person. He had a lot of issues. Not that she'd say it out loud but Megan was sure thinking it.
  "Hey, remember me....Megan Gywnn, you know that girl that you saved from the Friends of Humanity," Megan told him.
  Harry's smile crossed over his face. "I've saved a few cute looking girls in my day but I do remember you, Megan."
  Megan flushed a tiny little bit and tried not to look too pleased, but she was doing a dismal job at this charade.
  "I see another one has fallen hopelessly for the charms of Harry Potter," Wanda remarked as she stepped over and wrapped her arms around Harry with a hug. "It's good to see you've come back....unless this is another cruel tease where you've come to tell us that you have to go somewhere else."
  "That would be needlessly cruel," Rachel remarked but then fear flooded her eyes, what if Wanda was right? She didn't think that she could handle that and she turned her attention towards Harry as she stared him down intensely. "This isn't a cruel joke where you're going to pull the rug out from underneath us."
  "No, it isn't, everything regarding the living quarters for you girls is ready, if you want to go," Harry remarked before he stared them down.
  "I did not think you would have it ready this quickly, Mr. Potter."
  Xavier wheeled forward, with Storm, Beast, and Scott walking behind him.
  "Well, I think that it's a shame if people run off from a proven institute to a school that doesn't have any kind of track record," Scott remarked but it was Rogue who chimed in with a few words of her own.
  "Yeah, because it isn't like Harry trained us or anything," Rogue commented with a roll of her eyes. "Remind me again which one of you lead a training session that made half of the student body want to call for your head and which one of you allowed most of the New Mutants to improve their powers."
  Scott's mouth snapped open, he looked like someone who was about ready to catch flies but he said nothing for now. There was nothing else for him to say really, he was completely flummoxed beyond all belief.
  "Harry, I wish to have a word with you about your future plans," Xavier remarked as Harry raised an eyebrow and wondered why Xavier would be talking to him about this now. "It's a shame to see you go."
  'Of course, you say that after I've already left,' Harry remarked before Xavier continued to speak once more with the wizard's full attention fixed upon him.
  "Of course," Harry offered but his facial expression was calm, cool, and diplomatic, he did not say much more other than what was the expression was like in his eyes.
  "I think that our schools could work together, as we should stand united instead of becoming divided," Xavier offered. "I would wish to offer you a liaison from my school to yours and I would...."
  "How about Ororo?" Harry asked to Xavier, knowing that he was about ready to suggest Scott, which was something that was not going to end in anything but tragedy for all involved.
  "I would be happy to take on the role, Charles," Ororo commented, as she knew that the differences between the two could stand to be bridged a bit more diplomatically.
  "It would be a pleasure doing business with you, Ororo," Harry remarked as he looked into her eyes with a bright smile crossing his face.
  "Yes it would be," Ororo offered back to him as Xavier's expression flickered between the two before he nodded.
  "If that's what you wish," Xavier commented to him. "I do think that you should reconsider. There will always be a place for you, all of you at the Xavier Institute."
  "We know there is," Jean remarked to Xavier as she kept her eyes narrowed towards him. "We just wish for our place to be somewhere else."
  "Jean you...."
  "No, Scott, it's over, I'm with Harry," Jean offered to him and Scott stepped back as she moved over to Harry. He was getting creepily obsessive, much like another person with the same initials, Harry mentally noted. Jean wrapped her arm around Harry. "Thank you for the foundation that you've given us but we need to move on."
  "I'm sorry to hear that," Xavier offered but it appeared that they were not about to change their mind any time soon. It was unfortunate but he knew that this day was coming.
  A fair deal of his female student body was on their way out of the school.
  Harry took the group of Wanda, Amara, Laura, Jean, Rachel, Megan, Kara, and M'Gann towards the front entrances of the school that had been set up. It looked completely amazing from the first sight, as they took it in for the first time. It might look like an ordinary building from the outside but there was a sense that it was extraordinary on the inside.
  "I want you girls to do everything that you can think of to try and break down the security in this place," Harry remarked to the entire group suddenly and the girls spun around to lock their eyes on Harry. The smiles widened on their faces as Rogue offered the one statement that they were all thinking.
  "Are you sure?"
  Harry nodded his head. "Yes, I'm sure."
  "And by anything, you mean anything," Wanda remarked and Harry nodded. She shrugged her shoulders. "You do remember that when it comes to my powers, that can mean a lot of things?"
  "Yes, Wanda, I remember, but I really want you to give it everything you have," Harry told her and Wanda shrugged her shoulders.
  "Okay, whatever you want, it's your deal," Wanda offered as she took aim to the side of the gate but intended to hold back for the sake of reality's continued existence.
  One hex bolt came up and she sent the explosive magical attack towards the front of the gate. There was an explosion before it bounced off of the gates. Wanda's eyes widened as even if it was at half strength, her powers at half strength were still pretty impressive.
  "I don't understand," Wanda remarked.
  "Okay, I'll break it down, don't worry," Rogue commented as she tried to punch the gates but an energy field blasted her back.
  Rogue flew head over heels but Kara caught her in her arms.
  "I don't think that worked out too well," Kara remarked as she smiled.
  The Kryptonian technology of the security system, combined with some magical implements was an amazing combination. The young blonde Kryptonian held Rogue up.
  Amara tried to melt the gates but her lava attacks were negated completely. The eyes of the Princess of Nova Roma narrowed as she stepped back and her heart hammered within her chest as Harry wrapped his arm around her.
  "Not a bad shot, but you're missing something," Harry remarked to Amara.
  "I thought I had that one," Amara commented.
  Jean summoned a fair amount of Phoenix Force energy to herself before she tried to hammer down the gates. It bounced off the gates with immense force. She followed it up with the heaviest telekinetic attack she could imagine as she tried to smash down the dome over the gate.
  'Well, this is put together much better then the security at the Xavier Institute,' Phoenix remarked but she was determined to prove her superiority over this security system.
  Harry watched, he had several tests that he ran on the security system but he needed to motivate these females to new levels so they could deliver the final round of testing.
  Laura's teeth gritted, she tried to push herself through the barriers but that only resulted in them bouncing her off hard. Growling the young woman tried to push herself through it once more, only to achieve the same result. Using her claws she anchored herself to the ground then sprung forwards to try and use her momentum to punch through the barrier. No matter how hard the woman tried to push through, she was unable to do so.
  'Damn it, damn it,' she thought to herself as she bit down on her tongue.
  Harry waited a few more moments before Megan turned towards him. The pink haired mutant smiled as Kara and M'gann both looked extremely amused.
  "They're not going to break through no matter what," Megan offered in a quiet voice.
  The wizard inclined his head forward with a smile. He was glad that the security system was more than able to withstand the combined attacks of both the Scarlet Witch and the Phoenix, who could potentially break reality if they tapped into enough of their powers.
  "And you can stop now."
  Several of the females collapsed to the ground, panting in exertion, although Jean and Wanda remained standing.
  "Well that was a bust," Rogue commented as Harry reached over and grabbed her around the hand, before pulling the woman to her feet.
  "We aren't going to break that one down," Jean offered as she got it.
  Harry smiled before he stepped forward and did a series of motions that dropped the security, at least long enough to let the group in.
  The security was hard wired into his nervous system which meant that they would have to hack into his body to even gain access to the system. It was a neural interface that might not be duplicated on Earth for millions of years. It was not the original security system but it was the security system that they had. The group entered the school.
  She now understood why it took so long for Harry to get things set up while he was staying at the Mansion because it must have taken an extremely long time to get everything together.
  "You must have taken months to develop this place," Rachel remarked her eyes widening as she took a good look at everything in the stronghold.
  She now understood why it took so long for Harry to get thing set up in the Mansion because it took an extremely long time to get everything.
  "Pretty much yes, but this is just the public area," Harry remarked but Jean stopped and slowly turned to face Harry, catching the meaning of what he said.
  "So wait a minute....if this is the public area, you have an area that is just...."
  "Accessible to only a select few, and I need you to all agree to oaths never to bring anyone there without my permission," Harry remarked to them.
  Amara was nervous and she wanted to know the consequences of the situation. The dark haired princess focused her attention towards Harry as she nervously stammered out. "Um what happens if...."
  "Do you really want to know?" Harry asked as he placed more seriousness into his voice than ever before. "Look, I trust all of you but I'm not going to be stupid."
  Harry remembered that at one time, his parents thought that they could trust someone and it did not turn out well. He knew that he could trust every single one of his girls.
  Laura smiled, she could see that Harry was not being an idiot about this; rather he was trying to protect his interests. The dark haired mutant offered one crisp statement as she took a step forward.
  "Where do I sign?"
  That was the statement offered to him as Laura inclined her head. Wanda's face turned up in a smile as did Rachel, Jean, and the rest of the group.
  Harry was glad that they weren't going to argue this because it proved that they understood where he stood.
  Amara shifted her feet around nervously as Harry walked over towards her. There was something that she wanted to speak to him about but she had been slowly working up the nerve to do so for a long time.
  "So Harry, how are you doing?" Amara offered but her cheeks flushed after she realized how lame that sounded.
  "I'm doing pretty good," Harry commented towards her as he placed his hand on the hand of the princess. He gave her a reassuring smile as he spoke. "I know what you're worried about."
  Amara's eyes widened before she let out the breath that she held in before she turned towards him. "Yeah....about....that."
  "Yes, about that," Harry told Amara before he pulled her in towards him. "Your father gave me something when I was in Nova-Roma."
  "Yeah and I can't believe that he did something like that!" Amara shouted in a more spirited voice. There were times where she was rather laid back and calm but there were other times where she could be spirited, like a spark of fire. The princess turned her head around towards him but Harry grabbed her hand tightly with a smile.
  "Don't worry, I read it and I don't think that it's fair to you," Harry remarked as he stepped towards her. "Although I don't know why he seemed so intent to unload Nova-Roma on me."
  Amara had her theories and Harry nudged her with an anxious expression spreading over his face.
  "Do you have any idea why he did that?"
  Harry moved to stand in front of her, gripping her hand with his even tighter.
  Amara turned over the thoughts in her mind then she offered him one statement, clear and concise as she could manage.
  "Well...it's kind of like this," Amara admitted to him as she nervously bit down on her lip.
  Harry smiled back at her. "It's okay if you don't want to say it, it must be a lot of politics."
  "No it has to do with Selene....she'd be extremely interested in you, and I'm not sure if it's for the right reasons," Amara offered. "I didn't think about it until months after I met you, but you do resemble the mythical star god we worship and that guy....we called you the Sun God or the Star Child."
  "There are their fair share of people who worship and curse me, it seems," Harry informed her and she smiled. "That's something that just comes with the territory."
  Harry was used to that.
  "If you see your father before I do, tell me that while his offer is flattering, I'm going to have to say that I'm going to decline," Harry remarked to her but Amara's eyes widened as she tightened her grip around Harry and leaned towards him so her mouth was near his ear.
  "Don't be too hasty to decline it," Amara offered him with a smile.
  "I thought you...."
  "I said I was upset that he offered it in the way he did, not that I thought that it was a bad idea in general," Amara commented to him as she moved her arms around his waist. "Most of the women on the island worship at the altar of the Star Child and since you are him...."
  "I see," Harry remarked but Amara turned away.
  Amara believed that more women a man got with, the greater sign of power he had. If there were women that did not like that, well there were going to be numerous woman who would. Someone like Harry, he deserved all of the woman that he could have and then even more.
  "Talk to you later Amara, I'm going to check on some other people to see if they've settled in," Harry told her as he pulled her into a tight hug and kissed her.
  "Yeah, okay," Amara commented as she watched Harry move off, staring at him as he left.
  Harry made his way down the hallway only to see Megan standing in the shadows waiting around for him.
  "Well, I'm sorry for dragging you into the deep end your first time out," Harry informed the pixie like girl but the girl giggled as she focused her gaze on Harry.
  "It's alright, you saved me from getting my skull bashed in by the Friends of Humanity," Megan offered him with a smile crossing her face. She shook her head as an even brighter smile and a wide eyed look crossed her face. "I tell you, I go on holiday for one day and.....well all hell breaks loose."
  'Worse holiday ever, would have been longer but nearly getting killed put a damper on it, ' she thought.
  "That's always a bad thing, if you need anything....I'm here," Harry offered her.
  "Well I'm sure that you can make it up to me because I missed you while you were gone," Megan offered to him and Harry shrugged his shoulders before offering her an apologetic glance through his eyes. The Welsh girl shrugged as she smiled. "It's okay, it happens, really it happens."
  "Thanks Megan," Harry offered as he stepped forward to get a proper look at the girl. "Are you okay, or do you need..."
  "I know you're trying to check in on everyone else, and the place looks amazing," Megan offered with a smile as she watched Harry with an adoring expression.
  "I'll be up for some private training sessions to see what your powers are capable off," Harry remarked as he placed his hand on her shoulder with a smile. She stood up on her tip toes to face him with a bright smile passing over her face.
  "I'd enjoy that a lot," Megan remarked with a flushed expression on her face as he walked away but she looked extremely pleased with this situation.
  Harry would give her a little bit of time to get settled in although all of the arrangements were made for each of the girls, so there was no need to belabor that point.
  "Hey, Harry," Rogue remarked as she shifted her feet around as she took a few seconds to get a good look around the facilities. "A pretty snazzy place you have here, isn't it?"
  Harry smiled back at her. "I only have the best in the world for my girls."
  Rogue commented with a smile. "I didn't think anything else. But....it just seems to be you."
  "Well just because you don't see any teachers here in the flesh, it doesn't mean that they aren't around," Harry remarked in a mysterious tone of voice. The truth is that it was extremely difficult to find people who were knowledgeable about the type of powers his girls had but Harry thought he found no better teachers, four who did not need salaries to do the job.
  Rogue raised an eyebrow and smiled. "Well I'm looking forward to seeing what you've got cooked up."
  The Southern Belle surveyed him with a smile crossing to face. "So to show you that I haven't been slacking, how about a few rounds sparring? Just to let you know that just because you've been gone, it doesn't mean I've been slacking off."
  "Well, I must warn you, I'm better than I've ever been before," Harry remarked to Rogue and the woman smiled towards him, placing her hands on her hips.
  "Well then I'll find that out for myself, Sugah" Rogue commented in a light tone of voice as inclined her head and motioned for him to lead the way. "After you Harry."
  Harry took the invitation with good grace as he stepped forwards. There was a few seconds where he heard some snatches of conversation.
  "Wanda, Harry's right, the accidental bursts that you went through, they're common, although the problem was that there was no one in this world who could deal with your unique issues until Harry turned up," Lily remarked to her. "My parents kind of freaked out the first time I made the dishes explode. Of course there were other quirks with my powers that would have caused them to take issue with what I was."
  "I understand, but...."
  "Your father, I don't know him, so I can't say," Lily commented in a brisk tone of voice as the holographic image fixed her eyes onto Wanda. "I know one thing and that's some people deal with things that they don't understand by brushing it underneath the rug."
  Wanda thought that was about right.
  "And you've done well ever since I've gotten you out of that place," Harry commented to Wanda and she turned around slowly on the spot to see him standing there.
  Wanda nodded in agreement as she recalled the past few months. It was true, she was doing very well. She actually got a good night's sleep, which she didn't get that much of in the Asylum. At least not without the aid of constant drugs which they injected in her system and forced her into a stupor, which she didn't really count as a good night's sleep. She was too doped up to move but she was still in a state of awareness and suffered from hallucinations.
  Harry was a comfort for her, given that she figured that he had many of the same challenges that she had in the past.
  "Yes, and just in time," Wanda commented to Harry as she eyed the development that Harry made in the past couple of months. Although she had to do it rather covertly so he did not catch her looking at him.
  For now at least.
  Harry watched Wanda with a smile crossing his face and after the pause he asked one question. "You haven't had any relapses?"
  "No, when I thought my father....I kind of thought....well it isn't important," Wanda remarked to Harry.
  Harry placed his hand on hers calmly and Wanda sat up straight. "Yes, he's going to be to be a trigger for you for a long time. Both him and Pietro."
  Wanda's eye twitched for a moment when her brother's name was mentioned. "But the Brotherhood's still locked up in SHIELD's secure facility."
  "Last time I checked yes, although Fury mentioned that he might make something of them yet," Harry remarked to her.
  "Yeah, good luck with that," Wanda offered Harry as she sighed rather tensely. "Shame that you didn't turn them into wombats."
  Harry raised an eyebrow. "Why wombats?"
  Wanda shrugged. "I don't know."
  She decided to flip the subject around.
  "So any word about young Miss Pryde?" Wanda asked him and Harry raised an eyebrow towards her, to give her a warning gaze as she backed off. "Yeah, I know, sore subject, really sore subject."
  "No, it's okay, she's out there," Harry remarked as he kept his tone optimistic. "I wonder if she's caught word of my return."
  'If she's able to catch word of my return,' Harry thought to himself, he was trying to keep his head up regarding Kitty but he could not really search for her every waking moment of his day, with all the things that he had to do.
  The fact of the matter was it was almost like Kitty was gone and not wanting to be found by anyone. Harry figured that she was in no pressing danger at the moment. At least there was nothing that hinted that she was in any kind of danger. There was a moment where he thought that someone like Sinister was in the offing but he put that thought out of his mind.
  The Marauders were lying low for the time being, so Harry had to play that ever frustrating waiting game and hope that nothing was wrong.
  "Your mother is talking to me about what sorcery was like on your world, it's kind of interesting," Wanda offered, trying to direct Harry to other pursuits.
  She was worried that something could have happened to Kitty, but it was something that Harry should not obsess over. Harry could obsess over things with the best of them and it could effect him.
  "I didn't really get to the more interesting points during our lessons, did I?" Harry asked Wanda.
  "No, but to be fair, our lessons got cut short because of circumstances," Wanda remarked as she smiled towards him. "I hope you have Multiple's power down pat, because there's going to need to be a few of you to do all of the work that you're trying to undertake."
  Harry smiled; he really just needed to get everything set up to the point where he felt secure in delegating his responsibilities. His investments were holding steady, but it was going to be a matter of time before all of his ducks were properly in line. His treasure hunting got him a lot of good booty and if there was one thing that Harry Potter was about, it was the booty.
  "I'll help you with Wanda, Megan, and Kara, continue their magical training, while you make sure the school is all in order," Lily commented to Harry, feeling that she should ease some of the burden.
  "And I'll be sure to fill in the gaps," Peve added as her presence was now patched into the school. Lara and Alura were likely there as well, although they hadn't made their presence known yet.
  "Okay, talk to you later, Wanda, you know I'm here for you if you need anything," Harry informed her and Wanda smiled.
  "Believe me Harry, I know," Wanda offered and Harry left the room. She was in much better spirits than she was before, especially now that Harry was back.
  M'gann was the next person Harry came up to, along with Jean and Rachel.
  "I think I'm getting better about going out in the city during rush hour," M'gann remarked as she took an Oreo from a bag and nibbled on it.
  "Oh it's hard," Jean agreed, as she rubbed her temples at the memory of her early days trying to master her powers. "All of those thoughts racketing around your head."
  "You'll get the hang of it," Rachel remarked, thinking about the first time her powers kicked in. It was a never ending stream of thoughts that resounded through her mind.
  M'gann nodded calmly as Harry turned up.
  "If you need any help, just ask," Harry offered to M'gann.
  "I'll help as well, I helped Harry get his mind in order," Rachel offered them but she could not resist saying the next statement. "And that was a challenge and a half."
  Harry smiled before he placed his hand onto his heart, in mock sorrow as his eyes locked onto Rachel's. "Oh you wound me, Rach, you really do."
  "Well your mind, kind of, was a mess when you got here," Rachel remarked as Jean chimed in with a few words of her own.
  "It's rather....stable given the entire duality thing that you're going through, isn't it?" Jean asked Harry and the wizard smiled at her.
  "Don't worry Jean, my mind's about stable as yours is," Harry remarked.
  'Well, that's reassuring,' Phoenix thought to Jean dryly.
  'You're not helping,' Jean thought to the Phoenix.
  'Well, you're the one who regularly argues with a cosmic entity who is also partially you, so tell me about how stable your mind is, Jeannie,' the Phoenix remarked to her in a smug tone.
  M'gann and Rachel, being telepaths, heard this interplay and they were amused. Of course, given their powers, they had their set of unique challenges given what they had to deal with.
  Harry meanwhile edged away to allow the three girls to continue to discuss their growing challenges regarding M'Gann's telepathy.
  "It was different on Mars, I mean we're all telepaths, thoughts were more wide open, here there are more concerns about privacy."
  Harry stepped into the room, ready for his sparring session with Rogue. He saw Laura facing off with Kara.
  "You sure about this?" Laura asked to Kara as she held her claws up. "I mean, Girl of Steel or not, I can still hurt you with these."
  "Harry's been training me a little bit at the Fortress, but he told me that I can't be used to fighting the same person," Kara remarked to Laura before she smiled. "Besides, Harry said that you're the best in the world at what you do and you look much better than Logan doing it."
  Laura turned towards Harry who smiled. There was a very prominent, "I'll see you later" glint in her eyes as she turned to Kara and the two of them prepared for their sparring session.
  Harry turned to Rogue, who'd stripped off her jacket. She stood before him in a sport's bra and tight leather pants.
  "I'm getting stronger the more I work at mastering my abilities," Rogue informed him.
  "You might have absorbed something from me after all," Harry commented to her as Rogue raised an eyebrow. "My unique biology, it's given you a few new abilities, including strength and flight. I wonder if any others would pop up."
  Harry rushed over and knocked Rogue back before she could even blink.
  "Like that," Harry remarked.
  "Wow, you're faster than Quicksilver," Rogue remarked as Harry moved behind her and grabbed her in a waistlock, before he took her down. "Oh come on, now you're just showing off."
  Harry flipped upside down, before doing a handstand, only he did so in mid-air. "It's not showing off, if you can back it up Rogue."
  Rogue rolled her eyes but never the less there was a smile popping over her face.
  "Guess not," Rogue admitted.
  Harry dropped back to his feet to face her in a battle stance. "So are you ready?"
  Rogue's grin got wide and she placed a hand on her hip, staring him down. "I was born ready, Sugah."
  That was what Harry liked to hear.
  "Are you sure this is the place?"
  Gwen's eyes turned towards Chloe who folded her arms and eyed the other blonde. The two blondes stood and looked up at the large gate and what laid on the other side.
  "I'm just saying the Pentagon doesn't have that much security," Chloe remarked to Gwen but the blonde snickered. "What's so funny?"
  "Well Harry's had....issues with in being in places that he was told where supposed to be safe but the security was breached every six minutes," Gwen commented to Chloe and the other blonde swayed her attention back over towards the school.
  Chloe wondered exactly what places Harry had been staying in that mandated him to put in this much security. Although she could not fault him, the Xavier Institute was legendary for its security breaches. Just last week, Chloe hacked into the Mansion's security system because she was bored. Of course, Gwen was the one that egged her on into doing it, so if she got tracked down by an angry mutant with claws, it was all Gwen's fault.
  Yep that was her story and she was sticking to it.
  "So do we ring the doorbell or what?" Chloe asked and Gwen smiled.
  "I think we wait....yeah the facility is making sure that we're trustworthy," Gwen commented as it scanned her.
  "And how is it doing that?" Chloe asked Gwen in confusion.
  Gwen smiled a mysterious smile. "Well, Chlo, it's magic, I don't have to explain it."
  Chloe rolled her eyes at that little quip from Gwen. "That's the lamest no explanation I've ever heard."
  Never the less, the scanners roamed over inch of them as the two blondes waited for them to work their magic.
  A few seconds later, they were zapped from outside the gates or before the front door.
  "Wow, that's quick," Chloe remarked to Gwen before she turned to the blonde. "How...."
  "M-A-G-I-C," Gwen stated with a smile crossing her face.
  "Very well then," Chloe remarked as the door opened. "So what do you think happens if someone tries to break in?"
  Gwen could only imagine what might happen. Depending on the threat, the consequences might vary. The two blondes entered Harry's official facility.
  She checked a mental box in her head which reminded her that all of this security was just for the official facility, the one that was known to the public. The super-secret facility, Gwen could only imagine how insane the security was within that place.
  'Oh, you wrote me off but I can see it now.
  You can see that you've hit me hard, you nearly broken me apart.
  But I'm back, you can't tell how much I've been taught.
  I should have known it straight from the start.
  Oh I'm dazzled, straight to my heart.
  I should have not been blinded from the start.
  Your wicked games should not have fooled me.
  But now the shoe's on the other foot, oh can't you see. '
  Gwen raised an eyebrow and Chloe placed a hand to her mouth and started to snicker behind it. The blondes eyed each other as Kara was standing there, with a headset on with a CD Player balanced in her hand. She stood and danced to the music, singing along with the latest Alison Blaire hit.
  "So, are you going to be the one to say something?" Chloe asked to Gwen.
  "You take the CD player away from her, see what happens," Gwen remarked and Chloe took half of a step forward. One blonde grabbed the other blonde around the arm. "On second thought, don't do it for your own health."
  Kara noticed them. She was currently wearing her dark haired disguise while she was hanging out in the public facility, and a pair of glasses. She wore a white t-shirt that wrapped around her chest with a pair of blue jeans, even though she was dancing around sans shoes.
  "Oh you must be Chloe and Gwen," Kara remarked with a bright smile crossing her face. "I'm Kara."
  "Right, Harry told me about you," Gwen stated as she smiled at the younger girl as she looked around. "Is Harry around?"
  "Right behind you."
  This caused Chloe to jump about three feet in the air and she spun around for a brief second as she saw Harry standing behind her, so self-assured that she could hardly believe it.
  "Do you regularly take pleasure in giving young blondes heart attacks?" Chloe asked as she eyed Harry but his face spread into a grin.
  "Depends on what method you're talking about when I do it to them," Harry commented to Chloe with a smile. "Welcome, Chloe, Gwen, glad that you can make it."
  "Well we're really glad that we could make it," Gwen commented as she smiled at her boyfriend.
  Chloe look a moment to look around, whistling as she saw what Harry's facilities had to offer her. Or rather what Harry allowed to see her to see, for the time being at least. Given that this house was built using magic, there were a lot of hidden rooms that couldn't be seen by the naked eye, at least until Harry allowed someone to see them.
  "Nice place," Chloe remarked as she took a good long look around. Although she was getting that weird eccentric billionaire vibe from Harry. The ones who tended to make purchases just to prove that they could and had the moment to back it up. Not to mention they undertook weird projects once again just because they could.
  "I'm glad it meets your high standards," Harry remarked to Chloe as the grin passed over his face more and he stared down the blonde. "It was somewhat trying to get this entire thing set up but I think I've got more than a few surprises here."
  Chloe nodded, piercing together the mystery that was Harry Potter was something that mandated a fair bit of her thought process be focused upon it. She could not help herself from getting lost in his eyes every time she looked at him.
  "So, the project that I've started for you, it's moving along quite nicely," Gwen commented and Chloe raised an eyebrow as she spat out the question on the tip of her tongue.
  "What project?"
  Gwen smiled, she figured that Chloe would not rest. Then again, the blonde was already asking questions, so it was best if they cut to the chase and explain things to her.
  'Harry, is this thing up?' Gwen thought to Harry. 'The telepath thing?'
  'I can hear your thoughts if that's what you're talking about,' Harry confirmed to her.
  'Chloe is about to stumble upon your secret, it might take a few weeks or a few months, but she'll put all of the pieces together, so why don't you cut out all of the drama, and tell her straight up?' Gwen asked Harry through the bond link and the wizard's expression twisted into a smile.
  'Well I better do it and I better talk out loud, because she's giving us a weird look,' Harry thought to Gwen.
  "So, Chloe, I'm sure you have questions about me," Harry remarked to Chloe.
  Chloe raised an eyebrow; she was caught off guard by such a brazen and rather direct request. Now she was curious.
  "Well, you're....well I don't even know where to begin," Chloe remarked to Harry. "What are you anyway?"
  'Well, she's the master of tact,' Harry thought in amusement.
  Chloe, being Chloe, pressed on. "I mean, are you an alien or a sorcerer or a mutant or something?"
  Harry remarked in one simple word. "Yes."
  Chloe felt a twitch of annoyance fill her being. "Yes to the alien, sorcerer, or the mutant?"
  "Yes," Harry answered repeating himself and Gwen's mouth twitched, she was trying not to crack up.
  Both Kara and Jean, who just entered the room, were completely amused by this situation as well. Chloe was completely confused and she was about ready to call them out on it.
  "Okay, am I missing something?" Chloe asked before she paused before there was another statement. "Actually, a better question is that I'm being punked?"
  "Oh, for the love of....Harry is a sorcerer and an alien and he's kind of sort of a mutant as well, but that's kind of a grey area," Jean stated to Chloe without taking a breath.
  Chloe blinked for a second before she stated the one question that was on her mind. "Are you joking?"
  "No, I'm not joking, I'm completely serious," Jean remarked as Chloe turned to Gwen and Harry smiled, before he ran up and down the hall at super speed, becoming a blur.
  He then used his heat vision to carve his signature into the wall. With a smile, he waved his hand and the wall was as good as normal.
  Chloe's eyes widened as her head slowly turned towards Gwen. Her mouth was a gap and hung open as she tried to process this from her mind.
  It took her a moment before she spit it out. "So....so when you were talking about magic, you weren't being facetious?"
  Gwen nodded her head, a wide smile crossing her face and Chloe's eyes moved expressively towards the other blonde's.
  "Well at least you're not the mysterious Arcane or this Star Child that everyone's worshipping," Chloe offered before Harry raised an eyebrow at her. She stepped back and her eyes widened as a grin flowed over his face. "You mean you are."
  Harry smiled before he did a miming motion as if he was banging a gavel. "Guilty as charged, pretty lady."
  Chloe felt a tingle at that statement but the logical part of her brain kicked the hormonal part right out of alignment as she placed a hand on her hip and stared him down. "So you trust me with this?"
  "Yeah, I trust you with this, trust me, I'd know if I shouldn't trust you," Harry remarked before Chloe locked eyes with him. A smile crossed his face, knowing and teasing. "I'd wipe your mind if I didn't think you're trustworthy."
  Chloe stood up but Gwen, Kara, and Jean all broke into laughter. Jean had to wipe a few minds lately, mainly Friends of Humanity Members, Those Pushy Door to Door Salesmen, and Girl Scouts after stealing all their cookies, not necessarily in that order.
  She was joking about the Girl Scout part.
  "Don't worry, you've passed the trust test," Harry remarked to Chloe and she smiled back at him.
  "That's a relief, I'd hate to have you wipe my mind or probe me or something," Chloe told Harry before she stopped. "You're not into the whole anal probing thing, are you?"
  Harry placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled widely. "Only if you ask me nicely."
  "I so walked right into that one," Chloe stated with a sigh but a smile crossed her face.
  "So what brings you here, Gwen?" Harry asked and Gwen smiled.
  "Other than visiting my boyfriend, you mean?" Gwen asked and Harry smiled with a nod. "Well, that's really high up there on the list, but I got the Internship at Stark."
  "Really, that's great Gwen," Harry told her as he wrapped his arms around her in a tight embrace. "I knew you could get it."
  "Well, I doubted myself for a few moments," Gwen admitted to Harry as he slid his arms around from her. "And Chloe and I, we visited the Church."
  "I might have to stop by there sooner rather than later, but tell me what you came across," Harry prompted and Chloe and Gwen followed Harry into his private office to tell him all about their visit to the Shi'ar Church of Enlightment.
  The Friends of Humanity seemed to get worse over the past month as anti-mutant sentiment was to an all-time high, with the rumored passing of the Mutant Registration Act. So several people were trying to do their civic duty and report dangerous Muties.
  Graydon Creed bought time on television and radio to spew his diatribes, to make sure that the true message of humanity was heard.
  "I'm here today with a great friend of mine, Graydon Creed," a man over the radio stated.
  "I thank you for having me, Mr. Godfrey, it's nice for a pure human to get time on the airwaves and not those trouble making mutants," Creed commented in a laid back manner.
  "You seem to be a rather personable fellow, Mr. Creed...no there is no seems to be, you are," Godfrey commented over the air waves. "While the mutants have hidden their faces in the shadows, you and your noble crusaders, the Friends of Humanity, have decide to take the fight to these menaces and protect us all from those who would lord over us with their powers."
  "Mutants are a poison and the Friends of Humanity is the cure," Creed informed Godfrey. "That is our agenda, we are here to lend a helping hand to people who might be too afraid to help themselves, who will stand up to these individuals with extraordinary powers. Did you know that there are mutants that can wipe minds, walk through walls, and teleport into the room next to you before you can even blink?"
  "Surely such abilities must be regulated," Godfrey stated.
  This little exchange went on the radio, as a mother and her son backed off as the members of the Friends of Humanity walked up towards them.
  "You monsters, stay away from me!" the mother shrieked as she was thrown down to the ground hard.
  "Your son's the monster, he's a mutie, and now he must pay the price," one of the Friends of Humanity members stated.
  Three lines of black webbing shot out and yanked three separate members of the Friends of Humanity back, and up into the air. They fell back down hard with a clatter against the concrete.
  "I don't think so," Spider-Man stated.
  Spider-Man had changed since the meteor shower, he adopted a new persona, much darker and much more brutal to criminals. They were scum and did not deserve to walk the same streets, to breathe the same air as the good people of New York.
  "It's the Spider Freak!"
  Spider-Man dodged the attack from one of the members of the Friends of Humanity, before several lines of black webbing shot from the suit.
  His new suit was black, sleek, with a white spider emblem on it. Not to mention it was alive. It created its own webbing, which was amazing to him, along with spectacular and sensentional. And it also allowed him to take out criminals much quicker than ever before.
  "It's people like you that I can't stand," Spider-Man offered as he webbed one of the Friends of Humanity members upside down and punched him hard in the face. "People like you get in my way."
  His fist impacted with the face of the FOH representative hanging upside down and busted more than a few teeth out of his mouth.
  "While I'm chasing down you clowns, do you realize how many crimes that I can't stop?" Spider-Man asked him in a dark voice as he punched the captive Friends of Humanity member in the face with a series of punches, using his face as a bop bag. "I could be home by dinner for once, but I have to chase you punks down."
  Spider-Man turned towards him.
  "Answer me punk," Spider-Man growled as he hung the man upside down and he trembled. "You better answer me. NOW!"
  There was no response from the thug.
  "Maybe I should break your legs, maybe that will teach you a lesson," Spider-Man commented as his eyes flared dripping with venom.
  "Wrong answer," Spider-Man stated as he nailed his enemy in the face with a brutal knee that cracked against his head. "We are not pleased with you."
  Spider-Man was sick and tired of the Friends of Humanity.
  "What are you waiting for, go, get out of here?" Spider-Man asked in an angry voice to the mother and her child and they scurried off in response.
  This new suit offered him a more ruthless efficiency and allowed him to take down criminals in a third of the time. The only drawback was that he woke up in the morning sore and extremely hungry for chocolate. But he chalked that up to a quirk of his biology getting used to the suit. He ran some tests on it and everything was normal from what he remembered.
  One of the Friends of Humanity members slumped down an alleyway.
  "Well at least I got away from that bug," he stated before he turned around and came face to face to Arcane. He jumped ten feet into the air in pure abject terror as his head darted around in horror. "AHHH, SPIDEY COME B...."
  "He can't hear you," Harry remarked, with a smile crossing his face as he closed the distance between himself and the goon. "You and I are going to have some alone time, Wilcox."
  Wilcox was now pissing his pants because not only was he trapped in this alleyway with Arcane but the creep knew his name. He'd rather take his chances with that nutcase that dressed like a bat over in Gotham.
  "I thought you were dead," Wilcox breathed as Harry stepped into his personal space. He would have run had he not been frozen on the spot.
  "Well, I got better," Harry remarked to him briskly.
  "Look, I'm....you know....I don't...." Wilcox stammered as he swayed on his feet, doing a twisted soft shoe routine.
  "You've men had it rough lately, I want to know why," Harry commented, he saw the police reports as of late, he was not an idiot.
  "You mean that wasn't you?" Wilcox asked as his eyes widened.
  "No, it wasn't me, Dennis," Harry commented with a smile as he patted the FOH member on the head like he was a dog.
  First name, he knew his first name, Wilcox really was losing fudge now. He could not see any facial features, only a dark shadow and a pair of soulless red eyes.
  "But they....he...whoever, they seemed like you, a couple of the guys told me about it, this guy, he wore a cloak, he came out of a wall, and pulled people into the ground," Wilcox stammered.
  Harry's eyebrow rose, perhaps he was putting two and two together and getting five, but he was almost convinced that this guy Wilcox talked about wasn't a guy at all.
  "He could walk through walls man, Creed's getting on us to put the screws to him, but...." Wilcox stated before he stammered out the next few words. "How....can y-y-ou kill someone that you can't touch?"
  Harry thumped him on the head to knock him out and hurled him into the dumpster, where trash like him belonged. Without a word or backwards glance, Harry sped off.
  Now he was convinced, he just had to get their mysterious cloaked friend to come out hiding.
  Plans formed in Harry's head.
  Wanda sat in Harry's room, with her legs crossed and a wide smile on her face. She was dressed in a white bathrobe that wrapped around her curves. Her foot dangled, even though there was no music playing. He would return from taking a shower shortly although his change of clothes and towel had gone mysteriously missing.
  She would neither confirm nor deny she had anything to do with that. A smile went across her face as the glint in her eye was amazing.
  The door opened and Harry almost came into the room at super speed. Wanda had a one in a million shot to hit, so she best make it count.
  She blasted Harry and caused him to lose his balance once his feet tangled around each other. The wizard fell onto the bed to the side of her and was laying next to Wanda.
  "Wanda," Harry commented to her.
  "Harry," Wanda offered back to him, matching his tone, as she moved to straddled his waist with a hand on the side of her face as she did so. "So how are you doing?"
  "I was doing pretty good until my clothes went missing, along with my towel," Harry remarked eying her.
  "You could have conjured something, I suppose," Wanda offered to him.
  "You know conjured clothes only last fifteen minutes," Harry commented but Wanda smiled and nodded knowingly.
  "Oh that's right, you told me," Wanda offered, feigning both ignorance and innocence. "So, I think it's only fair that since I've seen yours, you should see what I have."
  Harry was not about to turn down that offer. There was a small portion of his brain that was a gentleman that brought a statement of protest onto his tongue but his libido dog piled on it, telling it to shut up.
  "Oh, are you sure?" Harry asked with a smile as Wanda dipped one side of the robe down.
  "I'm very sure Harry," Wanda remarked before she placed her hand on Harry's bare thigh, and inched it up. "When I was alone in the Asylum, you were the only thought that kept me intact....they were the only thoughts that gave me pleasure."
  Wanda threw her legs over Harry's lap and slid off the robe, allowing Harry to see all of her.
  Smut/Lemon Begins.
  Harry caught a good sight of Wanda and he very much liked what he saw. Her dark hair framed her face along with expressive and warm eyes. Her rosy lips puckered towards him, and the wizard kept his hands on her waist firmly. She had high breasts, along with a flat toned stomach. Her sex was smooth and shaved, along with aroused.
  "And have you been playing with yourself thinking about me?" Harry asked as he grabbed her around the waist, before he brought his hand down her slender right leg.
  Wanda's expression grew into a mischievous one that was one that Harry did not expect that she was capable of.
  "Maybe," Wanda offered and Harry grabbed her breast. "Oh, you....ah...."
  Wanda closed her eyes and felt Harry's hands roam all around her body. The young magical mutant felt the touches that Harry gave her which brought her to new realms of pleasure. Each one of them was like electricity that flowed down her body. She enjoyed, she craved the touch. It gave her a feeling of love and belonging. Her lips parted as Harry pressed his mouth down upon the side of her neck.
  He cupped Wanda's sexy ass, and Harry tilted her back, before he kissed up and down her neck. She moaned and cooed at the kisses that he offered, his fingers exploring her body a little bit more. His hands worked all over her body and caused tingles to fill her.
  "Oh, Harry, that's it," Wanda breathed as Harry roamed all over her body, dipping his fingers down into her moist core. She tingled with excitement as Harry pumped his fingers in and out of her. The dark haired mutant lifted her hips up to meet the thrusts of Harry's fingers going deep into her core. She breathed as Harry cupped her center.
  His fingers pumping into her was amazing and Wanda reached up to grab onto his shoulders, to encourage him to go further with his actions. She wanted his fingers to probe her as deeply as possible and she pushed up, before sinking down on his hand.
  "Yes," Wanda panted as she bit down on her lip in pleasure. All of his fingers pumped in and out of her. She felt the sexual electricity course through her body and his hands also roamed over other parts of her body.
  Harry sensed that she craved his touch and was becoming quite dependent upon it, so he gave her everything.
  "Are we enjoying ourselves, my little Scarlet Witch?" Harry asked as he nibbled on her neck, leaving love bites on it.
  "Yes, I've always dreamed of this," Wanda panted lustfully as she could hardly wait for him to enter her.
  She was both nervous and excited, but she wanted this first time to be amazing, with someone that she knew would not let her down. More desire burned from her core and more juices dripped through her legs.
  Harry tilted her back on the bed and her back connected with the soft sheets as Harry kept kissing her, working on the side of her neck. She fluttered her eyes shut as he continued to connect with the side of her neck with a few more deep kisses.
  "More, more, please, more," Wanda begged him as he started to rub on her clit.
  This action sent her into sensory overdrive and made her tingle for him.
  "Are you sure you can handle the main event?" Harry asked Wanda, cupping her breasts and she parted her legs for him.
  "I can take it, I can take anything," she told him as her eyes fluttered shut with desire.
  "I'm sure you can, so I'm going to give you everything that you want," Harry stated as he pressed his lips around hers and kissed her.
  She returned the kiss, biting down on his lower lip. Wanda was eager for sex and Harry was about to give it to her. His cock hovered over her entrance and she pushed her hips up in anticipation for his penetration.
  "Give it to me Harry, please," Wanda breathed and Harry worked his cock up before he slammed it down into her center.
  Her eyes bugged out as she felt his throbbing center slowly work into her, causing her resistance to be removed but a numbing spell caused the pain to be replaced quickly. Then there was pleasure, there was more than enough pleasure as he worked through her tight lips. The young woman lifted her hips.
  Wanda's panting got more and more frantic as he roamed his hands over her nubile body. Magic started to fly through the air, changing the items in the room and causing several of the pieces of furniture to start dancing.
  "Wanda, are you okay?" Harry asked as he speared himself into her wet center.
  "Okay, I'm fucking fantastic," Wanda breathed as she came down from her amazing orgasm, clenching his tight prick as it worked into her center. Her lips licked with pleasure as she squeezed his bicep. "Keep it up, keep it up."
  The magical energy swirled in the air around them and Harry kept pumping his prick into her tight center. Her walls hugged him as he worked his throbbing manhood into her center. Wanda's eyes closed as she bit on her lip.
  She let out a moan that rattled them all but she was not about to hold back, not for anything. There was times where her tight cunt wrapped around him and his dick worked around her walls.
  "Oh, so good, so good, keep on cumming," Harry breathed as he worked into her center and Wanda's eyes closed shut as she worked her eyes shut.
  "I need you, I need you," Wanda breathed, she once again felt him give little telekinetic touches that caused her body to size up in the pleasure.
  Harry kept drilling into her tight core and the lubrication made it a pleasurable experience for him as well as her. The dark haired magical mutant panted as she lifted her hips up towards him to meet his spearing into her center.
  Wanda felt soreness fill between her thighs but she pushed on through with sheer stubbornness. She was determined to have all of him inside her. The dark haired magical user felt her lover punish her with his cock. The coupling got even more intense.
  Rogue stood in the edge of the door, dressed in a see through robe of her own. She stepped over and sat on the edge of the bed, casually.
  "If you need a break, I can pick fill in," Rogue told Wanda as she watched the pleasure in Wanda's eyes.
  Actually said pleasure was getting Rogue kind of hot and bothered as well. This expression continued to flicker through her eyes.
  "More, I need more," Wanda stated but she passed out from the next orgasm and Harry pulled out of her.
  She was breathing in and out heavily, which was a good sign.
  No sooner did Harry pull out of Wanda, Rogue pounced on Harry, his dick entering her own sopping wet folds.
  "No use letting a perfectly good cock go to waste," Rogue grunted as she felt Harry once again fill her.
  Like Wanda, Rogue craved Harry's touch and his hands roamed all over her ample breasts, squeezing them which caused her to moan out in pleasure. His roaming fingers gave her caresses that were gentle but grew more intense, as Harry explored every nook and cranny of Rogue's body.
  He thrust into her super tight center and Rogue was bouncing up and down on him, having the tight of her life. Harry felt her walls tighten around him and after going for a long time with Wanda, it reinforced how much stamina Harry had.
  Harry nibbled on Rogue's neck, before he ran his hands down on Rogue's supple ass, causing to moan at the pleasure. He moved his head between her breasts and started to suck and nibble on the flesh that was offered before him.
  "Oh, ah, yes, mm hmm," Rogue panted as she was brought to an intense orgasm.
  Wanda's eyes fluttered open and she was annoyed at the suddenly loss. With a pouting expression on her face, she stuffed her fingers into her tight pussy, working into it.
  "Oh Harry, drill her harder, make sure you last long enough so you can finish in me," Wanda panted as she thrust her fingers into her pussy and then tweaked her nipples.
  "Well, I wouldn't want to let a lady down," Harry grunted as he turned the position over and threw Rogue's legs up, caressing her tender thighs and licking down her lovely legs.
  "Damn, oh, fuck," Rogue moaned as Harry's thrusts hammered into her pussy at hyper speed.
  If Harry did not slow down, she was going to pass out form the pleasure, but damn if there were not worse ways to go. Her mind experienced sensory overload and she closed her eyes, biting down on her lip as his cock slid in and out of her tight center.
  Rogue was driven to an extremely powerful orgasm but she hung onto Harry, wrapping her arms around his neck and he continued to hammer her tight center, working into her dripping pussy. The young mutant was breathing heavily.
  "More Harry, more, I can take it," Rogue panted.
  "That could be famous last words," Harry told her and Rogue looked at him, with imploring eyes. He gave her breasts a tight squeeze and continued to hammer into her tight cunt.
  Rogue felt like electricity, the most pleasurable kind, passed through her body. Her sex drive was strong as her pussy could flood a place that had gone a year without rain. Her hips worked up, pumping around his dick.
  "More, more, more," Rogue chanted as she wrapped tightly around him and there was a combination of sensations that passed through her body. The young mutant felt more intense motions pass through her before the orgasm caused her to black out from the pleasure.
  Harry pulled out of her with great regret.
  "Harry!" Wanda sang as she got on her hands and knees and wiggled her tight ass towards Harry. "I'm ready for you."
  Harry smiled as she presented herself for him and he was not about to leave a beautiful woman hanging.
  Wanda closed her eyes and Harry shoved his stone hard penis between her thighs. She felt the rush of pleasure that came from having this prime hunk of meat slammed between her thighs. The young magical mutant bit down on her lips and felt him slam into her, working in and out of her center. She panted heavily as Harry picked up more speed into her.
  Her powers recharged her, it appeared that her own probability bending powers worked on herself as well. That was the only way that she thought that she was ready for this round after Harry fucked her senseless. With her senses back, Wanda was able to experience this full buffet of erotic sensations.
  His hands moved over her and each touch allowed her to acquire pleasurable memories to replace the rough handling that she experienced at the Asylum. For the first time, she could let loose thanks to Harry.
  Harry pumped into her, working his thick length into her. She had been warmed up a lot and Harry had been driven down after a hot round of sticky sex with Wanda previously and Rogue. Rogue barely was moving although she was still among the living.
  There was plenty of time that passed as Harry continued to pick up the pace into her. Her tight walls gripped him with their velvety tightness. The dark haired magical mutant bit down on her lip.
  The pleasure was so intense that Wanda was about to come undone but she managed to hold it off.
  "Let's cum together, Harry," Wanda encouraged him, she tightly squeezed him with her walls.
  "Yes, yes, oh yes," Harry grunted as he speared into her center.
  That statement was punctuated by a few deep thrusts as he sent his seed splashing into her. She came with an orgasm of her own.
  Wanda blacked out, screwed silly but utterly satisfied.
  Smut/Lemon Ends.
  Harry leaned over and kissed Wanda on the lips.
  "Love you, Harry," Wanda told him and he pulled Rogue into his other side.
  "Love you too, Wanda," Harry remarked before he kissed Rogue on the lips as she was half out of it. "Love you Rogue."
  "Yeah, love you too Harry," Rogue remarked sleepily as she draped over his chest.
  Harry thought about what he learned today and a plan hatched in his head. It might seem a little underhanded but if it worked, then it would be a joyous reunion.
  Gwen stepped towards the Stark Industries office building, looking at it with widened eyes. A smile crossed her face as she made her way closer to the building. It was a marvel and very intimidating to her.
  The blonde turned herself around, she was just glad that someone approved her for an internship after breaking her backside for months and months trying to get her hands on that internship.
  She moved up to the front desk to announce herself as she had been requested. "Hello, I'm Gwen Stacy, I'm here to inquire about the Internship."
  The woman at the front desk nodded. "Right Miss Stacy, you're expected. You can go right in."
  Gwen could hardly wait; an organization like Stark would have its fair share of projects that were in the works. The blonde woman kept walking with a purpose.
  She wore a casual black t-shirt and blue jeans, along with tennis shoes and her standard black headband. The blonde's expression grew as she stepped inside. There were a few butterflies that beat their wings inside her stomach but she blocked that thought out of her mind at least for the moment.
  Gwen saw a woman dressed in a business suit with red hair walk towards her. A smile crossed her face as she greeted the blonde.
  "My name is Pepper Potts, I'll be filling in for Mister Stark, as he's in a board meeting now," Pepper commented to Gwen and Gwen nodded.
  Of course she wondered how many times Tony Stark would be at a board meeting or if he was taking care of business as part of the Avengers. Then again, a man with a busy schedule like Stark could not be expected to be around all of the time, it was just not really done.
  Pepper turned towards Gwen as she eyed her before a smile shifted over her face. "Are you okay?"
  "Nervous a little bit really," Gwen offered her with a shrug of her shoulders. "It's just....I'm really looking forward to this internship and I don't want to make a bad impression."
  Pepper smiled, she was like this at one point in time, the young high school student who was trying to learn all that she could about science. In fact, most of the scientific geniuses were like that, even Reed Richards was a young wet behind the ears science prodigy in the past.
  Granted it had been a long time ago but still Pepper figured that even the geniuses had to start somewhere.
  "Don't worry, don't worry, everything will be fine," Pepper told Gwen and the blonde nodded. The redhead offered the blonde a reassuring smile as she led her on. "We'll figure out everything in no time, don't worry."
  Gwen stood up straight, trying not to worry. There was half of her who thought that they were joking when a company like Stark Industries gave her an internship, it just didn't seem like it was done but she figured that it might be.
  "Why don't I show you a bit of what you'll be helping us with?" Pepper asked and Gwen turned her head around as a smile flickered over her face.
  "I'd like that a lot," Gwen told her as she allowed Pepper to lead her through the lab.
  There was a complex formula on the board off to the side and Gwen ran her eyes over it.
  "What's that?" Gwen asked, her curiosity getting the better of her and Pepper peered over her shoulder before watching Gwen.
  "Oh that's a formula that we've been having fits with trying to get working properly," Pepper informed Gwen as she placed her hand on her head. "There have been more than a few accidents involving the people working on it. Tony's taken it on as a pet project because he thinks he can get it to work properly."
  Gwen knew that Tony Stark was a genius and thus as such, geniuses did do some things that made people question their sanity. One of those things involved tinkering with a formula that put some people in danger.
  "It's an amazing piece of technology, if it wasn't so dangerous," Pepper stated as she lead Gwen off. "Don't worry about that right now. I'll show you some of the projects that haven't caused a multitude of complications every time someone has tried to tinker with them."
  Gwen laughed she would like to see some more successful projects to be sure. The blonde turned towards Pepper as she said the word.
  "Lead the way."
  The way was lead and Gwen got an exclusive tour of Stark Industries, at least this particular branch of the company.
  "The formula should have been ours, but now we will not be denied."
  That was the statement that was declared in an outpost within the city. It was a high tech facility even though it was beneath the ground. It was outfitted with some of the technology that they had salvaged from the HYDRA bases before SHIELD could get their hands on it. It proved one thing without a shadow of a doubt and that was truly there was no honor amongst thieves.
  A group of men dressed in yellow suits that resembled bee keepers walked around the lab, getting a device together.
  "We could hack into any computer in the world with this device but there is one component missing," the figure from the shadows spoke as his eyes glowed maliciously. "And we'll get that component after we break down the walls at Stark Industries and seize it."
  The representatives of this organization spun around before they faced the eyes of their leader, their master, and their ruler. They were part of the scientific organization known as the Advanced Idea Mechanics or AIM for short. Their aim was simple, they wished to use science to take over the world.
  Their leader was before them in the shadows and his eyes started to glow as he watched them. There was a momentary pause as he focused on them from where he stood. He was their greatest creation. The Mechanical Organism Developed Only for Conquest or MODOC for short.
  "I will not tolerate failure, we will liberate this formula as is our divine right," the figure stated. "I am power, I am science, I AM MODOC!"
  There was a loud cheer from the surrounding AIM goons as the figure remained in the shadows, not seen by anyone.
  "Let us begin our plan and the end that will come with said plan," MODOC commented. "We will have it within the palm of our hands."
  To Be Continued in the Next Arc "Extremis."
  Extremis Part One
  Chapter Seven: Extremis Part One.
  On a dark New York City night a pair of young girls rushed down an alleyway off to the side of the Daily Bugle. There was a frantic panting from both of the girls as they rushed forwards, deeper into the alley. One of the girls had dark hair and the other was a redhead. They had hoods that were up over their faces to obscure them.
  Six Friends of Humanity members chased after them. The leader of the pack closing menacingly on the two girls, nasty intentions on his mind.
  "No, please don't hurt us!" the brunette yelled in a loud voice that could carry for miles and miles around.
  "We didn't....we didn't do anything to deserve this," the redhead pleaded as the leader of the Friends of Humanity representatives stepped forward.
  "You've contaminated the air with your freakiness, that's more than enough," the FOH leader stated as he kept his gaze locked onto the face of his victims, a fierce glint flickering through his narrowed eyes. "Now it's time for you to pay the price."
  A pair of knuckles cracked as the two girls whimpered as they slumped against the wall in fear. They whispered to each other as they were about ready to beg off.
  "Please don't....please don't," one of them stammered.
  The Friends of Humanity leader heard a rustling sound in the shadows. It was followed by a loud clatter of trash cans behind him as a figure popped up from the ground.
  The Friends of Humanity members disappeared with a few light pops, leaving only the leader in the alleyway. Moving quickly he grabbed the cloaked figure in a headlock and pulled her up, managing to keep her from going intangible once again after a brief struggle. Powers like that made it hard to take on the user in anything resembling a fair fight as it was hard to lock them down, but if a person knew how to fight someone with those type of powers, and how negate them the fight was not going to last long.
  "Let me go," the voice stated, once again it was heavily modulated as she tried to twist out of the headlock.
  "Not until I confirm a theory," he stated, as he pulled the hood off to reveal the angry face of Kitty Pryde.
  Sure enough, the young mutant struggled even harder once her identity was unveiled, she was not about to go down without a fight. She attempted to kick and twist out of every single angle he had her in, trying to keep her head up straight.
  Kitty was beside herself, she could not believe that someone had gotten the drop on her. Ever since she had started her crusade against the Friends of Humanity, she had been extremely careful. The brunette mutant's eyes turned towards the person who grabbed her, she was about ready to curse herself.
  Logan would not approve with how sloppy she was, hell come to think about it, Harry would not approve of this, if he was here. Kitty closed her eyes for a few seconds as there was something that ran through her mind.
  She was between a rock and a hard place, this guy found a way to shut off her powers, which was far from ideal and no matter how hard she squirmed she couldn't break his hold. Growling she decided to do the most thuggish thing possible, kicking him in the shin.
  "Let me go, let me....I swear, I'm....DAMN IT," Kitty stated as she tried to shift herself out of the grip that this strong young man had around her.
  The Friends of Humanity member spun them around to face the two females who were smiling as Kitty caught a glance of them as well. Her shoulders slumped as she realized what was happening, she had been set up and the brunette bit down on her lip violently until the point where she nearly drew blood.
  "Set up, set me up," Kitty remarked, she should have seen it coming. The two girls were laughing at her misfortune but yet there was something that triggered in Kitty's mind. Confusion reigned through the back of her mind.
  'Wait a minute, if they have me trapped, they could have so bashed my brains in any moment now,' Kitty thought to herself, her eyes screwing shut as she thought about it. Her thoughts were running so fast that it was hard for her to think straight, it was keeping her from logically figuring out what was going on. 'I don't....I don't know what is going on.'
  Kitty had learned one thing from Harry's training and that was things were not always how they seemed. She was allowed out of the grip of this young man and she placed her arm across her waist.
  "So, you could have taken me out, just like that," Kitty remarked as she snapped her fingers then placed her hands on her hips. "Either you're playing with my head or somethings up."
  There was a slight smile that crossed over the person's face and now Kitty's annoyance spread to an entirely new level. It was obvious that there was some kind of inside joke that everyone was in on but she was somehow late to the party about. The brunette threw her hands up into the air and narrowed her eyes angrily at the person before her, biting down on her lip in frustration.
  "So, what's your...."
  "If you must know."
  The young man remarked as such as his dark hair was fully on display, which was once short and red, and his green eyes fixed on her. They were unmistakable.
  "Harry?" Kitty asked as she tried to take a step back, disbelief running through her eyes and her heart started to thump at a more rapid pace within her chest as she started to stutter. "That's....you've....I don't...."
  "Kitty, they're words, they form sentences, I hear that they're essential for communication," Harry informed the brunette.
  Now Kitty's mind was working in overdrive, there was something going on here although she could not put everything together, at least properly. The brunette's expression flickered towards Harry, as annoyance flashed through her eyes.
  There were two actions that Kitty performed next.
  The first action was Kitty's hand connecting with the side of Harry's face with a hard slap. It was a "you let me think that you were dead" type of slap and then she backed off.
  She followed it up by tackling him with a hug her lips pushing onto Harry's in a deep kiss, shoving her tongue almost down his throat. Harry wrapped his arms around her returning the kiss hungrily. They lingered in the kiss for a long time, their tongues dancing within the others mouths.
  "What the hell happened?" Kitty asked as now both Kara and M'gann were holding back their snickering. Both girls got a death glare from Kitty.
  "Well that's a long story," Harry informed her and Kitty inclined her head with a nod. "Just how much time you have."
  Kitty smiled at him, she knew that it was Harry, it was just a sense that she had. She wasn't about to be fooled by some imposter. Her hands found her hips before she told him with blazing eyes.
  "Believe me, Harry, I've got plenty of time," Kitty informed him as she stared him down.
  "Follow me then," Harry told her and Kitty took his hand as they popped off.
  Kitty was in for a rather interesting and not to mention lengthy tale.
  "I should have figured that the rumors of your demise were greatly exaggerated," Kitty offered to Harry as the two of them walked around the public portion of school together.
  "Yes, has Logan not taught you anything?" Harry asked Kitty.
  Kitty whistled as she looked around the school, it was extremely nice and well put together, that much was for sure. The brunette mutant was amazed at what Harry did with magic but there were a lot of things about him that she was still trying to figure out. She thought that she was in pretty good company.
  Then again, for young Katherine Pryde there were a lot of things that she was still trying to figure out about herself.
  She noticed that most, no scratch that all, of the guests were females so she turned towards him with a smile. "So, is this strictly a school for girls or are you going to open things up for both genders?"
  "I'm funding a separate school for younger students that aren't quite as well versed in their powers, but only the females are going to get hands on training here," Harry remarked to Kitty who raised an eyebrow.
  "So you've got a mixed gender private school, an exclusively female private school, and a private place where only your most trusted get to hang out," Kitty commented in an impressed tone of voice. "Wow, that's totally a lot."
  "Yes, it is," Harry agreed with her, he didn't know how much he actually had to do until he got it down on paper. "And the security is about as tight as I'm going to get it."
  "Well, at least you have a lot of flawed examples to learn from," Kitty informed him and Harry smirked towards her.
  "True, true, very true."
  Harry lead her down the hallways; there were more bedrooms than he thought that he would ever need in his life. Still it was better to be completely safe than completely sorry. The green eyes of Harry Potter swam with intensity as he led Kitty down the hallway who whistled merrily at the sights and the sounds that were around her.
  "Let's get you into the training room," Harry remarked to Kitty. "I want to see if your skills have gotten rusty or not."
  It was then Kitty got kind of defensive. "Um, hello? I was taking out Friends of Humanity members left and right."
  "Exactly, they're nothing but a group of run of the mill thugs, not really anyone that you can sink your teeth into and really hone your skills against," Harry informed her and Kitty placed her hands on her hips. "You'll enjoy the state of the art training room that I've put together."
  The brunette mutant nodded as Harry turned towards her before he added a statement.
  "Now, I'm sure your parents are worried about you, unless you told them that you were at the Institute while you told the Institute you were going back to your parents," Harry said to Kitty and the look that crossed over the brunette young girl's face told Harry all that he needed to know about that. "Yeah, I thought so."
  "Well yeah, but....never mind," Kitty offered him, biting down on her lip hard before she happily changed subjects with all the tact of a sixteen, nearly seventeen, year old girl. "So how about this state of the art training room you've got?"
  Harry smiled before he took her by the hand. She grasped it firmly as he led the way.
  Kitty looked around in amazement, she wished that she had a few more sets of eyes so she could properly see everything that was going on around her. There were far too many details to describe although like with anyone else with a little bit of mental processing, she allowed her imagination to run wild. The brunette shifted her way towards the crystal structures that were down the hallway. She placed a hand on her head.
  "So what do you think so far?" Harry asked, he thought a lot about Kitty's opinion and he wanted her input on everything that he did.
  Kitty's mouth snapped open into a wide smile before she twisted her expression around into a wide grin. "It's amazing; everything that you've done is amazing."
  "It's amazing? How amazing it is?" Harry asked Kitty and the brunette's grin got even wider as she stood on her tip toes and started to bounce up and down in an excited manner.
  "Yes, yes, it is," Kitty commented as she stepped inside the training room. "I just can't believe it....well I mean from what you told me, I'm sure you believed it even less than I did."
  "There's been something off with me for a while, it's just proof that there was a reason," Harry remarked as Kitty frowned and locked eyes with him.
  "Harry, you're unique, that's something that you should embrace," Kitty commented to him in a firm tone of voice before she added in a bright tone of voice. "What is normal out there in the world anyway? I mean....if you consider those Friends of Humanity yahoos to be normal, then that's not something that you want to be considered."
  Harry had to agree with this statement one hundred percent and he locked eyes with Kitty as they went face to face.
  "So sparring," Kitty told him and Harry's head inclined with a nod along with smile. "Sure you could handle me?"
  Harry smiled back towards her before he super sped behind her and grabbed her around the waist, before taking her down with one swift motion. He placed one foot on her upper back to pin her down.
  "Yes, I'm sure I could handle you," Harry remarked before he stepped forward. "This room....well it's bombarded with red solar radiation which negates my powers....well mostly."
  Kitty nodded, if she had to spar with Harry at full power, he could squash her like an overripe grape. She had to keep the battle even.
  "So do you have any other weaknesses?" Kitty asked Harry as she aimed a kick but Harry dodged it. "And if you say the charms of a pretty girl I'll...."
  "Wasn't going to," Harry commented as he evaded her attacks. She did pick up her game a little bit but the problem is that when Harry was in the zone, everything moved in slow motion around him. "We all have our weaknesses; it is just a matter of finding and exploiting them."
  "You were kind of dazed when all of those meteor rocks from the sky were falling down on your head and you said that knocked you out for almost two weeks," Kitty commented as Harry pivoted around her attack.
  She wanted to get one shot in, was that too much to ask?
  The brunette swerved around Harry and tried to use everything that she learned in training but the wizard grabbed Kitty around the waist and pinned her against the wall.
  "Again, really?" Kitty asked as she struggled out of the hold and Harry placed his hands on the top of her head.
  Kitty was going to have to get creative to win this battle. A wicked grin crossed her face as she reached her hand through Harry's pants and dipped inside. Then with another swift movement, her hand closed around him.
  Smut/Lemon Begins.
  It was a welcome but unexpected act but Harry was glad to feel the tender embrace of Kitty's soft hand wrapped around his member. The fact that she practically stuck her hand through his pants to achieve this action, well that kicked up the erotica factor a little bit more. The wizard closed his eyes as she slowly stroked him up to full mast."
  "Oh I missed this so much," Harry informed Kitty as she started to work him over and the grin passed through her lips.
  "The feeling is mutual," Kitty told him as she stuck her face at the crotch of his pants.
  Harry leaned his head back, his eyes clouding over with pleasure as Kitty began to suck him deeply through his pants, working her mouth around his throbbing prick. The dark haired wizard felt her amazing talents as her lips wrapped around him.
  "Haven't lost your touch," Harry breathed as she closed her eyes and slowly phased out of her clothes.
  Harry saw her body and the development that it made since the last time he saw her. She was slowly turning from a teenager into a young woman, as her breasts had grown a size larger. She shot up a few inches even though she was still shorter than Harry. Her tummy was flat and toned with a delightful belly button and her hips were curved with an amazing ass that Harry just had to squeeze and play with.
  Kitty moaned deeply as her tight mouth wrapped around him. She felt Harry explore every nook and cranny of her naked body and it felt extremely amazing. The dark haired mutant pushed her mouth up against him and slammed down on his pole, wrapping her lips around his tight phallus, blowing him in with a pair of widened eyes. The brunette was losing herself to the sensations of the piece of meat that was rammed between her lips. Her eyes shut as she felt more and more amazing as time passed.
  'Yes, yes,' Kitty thought to herself as she rammed the throbbing prick down her throat.
  She was determined to have Harry spewing down her throat, she loved the taste of his seed and she was going to bring it deep into her throat. The brunette groped his balls and began to fondle him slightly, before running her hand around the sac as it hung between his legs.
  Kitty groped him as Harry hissed and felt her talented mouth work around him. She was more than determined to make up for some lost time. The brunette young mutant rammed her mouth around his throbbing phallus.
  Harry reached down to her dripping sex and stuffed a few fingers inside her. This caused Kitty's eyes to flicker shut in the most amazing desire. The brunette was losing herself and all sense that she had. The wizard pushed his fingers in and out of her, giving her the most amazing feeling that she had.
  Kitty lost herself in the sensations that were his fingers working into her dripping core, pushing in and out of her in rapid fire fury. He was almost like a blur as he kept working her sex, manipulating it with his fingers.
  'Damn, he's fucking learned some new tricks,' Kitty thought to herself as she got a super-fast fingering and that caused her mind to explode in new sensations. 'Oh this is the fucking....oh this is so fucking amazing.'
  'You're too kind,' Harry thought to her as she kept up her amazing blowjob.
  She made lewd sounds with her mouth, working her tight mouth around his probing prick and eventually it was going to come. Kitty rubbed his balls and coaxed his cum from his throbbing manhood.
  A few more thrusts and Harry aimed his prick into her mouth, slamming into her. He sped up the pace working into Kitty's tight mouth. He felt the sensations of her lips around him as he sent a steady stream of cum down her throat.
  Kitty pulled back, licking her lips as Harry grabbed her around the hips, before his cock was hovering over her entrance.
  "No way," the brunette stated as she saw that he was already back to full stiffness.
  Harry smiled back at her, putting a hand on his hips before he told her one word. "Way."
  Kitty was practically drooling, he was up to full length within seconds and she wondered how it would feel inside her now. Harry hit a growth spurt in more ways than one. The wizard grabbed her around the hips.
  "Now, I can negate whether or not my sperm is virile," Harry told Kitty and the brunette watched him. "So I don't need any more charms with that."
  Kitty nodded, biting down on her lip as she parted her legs.
  "Please, I need you," Kitty begged Harry and the wizard grabbed her hips before he pushed inside her.
  Kitty closed her eyes, biting her lip down in pleasure as his throbbing cock pushed into her. She forgot how big it was, actually it might have gotten even bigger since the last time she experienced it. Never the less, it made her feel so good as her pleasure heightened with slow strokes and then with much quicker ones. His hands roamed and caressed her body, before he pinched her nipples.
  Harry rammed his tool into her super tight pussy and worked into her. Kitty's eyes closed as Harry sensed her pleasure. The brunette clenched him as hard as she could as Harry rode into her cunt, drilling into her tight snatch.
  Kitty's eyes widened as she felt an orgasm rupture all around her body and Harry kept working into her like a corkscrew. The brunette clenched around his tight cock and he continued to work into her. There were a few more passes of his cock as he continued to work further and further into her tight center. The brunette closed her eyes.
  "More, more," Kitty begged Harry as she arched her hips up and allowed Harry to plunge into her.
  She was driven to another orgasm but she tried to keep herself awake and willing. She was determined to get everything that Harry had inside her.
  "You're mine now," Harry breathed as he grabbed Kitty's breasts and squeezed them, which caused her to nearly shift through the floor. "Calm down, it's....it's going to be explosive."
  "I...noticed," Kitty panted as his thick tool speared inside but to the brunette mutant's credit, she managed to hold on for the ride and it was a hell of a ride to be sure.
  Kitty felt her pussy hammered as Harry picked up the pace into the home stretch. The brunette's tight snatch enveloped him as Harry continued to work into her, with several solid thrusts that hammered her tight pussy and the brunette breathed heavily as she kept breathing, as he buried in harder and harder into her.
  "Yes, yes," Kitty panted as she pushed her hips up to meet his incoming thrusts and the emerald eyed wizard continued to pick up the pace.
  Kitty was in a dazed level of pleasure and it was only getting better as she came down from her erotic joyride as another orgasm crashed through her body. She saw stars as her density shifted which allowed Harry to hit parts of her that would not be possible with normal girls. His cock buried itself into her further and further as Harry picked up the pace. He worked into her center as the brunette clenched him tightly.
  "More, more," Kitty breathed.
  "Yes, I'm giving you more, I'm going to give you everything that you can take and more," Harry grunted as he worked his hands all over her body as spots of pleasure fogged the minds of both of the young adults. "But you can take the pleasure, can't you?"
  Kitty bit down on her lip and looked up at Harry with dazed eyes, it was no question about it, she could take the pleasure, she could take all of the pleasure that Harry could dish out. His throbbing member pushed into her tight center, her molten hot center working around him. It was all good as the strokes buried deeper into her.
  "Yes, yes, fucking drill me!" Kitty begged him as Harry used his cock as a heat seeking missile to jam into her hottest, most sensitive parts.
  She nearly came undone at this sex god was working over her. The brunette closed her eyes as the wizard kept working into her tight center and his balls slapped against her thighs as he kept working into her. The brunette lifted her hips up and met him.
  "More, more, more,' Kitty panted heavily.
  Harry smiled, he was going to give her all that he had. Her mound was dripping wet and showcased her amazing sex drive as he pushed up before he plunged deep into her soppy center. The tightness enveloped around her and the dark haired wizard kept up the steady pace, feeling her squeeze him with her supreme tightness.
  Kitty wondered how long he was going to last because they had been going at it for an extremely long time. And she foggily recalled that he could bend time to his will as often to or as long she wanted. His throbbing cock penetrated her center.
  The two lovers made their way into the homestretch as Kitty felt another orgasm that rocked her body and the young woman screamed out loud.
  "Yes, I want....yes, I want," Kitty panted wildly.
  "Are you sure?" Harry asked as he grabbed her hips for leverage and kept pumping into her tight pussy.
  "YES!" Kitty screamed at the top of her lungs as his cock continued to spear a heavy length into her. All twelve inches buried into her.
  A few more seconds and his balls tightened, before he unleashed his reward into Kitty. The brunette nearly went through the floor as her most powerful orgasm yet filled through her. Load after load of his burning seed was inserted into her center and she clenched him hard as she milked him to completion.
  Both saw stars as they came down, for this round at least.
  They had plenty more of reuniting to do.
  Smut/Lemon Ends.
  Kitty decided to take a walk around the library area in the early part of the morning. While she was not going to obsess about everything, it was amazing what he had stocked piled in here. There were many books about different fighting styles from all over the world, different disciplines of the same art. Including a few that she figured by their apparent age were really rare.
  The brunette reached over and saw a case of glowing crystals on the other end of the room. She had no idea what they were or what they did but there was a certain allure of the crystals.
  "I would be careful with them; they could react badly to you."
  Kitty turned around and saw a blonde haired girl with blue eyes.
  "I tried to use one of my mother's crystals as a projectile, it didn't work so well," Kara remarked.
  "And by that, you mean you blew up half my lab," Alura commented dryly.
  "Mom, I was eight years old!" Kara snapped as she turned to Kitty who was amused. "Oh, I'm Kara by the way and you must be Kitty."
  "Yeah, totally," Kitty remarked as she saw Kara bouncing up and down on her heels in a hyperactive manner. She was full of energy; Kitty had to admit that much.
  Then it hit Kitty suddenly, it was Kara who was depicted on the scroll on Nova-Roma, and this caused her mind to go into overdrive. A couple months ago, she might have gotten into a snit about something like this but now she was just going to let it go. After she lost Harry, it caused Kitty to reevaluate her life and see what she had to do. She had to step up her game a little bit.
  "Oh, Kara, you're....the other one," Kitty commented and she blinked suddenly. "You know....the Kryptonian."
  "Yeah, you do know," Kara agreed with a bright smile.
  Kitty took this revelation in good grace, given Harry's longevity; it was obvious that Kara would be here a lot longer than she would be. Then again, the brunette reminded herself that being a hero was not a job that was conductive to a person's long term health, regardless of the circumstances. It was one of those here today and gone tomorrow type of things.
  The fact was that she could drop dead tomorrow for all she knew after some idiot caught her off guard. Therefore, if Kitty died of a ripe old age after she lost all sense of what was going on around her and stopped giving a fuck about offending anyone, that would be a victory.
  That might seem like a depressing thought for an almost seventeen year old girl to make but it was depressingly accurate.
  "So....you come from another planet, that must be fascinating," Kitty stated, trying to deviate the subject from her own scatter brained musing.
  Kara shrugged. "It's okay I guess...lots of science and stuff, really nothing important."
  "But it must have been cool," Kitty pressed Kara.
  "I'm sure it sounds cool but the council, they were a bunch of stuffy old men, they wouldn't have known fun if it had slapped them in the face," Kara remarked with a frustrated expression as she bit down on her lip and sighed at the thought of it. "Sorry, I know that I shouldn't but...."
  "No it's fine," Kitty told her as she saw the CD that was sticking out of Kara's pocket. "So....you listen to Alison Blaire, too?"
  "Yeah, she's really amazing," Kara remarked as she smiled at her.
  "Yeah, she's an inspiration, I mean all of the other pop stars, they're like so totally phony, but she's the coolest," Kitty remarked as she was gushing and in fan girl heaven. "I mean, she's so cool and stuff, it's amazing."
  "It must really be," Kara commented with a bright smile crossing her face, glad to see that someone shared the same interests in music that she did. The blonde's eyes grew wide eyed and expressive before she added. "I mean after everything, Alison is so awesome, I can't believe that someone like her created something so brilliant."
  Kitty nodded before she held the CD. "And this is her....how did you get this so soon? It's been sold out of the stores, thirty minutes before I got there."
  Kara smiled a mysterious smile.
  "You should have asked Harry, he can do anything," Kara commented to Kitty.
  Kitty thought that was an obvious statement; it hit her with a blunt force in the head. Asking Harry was the most obvious path towards getting things done.
  "I can see that," Kitty agreed with a smile. "Just wish that I could get to one of her concerts or something."
  Kara smiled, she was glad to chime in with a few words of her own. "Well, Alison's coming for a concert here in Bayville, it's in October."
  Kitty's eyes brightened up. "Oh, that'd be so totally cool if we went, it'd be like the best in the world."
  "It really would," Kara commented, wondering if all human teenagers talked like this or if it was just Kitty.
  "It'd be really awesome if we could go," Kitty remarked in an extremely wistful tone of voice and Kara responded with a smile.
  "I'm sure there's a way," Kara remarked to Kitty and the brunette mutant shrugged.
  "Yeah, but tickets are going to be really hard, I mean you'd have to have some awesome luck," Kitty remarked as she placed her hands on her hips and rolled her shoulders back before peering back up to the sky.
  "Are you doubting Harry's ability to get tickets for us?" Kara asked Kitty her eyes narrowed and the brunette shook her head.
  "No, no, if you think that he can, that'd be epic," Kitty offered to Kara.
  I know he can," Kara remarked smiling brightly as she spun around and heard Jean and Rogue in the distance.
  Kitty heard them too and her bright eyes snapped towards them.
  "Hey guys," Kitty stated as she moved over to Jean, Rogue, and Rachel.
  "Kitty, it's great to see you," Jean remarked in a bright voice as she pulled the younger girl into a hug.
  "Good to see you too Jean," Kitty commented with a smile crossing her face as her hands placed on her hips. "You too, Rogue, Rachel."
  Rogue smiled. "Don't flatter yourself. I was actually getting a good night sleep without you sawing logs in the room."
  "Hey, I don't snore," Kitty offered with a pout across her face, as amusement crossed the face of all of the females that were in the room.
  "Sorry, you kind of do,' Jean remarked as Kara smiled in the background, holding back her amusement. "But that's okay, it's forgiven."
  "I'm glad to see that I achieve your lofty standards," Kitty commented before she looked at Rachel. "Oh, hey Rachel."
  Rachel offered a stiff nod towards Kitty which caused the brunette to turn around.
  "You're not mad at me, are you?" Kitty asked Rachel and the red head turned towards her.
  "You ran off in the dead of the night to go on some kind of vigilante crusade without warning us and you expect everything to be forgiven," Rachel told her crossly.
  "Rachel,' Jean offered in a warning voice and Rogue smiled.
  "No, I'm....if she would have stuck around five minutes longer, Harry wouldn't have to come out of the Fortress and risk his life, looking for you," Rachel told Kitty and the brunette threw her hands up.
  "Okay, okay, I'm sorry, but there's a good reason why I was out there," Kitty remarked as she threw her head back. "And I couldn't do it as Shadowcat, because that isn't a face that inspires any fear within people."
  "Is it?" Rogue asked her. "So you're that mysterious vigilante that has been popping off the FOH members right and left."
  "Yeah, yeah, but I've got a good reason to do it," Kitty offered in a defensive tone of voice as she rolled her shoulders.
  "Well we'd like to hear it," Rachel offered her and Kitty smiled.
  She knew that she had some explaining to do. Although given what happened with her grandparents, there was no way that she would stand around and let the Friends of Humanity take people out.
  Gwen was getting into the full swing of things with her internship. She was slightly intimidated by everything that she had to do, but there were many projects that she was working with. It was good to keep busy.
  There were two interns at Stark, one of them at the high school level and one of them at the college level. Gwen was on edge thinking about it but the blonde finally got into the swing of things.
  "Could you hand me that component please?" the college intern stated. Gwen only saw her from the back from this point, she had curly brown hair that the blonde could see from behind.
  "There you go," Gwen offered before she handed it to the intern.
  "I appreciate it this, if we get this apparatus tested for Mr. Stark, we're going to revolutionize free and clean energy," the curly haired brunette stated in an anxious voice before she turned around and faced Gwen with a pair of brown eyes before she spoke. "You know we've been working at the same lab table for the past three hours but....we've never been formally introduced have we?"
  Gwen's eyes flashed, that was an oversight that she would have to correct in a little bit.
  "Well where are my manners then?" Gwen asked as she extended her hand for it to be shaken. "My name is Gwen Stacy."
  The young intern never had a chance to answer as she spun around as she heard a hissing sound off to the side in one of the cabinets. Her dark brown eyes widened as she went towards the source of the sound.
  "What is it, what's wrong?" Gwen asked the young woman, biting down on her lip in frustration.
  The sound was getting out of control and Gwen wondered if she should call for a professional.
  "It's the formula, the experimental one, I'm sure that they've told you about it," the brunette intern stated in an excited tone of voice. She sounded quite hyperactive and could speak without taking a breath. It was quite amusing to Gwen that she spoke in such a manner.
  Or least it would be amusing to her if the situation was not about to get so serious.
  "It doesn't look safe," Gwen commented as she stepped back. "Perhaps we should..."
  "No, I can handle this," the brunette intern stated with a smile across her face. She was only the smartest girl of her age or so people told her.
  She was extremely brilliant beyond all measure, and she scratched and clawed for this internship. The woman stepped over and reached the edge of the vault as one of the vials was shaking.
  "You know, we should really get someone," Gwen remarked to her.
  She didn't need Peter's spider sense to know that something screwy was about to happen. Her nerves were racking through her body and the blonde woman sensed greater danger.
  The brunette meanwhile, well she had her own thoughts on what she was doing. The truth was that she was here for more than to make a name for herself, she was here as a double agent from a certain someone who would pay high dollar to get their hands on the Extremis formula. She had been promised a huge job that would set her up for life and given that opportunities like this were few and far between, it was an offer she couldn't refuse.
  "I'll just take it to someone," the brunette remarked as she reached forward and took a pair of tongs out, which she used to pull the formula out of it's rack holding it up in front, as a grin passed over her face.
  Once again Gwen wondered if this girl had taken complete leave of her senses. It sure seemed that way.
  That was the last thing that passed through Gwen's head before she heard the formula start to shriek.
  She scrambled towards the exit and the brunette seemed to realize that she'd bitten off more than she could chewed. The formula was in her hands beginning to bubble.
  The bubbling lead to a massive explosion that Gwen ducked and rolled in an attempt to avoid it, but she did not get away from the resulting explosion soon enough.
  Her body felt like it heated up to an insane degree, before she blacked out and hit the ground with a huge thud.
  There was a loud thump of footsteps towards the lab and many frantic yells as Gwen's head rang.
  Harry sat at his office desk, scratching together a few notes of things that he had to do next. He was taking look at this material that he had on the church as well.
  He had been hiring staff for the past couple of days as well after returning. Harry did remind himself that he would save a lot of money by using Lily, Peve, Alura, and Lara as teachers, all four women were the best in their field at what they did and knew a lot. They each had different areas of expertise as well which was nice, although there would need to be a few more gaps filled in.
  Lara was knowledgeable in genetics and medicine, giving that she was a doctor. She also had that uncanny ability to know some of the parts of the body that could cause the most amount of damage and pain that was not fatal. Her knowledge in that degree was useful for combat training, especially as he trained his team to take on deadly enemies.
  Alura knew about botany and was also a master of many sciences, a genius inventor who discovered about the Kryptonian abilities that was underneath the yellow sun. She had an uncanny ability to look at the various abilities and help the girls get the most out of them as well. Harry thought that he was fairly decent but after collaborating with Alura, he was able to do even more with them.
  The young wizard also thought about Lily, she was a prodigy in many ways and was also taking over with most of the training with Wanda and also Megan and Kara, who were coming into their own magical abilities. Lily made Hermione look like Crabbe and Goyle in the intelligence department.
  Peve was also a genius in her right and she created a castle that was several hundred years ahead of its time, some of the concepts that Harry had adapted for the facilities that he made to tighten the security. The magic she used warped reality and made a joke out of psychics, even by the standards of magic.
  The emerald eyed wizard smiled as he slowly worked through what needed to do. He was really trying to get everything ready for the next phase of his plans.
  There was a sound on his intercom system that brought him out of his work. He was just looking over stock that he wanted to buy. Harry knew that he would not get any work done this way, so he reached over and pressed his hand upon the intercom system.
  "There is a call coming in from Stark Industries," the automated system stated in a cold and robotic tone.
  Harry mentally reminded himself that he needed a secretary, a hot female one. It was just something that needed to be done. Never the less, the automated system would have to do for now, even though it was extremely cold and impersonal. The wizard twisted his expression as he turned around.
  "Put the call on," Harry informed the system.
  "Just one moment."
  There was a call that clicked on and the voice of Tony Stark came on, along with his holographic image and Harry could already tell that he was nervous about something, never a good sign.
  "Hey, Harry, it's me," Tony commented in a calm tone of voice and Harry raised an eyebrow.
  It was Tony Stark and he seemed extremely serious, to the point where it was almost alarming. It was never a good sign when someone like Tony Stark was this serious. The green eyed wizard adjusted his positioning and posture.
  "I can see that Tony, what can I do for you?" Harry asked in a calm tone of voice.
  There was a few seconds where Tony Stark was silent and now Harry wondered what was going on now. The emerald eyed wizard did not think that Stark was calling for idle chatter, due to the look on his face.
  "You might have heard that there was an accident at the Stark Industries facility in New York," Tony commented and there was a moment where the silence could be cut with a knife. "Yeah, we need to....well I'll just cut the chase."
  "Maybe that would be nice," Harry informed Tony as he drummed his fingers across the edge of the table and waited for the Playboy Billionaire to say something, anything that would tell him what the man was talking about.
  "Okay, here's the deal...there was an accident with a formula...the good news is...."
  "Stark, I do hope for your sake that this wasn't in the lab that my girlfriend was working in," Harry remarked in a voice colder than the Arctic chill.
  The sound of Tony Stark gulping could be heard. Now Harry started to wonder what in the hell Stark got into now.
  "Yeah there's the thing, there was kind of sort of an accident," Stark commented, sounding less like a self-assured billionaire playboy and more like the school boy who had been sent to the principal's office for throwing spit balls.
  "Well, what accident, accidents at a lab is never a good thing," Harry remarked as he clicked the pen that was on his desk and there was a sense of tension that kept escalating between the two of them.
  "Well it's...it's not as cut and dry as you think," Tony offered Harry before he breathed in heavily and breathed out. "You know, it might be a good thing if you come and take care of this in person."
  "A sensible suggestion," Harry agreed before he put away what he was working on. The Church could wait. There was something else that he needed to do. "Just hold tight and I'll be there in a few minutes."
  "Understood," Tony commented, he could not help but think that he should be lucky that he was not shouted at.
  Harry made his way quickly out of his office and nearly ran Kitty over as she was about to knock on his office door.
  "What is it?" Kitty asked Harry, she could instinctively sense the intense worry that was dripping from him a mile away and it was causing her a great deal of concern.
  Harry was only too happy to elaborate for Kitty. "It's Gwen, Stark just called and there's been an accident at the lab."
  "Oh my god, how serious is it?" Kitty asked.
  Harry wished that he had more information that he could give her.
  "I wish I knew," Harry told her as he grabbed her around the hand. "I need to get there quickly, figure out what's going on."
  Kitty nodded in understanding as she walked over with Harry. The brunette made her mind up, even though it sounded like a split decision that resounded in the back in her head.
  "I'm coming with you," Kitty told Harry and the dark haired wizard turned towards her. For a second, Kitty thought that there was going to be a protest but to her surprise, Harry decided to incline his head in a nod.
  "Yes, Kitty, I understand, Gwen's one of your friends," Harry remarked before he grabbed Kitty's hand and put it on the stone base. "Stark Labs, main lobby."
  Kitty and Harry flashed out of the lobby. This method was like Apparation but it took up far less energy, and had less of a chance for random vertigo, which is why Harry preferred it. Actually he preferred flying even more but that was beside the point.
  "You really should have thrown out the Extremis formula before now," Pepper commented as she placed her hands on her hips and faced her boss. "We don't even know what happened to the other one."
  "Yes, Pepper, you've reminded me again, thanks a bunch," Tony remarked dryly, he felt bad enough about this without a massive guilt trip being laid on him from his colleague. He was dressed in his Iron Man armor, although the face plate was opened so his face could be seen.
  "If I had more time.....I could probably think of a way to flush the formula out of her system, but until we the preliminary test results, and know more about what's happening to her internally. I'm not sure if I can do anything."
  Janet Van Dyne was the one that said this statement as she crossed her arms. While she may have came across as a ditz obsessed with fashion most of the time, the young woman had also graduated with a PhD in Molecular biology at a young age. She'd come to the tower with Hank Pym in her capacity of his assistant. The membership to the Avengers was still being offered to them and one was taking it far more seriously than the other.
  "Jan, it's not that cut and dry," Hank stated as he turned around to look at the stabilized form of Gwen Stacy lying on the table. Her skin constantly alternated between extremely hot and extremely cold. "Her biology is being changed in ways that....I'm not even sure if I can even begin to figure out how."
  "Maybe we should get Reed Richards on the line," Tony stated and Hank's eyes flashed in annoyance.
  "I can handle this," Hank commented in annoyance as he tried to scan her for any residue. "It's....she hasn't been infected by the formula in any way."
  "Oh thank God."
  Tony Stark was not a religious man by any means but he would thank him for something like that. There was a few seconds at the very least where he thought that he was out of the woods and he spun around to face Pym whose mouth contorted.
  "I wouldn't thank him yet," Pym offered as he kept his eyes on the scans that were being done on Gwen.
  There was a knock on the door that brought them out of it.
  "I'll get it!" Jan yelled, trying to make use of herself. She rushed over and reached towards the door, grabbing the handle she pulled it open.
  She stopped as she saw the six foot tall hunk of male perfection with muscles upon muscles, in a tight t-shirt and leather pants. This caused her brain to go numb for a few seconds before Jan remembered that words were conductive to speech.
  "Um, hi," Jan squeaked before she realized how lame that sounded. She shook her head and tried in a more authoritative voice. "What.....what can I do for you?"
  "Hello, I'm here to see Tony Stark," Harry commented in his most brisk tone of voice. Normally he would be kind of amused by her antics but he was here for a reason.
  Jan nodded and her mouth opened.
  "Harry, good to see you," Tony offered in a casual voice as he made his way over from the lab, seeing Harry and Kitty standing in the doorway. He was all too casual for what happened and the wizard did not return to the jovial smile. "Right...not here for small talk, Hank Pym, Janet Van Dyne, this is Harry Potter."
  'That's the fruit loop who's obsessed with ants,' Kitty projected to Harry mentally.
  'Kitty,' Harry told her in a mocking voice.
  'Did I just....'
  'I can read minds, remember, copied that power from Jean or maybe Rachel,' Harry thought to her.
  "Charmed," Harry commented as he took Jan's hand, and kissed it, before he turned to Pym and the two had a stiff and extremely awkward handshake. "So where is...."
  "Well we're not sure what happened but Gwen is stabilized," Tony offered before he placed his hand on his head and braced himself for the uncomfortable explanation that was soon to follow. "There might be a tiny bit of a problem."
  Harry turned towards him and his eyebrow raised.
  "What kind of problem?" Harry asked in his coolest tone and this was the kind of tone that sent shivers down the spine of Tony Stark.
  Tony arched his head up before he turned towards him. "It's an advanced formula, it's Extremis, it was supposed to establish a neurological network between a human and a computer system."
  "Which cannot be safely done with any kind of human technology," Harry remarked as he peered at Stark and there was a time where the air chilled well.
  "Hey....it could be done....but there were certain complications with the test subjects," Stark remarked as he nervously surveyed Harry. "They were fine...you know for a couple of hours."
  Kitty now had her eyes on Stark and he felt like he was on trial.
  "You know....before their bodies....well....burst into flames," Tony commented.
  It was now that Tony was glad that he decided to put his Iron Man armor on.
  It had been a really long time since Harry lost control of his emotions and his magic.
  Iron Man went flying without aid of his armor due to a high powered banishing charm and he was knocked through three sets of walls before he flew out of Stark Industries and landed with a splash in the polluted river below.
  Jan whistled in amusement.
  Through one of the holes, Clint Barton poked his head out before he offered Harry an appraising nod.
  "Nice shot," Clint commented as he surveyed the aftermath.
  "Aye, verily," Thor added with an approving smile.
  Harry did not have any time to take in these words of praise as the communication for the Iron Man armor came to light.
  "I'm okay," Tony stated as he started to fish himself out of the water.
  "Harry," Gwen breathed as she felt her head was on fire and the lights in the lab began to flicker.
  "Gwen, I'm here," Harry told her as he grabbed his girlfriend's hand.
  "I wouldn't grab that if I were you you'd get b....never mind," Pym stated before he saw Harry grip Gwen's hand and hold it tightly without being burned.
  "What's wrong, Gwen, where does it hurt?" Harry asked her but Gwen was unable to formulate a response straight away.
  "Can't think, too many thoughts, I see everything, connected to me, the entire system," Gwen offered and Harry tried to situate her.
  There was a buzzing that came over the intercom and Pepper decided to take the initiative due to Tony being indisposed.
  "Yes, JARVIS, what is it?" Pepper asked in a crisp and business like tone of voice.
  "We have a problem," JARVIS stated in a brisk tone.
  "Other than Tony taking a swim in the Hudson, you mean," Pepper commented lightly.
  "A group of what appears to be unruly bee keepers are trying to break in through the bottom level," JARVIS informed them.
  Clint whistled as he heard it immediately. "AIM....and please tell me you have better security than Xavier."
  The lights went off in the lab as the power was cut from the building. Which more or less answered Clint's question of whether or not the security at the tower was just as shitty as that at the Institute.
  "So who is AIM?"
  Harry asked that question as he continued to hold onto Gwen's hand.
  "Well, that's....well that's a long story," Clint offered Harry.
  Harry rolled his eyes as he told the archer. "Then you better get started."
  To Be Continued in Part Two.
  Extremis Part Two
  Chapter Eight: Extremis Part Two.
  Harry turned his attention completely and utterly to Barton, as he tried to get some answers about what he was dealing with. His emerald eyes were fixed onto Barton and the archer felt like he was being X-Rayed as he was pressed for an explanation.
  For some reason, when Harry's eyes were focused on a person, they were more inclined to part with the information that he wanted to know.
  "Yeah AIM, well it's short for Advanced Idea Mechanics, they are....they're the type of nutcases who want to take over the world, as you well know," Barton remarked with a crisp tone of voice and Harry's gaze focused on him which gave him the indication to continue. "They have been getting into it with SHIELD for years."
  Harry knew all about those types of people and Kitty did as well. Having dealt with some of them in the X-Men, it was one of those things they had to stand up and deal with time and time again. The two mutants turned their heads to face each other exchanging a brief glance.
  "And they're here," Thor remarked before he leaned forward on his hammer and decided to offer one statement. "Surely they must be jesting."
  "Yeah, as much as I hate to say it, someone like AIM, they rarely do jest," Clint offered as he turned his head towards them. "We're going to need back up, see if we can get Carol and Natasha down here to give us that added punch."
  At first Harry thought that a group that dressed like angry bee keepers might not be the most credible threat but the dark haired wizard knew better than anyone else to not discount an enemy. Appearances could unfortunately be deceiving.
  "What are they doing?" Kitty whispered to Harry.
  It was Pym who answered. "They're trying to take control of the building, run things their way."
  Clint cursed as he tried to get through with the communication.
  "Problem, there's no one...."
  Before he could answer that question, there was an explosion from downstairs.
  "We can't let them come up here," Harry told them, as he closed his eyes for a brief moment to get his head into the game, and made his way to the door. Pushing the door open, he proceeded to exit through it at a brisk pace.
  Kitty was following behind him.
  "Are you sure they're coming up here?" Kitty asked before Harry looked over his shoulder to face the brunette as he gave her an exasperated look. "Oh....yeah.....right, I forgot that's our luck, isn't it?"
  "Yes, it is," Harry agreed as he slid down the steps and landed on the ground.
  He tilted his head to the side so his ear was facing in the direction of the door as he tried to listen for who was on the other end of it. The dark haired wizard focused his attention and locked onto the sounds that were coming from beyond the door. The green eyed wizard tried to figure out if they were a level below or on the same one.
  Thor turned up, alongside Hawkeye, with Jan bringing up the rear, her eyes widened with excitement at the prospect of some action.
  "You don't mind if I....try and help out, do you?" Jan asked to them and Harry inclined his head towards her. She nervously watched him for his response.
  "The more the merrier but we've got to attack them before they attack us," Harry remarked and Tony showed up, a bit punch drunk but ready for action.
  "Right after that unintended side tracking, I'm back, for what it's worth," Tony informed them as he scoped out the situation. "So AIM, wouldn't be the first time I had to deal with these jokers."
  "Yeah, I know," Harry offered as he kept his attention on what was ahead of him.
  "We must get our hands on the formula."
  'And they're after the formula, I hate it when I'm right,' Harry offered as he stepped back and pushed himself through the door, busting it open.
  The Advanced Idea Mechanics were down in the basement, a device hacked into the security system.
  "And add Stark to the list of people who needs some better security,' Harry thought to himself but he could worry about that later. The green eyed wizard practically flew down the steps, not even touching them as he went down.
  Thor swung Mjolnir around in a wide arc, knocking the AIM scientists down to the ground.
  It was obvious now that they were scientists and not warriors, as they were taken down immediately. There was a loud explosive smack as Thor drove Mjolnir into them.
  Scrambling forwards Jan decided to test something that she wanted to sink her teeth into for quite some time. She closed her eyes and began to shrink to an extremely tiny size.
  Jan flittered around one of the AIM scientists zapping him in the backside. He end up dancing up and down, trying to keep from getting taken down. Another zap finished the job and he fell collapsed twitching to the ground.
  "Yeah that's right, you're going to beware the sting of the Wasp!" Jan stated as she laughed. She paused, and stopped. "No wait, that sounds too super villainy."
  "Just focus," Harry told her as he edged forward and used a set of ropes that he conjured from his hand to wrap up several of the AIM goons.
  They clattered down with a thud as the green eyed wizard snapped his eyes from target to target. The young sorcerer kept up with the attacks, firing a series of spells at his enemies, drilling them with shot after shot. The AIM drones staggered around as they were wrapped up and left hanging upside down from the stairs.
  One of the scientists aimed a large rifle but Hawkeye shot an arrow towards him. The arrow impacted into the side of the gun as Hawkeye reached up his hand and clicked the detonator to cause a miniature explosion.
  The scientist staggered around in a circle like he was drunk in the aftermath of the explosion, the bones in his wrist severely cracked as well as having been dislocated, a severe burn covered most of his hand. Breathing in and out rather heavily he proceeded to fall face first to the ground in a heap.
  Kitty popped down from above them. Grabbing them by their heads, she knocked them together with a loud clonk. The brunette mutant's smile grew even wider as she took out her enemies.
  "Yeah that's right," Kitty offered to them smugly.
  As she stood around gloating two of the AIM scientists aimed their weapons at her, and started to fire. Forcing her to dive through a stack of crates in order to get out of the way. The Scientists continued to fire into the crates that she phased through.
  They kept firing at the crate thinking that they had her. After another moment of sustained fire the two thugs edged forward and cracked open the crate, but they found that no one was inside.
  That was before Kitty knocked them out, by coming out of the opposite wall. They crashed headfirst into the crate with a clatter.
  "This must be the B-Team," Hawkeye commented as he started to fire his arrows at them with rapid fire fury.
  "Regroup, our leader won't be happy," one of the AIM agents stated as he scrambled towards the nearest exit, nearly tripping over his feet but he managed to remain standing despite his fumbling start.
  Harry noticed a bomb had been planted. It was done by design, as a failsafe in case things got too heated and AIM needed to find their way to get out of here before the heat got too hot. The emerald eyed wizard pushed himself towards his destination and began to deactivate the bomb, pushing the buttons as it clicked off.
  "Got it?" Tony asked.
  Harry nodded stiffly but he saw that AIM had gotten away, well at least some of them. Most of them had been knocked out unable to escape, which Harry took advantage of. He waved his hand causing them to be stacked up on a pallet and transported the stacked up AIM operatives off tied up and gift wrapped as an early Christmas present to Nick Fury and SHIELD.
  "Fury can sort them out, we've got more important things to deal with," Harry commented before the group made their way back upstairs.
  As satisfying as it was to knock those AIM goons around, it was not going to get Gwen better any time soon. Now Harry had to focus on what was important.
  Change was part of the world and it flowed in and out of people. Gwen Stacy felt the changes manifest in her body thanks to the Extremis formula. The blonde's breathing became quite labored as her eyes flickered open and shut as her heart beat quickly within her chest. The blonde was trying to keep her fingers from growing too numb but it was a strange contrast of hot and cold.
  Gwen tried to push herself up to a sitting position but after a moment she plopped back down onto the surface of the bed, her eyes rolling back into her head. The blonde could not figure out how to deal with all of the emotions swimming through her body as she tried to get her thoughts together. Her heart pounded deep in her chest as she tried to pump her legs up to get to a sitting position once more but once again it was hard to even move.
  A thumping echoed through her head as she closed her dry mouth and her eyes screwed shut.
  "Gwen, are you there?" Harry asked the blonde as he reached forward and grasped her hand.
  The thumping sound continued to echo through Gwen's head as she once more tried to push herself back up but she saw it, she heard it, she felt it. Technology, every single instance of it within the Stark Industries building, and given that Stark was a technology company, there was a lot of it flowing around her mind.
  The blonde's thoughts hammered through her head as she summoned up the resolve to answer Harry. There were so many thoughts and not all of them were good. There was a loud humming that echoed through her mind as she tried to push herself out of the stupor she was in.
  Harry grabbed her around the shoulders and caused the blonde's eyes to flicker back into focus. The blonde's mouth hung open as she tried to keep herself from losing her mind. She was really flickering in and out of consciousness.
  "Yes, here, kind of," Gwen mumbled as her heart beat against her rib cage and the buzzing continued within her mind.
  Harry could not tell if she was giving off more heat than before, although Gwen's eyes had the look of both someone who was having too many thoughts and someone who was not thinking at all. He wished he knew what to do. If he could get her back to the Fortress, they might have a chance, but he could not leave this situation alone.
  "Do you have any notes on the formula?" Harry asked to Tony, trying to keep himself from lashing out but his burning gaze was on the Billionaire.
  Tony was just more than glad that Harry was not trying to shout him down and he inclined his head towards him, before nodding.
  "Yeah, I've got....something," Tony offered him as he got to his feet and scrambled over to the cabinet.
  Tony had his mind on what he needed to do with AIM but he saw that this Extremis situation was getting out of control. And his own scientific curiosity was intrigued by what was happening with Gwen Stacy. The billionaire scientist placed his hands on the side of his head as he surveyed the situation in front of him.
  "She's not so much infected by the formula, that is she's becoming the formula," Pym informed once again and Harry spun around to face him.
  "Becoming the formula," Kitty breathed out as she twisted her expression around to face Pym and she blinked a little bit. The brunette was really trying to figure out what was happening. "What the fuck does that even mean! Or are you just pulling shit out of your ass!?"
  Tony was one to jump in with the information that Harry needed.
  "Here are the notes, along with what happened....to those who have been exposed to it before now, please don't hurt me," the scientist stated as Harry raised an eyebrow at him. The emerald eyed wizard was not going to say much of anything, at least not yet. He was keeping his attention on Gwen and then on the notes.
  There were a huge stack of papers that was placed in his hands and he flipped through them, reading them quickly. Thanks to his impressive recall and processing power, he was able to get through the notes, as massive as they were, in about a twentieth of the time it would normally take anyone else and he understood everything that he read. His mouth opened and shut as he read through the notes.
  "The formula....it depends on the person, it appears that Gwen was exposed to a modified formula," Harry informed Stark. "That was derived in many ways from the original formula."
  This statement was news to Stark and Harry decided to take this surprised revelation as it was and pop in with another question.
  "Did that you know of any modifications that were made to the formula?" Harry asked Stark and the Billionaire racked over the matter in his mind.
  "Not off hand, no," Tony admitted as he thought about the formula. The billionaire was really trying hard to recall everything but considering how busy he got over the course of an average day, there was no way for him to so.
  Harry thought as much as he turned back to Gwen and used his powers to try and find a pattern that he could allow his girlfriend to become stabilized.
  'She has....she had, a latent X-Gene,' Harry thought to himself before he placed his hands on the side of his face and racked his brain with a few thoughts. The young wizard kept going through her as he saw how her DNA was changed. It almost looked like binary code; the green eyed enchanter tried to pinpoint the intricacies of the formula. 'Well isn't that interesting.'
  "Harry," Gwen breathed as she shuddered for a moment.
  "Gwen, I'm here, I'm here for you," Harry told her as Kitty stepped in as well.
  "Gwen, I'm here too, it's me Kitty, hi, sorry I ran off like that but I'm here now," Kitty offered as she kept her attention on the young blonde.
  Gwen's eyes began to blink as she acknowledged them.
  "I see it....I see everything, it's changing around us," Gwen remarked in a wooden tone of voice. "I see the technology that's shifting....it's....I can't even begin to understand it all."
  "Well the formula's working," Pepper remarked as she stepped into the lab. She turned to face Tony, nervously watching him. "Security is tightened, to the point where they're not getting in here without someone who is intune with technology."
  "Thanks Pepper, your bonus is in the mail," Tony remarked to her.
  Pepper just rolled her eyes as she stated in a deadpan voice. "After all this, it better be."
  "I see....you're not going to keep them out," Gwen panted heavily as she saw the binary code of the security being rearranged.
  Harry wondered what she was seeing because it seemed to be extremely painful. The green eyes of the Kryptonian mage widened as Gwen's eyes became dilated.
  "Gwen, focus on me, don't focus on....whatever is going through your mind," Harry told her frantically.
  Gwen nodded before she felt it before some managed to articulate one statement.
  "They're coming, someone's breaking down the door," Gwen breathed, panting heavily and the blonde's eyes widened, twitching in fury as Harry pulled her into position, tightly wrapping his arms around her.
  "You will hand over the formula."
  Demands were not something that Tony Stark caved into willingly. He was a child that was rebellious during his younger years and it got worse as he went into his teen years, and he grew up into his adult years, into the middle aged businessman that he was today. He did not cave in to anyone and their demands, whether it be Congress, the Board of Directors, Nick Fury, or anyone else.
  One thing was for sure and he was not about to cave into the demands of a group of angry, ill-tempered bee keepers like the Advanced Idea Mechanics.
  "So, you're really serious are you?"
  "I rarely jest about such a thing," the individual behind the AIM agents stated.
  Harry got a good look at him and nearly cracked into a smile. Kitty watched him with wide eyes before she turned towards Harry and spat out one question.
  "Um Harry, like what is that thing?" Kitty asked Harry and the wizard was gawking at the floating head, for lack of a better term, that was hovering above him.
  "By the Allfather, it's hideous," Thor breathed as he saw the thing hovering. "It is like a Frost Giant's head on an infant's body."
  "Looks like a giant dork to me," Wasp commented as she watched them.
  He was dressed in yellow body armor with glowing red eyes. There was a helmet that protected this head from all mental intrusions.
  "I am your superior and you will treat met as such," he stated in a creepy robotic monotone.
  "Yeah, exterminate, exterminate, blah, blah, blah," Harry remarked as he made the required hand motions and he tried to send a spell at him but an energy field appeared around MODOC blocking the spell.
  "Science will trump magic every time, you inferior warlock," the floating head stated.
  "Then I'm going to have to have to hit you with something harder," Harry stated as he turned to his fellow teammates. "You better duck."
  He twisted his wrist around in a circle and several razor sharp spikes manifested themselves. They cracked against the shield and caused him to back up.
  "Take out that sorcerer," he remarked.
  "Just who is this guy anyway?" Kitty asked as she dodged the attacks before rushing forward and putting her hands through the guns to bust them.
  "Someone with a really bad taste of head accessories," Jan suggested as she let out a rather prominent tut.
  "Yeah, I figured that much," Harry offered as he jumped into the air and began to take out his enemies with a series of fluid attacks.
  "Take them down and get the formula at all costs," MODOC commented.
  "And he was programmed with a broken record," Tony commented dryly as he aimed his wrist gauntlets and started to hammer at his enemy.
  The shield absorbed that just as well.
  Harry was mentally trying to calculate a way but the security system around the lab clicked on and laser arrays began to shot from the wall.
  "Oh sure, now your security works," Wasp offered as Pym stepped forward.
  "Perhaps we could resolve this..."
  Hank Pym got nailed with a full impact laser blast to the chest and was sent flying backwards. One of the female AIM goons shot him really hard in the face and he was down for the count.
  Wasp flew in close in her tiny form as she kept blasting her enemy with a few tiny stings. Her stingers drilled her enemy from behind causing the AIM scientist to stagger and chase her around but she was too quick and too small.
  "Come on, closer, closer, you can do it!" Jan taunted him as she dodged the laser arrays.
  "Security is now mine to control," MODOC stated as Kitty tried to phase through the energy field. "Your attempts to stall me is useless..."
  The God of Thunder, incensed at MODOC's rambling, threw his hammer forward with a heated fury. It did not completely break the field but it did enough to rattle him.
  "You dare touch me...."
  Harry now saw a flaw within the protection field and pulled his arm back as much as he was allowed to before he fired a hex towards him. The green eyed wizard kept his eyes locked onto the position and squinted them to focus.
  Heat vision shot out towards MODOC and pushed his enemy back. The abomination of science staggered back.
  "No, vital shields at only fifty three point two percent, I must....reconfigure systems," MODOC commented as his eyes glowed with malice.
  Gwen sat up, her eyes widening as she looked towards him. Her thoughts were a maelstrom of wild emotions but she sensed it, she sensed MODOC working with and messing around with the security system. The blonde kept her eyes narrowed as she bit down on her lip.
  'Okay focus....you can control this....I think I can,' Gwen thought to herself as she saw Harry dodge the security systems and whip his wrist in an attempt to wipe out his enemy. 'I just got to....yeah a little bit more and I've got it.'
  Gwen felt the headache coming on but her strong will power and intelligence, along with ability to improvise was trying to override MODOC's control of the system. The blonde had been forgotten in the battle with the super heroes, a mistake that someone would regret.
  Hawkeye felt his arrows negated by the energy field.
  "We better find out....."
  He was blasted in the back and thrown hard towards the ground.
  "I think I've got this," Harry offered as he summoned all of the power to himself and tried to summon up a magically created electromagnetic field.
  Harry's green eyes glowed faintly as he tried to push his way through the defenses that MODOC erected. His eyes flickered with an even greater intensity as the wizard focused his power pushing his attacks to an even greater height.
  "Error, reboot, error."
  'Gwen, you can hear me in your head right,' Harry thought to Gwen as he finished the calculations of the Extremis formula in his head.
  MODOC tried to take over Iron Man's armor and he did had to redirect everything to make sure he didn't hack into the armor. While Iron Man had some recent upgrades, so did MODOC.
  'Yeah, I hear you,' Gwen informed him through the link that was established. 'I hear a lot of static but I hear you as well and it's.....yeah it's just...I'm trying to figure out how to deal with this.'
  'Okay, just take a deep breath and focus on it,' Harry told her and Gwen nodded in agreement, biting down on her lip.
  'Okay, I'm focusing, really, truly focusing,' Gwen thought as she sensed all of the patterns through her head. 'I see it.....that's not Stark technology, so I'm looking for some combination of both electronics and biology.'
  'Correct, the formula, it's changing you, you can interface with the technology and find a backdoor but I'm here to pull you out if things get ugly,' Harry thought and while Harry was halfway across the room, Gwen felt that his hand was reassuringly on hers.
  'Let's do it,' Gwen remarked before the emerald eyed wizard decided to buy her the time she needed.
  "What are you doing?"
  There was a cracking motion as MODOC felt his control switching.
  "You think....you....you....you think that you can defeat me, no I'm the personification of all things, I'm the personification of science, I will have you," MODOC stated as he felt the system being drilled in the back door by the attack.
  He tried to fight his way as he was being hacked into but now Iron Man had control of his armor once more.
  "Right, take a nap, ugly," Iron Man commented and he nailed MODOC with a full repulsor blast.
  'I think I'm doing it, I'm returning Stark to normal, wow this is weird,' Gwen thought to Harry.
  Gwen felt the power shaking inside her but she was most certainly doing it, bit by bit, in more ways than one. She was returning the power back to it.
  It was a draining process and something that her biology was not used to but the blonde shut MODOC down long enough for Harry to swoop in.
  The abomination of science screamed as his mind was overloaded, too many thoughts at once caused him to be bombarded and forced him to black out.
  MODOC was down and Kitty breathed as the security stopped trying to kill her. She looked over her shoulder and locked eyes with Harry.
  "So mission accomplished?" Kitty asked and Harry smiled, before nodding.
  "Yeah, mission accomplished," Harry confirmed to her and Gwen nodded, as she ran her hands over her forehead. "You okay?"
  Gwen's face twisted into a smile as the sensations became more manageable. "Never better."
  SHIELD showed up, with Nick Fury leading the charge. His arms were folded as he watched the SHIELD agent's remove the downed AIM scientists. They had more than a few injuries between them but he was not about to kiss them and make it feel better. That was not what the commander of SHIELD was there for. His eye narrowed.
  "Make sure to keep that thing secure like your life depends on it," Fury growled as MODOC was strapped down before being taken to a high security SHIELD facility. "If AIM created something like that, we need to find out what more they can do and this thing will help us do it."
  "It can control technology, so make sure to take the proper precautions," Harry informed them and Fury's expression spun around to face Harry.
  "I'll handle this Potter, I'm the one in charge," Fury growled and Harry put his hands in the air. Fury turn around to Harry.
  "So what, sir," one of the agents remarked as he nervously surveyed MODOC, as if he feared that it was about to come out to life.
  "It can control technology, so make sure to take the proper precautions," Fury stated in a harsh voice.
  "I couldn't have said it better than myself, Nick," Harry remarked with a wide grin.
  Fury once again faced Harry. "That's Commander Fury to you, Potter."
  "Sure whatever you say, Nick," Harry remarked with a wide grin as Tony stepped forward.
  "Well, this is always interesting but there is the matter of the formula....the Extremis formula, which I did inform you was dangerous," Stark told Fury.
  "If we can create better technology, we can get one step up on the dangerous elements in the world," Fury offered but Harry spun around to face Fury, all sense of mirth lost.
  "You mean SHIELD was behind the Extremis Formula?" Harry asked and Tony was the one who decided to clarify this matter.
  "Not initially, but they enabled the further development," Tony offered, stepping back and he was glad that he was able to partially deflect the responsibility to someone else.
  Harry's expression flickered over Fury's face but the Commander of SHIELD was not about to back down. It was an anxious stare down and all that watched was wondering who would blink first. Neither of them were inclined to do so.
  "I did what I have to do," Fury offered to him. "And your girlfriend...."
  "Is none of your concern and not a lab rat for SHIELD to figure out what the capabilities of the formula are like," Harry informed Fury.
  There was a coolness to his voice that was rather dangerous and Fury knew better than to press the issue, at least too much.
  "You better hope that for your sake, she doesn't become a threat," Fury offered Harry and the young hero stared back at him.
  "She won't be a threat, I'll make sure she's completely safe," Harry offered as Gwen stood in the background.
  Gwen honestly had yet to piece together how she felt about things, after Harry helped her get some level of control over her new powers, she felt so much better about the situation. There was still the humming in her head, as the blonde got used to the brand new sensations that was coursing through the back of her mind.
  It was really amazing to see what the formula could do and Gwen was amazed that she had super powers.
  "So how are you feeling?"
  Pepper turned up outside of the building and faced Gwen.
  "A bit hungry actually," Gwen admitted to her, as she rubbed her temple. The headaches are becoming less and less along with the random bouts of hot and cold. The blonde thought that things could gone a lot worse.
  She held the notes that Harry was given and was pursuing them herself, they were really amazing. She hoped to find out a method to better regulate her powers and get the most out of them. The blonde was excited about the possibilities and also nervous about any side effects.
  It was funny how a lab accident most times lead to super powers in this world but sometimes they weren't the good kind.
  Fury stepped over and kept his eye locked onto Gwen's. The blonde placed her hands on her hips and stared back at the Commander of SHIELD. A smile crossed over her face as she stared him down.
  There was a long chilling bit of silence that the two of them experienced before one set of eyes locked onto the one eye.
  "I'm watching you," Fury told Gwen, he knew that if he had any excuse, he would bring her in. She would be a potentially useful resource for SHIELD if she exhibited the full benefits of the Extremis formula, along with the liability. He would need to monitor this situation closely, whether Potter liked it or not.
  Speaking of Potter, he was there quickly, so quickly that it nearly made Fury's head spin.
  "Are you sure you can spare the eye?" Gwen asked as Harry's arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her in close towards him. Her head relaxed a slight bit on his shoulder.
  Kitty stepped off to the side and Harry looped an arm around her as well.
  "Yeah, Fury, you might want to get a hobby," Kitty offered, not resisting the shot at him.
  Fury did not say anything but he turned around and walked off.
  When Fury was out of earshot, Harry spun around to face Gwen.
  "So how are you really feeling?" Harry asked her in a quiet voice.
  Gwen's expression was honest even though she was trying to reconcile everything that happened.
  "Well it was like I told Pepper, I'm a bit hungry," Gwen offered. "I'm still trying to make heads or tails of everything with this formula and what it's done to me."
  "Well we'll get you a bite to eat and then I'll get you back to headquarters," Harry informed Gwen and the blonde's eyebrow raised before her expression combed over Harry.
  "Okay, fair enough, get a free meal and a free doctor's checkup," Gwen offered before added with a mischievous glint in her eye. "So do I get a full physical?"
  Harry smiled at her before offering with a teasing expression. "If you play your cards right."
  Gwen leaned forward and wrapped her arms around her boyfriend's waist, before pulling him into a deep kiss. Harry noticed that her grip was even stronger than normal and her body underwent some development but he would have to do more in depth research on that later.
  "Well I didn't expect you to eat that much, all things considered," Harry informed Gwen and the blonde gave him a wide and unapologetic smile as she faced him.
  "Well, I don't know, it feels my metabolism is different, and....I might need more fuel," Gwen offered to Harry. "Kind of like Peter when he got his spider powers."
  This caused Gwen to stop and think about something that she had nearly forgotten to tell Harry in all of the excitement.
  "Speaking of Peter, there is something....that's off with him," Gwen told Harry and the emerald eyed wizard's eyes fully focused on her.
  "You mean more so than usual," Harry offered Gwen and the blonde's expression just twisted into a smile.
  "Yes, exactly," Gwen told Harry dryly as she pressed her hands on her hips. "But seriously, there's something wrong with him, I don't even know where to begin."
  Gwen decided that something clicked in her mind.
  "It was around that time that he had the black suit," Gwen offered to him and Harry placed his hand on his chin.
  He pondered over the matter, he thought that the black suit when he caught a glimpse of it was just a case of a super hero reinventing himself. And he assumed that Peter's rougher stance against the criminals was just one of those things that happened with many super heroes. There was a time where they came to the conclusion that the kid's gloves needed to be thrown off and they needed to smack around their enemies a bit more so they got the hint.
  Then again, if Gwen was thinking that there was something off, then perhaps Harry should look into it a little bit. In case it was something more than the standards stress related meltdowns that heroes had from time to time.
  "Worry about one thing at a time, Gwen," Harry offered as he appeared outside the gate. Kitty checked her watch.
  "I better get going, got some homework to get caught up on," Kitty offered Harry, she was going to pay for being absent for the first couple of weeks of the school year.
  "Yeah, that might be wise," Harry offered as he gave Kitty a light kiss across the cheek.
  This allowed Gwen to take a look at the main headquarters. To the naked eye on the outside, it was nothing extraordinary, your standard run of the mill private school with windows, doors, and a roof, panted black and white. There were no extraordinary patterns. There was a walkway from the gate to the main entrance, even though it was mostly just for show. Harry had arranged for those in the know to be ported in from the main gates. Everyone else got to walk.
  It was what was on the inside that was the real draw, the real attraction. And the school was so much bigger on the inside than it was on the outside. It was extraordinary to the highest degree, with it's high tech crystalized structure that was smooth and cool to the surface. Everything felt so alive but naturally for those not in the know, it projected a more mundane interior and exterior.
  The walls had architecture on the inside that was unlike anything that would be seen on Earth. The first level was mostly for public meetings unless they were in the know naturally. The blonde whistled as she saw it, staircases, along with a library off to the side with tons of books. Then there was a waiting room with comfortable chairs, more books, and a television.
  There was a side office to the side of Harry's that Gwen supposed was for an assistant that Harry had not gotten around to hiring as of yet.
  He lead her past his office and down the hallway. There was a stairway that lead up to the bedrooms. Gwen remembered Harry mentioned that he had something like one hundred and fifty bedrooms which was absolutely absurd.
  "Your security system is amazing," Gwen offered as they made their way to the elevator. Kitty having long since parted with them and made her way to her room to get some work done.
  "You're too kind," Lily remarked as she appeared in front of them.
  "So, Gwen, this is my mother," Harry remarked to Gwen and the blonde's eyes widened. "She died when I was one years old but she was reborn into an Artificial Intelligence Construct that can interact with other people and do anything that a normal person could do."
  Perhaps it was the day that she had, but Gwen's mind flew to the gutter and she wondered if she was reading much more into this situation.
  "I designed the security system to make sure that no undesirable elements entered this dwelling," Lily added.
  "And I helped," Lara offered with a smile as she joined them, it was a really improved version of the security that Jor-El started to develop for the Council on Krypton. However the Council refused to implement it so Lara took the project, making them think that Jor-El discarded it. With help from Lily, Alura, and Peve they implemented the necessary changes.
  "And that's my other mother," Harry remarked to her before he added. "And Kara's mother, Alura, is here as well, along with my ancestor many times over, Peve."
  "I see," Gwen offered, she took this all in.
  The doors opened on the other side and it allowed them to be admitted inside the lab. Gwen took a look around the lab, there was a lot of equipment that she had no idea what it was and for her that was saying something.
  "Nice, I might have to move in here," Gwen offered as she looked at the equipment.
  Harry could not resist firing back. "Well, I'd be glad to have you."
  Gwen's attention diverted towards a glass case that was in the back of the lab. The blonde kept her gaze fixed firmly on it. It was a chunk of the meteor rock that fell from the sky a few weeks ago.
  "That's the meteor rock," Gwen commented and she stepped forward.
  "Apparently, it does cause me harm, although that's not a big enough chunk of it," Harry offered to her. "It came from the same home planet that Kara and I were from, Krypton."
  "So a meteorite from Krypton....why don't we just call it Kryptonite, it rolls off the tongue a lot easier?" Gwen asked him and Harry smiled.
  "That would be great, but we need to do the scan, so please strip off your clothes and get on that table over there," Harry told Gwen.
  Gwen's expression turned to a knowing smile as she looked at Harry. "You know, there are a lot easier ways to get me out of my clothes."
  Harry smiled back at her. "Gwen, the sooner that we get this over with, the sooner we can get to more pleasurable activities."
  Gwen got the message loud and clear and the grin across her face got even wider as she stripped off her clothes. First her black shirt was taken off to reveal her ample breasts covered in nothing but a bra. She ran her hands purposely down her tight stomach and watched Harry watching her explore her newly formed more prominent curves. She unbuttoned her jeans and slid them down her body to reveal a lacy pair of black panties.
  "And by all of the way, you mean all of the way, don't you?" Gwen asked as she did a twirl, barely keeping the smile off of her face as she showed her body off for her man.
  "Yes, I mean all of the way," Harry offered with a grin. "I know you're not shy to begin with."
  Gwen smiled before she unclipped her bra and purposely turned away from Harry. She bent over her with underwear clad ass pointed up towards Harry. Her smile increased as she slipped the bra off and turned around.
  "So, do you see anything you like?" Gwen asked and Harry smiled.
  "I see plenty of what I like, now the panties, please, and we can get this show on the road," Harry remarked.
  "Never appreciate a good tease, do you?" Gwen asked as she slipped off her panties before she sat on the table, cross legged. Her lips were pursed as she looked at Harry.
  "That shouldn't take more than a few seconds," Harry offered to Gwen and the blonde's eyes followed him expressively. "In fact, getting your school picture taken is far worse than this."
  Harry clicked on the machine and there was a flash as the crystals analyzed Gwen's newly modified body.
  "Well, your strength, speed, stamina, and metabolism have been increased, along with a growth spurt," Harry informed her. "And that's in addition to the X-Gene power that you had."
  "What X-Gene power?" Gwen asked, this was the first that she heard of something like this.
  "Well, there might be an X-Gene present in all humans, but most of them it's latent," Harry informed Gwen. "You know, how everyone has cancerous cells but only a fraction of people have cancer?"
  "Yes, I know that," Gwen agreed, she was a genius. "So what's my power?"
  "I'm not sure, more tests are going to have to be run," Harry offered Gwen and the blonde's head nodded.
  "That can wait until later, but we have some more fun tests for the both of us to run," Gwen remarked before she shifted and watched Harry. "And you're in danger of suffering a sudden swelling, so you better get out of those clothes so we can have that checked out."
  "If you insist," Harry told her, his grin widening.
  Smut/Lemon Begins
  Gwen grabbed his shirt and began to unfasten the buttons, working the material off of Harry's chest. With a swift motion, she slid the shirt off of him. She caught sight of his sexy abs and chest and was practically watering at the mouth from the sight of him. It was the type of thing that could stop traffic. The blonde was amazed by the sight that was before her and she was really entranced by him.
  "Wow," Gwen breathed as she took her hands and ran it down his abs. She wrapped her arms around her, pressing her naked sexy body against him. The emerald eyed sorcerer pulled her into a tight hug as he tightened her body against his.
  The blond really was enjoying the sensations against him and Harry reached behind her and cupped her tight ass, causing the pleasure to heighten. The two of them kissed each other, causing a sizzling sensation to spread through both of them. Gwen rubbed her groin up and down Harry's pants to cause a delightful amount of friction.
  Harry reached around and cupped her breasts, they were much fuller than he remembered and they had grown a cup size at least. It was from some force of will that Gwen's bra stayed on when it did and he thought this statement as he continued to play with the delicious fun bags that were attached to the brainy wall.
  "Subjects swelling has increased," Gwen offered as she broke the kiss and her eyes closed, before she reached down and squeezed Harry's package shamelessly with her hand. "Let's see if any oral efforts will cause his reaction to subside."
  Gwen dropped down her knees and unbuckled his pants, making sure to keep eye contact with Harry as she worked them open. This added a certain heated emotion to the situation and Gwen kept working his pants over. She was pushing his pants down over his ankles and his boxers were revealed, before his throbbing cock pulsed out from the boxers, stretching out to try and meet her lips.
  "He has swollen to a healthy twelve inches," Gwen offered before she pulled his boxers out and his large penis sprung out. She spat on her hand and used the lubrication to run up and down his magnificent prick. "Let's see if any further reaction can be caused with my lips on his throbbing member."
  The blonde pushed her lips around the head and started to suck around the head, using her tongue to cause it to pulse and throb in her mouth, as she bobbed her mouth up and down on it, giving him a magnificent blowjob.
  "Oh that's....fucking amazing Gwen," Harry told the blonde as he cupped her breasts and felt her magnificent mouth work down his pole. The wizard's eyes flickered as she worked him, making several passes and causing popping sounds to echo.
  The sounds were wonderful; it was almost like Gwen was reading him and causing him the most pleasure. Harry placed a hand on the back of her head. She closed her eyes and kept forcing her mouth around his pole, working herself around him.
  The blonde really enjoyed sucking his cock, taking it down her throat. She felt his hands roam her body, although maybe it was not his hands. The blonde was causing sensations around his cock before he kept working over her.
  Gwen sucked him off for a few more minutes, feeling it pulse and throb in her mouth. At first she thought that she wanted it to spew down her throat but then she got a wicked idea and her eyes flashed with desire.
  "Subject appears not to be going down any time soon," Gwen remarked as she eyed him before she cupped her breasts. "We're going to have to go with more drastic stimulation."
  She placed her lips around him and kissed him, before pushing him back. Gwen sandwiched her tits on either side of him and gripped his throbbing cock. The blonde closed her eyes and began to work up and down his throbbing pole, working him to insane stimulation. The emerald eyed wizard closed his eyes and felt the rush of her massive globes working their way down his flesh pole.
  "Damn Gwen, damn, so fucking hot," Harry breathed as he felt her determination as her tits gave his throbbing rod a workout.
  "I know, it is, isn't it?" Gwen asked him as she took her breasts and kept rubbing them up and down his throbbing member, really working through it.
  Gwen closed her eyes, she felt the sensations of this tit fuck, she was amazed to feel his meat between her newly developed tits. The formula that killed nine out of ten of the people that it infected and this was the gifts she received. Yes, Gwen approved of that most of the time. She leaned forward and used her tongue to stimulate them.
  "Oh, yes, Gwen, those tits, they're mine," Harry breathed as he squeezed her supple melons and Gwen's eyes flickered shut.
  "Yes, they're yours, yours, fuck them like you mean it," Gwen panted as Harry's rod speared in and out of her breasts and she popped her mouth around him.
  Harry felt the amazing sensation of these supple melons working against him. The blonde really was working against him, giving him a work out.
  "The subject is near ejaculation....he just needs a bit more motivation," Gwen breathed as she licked him before she forced her tits up and down him, rubbing his massive length in between her lovely breasts.
  The charming tracing of Gwen's tongue around him and Harry was about ready to come undone. Pretty soon his balls were going to swell and send a heavy fluid to splash her tits. He was pretty close to coming undone and the wizard groped the underside of her breasts as he kept working into her.
  "Yes, harder, going to cum," Harry panted.
  "Cum on them, cum on these tits, oh yes," Gwen breathed as she used her supple melons to work around them.
  Gwen was furiously rubbing him up and down, she was determined to bring him to the edge, she felt it coming.
  The pleasure in Harry's groin burst and Gwen could have sworn that a fire hose went off. That much cum splashed on her tits, sticking to her breasts and rolling down to her stomach. The blonde shivered as the creamy ejaculate.
  "Delicious," Gwen stated as she sat on the table across from Harry, making sure to lean back and let the cum roll off her tits. She caught it in her hands.
  Gwen took one finger, soaking in Harry's seed before she brought it to her mouth and slowly popped it into her mouth. Slowly, she brought the dribbling seed off her lips, before running her tongue around it. She kept licking the cum from her hands and her eyes closed with a lustful purr.
  Harry watched her feast on his seed and his cock started to throb in primal want. He needed to be inside her tight cunt and soon.
  "It appears are subject has risen again," Gwen stated as she pushed herself up and threw her arms around Harry, before pressing her breasts against her lover's strong chest.
  He was really throbbing and desired to get into her. Gwen rubbed her dripping pussy against his length but Harry grabbed her around the hips.
  Gwen felt the juices pool from her pussy, excited at the domination that he exerted and he grabbed her, before stuffing his prick inside her.
  "FUCK!" Gwen yelled as she felt more cock than ever before fill her.
  "Fuck, Gwen, your cunt's hotter than a furnace," Harry grunted but it felt nice to him.
  Gwen chewed on her lip; she had to keep from screaming to the heavens. Harry held her breasts in his hands and really manipulated them with his palms. She closed her eyes and rocked her head back, before he cupped her breasts and continued to manipulate the chest melons, working around her in circular motions. She felt his throbbing phallus between her legs and the intensity of the situation caused her body to get rocked.
  "Just let it out, just let it out," Harry breathed as she wrapped around him and she slid up and down on his large pole.
  Gwen was riding his cock like that was no more, her tight ass bouncing off his thighs and his hand reaching around her, before working around her supple cheeks. The blonde bit down on her lip in pleasure as she tilted her head back and screamed loudly. Another scream and her pussy tightened as the arousal exploded through her body.
  "Mmm, damn it, mmm fuck, mmm fuck," Gwen panted heavily as she felt this mecca of manhood give her pussy a heavy workout.
  Harry was fully intent to test the full limits of her stamina and kept beating her pussy raw, working into her. The blonde pushed up and rammed herself down onto his cock, using her pussy to tighten around him.
  "Yes, yes, oh yes, fuck me," Gwen stated.
  Harry cupped her breasts and gave them a tight squeeze which caused her tight walls to envelope him.
  Gwen clenched so hard, she was feeling amazing, like her body was being pushed to the limits and she enjoyed it. The next sensation was even greater as his mouth worked her breasts, sucking on the nipples.
  "Keep it up, Gwen, keep it up," Harry breathed as he felt her tight walls caress him and squeeze against him. More fluids dribbled down and lubricated his pole as it pushed into her body, working between her lips.
  The blonde was squeezing him with everything that she had and she bit down on her lip really working against him. The blonde kept bouncing up and down against him, panting heavily, as more orgasms rattled through her body.
  Despite it all, Gwen was able to keep up with him, amazingly enough. The blonde was keeping the pace together.
  Minutes turned into hours as their hot young bodies were covered in healthy sheens of sweat. Harry gripped her breasts and lavished her sweaty nipples.
  Gwen thought she was going to come undone with his hot tongue working her, causing pleasure to course through her body. His fingers trailed all over her body and his hand worked over her body, taking his hands over her hips. The blonde breathed heavily.
  All good things came to an end eventually and she felt him tightening around him.
  "Cum, oh I'd like it in me," Gwen panted as Harry grabbed her breasts.
  His powerful cock speared between her lips and the blonde lost herself to the pleasure, with Harry grabbing around her, roaming all down her body. The wizard traced patterns down her body.
  After a while, his loins exploded and sent several spurts of cum into her waiting womb. Gwen felt the passion explode through her and the blonde kept her breathing increased by tenfold.
  Harry pulled out of her and saw the fluids spilling from her dripping pussy. She reached forward and groped him with a lustful grin.
  "Do you think we were done?" Gwen asked him and Harry smiled.
  "Not by a longshot."
  Smut/Lemon Ends.
  A trio of thugs rushed down an alleyway, their nerves racing through their minds and bodies as they picked up the pace. They were nervously trying to evade everything that was going on around them.
  "He's right behind us, man," one of the thugs stated but another pulled a gun out.
  "I'll take him out, what could happen?" the second thug stated.
  The third thug nervously bit down on his lip and held out a knife of his own.
  Black webbing shot out and wrapped around the knife, disarming the thug and sending him flying up then down to the ground hard in a huge crash. The dark shadowed figure rushed forward, ducking his head and doing a forward roll before he took out his enemy. The web swinger was returning back to battle, his eyes flashing, using his flash acrobatics to confuse and befuddle his enemies.
  "You punks stole from the cookie jar, now you're going to pay," Spider-Man stated as he gritted his teeth then nailed his enemy with a punch to the face causing him to smash back hard into the closest wall with a thunderous clatter. Knocked unconscious he slid down the wall to finally come to a stop once reaching the ground.
  "What are you going to do...."
  One of the thugs was plucked up by the ankle.
  "Man, I have a wife, three kids, and a mortgage, could you go easy on me?" the thug asked as Spider-Man swung him from side to side.
  "I could but I won't," he offered as he kept the thug dangling upside down, swaying from one side to the next. He tried to kick out but it was a folly. He could not escape the grip of the web slinger no matter how hard he tried to fight out.
  "What is it....I'll give you....I'll give you anything you want," the thug stated as he tried to struggle out of his grip. "You want money, I'll give you money."
  The thug reached into his pocket and he threw the money on the ground.
  "See, money, lots of money, green stuff, makes the world go around...."
  The thug was smacked hard against the wall. The web slinger was angered by the attacks and was going to make the thug suffer for everything.
  "You've stolen that money, it's dirty, it's no good," Spider-Man stated as his eyes squinted together. "I want you to feel this moment, to breath in, draw in your last depraved breath."
  The thug whimpered before the web slinger wrapped the black webbing around him. It covered his toes before going down his legs, onto his crotch. A cocoon was forming around him.
  "Please now, what do you want from me?"
  "We want you to beg for your life," Spider-Man stated as only he could in this situation. The web slinger had him swinging up and down, ready to punish the wicked individual that he had underneath his grip. The web slinger was gritting his teeth as he held his enemy in position. "Do you do that, do you beg for your life?"
  "Please, yes, I'm begging, see, it's me, I'm begging, please, please, please," the thug stated as he kept swinging back and forth. He could not believe it.
  His face and eyes were covered and that stuff was moving around him. The thug was about ready to soil his shorts because of the punishment.
  "Don't, don't, please, don't," the thug stammered loudly.
  Spider-Man's smile became even more wicked before he heard a camera clicking over his shoulder.
  Eddie Brock stood standing in the shadows and kept clicking the camera. The web slinger was watching the camera as it kept on him.
  'He dares try and make a dollar at our expense,' the voice that echoed through Spider-Man's head stated.
  Spider-Man launched his web line over and grabbed onto the camera before he yanked it into his hand. The camera was in his hand and the web slinger held it, turning it over.
  "Hey, that's my camera," Brock stated as his anger festered but the web slinger's expression got even more dangerous.
  "No, it was your camera," Spider-Man offered as he dropped the camera before he smashed it with a vicious stomp. "You want to make something off of the name of Spider-Man, you're barking up the wrong tree."
  Brock scurried to his knees, trying to salvage the broken pieces of his camera. Cursing under his breath as he tried to save it.
  "No, no, no, damn you Spider-Man!" Brock yelled.
  He was not having the best time, between that no good tease Lane blowing him off, Jameson up his ass, and now this. It was not some cheap camera that he picked up either, he saved his money for it for a very long time.
  Brock picked up the pieces of the camera, scooping them up but it was busted beyond all repair and it hissed.
  The photographer reached around and scooped up the remaining pieces of his camera, along with the money that had been dropped on the ground, shoving it in his pocket after he was sure that no one was looking.
  To Be Continued In the Next Chapter "Liberation."
  Chapter Nine: Liberation.
  "You've got to be joking me, ah c'mon Jonah, just one more chance, one more chance."
  Eddie Brock was practically on his knees begging and he was looking up at Jameson. Jameson leaned towards him and stared down Brock, just taking in this pathetic waste on his knees before him.
  "Get up Brock, look at you, you're pathetic!" Jameson snapped loudly as his eyes locked onto Brock's, unable to believe this pathetic excuse for a human looking so pathetic. "I've given you one assignment and that is to get me pictures, something that I could train a monkey to do. And the monkey would fling less shit than what you've given me, Brock!"
  Jameson's no indoor voice echoed and Brock's hands twitched.
  "I need this job, JJ, please have a heart," Brock commented as his nerves were on a trigger, he was practically foaming at the mouth.
  "A heart, no you should have displayed something that resembled competence!" Jameson barked as he slammed his hands down on the desk which caused things to rattle. He shifted his gaze at Brock.
  "Jonah....boss....I can make it up to you, make it worth your while," Eddie managed as his voice stammered and shook.
  Jameson's gaze focused on Eddie.
  "Get off the floor, you're scuffing up the carpet!" Jameson shouted as Eddie scrambled to his feet. Eddie nearly fell over in his haste to get up and Jameson leaned forward as he peered his soon to be former ex-photographer in the face. "After all the chances I've given you, you have the balls to ask me for another one. Why, just so you can drop the ball again and make me look like an idiot?"
  The man stammered before he tried to stand himself up straighter, before he stared him in the eyes.
  "One more chance, sir, one more chance," Eddie begged but Jameson shook his head.
  "No, unless you have photos of Spider-Man, or Arcane or the Blur, that don't like they were taken by a blind monkey," Jameson stated to him and when it was obvious that Eddie Brock had nothing of the sort, it caused Jameson to lose his shit immediately. "No, then what the hell are you doing with me? Get out of my office, get, get, GET OUT OF HERE!"
  Jameson bared down at Eddie Brock but the grizzled publisher was not done ripping Brock a new one.
  "And if you don't get all of your crap cleaned out of your desk, I'll throw it out in the ally with the rest of the trash!"
  Brock flinched as he made his way out of the office. He walked past Lois's desk, who was casually working through a story that she was filing. The large man placed his hands on her desk and stared down at the fearless reporter.
  "Thanks for backing me up, Lane," Brock commented in a nasty tone of voice and Lois barely even acknowledged his presence. "After all we shared, you just had to get me kicked out on the street."
  "Hey, you're the one who didn't deliver not me," Lois remarked to Brock as she added as an afterthought in undertone. "Although I wonder if poor performance is a recurring thing for you or if it's just with your job."
  Brock's expression flickered with a grunt and a grimace, he could not believe that. He angrily turned around and made his way towards his desk.
  Betty watched Brock make his way through his desk and he ripped open the drawers of the desk. She then turned her attention fully to Lois.
  "Yeah, he's a bit....upset, isn't he?" Betty asked Lois and Lois shrugged her shoulders before returning back to the story.
  "He's just nothing but a bunch of hot air, I'm not worried too much about him," Lois offered as she bit her tongue down and kept penning her latest story.
  The truth of the matter was she was more used to handling people like Brock, pumped up gorillas like that were a dime a dozen. They had big egos that compensated for other parts of them were not as big. She dealt with them every single step along the way in college and she was going to continue dealing with them in her adult life. That was just an unfortunate fact of life.
  "Are you sure you're not worried about him?" Betty asked as she placed her hands on the side of Lois's desk before turning and sitting. Her skirt shifted to show a bit of her stocking clad leg.
  "Nah, he's harmless," Lois offered as she used her pen to continue to work through her latest story.
  She was trying to figure out what was going on with the mysterious Arcane and what he was doing. He was turning up in the oddest places and it was really causing her to rack her brain to figure out where he would turn up next.
  Lois did feel smug satisfaction at the fact that the Friends of Humanity were going to be taken down even more notches in the future. Creed might have ramped up his membership drive but there were certain parties out there who were ramping up their efforts to give Creed and his goons a lot of pain and to Lois, that was a victory.
  Brock's anger festered inside him as he was on the phone with his agent.
  "Hey, Vinnie, yeah we better talk about Jameson, make sure that he know what he's letting go, knows all of the offers that I could have on the table," Brock commented to his agent on the other side of the phone. "No, you're the man, you're the man but yes, I'm the man."
  Lois could hardly hold back rolling her eyes at what she figured to be a couple of jackasses who were hee-hawing back and forth over that phone.
  She turned her attention to the other mysterious thing that was monopolizing her life and that was the Star Child. She only had a few brief glimpses of him but she was enticed by the thoughts of getting a greater glimpse of him.
  Lois smiled, pretty soon she would find out what was going on here.
  Norman Osborn watched the view screen with extremely bloodshot eyes as he followed the progress of everything that was occurring around him. Osborn slowly blinked and studied the situation as he indulged himself in one of his favorite hobbies.
  He blamed Spider-Man, the X-Men, Arcane, and Doctor Octopus, not necessarily in that order, for his predicament. Osborn's eyes followed the progress of Spider-Man, his expression calculating and his jaw set. The top of his head was still vacant of any hair.
  "This better be a cure for my baldness," Osborn stated as he saw the looming figure in the mirror behind him.
  "We're working on it, but surely my talents would be better served for other endeavors than growing your hair out," the man stated in an oily voice. "Perhaps, if I might make a suggestion, to invest in a toupee."
  "You don't make suggestions, your job is to do as I say!" Osborn snapped and the man turned his hands over before throwing them up into the air. "Do not bother me until you have a cure that will restore my hair to its full glory!"
  The fact that Norman Osborn had any flaws bothered the man to no end. He refused to think that he could be a flawed individual to begin with and his eyes flashed with annoyance as he started to click through the security footage.
  Spider-Man reminded him that there was a lot for him to do and it reminded him that there were certain steps that he had to take to acquire the keys to his destiny. He looked at the screen and malicious thoughts flickered through his mind. There was one thought that also burned through his mind with wicked intensity.
  'What is your game, Spider-Man?' Osborn thought to himself as he saw his new garb.
  If one could not know their enemy, that it would be next to impossible to know themselves. Osborn understood that now more than ever before.
  'What is your game, Spider-Man?' Osborn repeated to himself and this was a sympathy that beat a steady rhythm over and over in his head.
  Osborn thought about that even more and pondered the situation, but he understood one thing for sure, with the web slinger acting the way he was, it was extremely unlike he was well. Spider-Man was acting grossly out of character. He tried to calibrate each moment of his enemy's life and tried to piece together the puzzle of what his sudden change of attitude was.
  He then remembered, it was around the time that the alien ship landed that Spider-Man made his debut with the black suit. And in that short time, his attitude changed.
  Osborn saw the amazing power that suit offered the web slinger and knew deep inside his mind that he had to study it, make the suit his. He knew that with this and the new and improved goblin formula.
  There was an intercom that came to life.
  "Yes, this better be important," Norman stated in a harsh voice.
  "Well you seem to be burning the midnight oils, Uncle Norman," the voice on the other end of the communication stated.
  "Oh, this is a pleasant surprise, my favorite nephew," Norman commented, his voice brightening although there was an undercurrent of distrust before it. "How's school?"
  "It was over six months ago," the young man over the communication link stated.
  "My mistake, I've been extremely ill," Norman offered as he flipped through the folders that contained the notes from the MRD. Those fools didn't know what needed to be done to achieve success, they fought him every step of the way.
  "Fair enough," the voice said over the phone. "My father wants to work with the family business."
  "Yes, your father," Norman commented as he kept his hand on the receiver and tapped on it, smiling a tiny bit. "So tell me, how is Lionel doing?"
  "The usual steady diet of criticism," the young man over the phone stated. "He keeps claiming that I'm a screw up waiting to happen."
  "Naturally, he doesn't recognize your potential," Norman offered. "A father would be proud to have a son like you, Lex."
  It was then where the door opened and Harry Osborn turned up, hearing these heart felt words delivered. Words that he always thought that would be directed to him.
  The younger Osborn gritted his teeth, his father never made any time for him. His mother died when he was really young, through circumstances that Harry did not know about. And his father forbade questions about her.
  "I'll call you back later Lex, certain matters have come up," Norman offered before he put down the phone and turned to eye his son. "Is there any particular reason why you're loitering in my office door, son?"
  "The school counselor sent this report home with me," the younger Osborn stated as he shifted nervously and handed Norman the report.
  Norman snatched it from his hand and tore it open. The eyes of the business tycoon followed every word on the paper and traced his eyes around and kept reading everything that was on the paper. Harry looked nervous as his father was readying the report, his eyes flickering over every single word.
  "It says you got into a fight," Norman remarked crisply before he slapped down the paper.
  "With Flash Thompson and it wasn't a fight I was just..."
  "You decided to act like a common thug," Norman remarked as his voice grew in crispness and he kept his eyes tracing down the eyes of his son. "You decided to act like a common thug and fight this Thompson boy. And did you even win this fight?"
  The younger Osborn hung his head like a dog that had been caught doing his business on the rug. "No, sir."
  "I see," Norman offered crisply before he watched him. "You only pick fights that you know that you can win and if you know that you can't win, you become a friend to your enemy, until you can figure out their weaknesses and then eliminate them. It's a rule of survival that you must learn if you hope to last in the real world."
  The younger Osborn nodded as Norman's expression twisted towards the door and he took it as his cue to get out of there.
  The elder Osborn turned back to his work and was angered that he sired such a worthless waste of sperm of a son.
  "You've done amazing work, Harry," Ororo commented as Harry walked her through the school and the green eyed wizard offered a smile to the weather controlling mutant.
  "I do try," Harry remarked as he wrapped up the tour of the school.
  "Well, I don't think anyone could have done better if they tried," Ororo offered to him and Harry's smile widened over his face.
  "Keep talking like that and my head won't even fit through the front door," Harry remarked as he looked at her. "How are things over at the Institute?"
  Ororo paused for a few seconds, she was trying to best answer that question. Diplomacy was something that she learned with the best. "We're going through a transitional period."
  Harry knew what she meant by that and he wondered if they got any new students.
  "We're just trying to keep the students that decided to remain behind well trained despite the circumstances," Ororo offered as she offered a labored sigh. "And Hank is trying to do what he can to make something about the Mansion's security system to be mostly passable."
  "No one broke in yet, did they?" Harry asked them.
  Ororo shook her head in negative. "No, we have not had no security threats of note in the last month."
  "I'd hate to think that people were trying killing you guys on my account," Harry joked with her.
  Ororo smiled. "Logan and Charles are more than capable of having more than enough people who have been after their heads and that was even before you've shown up."
  Harry did recall, Xavier and Logan did make more than their fair share of enemies during their days and would make even more as time went on.
  "I think that things will work out for the best," Ororo commented to Harry and the wizard smiled at her.
  "Let's hope so," Harry told her as he placed his hand on hers in a friendly manner. "And there's something that tells me that we'll be seeing a lot more of each other."
  "We will," Ororo agreed as she wondered what happened to Harry, it was like he shot up almost half of a foot, if not more in the weeks that he was gone. "Charles was wrong to be worried about your capabilities, but he's got his plate more than full now. He's still trying to find out the mysterious regarding the Church of Shi'ar Enlightenment."
  "He's not the only one," Harry said, he was going to arrange a meeting with Lilandra before too long and they would come face to face. He was trying to find out more information before he jumped head long into the situation. He knew that if he tried to deal with this thing without thinking about it, he was going to run head long onto trouble.
  "What have you found out?" Ororo asked.
  "Not much that isn't available with anyone who can do a Google search," Harry admitted, he was going to have to arrange that face to face meeting sooner than later. "I've got another problem, it's regarding Spider-Man."
  "His new attitude," Ororo offered, she did hear rumors about it, there was an incident involving Spider-Man and Scott where Scott refused to say what the web head did to him, only it had been humiliating.
  "New attitude, which doesn't happen without a reason," Harry commented as he placed his hand to his chin. "Not sure if it's a clone, it's a shape shifter, mind control, or anything."
  Harry was at a loss to why someone would clone Peter, given that one of him seemed sufficient enough and he was saying that as someone who found the guy rather amusing. Although his brand of humor was an acquired taste but still the more he thought about it, the more he smelled a rat.
  "So is there something else you need?" Harry asked to Ororo.
  Oorro smiled, there were so many ways that question could be answered. "It can wait until later."
  "Very well, I'll see you later," Harry remarked, he had to meet with Gwen outside of Midtown High now.
  Harry popped away but he made sure that no eyes saw him appearing randomly out of thin air. He arrived outside Midtown High School and stepped forward from the shadows. He inclined his head up and soon enough he saw Gwen.
  "I'm telling you, I'm sure he's cracked underneath the pressure," Chloe offered as she whispered to Gwen. "You know, he's working for Jameson. Lois told me enough about him to realize that he's a slave driver and then....well given his other activities, who would be the model of sanity?"
  "Maybe," Gwen offered as she kept her eyes locked onto the situation. The blonde with the headband was really thinking about this and wondered what Peter was thinking.
  Or even if he was thinking, there was something that was there.
  "It could be a problem," Harry remarked as he walked up behind them and Chloe and Gwen jumped in the air, as they spun to face him.
  "And once again, you sneak up on girls, I swear you've got a fetish," Chloe remarked as she watched Harry with a smile crossing her face.
  Harry's smile got wider as he watched both of them. "Maybe I do, maybe I don't."
  Kara showed up as well as M'gann because there was some reason why Harry thought that they need all the help that they could get.
  "I'd like to hang around and help but....deadlines to meet and....I've got a job that I've got to check in with in an hour," Chloe offered before she thought about it. The principal really was leaning on her with the Friends of Humanity propaganda and to ramp it up. She managed to get out of it, at least for now, because Football season was in full swing and people ate up fluff pieces of how Flash Thompson lead the team to another inspiring victory.
  "Oh what do you do?" Kara asked for her.
  "Customer service tech support," Chloe offered to Kara and the blonde disguised as a brunette smiled.
  "Oh that sounds like fun," Kara remarked in an excited tone of voice.
  Chloe shook her head in exasperation before she commented. "No, seriously, it really isn't, so anyway, talk to you later."
  Chloe hugged Gwen goodbye before she did the same thing to Harry. She lingered a bit longer in Harry's arms as she felt his strong arms tighten around her body. The blonde had a widened grin on her face but she pushed away.
  "I can't believe the gall of Parker!"
  That was the sound of Flash Thompson who was limping and Mary Jane and Harry Osborn showed up behind him, both looking amused.
  "You've got admit, that's kind of funny," Osborn the Younger stated as he walked out.
  Gwen was curious as Mary Jane walked up to them with a smile, although it was a rather uneasy one. Harry Osborn was curious as he saw who this young man.
  "Harry, you haven't met....well Harry," Gwen remarked as she looked from one Harry to the other Harry. "Harry Osborn, Harry Potter...."
  "So this is the famous Harry Potter," Osborn the younger stated in a calm tone of voice. He heard Gwen mention in a few times, although he thought that this was another person that he'd have to live up to along with Peter, Tess, and Lex. Not to mention as of late, Spider-Man and those X-Men had been given more attention by his father than Harry had.
  "Yes, and you must be Harry Osborn," Harry commented as he stared with him as there was a moment where he thought that the younger Osborn had a chip on his shoulder.
  "I'd love to say, but I've got tutoring to go to, some of us don't have the luxury of having top grades and get to graduate high school a year earlier," Osborn the younger stated as he turned around and walked off.
  "Don't know what his problem is," Mary Jane offered as she smiled to Harry. "Hey, Harry, good to meet you again."
  "Hey, MJ," Harry remarked as he spun around. "You haven't met Kara or Megan haven't you?"
  "No," Mary Jane offered, she made a mental note that Harry seemed to surround himself with some fairly good looking women. She wondered if he should be carrying a pimp cane around or something. "It's good to meet both of you though, I'm Mary Jane Watson."
  "Please to meet you, I'm Kara," Kara commented as she shook her hand, careful not to give too strong of a grip. Harry warned her about that because humans were fragile.
  "Megan," Megan offered as she looked towards the other redhead.
  "So what was up with that guy?" Harry asked.
  "Oh Flash Thompson....well I don't really know," Gwen said as she deferred to Mary Jane and the redhead was only too happy to tell them, if the man himself did not bring himself to start talking.
  "I can't believe it, I was just messing with him, and he picked me up and tried to stuff me into a locker. Come on who does that?"
  "Um, you Flash, every day in your Freshman year to Parker."
  Flash slammed his hand down against the wall and Harry stood rather carefully.
  "His aunt's worried about him," Mary Jane whispered to Gwen and Gwen nodded in a solemn tone. "I don't know if this is some kind of stage where he's going through or something but.....it's starting to become unbearable to be around him."
  Gwen nodded, it was annoying although there were circumstances she supposed.
  "So how are you and Peter doing?" Gwen asked Mary Jane.
  Mary Jane waved it off. "Peter and I....well we're not really doing....after what's been going on. We're friends still I guess but.....we're not doing the dating thing anymore."
  "Oh, sorry about that," Gwen commented to Mary Jane.
  "Not your fault, just one of those things that happened, plus it was a high school fling, not really expecting it to be much of anything," Mary Jane commented, unlike some people, she had more realistic expectations regarding her high school level relationships.
  As Mary Jane bid them her goodbyes, Harry stood up and wondered where Spider-Man swung off to.
  If he could find the web slinger, he might be able to find out the situation.
  "Did you say that he had a black suit?" Kara whispered to Gwen and Harry.
  "Yes, he does, recently," Gwen offered and Kara's eyes widened, no surely not, there had to be a better explanation than this.
  The head of Peter Parker beat like a never ending drum as he made his way to the church clock tower.
  'Relax, it's going to be okay, it's going to be....'
  'No it's not going to be okay,' Peter thought as he staggered around before he nearly dropped to one knee, it twitching as he bent upon it.
  Peter thought about the suit, at first it felt really good, in fact it made him feel really good but now the suit....it was changing him and screwing with his mind. The web slinger was trying to force himself up to a standing position but he collapsed down to his knees and started to breath in and out heavily.
  'It's the suit, it's screwing with my mind,' Peter thought as he tugged at the side of his face and tried to remove it. 'I got to get it off....somehow, got to get it off before it's too late.'
  'Don't you think that you're overreacting,' the suit thought as Peter's breathing got even heavier and extremely labored.
  'No, I'm not....not overreacting, I don't know what you're doing to me,' Peter projected back to the suit as he struggled vainly to yank it off.
  'We will be a part of you and soon you will be part of the final stage of the bonding,' the suit remarked loudly and Peter's eyes widened as he once again squirmed and twisted out of his position.
  'Final stage of the bonding, what are you talking about?' Peter thought as he once again tried to pull the suit off but his only body betrayed him.
  'You are a perfect specimen for us, Peter Parker,' the suit thought to him, its lust becoming rather strong and he wanted a piece of the young man ensnared in his clutches.
  Peter did not know why but he suddenly wanted to get this suit off of him, along with taking a cold shower as soon as possible. It was hard to rip it off of him but he tried, struggled yes but he tried to pull it from his body. The web slinger was trying to rock back and forth to get the suit off of his body but no matter how much he tried, the suit remained stuck to his body.
  'Get off, please get off,' Peter thought to himself as he tried to work the suit off of him but no matter what, the web head could not get the material off of him.
  'Relax Peter, relax, we are together, we are one,' the suit breathed in and out as the living suit tried to wrap itself around him and try and squeeze the life out of Peter.
  Peter was panicking, actually that was an understatement of the century, Peter Parker was freaking out and losing his mind as he tried to pry the suit off from around his body as it wrapped tighter around him, nearly causing his eyes to bulge.
  'The final bonding is the deepest commitment, yes you are a tasty specimen Peter,' the suit breathed as it worked its tendrils down between Peter's legs and caressed him lovingly.
  It was starting to get creepy to say the very least and Peter felt himself surrounded by darkness. There was two little pinpricks of light but the suit was taking control of him and using his body to sate his own desires.
  'I grow and devour off of the organic energy off of people before I consume them,' the suit stated.
  'That's horrible,' Peter thought as he tried to squirm his way out.
  No matter how hard he tried, he could not squirm out. He was trapped between a rock and a hard place and this suit did more than change his life, it was taking over his body and forcing him to be something that he was not. At first, he was trying to rationalize the situation in his head but the more things were happening, the more he was getting trapped by the suit.
  He was trapped in the clock tower and the bonding process was beginning, with Peter trying to push himself out of the process. His eyes blinked over and over again as his breathing became extremely labored and he was punished by the suit as it kept wrapping around him and latched him to the walls. He was kicking and trying to push out of the assault.
  "It's about as bad as I thought it was," Kara said as she closed her eyes and sighed. She recognized it right away, it was something that was left in her father's lab that her mother made her swear never to go anywhere near.
  "What is it, Kara?" Harry asked to her as he placed his arm around her waist and the blonde's eyes widened as she peered up towards the clocktower where Spider-Man was shown.
  "I don't know myself but I can hear a thought pattern but it's...garbled and unfriendly," M'gann offered to them.
  "Great, that's reassuring," Gwen stated as she placed her hand against the wall and arched her head up before she was watching the situation.
  Kara decided that after a few seconds, she was going to have to explain it to them. Harry's expression caused her to get the courage that she needed to tell them what she knew even though there were parts of it that she had no clue about.
  "I think....Spider-Man might have gotten infected by something that was attached to my ship," Kara remarked as she placed her hand on her hips and craned her neck as she tried to peer closer to the tower.
  "How?" Gwen asked and Kara turned her head around before she followed the progress of the organism that she remembered.
  "My father found a symbiotic organism in a mine," Kara informed Harry and the green eyed wizard nodded as he waved for her to continue. "He thought that he could use it for his own gains but....it didn't really work out the way he intended."
  "And by not work the way you intended, you mean...."
  Kara closed her eyes as Harry threw his arm around her shoulders and the blonde gained the strength that she needed to tell the rest of the story.
  "Yeah, it's just like that way.....he was messing with it one day, and suddenly....."
  Alura managed to sense her daughter's distress from afar and helpfully chimed in with a telepathic connection that she forged between M'gann, Kara, Gwen, and Harry. 'Zor-El captured the creature and subjected it to be experimentation. The best that I could tell from his notes is that it is a rare symbiotic lifeform that has parasitic qualities that is found deep under grounds. First it bonds with the lifeform, then it absorbs its life energy, and then it consumes them.'
  Gwen was not too happy about that thought and her eyes widened as her expression became rather numb. She was blinking a slight bit and she worried about her friend, she really was and it was hard to keep focused on doing what she needed to do.
  "Gwen, we'll find a way to get him out," Harry remarked before he placed his hands on his forehead. "Please tell me it has any weaknesses."
  "Unfortunately, I sealed it away until I could have an opportunity to destroy it," Alura told them before she let out a sigh before telling them the drastic situation that she had to deal with. "In fact...it was good when I did seal it away because.....it killed Zor-El."
  Alura thought it was prudent to spare them of the grimmer details of how the symbiote killed Zor-El. There was not enough of him left to bury. She only told Kara that her father died in a lab accident. That was more than enough for an eight year old to take in.
  "And it escaped when Krypton was destroyed and attached....oh my," Kara breathed as slumped her shoulders but Harry pulled her in tighter.
  "M'gann, see if you can get a thought pattern on that thing," Harry told the Martian Girl and she nodded before closing her eyes and focusing.
  "Right, I'm trying to find it," M'gann offered as she closed her eyes even tighter and heard the patterns, as garbled as they were.
  Harry meanwhile was trying to figure out how he was going to defeat a life form that he had no idea what weaknesses it had. He wondered if it was weak to magic. Granted that would be a really poor weakness all things considered but it was worth a shot more than anything. Harry was running out of options.
  "I'm going on in," Harry told them and he turned to Kara. "Stand by if things get ugly and only if I'm unable to get out of there."
  "Right," Kara told him although she hugged him tightly and planted her lips onto his with a searing good luck kiss.
  With a gesture like that, Harry was ready to go up, up, and away to the sky. His green eyes flickered as he got closer to the destination. There was something about the symbiote that put him on edge but he could worry about that later.
  He saw the black goo oozing out of the entrance. He levitated it out of the way, careful not to touch any of it on himself. Then when it was up on a ledge safely, he blasted it.
  'Hmm, no dice, well that's fucking great,' Harry thought to himself as he stepped into the tower and managed to somehow use a scouring charm to get the essence bits of the suit away.
  Active magic did not work but passive magic did so Harry had to use that to his advantage. He screwed his eyes shut and bit down on his lip as he did what he needed to do to get everything ready.
  He scoured the goo away and slid his way inside, his foot nearly stuck to the ground but he pulled out of its grip.
  "Help me."
  That was done nearly in a whisper but Harry heard it already and he saw the form of Spider-Man or what was once Spider-Man.
  'Harry....he's....we don't have much time,' M'gann thought to him through the mental link.
  'Right....sorry Peter, this might hurt a little bit,' Harry thought as his hands began to twist and he aimed for the symbiote.
  He sent two purple bolts of magical energy and caused the symbiote to scream in pain. There was a few seconds where the symbiote retracted.
  The black suited Spider-Man tightened its grip around the web slinger, his eyes blazing with even more intensity than ever before his black threads shot towards him.
  "You'll make an excellent appetizer," he stated.
  "First of all, you don't know where I've been," Harry commented as he dodged the attacks at super speed.
  "Stand still!"
  'Peter, if you're in there, if you're in there anywhere at all, find a way to fight the suit,' Harry thought to him but he somehow knew that was easier said than done. The suit was rebelling against Peter and forcing him to do things that he would normally do.
  Harry had to think outside the box and once again he sent a spell off to the side.
  Said spell ricocheted off of the wall and clang against the bell.
  The noise was ear splitting and Harry felt his head nearly split open from the thought of it. His eyes fluttered shut but then he twisted his head over. He noticed something, the suit was going all haywire due to the sound.
  "Oh, you don't like the noise, do you?" Harry asked, as he drew back and ran at super speed into the bell.
  The loud clanging and ringing of the church bells drove the suit into a frenzy and its next antics were to keep Harry away.
  "Unpleasant," the suit growled as the suit along with the host inside were uncomfortable.
  "Unpleasant is something that I do to people who try and kill me," Harry remarked with a smile.
  The suit was trying its best to kill Harry for certain, he ducked and dodged, to try and pivot his way around the attacks. His super speed was a valuable tool and he forced the symbiote to inadvertently strike the bell.
  Peter's eyes widened.
  'Oh, you're back....I never thought I'd be happy to see Arcane....man that sounded utterly bitter, let's start again,' Peter thought as he tried to pull himself off. The web slinger was trying to break his way out of the suit.
  The suit sealed him up, there was more than that and he used the webbing to block the bell.
  "You won't be able to defeat me so easily," the black suit growled as Harry reared his arm back, before two pairs of brass knuckles appeared on his fists.
  "You want to bet?" Harry asked as he smiled. "Spidey, this is going to hurt me a whole lot more than it's going to hurt you and it's going to hurt you a hell of a lot."
  Harry went at super speed and channeled sonic vibrations, before he nailed the black suited Spider-Man with a good old fashioned Power of the Punch, like many great British gentlemen used before him.
  The sonic explosion knocked the suit back and Spider-Man screamed before Harry reared back once again and slammed it into him once again.
  The suit was separated from Peter, just barely. His tattered clothes and bruised face was available. He looked like someone who had undergone a very bad case of the flu.
  "NO, I MUST HAVE YOU!" the creature stated as was now an indistinguishable blob with an ugly face in it. It was raising its webbing and shot towards Harry.
  Instinctively he squinted his eyes and fired heat vision towards it.
  'Heat vision hurts it,' Harry thought to them.
  'Yeah I've noticed,' M'gann thought as she heard the psychic backlash, it was completely and utterly horrifying to hear.
  'Kara, would you like to give me a hand or a couple eyes rather?' Harry asked.
  Kara smiled, as she got up. She was the one who helped bring this thing to this planet, even though it was a mistake.
  "Wait....we can...."
  That thing was too dangerous to live and Kara sent her heat vision at it. The creature screamed as it boiled to a crisp.
  The creature disappeared as Peter dropped down to the ground, shuddering, going into a state in between awake and asleep, in between a state of having warmth and having chills. It was the flu, only far worse.
  Harry scanned Peter, the creature had left him, and now it was going to have him get some medical attention.
  "Peter will be fine, he'll just need a few days of rest," Gwen told Harry over the phone that night. "The official story is that he caught a really bad bug."
  "That's a good thing," Harry informed Gwen as he sat back on the chair and worked through the folder, as he was preparing to do what he could to arrange a meeting with Lilandra, because he wanted to find even more about the Church. His green eyes flickered for a second as he went through everything. "Hopefully the symbiote is gone."
  "I don't know if I'd go that far," Gwen offered him in a frustrated tone of voice.
  There was something that told Gwen that even though the Symbiote was completely destroyed, there was something that worried her, that it was still out there.
  "You'll keep me up to date if anything happens," Harry told Gwen over the phone.
  "Yes, I'll tell you, I've got to go, back to the lab tonight," Gwen informed him.
  "Stark's smart enough not to let you anywhere near any unstable experiments this time, I hope," Harry informed Gwen but she snickered in amusement.
  "It's fine Harry, I'm not near anything unstable, it's all cool," Gwen remarked before she smiled. "In fact, the formula's actually allowing me to get my work done much faster. So there's a silver lining to that cloud."
  "If you're sure," Harry told her before the blonde snickered.
  "Harry, you can give me another checkup when I swing by tomorrow if you want to," Gwen told him with a smile. "I'll be thinking of you doing this long night at the lab."
  "Just don't think of me too hard," Harry told Gwen in a teasing tone. "Or you might get hung up too much. "
  "Okay, you're in quite the mood," Gwen offered as she smiled. "I'll try and focus on the work at hand and talk to you later."
  "Bye, Gwen," Harry told her as he hung up the phone.
  Now after that piece of business out of the way, Harry had his mind on another situation. The Church was something that he had been getting information about but soon enough, he would find out more about that. The fact that the church was made of nothing but women, well that piqued his interest a lot. He would have to find out more about it.
  'Harry, I need you,' M'gann thought to him after a few seconds.
  'Sure, M'gann, I'll be to your room in a minute,' Harry said and M'gann sighed a bit through the link.
  Harry wondered what the hurry was but the emerald eyed enchanter would find out long enough. He made his strides down the hallway and kept up a steady pace. He made his way up the stairs, before he peaked over his shoulder, his green eyes waiting.
  "M'gann, it's me," Harry stated as he reached forward and knocked on her door.
  "Come in, Harry, M'gann commented to him with a wide smile on her face that Harry could see with his X-Ray vision.
  He opened up the door and he saw M'gann sitting on the bed, licking a lollipop slowly. Her tongue trailed on it. She was in complete green Martian form. Her skin was covered in a sexy sheen that was rather dazzling. Her breasts were strained against the top of her schoolgirl uniform, showing her green toned stomach and sexy little belly button. Harry's eyes traveled down and saw her legs, along with the sexy arches of her feet.
  "Hello Megan," Harry stated as he could not keep her eyes off of her, or rather the licking of his lollipop.
  A Martian schoolgirl was not something that he considered before although he wondered why this would be. This seemed like to be one of the most natural things in the world to say the least. She shifted a little bit and showed a tiny hint of her panties towards him. A smile crossed her face as she continued to work her tongue around the lollipop that was in her mouth.
  "Hi Harry," M'gann offered to him, with a sultry smile and a blinking of her eyes.
  The truth was being a telepath was both a blessing and a curse because they could hear the thoughts of everyone. Of course, if the thoughts of everyone were seedy, that caused everything to come completely undone and cause them to experience sexual frustrations.
  "So what did you need?" Harry asked her.
  M'gann smiled at him, as she spread her legs to reveal that she was not wearing any panties underneath her skirt.
  "You, Harry, I need you, in me," M'gann breathed as she threw herself at him, before ripping his pants open, showcasing her Martian strength.
  Smut/Lemon Begins
  Harry's pants were pulled down but Harry grabbed her hands and stopped her.
  "If you want me, you're going to have to earn it," Harry breathed to M'gann as he placed her hand on him. "Suck my cock, baby."
  "Yes, Harry," M'gann stated as she looked up towards him a smile crossing her face as she clasped her hand around his throbbing cock and began to stroke him up and down.
  Harry closed his eyes and felt the pleasure of her hand tightened around him and M'gann quickly wrapped her lips around him, when he was full strength. She locked onto his mind, to get the idea of exactly what he wanted and his mind connected with hers, pulling them to deeper plane with each other, with her tight mouth working around his prick all the way.
  He hissed as she found her mouth stimulate his cock in all of the right spots but she was drawing out the experience just enough. Harry reached around and he saw her breasts grow larger thanks to her shape shifting powers until it they ripped through her shirt.
  Harry's grin got wider as he was greeted with a pair of really large Martian breasts and he reached for them, squeezing them, and really feeling them.
  M'gann breathed as he felt his hands work over her breasts. Never had she got such pleasure in her life and it was almost unbearable. She had to speed up the pumping of her mouth around him, her eyes screwed shut as she worked around him.
  'Oh that's it, Harry, that's it,' M'gann thought as she felt his cock throb in her mouth.
  She sped up her motions and blew him with all she was worth. Her pussy was really wet and she found her fingers trailing down as she started to diddle herself between her thighs. The Martian's eyes fogged over with a more immense pleasure than she could ever feel through the rest of her life and it was getting even more intense as she kept pumping her way between her thighs, using her fingers to impressively work herself up to an orgasm.
  Harry thought he got closer, her mind picked up the pleasure cues, and she sped up her motions around his cock. Plenty of time ticked by and her lips tightened around his throbbing member, with the redhead Martian working around his balls, stimulating his nuts with her fingers and trying to coax his cum out of his balls.
  "So close," Harry panted and she placed his thumb on him, before working around him with circular motions and he thrust into her mouth at super sonic speed.
  'GIVE ME YOUR CUM, I NEED IT, I BET IT TASTES SO GOOD!' M'gann shouted to him mentally as she was rubbing her pussy furiously. Her fingers dipped in and out of her and the Martian female went down on him, wrapping her laps around him.
  Harry pumped his throbbing prick into her waiting mouth and she closed her eyes tightly before he kept pumping into her. The redhead Martian was really feeling the pleasure of him working into her and she ran her hands down before she pushed her fingers between her thighs.
  With a mighty grunt, Harry speared his throbbing length into her mouth and she screamed out loud, before his cock started to spurt into her mouth. The sexy Martian closed her eyes and slurped his cock, milking him until completion.
  She pulled up and felt her mouth dripping with his cum. With lustful eyes, M'gann trailed her tongue around her lips and brought the essence off of her lips.
  "Tastes really good," M'gann offered to him and she ran her hands down her body, before she lifted her fingers up and offered him the juices from between her thighs.
  Harry took them in his mouth, greedily sucking on the juices that she had to offer. M'gann closed her eyes and sighed as he sucked them and she rubbed herself against him to get his cock back up to full mast.
  He sat down on the bed and raised a finger before he beckoned the Martian to come over to him, his cock presented and ready for penetration.
  "I can't wait to have that in me," M'gann stated as she walked over and straddled his lap, before Harry pulled her into a lengthy kiss. His hands roamed down her body, cupping and working over her large breasts as they pressed against his chest. Her breasts pressed against him as she started to rub herself up and down him, moaning.
  Then, her tight green snatch wrapped around his throbbing cock. Harry closed his eyes and felt the warm and wet feeling that a Martian pussy gave him. It felt so good and she tightened herself as much as she could to make it feel even tighter around his hard pole.
  "Damn it, so hot, oh yeah baby," Harry breathed as she started to rise herself up before she slammed on his flesh pole. Her tight cunt wrapped around his throbbing manhood and she kept riding him up and down, using her tight box to work around him.
  Harry smiled before he grabbed her breast and this gave a moan from her mouth as she closed her eyes. He cupped her and continued to slowly manipulate her breasts in his hand as she began to raise up and sink down on him. She clenched him tight and rode him like the god that he was. His thick tool penetrated her so nicely.
  "Keep going, harder, wrap that tight Martian cunt around me," Harry breathed as he took her large nipple into his mouth. It was green, slick, and quite tasty. He worked his tongue around her and the Redhead was about to come undone, squeezing him with her tightness. She rose herself up and slammed onto his throbbing pole, working her hips around him.
  M'Gann was in heaven as she rode his cock for everything, her legs wrapped around him. She felt his hands work around her ass and then her juices leaked from her pussy around his pole as he sucked her nipples. The Martian girl was feeling a burning desire and his hands roamed around every single part of her body, exploring every single nook and cranny.
  'YES, FUCK ME, FUCK ME REALLY HARD, HARDER!' M'gann shrieked through the link in a way that any telepath in a certain radius would hear. She felt herself tighten around him and his mouth moved up and down her, switching from one nipple to the next.
  Martians had amazing stamina and she was going to ride his Kryptonian cock until she milked him dry. The sensations were everything that she ever dreamed of and then more, she kept pumping her pussy around his thick pole.
  'Damn, that's it, ride me, keep riding me, oh that's it, that's fucking it,' Harry told her as he continued to manipulate her tits in his hand and worked over her green globes, before pressing his lips onto her nipple and slowly began to suck it.
  M'gann used her tight cunt to work him over and she felt his orgasm coming. She increased the smoothness of her legs, they were completely bare and soft as she held on tight as he pumped into her.
  Harry tipped her over the side of the bed.
  He hammered into her as hard as he could and her pussy was feeling an amazing sensation as he slammed into her. Harry's mouth worked on the side of her neck and sucked on it, causing her nipples to stiffen. The eyes of M'gann closed and opened as she started to moan immediately, before he sank in and out of her, slamming into her tight crevice and making her is.
  "I love this Martian pussy, I love fucking it, don't you love me fucking it baby?" Harry asked her as he kept pumping into her gushing cunt.
  "Yes, yes, love it, love it, want more, fucking more,' M'gann breathed as they hovered in the air and her screams were getting more loud and prolific as he slammed into her.
  "That's it, take it in, squeeze me tighter, I can handle it," Harry growled in her ear as he continued to bite, lick, and suck on her nipples.
  M'gann's eyes glazed over as she felt him work her out, yes this was the best feeling that she could feel, it was going into her. The Martian's dripping twat wrapped around him snugly as he penetrated her over and over again.
  The sensation of their hips rocking back and forth was completely amazing as she snugly hugged him and his balls tightened at her latest orgasm. Her juices dribbled from her and caused him to slide in and out of her burning hot tight and wet pussy at ease. The green eyed enchanter kept hammering into her.
  "So close," Harry breathed as he kept pumping into her and there was a few seconds before he kept pumping into her.
  Than his cock fired into her at super speed, rocking against her hips before she squeezed him.
  'Cum for me, shoot your nasty seed into me, I want to feel every bit of it in me,' M'gann thought, she closed her eyes before she bit down on her lip before shrieking both out loud and psychically.
  Harry's cock twitched as he kept slamming into her, working into her tight center and the Martian's eyes closed tightly as he kept working into her until his orgasm came.
  She screamed out loud as he pumped his seed into her. M'gann felt the unbelievable pleasure that came with this god injecting his burning hot seed deep into her body. She felt him spraying into her womb and she felt suddenly refreshed despite being fucked hard for what seemed like well over an hour.
  She dropped down on the bed and no sooner did she see this, there was two different tongues on either side of her pussy.
  "Martian pussy tastes so good."
  Rachel made this comment as she started to lick M'gann's pussy and the Martian's center twitched. Jean took a taste, but then she watched as Harry's cock twitched.
  "Sounds like someone wants to have more fun," Jean commented as she wrapped her arms around Harry and he kissed her hard, ramming his tongue into her mouth.
  The combined forces of their two powers were amazing, as Harry tipped Jean back on the bed, rubbing his cock all over every inch of her body. He hovered over her body and aimed his cock for her searing heat, before he entered into her.
  Jean's eyes closed as she felt the best cock in the world and the only male organ that she would allow to touch her enter her. The redhead closed her eyes and felt her tight pussy wrap around him. Harry grabbed her around the hips and slowly pumped into her, allowing her to savor the moment. His hands roamed down her young body and he pleasured the young telepath, giving her amazing sensations beyond all measure.
  Rachel meanwhile was between M'gann's thighs and started to slurp her between her legs. The Martian closed her eyes as she kept eating her out.
  "That's it, use that mouth," M'gann breathed as she shoved Rachel's face down into her cunt.
  'You know what I think, I think that you're a dirty little Martian slut,' Rachel thought as she continued to munch and slurp on the tender womanhood that was between M'gann's legs. Her tongue continued to bury itself deeper into her and she slurped it up.
  'Well....you're the one who regularly fucks her own mother, so who's the real slut?' the Martian asked as she wrapped her legs around Rachel's head. 'And you missed a spot.'
  "Harry, feels so good, feels really good," Jean breathed as he slammed into her. "Did you....ah master the powers....yet?"
  "The splitting powers?' Harry asked as he worked himself into Jean's dripping hot cunt.
  Jean was losing her mind in the sensations, she was being pushed into an undercurrent of erotic energy. It was more than enough to cause a normal woman to lose herself as his cock pummeled her pussy raw. He also made sure her body was treated and worshiped like it should be. The redhead was going to come undone.
  She managed to keep herself mostly above water as she looked up.
  "Yes....yes," Jean breathed as she closed her eyes. "I want....I want....I want to see you fuck my daughter from behind."
  Harry thought that was a lovely idea and Jean's legs kicked up in the air as he continued to drill into her tight center. The redhead's snug center worked around his probing penis and her tight box wrapped around him with the snug warmness that he expected. Both of their bodies heated up.
  Rachel was losing herself in the delights, because Martian pussy was a rare delicacy that she could not believe how amazing this was. How much her tongue worked into her pussy and she was taking everything that M'gann had along with more.
  A second Harry popped into the room and the sorcerer had to admit that he did a good job with the duplicate. He stepped forward and he brushed against Rachel.
  Rachel gave an excited squeal at the unexpected insertion went into her pussy. The redhead screamed as he worked into her, pushing into her center. He continued to drill into her, making even more passes into her dripping cunt.
  Harry felt the tight sensations of the pussies of both mother and daughter, but the mind of the dupe was fixed on Rachel's warm and gooey center. The wizard speared into her, reaching over her body to grope at M'gann's large green tits. He squeezed them.
  'Har-Rell....oh I'm yours, yours, forever yours,' M'gann panted as he used the palm of his hands to manipulate the supple tit flesh.
  Harry knew this naturally and he kept spearing into Rachel from behind, her tight cunt felt like heaven wrapped around all twelve inches of it. It was an extremely snug fit. He kept pumping into her tight center from behind, working into her as hard as he could manage, his balls slapping against her thighs as he continued to hammer into her as hard as he could. His throbbing cock made many passes through her body.
  'Harry, fuck me harder, fuck me like you mean it,' Rachel encouraged him and Harry sped up his rapid fire thrusts as they started to penetrate her pussy, working into her hard from behind. The redhead closed her eyes and she bit down on her lip, with his throbbing member working into her from behind, her tight walls wrapping into her.
  Jean was screaming as Harry worked onto her from behind. Her moans, both out loud and telepathic could be heard. In fact, the sound of three telepathic redheads in different states of orgasmic joy, that was a sight to behold. The wizard was hammering into her from behind, his thick cock working into her dripping center.
  "Damn, Jean, you feel like hot sun," Harry breathed as she breathed.
  "Hot as the Phoenix," Jean purred as her Phoenix force powers kicked up.
  M'gann felt nervous at the fire for a brief second but she managed to keep her cool, mostly because Rachel was penetrating her with her tongue and leading to the greatest feelings naturally.
  Rachel was feeling the pleasure of Harry's cock working into her center, her g-spot was being assaulted with his throbbing thrusts. The redhead's eyes burned with an extreme amount of lust as she chomped on the Martian twat beneath her.
  Harry fired into Rachel with deep thrusts, taking all of his length down her pussy as far as he could go. He was filling her all up, he could tell by her telepathic moans.
  'Hang on Rach, we're almost there,' Harry thought to her as he ran his hands through her shorter red hair.
  Harry on the bed had Jean a quivering and drooling mess, but she tightened her pussy around him and brought him to the edge. Her pussy burned for his cock and his cock burned for her pussy, he slammed into her tight center and worked into her core as much as he could allow himself to. The redhead tightened around him and Harry bit down on his lip as he continued to push into her.
  The end came after a while and he punished her pussy with deeper thrusts before his balls began to tighten and his edge came.
  The end was wonderful as his balls tightened and he sent a thick explosion of cum into Jean's pussy. He filled her up so much that it began to leak from her but Harry kept filling her up even though she was over capacity.
  The Harry in Rachel came next and the explosion came even more spectacularly.
  It was time to have even more fun with these sexy redhead telepaths.
  Smut/Lemon Ends.
  Jean rested her head on Harry's right shoulder as Rachel rested her head on Harry's left shoulder and M'gann had her head resting on Harry's bare lap.
  'I think they might have heard us all the way in Massachusetts,' Rachel thought in an amused tone.
  'Oh don't be crazy, we weren't that bad,' M'gann thought but that was a matter that was up for debate.
  In Massachusetts, Emma Frost's eyes glazed over in pleasure as she started to blink before she took a deep breath. She sensed a psychic backlash that was far stronger than anything she had ever felt in her life. The blonde's hands rose to her head as she tried to clear her head and the thoughts that came with it.
  She sat in her office at the Massachusetts Academy for Girls and tried to lock onto what was happening. There was something that was strong and she placed a hand on her head as she tried to find the feedback loop that had caused her so much pleasure so long before.
  'Curious,' Emma thought to herself as the door opened and five identical girls that looked like younger versions of Emma entered. They were dressed in schoolgirl uniforms and stared her down.
  "You did feel that to, my dears," Emma told them and they all nodded numbly. The haze of pleasure danced through their eyes. "I thought so."
  She wondered what happened that caused her such intensity and she placed her hands on the table before her blue eyes simmered with desire as she thought about it. She felt the moisture that pooled from between her legs.
  'What happened?' Emma thought to herself before she tried to focus on it, she needed something, a spark to lock onto it. If she could just do it, she would be able to find out what was happening around her.
  She saw it in the mist of her mind and then placed her hand on the side of her head, to continue to focus. The blonde was really keeping her thoughts together but now she had it.
  She had it in the distance and the blonde could not wait to experience these feelings in person.
  Those green eyes, she saw them once before and he was an interesting curiosity that she wanted to learn even more about.
  'Mr. Potter, you are quite talented, aren't you?' Emma thought to herself as she flipped over the document on her desk.
  It was an image of the mysterious Star Child that many had been running themselves ragged by. He was giving these people the runaway and now the blonde telepath placed a hand to the side of her head, contemplating the situation at hand.
  Emma's smile widened as she saw what he did, to multiple females, driving them to the amazing heights of erotic passion. The blonde focused on these images and there was a few seconds where she was lost in her thoughts. It was not for long, as there was another figure that showed up.
  The quintet of schoolgirl blondes parted each other and allowed the young woman to enter. She was dressed in a nice white blouse with a skirt, along with knee high boots. Her red hair tied up in a ponytail and her eyes locked onto Emma's.
  "You wanted to see me, Headmistress," she stated in a breathless tone of voice.
  "Angelica Jones," Emma addressed her in a formal tone as she flipped through the documents and the redhead inclined her head in acknowledgement. "You have some of the top grades at the Academy and you are the unofficial leader of our little....group."
  "I believe Regan was granted that honor, Headmistress," Angelina commented back to Emma and Emma's hands folded over her lap as she peered forward into Angelica's eyes.
  "Yes, she has been given that honor," Emma agreed to her. "But you cannot deny that you've been able to reign in the other girls and make sure that her more....outlandish tendencies get tempered."
  Angelica had to smile a little bit with this proclamation that Emma gave her. Given that she respected the Headmistress that meant a lot to her.
  "And a new institute has been created to be in competition with Xavier and myself," Emma remarked before she saw the materials on the desk that she acquired. "It was more than inevitable that this was going to happen. The Shining Light Academy for the Gifted could be one of the more premier academies in the world, especially given that young Mister Potter allows a similar recruitment structure."
  "He only recruits females," Angelica commented and Emma nodded.
  "You're getting the picture," Emma remarked before she placed her hands down on the desk before she leaned forward. "I believe that he'll be an interesting person to form an alliance with and he'll find the benefits are great."
  Angelica wondered what her Headmistress was cooking up now. The blonde fixed her head on the redhead as they nodded slowly.
  "I wonder if you'd be interesting in a transfer," Emma told Angelica and the redhead's head inclined a slight bit, a raised eyebrow corked. "Just think about it, my dear."
  "Of course," Angelica stated as she turned around to leave. She wondered what Emma was cooking out. She had been taken under Emma's wing personally and trained to use her powers.
  A buzzing came over the intercom and Emma clicked it on.
  "Miss Frost, Mr. Shaw is here to see you," the voice over the intercom stated.
  "Of course, we better not delay this," Emma stated as she got to her feet and wondered what Shaw wanted. The blonde got to her feet and took several strides towards the door.
  She would only have to put up with Shaw a bit longer, this much she was for certain. The Hellfire Club was all about prestige but it was also all about making sure they got the best deal out of the situation.
  It was time to plan.
  Norman Osborn leaned forward and kept his eyes focused on the glass case that was in front of him. The case contained the piece of the suit that he managed to acquire from Spider-Man. He found his eyes staring at the suit before he smiled, his smile getting even wider as he watched the suit's movements develop inside the case.
  He would have to get Lex to look at this, it would be a worthwhile project to get him working in the family business. Then he could get one up on the Osborn-Luthor extended family power game. Even though Lionel and Norman were only half brothers, there was a sense of some kind of bubbling hostility between two of them.
  Norman edged off, before smiling at the thoughts. If he could figure out how this suit worked, he would have alien technology that was beyond anything the world could ever seen.
  He walked off, he had a meeting with his benefactors. He was reminded that these fools had a distinct lack of imagination. Osborn stepped out of the room.
  When the older Osborn left, the younger Osborn stepped in. He made his way into the lab.
  "Figures you wouldn't be around, Dad," the younger Osborn said as he stepped forward and walked around. "Your little projects, they're all more important than your son, aren't they?"
  Harry Osborn stood on his feet and stood his ground before he stepped forward and grabbed the edge of the box.
  The black slime inside tapped on the side of the box and Harry Osborn watched the slime, watched the progress. It was almost alive, it was trying to bust its way through the box, it was trying to come out and talk to him. What was it doing, why was it speaking to him like this? Those were questions that Harry was trying to figure out as he made his way around the box, running his hand around it.
  With a swift action, Harry opened the box and watched it. The younger Osborn placed his finger on the black goo and allowed it to travel up his body.
  He understood everything now.
  To Be Continued In "To Come A Conqueror."
  To Come a Conqueror Part One
  Chapter Ten: To Come a Conqueror.
  Gwen flew backwards with a loud crash and as she rolled over back onto her feet, the blonde winced as she saw Laura rush at her, claws extended.
  The blonde ducked and rolled, dodging her head.
  "Really Harry, you throw me in here against her?" Gwen questioned as she tried to dodge the attacks as the claws swiped at her. Gwen was panting heavily and she avoided each swipe of the claws. The blonde was about ready to lose all sense of herself and start panicking. In fact, her eyes started to flash with panic.
  Harry thought that it would be prudent that Gwen be given some training, especially since she had her new powers.
  "I mean, I have this technology that I could use to hack into anything, why do I need to.....fight like this?" Gwen asked as she once again dodged.
  "If I wasn't holding back, you would have been dead at least twice," Laura remarked to Gwen as she paused for a second before going after her again with another series of attacks. The blonde avoided them as best she could but she was panting heavily. Laura grabbed Gwen around the wrist and slammed her against the wall, her claws an inch away from slicing into her throat but she pulled back. Laura's smile widened. "Does that answer your question?"
  Gwen had to admit, as much as she hated to, Laura really did have a point, several prominent ones in fact. The blonde tried to keep herself from getting a fatal encounter, running on pure instinct.
  "She is pretty amazing in there," Kitty remarked as she sat on a perch, her legs crossed. She sat on one side of Harry and Kara sat on the other.
  "She's doing fine," Harry remarked before Kitty gave him an exasperated look.
  "Laura, she's doing more than fine, she could have torn her to shreds," Kitty commented and Harry blinked before his mouth hung open with an "O". The brunette was pulled into Harry's body and she rested her head upon his shoulder with a smile.
  "Well, Gwen's.....I got my backside handed to me by Laura," Kara remarked, she remembered the beating she was given. "So Gwen....she doesn't have that much combat experience, so things could be worse."
  "And you do?" Kitty asked and Kara shrugged.
  "Harry trained me a little bit in the Fortress," Kara informed Kitty.
  "The Fortress?" Kitty asked.
  "The Birthright that I've gotten from my people, it has more knowledge than any library on Earth," Harry commented to Kitty, although he really wished that Kara did not bring up. Although he should have told her previously; Harry figured that he only had this coming.
  Kitty did not want to say anything, but she wanted to visit this mysterious Fortress one of these days and she doubted that she was alone. It sounded so awesome that it was beyond words.
  "So, the show's interesting, isn't it?" Jean asked as she watched Laura put Gwen through the paces and Harry kept looking at his watch. "And what are you waiting for?"
  "I have a meeting at the first Church of Shi'ar Enlightenment," Harry informed Jean and the redhead answered with a brisk nod of her head. She was pretty impressed with all of what Harry had on his plate and how he was somehow able to keep himself sane. "And then I'm looking to fill a few more staff positions and there will be a few more mutants that will stop on by."
  "Sounds like you're being productive," Jean offered Harry but she smiled as she looked through the pamphlet, before keeping her eyes locked on it. She wondered if this Church also had something to do with the Phoenix Force as much as the Star Child.
  That was why Jean wished she could tag along but Senior year swamped her and she had more than enough homework to do that would keep her busy.
  "Kitty, could you do me a favor and make sure that Laura doesn't maul Gwen too badly?" Harry asked Kitty and the brunette nodded.
  "Yes, that's no problem," Kitty commented as he leaned forward and gave Harry a light kiss on the lips which he returned. There was a promise for something more intimate later attached to that kiss.
  "Thanks," Harry said as he gave Jean and Kara kisses goodbye before he slipped out the door.
  "Do you worry about him taking on too much?" Kitty asked to Kara but the blonde shrugged.
  "It might seem like a lot to some people but if anyone can handle it, it's Harry," Kara stated as she crossed her arms. M'gann joined them, an Oreo cookie popped in her mouth, with an entire package dangling from her hand.
  "I'm not sure if I should be watching this, it looks pretty violent," M'gann commented to them but she ate another Oreo all the same.
  "Nah, Laura's just intense," Kitty offered with a bright smile across her face but they kept watching the little sparring session with Gwen getting knocked around a slight bit.
  Harry was outside but not before meeting Rogue.
  "Hey Sugah....." Rogue started as she stopped and smiled. "You know, I was going to ask you if you had a busy day, but I should know better, giving that you're, you and all that."
  "Very true," Harry remarked to her. "So how are things?"
  "Other than those Friends of Humanity peckerheads, not too bad," Rogue remarked before she placed her hands on her hips and raised herself on her tiptoes so she could look in Harry's eyes properly, which also had the lovely effect of showing off her cleavage quite nicely to him. "Kelly....well he has no spine. Not as bad as his Uncle, did you hear that nut the other night?"
  "What did Kelly say?" Harry asked, he had not been keeping up on current events as much as he would have liked given his heavy load. Although he could guess given the man's past it wasn't good.
  "Well, Kelly said that all mutants should be rounded up and taken to camps," Rogue said to Harry and this caused him to wince.
  "Do people even think before they open their mouths?" Harry asked Rogue and Rogue shook her head in negative.
  "I don't think they do," Rogue informed him with her hand on her hip and a smile on her face.
  Harry wondered what would happen if someone like Magneto caught wind about Kelly's words. Something about the situation made Harry doubt that the Master of Magnetism would be too overtly happy about it. It was just past experiences talking, maybe but that was something to think about.
  Magneto had been quiet lately and that fact was extremely concerning for Harry.
  "I'm not going to lie Rogue, things are getting tense, and both extremes....well their stance isn't looking too favorable is it?" Harry asked Rogue and Rogue shook her head.
  "It's just hard to deal with, you know," Rogue commented and Harry wrapped his arms around her as he pulled her in tight towards him.
  "Yeah, it is pretty hard, but we're survivors like it or not," Harry offered before Rogue smiled.
  "We do kind of need a team name," Rogue remarked with a teasing smile towards Harry. "You know before the media ends up naming us something stupid."
  Harry would hate for that to happen but it was one more thing that he had to think about, when he was already under an extremely heavy load. They were going to be a league that was going to administer justice but Harry, for the life of him, could not think of what he could call this team. He thought about it, pondered about it, puzzled about it until his puzzler was sore.
  "We'll sleep on it, but I need a suggestion box," Harry told Rogue as he tightened his hug around her before his lips met hers for a kiss. There was a promise that there would be much more between the two of them later.
  "Yeah, you kind of do," Rogue agreed, unable to keep the wide grin off of her face. "Talk to you later, Sugah."
  "Bye, Rogue," Harry said and it should have been no surprise that he would have ran into one more attractive female on his way out the door.
  In this case, it was Amara. She greeted Harry with a bright smile as she turned up.
  "Hey, Amara, how are you doing?" Harry asked.
  "Much better now that you're back in action," Amara remarked before she turned towards him with a smile. "Peve, Alura, Lily, and Lara....they know a lot. You couldn't have picked better teachers. They're worth the money they're earning."
  "Wait, we're getting paid for this?" Alura offered as she paused due to the snickering of her other AIs and Amara and Harry looked both amused.
  "Trust me, we can work out some benefit package later," Harry informed them and Alura's face contorted in a grin as she leaned back into the wall.
  "Don't make promises that you will be called on to keep later, Har-Rell," Alura offered to him.
  "I'll keep that in mind," Harry told him as Amara watched him with a glint in her eye that it was obvious that she wanted to say something although she did not say it right off. "So....how are you doing?"
  "I'm doing fine like I said, but....my father wonders if there is anything more to make that contract worthwhile that he gave you," Amara offered as she kept her eyes on Harry, waiting for his reaction.
  "Given what he wanted to give me, I'm not sure how much more he could give me, giving all that he offered me," Harry remarked to her and Amara's face spread into a smile.
  "He's offering you more than anyone could ever have and believe me, they are willing to do what they can to pleasure the Star Child," Amara offered to him with a knowing smile. "And you saw the women there, you know how attractive they are."
  "Well I knew that before I even stepped one foot in Nova-Roma," Harry told her and Amara placed a hand on her hip as she surveyed Harry with a grin on her face. "I mean, I've seen you...so...there's really no mystery about the attractiveness of the females of that island nation."
  "No, there wouldn't be," Amara agreed, she was glad that Harry had such a high opinion of her and it was because of him that her confidence escalated. "There are other myths regarding island nations that are hidden around the world. Another civilization of all women, based off of a Greek culture, even before Nova-Roma was or so the legends say."
  Harry wondered how true that legend was, although he supposed that all legends had some degree of truth in between all of the insanity and exaggeration.
  "So did you hear about the Church of Enlightment?" Harry asked her, he had been meaning to ask Amara about this but never pulled the trigger.
  Amara's eyes widened before she nodded slowly. "I'm.....I've heard some things about the Church but.....they were rumors."
  "Well what rumors did you hear?" Harry asked Amara, trying to prod her for any information that she might have been hanging onto before he headed off to investigate the Church himself.
  Amara's expression never faltered from the glance she gave to Harry. "Well, the Church was founded a long time ago but its roots go back even further, to Selene."
  "Who is Selene?" Harry asked, he had gotten a few vague statements about her but he had not been able to get more than that regarding this enigma of a woman. He hoped that he would get more information.
  "She founded Nova-Roma," Amara whispered to him, but there was an undercurrent of nervousness that flickered through her tone. Harry reached forward and grabbed the young Princess around the hand and squeezed it to give her the strength and encouragement that she needed. "And.....well...."
  "It sounds like that she's been there for a long time," Harry remarked to Amara and she swallowed the lump in her throat, nodding.
  "Yes, a very long time," Amara commented but she supposed Harry should have figured out. "Given that Nova-Roma has been around for centuries."
  "She must age gracefully," Harry remarked to Amara before he checked his watch. He was running a bit behind schedule and he could tell that he got as much information from Amara that he was comfortable about. "We'll pick up this conversation later."
  "Right," Amara offered, she was a bit unnerved about being drawn into what was essentially a taboo topic.
  Harry pulled her into a tight hug and gave her a quick kiss before he sped off in the other direction as fast as he could do.
  The Church was just as Gwen described it; it was unassuming, at least from the outside. Harry knew by now never to judge a building by what it looked like on the outside because it was what it looked like on the inside that was the true measure of what it was. He stepped forward and the door swung open.
  The first thing he saw was a statue of himself, well in a matter of speaking. There were a few differences but the same general idea was there. It was the thought that counted.
  Harry decided to step into the Church and figure out what their mission truly was. He walked down the hallways and it was not a Church in the traditional sense of the word. Granted, he was sure that there was a sense of believing and a lot of worship going on here.
  The emerald eyed wizard stepped towards the front desk. He adjusted his glasses and stared at the redhead at the desk, with a smile that melted the hearts of every woman who saw it.
  "Hi, my name is Harry Potter, I'm here to inquire about information regarding the church," Harry remarked and the woman got to her feet, she looked to be around Harry's age or maybe a year or so on either side of it. Regardless, she gave him a bright smile as she reached forward and took his hand to shake it.
  "Patricia Swann," she informed him with a smile that crossed her face. "There are a lot of people who come to this church inquiring information but only a select number reach the criteria that we are looking for."
  Harry smiled. "For some people, it's almost like it popped up over night."
  "Well, as you'll find out if you read that inscription on the wall, the Church has roots far deeper than that....or so I think, no one has been able to read that inscription, for it is written in a language that the Star Child only could properly decipher," Patricia offered.
  "Actually, the language is very common among many races."
  A woman dressed in a business suit with dark hair stepped forward and her blue eyes fixed on Harry. She was an extremely tall and elegant woman with dark hair. She had healthy sized breasts, a C-Cup or perhaps a bit larger, along with a flat stomach, a toned ass, and long legs. For a few seconds she saw some kind of passing resemblance between this young man and the Star Child.
  "You must be one of Xavier's," she stated in a cool voice.
  "I was one of Xavier's, we broke apart," Harry corrected. "You must be Lilandra Neramani."
  "At your service," she commented to him. "Welcome to the first Church of Shi'ar Enlightenment."
  "Where we all eagerly await his return, for he will bathe the world in light and be a beacon of hope," Harry read as he scanned the words. "Even through the darkest day, the Star Child shall deliver us from the doomsday and shall be the one to bring the world forward into a new age of heroes, with the incoming darkness that is inevitable. All will swear undying loyalty to him for he is our lord and savior and he will bring peace to all and prosperity to all who follow him to the promise land."
  Lilandra blinked and her mind shot into overdrive.
  "You translated it to the letter," she stated in a confused tone.
  "Yes, I did," Harry offered as he sensed Lilandra's mind went completely wild with the possibilities that this brought.
  Her mouth hung open and even Patricia watched him, with widened eyes.
  "You mean....you're....you're...." Lilandra commented before she dropped to her knees in front of Harry, which was the only logical course of action as far as she was concerned.
  Harry raised an eyebrow at this action from the woman. Granted there have been many times where attractive women have dropped to their knees in front of him but this was a bit sudden. Patricia did the same thing next to him as she looked up at him, her eyes meeting his. There were a few more women who walked around and they spotted him, aghast about the situation.
  There was only one thing to figure out and that was that their savior had returned with a vengeance. They all dropped to their knees to worship the Star Child in their full glory. The group was on their knees before Harry and bright smiles went across their faces.
  It was Lilandra who spoke to Harry, a smile crossing her face as she watched him. "Great One, it is an honor to be here before you."
  "Um, thanks," Harry remarked, he had heard of the Church but this was not the reaction that he quite expected. He decided to allow them to get up. "You may rise to your feet now."
  Harry offered this statement as a joking declaration but sure enough, Lilandra bounced up to her feet. Patricia followed her leader and the other women rose to their feet, all of them eying him hungrily.
  "Please leave me, myself and Lilandra have urgent matters to discuss," Harry told the women and they nodded.
  "Naturally great one," one of the women stated with a smile as she surveyed him and she walked off, with others following her lead.
  As the other women made themselves scarce, Lilandra turned towards Harry before she motioned him forward.
  "Into my office, Great One," Lilandra commented to him as she prepared to lead the way.
  "So, the architecture in this place, it's interesting," Harry remarked to her idly as they walked side by side to her office.
  Lilandra turned towards Harry, her eyes flashing towards him and Harry wondered what he said to stir such a reaction. Sure enough she was going to respond in a matter of seconds to his words. "If there is something that is not to your liking, we can fix it immediately; just say the word and we'll have someone on it."
  "No, everything is fine," Harry told her as they entered her office and he sat down in the chair in front of her desk. "So...how many women are a part of this church."
  Lilandra sat across from him, as she trailed her eyes around his body to drink in the sight of his muscles but he cleared his throat so she snapped her eyes to more formal business. "There are hundreds of women who are willing to do anything that you want, just say the word and they'll do it."
  Harry smiled at her knowingly and he saw her shift, seeing a hint of the woman's cleavage. "That's enticing."
  "One of the members of our Board of Directors would like to meet with you as soon as possible," Lilandra commented as she shifted to get some papers to show Harry another hint of her cleavage. "You've met Patricia earlier."
  "Yes," Harry offered, deciding to keep the comment of how nice she looked on her knees to himself. He decided to keep his expression professional, along with his tone.
  "Well her father heard of your coming for years and set up an observatory that was for your arrival years ago," Lilandra offered. "There are many people who see the greatness that you bring to the world and want to manipulate you for their own means but there are others who wish to help you upon your road to greatness."
  Lilandra placed her hands on the desk as she stared into his eyes.
  "Doctor Swann passed away about a year ago due to health complications," Lilandra offered him. "The world lost a great mind and an even greater dreamer. His daughter has potential but his assistant had decided to lead STARR labs and is part of the Board of Directors at this church. She's a fairly new recruit, but she made her impact in no time thanks to her devotion to the cause."
  Harry was now curious about this and wondered about this Board of Directors. He decided to say as much.
  "And who is on this Board of Directors?" Harry asked Lilandra.
  "There are many and once they know that you've been here, they will want some one-on-one time with you," Lilandra offered to him, and if she did not have an urgent meeting to go to, she would have explored her interactions with the Star Child more. The woman took a moment to curse her schedule. "They wish to remain anonymous."
  "And they're doing a good job at it," Harry informed her and she nodded. "Therefore, I wish to ask a small favor of you."
  "Anything," Lilandra commented to him quite eagerly.
  "Could you keep that I was here quiet to the others?" Harry asked her and Lilandra nodded with a smile crossing her face.
  "Anything, of course," she told him with a smile crossing her face.
  "So what was the name of the mysterious owner of STARR Labs who wanted to meet me?" Harry asked her and she smiled.
  "Karen Starr, here's the business card that she gave me, her cell number and e-mail address is on here, she'd be over the moon if she knew that you were here," Lilandra told him. "And you're of course welcomed to visit the church, whenever you wish."
  Harry smiled he was intrigued by that, he would return.
  "So, I've been telling Reed that there's no way that you can be the Star Child."
  Harry arrived at the Baxter Building where he was accosted by Johnny Storm. The Human Torch had a wide grin on his face as he prepared to explain his brilliant theory.
  "And how did you come up to this genius conclusion?" Harry asked the Torch in a calm tone of voice, as he tried to not to keep himself from blowing that he was him. He was also barely listening to him due to the fact it was Johnny Storm who was talking.
  The Human Torch was only too happy to let him in on this situation. "Well you wear glasses, and the Star Child doesn't, so you can't be the Star Child."
  "And did you see a picture of the Star Child, Johnny?" Reed asked, barely looking up from the research he was doing. Then again, it was Reed and he was always doing some kind of research, his middle name should have been "Research".
  "Well, I saw a little blurry image on the Internet of him, does that count?" Johnny asked with a wide grin crossing his face and Reed started to shake his head as he leaned forward and went back to work.
  Harry arrived but there was someone there waiting for him in the shadows of the lab.
  "Hey, Sue," Harry commented as he stepped towards Susan Storm, the twenty year old greeted him with a smile.
  "Hi, Harry," Susan commented with a bright tone. "I guess the rumors of your demise were greatly exaggerated, weren't they?"
  Harry raised an eyebrow before he commented to the member of the Fantastic Four. "You didn't....you didn't believe any of that, did you?"
  Susan shook her head. "Not really, after all of the absurd things that I've seen out there, I....I didn't really believe that you were dead. After all of the weird stuff that the Fantastic Four has gotten into that should have killed us, we didn't think that something like this would kill you."
  Harry leaned back against the wall before he smiled.
  "I figured, although with something like that, you wouldn't think that something would happen, unless you find the body," Harry informed Susan and the Invisible Woman responded with a brisk nod as she placed her hands on her hips.
  "No body, no Death, that's kind of the number one rule of being a super hero. And being a villain too as we found out," Susan remarked as she let out a deep breath. "Even then half the time there is a body it's a robot, or a clone."
  "So, you seem stressed out," Harry remarked to Susan and she turned to him, blinking before she smiled, although the smile was strained.
  "Not really stressed out per say, but just dealing with everything that's happening around here," Susan commented to Harry as she pushed her back against the wall. Harry saw the blue shirt stretch around her body and a slight hint of her midriff which was by design, he figured.
  "No one's broken into the Baxter Building today?" Harry asked Susan and the golden haired superheroine shook her head.
  "No, no one's broken into the Baxter Building in about eleven days....almost twelve now, in about forty seven minutes," Susan remarked as she consulted the chart that Reed put up to keep track of such a thing.
  "Of course, no one's broken in, this time I've got the state of the art security system in place," Reed stated as he edged into his lab on the other side of the floor to check on progress of another project that he was working on.
  This left him out of earshot and this caused Harry to arch his mouth in the direction of Susan's ear. "So....wasn't the last security system the state of the art security system that was supposed to set the world on fire?"
  Susan shrugged as Harry detached himself from the wall and they walked around.
  "Reed's....he's optimistic," Susan remarked as she rolled her eyes at the thought of that but brought herself back to business. "Those scatter brained geniuses, you know how they are. They see their experiments from beginning to end but they are tunnel blind about the flaws in their own plans."
  "That's a problem," Harry offered her and Susan nodded in agreement.
  "And then there's that new lab assistant that he's hired," Susan commented to him and Harry noticed that she was trying to keep her voice quite neutral.
  "Oh, Reed hired a new lab assistant," Harry commented and Susan shrugged her shoulders.
  "Well, this one....she's.....quite neurotic," Susan said to Harry and the young sorcerer inclined his head before he invited Susan to say more. "I thought Reed was the original absent minded professor....well this girl...she takes the cake, really she does, she never shuts up. And she's a tart."
  "Seriously?" Harry remarked as Susan nodded her head.
  "Yes.....she's trying to get Reed to experiment with his powers in a more practical purpose," Susan commented to Harry and the wizard's face looked like he swallowed sour milk.
  "I see," Harry offered, he didn't really think that Reed's powers could be experimented in on that way.
  "Of course, Reed being Reed is the asexual absent minded professor or maybe he's a workaholic," Susan offered as she looked around briefly to see that no one could hear her. "Anyway, it's a good thing the tart's not here....not that Reed would notice a sexual overture if it slapped him in the face."
  "And this bothers you," Harry remarked but Susan stared straight in his eyes, unblinking, with conviction, and shook her head.
  "The age gap between Reed and I....it wouldn't have worked, among the other issues that he has," Susan offered to Harry and his green eyes flickered in amusement. "Although the way she's doing this, it would have bothered me if she was acting the same way around Johnny."
  Susan offered a smile before she realized.
  "Of course, Johnny, being Johnny, he'd take her up on her advances," Susan concluded to Harry and Harry smiled. "But....I saw the advertisement that you put out for the need for teachers."
  "Yeah, I really need the help, just got a few more gaps that I needed to fill, but it shouldn't be too bad," Harry commented to Susan and her blonde hair flipped as she nodded her head.
  "Do you have anyone for an English teacher?" Susan asked Harry and his emerald eyes flickered towards her blue eyes before he nodded. "Because....I have a degree and I could do it."
  Susan smiled, she graduated high school at the age of fifteen, went to college, and finished her degree for teaching with English Grammar and Literature as her major. It did give her something to do in between nearly getting killed by whatever nutcase was trying to destroy the Fantastic Four this week. Although most of them nearly bored her to death by giving some convoluted speech.
  "I'll set up an interview with you tomorrow if you can make it," Harry offered and Susan was surprised that he accepted that this easily.
  "If nothing comes up....I'll be there," Susan said, she wanted to get out of the Baxter Building for awhile.
  The Fantastic Four was her family but like with all families, they could drive her absolutely insane. That was just the way things went like that.
  There was a loud siren that echoed outside and Johnny perked up.
  "There has been a worm hole that's been opened up over Time Square," Reed informed them and the Fantastic Four turned towards him, with interest.
  "Someone invading?" Johnny asked and Reed nodded. He sighed. "Is it Tuesday already?"
  "It's all over the television," Ben called from the other room and he saw that the big game might be preempted thanks to the coverage of the latest alien invasion.
  Several ships that had technology that looked to be out of a futuristic setting hovered over New York City. They hummed loudly as they were silent but there was a hint that they were not of the friendly visitors type.
  Iron Man was the first on the scene but he was joined by a few members of the Avengers.
  "And that's new," Ms. Marvel commented as she looked up, her eyes following the ships. The architecture was beyond all description, sleek and black, with numerous pods and it started to blink in a steady pace. There was a pattern, it was just a matter of time before someone figured it out.
  Iron Man was on it, but his teammates were awestruck, their eyes followed the progress of the ship. The computer was trying to link up but it was failing immediately.
  "Aye," Thor commented as he gauged the situation at hand.
  "Any idea what they're doing?" Captain America commented, he placed his shield up, ready for battle.
  "Don't like whatever they're doing," Hulk grumbled as he stood and looked up. He looked at the ships and he knew one thing, they seem primed for some smashing. It was all he could do to keep himself from doing the deed.
  Wasp twisted her head around to get a good look. With another motion, she stepped forward but the energy field bounced her back. A slight look of annoyance crossed her face as she kept her gaze intense and focused. "Well....it might not be so bad, I mean....they might be the friendly type."
  Hawkeye knew that it was highly unlikely but there was not much his arrows could do against this type of technology.
  The booming voice that echoed indicated that they would be getting some kind of answer, whether that answer would be for better for worse, well they would find out what this individual was all about.
  "Greetings people of the 21st century and greetings Avengers, my name is Kang and I am here to liberate the Earth from a tyrant."
  It was at that point when Harry arrived. He was getting a creepy deja-vu feeling from this and could not shake that this was going to be some nutjob after his head again. Well if they were male, if they were female knowing his luck they'd be after his other head.
  'People of the 21st century....not people of Earth,' Harry thought to himself before he whistled. "M'gann....are you there?'
  'Yeah, Harry,' M'gann thought to him as she nervously shifted. 'I would ask if you're seeing this on the television but....you're kind of in the middle of it, aren't you?'
  'Yes, I am, as are the Fantastic Four and the Avengers....at least,' Harry commented as he saw Thor standing waiting. 'Is there anyone in the stronghold?'
  'Kara, Kitty, Jean, Rogue, and myself right now, the rest are out doing other things, although I'd imagine they join you pretty quickly once they catch sight of what's happening,' M'gann informed him as she sighed. 'This is one of those all hands on deck things, isn't it?'
  'You know it,' Harry commented to her as he continued to look up and sure enough this man was going to continue his speech. 'Just get help here, soon....I'll figure out what this guy's saying.'
  "I've come here all of the way to 21st century from a world that has been destroyed by the actions of one individual," Kang remarked in a crisp tone of voice.
  There were a few seconds where Harry thought about this. He came to one horrific realization
  'You know, I already knew he was going to say me, but if he doesn't after saying that, I'd eat Toad's shorts right before his bimonthly bath,' Harry thought to anyone who decided to hop onto the mental link.
  "As you know, the Star Child has arrived in this time period recently and he has brought forth what you think to be a new age of peace and prosperity," Kang commented before he paused and sneered. "That peace and prosperity is a lie. He's already brought forth an end to one world and he will bring forth an end to this timeline as he has ended mine. His mere presence here brought Earth to the attention of two warring alien nations. Whilst it was not because of his direct action this world was brought towards an end, it was because of his mere presence here that the end was caused."
  'Of course it was, and global warming, world hunger, and crappy reality television, also my fault,' Harry thought dryly.
  "Therefore, I have decided to take over this timeline to ensure that the future that I have seen does not come to pass," Kang commented as his voice rose. "The historical records indicated that he should not even exist, therefore I will correct that flaw in the time stream."
  'Of course you will, of course you will,' Harry thought, wondering if he could get a bingo off of this guy.
  Harry was trying to get close enough without being seen to get a look at that big ship that had manifested over New York. Several smaller pods shot out and Harry stuck his hand out to get a scan.
  'Fortress, see if you can get a reading on this,' Harry thought through the mental link and it was not too long before Peve commented.
  'That's some pretty advanced technology,' Peve offered to him.
  'Advanced by Earth standards or advanced by Kryptonian standards?' Harry thought to them but he figured that it was pretty amazing given that Reed looked like a kid about ready to go on a sugar high at the candy store. His eyes widened as he followed every action above his head. 'Yes.....I don't know what I'm going to have to do, but it's not going to be fun.'
  'And the answer to that would be all of the above,' Peve offered and Harry smiled.
  Meanwhile Iron Man was having a hell of a time trying to figure out the technology.
  "Technology unknown, what do you mean the technology is unknown?" Iron Man asked, his desperation was about to jump up a fair amount.
  "It means exactly what you think it means Sir, it means the technology is unknown," JARVIS told him. "It is not something that is on any computer database on Earth."
  "Well that's just great, billions of dollars of research, and I can't even match the nuts and bolts on this thing," Iron Man remarked before he stopped and stared before there was a blinking sound.
  "Well, I vote that we find the way to smash it to pieces," Hulk grunted as he cracked his knuckles and Iron Man's face contorted into a smile underneath the helmet.
  "Smash away, big guy, smash away."
  The orbs were glowing and Ms. Marvel watched Iron Man with a confused expression on her face, with a look that she was not sure if that was such a good idea.
  "Do you have any other options?" Iron Man asked as Hulk jumped up.
  Hulk smashed but the device hovering over his head, it smashed back. The Incredible Hulk was sent back towards the Avengers like an oversized ping pong ball.
  "Anything, one percent, just any fiber of this technology, that's all that I'm asking," Iron Man commented but the pods released scarabs that hovered ominously over them. "And that's not good."
  Wasp's eyes widened before she held up her hands and tried to blast them. The blast only backed them off slightly.
  Ms. Marvel hovered in the air and fired at the metallic objects that flew through her. Her punches managed to ding them.
  Hawkeye took aim with his arrows and fired one at a time but the arrows only put a dent into the scarabs, causing sparks to fly a tiny bit.
  "And that's not working," Hawkeye commented as he waited for the backlash.
  Captain America looked up as he saw a blur take out the scarabs at supersonic speed, smashing them into bits.
  "Don't look now, but help's on the way," Captain American commented in a brisk tone.
  There were many times where Captain George Stacy thought that he had seen the most shocking thing in his career but this little.....invasion proved him wrong.
  Every week he met his old friend Lieutenant James Gordon in Gotham City for a cup of coffee to talk about the weird happenings that were going on in Gotham City, and New York City. The latest one was the mysterious Bat themed vigilante that had popped up over the past few months. The cops in that town wanted this bat's head, mostly because whoever was underneath the cowl, made them look bad.
  Gordon admitted that was because most of the cops in that city were corrupt as hell, and in bed with the mob but it was hard to prove.
  As weird as Gotham City was, George would hazard a guess that they did not get what seemed to be biweekly alien invasions.
  'Just another Tuesday,' George thought briskly as he looked up into the sky.
  It was not a bird, it was not a plane, in fact, he couldn't even really see what it was, given the fact that it moved like a superfast blur.
  It took out half of the scarabs up in the sky with a frantic fury.
  'Kitty, you're on,' Harry thought and he smiled as Kara flew up to the top floor of an office building.
  With a fast ball special, Kara hurled Kitty into the scarabs. Despite being advanced technology, it was still destroyed by Kitty's powers.
  'M'gann, go,' Harry thought, as he saw Jean and Rachel working on crowd control, making the civilians move around with some subliminal messages that they put into their mind.
  The Martian female launched herself into the air and phased through the one of the scarabs.
  "Protocol nine," Kang muttered from his ship.
  Harry's super powered hearing picked that up and he wondered what protocol nine was.
  He found out, well Kitty and M'gann did anyway as they got shocked and fell to the ground.
  'Kara, fry that hull,' Harry thought, as both of the girls were a bit shaken but it was obvious it was a warning shot.
  Kara shot forward like a super powered blur and she squinted her eyes, before she fired the heat vision forward. The heat vision ricocheted off of the pods that were released from the ships and the heat caused the scarab computers to fry or at least be brought off course.
  M'gann held her hand up, biting on her tongue as she kept the large pieces of metal from landing on the ground and crushing hapless civilians.
  Kang stood and watched the carnage of the fleet that he sent to feel out the Earth's defenses. He saw some force on the ground coordinating the attacks.
  "Stark, I knew you would be tenacious enough to try and hack the unhackable," Kang commented, not bothering to move from his position even though there was someone trying to bust in. His ship was shielded, it would take an act of god. "One thing remains true no matter the timeline and that's the Avengers meddle in affairs that do not concern them."
  Rogue and Kara teamed up to take their best shot. Their super strength caused the hull to be damaged, and Rogue started to bang on in.
  "I think they hear me knocking, but they won't let me in," Rogue commented as she started to hammer on the door and Kara's eyes flashed with an expression that could only be describe that was of frustration.
  "Keep it up, we're almost there," Kara informed her, but there was a laser.
  Kara frowned, she did not need Harry yelling in her head to know when to duck. She saw some ships get fried with a force field before the Invisible Women became visible.
  SHIELD showed up and the situation was getting even more chaotic.
  Harry's black trenchcoat billowed from behind him as a purple beam shot towards him. He dodged it at super speed. He was not going to stand there and take that.
  He jumped into the air and dodged the beams that flew towards him.
  Several metal orbs shot out and Harry waved his hands, causing them to blow apart by the discharge of magic. He had to expend energy both taking out the orbs and making sure the civilians did not get taken out although Jean and Rachel did a good job at shuffling them away to give him some relief.
  Wanda blasted several of the pods with hex bolts causing them to malfunction. She was trapped in an energy field but she summoned her full power to burst out. It was a lot of energy so she was punch drunk.
  "Star Child, where are you?" Kang asked and Harry stopped, his face vibrating at super speed so no camera could get a fix on anything that was tangible.
  He saw Iceman, Nightcrawler, and Cannonball in the background, amongst others, so the X-Men had some representation in the fight. Scott was down on the ground after one of the scarabs blasted him hard and sent him flying head over heels.
  Kurt took pity on him and teleported him out of the way, as Storm called down the lightning and tried to fry the ship.
  "The elements have no effect," Storm commented in frustration.
  "Aye," Thor stated as he called the full force of his amazing powers and then with fluid fury he smashed the scarabs with all his might. "HAVE AT THEE VILE FIENDS!"
  There was an energy beam that shot out and took out the SHIELD vehicles in one fell swoop.
  "And they just brought SHIELD to their knees," Iron Man said as he watched the ships crash, wincing at the backlash.
  A blue energy light appeared and a blue faced figure in purple armor showed up.
  "I have seen your efforts to defend yourself against me and they are quite amusing but in the end, futile," Kang offered to him.
  Harry wondered if they had different ideas of what the word futile meant.
  Three figures appeared in the sky in a blur from another worm hole that opened up over New York City.
  Kara's eyes widened as she wondered what was going on.
  "Whoa," Kitty breathed, she was shaken up from her shocking ordeal but she'd be mostly fine.
  One of the figures had golden blonde hair that framed her face. Her blue eyes burned with passion as she had a white bodysuit that molded around her form like a second skin. One could see her amazing assets from there, her tight ass, ample breasts, and long, drool worthy, legs.
  A figure with dark hair dark as the sky showed up as well. She had a warm smile on her face and she had a deceptive innocence to her, although perhaps one should not mistake her innocence for incompetence. She had breasts smaller than the blonde's, although still very nice, a firm ass, and alluring eyes as well, that held an enchanting aura within them.
  Another figure split into three. Equal female duplicate had brown hair and bright eyes, with the purple bodysuit that tightened around her slender frame in the most alluring manner. She had a bright and confident smile on her face.
  "The Legion," Kang growled as he pressed a button on the ship. He would have to return with reinforcements.
  "So, wait, he's just gone like that," Kara remarked.
  "That seemed too easy," Rachel offered and Kitty rolled her eyes.
  They had a different opinion of what seemed to be easy.
  "No, it's not easy," the blonde commented as she got on one knee and bowed before Harry.
  Women dropping to their knees before Harry were a recurring theme for him.
  "Greetings Har-Rell," Saturn Girl said to him as she got up to face him. "My name is Saturn Girl."
  "I'm Phantom Girl," the dark haired girl stated as she blushed as she caught him.
  "And I'm Triplicate Girl," the three girls stated in unison in a bubbly tone before she combined back into one, before smiling.
  "Indy was correct on the date," Saturn Girl remarked to the other girls and they nodded. Harry looked at them.
  They'd all met him, knew him quite intimately in fact, although this was the first time that he met them from his perspective.
  "We're the Legion of Super Heroes, and we need to help Earth's heroes coordinate a defense," Saturn Girl remarked before she turned to Harry. "And your Fortress has what it needs."
  Now Harry wanted answers.
  "I don't know what you're talking about," Harry told them.
  "Okay, we owe Indy ten thousand credits, because she said that was going to be his exact reaction," Triplicate Girl said. "You know, the Fortress...."
  "Shh, don't give away the exact location," Saturn Girl said before she turned to Harry. "Har-Rell, we're from the 31st century and during that time, you're worshiped by women all across the universe."
  Harry raised his eyebrow. He wanted to know more but that could wait.
  "The Fortress....how can that stop Kang?" Harry asked before he realized.
  The Kryptonian technology included weapons, weapons that he hoped that he never had to use, but weapons that were even more advanced than a nuke. He had those weapons decommissioned but there were others that could be completely destructive in the wrong hands. Although some would be useful as defenses, it would only be useful under his hands.
  Although he preferred not to use them because that would open a Pandora's box.
  Harry hoped that it would not come to that but things did look grim.
  To Be Continued in Part Two.
  To Come a Conqueror Part Two
  Chapter Eleven: To Come a Conqueror Part Two.
  The Arctic winds blew all around as Harry made his way to the Fortress of Solitude. Kara, Kitty, Jean, Rachel, and Rogue followed, with M'gann slipping in behind her. Following closely behind them were the three members of the Legion of Super Heroes.
  "It's the first time I've been here," Kitty whispered excited and she wondered if it was going to be amazing enough to validate her great feelings of excitement. The brunette's eyes flickered widely with a smile crossing her face. She was getting closer to the entrance of the Fortress and she started to smile even wider.
  "Calm yourself Kitty," Jean remarked although she was smiling at the younger girl's antics.
  'Wanda, anything yet?' Harry asked, having left the young magical mutant to keep a look out.
  Wanda answered in the negative. 'There is nothing there....nothing at all....he did a runner.'
  Harry did not like this, this was the calm before the storm and he wondered what he might be up against if he went head to head with Kang. His eyes flickered closed for a few seconds as the wind in the Arctic kept blowing. Harry kept moving forward. He held his arm out and turned his hand over.
  A bright light engulfed the entire group and they were drawn inside the Fortress.
  "Wow, this is more amazing than the archives tell," Phantom Girl remarked as she turned her head around trying to take in every square inch of the Fortress.
  "You're too kind," Peve commented and Kitty, who was looking around, wishing she had a few more sets of eyes to fully drink in the Fortress. There was really too much for her mind to take in at once.
  Harry smiled as the group looked around. He gave them a few seconds to immerse themselves in the majesty of the Fortress, mostly because it would allow him to do what he needed to do. Kara slipped behind Harry and she stood by the console with him.
  "You so totally have to tell me how to work this," Kitty offered Harry but she stepped around gingerly. Everything looked so amazing, yet it also looked oh so fragile, so the brunette was trying not to be overwhelmed.
  "Yeah, some time when the world isn't ending around us," Harry remarked and Kitty's expression flickered before she nodded.
  Harry reached onto the console and placed his hands upon it.
  "Searching for any temporal energy beacons," Lara told them as she proceeded to scan the area around the Earth for it. "It's going to be a tricky one to say the least."
  "But you can do it, can't you?" Kara asked her.
  Lara's hologram smiled. "Of course I have, are you doubting my capabilities?"
  "Of course not," Kara remarked as she folded her arms together.
  Saturn Girl observed the Fortress and what it could do, even in their time with the advanced technology at hand, it was still amazing. The blonde telepath smiled just thinking about how this would be the foundation for her future.
  "So, what do we need to know about the Legion?" Kara asked in an excited voice.
  "We're the premier super hero team of the 31st century," Saturn Girl commented to them and they all nodded. "All of us have been founded on the principle of one thing and that's....the Star Child."
  "Female exclusive membership," Triplicate Girl added. "Although we do have a satellite team where males are welcomed but they're more subs than anything."
  Harry smiled, there seemed to be a lot of that going around. Yet he had to focus on the task at hand as Lara was checking for any temporal anomalies. He waited for her to get her work done as he followed the progress of what his Mother was doing. There was a humming that echoed through the Fortress. His green eyes burned with intensity.
  "It ended a bit too easily for my liking," Rachel offered before she shifted herself back.
  Kitty snorted once again. "Sure it was easy for you, you weren't the one that got fried and stuff. It was a walk in the park for you."
  Next time, Kitty was going to hurl things through the objects. She was experimenting with trying to extend her phasing powers to sharp objects but she had to let go at the very last second.
  "There are more temporal rifts popping all over the city," Lara commented as her hologram closed her eyes to concentrate.
  "Of course, it would be a scouting party," Saturn Girl remarked as she hung her head for a moment before she continued. "The Legion of Super Heroes....we've clashed with Kang a few times in our time."
  "What's his deal anyway?" Kara wondered.
  Triplicate Girl was the one who responded to this line of inquiry. "He's a would be ruler, who has taken over many timelines in many forms and the future of this particular timeline is one of them."
  "There are a lot of timelines out there, due to the alternate timeline theory," Saturn Girl remarked to her.
  Rachel knew that better to be anyone else, her timeline had been utterly annihilated and she could never go back, not that she wanted to. While there were so many similarities to the two time streams, they were different. For instance, Jean was much happier in this timeline than she was in the last but Rachel didn't even need to go there.
  "And the future always changes because of the actions in the past," Saturn Girl commented as she smiled and peered in Harry's eyes. Like many girls, she could get lost in them.
  "Nothing is set in stone," Harry remarked in a calm tone of voice.
  "One thing that is true through many timelines, you leave a legacy that will last forever," Saturn Girl remarked as she kept observing the progress of the Fortress out the corner of her eye.
  "What about me, what kind of legacy do I leave?" Kitty asked, she was completely curious.
  Saturn Girl paused, it was unwise for anyone to know the future beyond vague details. She decided to answer the question in the most diplomatic way possible.
  Or she would have if the Fortress had not blinked to life before the green eyes flickered towards it.
  "Kang's back," Harry remarked as he whistled loudly and he saw the blips, well several of them at least.
  Kang was back and he was back with a vengeance.
  "That's.....that's a lot of ships," Kitty whistled as she kept her hands on her head and wondered what they would have to do.
  "And we need a plan," Harry offered as he eyed what he had in the Fortress. He had to pick his shots wisely. "So....do we have anything I can use to disable the mothership?"
  "Depends on if you mean lethally or safely without destroying everything in sight," Alura offered with a grim smile.
  "The ship might be a resource, there is all kinds of futuristic technology on there, I'd prefer if I didn't destroy it," Harry remarked as they locked onto them but there was a vibrating sound.
  There was a ship that was hovering over the Arctic and the group needed to get ready to go.
  Now free of the symbiote, Peter Parker was back in action. Jameson reminded him the only reason why he allowed Peter to come back was because that headcase Brock was demanding too much money and the other photographer was an intern who was just breaking in. Peter was glad to be appreciated.
  Although he wished that he could slip off and change into Spider-Man.
  "Stick with me kid, this is the calm before the storm," Lois offered.
  Peter was not going to even bother pointing out the utter absurdity of someone who was only three years older than him calling him a kid. If he learned anything in his morning of working with Lois Lane is that she had her way of doing things and damn anyone who decided to get into her way, no matter what the circumstances.
  Of course Peter was pretty tenacious on his own two feet as well.
  "You know, maybe I should go over here, set things up, maybe keep a look out," Peter offered but Lois shook her head.
  "Parker, listen to me, you know, something's going to happen, we just missed the Star Child, but he'll be back," Lois remarked as Peter stepped up.
  He knew that the Star Child would be back and he knew this Kang guy was going to come back too. He saw the technology although it left in a flash of light. There was so much chaos and Peter swore he saw SHIELD on the ground.
  'And if SHIELD is here, then old Nicky boy must not be far behind," Peter thought to himself as he kept his expression focused. 'And I can't even suit up with Lois Lane watching me like a hawk.'
  "What now?" Lois asked to Peter.
  Peter decided to pull a huge trump card, even though it did sound kind of lame. Still desperate times called for desperate actions. "I....um, well I kind have to use the bathroom."
  Lois's eyes widened.
  "Seriously?" Lois asked to him and Peter nodded his head. She resisted the urge to facepalm. She very nearly missed Brock but maybe she should not get carried away. "Unless it's a medical emergency you stay there, you could get that one photo that makes Jameson happy."
  Peter agreed but he heard the humming of the ship. While Lois was distracted for about five seconds, he made his move.
  Lois's eyes widened as she saw the ships. This was the type of thing her father ranted about constantly these days. She kept following them with wide eyes as her mouth hung open, numbly watching their progress.
  "Whoa," Lois breathed, unable to believe the ship that was above her head.
  Elsewhere on the ground, Iron Man was back into the swing of things, followed by the rest of the Avengers.
  "He's coming back, then he's gone but now he's back, of course he is," Iron Man offered in a tense tone of voice, as he once again tried to break through the technological barrier that was put up. "Damn it, why can't I get through?"
  "I told you, sir, the technology is far more advanced, there's no way any technology know to this time can break the barrier," JARVIS thought.
  Captain America looked up as his gaze followed the ship, like the old veteran he was, he was trying to formulate some kind of strategy that would allow him to break through different barriers.
  "Technology, all of it, there's flaws, it's been the case since World War II, it's always been the case," Captain America offered as he turned to Wasp.
  Ant Man, who had been standing in the background, mostly to make sure that there wasn't too much collateral damage, offered his input. "There's...well I don't know."
  "Can't pull an explanation out of your ass this time, can ya, Pym?" Hawkeye asked but he tried to radio for help although there was nothing but a garbled transmission coming in.
  "Well, he's exploited our technological flaws," Ms. Marvel commented before she expanded on that thought. "He's.....well Kang's trying to find a way to break down the barriers and cause us a fit."
  "If all technology on Earth is taken down that means...." Wasp remarked before she whistled and turned to Iron Man.
  Iron Man stood before them, immobile.
  Tony inside the suit was freaking out, Kang had managed to find a way to temporary shut down all technology, including his own. Inside the suit, there were fail safes, but it was a matter of trying to access them which presented a problem.
  "Come on Tony, it's not the suit, it's the man inside, now think," Tony commented as he tapped on the side of his suit.
  "Well, this solution's low tech, but it will get their attention," Hawkeye commented as he drew back his arrow before turning towards the Hulk. "Are you up for a little more smashing, big guy?"
  Hulk cracked his knuckles as a smile crossed his face. "Did you even have to ask?"
  "No, I didn't," Hawkeye offered as he went, ready, aim, fire.
  The arrows bounced off of the ship like spitballs off of a battle ship but it never the less got the attention of everyone involved.
  Hulk pulled up a car that had been overturned.
  "Hope this guy has good insurance," Hulk growled as he flung the car into the air and smashed it into the pod.
  A second wave of scarabs were released and they were far more dangerous than the first wave. They fired at the crowd and the SHIELD agents had to take them out with what they could. Even though it meant chucking their weapons into the air and trying to take them out that way.
  The Thing decided that no fancy alien technology from the future was above being clobbered. His large rocky fist smashed into the ship and caused it to sputter out of control. The Thing was really enjoying the fact that he put these ships in their place.
  The Human Torch smiled as he got super hot but the ships sprayed flame retardant foam to put his fire out.
  "Be careful! The ships are starting to scan for weakness," Reed commented as he tried to analyze them hoping to pinpoint their weaknesses.
  "Yeah, thanks for the update, Doctor Obvious!" Johnny snapped loudly as he scrambled to his feet but he was slipping and sliding everywhere.
  "Just improvise, Johnny," Susan commented as she closed her eyes and caused several ships to crash through the invisible force fields that she manifested around her.
  The other ships phased through it making a steady path towards her and Susan put her hands up, preparing for the impact.
  Nightcrawler teleported in and used his tail to fling some of the debris that he picked up, before he teleported out of the way so he did not get hit.
  "Chill out!" Iceman commented as he frozen the ships in place.
  "Chill out? Seriously, Iceman that's fucking stupid!" Boom Boom stated as she charged her cherry bombs, before she handed them off to an entire line of Multiple dupes, all of which were armed with sling shots.
  The bombs launched into the ships and took them out.
  Cyclops got to his feet, before he aimed his visor and fired. His optic blasts barely dented the ships. He was knocked backwards.
  "Watch your back, fearless leader," Jubilee said as she used the blasts from her hand to disrupt the ships and she struck a triumphant pose, a bright smile crossing her face as she bounced up, and down rather enticingly. "YEAH!
  Scott rolled over, shaken but he saw a big green shape over him and the Hulk picked him up by the scruff of his neck.
  "Hey wait a minute...."
  "Start blasting," Hulk growled as he hurled Scott through the air like a super ball and Scott screamed, as his glasses flew off and his uncontrolled blasts worked wonders in weakening the ships.
  Hulk watched Scott's progress before he landed to the ground with a huge crunch. "Wuss, I didn't even throw you that hard."
  Thor popped over and hurled Mjolnir against the ships, the weapon bouncing off of them with a bang, bang, bang, before it came back into Thor's hand.
  "I believe I got more of them," Thor commented to Hulk and the not so jolly green giant growled.
  "We'll see about that, Goldilocks," Hulk growled but Wasp showed up in one of the crashed SHIELD vehicles.
  She blasted the attack pods with it, she'd managed to tinker with it enough to get it working, or at least give her an enhanced version of her stingers.
  Kang watched the battle, the heroes amused him with their efforts, and he saw one of them swing in. He knew him as Spider-Man but all of the heroes could pop in, it didn't matter.
  Suddenly his ship was causing a malfunction and his override was being overridden. The Conqueror wondered how they could be but then he realized.
  "So, you've decided to hide behind your technology, Star Child," Kang commented as he crossed his arms. He activated the ship's drive and decided to flash everything out of there.
  He would take the fight to the alien's own backyard.
  Harry proved that he was able to trick an enemy into making a foolish mistake that they should not have. In fact, it was only elementary that he brought the ship to his own backyard. Green eyes flickered as he kept his gaze firmly upon the enemy structure and waited, each tick of the clock.
  "Locking onto the system now," Lara offered to Harry and Harry nodded, before Kara followed him.
  "Diversion," Harry told the girls who all nodded. He trusted that they would need to get done, what needed to be done.
  As for Harry, well he was going to make his way onto the ship. Saturn Girl, Phantom Girl, and Triplicate Girl followed him. He knew from the offset that it was the biggest and baddest ship, therefore it would have Kang on it. The emerald eyed wizard watched with a smile twisting over his face as he bent his knees and jumped.
  The field around the ship flickered but Harry closed his eyes. Teleporting inside was a no go, obviously someone like Kang would have seen that coming. He tried to scan the ship.
  'Lead, of course,' Harry thought and it was covered with another layer of something that blocked any transfigurations. He had to admit that Kang covered all of his bases.
  An energy beam shot out but Harry dodged it in mid air, doing a pivoting swing, before he created a shield around himself. The beams bounced off but Harry had to keep moving. He knew that if he allowed these beams to slice into him, that would be the end. He raised his arms up before he swung as hard as he could manage.
  His super strength rattled the ship as he saw Jean using her Phoenix Force powers to destroy a few of the scarabs who tried to break down the defenses of the Fortress. Not that it would happen but still Harry did not want anything to compromise the Fortress, whether it be the fake or the real, remote of a chance as it might be.
  'Immobilizer beam at two hundred feet,' Harry thought to the AI's within the Fortress, and he hoped that this would be the one thing to destabilize the defenses, at least long enough for him to get into the ship and take care of business.
  A golden beam shot out from the Fortress of Solitude and with a bang locked onto the ship. The ship glowed as it tried to shift and switch out of the way. No matter what though, that ship was not going anywhere and that was just the way Harry preferred it.
  'I think you did it, Har-rell,' Saturn Girl remarked as she looked towards him with adoring eyes.
  'Was there ever any doubt?' Triplicate Girl asked as she split off into three. Two of them tried to find their way around the ship to divert the fire.
  Harry made his way onto the ship, his eyes taking everything in and he kept moving forwards, his heart hammering a steady beat.
  'I've diverted them away,' M'gann thought to them and Harry smiled as he saw Kara hovering outside of the window, before she clapped her hands really hard and caused a sonic boom that caused the scarabs to explode into particles.
  "So we come face to face at last, Star Child."
  Harry turned his attention to the Conqueror who was standing before him. Kang's blue face was filled with malicious intentions and the emerald eyed wizard wondered what he did this time.
  "So, you're here and you're ready to conquer," Harry commented as his eyes locked onto him and he tried to find some kind of pattern in his moments.
  Kang lifted a hand and an energy field appeared around Harry. The emerald eyed enchanter narrowed his eyes, and tilted his head back as he cracked and then snapping his entire body forward he hammered his way through the force cage that surrounded him. Using his momentum he aimed a sonically enhanced punch at Kang's head but another energy field popped up to protect the would be conqueror.
  The shield deflected Harry back and Kang stood before him. Kang aimed his hand and sent a blue light towards Harry but he dodged it. Several orbs rotated in the air, directed by Kang.
  Harry smiled and squinted his eyes before he used heat vision to blow them up. His heat focused blasts nailed them one at a time and they dropped down, reduced to cinders.
  Kang and Harry tried to attack each other at the same time but their attacks cancelled each other out. An energy beam shot from Kang but Harry blocked it with a shield and fired three more attacks back at Kang.
  "We're pretty evenly matched, aren't we?" Harry asked as he lit his attacks up, before started to drill Kang with a series of multicolored fireballs sent from his hands.
  Kang's armor blocked most of the impact although he was feeling the heat in more ways than one. He lifted a hand and chopped it towards Harry's chest.
  Harry flew down to the ground and landed with a crash. He was beneath Kang's feet, who lifted up from his energy attack.
  An energy field appeared around Harry and the telekinetic pulse knocked Kang back. The conqueror from the future bounced back and continued to fire forward with the attack. All that both enemies achieved were multi colored blasts of light firing against each other.
  "We're extremely evenly matched," Harry repeated and Kang's inclined his head for a slight moment with a nod before he tried to tie Harry up but the emerald eyed wizard avoided the attacks.
  "Yes, we are, because we are more similar than you think," Kang commented as he raised his hands up and sent Harry flying backwards with the latest attack.
  The extra-terrestrial hero flipped himself around and bouncing off the wall he fire himself back at Kang. He channeled as much solar energy that he could through his hands before closing his eyes and fired the attacks forward.
  The solar energy drilled Kang through the chest and sent the enemy back.
  "You can't defeat me," Kang remarked as the energy fields surrounded him. The green eyed wizard avoided the attacks, which appeared to slice through flesh, even flesh that was a strong as Harry.
  "I've heard that statement so many fucking times, I'm almost choking on it," Harry said back to him as he deflected the beams and fired them back Kang at with blinding speed leaving him unable to counter. As a result they nailed Kang hard.
  Kang was slightly injured as this was not going the way that he wanted it to. His eyes watered as his arms stung from the energy beams firing back into them.
  "You can't defeat me so it is...."
  Kang was silenced from that attempted attack and Harry fired back at him again, again, again, the blasts continued to drill a thick path through Kang. He was staggered back against the wall and the two prepared to go into the next round.
  'Concussive blast, now.'
  Harry projected that thought back through to the Fortress and the concussive blast hammered into the ship frying all of the on board systems, at least the ones that fired the weapons.
  Kang's eyes followed to the view screen and he saw that everything was jammed. Angrily, he picked up a blaster and fired towards Harry.
  Harry cartwheeled in midair and fired his energy blasts back towards his enemy. The blasts rocked his enemy and staggered him back awkwardly. The emerald eyes of Harry continued to flare with even more frustrating thoughts.
  'Come on, do it, hit him again,' Harry thought it as he manifested another energy attack towards him.
  Phantom Girl grabbed Kang through the wall but he shifted the density in the wall which trapped her.
  Triplicate Girl circled Kang and launched her fists into him with a ballistic fury and cracked against him. The conqueror from the future stepped back.
  Saturn Girl once again popped in, her team was going to give all the time that Harry was going to need. The blonde pushed herself back and used her telepathic abilities to distract Kang and cause him to fight enemies that weren't really there.
  That did not fool him for long as he grabbed Saturn Girl by the throat and threw her forward.
  Harry caught Saturn Girl in his arms before she landed onto the metal floor. She smiled, but there was no time to enjoy the sensations of being in his arms. Kang blasted at him.
  'So any plan?' Saturn Girl thought to him and Harry's smile crossed over his face.
  'I got one....but it's a risk,' Harry thought to her and Saturn Girl wondered what he had on his mind.
  He had been known throughout her time as someone who was able to pull off the impossible, even when the odds were stacked against him and defeat looked inevitable. The blonde thought that she should trust in Harry. He could do anything.
  Harry smiled as he looked at Kang, lifting his hand and made the international symbol for "just bring it".
  Kang, needless to say, brought it. He rushed forward and Harry thought he saw a flaw that he could exploit. He had been making Kang fire everything at him so Harry could learn his fighting style and find a way to defeat him.
  Some of the best battles were won by learning all of the tricks of your enemy.
  Kang was confident, the suit would prevent Har-Rell from reading his body language and exploiting a way to defeat him. The man stepped forward and went towards him, trying to stab him with a dagger through the chest.
  A dagger appeared in Harry's hand and blocked Kang's attack. Both clashed the energy daggers together, sparks flying from the knife fight that was beginning. The clangs, the scraps, and the groans could be heard as Harry knocked his enemy back with precision, before he whipped around. The daggers clashed together, crack, crack.
  He found the latch on the suit and sent a magical discharge into it, before he grabbed Kang and hurled both of them through the window.
  Kang and Harry fell towards the Arctic ground, landing in the snow and the ice with a loud smash.
  The snow kicked up before it then cleared and both of them stared each other down, hearts thumping against their chest. Kang found himself exposed and Harry manifested an energy blast from his hand.
  The magical energy blasted through Kang's suit and right through his nervous system. His eyes bugged out of his head nearly as he felt everything flow through his body. It was pain beyond everything that he ever received.
  Harry stood over Kang, he had managed to defeat him. The shallow breath went through Kang's body as Harry stood over him.
  "Hey, Fury," Harry said over the communication link.
  "How did you get this frequency?" Fury demanded.
  Harry smiled. "You're welcome for saving the world....and I've got a prisoner for you to pick up. A new guest to keep that yappy bastard company."
  "SHIELD will be there in five minutes," Fury informed Harry and Harry smiled.
  "Well he's not going anywhere," Harry concluded as he rolled over his enemy in the snow and only heard a faint heartbeat.
  Kang sat in the cell that SHIELD had brought him to, never blinking. Fury stood on the other side of him. Both stubborn forces stared each other down and a third stubborn force showed up next, that being Harry Potter.
  All of those stubborn people being in one place was like a powder keg that was waiting to be undone at any moment. Kang paused for a few seconds before he spoke in an honest and quite frankly tense tone of voice.
  "It doesn't matter what I do from this point forward, your fates have all been sealed thanks to your actions," Kang remarked as his eyes focused on Harry's. "You sacrificed many because of your mere presence here."
  "Yeah....that's night, but do you have any proof?" Fury asked as he stared at Kang.
  Kang snorted as he continued to keep his expression on Fury. "You primitives are too preoccupied with the here and the now. I could give you all of the proof you could ever desire, but since it is not presently happening, it will be irrelevant to you."
  Harry wondered what Kang was speaking about but he thought that the man was just looking for an excuse to take over the world. His green eyes focused on the conqueror, stripped of his technology.
  "We are more alike than you ever know, Harry Potter," Kang remarked to Harry. "We both will do anything for the one's we love and would sacrifice the lives of many if it meant preserving those who are closest to us."
  Harry made a noise that resembled deepest skepticism which Kang caught onto causing him to frown.
  "Like it or not, I am and always will be what you could become," Kang offered him with a nasty stare focused on Harry. "Someday, you will understand. You have plenty of time. Most will be dust before you barely hit your prime. And that is if they are not killed first by the terrors you have brought to this world by your mere presence."
  Harry was silent, not even bothering to acknowledge his words with any of his own and Kang's expression twisted to one of utter and serene calmness. There was a few seconds where the would be ruler almost was thinking intently and then the green eyes of Harry flickered back towards him, callously and carefully.
  "One day, you will understand better than anyone else," Kang added to him. "You have a noble heart and you are a valiant warrior but you can't save everyone, unless through conquest."
  "Okay, visiting hours are over," Fury remarked as he lead Harry over from the cell. "Can't help but think he has a point."
  "Careful Fury," Harry warned him, the Commander of SHIELD was traveling down some rather treacherous territory and Harry did not want to talk about it.
  "Well ever since you arrived....there has been more than a few threats that have been after your head," Fury offered as he kept his eyes on Harry. "Bastion, Tyrell, and now Kang. And you have this outpost in the Artic that SHIELD has not been able to even tap into."
  Harry was not going to be even bother reprimanding Fury for this, the fact of the matter was that Fury was going to do what Fury was going to do. That was just how the man rolled, like it or not. That was the bottom line.
  "I think that you're slipping," Fury offered Harry and his green eyes flickered towards the one eye of Fury. "Don't forget that you're here because certain people have allowed it."
  "Fury, I've told you this before, you'd rather have me as your friend, then have me as an enemy," Harry warned him, knowing that Fury was traveling down a dangerous road.
  Fury said nothing else as Harry spun around and saw the three Legion of Super Heroes girls standing next to him.
  "He is well known for being paranoid but seeing it here and the now, the records do not do him justice," Saturn Girl commented to Harry as the blonde focused on his blazing green eyes. They were truly a marvel up close. The rest of his body was not too bad either, in fact it was great, but it was his eyes that were truly a defining feature with him.
  "So....I guess now that Kang is going, you girls will be heading out of here," Harry stated to them and Saturn Girl leaned towards him with a smile crossing her face.
  "Yes, we must be returning back to the 31st century....there are threats in that time, although....perhaps one day you can return the favor and visit us in our time," Saturn Girl commented in a light tone as her gaze traveled up and down Harry's face. Her smile got wider and bright as she commented. "I can't speak for the rest of the members of the Legion but I'd love to have you."
  "We all would love to have you," Phantom Girl stated as she threw her arms around Harry in a tight hug.
  "Yes, all of us," Triplicate Girl offered as her arms wrapped around his waist again and she pulled him into a hug. It seemed like all of the dupes wanted their turn with Harry and Harry found himself squashed between three extremely beautiful females.
  There were far worse ways to go out, that was for sure.
  Saturn Girl was the last one and she leaned forward, her lips lightly brushing across Harry's lips. He grabbed his arms around her lithe waist and pulled her into a kiss.
  "A promise...for the future," Saturn Girl remarked as she ran her hands through his hair. He looked so sexy with it sticking up.
  The Legion females disappeared.
  "Even in the future, they still come after you," Rogue commented as she walked up from behind Harry. "You got the touch, Sugah."
  "So what did you think of the Fortress?" Harry asked her and Kitty jumped in.
  "It was amazing," Kitty commented in a bright tone of voice.
  Harry smiled; he was glad that they approved, because it was merely the dummy outpost. He could not wait to take them to the real thing but for now some things should be for the legacy of Krypton and no outsiders should be allowed inside.
  It was time to go back home, providing nothing else happened today. And judging Harry's luck, it was possible.
  "So how about it toots, me and you, making sweat hot, monkey love to the latest Lupin porno. What do you say?"
  There was a loud smack that resounded across the office and a middle aged man with a mullet and a mustache stood in the background, feeling his cheek sting from the impact of the slap. He was the type who thought he was some kind of sex symbol even though he was the furthest thing from the fact. He was that person who had chest hairs on his chest hairs and was just gross.
  The man chuckled before he remarked. "Yeah, I get that a lot."
  Lois rolled her eyes but said nothing as she went to type her latest story about Kang. Once again the mysterious Star Child swooped in and tried to save the day. Lois was not going to lie, she was rather curious to see what he was going to do next.
  Betty smiled as well as she heard his efforts. She bent down in front of Lois's desk as she placed her hands down. "Lombard's like oh for....what now?"
  "Oh I've lost count," Lois commented in a stiff tone as she was putting the finishing touches on the rough draft of the story.
  Lois felt another few months taken off of her hearing as J. Jonah Jameson yelled at Peter Parker, who twitched. She waited for the bomb to drop.
  'Three, two, one,' Lois thought.
  "Parker, you're fired!" Jameson stated as he rose to his feet.
  Lois smiled in amusement. This was about the third time that happened this week. She was about ready to change Parker's last name to Jetson because he got fired so much. A smile crossed her lips as Betty leaned over the desk.
  "So....do you want to be the one to tell Mr. Jameson that he can't technically fire Peter or should I?" Betty asked as she bent forward and Lois caught a glimpse of her cleavage along with a hint of her black bra.
  "And miss the entertainment, you have to be kidding," Lois remarked with a thinly veiled chuckle as her mouth curled into a smile.
  Peter walked out as Lois spun around but that was not who caught her attention. Her eyes perked up as she saw him. Betty appeared to notice him as well.
  'Wow,' Lois thought, really there was no other word to describe this vision before her than wow.
  Lois was not taking her eyes off of him any time soon; rather her expression was following him. He was tall with dark hair and blazing green eyes.
  "Ah man, " Lombard stated, this was the kind of guy that made all honest looking Joes like him look bad.
  Harry Potter was here, walking with Kara, who was dressed in a business suit with dark hair and glasses. Jean wore the same thing, although minus the glasses and her hair tied back in a ponytail. Gwen turned up as well, dressed in a nice pair of jeans and a black t-shirt. Kitty dressed in a black t-shirt, with a leather jacket, and tight black leather pants, along with gloves.
  She thought about bringing Lockheed to the party but thought better of it in the end. That was something that should be saved for another time. The brunette's eyes flickered with amusement and mirth at the trouble that could cause.
  Laura brought up the rear, she was acting as Harry's bodyguard. Although she didn't know why because no one in their right mind was going to mess with him.
  Then again, given some of those brain surgeons in the Friends of Humanity, Laura thought she should reevaluate the collective intelligence of people in this day and age.
  Jameson's head popped out of the office as he did not see work. "What....what in the devil are you doing? I don't hear the sound of working."
  "Hello, Mr. Jameson," Harry remarked as Jameson spun around.
  "If you're here to apply for the job of reporter well you're too late, it's been filled," Jameson remarked as he leaned towards Harry. "So why don't you...."
  "Mr. Jameson, I'm Harry Potter, I believe you got the message that I purchased a controlling interest in the Daily Bugle," Harry informed him.
  Harry had been interested in getting shares in the media before, especially when Creed was starting up with his bullshit but now he was finally able to pull the trigger.
  Lois pinpointed here exactly where the wind got taken out of Jameson's sales.
  "Oh, right, yes, I got that memo," Jameson said softly.
  Lois thought the world was going to collapse because J. Jonah Jameson had used an indoor voice, surely it was the sign of the apocalypse. She smiled as she wanted to say something or figure it out.
  "So why don't you come in my office and we'll....talk business," Jameson offered to Harry in a small voice.
  "That'd be good," Harry remarked in a polite voice, offering Jameson no indication of what he was going to say.
  Chloe turned up at this point, she was coming to visit Lois.
  "What is Harry doing here?" Chloe wondered to Lois, with a raised eyebrow.
  Although she started to blink and realized that if she saw a group of attractive females roaming around, Harry could not be far behind. That was just how things tended to work. The blonde's eyes widened.
  "Hey Chlo....wait you know him?" Lois asked to Chloe and the blonde smiled.
  "Yes, we've met," Chloe remarked to Lois, smiling as her cousin greeted her. "So how is the big shot reporter doing or are you too good for the little people?"
  "Big shot reporting doesn't pay as much as you think it does, Chloe," Lois remarked as she leaned to double check what she wrote on the paper.
  "And there's another story about....The Star Child," Chloe commented as she tapped on the paper. "One might think that you've gotten an obsession about him."
  "I'm not obsessed, it's just professional curiosity," Lois offered to Chloe as she frowned. "Besides, don't you have that entire wall dedicated to that Arcane guy?"
  Chloe nodded as she raised her hands before she remarked with a swift, "Guilty as charged."
  "Well, the Star Child...I think he's just that much better than Arcane and we've spoken together....briefly....no more than fifteen minutes of conversation, but hey it's something," Los remarked to Chloe.
  Chloe was trying not to look smug at the fact that she knew something that Lois did not know. She would have to have the grin surgically removed from her face.
  "I wonder what he's talking to Jameson about," Chloe said as she watched the office.
  She wished that she had super hearing now because it would be an extremely useful power. Then again, there were a lot of super powers that would be useful in finding information.
  "So how are you doing with that Creed story?" Chloe asked Lois and the woman's face contorted into a smile. Betty slipped off at this point and Gwen moved over to take her place.
  "I wish I could say that I'm making some kind of headway but.....no luck so far," Lois admitted as she wanted to bang her head into some kind of hard object to exercise her frustrations out. "Something's got to break, I don't know what it would be."
  "Someone that obnoxious has to have a skeleton in their closet," Gwen commented.
  She had to deal with those junior Friends of Humanity members goosestepping through the hallways of Midtown High like they were the Hitler Youth. Gwen knew that her and Chloe were toeing a very dangerous line. The two of them, along with Mary Jane and Liz had all gotten a Saturday detention for standing up to someone who was being bullied by the junior Friends of Humanity.
  "Harry!" Chloe remarked as Kara, Jean, Laura, and Kitty exited the office along with Harry.
  "Hey, Chloe, how are you doing?" Harry asked as he pulled the young blonde into a hug.
  "Just hanging out here, nothing else better to do with my life," Chloe commented as she shrugged her shoulder. "I don't think you've been introduced to my cousin....Lois, Lois Lane."
  "Ah yes, Miss Lane," Harry remarked with a thinly veiled smirk crossing his face as he eyed Lois. "I don't think we've had the pleasure of meeting."
  "I don't....think we have," Lois agreed, she tried hard not to be flustered, especially with the new member of the Board of Directors that was standing behind her. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Potter."
  "Please, Harry," Harry commented to Lois with a smile as he took her hand in a firm grip which she returned.
  "Then, Lois," Lois said as she looked at Harry in the face, the glasses covering his face but his green eyes were still visible from behind them.
  Harry knew that his disguise worked out rather well or Lois could not see past a pair of glasses. He was willing to go either way.
  "I've heard a lot about your work, Lois," Harry informed her with a smile.
  Lois nearly jumped out of the chair, much to the amusement of Lois, Chloe, Kara, Kitty, and Jean.
  "Well, look at the time, I must be going," Harry said as he watched Lois with a wide smile across his face. "It's nice meeting you Lois."
  The group walked off, except for Gwen, who decided to stay around to hang out with Chloe and Lois.
  'Well you've worked up some anticipation in her mind,' Jean thought in amusement as Kitty was barely holding in her laughter.
  "So how's Lucy?"
  "Overseas at boarding school still.....I think she's doing fine, she hasn't gotten in trouble with a loan shark....again."
  "You'll find that my qualifications are in order, Mr. Potter,' Susan commented as she was dressed in a business suit, along with a blouse that had a few buttons unbuttoned to show her cleavage. The micro-mini skirt that she wore covered her legs and she shifted for a second, legs crossed to give Harry a hint of the stockings. A pair of glasses rested over her sparkling blue eyes.
  Harry took a look at her credentials and he was not going to lie, she was more than qualified. In more than one ways than one.
  "Seriously though Harry, I hope that you'd consider giving me the job," Susan stated as she leaned forward on the desk, her breasts pushed out for him. "Being in the Baxter Building twenty four seven...it's starting to give me stress."
  Harry got up to his feet and walked over to stand behind her before he placed his hands on her shoulders and started to rub her shoulders with circular motions.
  "Is that helping with your stress levels?" Harry asked Susan as he started to whisper in her ear.
  Susan blinked as he slipped the jacket off to get better access to her shoulders. The blonde's pleasure centers were stimulate by his amazing hands as he worked his thumbs into her shoulders. He also got the back of her neck.
  She felt herself slip slowly in a catatonic state of relaxation and this caused more of her to tingle and the blonde's eyes closed as she felt the pleasure, a smile crossing her face.
  "Yes, I feel....I feel amazing," Susan allowed, as she felt a pleasurable heat go through her body.
  "You'll find that there are many perks involved with getting this job," Harry commented as he ran his hands down her, as he got down onto his feet, and allowed her to kick her shoes off. He grabbed her foot and began to give her a foot massage.
  Susan's expression became one of sheer lust, as the blonde haired heroine felt such magic up her feet and through her legs. The magic traveled up her limbs and stopped at her pussy, causing the warmth to caused her to nearly to become undone.
  "Are you happy with the perks so far?" Harry asked her with a smile on his face and he kept his hand running down her foot, rubbing it with circular motions.
  Susan felt a tingle as her pussy burned for him and hungered for one thing and one thing only to have him inside her.
  "Hmm," Harry asked her and Susan's eyes flickered before she gave a slight lustful moan of yes.
  Harry ran his hand up her stocking clad lad and slowly teased her, but she locked her legs around his waist.
  "I want you in me now," Susan stated, as she leaned in and kissed him hard on the mouth.
  The twenty year old woman happily invaded the mouth of a young man who was going to pay attention to certain signals. He made her feel so good and she leaned forward, pressing her breasts against his chest.
  Susan's fingers dug into his back as she pulled his shirt off. She revealed the drool worthy physique that Harry had underneath his shirt. She stopped cold and admired him, using her hand to trace the muscles.
  Harry lifted her up and tipped her back on the desk, the items clearing as he parted her legs, before sliding his hand up to rest on her thigh.
  "Well, you're ready to go," Harry remarked to her, a smile crossing his face as Susan's eyes flickered with lust and desire as she watched him.
  "Yes, inside me, before I lose it," Susan panted heavily as she spread her legs for him even more. The blonde was completely about to lose her mind.
  "Good things come to those who wait, my dear," Harry stated as he reached further.
  Smut/Lemon Begins.
  Harry parted the blonde's thighs as he reached between her legs and pumped his fingers into her tight pussy. Susan Storm closed her eyes as Harry used one hand to pump into her pussy and used the other hand to work open the front of her blouse, to try and reveal her perky breasts to the world.
  "Beautiful," Harry commented as he pulled off her blouse to reveal the flesh. Her D-Cup breasts were encased in a blue bra, with nipples that poked out through them.
  "Thank you....oh Harry, I need you really bed," Susan stated as Harry worked her up to wetness and the blonde bit her lip, everything felt so good, more good that she could ever describe.
  Harry lifted her up and his erect cock pulsed over her wet entrance. The blonde eagerly anticipated him as she pulled himself over onto his lap.
  Susan's lips met Harry's with a searing kiss, working her tongue into him. He worked his hands over her, tempting and torturing every inch of her body, working her flesh over with expert skill. Susan was not going to deny this feeling, how good it felt.
  Yet her pussy hungered for the meat that was between Harry's legs and she was going to have it, one way or another, she was going to have it. Her pussy hovered over his throbbing cock as she prepared to allow him to invade her. The blonde bit down on her lips excitedly.
  "Damn, you're so fucking tight," Harry grunted as his cock shoved into Susan's pussy.
  She bit down on her lip, to block out the pain of him invading her gave the blonde but that was second only to the pleasure that happened. Harry grabbed her around the waist and roamed his hands all over her sexy body.
  "This feels so good," Susan admitted as her silken walls caressed his throbbing cock. Her pussy was really wet and she came just from the sensations of Harry running his hands all over her upper body, eyes screwed shut as she felt the pleasure course through her.
  Harry knew that it was about to get better, as she lifted herself up until his cock was only touching her lips before spearing herself down onto him. Her tight cunt wrapped around him, caressing him with the walls, giving him an amazing feeling. She hugged him tightly into her as her cunt hugged tightly around his cock. Harry knew what he wanted to do and he indulged himself by sucking on her tender flesh and erect nipples.
  "Yes, Harry," Susan panted as her eyes fluttered shot as Harry slid in and out of her dripping pussy, exposing her to sensations that she only dreamed about.
  The blonde rose herself up and lowered herself onto his throbbing pole. She could see the feelings of desire dancing in his green eyes and she was determined beyond all measure to increase these feelings. The blonde hugged herself around his tight pole and kept riding him until the end. She sped up the motions as she squeezed him with her tight center and Harry reached around, cupping her breasts.
  "More," Susan panted as she lifted up and drilled herself down onto his throbbing length. Yeah, this made her feel the best she ever did.
  She gyrated her hips up and down onto his flesh pole, making her feel the rush into him. Susan's walls tightened around him as she continued to keep up a steady amount of momentum. The throbbing shaft entering in and out of her was beyond all measure and increased the pleasure that she had.
  "Damn it, keep it up," Susan breathed as she bit down on her lip.
  She felt so good, so good and she could not believe that this cock stretched her out in so many waves. She was so tight but she was going to feel a tiny bit looser after tonight. The blonde's riding continued on him, bouncing up and down as she tried to drive him closer to the edge.
  Harry felt her hands roam down his body and the feeling of her tits pressed against his chest as she rode him, well that was a great thing to say the least. Her superhot cunt pressed against his throbbing length. The blonde's expression continued to be even more labored as she rode him up and down.
  He thrust himself up into her and she felt his member continue to cause her nerve endings to jolt. His hands gave her a few gentle caresses and drove her near the edge; his fingers tweaked and pinched her nipples as she was being brought closer and closer to the edge.
  "Harry, I want more, give me more," Susan told him as her breasts bounced enticingly in front of his face.
  Harry reversed the positioning and pulled out as he hovered over her entrance. Her pussy started to drip in thinly veiled anticipation for even more and she wondered how much that she could take.
  "Are you sure?" Harry asked.
  "Test my limits Harry," Susan encouraged him as she spread her lips.
  They dripped for him, pink and inviting and Harry could not wait to have his cock wrapped in them once again. The blonde's expression perked up, along with her nipples as Harry drilled into her super tight pussy. The walls wrapped around his throbbing member as he sped up the pace, going into her at the speed of a blur.
  Susan moaned and bucked her hips up, she was in heaven, no this was better than heaven. This was a pure erotic thrill ride and she was happy to be in it every step of the way. His throbbing manhood kept working into her, slamming into her tight cunt and pushed into her.
  "Yes....yes that's it, deeper, harder," Susan stated as Harry threw her legs up and began to caress and lick her thighs.
  She tightened around his invading prick and Harry drilled into her in response. Their two organs were magnificent as Susan arched her hips up, meeting his thrusts.
  "Damn it Harry, take that cock into me, I need it, I live for it!" Susan yelled as Harry felt her utterly damp pussy lubricate his cock.
  "Nympho," Harry whispered in her ears and she locked her sexy legs around his waist, before pushing his face into her tits, to allow him to suck at them.
  "Yes, yours, now fuck me, fuck me until I can't take it anymore, shit yes," Susan breathed as her hair framed her face and sweat dripped down.
  The love making part of it was over and now all Susan wanted was a good old fashioned fucking. Harry kept drilling into her tight pussy and he was never going to slow down. That excited her, she had a lot of pent up sexual frustrations to work out and all twelve inches of him buried inside her, it took her body on an erotic joyride the likes of which no one has ever seen. The blonde's lips continued to devour him as he buried himself deeper into her.
  "Take me Harry, oh yeah, fucking make me yours," Susan panted as he continued to suck on her breasts like a starving babe. This got Susan all had and the member of the Fantastic Four thought that she made the right choice.
  Harry felt her tight cunt devour him as he continued to make deeper passes into her and he tightened around her. The blonde's expression was that of pure erotic ecstasy.
  He pulled out of her which caused Susan's eyes to flood over with confusion and Harry smiled towards her.
  "I want you to get on your hands and knees so I can see your sweet ass," Harry remarked as Susan smiled, despite her pussy being slightly tender from being drilled hard.
  The blonde got on her hands and knees, with her hips perched towards him and she wiggled her ass at him.
  "Take your best shot, lover," Susan remarked with a saucy smile as the blonde continued to wiggle her ass towards him.
  Harry smiled, he enjoyed the challenge for sure and he grabbed her around the hips as he took aim with his throbbing cock. Her lips dripped with the pleasure from him and he prepared himself to invade her tight orifice.
  "Harry don't you dare tease me too much," Susan begged as she pushed her hips towards him and she wiggled her delicious rump.
  Harry grabbed her around the hips and gave her a swat on the rear which she squealed about. Then without warning, Harry plunged his throbbing length into her moist womanhood and Susan's expression was one with thinly veiled lust.
  "YES!" Susan screamed as he filled her anew. "DRILL ME!"
  Harry was not about to let such a beautiful woman down and he kept pushing himself in and out of her, the blonde's expression swimming with complete lust as he hammered into her, his balls slapping across her thighs, bringing her to utter passion and ecstasy.
  His throbbing cock drilled into her pussy and the blonde squeezed around his center, breathing rather hotly as his throbbing length pushed in and out of her. Harry continued to speed up the paces and his throbbing length worked into her. The blonde's walls kept tightening around him caused him even more pleasure and Harry drilled into the blonde for all that she was worth.
  Susan was causing herself to be lost in the pleasure of this amazing cock that drilled into her, going deeper and deeper into her, until she came undone and the blonde bit down on her lip, amazingly feeling the sensations of his throbbing member into her. The blonde's tightening around him got even more intense as her dripping pussy kept squeezing him and milking his invading prick. He kept drilling himself into her tight walls.
  The dance continued to escalate for the next little while and Harry kept drilling into her, his throbbing member continued to drill her from behind. The blonde's expression was wide eyed and filled with amazing passion as he drilled her into the home stretch.
  "Are you getting close?" Susan asked him as she felt the pleasure rock through her body, as his hands cupped her breasts.
  "Depend can you take much more?" Harry whispered hotly in her ear which caused her to clench around him.
  "Baby, I can take....oh everything," Susan grunted as she felt another orgasm rock her body but she was getting into the homestretch.
  It was just as well as Harry was finally getting warmed down by this superhot pussy as he kept drilling into her. The blonde's expression continued to grow wide eyed until Harry finished unloading into her.
  She screamed as he unloaded his thick and gooey load into her dripping cunt. Susan rode him out to the end, feeling the rush and the pleasure of him.
  Smut/Lemon Ends.
  Susan's expression flickered with adoration as Harry had given her the thrill of his life. She got herself dressed as she leaned forward and Harry kissed her on the lips one more time. She returned the kiss hungrily.
  She realized that she did not get to taste Harry's cock but she was so horny that she could not wait to have him in her. There would be a next time.
  "Oh and you've got the job," Harry told her as an afterthought as he pulled her onto his lap on the chair and she cuddled onto his lap.
  "Before or after that little performance," Susan offered playfully as he ran his hands through her hair.
  "Well you had it before, although that was what clinched it," Harry remarked as he saw someone outside the door.
  "What is it Harry?" Susan asked Harry as she snuggled into his chest.
  "Ororo's outside, I think she might have been waiting outside for a long time," Harry commented to Susan.
  Susan had a wicked grin on her face that he did not expect from the heroine. "Well, let her in, then darling."
  Harry thought that was an idea as Ororo seemed rather tense, and he noticed that he had neglected to shut the door all the way before his activities with Susan started.
  Whether or not he did that on purpose to coincide with Ororo's arrival....well a gentleman never tells.
  To Be Continued In the Next Chapter "Family Ties."
  Family Ties
  Chapter Twelve: Family Ties.
  Harry was as calm, cool, and casual as he could be, as he waited for Ororo to knock. After a few seconds she did.
  "Come in Ororo," Harry called to her as she entered the room, with a smile barely leaving Harry's face. The green eyed wizard was enjoying this, really he was and he waited for her to enter the room.
  Ororo slid into the room and walked forward, she was in a daze for a second but never the less, she snapped her head up. The dark skinned mutant sobered herself up.
  "Harry, I'm going to take a walk around the school, you don't mind, do you?" Susan asked him as she paused. "Actually, do you have a Snack Bar or anything? Our meeting has left me famished."
  "It's down the hall and to your right, providing the girls haven't depleted it," Harry remarked with a smile. That was the problem with having a school with nothing but a group of mutant girls; there was a chance that his food stocks got depleted thanks to their appetites.
  "Thanks Harry, hello Ororo, nice to meet you again," Susan commented, thinking that she'd return later.
  Harry's grin did not even leave his face as he motioned for Ororo to sit down in the chair opposite on his desk.
  "Harry," Ororo commented in a brisk voice as she stepped forward.
  "Ororo," Harry remarked to her as she sat down on the chair and he stared back at her. "So, how are things at the Xavier Institute?"
  Ororo's expression twisted into a smile and a more businesslike manner went across her face. "Well....things are mostly going smoothly at the school. Scott suffered an injury in the battle with Kang but other than that, minor bumps and bruises." 'So no one of value got injured, that's good,' Harry thought to himself as Jean and Rachel snickered through the psychic link.
  "It's good...." Harry remarked as Ororo shifted herself.
  "It seems like your teachings have....done them good, although many are regretting their decision to stick around," Ororo remarked but then amusement crossed her face and Harry was curious as to why.
  "What is it, what's so funny?" Harry asked her and Ororo was only too happy to indulge him with what was in fact so funny.
  "Well, Bobby, thought that he would try and see if there was an opening at the school but the gates would not allow him inside," Ororo offered as she smirked. "It appears that your security system has a sense of humor as Bobby returned to the Xavier Institute with a shocking pink mohawk and dressed in women's clothing."
  Harry snickered at this thought, given the number of pranks that Iceman pulled, it was rather ironic that he would be pranked in turn by the mansion's security system.
  "My security system is....particular about who it allows into the school," Harry remarked to her. "It doesn't seem to like males but given that it's hard wired to my nervous system, that's to be expected." He did have a main office set up for public meetings with people that were of the male gender.
  Ororo thought that there was some kind of reference to be made about no man being allowed inside Harry Potter but she was not about to make it out loud.
  "Speaking of security systems, how is Hank doing with Xavier's?" Harry asked to Ororo and the woman smiled.
  "Well Rome was not built in a day," Ororo commented to him in a light voice but she paused and then started to elaborate. "He's still trying to sort out the security system."
  Ororo was not going to lie, there was something about the Mansion that made her wonder if a complete teardown and being reconstructed was in order.
  "No new students have come by," Ororo remarked as Harry got up and walked over to get her a drink, which she took. Given all of the stress that she was under, it was much appreciated. "So....given that we lost our best teacher and Logan....well he's Logan."
  Ororo took control of as many of the classes that she could but Charles encouraged her to let Scott teach the majority of them, to get the team members used to Scott, so they could learn to coexist with him. Personally, Ororo thought that they were wading in quicksand but supposed that she had to give Scott some time to grow into the role of being the team leader.
  "You're really tense," Harry remarked as he placed his hands on Ororo's neck and started to rub it. She shivered for a second and grew rigid, as his fingers worked their magic. His green eyes were magnificent orbs that she could got lost in all day and everyday after but his fingers were just as amazing. He smiled. "Do you want me to stop?"
  "No, continue," Ororo informed him, feeling her stress leaving her body and Harry continued to work over the back of her neck, causing her tensions to be relieved.
  Ororo held herself back with Harry before because....well she didn't think that it would be professional. Although, damn it, she was a woman, she had needs, and it wasn't like they were being fulfilled.
  It was time to take drastic action and she bounced out of her chair, giving a small whirlwind effect that caused papers to scatter in the office and she rushed forward, slamming Harry back first into the wall.
  Harry smiled in surprised as her lips met his. He found the hot body and large chest of this dark skinned woman against him to be rather enticing. The woman wrapped her legs around him and brushed her center against him, as her tongue invaded his mouth.
  He was a man, and what a man as Ororo noted, as her legs wrapped around him. She felt the tender pleasures of his fingers working up and down her back, feeling more than flushed. The woman was feeling more pleasure than ever before and things were getting more tense for her as he rested his hands on her backside.
  "Oh, is that for me?" Ororo asked as she reached down his pants shamelessly. Pure primal need ruled her, and Harry scooped her up.
  With another movement, he deposited her on the desk and reached down to feel the front of her jeans.
  "If you play your cards right," Harry remarked to her but he smiled. "I heard you were treated like a goddess back home."
  "Well, I'm not one to brag," Ororo commented but Harry reached down and pulled her shirt over her head, to reveal smooth black flesh, with her glorious globes encased in a thin white bra that contrasted with her skin.
  "Well you've never been worshiped like this," Harry commented as he kissed down her neck and nibbled on it before trailing his finger down the side of her neck, a motion that caused Ororo to shiver.
  And that was before he reached down low.
  Smut/Lemon Begins
  Ororo's eyes closed shut as she felt Harry's hand travel beneath her legs. Her mind suffered a mind form of lock out and her eyes fluttered shut, the pleasure becoming so intense that she could not bear things.
  Her bottom half was stripped bare and Harry smiled as he saw her dripping wet pussy before him. His hands stroked her folds and it caused her eyes to flutter shut with pleasure.
  "Harry," Ororo panted and Harry continued to stroke her down low before his tongue teased her dripping wet folds with a slight lick that caused every single bit of her body to tingle with the enjoyment and arousal that one would expect.
  "Relax, baby, you've seen nothing yet," Harry told her as he shoved his tongue into her sopping wet cunt and Ororo placed her hands on the table, throwing her head back with a loud groan as his tongue sped up the lips.
  Harry indulged himself in this tasty pussy and he found her hands placed on the back of his head, giving him the necessary encouragement to delve in deeper. He took the encouragement and he took his tongue into her, diving into her sopping, dripping mounds. His eyes flickered as he felt his cock twitch and he continued to use his tongue as a means to bring her as much pleasure as he could manage. He cupped and played with her pussy.
  "Harry, oh fuck, Harry," Ororo breathed as he reached up and cupped her breasts which tingled underneath his tongue. It made her feel amazing, he worked such magic with his tongue and his hands.
  Harry grinned as he indulged herself in this goddess's pussy, his hands roaming and grabbing globes of chocolate flesh. He kept squeezing her and she moaned loudly but then his tongue kept vibrating in her center which caused her to lose all sense of herself and become undone. Her widened eyes reared back and she screamed out loud.
  "HARRY!" Ororo yelled as she felt his tongue vibrate in her, causing her entire body to shake all over from pleasure she had not felt in her entire life. It was an amazing, tingling sensation, and she had to have more, no she must have more, she must have it all and she closed her eyes, as she prepared to have the entire package that came with being pleasured by Harry Potter.
  Harry pulled his tongue out and she grabbed his crotch with a wide eyed look on her eyes before she dropped down to her knees.
  "It's my turn to return the favor," Ororo stated as she groped Harry in her hands and dropped down to one knee. She could see that Harry was a man clearly now, and what a man. Her lips drooled, both the bottom ones and the top ones.
  "I would be insulted if you...ah didn't," Harry grunted as Ororo's mouth went over his cock with ease after she licked him a few times and she closed her eyes before she began to blow him like it was her job.
  Harry tightened the grip around her head, encouraging her to go up and down him flesh pole as he groped her large breasts that beckoned for him.
  "That's it Storm, that's it, keep it up," Harry encouraged her as her lips moved up and down his shaft, eyes widened as she maintained eye contact.
  Harry had to admit, his cock in her mouth with Ororo giving him that expression, it was sexy. He moved his hands up her tight stomach muscles and ran his hands over her breasts, squeezing them as she moaned out loud, her dripping wet pussy was obviously tingling with her arousal.
  She bobbed her head around his pole, trying to get all that she could out of him, her hand moving around and squeezing his balls. It was quite the feeling as she kept her throat going down upon him, sucking and slurping his member in the most pleasurable and delightful manner. He thought his cock was going to start spurting now from her actions and Harry closed his eyes, feeling her tight mouth enclose upon him. Green eyes kept flickering with the merest motion from her as the pleasure intensified.
  Ororo was determined to make him cum and she added her breasts, taking his thick length between them as she sucked on him, her eyes widened and lust ridden as she picked up more of a tempo around him, cock sliding in and out as her lips met him, sucking on his head and closing her eyes to feel the pleasure heighten.
  Harry grunted after a few more seconds and he started to pump his cream into her mouth. Ororo took him into her mouth, her throat muscles milking every last drop of cum out of him as she groped his balls and stroked them, bringing his thick essence into her mouth. He kept pumping into her, drilling into her mouth.
  Ororo slid back, showing Harry the cum that landed on her thumb as her nipples were erect and primed for him.
  She smiled, a wicked glint in her eye as she made it start to rain in Harry's office. The droplets of water splashed over her, getting her hair soaking wet and then it started rolling down her body.
  Harry watched, transfixed and he got stiff in no time, as Ororo pulled herself onto his desk properly, her legs spread for him. She was soaking wet, with water rolling down her breasts and her stiff nipples sticking out.
  Ororo turned around and got on her hands and knees, before she wiggled her ass sexily at Harry. He watched the swaying of it, it was quite the delicious sight and Harry was coming close to becoming undone just by looking at it. His green eyes followed the progress of her tight ass as she looked at him, the water rolling over her body.
  Harry's cock was rock hard so he wasted no time in moving over and aiming for her, drilling his throbbing length in between her dripping lips.
  "Harry!" Ororo stated as she happily accepted all that he had to offer as it inserted into her. His cock was large and her lips eagerly accepted it as he pushed in and out of her, picking up a rapid rate as he picked up a certain pace within her.
  "I'm going to take that pussy, it's going to be mine," Harry stated as he groped her swinging breasts.
  "Do it Harry, fuck me raw," Ororo stated as he grabbed her and slammed into her from behind, feeling the love of his cock penetrating her perfect tight pussy. She was in heaven and could not wait to take more of this god's cock deep within her.
  Harry tightened his grip around her breasts as he slammed his cock in and out of her. The dark skinned woman's eyes closed tight as she felt his throbbing length entering her as he drilled into her. Her pussy gave of a rather comforting heat and he could not get enough of it as he rammed into her tight center. His balls throbbed as he drilled into her tight center and continued to hammer into her.
  Laura appeared at the door, watching Harry as he fucked Ororo from behind. She watched his cock slip out of her dark folds and the mutant parked herself in a chair to get a front row seat to it. She placed her hands down her pants and started to play with herself, impatiently waiting for her turn.
  Harry was in his zone as he drilled his throbbing length into her dripping hot center. His green eyes swam with lust as he kept pumping inside her. Her tight center stroked him amazingly as he continued to pump into her from behind.
  "Harry, give me more, I need more," Ororo begged him as she spun around and Harry captured her lips in a kiss. She hungrily attacked his lips, so sensual, so hot, as Harry buried his cock into her tight pussy. Her walls strained around him as he kept beating a steady path into her. The woman was going to take all of him into her.
  Harry gave her that more and his balls kept hammering her thighs as he drilled into her pussy. He grabbed her ass and Ororo moaned loudly in her mouth, sucking on his tongue as she did so. The green eyes flickered a little bit as his throbbing cock penetrated her as his balls continued to drum a steady path down her sexy ties. The dark skinned woman felt the pleasure intensify as he worked into her, his throbbing cock continued to hammer her.
  They moved into the home stretch of this round of love making, with Harry speeding up his cock until it was a blur inside her. Harry continued to work into her, feeling the tight warmth wrapped around him as he pumped into her.
  Ororo gave a shrieking scream as he unloaded his burning load into her tight center after drilling her for an extremely long time. He drove her to more intense orgasms yet as he punished her pussy with his thrusts.
  "Yes, so much cum," Ororo breathed as Harry pumped into her as her body shook wildly from the orgasm. Her walls kept tightening around him as Harry kept pumping his extremely large load into her, until his cum was dripping down from her tight twat.
  Laura rushed over a few seconds later and attacked Ororo's pussy, licking the cum from her.
  Harry watched Laura, having been stripped out of her clothes licking Ororo's pussy, he was not going to lie, that was so fucking hot. He watched the mutant lick and slurp Ororo's pussy with an animalistic furry that could not be beaten. The young wizard watched her.
  He saw her pussy presented before him and Harry knew what she wanted and he was going to give it to her.
  "Damn, Laura, you're so fucking tight," Harry grunted as he pushed into her tight pussy and he continued to slam into her from behind.
  Laura's eyes closed shut as she took him inside her, yes it was so amazing to have his cock inside her. She took his meat and everything that it was worth inside her. She bit her lip down and continued to take everything into her. The dark haired woman squeezed him as Harry continued to hammer her from behind.
  Her breasts was found in his hands and Harry hammered her from behind as his throbbing cock continued to push into her from behind. The dark haired woman groaned as Harry gripped her thighs and slammed into her, giving it to her hard and rough like she wanted it, like she desired it and she took more of his cock inside her.
  Harry hammered into her tight center, his cock penetrating her as he worked into her pussy. The dark haired woman closed her eyes and felt the rush a she entered her, slamming inside her. The woman took everything that he had into her and then some. Her walls wrapped tightly around him with his cock drilling into her center.
  His throbbing cock made several passes inside her.
  "I love this pussy so much," Harry grunted as he kept slamming his thick length into her and Laura's expression became lustful.
  "Hammer me harder harder, harder, damn it!" Laura yelled at him.
  Harry was not about to let her down.
  "I'll do it," Harry breathed in her as he grabbed her hair. "Keep eating Ororo's pussy."
  "Yes," Ororo breathed as she felt Laura's tongue up and down her tight dripping pussy. The woman bucked her hips up as she met her tongue strokes and her eyes kept blinking heatedly. She could not handle this....her dripping cunt was going to be treated.
  Harry's throbbing length pumped into Laura's tight pussy as she wrapped around her as his hands roamed around her nubile young body. Her eyes screwed shut as she felt the pleasure.
  "Fuck me," Laura growled for a brief second and then she returned herself to Ororo's pussy as Harry sawed into her.
  Harry's thick length hammered into her from behind as her balls walloped her from behind and his member continued to drill her from behind. Her healing factor could take everything that he had to give her and then some.
  Stroke after stroke as Harry whispered into her ear the ways I'm going to fuck her.
  "I'm going to make it so even you're sore," Harry breathed in her ear lustfully as her pussy tightened around him as Harry penetrated into her and drilled her from behind working into her, her tight pussy milking his throbbing prick.
  The dark haired woman's expression closed her eyes shut and Harry drilled into her harder as he was slowly reaching a climax. His cock drilled into her pussy as he slammed into her and Laura's cunt wrapped around him as her eyes screwed shut and her pussy tightened around him as he kept drilling inside her. The dark haired woman's expression became one of unmistakable lust as he slammed into her.
  His balls tightened as he unloaded his steamy hot load into her pussy. Laura breathed as Harry's cock unloaded inside her.
  Cum dripped from her pussy as she shuddered with desire but this just turned her on even more and she turned around, straddling Harry and kissing him hard as the dance was about to pick up even more.
  Smut/Lemon Ends.
  A girl of fifteen years of age stepped down the stairs. She was dressed in a yellow t-shirt that wrapped around her developing bust line that rode up a little bit. It was a size too small for her but given her family's financial condition, it was not a choice but rather a necessity for her to wear a shirt in such a state. She wore blue jeans. Her face was bright and expressive, with a juicy pair of lips and she had budding curves around her.
  Of course, her most defining feature was her green hair which she had tied back in a ponytail. She had no idea how she got such a hair color, one day she woke up and it was there. She thought about wearing a wig or dying it back but she liked it because it caused her to stand out in a High School where everyone looked, dressed, and acted the same.
  A lot of her classmates were the superficial type but she found herself uncaring about that, all she cared about was being herself and doing the best that she could.
  Her mother's medical bills caused her some amount of stress and that was why they were in the bad financial situation that they were in.
  Lorna Dane frowned as she looked up. If her hair was the only thing that was strange about her, that would be the least of her concerns. One of her classmates was harassing her about joining something called the Friends of Humanity. Lorna hated people like this, they were nothing but bullies and terrorists as far as she was concerned.
  She lost her temper and summoned a desk before she hurled it at the bitch. Said girl ducked but she freaked out, calling Lorna nothing but a filthy mutie. She was suspended from school as the board tried get things sorted out and her poor mother had been harassed by threatening phone calls.
  It was only a few days ago but it seemed like years.
  "There's....that's where the mutie leaves."
  Lorna's eyes bugged open as she bit down on her lip and wished that these people would just leave her alone. There were about six or seven of them and they all rounded on her.
  They were really big, seven grown men, going after a teenage girl with the intention to rough her up. Lorna wished she knew how to turn that power on and off at will but there was no way to figure it out. The desk was thrown because she lost her temper and flung it at the bitch.
  Well if a group of thuggish men rounding upon her was not going to freak her out....she did not know what was going to. The young girl saw them knock down the gate. It had already been hastily mended.
  "What do you want?" Lorna asked as one of the men grabbed her around the throat and pushed her back down.
  "You'll be on your knees when you face us, mutie," one of the Friends of Humanity members stated as Lorna opened her mouth but he popped her in the face which caused her to drop. "We're going to make sure you mutants never rise."
  One of the members of the Friends of Humanity held a gun and was about ready to bring this young girl out of her. She closed her eyes and tried to move.
  "And we're going to take out your dumb cunt of a mother because she was the one that sired you, you dumb bitch," one of the FOH members commented as she was grabbed and held back.
  Lorna's expression was flickering with pain as she had a pleading expression that resounded through her eyes and she started to breathe in and out heavily.
  "P-please leave my mother alone," Lorna begged them all.
  The Friends of Humanity goons grinned and one held his gun, ready to blow her brains out. He wanted the little mutant bitch to squirm. One of the members of the FOH pulled out a blackjack and held it.
  "Let's beat her brains in a little bit to drive in the point," one of the goons suggested.
  Suddenly and without warning, the gun was pulled from the head of the Friends of Humanity member that held it. The gun was taken apart and the bullets were removed from the clip to hover over the members of the Friends of Humanity.
  They watched the bullets spinning around, rotating on the spot before the bullets impacted into their chest one at a time.
  Lorna watched them fall to the ground and this caused her to be shocked. She had never seen anyone be killed before her eyes like that. She wondered if she did that and her hands started to shake. Sure they were about to kill her and maybe do worse to her mother but it was the principle of the matter.
  Numbly, she got to her feet and her hands began to twitch as she saw a figure standing in the shadows, with a cape flowing behind him.
  "Don't be alarmed," he stated in a calm voice as Lorna's eyes widened and she followed the progress of this figure in the shadows.
  "Yeah, don't be scared, we're here to help," a young man stated in a Russian accent as he stepped forward.
  "We really smoked those Friends of Humanity wankers," a man commented in an Australian accent as he laughed.
  "Pyro! Shut the fuck up, she's in shock, you're not helping idiot," a woman stated from the shadows. "Look kid....we're the good guys....."
  "Who are you?" Lorna asked in a numb tone of voice as she wondered about these people and her eyes kept shifting a tiny bit as she shook her head numbly.
  "I'm Magneto," Magneto commented as he walked forward and faced Lorna.
  "I've seen you on the news....you were attacking a bunch of people," Lorna offered to him but Magneto looked at her with a calm expression.
  "Human driven media," Magneto told her as he moved towards her. "Do not be alarmed though....we wish to speak to you."
  Magneto's expression became sour immediately as he could sense that he was not the only ones who had seen and heard of Lorna's plight, for the X-Men were arriving.
  "Gambit, Pryo, make sure the X-Men do not get involved," Magneto whispered to them in a lowered voice.
  "It'd be my pleasure, boss," Pyro commented.
  "Yes, we'll give the X-Men a welcome, Cajun style" Gambit stated as he prepared to introduce the X-Men to a game of fifty two, Gambit style.
  Harry was within his office at the Stronghold over what happened in the last few days. SHIELD was running around like chickens with their heads cut off in their attempts to locate the technology that Kang had left behind. Harry had his people round it up and he was going through the long and laborious process of sorting through everything.
  "So, you've been busy, haven't you?"
  Harry spun around and saw a young woman with platinum blonde hair, along with juicy red lips, dressed in a black t-shirt and jeans that wrapped around her body standing behind him. It was Felicia Hardy, better known as the Black Cat and her smile widened as she'd popped up to see Harry.
  "Hey, Felicia, it's been too long," Harry remarked as he reached forward and wrapped his arms around her.
  "I'll say," Felicia commented in a murmur as she felt Harry's muscles press against her. She should have figured that he'd done some growing and she wondered if he had grown in other areas. Her mind was running wild with the possibilities but her eyes snapped up to lock onto his. The blonde remained completely calm and stoic.
  "So how are you doing?" Harry asked her with a grin crossing his face as he surveyed the woman and the platinum blonde smiled as he shifted her against him.
  "Oh you know me, I've been busy," Felicia stated as Harry offered her a knowing smile.
  "With your day job or your night job?" Harry asked her.
  Felicia smiled as she looked at him appraisingly, keeping a careful eye on him. The platinum blonde trailed her tongue around her lips for a second before she jumped back down to business. "A little of both, darling, a little of both."
  She stepped forward and tightened her arms around him. Harry reached around her tightly, with the two of them enjoying the feeling of their hot bodies pressed against each other.
  "So, I see," Harry informed the platinum blonde as he trailed his hands down her cheek and Felicia's expression turned into a predatory smile as her eyes traveled down him.
  "Yes, and I think that you've been keeping yourself busy," Felicia purred in his ear lustfully, snaking her hand down his trousers a slight bit.
  "Well we're being daring aren't we?" Harry asked to Felicia but her lips smashed against his with a smile as she continued to kiss him hot and heavily. The blonde's tongue worked into his mouth as he tightened around him as her thumb began to work its magic against her.
  "Why bother to go somewhere when we're both willing and able?" Felicia asked to him with a lustful growl in his ear.
  "Sounds nice," Harry grunted as she started to pull off his shirt and the Platinum blonde stepped back to strip her attire off.
  Smut/Lemon Begins
  Harry caught a good look at this vision of beauty that stood before him, dressed in a black bra that barely contained her ample breasts. Her platinum blonde hair framed her amazing face with luscious lips, bright blue eyes, and her slender shoulders were next. He followed her down, his hands placed on Felicia's smooth stomach, along with her gorgeous rear with was scantily covered with a thong. She wore black stockings that covered her legs.
  "Mmm, I missed this," Felicia commented as she removed Harry's pants to show the treasure that waited for her underneath.
  His large cock stood out nice and proud, waiting and willing for her to suck and suck that she did. Felicia put her juicy lips around his throbbing prick, taking her hand and squeezing his balls. The blonde speared her mouth up and down him, causing great pleasure as he went deep into her throat.
  "Fucking, hell, keep that up," Harry breathed as he grabbed her face and pumped his throbbing cock deep inside her. The blonde had a talented mouth and Harry reached down to fondle her tits.
  This caused her to get some form of encouragement as she speared him down her throat, further. The blonde picked up a steady pace as she kept working all twelve inches of Harry into her throat, trying to drive him closer to a conclusion.
  Harry watched and waited as the moments ticked by, but Felicia removed her mouth and then her bra the rest of the way. She smiled.
  "I love a big cock between my large tits," Felicia purred in a lustful manner as she stuck his throbbing length in between her tits. Harry's eyes flushed over as she started to work him over amazingly, as only she could. The platinum blonde gained momentum.
  Harry was in for the ride of his life as her large tits smashed around his throbbing cock and she gave his head a sensual lick.
  "Mmm, fucking hell what a right," Felicia moaned as she pumped her tits up and down his shaft, rubbing him even more. The green eyed wizard's expression flickered with thinly veiled lust as she continued to work over his shaft, his nuts slapped against her tight body, and the platinum blonde lustfully continued to work him over. She was trying to bring the cum out of him and she was not about to let up for even a second.
  Harry grabbed her around the waist and pulled down her panties, getting a good feel of her dripping wet pussy and tight ass. The blonde's expression was one of thinly veiled lust as she continued to pump her tits up and down him. She was going to make him cum, there was no question about it.
  She popped her mouth around Harry's head and kept sucking on the head. The blonde's expression continued to be one in lust.
  Harry saw the look in her eyes, his cock between her tits, and her mouth working him, the unrestrained lust swam through both of them and his balls throbbed with the greatest desire. He panted heavily as she continued to work his cock in between her glorious globes.
  "Damn, Felicia, damn, so hot," Harry panted heavily as he manipulated her tits and she manipulated his cock with them.
  "It's about to get hotter, darling, oh, fucking cum for me, cum on my tits," Felicia panted as she used her creamy globes to bring Harry closer to his edge, closer to a climax. His green eyes closed shut as he murmured as her tits gave him a once over, bringing his balls closer to a throbbing climax. His hands roamed her tits as he continued to work her over. The blonde closed her eyes tightly as Harry cupped her glorious orbs in his hands. The blonde panted, chanting for him to cum.
  A few more strokes of her breasts and Harry lost his load onto her. The blonde started to pant lustfully as he pumped his throbbing penis between her breasts. Spurt after spurt of cum rocketed from him and coated her breasts with a healthy coat of spunk. The blonde kept stroking him up and down until she reached completion.
  The blonde pulled out and licked her lips enticingly, before she slowly began to lick the cream off of her tits. Slowly her tongue trailed around the edge of her tis and caused her great joy as her eyes flushed over.
  Harry waited for her to finish her meal and then, he pulled her up by the hair as he turned her and made her face a wall. Felicia's breasts pressed against the wall as he handled her like he owned her. The blonde's lips pursed as her thong was pulled down to reveal her juicy pussy and sexy, toned ass.
  "Oh are you going to take me like the whore I am, Harry?" Felicia asked and Harry rubbed his cock head against her dripping entrance.
  "Yes, but you're not just a whore," Harry commented as he teased her entrance with his cock head and grabbed her arms, holding them back. "You're...MY WHORE!"
  Harry punctuated these words as his cock slid into her soaking wet cunt and continued to ram in and out of her. It was so warm that he could bury himself in here all day and make himself at home. The emerald eyed wizard continued to pick up an intense pace as his throbbing length continued to bury between her legs. The blonde panted lustfully as Harry reached around.
  Felicia moaned as Harry cupped her breast with one hand, as he held both of her arms back with the other hand. His thrusts got deeper into her center and the blonde's eyes closed tightly as she was getting closer to become undone. The blonde's tightly hugged his length as he sawed into her and his balls slapped against her hips.
  Harry sped up the thrusting into her and his throbbing cock continued to drill into her. The blonde's expression became one of thinly restrained lust as he pumped himself insert her tight center. The blonde bit down on her lip hotly and kept breathing heavily as he kept pumping inside deep into her tight center. The blonde's cunt tightened around him even more.
  He pulled out and Felicia gave a surprised whine but Harry picked her up.
  "I want you to see your tits and face as you fuck me," Harry growled as he leaned against the wall and his cock rose out.
  "Gladly, lover," Felicia remarked as she draped one leg over his hip and another leg over his other hip as she straddled him.
  Harry felt her smooth skin as he reached around and gripped his tight ass. The blonde raised her sopping wet pussy up and then with a swift motion, she plunged herself onto him.
  Felicia purred loudly as she kept drilling herself up and down on him, her nails sinking into his back. She scratched him slightly and her lips met Harry's into a deep kiss as she rode him against the wall. The blonde used her legs to pull Harry in closer to her as he pumped into her even more.
  Harry felt the pleasure of her superhot and tight cunt working over his prick with an amazing sensation. He cupped her tight ass.
  "Mmm, fuck yeah," Felicia panted as she speared her tight cunt up and down his length, riding him against the wall for everything that he was worth. The blonde's nipples stood out amazingly as she continued to drill herself up and down onto him. Her hair framed her face as she kept hammering his cock as it was tightened between her walls.
  Harry saw this vision, this pure sexual dream riding him and it was amazing, her tightness worked around him. The pleasure on her face was sexy. He was seeing everything around him and Felicia tightened her sopping cunt around him as she continued to work her nubile hips and thighs down his thighs.
  "Keep it up, ride me, oh I'm going to suck those big tits," Harry stated.
  Felicia grabbed Harry and pushed his face onto them and he motorboarded her. This drove her wild as was his dancing fingers all over every inch of her body. His mere touch caused her to climax even harder beyond this throbbing cock penetrating her center and the blonde's expression grew with even greater intensity.
  She lifted herself up and sank herself down on his member, the blonde picking up a greater pace as she rode him over. She was determined to drain every last drop of cum from his balls and the blonde dug her nails into him.
  Harry felt his head pushed against her and he continued to pump his throbbing prick into her. Her love box tightened around him, giving him a certain amount of resistance to her as he continued to pump deep into the blonde. Said blonde was losing all sense of herself as Harry continued to spear his throbbing length into her tight center and the blonde was about to lose all sense of herself.
  He pumped into her for the home stretch, ramming himself into her.
  Felicia's pussy eagerly squeezed him and she let out a loud moan that Harry was sure that some people in Jersey might have been able to hear. He pumped between her thighs as her pussy tightened around him and she milked his throbbing cock with each passing thrust. The blonde's legs wrapped around him tightly as he kept pumping into her tightly and his throbbing cock ached with the pleasure of release.
  He sprayed his hot and warm fluids into her, as her pussy eagerly lapped them up. He rested his head on her breasts, with a lustful smile.
  "Fuck yes," Felicia breathed as she milked him dry, feeling her own orgasm intensity.
  She collapsed back, feeling the rush fill through her.
  Smut/Lemon Ends.
  Felicia had a wide ear to ear grin over her face as she leaned forward and locked her eyes over towards Harry's. The grin was not leaving her face any time soon as she pulled her pants up.
  "Well, that was fun, relieved some tension, so really, there isn't anything more to do now," Felicia commented with a wide grin which Harry returned.
  "If you ever need anything, you know where to find me," Harry remarked to Felicia and the blonde threw her head back with a smile as she turned towards him.
  "I'll be sure to let you know....and I'll take you up that offer and often," Felicia commented as she gave Harry one more searing kiss which he returned with passion and intensity. Both of them enjoyed the sensations of their tongues working into each others mouth before she backed off. "Catch you later, handsome."
  Felicia walked off her ass swaying enticingly, not even bothering to look over her shoulder and Harry rested his head on one of his hands, whilst tapping the fingers of the other on the edge of the widow. He thought that today, despite some fun and games, was going to be a slow day all things considered.
  Harry should have learned by now to never overestimate the slowness of the day as there was a frantic arrival. It was Jean and she had a tense expression on her face.
  "The new mutant scanner is up and running," Jean commented as she wondered if this would cause problems with the X-Men, if Harry snatched up several recruits. Not that she blamed him; they deserved the best training that they could and also to be fulfilled in other ways.
  "I'm glad it is, that thing hopefully will work for all the money it's cost me," Harry told her and Jean nodded, with a smile. She knew about the cost more so than anything else.
  "Well, you put a lot of work into it so you should be happy," Jean commented as she turned to see what was happening on screen. Sure enough, there was an ample amount of activity and the redhead moved forward to learn what she had to deal with. "Let's see....there's another mutant that's been found....she has the powers of magnetism."
  Harry was intrigued and also extremely suspicious. Perhaps he was being paranoid, in fact he was paranoid. Still, the fact that a new mutant with magnetic powers popped up made him wonder if he was the only one who was interested in her arrival. Regardless of the fact, Harry leaned a hand forward and began to shift through the data about her.
  After nearly a minute, even though it seemed like longer, Harry hit upon paydirt, a smile crossing over his face. "Her name is Lorna Dane...she's fifteen years old, apparently lives with her mother."
  "How are you getting this information anyway?" Jean asked as she looked at Harry with a curious expression.
  "How did Xavier get it?" Harry asked as he shifted through the information at the Stronghold, a smile crossing his face and getting wider. "Basic data protocols and facial recognition, but we've got her pinned down, at least I think that we do."
  "I hope that we do," Jean chimed in after a few seconds but Harry carefully maneuvered it around.
  "Well, she's not the only magnetic mutant that's in the area," Harry remarked and there was a sound of someone stopping cold behind him as she walked down the hallway.
  Given his luck, Wanda would choose that exact moment to turn up. Her dark hair framed her face as her eyes narrowed in annoyance. The seventeen year old placed a hand on her hip and stared at Harry.
  "My father, he's back," Wanda remarked to Harry, there was a type of icy coolness that flowed through her tone.
  Harry sensed that there was danger so he tried to nip this situation in the bud whilst he could. His green eyes fixed onto Wanda's with steely determination as he told her what was up and what the situation was.
  Wanda did not know what was going on honestly, although if her father was involved, then there was a cause for concern. Their family reunion the last time was cut short and she wanted to prove that she could go there.
  "She has Magnetic powers, just like him," Wanda offered as her eyes followed the report. "She'd be fifteen years old, this would be shortly after my mother died....couldn't even wait for the body to be warm, could he?"
  "Wanda," Harry warned her, now was not the time to jump to conclusions.
  Megan walked up, the pink haired Welsh girl standing, hands on her hips. "So what's up?"
  "Well we might have a new mutant," Harry told her and Megan nodded as Laura stepped forward.
  "Cool, I'll no longer be the newbie," Megan commented in an excited tone.
  "You'd still be the newbie to me," Laura remarked, turning out of nowhere and Megan crossed her arms, as her mouth curled.
  "Pixie, Talon, remember to stay focused," Harry said to both of them. "The five of us, that should be enough to take care of business against the Acolytes."
  "Even me!" Megan exclaimed but Laura turned towards her with a smile.
  "Gives you some practical training," Laura commented, and Megan wondered what she was getting herself into.
  Harry had been tutoring her a little bit in magic and Laura had put her through the paces. Then again, Laura put everyone through the paces, because she was the best in the world at what she did and she looked pretty damn good doing it.
  "We've got a new jet and everything, anti-magnetic fields in case you were wondering," Harry told them and the four girls nodded in awe as they followed him.
  "So who is going to fly it?" Jean asked. She supposed she could if she was asked.
  Harry stepped back to reveal his pilot. She had blonde hair and dazzling blue eyes, dressed in a black cap and a skin tight aviator's uniform. Her shapely legs were on display, along with a pair of knee high boots.
  "Ladies, this is Zinda Blake, she's more than qualified," Harry remarked to her. "Zinda, this is Jean, Laura, Megan, and Wanda or Phoenix, Talon, Pixie, and the Scarlet Witch."
  "Pleased to meet you all," Zinda commented in an extremely sexy British accent as she entered the jet with the others following. It made the X-Jet look like a pile of dung and it was a lot bigger on the inside as well.
  "Buckle up," Harry informed them and they all found out why as the jet took off at an amazing speed.
  Kurt Wagner, better known as the mutant Nightcrawler, could not shake off the fact that he had been sent here on this recruiting mission. Scott had tried to act like a backseat field leader, even though he had been laid up in the infirmary thanks to Hulk using him as a super ball.
  Bobby sat next to him, along with Ororo, Tabitha, Logan, and Hank. It was a small group but it could be big trouble given who was involved.
  "Looks like Magneto beat us to the punch, bring us down elf, nice and easy," Logan growled to Kurt who nodded as he did his best to steady the X-Jet as it made its way down.
  A man in a trenchcoat greeted them outside and the X-Men walked down to face him.
  "You're one of Magneto's, aren't you?" Bobby asked and the man held his hands up, a smile crossing his face.
  "Relax friend, I come in piece," Gambit stated as he shuffled his playing cards. "Have any of you ever played fifty two?"
  Tabby was about to warn them what that meant but Bobby's eyes widened as a smile crossed his face.
  "No I haven't," Bobby commented as Tabby lifted her hand, about ready to give herself an epic face palm.
  Gambit's expression twisted into a wide grin as he continued to shuffle his playing cards and Kurt's eyes widened before he gave one panicked declaration.
  Fifty two super charged playing cards shot out at once and caused a massive explosion but thankfully everyone scattered out of the way before anyone could be injured in it.
  "So that's..." Bobby stated but he never finished as the flames flew towards him. He put his head down, ducked and rolled as he looked up to see the young man scramble towards him.
  "A nice day for a barbeque," Pryo commented as he grabbed his hands together and contorted the flames.
  "Sorry, I'm going to have to rain on your parade," Ororo commented but she mentally slapped herself at the cheesiness of that line. What was done was done however as she waved her hand and the rain clouds came on as the water began to put out Pryo's fire.
  "Gotcha, you weather bitch!" Sabretooth growled as he grabbed her from behind but Logan was on him right away. "Been hoping to run into you runt."
  "Can't say the feeling's mutual, bub," Logan growled as he knocked Sabretooth around.
  Ororo dodged a shot from Domino.
  "I believe your luck has ran out, young lady," Hank commented as he flipped into the air.
  With a swift motion, the furry blue mutant used his feet to pluck the gun from Domino's heads and hurled it through the air. Iceman froze it, causing the gun to become unusable and then Boom Boom hurled one of her cherry bombs to finish the job, causing the gun to explode.
  "Did you really think that would be that easy?" Domino asked as she aimed a second gun that she had concealed and started to fire at the X-Men but they dodged the blasts.
  Colossus jumped down and made his way to fight Nightcrawler but he vanished out of the way.
  "We're just trying to do what's best," the Russian stated in a gentle voice, he was not trying to hurt Nightcrawler, just contain him.
  "Really, you could have fooled me," Kurt stated as he flipped out of the way and vanished with a pop but as he completed his teleport he was shot in the shoulder by Domino
  "Well, you got that one, time to finish the job," Pryo stated but Boom Boom hurled her bombs at him. "Ah, let off you crazy bird."
  "Sorry, got to do this," Tabby commented as she continued to hurl the cherry bombs at him.
  "Nice moves, but how about this one?" Gambit stated as he picked up a piece of the pavement that had broken off, super charged it, and flung it towards her.
  She dodged the attack but twisted her ankle on the way down.
  Sabretooth grabbed Logan and choked him up against a fence, before he ripped the wire from it and wrapped Logan up inside it.
  "Time to die, runt," Sabretooth stated as he wrapped his hands around the throat of Logan who tried to get himself out of there.
  A jet appeared and the next team Sabretooth knew, Laura was on the top of his head. He swiped at the young woman.
  "You don't know what you're getting yourself into, kid," Sabretooth growled as he rushed her but Laura dodged the attack, a grin spreading over her face as she looked over her shoulder.
  "Yeah, I do," Laura offered him as her claws popped and she aimed at him and swung for the fences to try and stab him.
  Sabretooth avoided the attacks with expert precision but Laura was not about to let up anytime soon.
  Pryo was face to face with Pixie. The pink haired girl tried to remain confident even though there were butterflies flapping away within her stomach at the thought of being thrown into the fire.
  'Okay calm, stay calm,' Pixie thought to herself as she focused on Pyro, the laughing loon that he was.
  She had not tried her powers in a battle scenario, well there was a first time for everything. She closed her eyes and reared her hand back, reaching for the fences and she launched what was in the palm of her hand into the face of Pyro.
  "Are you taking the piss....out of me," Pyro commented but he turned around, a wide eyed look was in his eyes and a goofy tune within his head as the pixie dust took effect. He turned to Gambit, who looked rather surprised.
  "Man, what's your problem?" Gambit asked, the look that Pyro gave him made him feel dirty and he took a step back as Pyro closed in on him.
  "Hey, pretty lady, want to make out," Pyro commented to Gambit as he puckered up and Gambit continued to back pedal.
  This allowed Jean, highly amused, to take out both of them with a telekinetic assault. It rammed their heads together and Wanda sent them flying out of the way.
  Sabretooth and Talon continued their duel.
  "I went toe to toe with the real Wolverine for years, do you really think you can handle me?" Sabretooth stated with a loud growl as he charged her but Laura jumped out of the way.
  She mused that all she needed was a red blanket and this situation would be perfect. Regardless of this thought, she jumped out of the way once more and Sabretooth crashed headfirst into the wall, landing with a solid impact as his face cracked against it.
  "I've got you now," Sabretooth grunted but Logan was back up, using his claws to knock Sabretooth back.
  "We finish this now, you son of a bitch," Logan growled as he kept fighting with Sabretooth and he was sent flying backwards into a fence where he landed hard. The two of them continued their brawl but Sabreooth grabbed Logan around the head, before the two fell back over a cliff side.
  Both men landed on the jagged rocks below, the pain racking through their bodies but their healing factor prevented any lasting injury. Both of them picked up the pace and continued to brawl, shot after shot as both maneuvered themselves.
  Lorna watched the entire chaotic situation from afar as Magneto's mad expression flickered towards her.
  "The X-Men once again make a chaotic situation even worse, they don't understand what we need to do to stand together," Magneto commented in a brisk voice as he turned towards Lorna. "Come with me child and...."
  "Magneto," Harry commented as he arrived in front of him.
  Magneto smiled. "Once before, I offered you the chance to align with me, Harry Potter, the two of us could reshape the world, protect our mutant brothers and sisters from the harm. You've seen what they've done and the enemies against you are piling up, aren't they? How many more will face you? Humanity will never understand what you truthfully are."
  The vision that Adler gave indicated that one child unlike any other had the potential to change the world. Magneto thought that if Harry Potter kept acting like a hero to people who did not respect him, he would be turned into a martyr.
  "The same rhetoric again, Erik?" Harry asked in a crisp tone of voice as he looked at him in a bored expression. "Humanity is not without its faults but this mutant superiority thing, you're becoming the very same thing that you're fighting against."
  Magneto's eyes flickered in thinly veiled annoyance as he kept his eyes locked onto that of Arcane's, this conversation was not going the way that he intended. His arms folded across his chest as he faced him. "This is a road that you do not wish to go down. Xavier was a fool but I can assure you that your contributions will be more appreciated."
  Lorna looked from Magneto to Harry but Wanda turned up.
  "Wanda," Magneto stated in a crisp tone of voice as he stared down at the girl in front of him. "It's good to see that you are well."
  "No thanks to you, father," Wanda said as she spat out the last word with disdain but Harry grabbed her hand as a warning. "So, ruining one daughter's life wasn't enough for you, was it?"
  Lorna's expression was confused, she was obvious missing something.
  "You couldn't wait for her body to be cold, could you?" Wanda asked as her eyes flared towards him.
  "Wanda, we were friends, her husband died, my wife did, your mother, it was one night and...."
  Wanda grabbed her father and angrily whipped him back against the wall. Harry let her go, feeling that it was best for her to get this anger out now instead of later towards her sister.
  "My mother....you betrayed her, you betrayed her memory, and then you left me in that place and...." Wanda started but she was unable to formulate a coherent sentence.
  Magneto was afraid that this might happened and he could have cursed Potter for bringing Wanda here, making her a part of this.
  Lorna stepped forward and her mouth hung open before she commented casually. "What in the hell is going on?"
  Harry was only happy to summarize. "Did you ever wonder about your father?"
  Lorna's expression flickered with confusion as she spoke in a calm and crisp tone of voice that summed everything up. "My father is dead, my mother told me that he died before I was born."
  "No your mother was mistaken....she didn't....it was a mistake," Magneto grunted as Wanda raised her hand but Harry grabbed her warningly holding her back.
  Magneto turned around, clutching his tender ribs.
  "I'm your father, Lorna," Magneto said to the green haired girl.
  Lorna's expression became a combination of different emotions, mostly surprise, mistrust, and anger, there was lots of anger.
  "My father is dead!" Lorna yelled as she summoned every single piece of metal that she could find but Magneto blocked it casually and caused them to hover above his head.
  "Our powers are the same, how can we be anything but?" Magneto asked to her as he stood towards her. "I'm willing to do anything....you saw what I did to the Friends of Humanity? The X-Men won't do anything against them, that would upset their peace against humans. There is no peace against humans, only war."
  "Lorna, there's....there's not just two extremes," Harry remarked to the girl as she turned to look towards him and then turned back to look at Magneto.
  "I'd kindly ask you to stay out of this," Magneto remarked to Harry as he held the metal in the air calmly but did not let it fly. "This is a family matter."
  "No, I don't know what happened but you're looking for another soldier in your holy war, not a daughter," Harry remarked as he turned towards Magneto.
  "Look, I know that you'd like to have your father in your life, but trust me, when your father is him, you don't want anything to do with him," Wanda stated as her eyes went towards him.
  "Wanda, you're mistrust is understandable and I apologize for any hurt that I've put you through," Magneto commented in a sincere voice but despite the sincerity, Wanda did not buy it at all.
  She was never going to forgive spending almost half of her life being tormented in that place, being injected with drugs. Wanda raised her hand as she watched Magneto.
  "Leave, just leave, get out of here," Wanda remarked to him, not trusting herself to do anything that was not fatal to him. Her hand began to shake as she stared him down and Harry steadied her.
  Magneto hoped to mend fences with his children, both of them, but it would have to be after mutants took their proper place in the world. His eyes proceeded to follow the progress of the two of them.
  "I will leave but Lorna, I insist that you come with me," Magneto stated as the two of them stared each other down. "If you don't come with me, I cannot protect you."
  "Father of the year, indeed," Wanda stated as she stared down her father with an angry glare. "Give your youngest daughter an ultimatum after throwing your oldest into an Asylum because she did not toe the line. You make Norman Osborn look sane."
  Magneto's eyes flared with anger and he struggled to keep his temper in check.
  "I'd kindly ask you not to compare me to that psychopath, Wanda," Magneto stated as the metal started to rattle around them. The Master of Magnetism kept himself calm.
  "You can leave, while you're ahead, Erik," Harry told him as the X-Men and Harry's team circled him. There was a sense that the battle had gotten even more intense. "Just think about it."
  Lorna was conflicted about what she should do.
  "You can come, join the X-Men," Kurt remarked to them as he looked at Lorna.
  "Do not join the X-Men, you will be another casualty of Xavier's shattered dream," Magneto warned her.
  Lorna's face spread with confusion. She looked from Magneto to Kurt.
  "Or you could join Harry's group, don't worry, he'd take good care of you," Wanda remarked to Lorna and her eyes turned towards Harry's.
  His green eyes were something that she found that she could get herself lost in for a while but she shook her head to clear it. Now was not the time to think about something like that, she had a decision to make, for better or for worse.
  "I don't know," Lorna offered as she threw her hands up.
  "I understand, it's hard a hard decision to make," Harry told her in a gentle tone of voice as she looked into his eyes.
  "I guess....I don't know," Lorna commented in a shaky tone of voice.
  "Take your time," Harry commented, as both the X-Men and Harry's group were agreement.
  "It is wise to pick a side...."
  Wanda turned towards her father and he stepped back as he beckoned for Lorna to follow him. The young girl was confused out of her wits and this was not getting any easier.
  "I want to stay here," Lorna told them all and Harry's face spread into a smile as he looked her over.
  "You stay here, you will make yourself a target for them," Magneto warned her but the girl stared back at him defiantly.
  "I won't abandon my mother," Lorna stated firmly, she was nervous about these powers and what they meant, but her mother was in bad health.
  "Very well, but know that sooner or later, you're going to have to make a decision," Magneto offered and without another word he turned around.
  The rest of the Acolytes were gone, they decided to get whilst the getting was good and Harry watched him leave. Wanda's expression was one of surprise.
  "Are you just going to let him...."
  "After today, he's thinking about everything that happened, I can feel it," Harry remarked and Jean's eyebrow raised towards him.
  "And if you're wrong?" Jean inquired to him.
  Harry shrugged and kept his eyes on her. "Then I'm wrong, and so be it."
  Somehow, Harry did not think that he was wrong but if he was, it would be his cross and his consequences to bare.
  "Are you okay?" Harry asked Lorna after everything had settled down. He used his magic to repair the damages.
  Lorna tried to keep herself calm but she was a teenage girl and was prone to random attacks of hormones.
  "Yes....I'm fine," Lorna managed to Harry as she fixed her eyes onto his and nodded. "It's just a shock, it's all."
  "It normally is," Harry agreed as he leaned forward. Wanda, Jean, Laura, and Megan sat around with him. "It's hard to realize that you're different. I didn't want to believe it when I found out about what I was."
  "It was a shock to you," Lorna commented in a light tone and his smile widened.
  "You have no idea," Harry remarked although he figured that this could be referring to any number of potential revelations regarding his powers and she would be completely on the money. His green eyes flickered with enjoyment and mirth as he kept his eyes on the green haired girl next to him. "I understand your mother's medical bills are becoming too expensive?"
  "Yes, but....we're managing, fine," Lorna remarked.
  Laura snorted, she might be a nice girl, which meant since she was a nice girl, she was utterly pants at being a liar. She did not even need super senses to know that.
  "Lorna, we're friends, we're here to help," Jean commented with a smile as she watched her.
  "And family too, family should help out each other," Wanda commented to her younger sister and there was a nervous expression that appeared on Lorna's face as she surveyed her older sister with trepidation.
  "You mean....you're not mad about what happened," Lorna offered.
  Wanda waved it off. "Lorna...my father....whatever happened between him and your mother....I don't know. Although whatever happened couldn't be your fault because you weren't even born yet, so I can hardly blame you at all for it."
  Lorna was glad, she really was. She thought for a minute that Wanda was going blast her, both figuratively and literally. Yet she remained cool and collected and she was glad for it. She could not state that fact enough.
  "Thank you, I really appreciate it," Lorna commented as she ran her hand through her hair and she looked at this group. It did not escape her notice that Harry was the only male in this group.
  Of course if they were competent and worked together, who was she to complain about the interesting team dynamic? This team....
  "So what are you calling yourselves?" Lorna asked.
  Megan smiled at that. "We're a work in progress."
  Lorna shrugged, that was their business, who would really fault them if they did not have an official, official team name.
  "The Team is always looking to expand, although I find that females work best with the dynamic that we have set up," Harry commented to her with a smile.
  'I see we're dropping all pretext here,' Jean offered to Harry and his expression flickered into a bright smile.
  'Well, we might as well, because we know what the score is,' Harry responded to her through the link as he placed his hands on the side of his face and looked at Lorna who was looking curious. 'And I think we should avoid doing the mental talking thing in front of people who aren't in the know.'
  'So...you're offering to pay for my mother's medical bills?" Lorna asked Harry, unable to believe that someone would be so generous to do such a thing. It was almost too good to be true.
  "Yes, I will, given the problems that you're family has gone through and I'll do what I can to make sure that the Friends of Humanity don't bother you but I can't promise that you'll be one hundred percent safe," Harry told her and she nodded.
  Harry thought that even the most powerful of them would be at risk and he was among the most powerful of them. He thought about it, all of the times that he was put in peril. He leaned forward and handed her a watch.
  "Use this to summon me if you run into any trouble," Harry stated and she eyed him. "You need to wear it at all times but it's charmed so no one but you could remove it."
  "Functional and stylish, very nice," Lorna told him with a thinly veiled grin passing over her face.
  "I figured that you'd like it," Harry told her as he leaned back in the chair and peered up. "And there is one more condition that I wish to give you before we all leave."
  "Name it, anything," Lorna commented to Harry but she stopped and stared, she could not believe how needy she sounded.
  "Nothing major but you do have powers and you should learn how to use them," Harry informed her and Lorna's expression watched him, pausing and the nodding. "I'll do what I can to help you learn them."
  "I'd like that," Lorna stated, she might not be too gung-ho about her powers but the fact that she could learn to control them would lead to less accidents. Her eyes widened and paused before she said something to them. "So....what about...him?"
  "And by him, you mean Magneto," Laura offered and Lorna nodded.
  Wanda decided to field this one. "If he gives you any trouble, he'll live to regret it."
  Lorna felt conflict wash over her. On one hand, she would have liked to learn more about her biological father but if she judged what this group was telling her to be true, she was not sure if she wanted to learn all that much about him. It was a Catch 22 thing.
  "I'll leave you Lorna, good luck, and we'll be seeing you soon," Harry commented.
  All of the group said their goodbyes as Harry turned around.
  'Another one for the cult of the Star Child,' Jean commented mentally to Harry and he stopped, stared.
  'Only time will tell Jean, only time will tell,' Harry remarked through the mental link to her as he wondered what his next adventure would bring.
  "It seems like the more things happen, the deeper you get in," Gwen commented to Harry and the green eyed wizard smiled as he walked side by side with Gwen outside of Midtown High.
  Harry was enjoying a brief bit of downtime, so he suspected that something was going to hit him twice as hard. The blonde walking beside him.
  "Don't tell Kara, but I've got the tickets, her and Kitty are both going to freak," Harry told Gwen and she smiled.
  "Was there any doubt that you would get the tickets?" Gwen informed Harry and the emerald eyed wizard shook his head, no there was not a shadow of a doubt of his mind that he would get his hands on those tickets. "It seems like everyone in the school is going to the concert, it's about a month or so away."
  "Yes, three days before Halloween," Harry remarked as Gwen nodded.
  "I can't believe anyone would be so uptight about some pop star," Chloe stated as she joined Harry and Gwen. The blonde who was sans the black headband was in a huffy mode. "I mean....sure she's not auto-tuned to hell like the rest of them but....seriously, she's.....well okay she's okay, does all kinds of charity work, and takes time to talk with her fans, never denies any one of them an autograph but still....it's kind of....I just can't believe it."
  "Are we masking our disappointment that we did not get tickets?" Gwen asked to Chloe with a smile and Chloe's expression twisted into a grimace. "And you have Bedazzled set as the ringtone on your phone, so you can't fool me Chloe."
  "I don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about," Chloe commented in an evasive tone.
  Harry's face contorted into a wide grin a she faced Chloe and the blonde's expression flickered towards his for a few seconds as she kept watching him.
  "I got you and Gwen tickets," Harry remarked to Chloe.
  Chloe smiled and then she threw her arms around Harry, hugging him tightly.
  "Thanks Harry, you're the greatest," Chloe remarked as she turned around and moved off. She had to follow a story.
  "Is she trying to expose the Friends of Humanity as KKK lite still?" Harry asked to Gwen and Gwen smiled at him as they stood next to each other. She reached to the side and grabbed her boyfriend's hand.
  "Yes, but....our principal is threatening to put the kibosh on her, so we're going to have to do this...discreetly," Gwen remarked as she closed her eyes. "I'd say use the Internet but no one believes anything that they read on there."
  "You'd be surprised," Harry said as he took a few seconds to get a good look at Gwen and the blonde's smile intensified to the point where it could light up entire villages.
  "The good news is we're not alone in this...." Gwen remarked as she spun around and she saw a man with dark hair dressed in a suit. His suit had three buttons on it, configured into an upside triangle and she stepped forward towards him. "Doctor Fine!"
  "Miss Stacy," the teacher stated in a calm and really stoic tone of voice. "I would once again offer my support in doing anything that I can making sure the Friends of Humanity and the MRD don't cause any problems."
  "Harry, this is Doctor Milton Fine, our history teacher," Gwen informed him and she smiled as she turned around. "Doctor Fine, this is Harry Potter."
  "A pleasure to meet you," Fine commented in a voice that was devoid of any emotion whatsoever. "Self-made by the age of eighteen, it's quite an accomplishment, Mr. Potter."
  "I do my best," Harry remarked.
  "No need to be modest, given your superiority to all males in your age group," Fine commented as he watched Harry. "I hope that we figure out a way to stop the Friends of Humanity because a group like that shouldn't exist in the 21st century."
  "Well we need all the help in....what we're doing," Gwen offered and Harry smiled, he was looking closely at Fine.
  "I apologize for being so sudden but I must depart," Fine remarked as he turned around. "A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Potter and I'll see you in class, Miss Stacy."
  When Fine was finally out of an earshot, Harry turned towards Gwen.
  "I don't trust him," Harry remarked to Gwen and the blonde's expression grew exasperated, somehow she was not really surprised by these words that came out of Harry's mouth.
  "Yeah, I figured as much," Gwen commented to Harry as she bit down on her lip and Harry was not about to elaborate any more about what he meant by not trusting him.
  "It's just....when did he show up anyway?" Harry asked Gwen.
  Gwen smiled. "Last month, beginning of the school year, I though it was weird too, but he's written books and everything. You'd think he wouldn't slum it at a high school."
  "Again, it's very suspicious," Harry remarked to Gwen and she smiled.
  "Well you'd think that an odd number of clouds in the sky would be suspicious," Gwen offered him and Harry could not resist firing back with another response.
  "Well, you never know what might be in the air," Harry remarked to her. "The problem is....with everything out there, I can't afford to blindly trust someone who comes out of nowhere. And you know why."
  Gwen knew why, she knew better than most why Harry's trust was lacking with everyone. The blonde switched subjects.
  "So, you've got your meeting with the mysterious Karen Starr this weekend," Gwen told Harry and the emerald eyed wizard responded with a nod.
  "Yes, it has to do with my and Kara's heritage," Harry told Gwen after he place a privacy barrier around the both of them. "STARR Labs is set up and I want to know why. I'm piecing together more about the Church but there's a lot more that I haven't picked up yet."
  Gwen smiled. "Any new information."
  "I'll tell you over milkshakes," Harry remarked to Gwen as the two of them smiled. "It's pretty hot out here, isn't it?"
  "Yeah, just a little," Gwen remarked as she felt that they hit the triple digits, which was weird for September weather.
  "So I haven't seen Peter in a while, is he okay?" Harry asked to Gwen.
  "He's self loathing about the entire symbiote mess but other than that, he's doing fine, perfectly normal," Gwen remarked to Harry and he smiled once more.
  "Good," Harry said as the two of them walked off to discuss things further.
  To Be Continued.
  Thor, Frog of Thunder
  Chapter Thirteen: Thor Frog of Thunder.
  "Well, you're keeping busy," Gwen remarked to Harry with a smile crossing her face as the two of them sat next to each other. Kara joined them a little bit later. They had briefly thought about having Kara join in on public high school but Harry decided that might not for the best and she would be bore doing such a thing.
  So Harry had her take her exams to get her the accreditation that she needed and some forged papers thanks to some strings that Harry pulled gave Kara the identity she needed in this world.
  "I just glad I've gotten a day where I could mostly catch my breath," Harry remarked as a grin crossed his face and Gwen raised an eyebrow at the mostly part before Harry decided to elaborate for her. "It just seems like that I'm forever doing things.....that I'd wish that I did not have to do."
  Gwen motioned for him to elaborate.
  "I've had to clean up a few messes and put out more than a few fires that I'd rather not have to deal with," Harry told her and Gwen smiled in a sympathetic voice. "The fact that two people have blamed me for destruction....although I've figured out what Kang's problem was with me."
  Gwen watched him and now she was curious. "What is...."
  "The timeline....changed somehow, someone or something brought damage to our future but Kang's past and that caused waves to fluctuate through his timeline," Harry remarked as he continued. "For some reason, the alternate timeline theory did not work or maybe it did, as the temporal waves shifted Kang over one timeline. Regardless, it caused him more problems than ever before."
  Gwen looked at him as did Kara.
  "You two are getting all of this so far, aren't you?" Harry asked them and both blondes responded with crisp nods as they kept their eyes locked onto Harry's.
  "Yeah, we've got it," Kara remarked to Harry with a grin crossing her face.
  "Yep, got it, one hundred percent, no problem, continue," Gwen said to Harry as she paused and then fired off a question. "So, what you're saying is the reason why Kang has a mad on for you is not any of your fault."
  "Well, I'm sure I've done something to him in his past, my future, it just seems like the type of thing that happens, but this is the first time we've met," Harry commented to both females who answered with nods. "However, I found something in that ship, or rather someone."
  Gwen's expression raised with an eyebrow and she encouraged Harry to continue with a wave of her hand. Harry did decide to inform her of it.
  "Apparently, our would-be conqueror was married and he had been trying to keep his wife....together from getting wiped out from the timeline," Harry remarked as he kept his eyes on both of them.
  "Oh, is that one of the things that you tried to keep out of the hands of Fury?" Kara asked Harry and the emerald eyed sorcerer nodded.
  "Among many things, although Stark and Richards might be trustworthy enough to take a look at the technology, once I've got some of the more....problematic technology hashed out," Harry offered them and both girls nodded.
  "And there's no telling if anyone picked up something when you weren't looking," Gwen said and Harry sighed. Gwen hastily amended her tone. "And that's not me trying to scare you but...."
  "I know," Harry offered as he took a drink at the milk shake. He had no idea what even the simplest of the 41st century technology would be like and given someone like Kang, there was no sense of how far he went back in his future to acquire technology that was even more advanced. He seemed like the type to acquire technology from all time and Harry was still very much trying to figure out how all of the technology worked.
  "But, everything should come out fine," Kara remarked as she shifted in her seat, the milk mustache across her face. "I want to know about these people....if they're....trustworthy or not."
  "You've been hanging around Harry too much, it's starting to corrupt your innocence," Gwen commented to Kara and the blonde shrugged.
  Harry smiled; it was good that Kara was learning not to trust everything at face value although he did hope that she would retain a fair deal of her innocence as time went on. It would be unfair to leave her to the extent where she would be corrupted too much. The green eyed wizard clasped his hand tightly around Kara's and he reached forward.
  "I hope....I hope that we'll find out more," Harry said, the fact that an entire cult sprung up around him and there was hints that it went deeper, well that was interesting and not to mention it was quite nerve racking.
  The Boy-Who-Lived myth, well that was actually worse in some respects. Harry smiled as he thought about some of the absurdity that sprung up around that myth. There were times where he could get a laugh or two off of how completely nuts the rest of the world was regarding him. He smiled as he thought about it.
  "Well, you're in a spot that most men would give their right nut for," Gwen offered to Harry and the wizard would have to agree, he was in that nice position that many would kill for.
  "I think that I'll come to the bottom of this one way or another," Harry said, it felt like a jigsaw puzzle with a few of the pieces missing and he had to arrange everything around to fit where he wanted to. His green eyes flickered with intensity and he kept bringing himself to the point where he thought that he accumulated all the answers but everyone kept changing the questions.
  Harry had another thought that he wanted to bring with Gwen.
  "So....the Friends of Humanity, they're getting bad," Harry said.
  Gwen smiled in spite of herself. "I....I think that they're thinking that they're untouchable. It's all fun and games until someone slaps you with a multimillionaire lawsuit."
  "And I suspect that a family who doesn't like mutants being accused of being mutie lovers would be defamation of character in this current political climate," Harry told Gwen and the blonde's head inclined with a smile.
  "I'd agree," Gwen told him with a smile at the thought of that.
  He was thinking that things were going to just begin.
  Little did he know how correct he was.
  Kara and Harry agreed to make this trip alone, they were looking for more answers regarding what was found out about them on their way to Earth. Both young Kryptonians walked with a purpose and Harry saw Kara's shoulder slump. She was normally bold and brave but there was something about her stance that indicated that she was more than nervous. Harry reached towards her and pulled an arm around her shoulder.
  "It's going to be fine Kara, trust me," Harry told her.
  "I know, Har," Kara said as she let her breath out and she saw the large imposing building. It looked to be like every research lab on Earth all rolled into one but there was more to it than met the eye.
  Harry noticed Kara's intense studying so he was the one who spoke. "Should we take the plunge?"
  Kara bit down on her lip and nodded, she was ready to step inside and take that plunge, for better or for worse. The blonde allowed Harry to lead the way and she followed behind him. Grabbing the handle of the STARR labs facility, he stepped inside followed by Kara. The green eyed wizard walked up to the front of the desk where a fairly attractive Chinese girl that Harry blinked a few times as he saw her.
  'Surely a coicedence,' Harry thought to himself as he placed a hand to himself.
  "Yes, may I help you?" the girl asked to him and Harry smiled.
  "I'm Harry Potter, this is Kara Potter, and we're here to see Karen Starr," Harry remarked to her and the secretary's eyes widened as she placed her hands on the edge of the desk and looked to be faint, as if she was trying to catch her breath.
  "Yes, she's been expecting you give me a second," she stated as she placed her hands on the desk and tapped the intercom. "Miss Starr, Mr. Potter is here to see you."
  A voice that sounded so similar to Kara's crept up and that was eerie. "Yes, Miss Chang, tell him to come up to my office, I'll be waiting for him, I was just concluding a meeting with another client in fact they were just leaving."
  Harry stepped towards the elevator along with Kara and kept shaking his head. If he did not personally believe in coincidences, he was really thinking that he was visited with one. Never the less, his green eyes were forward as they decided to make their way up to the forward.
  "This is creepy," Kara whispered to him.
  "You can say that again," Harry remarked to her.
  "Oh, okay,' Kara told him as she smiled. "This is creepy."
  Harry did not bother clarifying that was not what he met and he grabbed Kara around the hand as the two of them made their way up.
  He arrived and saw a couple of SHIELD agents making their way towards the stairs, very horrified. The emerald eyed enchanter watched them as they took the steps about two at a time, nearly tripping in their angered haste. Perhaps Harry was losing all sense of himself but he was beginning to piece together everything that was going on around him. His green eyes flickered with even more amusement as he twisted his head around and followed them, catching a few snatches of their conversation down the hallway.
  "She's going to need to understand that SHIELD needs this facility for security reasons."
  Harry knew that was never good, anything being done for the reasons of security. More often than not, it blew up in their faces and Kara wondered about this as well.
  They reached the edge of the hallway and the office at the very end of the hallway was one of Karen Starr's. Harry reached up and knocked on the door.
  "Come on!" Karen called from the other side of the office and the green eyes of Harry Potter widened in surprise.
  He opened the office door and saw Karen bent over on the edge of her desk, shuffling through a few papers. He was allowed a lingering view of her ass as she slowly turned around. Harry caught a good expression on her as he saw the golden blonde hair that was shoulder length frame her face. There was a pair of blue eyes that was behind her glasses and her lips were a delicious shade of red. They looked rather full and juicy as well and Harry's eyes fixed around, to see the top of her blouse opened to reveal quite a generous amount of cleavage.
  The blue blouse was wrapped around a large pair of breasts that looked extremely firm and Harry's eyes froze for a few seconds on that area and he could tell that Kara's did as well. The shirt shifted a tiny bit to show a toned stomach and the black skirt wrapped snugly around her tight ass. The black stockings went down her legs as they wrapped around her legs, they were muscular but at the same time they were extremely sensual.
  Karen saw where their eyes were locked and she dangled her high heel shoe from her feel, slowing, her stockings clad tightly to her leg. She twisted her head towards them and gave a rather prominent clearing of her throat.
  "Miss Starr, it's an honor to meet you," Harry told her and blonde's expression turned with a wide smile towards him.
  "The feeling is mutual," Karen told him as she bounced up and he could have sworn that her body swayed on purpose. They walked the progress of her breasts. "We've been waiting a long time for you to come public....although some longer than others."
  Karen kept her eyes on Harry, tracing the visual buffet that was his body up and down, a smile crossing her face as she pulled her arms over her chest and she kept watching him. Subconsciously she adjusted her skirt which showed a bit more of her leg.
  "I've heard rumors about me," Harry remarked as he stepped towards her and Karen felt a flush as he closed the gap between them. "I've heard rumors that there was a message that was left here regarding me eighteen years ago."
  "Yes, before your arrival, or so it seems," Karen remarked, she was not going to mention how she remembered how things were before the collision. Although Harry being the stabilizing influence that would allow this version of her cousin to achieve the full potential, she was on board with.
  Although he was mostly Lara and Lily, with most Jor-El influence negated. Karen thought that both Harry and Kal, while having the ability to be greater heroes, they had certain flaws alone that caused them to not reach their full potential. This Har-Rell entity, he was the greatest of two halves of a whole. The blonde also thought that it didn't help.
  She pulled through the drawer and found the journal that had been left by Doctor Swann and cracked it open.
  "Left before Doctor Swann died," Karen informed them as she flipped it open. She flipped through and read through the symbols. "The one that will change the world will arrive to lead humanity to a new age and will be around until the end of time."
  "The end of time, that could be a long time," Harry remarked to Karen and the blonde's lips twitched into a smile as she placed her hand on the table and flipped through the journal.
  "There are also rumors of a great darkness that comes after the Apocalypse," Karen stated as she flipped through more notes.
  A lot of this never came to pass in her dimension and she nervously edged her way through the notebook as she slapped it down on the table for them.
  "Three keys, releases the first which brings forth an Apocalypse, and his fall brings force the Darkness," Harry remarked as he read through the journal.
  Karen watched Harry and her younger self, who was humming underneath her breath, the latest Alison Blaire hit. The older blonde shook her head and wondered if she was that goofy when she was that age. Kara leaned back on the chair as Harry kept reading through the journal, trying to piece together more information regarding what was on the line. His green eyes burned with determination.
  "Catch Twenty Two," Harry remarked as he slammed the journal shot. "Mind if I make a copy of this?"
  "No....in fact take it, it may help you through the upcoming tribulations," Karen offered to Harry as she placed a hand on her hip and sighed with a frustrated expression swimming over her face. She wished she could give him more information. "The coming of Kang told me one thing....the things that were foretold will come to pass, the good and the bad."
  "And we'll be ready for them," Harry told them, he was not speaking for just for him, not just for Kara, but the entire world at large.
  "And I wish you the best of luck with that," Karen remarked to them as she reached towards him and shook his head. She felt his strong grip and she did the same thing with Kara.
  Although it was really weird staring face to face with what was essentially a younger version of herself but all things considered, Karen took it in a great strides.
  "And you're welcomed to come here if you need any help all of the time," Karen informed them and Harry smiled as he watched her way.
  His eyes locked onto caused Karen to feel all warm and fuzzy inside and the blonde was thinking more about everything that was happening. She felt a flushing go through her and Harry grabbed her hand tightly.
  "I'll take you up on that, but until then, have a good day," Harry remarked as he leaned towards her and teased a kiss but then pulled back, acting as if he was readjusting the pencil cup on her desk. Karen watched him with an exasperated expression dancing in her eyes before he marked in a would be casual voice. "It's crooked."
  "Yeah, I can see that," Karen said to him as she checked her watch. "Don't think I'm kicking you out of here...."
  "I've got another appointment to go to, another contact of mind requested a meeting and she's been trying to get me to fit her in, I figure that there's no time to waste," Harry said as he leaned forward and smiled towards her.
  "Right, right," Karen said as she tried not to seem too desperate in the face of this man, no this god, that was in front of her.
  "Bye, see you later," Kara remarked in a bright voice as she stepped forward and acted like she was going to kiss Karen goodbye. Then she paused and turned around the stack of papers on the desk.
  "Crooked?" Karen asked as she corked an eyebrow and Kara barely kept the smile off of her face.
  "Yes," she agreed as she grabbed Karen's skirt and shifted it, making sure to cause Karen to flash her panties at Harry for a brief moment. Whether it was an intentional gesture or an accidental one, Karen had no idea and she could have sworn that Kara winked at her. "And so was this....you could catch a draft. We wouldn't want anything to happen to you, or Harry and I might come back and have to nurse you back to health."
  Karen said nothing although that did seem like an enticing proposal.
  Kara did not even bother to tell the next statement to Harry as they were out of an earshot.
  "So, when are you going to add her to your collective?" Kara whispered as she watched Harry for his reaction.
  Harry smiled towards Karen. "Sooner or later."
  "Good thing that you've mastered those Multiple Man powers," Kara commented to him with a smile as she thought that she would not personally rest until every single attractive woman in the world was under Har-Rell's thumb. And then they would worry about the rest of the universe, although her and M'gann were a wonderful start. There were numerous alien races out there with a multitude of hot women. There were whispers that there was also entire Alien Corps of them but Kara had no idea how true that was. It was just bits and pieces she heard at school on Krypton.
  Thara Ak-var was the one who clued her in on most of these things. Kara smiled, thinking of her friend, well the good times that they shared at least. She was saddened when she apparently perished as Kandor disappeared off of the map. Terrorists likely destroyed it, the blonde thought that was a huge part of the reason why Krypton went the way it did. It was a chain reaction, even though it was only a few months ago from her own perspective, eighteen long years had passed since its destruction.
  Harry spotted the person standing at the foot of the stairs, dressed in a blue business suit and high heels.
  "Excuse me," Harry remarked and she spun her head around to focus her eyes around.
  "No, don't apologize, I was the one that was in your way," she remarked as she stepped forward and extended her hand. "Helena Wayne."
  Harry thought that last name sounded fairly familiar but he said nothing, at least not now.
  "So, you're here to meet Miss Starr?" Harry asked.
  "Yes, we were old friends in college," Helena stated, certainly it was a year but she left for her world tour after that and that was six years ago, having returned about six months ago. Six months after her other identity was getting established as an urban legend, following in the footsteps of her late father. "She was a great friend to me, after what happened to our parents, both of them."
  "Oh that's right, your parents died, I remember reading about that," Harry commented, he was looking up some of the richest people in the world and Helena's name popped up on that list constantly. His green eyes flickered towards her and she smiled. "Mine did to when I was young."
  "A lot of them seems to be going around," Helena offered to them. "My father was a great detective, my mother was a thief. They met when my father was trying to bust my mother for a heist."
  It had been ten long years since her father died in his never ending pursuit for the mission. It was a wonder that her mother tied him down. Helena's father was messily murdered when several of the mobsters that he stopped banded together and destroyed him. As for her mother, well they never found the body, but still evidence stated that the chances that she survived was not good.
  "And I've neglected to introduce myself, I'm Harry....Harry Potter," Harry told her and Helena's interest was piqued.
  "Self made billionaire by the age of eighteen, your hard work is appreciated," Helena stated as the twenty three year old socialite turned towards him and noticed how much his companion resembled a younger version of Karen, although with brown hair instead of blonde. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Potter."
  "You too, Miss Wayne," Harry remarked as he reached forward and gripped Helena's hand tightly as he squeezed it, shaking it. The two of them smiled at each other.
  "I'll be letting you two get on with your day then," Helena commented with a wide smile across her face as she allowed him to move off.
  Kara and Harry returned. Kara returned to the Stronghold but Harry had a meeting that he did need to attend. His work was never done.
  "You've....had quite the notoriously busy schedule, Mr. Potter."
  The two of them met at a mutually agreed upon meeting place. Their first meeting, while brief, had gotten the ball rolling for something else. Harry sat across from her at a private booth, an intimate setting with the two of them.
  Of course, this was not the most intimate setting that Emma Frost had met Harry Potter in recently, although she was more of a casual observer than anything. Although, she would not observe for much longer if she played her cards right. The Martian Girl....well the telepathic feedback she gave out when she was in heat could be felt....well on Mars.
  Emma's blonde hair was tied back in a bun and she wore a pair of sunglasses to maintain some form of being incognito. The white jacket she wore, offset the white blouse, and the tight white pants that she wore. She drummed her fingers on the table with a smile on her face.
  "Well, you know, we have a lot to do, a lot to keep busy with," Harry remarked to her and Emma nodded with a smile, it was a knowing smile. It was a smile that was fitting of Emma Frost and the blonde kept her glance locked on Harry's. His green eyes followed her blue eyes and the two of them remained equally calm, never backing up from what the either said.
  "Yes, we are along the same lines, the both of us," Emma answered as she placed her hands on the table and took the drink that had been provided for her. "We are driven in the same ways and we run a school that is geared through an exclusively female student body."
  "Yes, I noticed that about that school of yours down in Massachusetts," Harry remarked to Emma and the blonde once again took another sip of the drink that she had. She kept her eyes firmly locked upon Harry's.
  "It's a tricky scenario, trying to balance all of these things," Emma commented to him with a smile. "I know someone like you, you are going to rise to the challenge, constantly."
  "So, why did you ask me here?" Harry asked to her and he smiled. "I doubt that it was to chat about current events in both of our lives."
  Emma smiled, she found Harry quite refreshing as in he did not play games like the rest of them. The blonde knew that high society could be a completely political game and her blue eyes fixed onto his.
  "To the point, I approve," Emma told him as she prepped herself to tell him the real reason why she turned up. "The point is....well the point is that there are a few students of my school who find the accommodates to be inconvenient. Not because of anything regarding them but how it has brought them so far away from home. I wish to rectify that fact as soon as possible and I'm hoping that you could give me the necessary hand to do so."
  Harry now was really intrigued by this thought and he kept his eyes locked onto those of Emma's, trying to figure out what her game was. It was going to be a completely dangerous game that was for sure. The blonde was not one that was going to go in without having something to her advantage and Harry wanted to figure out what that was. His green eyes kept flickering upon hers and her eyes on his.
  "Continue," Harry offered her waving his hand and that's what Emma did, she continued.
  "A couple of my students....wish to arrange for an exchange, on a temporary basis perhaps, although if they wish for a more permanent arrangement, then I'm certain that something could be worked out," Emma told him.
  "That sounds enticing, please continue," Harry told Emma and the blonde continued to talk about him.
  "One of the students that I can tell you about, her name is Angelica Jones," Emma informed him and Harry's head inclined with a nod for a second. "She is a model student and has the ability to utilize microwaves from her hands."
  "That sounds potentially dangerous," Harry told her and Emma watched him. "If it was not controlled but then again, all mutant powers could be dangerous."
  "Controlled and not controlled, indeed," Emma told him as she found herself staring into his eyes and envisioning all of the things that he could do to her. It was an enticing thought that went through her mind. The blonde's thoughts were of the less PG variety as she continued to dream of what Harry could do to her given the proper motivation. "But she's made strides and is a valuable student. It would be a shame to see her go but I'd hate to lose her to a school that her talents might go wasted.
  Harry did not say anything but Emma's words implied that she meant the Xavier Institute being that place where Angelica's talents could potentially be wasted. Granted, thanks to Storm and Beast, there were some decent teachers still at the school, providing they were allowed to do their jobs. And Logan as well, he was the best in the world at what he did, although the students would feel sore in the morning.
  "Is she the only student, Emma?" Harry asked her.
  "There may be others, Arcane is quite the popular topic of discussion," Emma remarked to him and then she casually dropped the next bombshell. "Of course, you might be second only to the mysterious Star Child. He has stirred quite the fancy of many of the female hearts and minds at the school."
  Harry did not say anything to Emma at this point. He had no idea what she knew and what she did not know. Her mind and her emotions were carefully guarded so Harry was going to ensure that he did not spill his secrets.
  "Well, the Star Child is a mystery, then again, one would think that the White Queen would be a mystery as well," Harry told her as he reached towards her.
  "Well, mysteries are around the world," Emma commented, as she barely hit the knowing smile that she had on her face. She spoke a little more as Harry remained silent. "I hope that we allow these meetings to happen a bit more often. Perhaps if our schedules align, we could go into more intimate details about what we could do together."
  "And we could form a strong partnership between the two of us," Harry remarked and Emma's expression turned to a smile.
  "Yes, the two of us, we would be able to do a lot together," Emma informed him, rapping her knuckles against the table with the smile not even fading a little bit. "I trust you know the potential of the two of us together."
  Harry smiled, he knew the potential. He could tell Emma's thoughts swam wild.
  "I'll talk to you later, Emma," Harry remarked as he grabbed her hand and took it into his. He leaned forward, and planted a chaste kiss on her hand.
  "We will talk later, and more," Emma offered to him.
  Harry returned to the Stronghold and he heard a loud clatter.
  He was pretty sure that there was no one could have broken in. His eyes kept locked onto the moving figure off to the side. Harry's hands were placed on his hips as he watched the progress of the frog, which appeared to be Lockheed's main course.
  Harry blinked, it was no ordinary frog. It had blonde hair and Asgardian armor. There was something....something extremely wrong about this situation.
  'Okay, it's dressed like Thor, acts like Thor, and talks like Thor so....well I'll be fucked,' Harry thought to himself.
  'Hmm,' Jean thought through to him.
  'Jean, you're not going to believe this but we have a situation,' Harry commented as he turned around.
  "Lockheed, don't chase the toad," Harry said in an authorities tone of voice and the dragon's activities ceased, although his eyes continued to follow the progress of the toad, a hungry gaze in its eyes.
  The frog looked up.
  "So, Thor, I see my security system has taken creative liberties with you," Harry remarked but the Asgard God turned frog's expression was aghast.
  "No, I was like this before I even entered your sanctum," Thor commented in a brisk tone of voice, as Kara, Kitty, Jean, and Wanda turned up to meet him.
  "Wait....wait, this is Thor?" Kitty asked in numb shock.
  "Yes, this is Thor," Harry remarked, it was very hard to keep from being amused, although this was a serious situation.
  "What happened?" Wanda asked to them and the green eyes of Harry flashed for the briefest second with mirth and amusement.
  "Why don't we allow Thor to tell the tale of that?" Harry suggested. "And I'll see if I can find a way to reverse his ailment."
  "Aye, yes, it is a tale worthy of the great epics," Thor commented as the frog swayed on the ground.
  They prepared to do just that but Kitty stopped and stared, before she placed her hands on her hips and gave the dragon a stern look.
  Lockheed crouched down, an ashamed look on his face.
  "Well, this is quite the predicament," Peve remarked as Harry spoke to her.
  "Well, I could guess this the moment that Thor showed up as a frog," Harry remarked to him. "What in the hell happened?"
  "I believe this trickery was the work my brother, Loki," Thor commented as the frog continued to bounce up and down. He had the strongest temptation to eat a nice, juicy fly but he shook it off. His expression flickered from one side of the room to the other.
  "And there is no way to revert him back to the Thor we knew," Harry remarked but then he paused. "Come to think of it, how did he get in here in the first place?"
  Lily jumped on with an explanation for him. "Well....there's a fundamental flaw within the security system that we're correcting now....it doesn't register a frog as a potential threat."
  "Well, that's a flaw if there ever was one," Kitty remarked in a dry voice.
  "Yes, well you can speak of this later, now we must focus on what my brother is doing," Thor remarked to them and Thor's expression was not one that would leave their faces any time soon. It was the height of hilarity that he was turned into a frog but he still retained much of his tactics.
  "Why go to us know, why not go the Avengers?" Jean asked him.
  Thor had an answer for that one. "My fellow Avengers....they have been having trouble against a new team of super villains who have calling themselves the Masters of Evil."
  "Well, Masters of Evil, that really doesn't leave any room for interpretation," Wanda remarked in a light tone of voice. She wondered about these villains sometimes, especially those who had the word "evil" in their team name. It just seemed outlandish and absurd.
  "I'm going to tell you this right now, so you do not waste ample time and resources, it may be impossible to release me from this spell that Loki put me under," Thor commented but there was a wide smile that passed over Harry's face. Thor did not get the significance of it, at least yet. "Why are you so jubilant about?"
  "I thrive on the impossible," Harry told him firmly.
  Plans were made and Harry prepared to find a way to reverse Thor's curse. He had books, knowledge, and also the Sorcerer Supreme on speed dial. So he figured that was enough for him to counteract whatever Loki did.
  In the realm of Asgard, a set of eyes flickered from one side to the next as a man shifted himself back. He was entombed in a set of shadows and sitting on the throne that once belonged to another. Yet it was obvious why he was here and what he was doing. His green cloaked form sat ready to go with a pair of thorns.
  "Now that my foolish brother has taken a form more fitting with him, I can secure my conquest of Asgard and continue forth to the other realms," the trickster commented through the shadows.
  He was the brother of Thor, Loki, and he spelled bad news for anyone who got in his way. He thought that his plan was coming together quite magnificently all things considered. His eyes flickered with amusement as he turned his expression around and he prepared to go forth with the next phase of his plot.
  "Soon, it will all be mine," Loki commented to himself in the shadows.
  "You speak too soon Loki, but then again, given the rumors, being premature is one of your qualities that you indulge in so often."
  Loki turned his head a fraction of an inch and annoyance crossed his face as he saw the witch in the shadows. Golden hair framed her face, along with bright blue eyes. She wore a green outfit that hugged against her ample curves in the star of Asgard. She wore a head piece that offset it and the nasty expression on her face also added to the atmosphere that she presented.
  Standing beside her was a large mountain of a man with thick shoulders, a balding head, and a mustache that would put most men to shame. He clutched an axe in his hand as he placed it upon the ground.
  "Amora, my dear, you overcomplicate what is a simple manner," Loki commented as he drummed his fingers against the edge of the throne that he sat on. Odin snoozed away in the room, trapped under a spell that continue to make him a nonentity. The armies had retreated, many having been captured, some slain, and others had kneeled before Loki, as it should have been.
  "I don't see anything but complicates, Thor still lives, Thor still breaths, therefore Thor and his allies on Earth could still challenge you," Amora told Loki in a bored tone as she sighed. She was going to be perfectly honest, she knew that trusting Loki was akin to sticking her hand in a pit of snakes but sometimes one had to make a deal with the devil, so to speak.
  Sanity told her against doing so but sometimes one wished to do something that sanity advised them against. The woman's eyes flowed with the amazing amount of power, that was beyond anything that was present in most. She calculated every single instant in her mind and she knew one thing, beyond all else and that was that she had her victory in the palm of her hand, if she should decide to snatch it.
  "Amora, you must exhibit patience, don't worry, I have everything under my control," Loki remarked to her as he sat on the throne.
  "Control, that's a funny word for a plan that could come undone," Amora commented as she waved her hand and showed Loki the images that flickered before him. She had to admit, she found Loki far more appealing when he got in touch with his feminine side. "Look who is coming."
  "The Star Child," Loki remarked as he clutched his hand. "No matter, it's no matter, the myth of his prowess is grandly exaggerated."
  Amora's face contorted into a smile, to be honest, she had been awaiting the arrival of the Star Child for quite some time and word reached her ears thanks to associates on Midgard that he was coming. "I can assure you Loki, nothing about the Star Child's prowess is exaggerated at all, in any sense of the word."
  Regardless of that warning, Loki prepped himself, he had an army, he had the power of the Odin Force, what more did he need?
  To Be Continued in the Next Chapter "Loki's Gambit."
  Gambit of Loki Part Two
  Chapter Fourteen: The Gambit of Loki Part One.
  An explosion resounded out in all directions as Iron Man smashed hard against a wall. He winced for a moment but managed to adjust his footing and shoot back towards one of his enemies, the Crimson Dynamo.
  At first, when these Masters of Evil popped up, he thought that his rogues gallery was having a convention because quite a few of them made up it's membership, people he'd run into in the past, namely Crimson Dynamo, Living Laser, and the Grey Gargoyle.
  "So, these guys....again, isn't this the third time this week?" Hawkeye asked as he sent an arrow to a figure in the shadows and watched at the sweet explosion that came off.
  "Well, it hasn't been that many," Black Widow commented as she went against Bulldozer of the Wrecking Crew. She dodged his attacks and allowed Hulk to knock him back with a huge rocketing punch to the face.
  "It seems like a lot more,' Ms. Marvel commented as she flew over the heads of everyone. With the force of a ton of bricks, she crashed down onto Piledriver with a huge punch to the face. His knees buckled together as he was about to collapse to the ground.
  Captain America returned fire, using his shield to block the blasts of the Living Laser but then he came face to face with someone that he knew very well and the would be leader of the Masters of Evil. Baron Zemo, also a representative of HYDRA fractured as it might be, he wished for revenge on Captain America for what happened in the past.
  Then again, there were more than a few people who wanted revenge on Captain America.
  "This race is over relic! You're time has long since past,' Zemo stated as he drew a sword from it's sheath and charged Captain America.
  "I'll be the judge of that, Zemo," Captain America stated as he blocked the attacks of him. "Who are you working for?"
  Anger flashed through the eyes of the nasty Nazi and he responded in a crisp tone. "I'm an independent agent Captain America. I work only for myself!"
  Crimson Dynamo finally was knocked to the ground with a loud thud as Iron Man disabled his power armor. The Armored Avenger was not going to lie, facing someone like this was never going to be easy.
  Bulldozer went for a shot at Iron Man but Hulk once again dove in and smacked him about.
  "Alright, you and me now," a voice stated and the Hulk turned his head around to come face to face with an enemy that he had a go around with a few times in the past.
  "Gladly," Hulk grunted as he cracked his knuckles and pushed himself forwards to face off with the adversary known simply as the Abomination.
  The Abomination and the Hulk stood face to face. Green and nasty as the Hulk but lacking the heroic spirit of the Hulk, the two adversary's felt out each others defenses by throwing a viscous punch. Both blocked each other's punch and both growled as they continued to trade blows in an attempt to try and gain an upper hand against the other.
  "Little help here," Iron Man stated as he was pinned to a wall of a building by Piledriver of the Wrecking Crew when out of nowhere a fist smashed Piledriver in the jaw knocking him down, and a follow up takedown kept him there. "Nice one Carol."
  "Don't mention it," Ms. Marvel stated as she made sure the Wrecking Crew was wrapped up tightly.
  The members of the Wrecking Crew were all stacked up in a neat little pile and the other members of the Masters of Evil were being taken down one by one. There was no question about it, this was going rather well for the Avengers.
  Well mostly, Baron Zemo rushed out, leaving his team to take the fall.
  "Really, Zemo?" Black Widow commented as she jumped in the air and landed in front of him. He pulled out a gun in an attempt to shoot her but she casually disarmed him causing Zemo to stagger back a little bit. Zemo followed this up by sliding underneath a vicious follow up attack from the Black Widow.
  Iron Man was about to close in but suddenly he heard a loud pop in his head set and then static appeared in his ears. He winced at the sound of it as he tried to adjust the sound piece the most that he could but found that there was no way to properly adjust it.
  "JARVIS....are you there?" Iron Man asked but there was no response.
  "Okay....I don't think any of us expected...." Hawkeye started but words failed him as he stood there, his mouth hung open and a gap. He placed his hands on his side and arched his neck up and watched everything happening around him. The archer placed his hands on the bow and wondered what was going to happen next.
  The answer was a portal opening up above their heads.
  "What is it, what's going on?" Ms. Marvel asked.
  "Don't care, just going to smash," Hulk stated as he saw the blinding flares of light as a creature made of ice appeared from the portal. Then one made of molten lava appeared.
  "Now, that's a cute couple," Hawkeye commented as his eyes followed the progress of these enemies and his heart drummed against his chest. He looked at his arrows, they looked pretty weak when compared to these dangerous enemies. Hawkeye pressed forward and drew the string back to fire never the less.
  Captain America said that, as he ducked his head to avoid a sudden ice blast. He flung his shield out but one of the creatures caught it and flung it down. The lava monster tossed the molten rock but Captain America dodged it.
  "Get any civilians out of here, that's your first priority!" Captain America called in an authoritative tone of voice and Ms. Marvel and Hawkeye nodded.
  They had no idea what these creatures were and Captain America had seen some weird things throughout his time but this took the cake and ate it too. He fought and dodged their attacks. In many ways, the Masters of Evil were a light workout compared to these beasts.
  A loud explosion resounded outwards as large chunks of ice were thrown at them. Iron Man caused a shield to surround his body but his armor was cutting in and out.
  "Oh come, come on, don't fail on me now, come on!" Iron Man shouted frantically as he tapped on the side of his armor and tried to get it working more but it kept fizzling in and out as his counter measures seemed to have no effect. The Armored Avenger's eyes were narrowed in pain as his arc reactor kept acting erratically.
  There was an explosion as a hex bolt knocked one of the creatures back.
  The Scarlet Witch appeared and Wanda surveyed the surroundings around her. Arcane showed up next, along with Phoenix, and Shadowcat. Kara followed behind them, currently lacking a code name. She was dressed in a blue top that wrapped firmly around her body along with a red skirt that showcased her legs, along with a pair of red boots that adorned her feet. The blonde's smile widened as she prepared herself for the situation at hand.
  'Wanda, Kara, help me make sure nothing goes through that portal, Phoenix and Shadowcat, help the Avengers,' Harry thought to them as his green eyes flickered from one side to the next to see all of the enemies around them. His green eyes followed the progress of everything, his heart thumping within his chest, pounding heavily.
  The two girls responded with brisk nods as they circled around the portals and tried to fire off attacks. Wanda's hex bolt struck something that was incoming through the portal but that was the only thing that came through, for now.
  Kara closed her eyes and cued up her super breath by taking a deep breath of air before letting it out in a burst of ice cold air. Harry locked onto the energy signatures of the portal, it was a titanic struggle to get a fix on it. Yet, despite it all, he was struggling to close the link and slam it shut.
  The problem with portals was they tended to take on a stubborn life of their own. As a result it could be increasingly frustrating to get them shut and the emerald eyes of Harry flared with power the entire time as he tried to get it closed. Summoning all the power that he could in an attempt to seal the portal shut.
  Jean summoned all the energy that she was capable of now and knocked the creature for a loop. It took the entire collaborative effort from the team and the Avengers, but somehow, they drove it back.
  Kara and Wanda covered Harry, making sure that nothing would be allowed to pass through the other side of the portal onto Earth.
  'I'm not sure how much more time I can buy you," Wanda thought to him and Harry gritted his teeth as he commented to her.
  'Just a few more seconds Wanda, just a few more seconds, just about there, just about done,' Harry breathed heavily as he sealed the portal shut.
  Jean and Kitty caught Harry in their arms.
  "I'm fine....just drained," Harry commented, as he swore that he fought someone extremely powerful to seal that portal.
  "So.....one might say that we have a problem," Harry remarked as he lead the team to the safe house his mothers had established if he ever needed to meet with people that would not fit the criteria to enter the school.
  Thor's expression, still that of a frog, shifted towards them and the Avengers watched him. It was a mark of how serious the situation was that no one laughed, even though the fact that Thor had been turned into a frog was absolutely outlandish.
  "So....problem, think you might be understating that just a bit?" Carol asked Harry.
  "Well, I was trying to stay optimistic," Harry remarked and several of the Avengers, along with some of Harry's own teammates gave him a surprised look. Kitty in particular got on her tip toes and felt Harry's forehead as if she was checking his temperature.
  "He seems normal," Kitty commented in a light tone of voice as she barely hid the amusement that swam in her eyes.
  "Very funny, Kitty," Harry told her and the brunette lightly kissed him.
  "Ah, you know I love you, totally," Kitty stated and she felt a rush from behind her and she bit her tongue accidentally. She yelped.
  Wanda stood behind acting nonchalant in an attempt to appear innocent of any wrong doing.
  "Well....we've got a slight problem, okay maybe more then a slight one, we need to figure out what's happening with those portals," Harry commented and Thor's expression slipped into one of annoyance.
  "There is no mystery behind these portals, young wizard, it is obvious who is behind them," Thor commented, his bold declarations still coming from a frog and Kara was trying hard not to giggle madly and she was not the only one.
  "Yeah, Froor, just keep it cool, we'll figure this one out," Tony remarked as he eyed him and then turned to Harry as he spoke to him in an undertone. "You are trying to figure out, aren't you?"
  Harry was indignant for a short amount of time but he responded in a crisp and casual tone of voice. "Yeah, Tony, I'm figuring it out....or at least I'm in the process of finding someone who might be able to."
  The fact of the matter was, with Loki having been the one to put Thor under this spell, it was coming to make it extremely difficult to break. His green eyes fixed on the frog before him and there was a thought in his mind, he wondered what would happen if he could not break the spell.
  "Your brother....is there something that you know about him, anything that he could have done, that might give me a hint on how to reverse this curse?" Harry asked Thor and the frog shook his head.
  "If I know Loki....he would have made his trickery to be such that no one could find a way to break it, I would not despair young Potter," Thor commented to him as his tongue caught a fly buzzing in the room. "And these are not half bad."
  "Um, that's more than I needed to know," Carol stated as she clutched the side of her head and shook it.
  Harry was waiting for someone else to come here and sure enough he did not have to wait long. There was a flash of light to signify the arrival of his expert.
  "Harry, sorry for the delay," Doctor Strange remarked as he showed up.
  "We have a problem and it's not are simple transfiguration, it's something deeper," Harry remarked as he explained the situation at hand to Doctor Strange.
  Doctor Strange listened to everything his old student had to say and he cupped his chin between his thumb and pointer figure of his hand. He pondered everything with his gaze fixed upon Thor.
  "Well this is not an ideal situation," Strange remarked and Thor's eyes snapped towards Strange. "I will try and find a way to break the spell but given the nature of this magic, it's going to do more harm than good."
  Thor was afraid of that, Loki was devilish and the face of Thor dropped as he croaked.
  "Is there an exit clause or something, something that we can access to break the spell?" Wanda asked curiously.
  Doctor Strange looked curious and pondered as his expression turned towards Wanda.
  "There may be an escape clause, or there may not be, Loki is dealing with sorcery that I'm only slightly familiar with, as vast as my powers are," Strange remarked to them.
  "Humility," Harry remarked to them and the group at large turned to him.
  "I beg your pardon," Clint said with a raised eyebrow.
  Harry was only too happy to elaborate on the sudden brainstorm that echoed through his mind. "It has to do with humility, Thor's....well Thor lacks it I think."
  "I beg your pardon," Thor remarked in a grumble but Harry put his hand up.
  "It's nothing personal but you can get rather bold and boisterous," Harry remarked.
  'Room to talk much,' Phoenix teased slightly and Jean nodded in agreement.
  Thor's expression contorted. "To think that I, Thor, God of Thunder, would have to learn humility, it's positively absurd."
  Harry heard his tone, it was anything but humble.
  There was no time to worry about that as Natasha's communicator blinked to light. The Agent of SHIELD with deft speed brought the communicator device into her hand.
  "Yes, Commander Fury,"
  ""More of those energy portals have opened up," Fury informed Natasha through the communicator device. "Take Potter and have him close as many as you can find, the new kid will meet you at the ground base in New York to tell you more."
  "The new kid?" Harry asked, although he was kind of miffed with Fury volunteering him on the mission. Granted, he was going anyway but it was the principle of the matter.
  "Agent Mimic," Natasha informed him as she smiled. "She's a little wet behind the ears and....well she needs to watch where she's going not to be a klutz but she's pretty skilled as a fighter."
  Harry was curious about that, it did sound like someone he met in the life that he long since left behind. Kara, Wanda, Jean, and Kitty moved towards them, with Thor being scooped up by Kitty.
  "We'll do what we can to find Loki and make him reverse the enchantment," Harry told him and Thor's eyes widened as the frog shook his head.
  "It may be easier said than done, but I wish you the best in this endeavor."
  The group boarded the jet, as the newest member of SHIELD greeted them. She was dressed in a SHIELD uniform and her looks were not inconspicuous at all as she had spiked purple hair.
  Harry stared at her for a moment. He had to stop himself from saying something, although it was obvious who this person was a spitting image of after all.
  "Wotcher, everyone."
  Okay, now Harry was scared.
  'I'm experiencing that feeling of Deja-Vu,' Harry thought as he shook his head. He tried to convince himself that it was a coincidence even though it was hard for him to do so.
  "Agent Mimic," Natasha remarked as she stepped forward and a diplomatic expression crossed her face. "I believe you have information for us."
  Mimic nodded her head up and down as she stepped forward but nearly tripped over a rise in the sidewalk.
  Kara took pity on her and zoomed in at super speed and caught her.
  "Thanks, I swear sometimes I have two left feet," she remarked with a chuckle but nothing was broken, rather it be bones or equipment, so that was half of the battle won already. The young woman kept her eyes locked on the situation and she handed the device to Natasha. "This is the readings, all of them, with everything that you'd need to know."
  Her hand was shaking and Natasha inclined her head.
  "You've done well, this will be of a great help," Natasha remarked as she turned around and saw Harry.
  "That's just barely scratching the surface," Harry commented in a calm voice.
  The cryptic tones of Harry was not lost on anyone, so Kara decided to take pity on all the confused people out there and explain his thought process.
  "There are more of these portal deals popping up everywhere, they work in a frequency where time syncs up every fifteen seconds, which is more than sufficient to allow whatever creatures that are native to that particular realm to pop in, but the harmonic vibrations change every nineteen seconds thus causing it difficult to pinpoint the influx matrix where the portals originate from on the hyper space axis of normality," Kara explained to them and she got her share of confused and befuddled looks.
  Everyone but Arcane, Shadowcat, the Hulk, Iron Man, and Doctor Strange looked completely baffled.
  "Portals open, hard to track because they keep changing quickly," Hulk clarified as he shook his head. "Simple really."
  "Right, simple," Clint remarked as he rolled his eyes.
  "So, are we going to get this done or not?" Carol asked and everyone was in agreement.
  They made their way onto the ship with Carol piloting and Harry took the seat next to her.
  "Flew one of these things a hundred times, but never anything quite like this," Carol commented lightly. "Chasing magical portals from a mystical realm to try and get an evil trickster that turned one of my teammates into a frog."
  "It sounds like something out of a comic book," Harry commented and Carol laughed.
  "It does, doesn't it?"
  Harry's face twisted into a smile as he leaned back the seat and tried to determine everything that he was going to have to do.
  "Well, it's just another thing that I could slap on my resume," Carol remarked to Harry and the wizard's smile widened as he surveyed her. "Then again, you've had your share of interesting things that you've done."
  "Yes, a few," Harry remarked to Carol as he placed his hands on the board of the plane and his smile widened as he saw everything. "The sooner we can find the nexus points in the portals, the sooner we can find the source and take it straight to them."
  "They keep changing and there may be dummy points," Doctor Strange spoke from behind them and Harry had counted on that. There were going to be dummy points and they were going to be proven to be the dummies if they were not careful. Regardless his gaze peered forward.
  "There's something....something just appeared right in front of us," Carol stuttered a little bit as she tried to focus.
  "The energy signature, it's just like the others and....." Agent Mimic stated but she stopped and her eyes widened as she watched the scene unfold and the ships sensors were going wild.
  "It says we're being attacked but....I can't see anything," Carol remarked and Iron Man leaned back, calibrating his sensors.
  "The suit's not picking anything up," Iron Man remarked to them but Harry inclined his head, a frustrated grimace crossing his face.
  "And you know what's worse," Harry informed them and the group's eyes switched towards Harry's. They wondered how things could get any worse than they were getting now, well Harry was about to inform them of that fact.
  "We're being sucked right into it," Iron Man managed as he leaned out the window and the Vortex opened wide open. "Well, that's just great."
  "Carol, see if you can.....steer up," Captain America stated.
  Ms. Marvel bit her lip as she tried to steer the ship up but she could not get the controls to work properly.
  "Not responding at all, maybe if I can try it manually," Ms. Marvel remarked but then she clarified. "You know, get out, fly the ship, with my powers."
  "Too dangerous," Harry remarked as he made his way outside the ship and went to fly through the vortex.
  "And yet that isn't!" Kitty cried but Kara grabbed her by the wrist.
  "Arcane knows what he's doing," Kara remarked to her and Kitty sunk down on the chair and smiled but the smile was strained. She was seriously worried about what could happen next and the brunette thought things were going to pick up in the worst way.
  Harry was about to close the portal, he had his finger tips inside the blasted thing and was this close to bringing it shut. His eyes screwed shut as he started to pant heavily. The green eyes of Harry Potter flickered open and shut as his heart kept beating across his rib cage, performing the death march to end all death marches.
  'Okay Harry, nice and easy, mate, nice and easy,' Harry thought to himself as he felt the energy vortex go wrap snugly around him.
  What he did not count on was, three, four, more portals opening up, right inside of the ship with the members of the team inside being pulled suddenly through the portals.
  They were teleported somewhere but to where, Harry did not have the foggiest notion. He fought the energy waves around him.
  To add to the fun, the group was split up.
  "So, your masterful plan was to bring the Avengers here?" Amora questioned Loki, unable to process this properly in the back of her mind. It was taking an extremely long time for her to wonder about the logic or lack there of in Loki's mind.
  Loki's face grimaced, he knew that this plan would be questioned but he was prepared for it. His eyes flickered a tiny amount and a grin widened across his face. It was nearly scary how wide his grin was.
  "Amora, do not....do not question me," Loki remarked as he slapped his palm down on the pedestal and leaned forward and watched everything swirl around him. He leaned towards a mirror and placed his hand on the side of it. "Report."
  "Loki, we have done it, the last line of defense is down, they are fleeing."
  The grin that crossed over Loki's face was devious and demented, but then again, the man himself was quite devious and demented as well. He drummed his fingers across the edge of the throne that he leaned back on and sat up straight. He prepared himself from what was going to happen next and his greed ridden eyes continued to watch the scene around him.
  "Feel this moment, Amora," Loki remarked as he basked in the height of his glory and Amora turned around so she was not able to face him without inspiring vomit for a while.
  "Careful, trickster, pride goes before a fall, your brother learned that...."
  "I kindly tell you not to compare me to Thor," Loki remarked to Amora. "He thinks he's far better than me, all mighty. Well I proved my superiority to him."
  Amora did not even bother to comment on the hypocrisy of that statement. She was interested in one person and she decided to tell Loki this.
  "So, if your plan has worked, what of the Star Child?" Amora remarked. "I believe he has set your scheme back a short amount of time."
  Loki's eye twitched but other than that eye twitch, he said nothing.
  "It's a minor setback," Loki finally remarked in a crisp tone of voice as if there was no more that needed to be said about it.
  Although despite his calm demeanor, Loki's temper was starting to bubble. He kept his actions calm and cerebral, but there was something about this Star Child blocking his plans. He partially blocked this latest attempt to bring doom and gloom to the people of Midgard.
  "And the fact that he's here, is not as much of your design as you intended it to be," Amora remarked in a crisp tone.
  "Yes, Amora, thank you," Loki commented in a brisk tone, he was very much annoyed that things were not going his way but he had no need for this woman to rub the salt into his wounds.
  His eyes locked on the dots that he could track. He knew his brother foolishly came here, despite his handicap. Loki did not see how a mere frog had posed him much of a threat.
  He pondered as time swirled around on an hour glass and he could see those sands ticking by like a twisted sympathy, soon all would fall and Loki would be the one that would reap the benefits that would lead to his most impressive victory.
  "Time will deliver us all in the end, my dear Amora," Loki remarked and the woman folded her arms, her golden hair falling in front of her face.
  'We'll see,' she commented as she put her hands on her hips and prepared an escape route if Loki's plan went south.
  This mad plan of Loki's....well it would merge the realms, but that might do more harm than good. He was hell bent on getting revenge and since Amora owed him a favor, she might as well be here beside him.
  Amora knew that it would be foolish to remain in the trickster's debt for too long, as he tended to accumulate interest. It was another time, it seemed like an eternity ago and she had been promised Thor.
  Of course Thor's constant spurning of her had caused her mind and her thoughts to wander to another. The Enchantress wanted someone else in the palm of her hand and the legend of the Star Child and his prowess....well it was fascinating.
  The pursuit would be quite interesting and Amora's face flickered into a smile. The Executioner stood beside her, not saying a word. He was the perfect minion, strong and loyal and would kill at a moment's notice. The golden hair of Amora flipped over her face as she twisted her face into an even wider smile than she had before.
  "Bask in it, Amora, bask in it, feel it," Loki remarked to her.
  "Yes, I'm feeling it," Amora remarked but she wondered what she was feeling.
  Harry's head throbbed in agony and the green eyes of Harry kept flickering in and out as he tried to remain conscious. He tried to force himself to his feet but he collapsed down to the ground. His body was shaking and he felt the power drain, along with the fatigue.
  To add to the fun, there was a red sun beating over his head. He had no idea where he was sent but he could have been sent anywhere or dare he say it, any time.
  'Okay, where am I?' Harry thought to himself but he saw everything around him. It took him a little bit as his vision struggled to focus into something resembling clarity. The green eyes of Harry Potter scanned the area around him as he felt the lump on his head.
  He summoned all of the power that he could and performed some healing magic on himself but he noticed that things were a lot slower around him. He had no idea how long he had been out, but it had to be a long amount of time.
  "Harry, are you there?"
  Harry heard the call of the individual next to him. He turned slowly to see Carol standing there, completely shaken but she was in mostly good spirits. The blonde's eyes flickered towards Harry and the two locked eyes.
  "Carol, are you okay?" Harry asked her and she nodded her head.
  "Yeah, I'm here," the heroine stated as she turned around and tried to stagger her way to her feet. The blonde's expression was shaken as Harry walked forward and did a scanning spell on her, as he nodded.
  "Nothing's broken, nothing's damaged, you're good to go," Harry told Carol and he turned over as he clutched his head.
  'If anyone can hear me, please respond,' Harry thought to them and he placed his hand on the side of his head. He strained his eyes and his mind in an attempt to lock onto anyone, anyone at all but found that there was no one, nothing at all, who wanted to answer him. Now his green eyes flickered with annoyance.
  He was worried about them, even though he knew that they could handle themselves, he was still worried about them.
  "I think we better move," Carol commented to him and Harry nodded as the two of them moved on. "Maybe if we keep going, we'll find the others....they've got to be somewhere."
  Any tracking spell Harry could think of and there were many, he could not figure out how to access them. He was running around in circles, essentially like a rat in a maze and he kept staggering forward.
  His super hearing still worked as it should, which was a relief, at least in a sense.
  "I think that there's something, right across the way, but we better be careful," Harry told Carol and the blonde nodded, adjusting her stance. The two of them made their way down the pathway.
  The sounds of combat caused both of them to grow rigid as the winds blew around them. There was the loud clash of metal upon metal and Harry kept moving forward as he saw a large creature step forward. The creature was nailed hard but three more came onto the scene.
  Harry's face set into determination and his body went into a battle stance, there was no way he was going to let this one go out without a fight. His green eyes flickered as he rushed forward and aimed a kick towards the creature.
  Magic was useful but when every spell was draining, Harry had to go back to basics. He slammed a shield that had been dropped on the ground into the hideous creature.
  "You dare walk in this world and fight us," the creature growled and Carol blasted him in the face.
  His face was foul, twisted, and made out of stone, which was fitting as he dropped like one to the ground. There was an impacting punch and he flew up to crash down onto the ground with a solid crunch and an even more solid crack. The blonde's eyes followed the progress of her enemy and her annoyance heightened.
  "Yes, we dare," Carol told him as she cracked her knuckles and pushed herself back a few steps as she waited for more to come and there would be more.
  'Harry,' Jean thought to him in a pained tone.
  Harry knew that the others were close by but there was like some kind of invisible barrier that appeared around them. The fact that there was a red sun, that concerned him more than anything else. Their powers were going to be sapped greatly and Kara just had the rudimentary amounts of training. He hoped that what he taught her would turn out for the best.
  "There's someone right about this bend," Harry remarked to her and he saw the battered form of Tony Stark down on the ground.
  "My armor...it took a hit, I don't think that I can get it working now," Stark remarked to Harry and the emerald eyed wizard watched him. "And it's not just that...if it was that, there wouldn't be a problem but it's....well it's my arc reactor. It's part of me...keeps my heart working you see."
  Harry took this handy piece of information as it was and tried to mull it over. There were a few words.
  "Keep it together Tony, this should stabilize you," Harry remarked in a crisp tone of voice. He was not having anyone die under his watch.
  'Guys, pick up, please,' Harry thought urgently but his expression was calm.
  "Aren't you worried what could happen?" Tony asked as he got to his feet.
  "I've cycled only enough power for your heart, you're pretty much a sitting duck, so if you see anything, run as fast as your two legs can carry you," Harry told him.
  Tony was not about to let this one go without a comment. "I thought magic could fix anything...."
  "I'm pretty drained from closing those portals and there's something in the air that's causing me to become magically weak," Harry stated, although physically he was ready to go.
  "I didn't know there was a finite limit," Stark remarked to Harry and Harry shook his head. "Oh, I get it, it's one of those things that aren't that simple, is it?"
  "You hit the nail on the head," Harry informed him as he turned to Carol and he wondered if anyone else was here.
  Kara was on the ground, clutching her arm in pain.
  "Kara, thank Rao," Harry breathed as he pulled her into a hug and did the best to appease the pain in her arm.
  Kara's eyes swam with confusion.
  "I don't understand, Har, why I am hurt?" Kara asked him and Harry inclined his finger up towards the red sun.
  "We're going to have to be careful, we don't have our Kryptonian gifts in here," Harry whispered to Kara in their native language and the blonde nodded.
  Tony and Carol were both confused, they did not understand what they were saying. Carol had learned many languages in her job but she had not heard anything like that. There seemed to be no sounds that translated to any language, either human or alien, that she had ever learned.
  'Harry....Jean, Wanda, and I...we're across the next valley from where you are,' Kitty thought to them, but her voice cut in and out, like a badly tuned radio signal. 'Banner got knocked out, Hawkeye and Widow...still missing but Cap is searching for them....so....yeah...'
  'If you can hear this, hang in there,' Harry thought but there was a thunderous explosion.
  Thor's expression flickered up as the God of Thunder's eyes followed. Still a frog, he felt useless and he kept following the progress of the newest guests.
  "Frost giants," Thor managed and Harry could have smacked himself in the face after the frustration that he felt.
  "Of course, there are, of course there are," Harry stated in despair.
  Things were about to get really serious and Carol, Kara, and Harry exchanged nervous looks as they prepared to fight.
  To Be Continued in Part Two.
  Gambit of Loki Part Two
  Chapter Fifteen: Gambit of Loki Part Two.
  Harry's eyes followed the progress of the Frost Giants as they stampeded towards them. It was obvious that they were heading directly at them. The green eyes of Harry Potter continued to lock onto them, as Carol and Kara stood next to him ready for a fight.
  "Ready," Harry told Carol and she nodded. She seemed to be the one that was in the best shape, although she was shaken. The blonde's eyes continued to follow them.
  "You dare intrude on our territory," Carol stated as she cracked her knuckles and she reared her fist back for a fight.
  Carol slammed her fist into the head of the Frost Giant. There was a thunderous impact as she rocked her enemy causing him to stagger back a few feet. Another series of roundhouse punches and she flew back, before she slammed his fist into the back of his head.
  Kara smiled as Harry performed a charm on her.
  "Not sure how long this will work but this should filter the red solar energy into yellow," Harry remarked to her and then he proceeded to offer a further explanation. The blonde's eyes flickered for a brief second as he said the rest to her. "Won't last as long."
  "It's going to have to do," Kara remarked as her eyes lit up and she fried her enemy with fury. The blond knocked down the frost giants with a series of vicious punches that slammed into the chest of her enemies.
  Carol was able to take them down a lot faster, without the numerous handicaps that Kara had on her thanks to the lack of solar radiation, but she was managing to fight them off despite those attacks. The blonde's expression flickered into amusement and entertainment. She kept firing off rocket punches.
  "And that hurt," Kara remarked as she clutched her fists together but other than that, she said nothing of value.
  Wanda blasted a hex bolt, having found her way over to the battle. There was an explosive attack as the young magical mutant cracking her adversary with the most controlled attack she could focus in her high stress situation. The woman threw her hands back for more momentum as she hammered her enemy with shot after shot. The dark haired woman kept blasting into the back of the head of the enemy.
  'I'm sick of these things, I'm really sick of them,' Jean thought as she spread her arms out in order brace herself for the impact of her enemy and caught it within her telekinetic grip. The redhead's eyes flared and she angrily launched her enemies attacks right back at them. The explosion rang out around them.
  Jean was holding her own and Kitty came out from the side of a mountain and proceed to throw several small rocks in the direction of the Frost Giants eyes in an attempt to blind them. Using the distraction presented allowed Kara and Harry to smash their enemies down into the rocks with immense force. The blonde and the dark haired Kryptonian worked them over with a series of devastating blows to the side of the head. Their unrelenting momentum allowing them an edge over their much larger adversaries.
  'And we've got this one,' Kara thought to herself as she clapped her hands and there was an explosion that caused the Ice Giants to stagger.
  "Don't back off, because they won't," Thor remarked and Carol grunted.
  "No one likes a back seat fighter," Carol managed as she hammered her enemy in the side of the face. Her fist was sore but she pulled back and once again launched her arm towards her opponent with a huge drilling blow.
  Harry was looking towards the arch way, he saw pieces of the jet and sensed that something was close. His green eyes switched over to the electromagnetic spectrum so he could better check out what was going on around him using his x-ray vision.
  Okay, let's see,' Harry thought to him as he placed his head on the top of his head and mentally calculated the energy flux as he tried to look for a pattern. If he could find a pattern, he could find a way to get them out of there. Harry studied it carefully, as his team covered his back.
  "How much time do you need?" Carol asked him as she pushed back her enemy but the Ice Giant responded by reaching over top of her to smash her in the back of the head. Before the enemy could capitalize on his attack of Carol further, Wanda knocked him for a loop.
  "For Asgard!" A loud battle cry rang out, and Harry turned away from his work to take in the new arrivals. There was a trio of woman riding winged horses, dressed in warrior garb. The leader was a woman with dark hair and blue eyes. The hair fell over her face and framed it in a fairly alluring manner. She wore a helmet but it did not detract from her looks or truly hide her fact at all. The body armor wrapped around her in a quite enticing manner that hugged her curves and she held her sword, drawing it back in an attempt to thrust it into the chest of an ice giant.
  "And help has arrived," Thor remarked as he hopped around eagerly and took another fly. Again, they weren't that bad.
  Lady Sif had arrived and threw herself fearlessly into combat. Much of her team had been taken down and broken apart but the dark haired woman was determined to get her enemy. She slashed her sword back into the chest of her enemy, staggering him back a few steps.
  "You don't think you can...."
  "I don't think, I know!" Sif remarked as she swung an attack and chopped her enemy in the back of his brutish head. Her fellow warriors circled around the Ice Giant like a pack of hungry wolves.
  Kara felt her powers falter, but she launched Kitty up with her remaining strength. The brunette mutant reached forward and phased through the head of the Frost Giant. He clutched his head and he suffered a splitting headache. Kitty did not hit him in a place where he would suffer any brain damage, but she did give him a headache that would discombobulate him.
  Thor watched it and saw the signs of battle continued.
  The Frost Giants were beaten and scattered. Sif now stood with Harry and the others.
  "Thor, you've changed," Sif commented, unable to keep the amusement off of her face.
  "This situation is not a laughing matter," Thor commented in a haughty tone of voice. The God of Thunder turned frog looked at the warrior with agitation.
  "No it isn't, with Loki involved," Sif remarked to him before she turned around.
  Sif's eyes flickered for a second and Harry smiled towards her.
  "You...you remind me of a legend that has been told since the beginning of times," Sif remarked to him.
  "Would it have to do with a Star Child or something along those lines?" Harry asked.
  Sif nodded her head. "Yes, it appears that you may have learned such a legend."
  Kara, Jean, and Kitty struggled to keep straight faces but they kept calm. Besides, they needed to be serious with this not to get smacked down.
  "Do you have any idea where Loki is?" Harry asked to Sif and her eyes widened before she nodded.
  "Yes, he is in the Imperial Palace, but he has guards posted," Sif told him and Harry smiled.
  "Leave him to me," Harry remarked and now everyone was intrigued.
  Iron Man showed back up, after slipping into the night, and returned with Captain America, Hawkeye, and Black Widow, the latter two of which were dragging along a barely conscious Bruce Banner
  Loki basked in his moment but he would not bask for much longer. The Trickster's eyes followed as one of his guards stepped towards him.
  "The Frost Giants have retreated, Loki," one of the guards remarked and his eyes flashed with a greater amount of annoyance than ever was in them.
  Loki was this close to punishing them but he kept his temper in check. His face arched towards them and there was one simple statement that came in through his mind.
  "Who....who...it was him?" Loki asked with an eerie calm.
  He knew that Thor would not be a threat as he was turned into a frog and Loki grabbed the staff as he arched himself back a tiny bit. He clutched the staff in his hand.
  "It was him," Loki remarked answering his own question as he tapped his fingers. His expression flickered with even more annoyance as his eyes glowed with danger as he tapped into more of the Odin Force. "IT IS HIM!"
  The doors blew open as several of the guards collapsed bonelessly to the ground. Harry stepped towards Loki and the Trickster got up to face him with a blazing fury in his eyes.
  "You dare trespass in my domain!" Loki yelled as he turned to face Harry and their eyes locked onto each other. "So, the Star Child....I'm underwhelmed."
  "I could say the same but sorry for not meeting your high standards," Harry commented as he raised a hand and sent a bolt of light at Loki.
  Loki dodged the attack and went behind Harry.
  Wanda tried to use her chaos magic to drill Loki in the back of the head but the Trickster God blocked the attack.
  "You think that that is chaos," Loki remarked as he clapped his hands and knocked her back.
  The Phoenix Force flared up and Loki managed to hold his own against her. Jean was pretty powerful but Loki was equally powerful as well. The two of them blasted each other as his minions moved around.
  "So....these guys....yes, I know," Hawkeye stated as he shot a series of arrows.
  "I don't know what you know, but...." Black Widow stated as she screamed out loud.
  "Heads up!" Kara yelled as she slammed a demonic tree creature in the face and then used her heat vision to set the rest of them on fire.
  "Traitors!" Sif yelled as she slashed her sword at her enemies pushing them back.
  ""We're the traitors? I think not," her enemy commented.
  Loki's eyes glowed with the malice that continued to flicker through him. He saw Thor on the ground.
  "Well...this is quite pathetic," Loki remarked with a sneer as he raised a fist towards him. "You are at my feet and soon I'll finish you off."
  Carol was down but Captain America cut in to protect her. Harry helped her up and the two of them did a tandem attack. They locked hands and rolled on the ground, with Carol using the momentum to fling Harry into them for an attack. Flaming spikes shot out of the stone golems that had been conjured.
  Amora watched the battle and she turned to Skurge. She then focused her gaze on the Star Child. Despite the fact that he exerted himself to the point of exhaustion, he pushed past it and continued to fight on. And this fact excited her. The blonde flickered her eyes over the battle and followed it. She knew it would soon be the time to make a strategic retreat.
  The battle between Harry and Loki continued to escalate to an even greater furor. Both of them circled each other for a moment before rushing forward. Their attacks clung together as their eyes burned with hostility for the man in front of them. Neither was going to back down from this fight.
  "I'm going to crush you like the insect that you are," Loki remarked as the young wizard pushed himself down past the immense force that Harry was bringing down upon his head. More power, he must have more power.
  There was a loud rumbling around them and Harry's eyes followed the progress. He dodged one of Loki's bolts and knew that he was becoming undone ,losing his grip, already tense, on reality.
  Thor remained rather steady and he offered one statement that bellowed through the halls, despite the fact that he was a frog. "LOKI YOU FOOL....DO YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU'VE DONE!"
  "I'm not even close to being done!" Loki shouted.
  Two energy bolts connected with each other, wizard and trickster pushed back and forth, their eyes glowing in the titanic struggle to gain dominance over the other.
  Harry's heart kept beating within his chest as there was an attack that nearly struck him from above but he turned the assault back around on him. He saw Wanda take out another attacker that was trying to attack him from behind. The green eyes of Harry Potter were screwed shut in pain as his knees buckled beneath him and one of his ankles twisted rather harshly sending him hard to the floor. The young man tried to get himself up to a standing position.
  He was getting closer, closer, closer, if he could just blast his enemy back, he would have it.
  "Keep it up, keep them off Harry!" Kara yelled as she grabbed the sword from one of the goons and stabbed it into his arm. The blonde used her heat vision to damage the armor and this allowed Hawkeye to sneak a barrage of arrows through to further rattle him.
  "Yeah, we're doing it," Hawkeye remarked.
  Iron Man hung in the background as Thor hopped up and down.
  Loki and Harry circled each other, drilling each other with a series of attacks. The bolts of energy canceled each other out, with other trying to exert their will power against each other.
  Harry was pushed to limits that he never felt before. His green eyes closed shut and he took a few deep breaths as he tried to keep his head above the water. His eyes opened and were fixed on the enemy as he was trying to get himself back into the battle.
  "Come on, is that all you've got?" Loki asked Harry and Harry kept smiling, even though the grimace crossed over his face briefly through it.
  "I have all this and I have more," Harry remarked as he forced back the energy and Loki's body racked with pain but he forced on, he needed more power, more power!
  Loki, being deranged as he was, tapped into even more of the Odin Force.
  "Yes, yes, I can feel the power!"
  Harry smacked Loki back and called down some power of his own. An energy bolt that would have been lethal against any other opponent struck him in the chest.
  "Was that supposed to hurt?" Loki asked but he saw that Harry was not in front of him.
  That was because he was behind him and Harry unleashed his heat vision into the back of Loki.
  "No, that was supposed to hurt you," Harry stated as he and Kara clapped their hands next to Loki.
  Kitty then reached through the wall and pulled Loki through and he flew down to the ground.
  Hulk stood in front of Loki and the trickster's legs started to quiver. The green monster stepped forward but Loki zapped him.
  "Down, Ogre!" Loki yelled as he kept blasting away at Hulk with more bolts of energy.
  Harry flew up high.
  "That's it, flee!" Loki stated.
  He looked up and got a punch to the face at super-speed. It would have caused a normal person's head to explode and even more so with all of the magical energy Harry channeled through the punch.
  It was the right force that caused Loki's hold to break. Amora, quietly, slipped through a portal while it was time to escape, with the Executioner following behind her, both giving it up as a bad job.
  "I think Odin wants to have a word with you," Harry said, a smug smile spreading over his face.
  Loki turned around and he wondered how he did it, how did the Star Child break his power?
  "You can't do this to me," Loki stated and he seemed a few seconds short of a child about ready to throw a tantrum.
  "Sure I can, but he can do worse," Harry stated as he placed his thumb over his shoulder and Odin appeared, standing tall and towering over all, especially Loki.
  "Loki, you think that you can get away with this," Odin commented in a brisk tone of voice and his voice thundered. "Did you really think that you could get away with this?"
  Odin drilled Loki with a blast of his own and his power was bound. In ten seconds, the big guy did what an entire group did not, he dropped Loki to his knees and waved his hands.
  "So....where did you send him?" Harry asked.
  Odin turned to him. "You're the one....the one that we have spoken in whispers about since the beginning of time."
  'Oh boy, here it comes,' Harry thought as he heard Jean, Kitty, and Kara snickering mentally, although Wanda had the decency not to say anything.
  "The Star Child, the one who had been sent to Midgard, from his doomed world, who has the ability to save the world," Odin recited as he stepped towards Harry. "And you have saved Asgard."
  Harry's smile widened a tiny bit, he could not help this.
  "So, you think much of yourself, don't you?" Odin asked and Harry's smile got a bit wider but he did not say much of anything.
  "Well, I do my best," Harry remarked.
  "Well your best is successful," Odin commented as he saw Thor and in two seconds, he snapped his fingers. "Let this be a lesson to you, Thor, never underestimate what someone can do to you when you think you're safe."
  Thor, no longer a frog, appeared in the flesh.
  "I, along with the rest of Asgard, give you my thanks," Sif declared as she looked over Harry.
  He was nothing like the myths said, that much was for sure.
  He was better.
  "That means a lot coming from someone like you," Harry remarked and Sif smiled back at him.
  "Well it is not praise that is unwarranted," Sif commented to him, a smile crossing her face. "You have done well. I hope that you will continue to do well in the future."
  "I didn't just do well, we all did well," Harry remarked and his girls nodded with smiles upon their faces.
  "You kept your head in there, where most people would have lost their heads," Captain America told Harry and the wizard once again nodded.
  "Yes, not many people would have done as well as you would have," Carol commented to him as she watched him.
  "I don't speak for everyone but I do speak for myself and I think you should be welcomed back," Sif remarked to Harry as she snuck a few glimpses at the young god in the making before her. "In Asgard, you're going to be a friend, always and forever."
  "I'd agree," Odin remarked in a gruff tone of voice.
  "Yes, verily," Thor remarked to them but he placed a hand up to his chin as he placed his hand underneath his chin. "But, I do wonder....what happened of Loki?"
  There was another second where Odin started.
  "He is getting in touch with all sides of himself now," Odin remarked to the group at large. "He will serve as an example for those who try and go too far upon his own ego. Revenge is a dangerous motivator and one should not be driven to petty grudges."
  "I can vouch for that," Tony remarked as he stepped a half of a step back. His armor was mostly repaired but there were a few kinks in it. He could fix it and hopefully retain some improvements as he returned back home.
  "So, what do you think?" Kitty asked to Harry as the two of them walked off to the side. Harry raised an eyebrow and the brunette placed a hand on her hip. "Truthfully, what do you think?"
  "About how we did, duh?" Kitty asked.
  "Well, since you're asking, I think that there's plenty of room for improvement," Harry remarked to them.
  Jean shook her head and Kitty realized what she just did.
  "I swear, we better check if Logan's dead, because Harry just might be channeling his spirit," Jean remarked with a smile.
  "Trust me, he's nowhere near foul enough to be Logan," Natasha offered with a smile on her face. After being on several dozen missions with Logan over the years, she knew that the man had a nasty temper, although he did get his results.
  Doctor Strange turned up, battered, having sat out most of the fight to suffering the worst of the attack in his attempts to shield his associates.
  "I believe that it's time for us to go home," Strange concluded.
  Sif shook her head and turned towards Harry, a smile crossing her face.
  "I wish to have a word with Arcane to properly thank him about his assistance in saving Asgard from Loki and liberating Odin," Sif remarked in a brisk voice as she traveled her eyes up and down his face.
  "Of course," Harry remarked to her.
  "In private, if I may," Sif insisted and Harry stepped forward to the next room along with Sif. The dark haired Asgardian lead Harry off into the next room and it was a private bed chambers.
  Sif made sure the doors were secure.
  "After a battle, I find it's good to unwind, but the problem with most Asgardian men is they tend to indulge in a celebration regarding drink that leaves them too inebriated to perform," Sif remarked to Harry as she turned around.
  "So they could be a problem," Harry remarked to her.
  "Quite," Sif told him as she placed her hands on her hips and her eyes traveled up and down his body. She imagined him uncovered but why use her imagination when she could make it happen here and now. "I've heard tales about you, but to see that you've arrived,"
  Sif stepped towards him and pulled him towards her. Harry got the hint and wrapped his arms around her body.
  Her dark hair was like midnight, hanging enticingly and quite seductively around her face. Her curved body was rather nice and the armor wrapped around her.
  "A young and virile man such as yourself should be up for some celebration regarding today's battle," Sif remarked as she draped her legs over his lap and straddled him. Harry grabbed her ass and cupped it shamelessly. Her eyes closed as she smiled. "And I can see that you are able to keep up with many young women."
  "The more sex I have, the more powerful I seem to get," Harry offered.
  "Plus, these acts cause your mind to become balanced in high stressful situations," Sif commented as she pulled Harry's shirt off as she ran her hand down his chest. "I think it's time to indulge ourselves in our passions."
  "Sounds like a plan," Harry concluded with a grin, as Sif reached down his trousers to sample the merchandise and pressed her juicy lips upon his with a sensual kiss.
  Harry returned the kiss with equal fire and ran his hands across the underside of her supple breasts as the two powerful warriors clashed with their tongues.
  It was something that only a fool would turn down, to have hot and passionate sex with a hot Asgardian. His hands moved to remove the clasp from her armor.
  Smut/Lemon Begins.
  Harry unveiled Sif's armor and then made quick work of the undergarments to reveal her toned body. There was not a blemish on it, it was tanned and extremely sensual, but she was in good shape as well. He ran his hands down her strong shoulders, all the way down upon her midsection and down to her lovely shaven pussy, which was dripping with arousal for him. Her legs were long and delicious and she had a shapely ass that he could squeeze all day long.
  "Let's see what I have to work with," Sif muttered as she unbuckled his pants and pulled them down.
  The goddess stopped and took a long hard look at the long hard manhood that pulsed before her, greeting her. Drool did not even begin to cover what she did at the mere sight of it. It caused her heart to start fluttering as she grasped his tool in her hand.
  "This will be nice," Sif stated as she stroked it and Harry's fingers found her pussy.
  The Star Child was just as good as she thought, hell he was better. His fingers probed her pussy, teasing her just right as she stroked his cock.
  Sif's tongue trailed up and down his throbbing prick as she took more and more of the taste. She fondled his balls, squeezing them with strength.
  "Fuck yes," Harry groaned as the goddess continued to work him over and then she started to do the most wonderful things with her mouth below his belt.
  First she kissed him upon the head and stuck some of his length down her throat. The dark haired woman pushed even more of him down her throat and sucked him deeply. She closed her throat around him, using her throat muscles to manipulate and milk his prick as more of him went down her.
  Sif closed her eyes and smiled, she enjoyed this phallus being pushed down her throat and she tilted her head back and brought him deeper into her throat as possible. Harry's hands seemed to stretch to reach her and his fingers rubbed her clit.
  Perhaps it was her imagination but his cock kept growing in her throat to the point where he was choking her out. She enjoyed it, he was bigger than anything else she had ever seen in his life.
  "Mmmm, ah, mmm," Sif moaned.
  "You really love sucking my cock, don't you?" Harry asked as he extended his arm to reach around and cup her ass.
  Sif's moans got more prominent and needier as she kept sucking him off like there was no tomorrow. She needed to sample the seed of this young god.
  She wanted him and she would have him. Her mouth closed together as she blew him amazingly and her hand fondled his balls quite skillfully.
  "Oh yes, Sif, yes baby," Harry grunted as he grabbed around her head and it pushed down her throat as she took more and more cock down her throat.
  Sif's mouth tightened around him and the dark haired Asgardian felt even more pleasure as she worked him nicely. The carnal need was something that she could not even being to describe. Her thoughts were quite lustful.
  His balls tightened and she fondled them to stimulate him, to coax the cum down his throat. He responded by grabbing the side of her face and drilling it hard. It was something that she enjoyed, she could feel it, and he could let loose with her like few other women.
  He sprayed his fluids down her throat and Sif's throat muscles wrapped around him, causing him to spill his thick load down her throat. Sif never took in this much cum in her life and the ravages of battle left her as he sprayed more and more of his cum down her waiting gullet. She squeezed his balls and milked him with her throat muscles until completion.
  His cock was flaccid but not for long, as Sif lipped her lips.
  "I'm not quite finished with this yet," Sif commented as she placed her breasts on either side of him and in a short time, stroked Harry up to full length.
  "Damn, you have nice tits," Harry breathed as she wrapped around him.
  "I think....that I'm the peak of everything," Sif moaned as she worked her breasts around his throbbing pole and the dark haired woman was going to bring him to his climax, bring him to a great conclusion even.
  "Yes....you fucking are," Harry groaned but his cock was rock hard.
  Sif wrapped her legs around him and teased him for a slight moment. Her hands moved behind his back as her pussy rose up and then sank down on his cock.
  Harry felt himself wrapped in the tightness and the strength of this prime piece of Asgardian pussy, good heavens, she felt so fucking great. She sank her tool up and down upon him, riding him for everything that he was worth.
  Sif's tight walls continued to constrict around him and Harry's green eyes closed but she reached towards him and tilted his head up. She spotted the pleasure for a few seconds as he heightened her own pleasure, burying himself into her tight snatch.
  "Oh, yes," Sif breathed as she felt this beast drilled into her. The goddess pushed herself up and sank down onto the throbbing length that she was riding. Her head rocked back a tiny bit as she gave a lustful moan as she threw her head back and enjoyed the ride. Her tight box wrapping around him was a great feeling for sure.
  "Take me, take me," Harry grunted.
  Sif bounced up and down, her breasts swaying and Harry took her breasts into his hands and squeezed them which caused her tight pussy to wrap around his throbbing length. She wrapped around him.
  Harry pushed his thrusts up and grabbed her, grunting.
  "Yes, keep that up, you're so good," Harry breathed.
  "You can take me any way you want me," Sif stated with a lustful groan as she dug her nails into his chest and once again pushed his face into her breasts, allowing him to motor board her. Sif's eyes snapped open with so much pleasure and lust.
  Harry pumped his throbbing length into her heated mound and his balls slapped against her thighs as he drilled into her. The dark haired woman contracted around him and she gave an amazing orgasm. It felt so good to feel her warm fluids spilling from her pussy and also her strong, silk walls rubbing him.
  'I'm going to take you in every way possible,' Harry grunted as she pulled off of him.
  'Then take me this way,' Sif thought as she got onto her hands and knees.
  Harry saw her on her hands and knees and her enticing ass wiggling before him. The green eyed wizard took every inch of her and he grabbed his hands around her hips as Harry took aim.
  Sif felt him fill her once again and her moisture pulled towards him. He grabbed her from behind and hammered her tight pussy from behind.
  "Yes, you are worthy," Sif panted.
  "Were you surprised?" Harry asked as he cupped her breasts and caused his throbbing length to enter them, his balls slapping against her. The dark haired woman breathed in and out as her tight walls contracted around her. She closed her eyes.
  "Yes...yes, want more, going to get more," Sif panted as she moaned rather loudly.
  "Nice and wet, just the way I fucking like it," Harry told her as he hammered her from behind and she moaned rather loudly as his throbbing length beat a path into her tight pussy. It milked his throbbing length with each push into her.
  Sif squeezed her tightened cunt muscles around him and he pushed into her, working into her.
  Stroke after stroke, the time passed and she felt sexual bliss fire through her body.
  "You can go the distance," Sif panted as she closed her eyes. "So....much stamina."
  "Don't tell me that you're getting tired," Harry remarked and Sif grinned as she squeezed her walls tighter around him.
  "Never, never," Sif said as she squeezed her walls around him and Harry pumped into her, bringing every inch of himself into her.
  Sif could feel his throbbing length as it buried deeper into her. The dark haired woman squeezed around him and took even more of his length into her. He grabbed her tits and continued to pump into her from behind.
  The emerald eyed wizard smashed into her and she rode him out until the climax. His balls throbbed as he kept pushing into her. Sif's walls tightened around him as he pumped his load into her.
  Smut/Lemon Ends.
  The two rested on the bed, Harry wrapping his arms around her and he pulled the dark haired goddess into him. She rested onto him, as his arm wrapped around her.
  "Amazing, you are amazing," Sif remarked as Harry stroked his fingers up and down her cheek and the woman kept relaxing against him. "All of your lovers are blessed and any woman isn't with you is missing something amazing."
  Harry smiled. "Well that's high hopes."
  "Men like you come along once in a lifetime," Sif remarked to him as she ran her fingers through his hair and smiled wildly as she stroked her fingers through her hair. "I hope to indulge myself into plenty more of you in the future."
  "I'll be back," Harry remarked as he rose to his feet and Sif smiled to him.
  "Don't take too long, although I wouldn't mind making the trip," Sif commented as she kissed him on the lips one more time. The two of them exchanged another passionate kiss, their arms wrapped against each other as the two of them made out.
  Harry pulled back and smiled. "Only a minute has passed outside the room."
  "Time dilation, I see," Sif said with an approving smile and she pulled him in. "Then you might have time for another round."
  "I think I might," Harry offered her and Sif snuggled her head into his chest as she pulled him into another long kiss and pushed him back onto the bed, straddling him.
  "I can see that," she told him as her grin never faded from her face.
  "Nice day today," Carol concluded as she stood in the back room of one of the SHIELD bases that was off to the west of New York. It was easy access for them all.
  "Could have gone better, but damn if it could have gone worse," Harry told her and Carol's smile widened over her face.
  "Yes, it could have, gone much better," Carol said. "And....well you said it the best."
  "I always say it the best," Harry commented to her and Carol's smile widened as her eyes progressed down his body.
  "Think a lot of yourself, don't you?" Carol asked him and there was a few seconds where Harry paused as he nodded towards her.
  "Not really thinking a lot of yourself if you can back it up," Harry remarked to her and Carol sat down for a few seconds.
  "Yes, I suppose, the rookie was the only one that was taken down hard today although she's getting medical attention," Carol remarked, referring to Agent Mimic.
  "I thought that I missed her during the fight," Harry told Carol and Carol smiled.
  "Yes, she has a lot of learn, although given her past performance, I wonder if she took herself out or someone else did," Carol told him as she theorized what that could be. "There's something about her powers, it really messes up her equilibrium."
  Harry decided to ask a question of her.
  "So how about you, how are you feeling?" Harry asked and Carol's face curled into a slight smile as she decided to confide in him.
  "Well to be honest, there are a few bumps and bruises, but that goes with the territory," Carol remarked and Harry saw the slight bruise on her shoulder.
  She was currently out of uniform, dressed in a tight white t-shirt that wrapped nicely around her breasts, and showcased a little bit of her toned stomach. The tight black shorts fit her ass like a glove and Harry found his eyes wandering over towards the hint of her shapely buns.
  "It does...why don't I try and work the kinks out of that?" Harry asked but Carol spun around.
  "I see what you're going to do," Carol said knowingly and Harry raised his hands up.
  "What are you talking about?" Harry asked.
  "You know what we both want, and I know how Sif thanked you," Carol remarked to him with a knowing expression dancing through her eyes.
  "Well, it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out," Harry commented to her.
  "Yes, it didn't, but I think that I should thank you on behalf of SHIELD and SWORD," Caorl remarked as she grabbed Harry around the waist and pulled him into a kiss.
  Harry was glad that she made the first move. He tended to have to coax girls into it sometimes, so having this woman who was going to skip all sense of formalities was refreshing.
  She threw him onto the bed and tried to pin him down playfully.
  "Let's see what you can give me, Star Child," Carol commented, as her strength was able to pin him down. "You'll find that I'm more than capable of taking everything that you can give me and then more."
  She grinded her crotch down his center to emphasize this point and Harry throbbed a tiny bit as she was about ready to take him.
  "Let's inspect you to see what you've been packing in those pants," Carol remarked to him with a wide grin crossing her face and she reached down, gripping him hard. "Oh my, I'm going to have to take a closer look at that."
  Smut/Lemon Ends.
  Take a closer look at that was what Carol did, she pulled his pants down and saw him.
  The blonde placed a hand on his cock and took her hand, running it down his shaft and inspecting it. The only regret she had about what she planned on doing was that she did not do it sooner. She was going to lose out on something great and her pussy pulsed with desire at the thought of him being inside her.
  No wonder Natasha was in such a good mood every time she encountered Harry. She could not get enough of this cock and it brought her to new levels of passion.
  "I think I'm going to enjoy this," Carol commented as she squeezed his throbbing length and the blonde kissed the tip of said length and eyed his crotch with lustful intentions.
  She wrapped her tight lips around him and blew him like a pro and Harry could not get enough of her wrapped around him tightly.
  "Carol, damn, you can suck a cock," Harry remarked.
  Her muscle control was pretty close to Kara's, although she had more confidence in doing what she did. Not that Kara's was building up but still Carol was a grown woman and she worked her mouth around him. His throbbing length worked deeper into her throat a she hummed loudly in her throat.
  His hands found her breasts and roamed all over her tight body. The woman really was giving him some amazing head. The blonde's tight mouth worked over him, licking and slurping his throbbing length, bringing it into her mouth and out, down her throat and all around.
  Carol's expression was one of primal lust, as she gave him a few more deep sucks and was building him up. The heat pulsing between her legs felt great.
  She popped her mouth off and Harry struck while the iron was hot.
  He flew her against the wall, barely having enough time to put up the necessarily reinforcement spells. He had no time with his lust and his hunger to have himself buried into her pussy. The blonde reared back as her legs tightened around him. His throbbing length pushed around him and he rubbed his cock head against her dripping wet entrance, which caused her panting to get even more lustful as he cupped her breasts.
  "You want this now," Harry grunted as he kept teasing her with his throbbing length.
  "Yes, want it, need it, going to take it," Carol moaned as she pushed her hips towards him, encouraging him to bury himself into her.
  Harry was not going to hold back and he could tell that she appreciated this.
  Carol had never got a good hard fucking like this and her eyes closed tighter as his throbbing length worked into her tight pussy. The blonde's box hugged his mighty spear and her tightness squeezed him.
  Harry felt the strength of her pussy muscles and they got even tighter around him. His throbbing member drilled into her tight cunt and Carol wrapped her legs around him, tightening around him. The blonde panted and grabbed him around the arm, as he kept hammering into her. The blonde's expression was getting even more wide eyed and she was trying to take him into her.
  His throbbing cock met her pulsing heat and Carol was losing it as he fucked her against the wall, first she faced him.
  Harry liked drilling her like this, he liked to see the look in the female's faces as he dominated him. His throbbing length kept hammering her tight cunt. The woman wrapped herself around him and he kept hammering into her.
  He was like a jackhammer.
  Carol's quim tightened around him and his throbbing length passed into sopping wet vagina. She wrapped her legs around him and her pussy tightened around him. The blonde was determined to take every single inch of this god's cock into he.
  "Harry, cumming, you make me cum so hard."
  Harry kissed her and this was something that he returned. Her breasts were groped, they were large and her stomach was flat, toned, and muscled.
  Carol had an amazing body, as his throbbing cock drilled into her center and the blonde kept panting as he brought more of his length between her legs. The blonde's nails sunk into the back of him.
  Harry stepped back and Carol's pussy was lined perfection up to him. A table had been transfigured into a bed and both sank down onto it.
  "Time for you to ride me until you can't go anymore," Harry remarked.
  "The ride's going to be a very long one," Carol bantered to him and she used her tight muscles to give his throbbing length a squeeze.
  Harry smiled as he cupped her breasts and encouraged her to work her curvy hips down upon him.
  "That's...the way I like it," Carol panted as she worked her tightness around him and the blonde was working around him. She was getting herself worked up and her tight walls continued to wrap around him. She was very wet and loved being plowed by him.
  Harry felt out strongly they hugged him and he loved it, he loved it.
  Natasha showed up to give Carol a message but she saw her riding Harry on the bed. The redhead's eyes were flushed over and there was a few seconds where she was stunned.
  A second Harry stood in front of her and captured her lips in a kiss as he picked up Natasha and rushed her over to the bed.
  "Natasha....don't be shy, it's time for you to join the fun," Harry remarked as he spread her legs and started to rub her pulsing heat in her center.
  "Yes," Natasha breathed as she felt the lust swimming from her eyes and she felt him cup her pussy, wanting more of him. His hand roamed between her legs and touched her, it was something that was quite tantalizing and it made her feel like she could take anything.
  Harry rolled her over, so she could look up and show Carol her pleasure. Harry stripped her completely and grabbed the hot redhead.
  "Harry, take my ass," Natasha begged him.
  "You want me to take your ass?" Harry asked as he played with her hole and Natasha bit down on her lip.
  "Yes, take that big cock and sodomize the fuck out of me!" Natasha yelled for him.
  Harry was not about to turn her down and he drilled his throbbing cock into her tight ass. Natasha's eyes were burning with desire as he worked himself into her tight ass and she squeezed around him. Thrust after thrust buried into her.
  Carol shoved Harry's face into her breasts and he licked and slurped them. The blonde was losing herself in the sensations and he kept licking her around the tits. The blonde rubbed herself up and down him and rode his throbbing length. She gained even greater momentum as her tightness wrapped around him as she bounced up and slammed down, bounced up and slammed down, going higher and higher.
  Harry sucked her tits happily all of the way and she pushed his face into her, as he slurped happily. The blonde's expression was getting more lust ridden as Harry pumped him into her. Her tightness wrapped around him and Harry drilled into her. His throbbing cock kept working into her and the blonde squeezed around him and she brought herself down onto him.
  Natasha meanwhile was having the time of her life, his throbbing length drilling into her backside and Harry slammed himself into her. The redhead's panting grew more lust ridden and he sent his throbbing cock into her. The redhead's panting intensified as he worked into her. She clutched around him and he kept hammering her.
  Carol's riding picked up even greater and her tight cunt wrapped around him. The blonde's breasts bounced as Harry grabbed them, squeezed them and she bounced even more around his length, wrapping her tightness around him as she moaned, working herself up and down upon him.
  "Harry, fuck, oh Harry, cumming so fucking hard," Carol panted.
  "I know, I can feel it," Harry grunted as he squeezed her tits and this caused her to moan.
  Carol was feeling the pulsing of him into her and she felt herself racked with a powerful climax that ensured that any aches and pains that she felt, all thoughts of them left her body and her mind was being flooded by the passion. She only had one single minded objective and that was to ride this cock down until he could take no more.
  Her stamina was being tested as he was in for the long hard and the duplicate that he created, beating Natasha from behind.
  "Love your sexy ass," Harry breathed in her ear and he worked into her, conjuring a dildo and stuffing her other hole with it.
  Natasha's eyes closed as both holes were pleasured with a cock but the other felt realer than anything she ever experienced. She was about to become undone, his cock was working its magic into her and the magic he worked could be quite....she could not describe it. It was amazing and his throbbing length pumped into her tight ass as it wrapped around him.
  Carol rode him up and down, her bouncing continued to intensify as she bounced higher.
  Something had to give and she was determined to bring him to that climax. The blonde was losing herself to him.
  "I'm getting so close, but are you....slowing down?" Harry asked her and Carol groaned.
  "Never...never...so fucking never," Carol panted as she tightened her walls around him.
  Carol was determined to ride this one out to its conclusion and his climax and yes he would reach a climax. She was getting so warmed up but in many ways, so was he.
  Natasha had been fucked into a drooling cross-eyed stupor and she could go for a long time. The duplicate disappeared as she laid on the bed in a puddle of drool and her own cum.
  This sight turned Carol on even more and she rode Harry, her tight muscles milking his strokes.
  "Your pussy's so tight, honey," Harry grunted as he pushed his cock into her.
  "Can take anything, including this," Carol panted as she worked her hips around his and pushed down onto him.
  His throbbing length kept working into her as the blonde's eyes were more lust ridden than ever before. Her pussy wrapped around him and kept riding him.
  "Yes, more, keep it up, almost there, we're almost done," Harry panted and Carol's moaning got heavier, more lustful, and her nipples stiffened.
  "Cum for me, cum for me, cum for me," she stated repeating herself.
  Harry took his length and drilled it into this goddess's tight pussy. He pushed into her and his balls tightened as he exploded sending all of his cum into her. The blonde's walls wrapped around him and she wrapped around him, working around him as she tightened herself around him.
  The explosion was great as they came together.
  Smut/Lemon Ends.
  "Well, I met another interesting face from the past today," Harry commented to Lily as he watched her image in the inner chamber of the Stronghold. He could walk through a door on the right and go into the Fortress or walk through a door on the left and head back into the main school.
  All thanks to the magic of magic and Harry smiled about that thought, his green eyes swimming with expressiveness. He placed his hands on his hips and waited for her expression to lock onto his.
  "Yes....I figured that you might meet a face from the past," Lily remarked as she turned her head around. "You didn't say anything, did you?"
  "I know better," Harry told her swiftly.
  "And I would expect nothing less from you," Peve remarked as she chimed into the conversation. "As we told you the first day, the world has changed. It's difficult to be one of the few that remember how things used to be. There are elements that never existed in these worlds but now they exist."
  "It's enough to cause your head to explode," Alura commented in a dry tone of voice.
  "Just another Thursday for me," Harry remarked as with a thoughtful smile. "All of them, different lives, but the faces are the same."
  "Or it could be a coincidence," Lily gently suggested and Harry's eyes turned towards her as they opened up. Two identical sets of green eyes focused on each other. The two of them stared each other down.
  "I've never been one to believe in coincidences," Harry told her in a stern tone and Lily nodded her head, she was glad that her son did not believe in them because she did not either. The redhead kept her eyes on his and she smiled.
  "You shouldn't, because they are rare," Lily remarked as she sighed. "But I hope that you remember that things might not be what they seem."
  "They rarely are," Harry commented. "And I'm getting closer to piecing together the legend of the Star Child, although I can't believe that it went that long and that far."
  "You are someone who has a legend that transcends life itself," Lily remarked as she smiled. "This is far different from the Boy-Who-Lived legend, that was small time compared to this."
  Lily smiled as she added.
  "One was enabled by a creepy old man with an unhealthy obsession with lemon drops and greasy young men who played his bottom. The other was a legend that was enabled by hot young women who want to squeal beneath you."
  "There's no guess what should be preferred," Harry said as he got laid by a hot Asgardian today and they had sex for what amounted to several days, but thanks to the time dilation field, it only amounted to a few moments on the outside world. "And I'm really glad about that, truthfully I am."
  "I'd figured as much," Lily stated as she leaned towards him. "I wouldn't worry about any faces popping up. Just pretend that you're meeting them for the first time."
  "There is always a chance that someone who was a trusted friend in your world could be a real fucking bitch and there could be a hated enemy that may be an ally," Alura remarked as she smiled. "Just go for the flow Har-Rell, what could happen?"
  She leaned forward and stole a kiss from him and Harry smiled.
  "My turn," Lara chimed in as she kissed him on the lips and the two of them exchanged a burning kiss. He was perfect in her eyes.
  "And me," Peve said to him and Harry kissed her once again.
  "Save the best for last," Lily added and the other members of the Fortress Council looked towards her and Alura was not one to let something like that pass without a comment.
  "You are the absolute pinnacle of modesty, you know that," Alura commented and Lily smiled.
  Lily wrapped her arms tightly around Harry and he felt his mother's young nubile body press against his. She wrapped around him and worked her tongue into his mouth, with a kiss. She practically grinded up against him and Harry groaned as her crotch met his in a flurry of passion.
  "Mmm, I love you Harry," Lily breathed as she broke away from him, a sultry grin on her face as she stood against the wall.
  "Love you too Mum," Harry stated as she felt a tightness in his pants and Lily stared shamelessly at it.
  "Yes, I can tell," Lily said as she placed her hands on her hips and arched back, which emphasized her glorious breasts. "Remember Harry, just because some politician say it's taboo doesn't mean that you have to spoil your fun."
  She reached forward and brushed her hand against his crotch with a smile on her face.
  "I know you promised your girls that you would meet them, but we're going to have to continue this later," Lily concluded as Harry moved out of the room with a smile.
  "Looking forward to it, Mum, looking forward to spending some quality time with all of you," Harry commented as he spun around and walked off.
  Kitty met Harry the moment that he exited the room and threw her arms around him, pressing him into the wall, and nearly putting him through the wall with an amazing kiss. She straddled his hips as the two of them kissed each other, their tongues dancing together in fiery passion as Harry wrapped his arms around her tightly.
  "Hey, Kitty," Harry commented as she continued to sit on his hips.
  "Hey, Harry," Kitty commented as she worked his shirt open so she could play with his chest and abs as she ground down upon him. "You're pretty worked up."
  "Well you did jump me," Harry offered her and Kitty grinned as she kept grinding her center down across his crotch.
  "Don't pretend you don't love it," Kitty told him as she reached forward. "So, you were talking to your mother?"
  "Yes, both of them," Harry remarked as his hands worked underneath her shirt, feeling her up slightly.
  "So, since you said they're holographic images, that means....well did you do it?" Kitty asked him with a smile across her face.
  "Depends on what you mean by it," Harry told her and Kitty raised an eyebrow, her smile growing wider.
  "You know, it," Kitty remarked to her.
  "I know what you're referring to," Harry fired back as he worked his hands underneath her shirt.
  "Oh, yes, that'd be so totally hot," Kitty said as she smiled. She met Lily and she was really beautiful, with her red hair, green eyes, and tight body.
  Kitty blushed as she remembered a really vivid dream she had involving her and Harry, along with Lily.
  "You're thinking dirty thoughts, aren't you?" Harry asked and he draped Kitty over his lap.
  "Maybe I am," Kitty commented in a saucy voice. "Maybe you should like give me a spanking."
  "Maybe I so totally should," Harry bantered as he pulled down her pants and revealed her thong clad ass. "Mmm, delicious."
  Harry raised his hand and slapped her rear a few times and this caused Kitty to scream out in delight. She felt her panties get ruined by the juices that flowed down her legs.
  "Harry, don't...stop...ever," Kitty breathed as she felt his firm hand connect with her teenage rear as she was getting wetter by each passing moment. The brunette lost herself to the sensations and the pleasures of him.
  "Harry, take me, I'm yours," Kitty moaned as her nipples stood out from behind her.
  The two of them were about to have sex in a wall, which was rather kinky, Harry thought to himself.
  "You're just insatiable, aren't you?" Harry asked as he remarked. "We're going to meet the others to watch a movie, remember."
  "I know...but just a quick one, please," Kitty begged him as she phased his hand through his pants and gave him a teasing squeeze.
  "Alright, a quick one, but....you know there's nothing quick with me," Harry remarked to Kitty and Kitty smiled.
  "I wouldn't have it any other way," Kitty concluded as she prepared herself for him.
  Karen Starr's blue eyes rested behind a pair of glasses but never the less they swam with trepidation. Then again, when one was about to have a meeting with the White Queen of the Hellfire Club, one should expect to be going in there with both guns loaded and blazing.
  "Thank you for coming here, Miss Starr," Emma told her with a smile crossing her face.
  "Miss Frost, the pleasure is completely mine," Karen said evenly.
  The two of them were in one of the most exclusive restaurants in town, a place where you needed more zeroes at the end of your net worth than a Congressional hearing. The blonde's arms placed underneath her chest.
  Karen was wearing a black suit jacket, along with a red blouse, with her hair clipped back. Her eyes followed that of the woman in front of her. The short skirt and stockings along with high heel shoes offset her.
  Emma was dressed in a black jacket, along with a black top that showed a hint of her tantalizing flesh along with tight black pants that formed around her like a second skin, wearing a pair of sunglasses that covered her face.
  "So the White Queen wears something other than white, I feel blessed," Karen commented in a crisp tone of voice.
  "I'm incognito," Emma told her as she placed her arms on the table, peering forward, from the vantage point where she could see down the woman's top.
  No man or woman could resist sneaking one tiny peak, maybe several if they were so inclined.
  "Well, you weren't so incognito earlier during your previous meeting with Harry Potter," Karen said and Emma's eyes followed hers.
  "I do wonder how you learned of our meeting," Emma responded.
  Karen's smile grew smug and self-satisfied. "Well, I know people and there are ears everywhere. Hence why I had a friend of mine make sure no one could listen in on this conversation."
  "You seem to be looking at me with accusatory eyes," Emma stated as she took the drink that had been poured. She sipped on the wine, casually gazing at Karen across her.
  "Guilty conscience much, Emma?" Karen asked in a brazen voice as she kept her hand underneath the side of the table. "Your plate is rather full given all that you've taken on."
  "No more than you," Emma remarked as she leaned back in the chair. "You know something and I think that the rest of us deserve to know what you know."
  "Emma, Emma, Emma, you should know better," Karen remarked in a reprimanding voice as if she was speaking to a young child. "You're going to have to wine and dine me until I get willingly into bed with you."
  Emma smiled but sipped on her wine.
  "Then again, despite the reputation that you have flaunted out there, it's going to take quite a lot for someone to get into bed with you," Karen remarked to Emma.
  "You know perception is everything in the higher levels of society,' Emma remarked as she took another drink. "If some rich fool leaves his mind open in the vain thought that I will open my legs, then he deserves to be tricked. All it takes is a few subtle prods to the mind."
  Emma was saving herself for one man and there was only one man in the world that could give her the satisfaction that someone of her standing deserves.
  "Fair enough, but you can't deny that things are changing," Karen said.
  "I don't, there will be an empire where he will be far mightier than the rest and I have to admit, he's done an admirable job creating a solid foundation on his own,' Emma told her.
  "You sound impressed," Karen remarked.
  "Why do you think that?" Emma questioned her and Karen's smile grew wider.
  "Because coming from you, this is high praise," Karen commented lightly and Emma's smile continued to widen.
  "Praise or the truth, you be the judge of that," Emma commented lightly. "The other fools in the Club....they don't realize that their time is nearing an end. Shaw seems to be convinced of his own immortality and how he will be the one to lead a new age."
  "Shaw always has been a fool, but then again, there are an abundance of those," a voice commented from the shadows. The third member of their little meeting had been silent until right now.
  "So, what news do you have for me?" Emma asked, wondering when she would speak up.
  "It's only a matter of time before Norman has a psychotic break and my father takes control of the company, but then my brother will do his best to take control from him," the female commented from the shadows, as her red hair hung from in front of her face.
  "Ahh those Luthor-Osborn men, nothing but fools that we can exploit for the Star Child's benefit," Emma commented lightly.
  "They are, we know he's here, he's ready, and he's taken the heart and the soul out of Xavier's team," the woman in the shadows remarked, amused by the very thought of this.
  "Yes, he's left him with nothing but a fractured team and a lot of the members that are left...well they are loyal to Harry as well but many are not his type," Karen said.
  "It sounds like you have a spy inside the Institute," Emma commented.
  "What makes you think that?" Karen asked with a smile that never left her face.
  "How did you accomplish that?" Emma asked, she wondered about getting a spy inside Xavier's school but it was too much of an issue.
  "Now, Emma, I told you, I can't give away all my secrets," Karen commented to her and the smile kept crossing her face. "She's the daughter of one of Charles's old friends, so naturally he trusts her."
  "You aren't referring to who I think you're referring to, are you?" Emma asked.
  "One of his first class members, although he was fairly up in age," Karen remarked. "I think Xavier was surprised that a female willingly joined."
  "Yes, there's young Tabitha, Jubilation, and Rahne left, if I'm not mistaken," the redhead in the shadows commented.
  "And if Tabby is not feeding Amara information to give to Harry, I'd be surprised," Karen added.
  "Neither would I and Ororo Munroe is his liaison," Emma said, as she heard whispers of this the last time.
  "Yes, and she's underneath his thumb," Karen remarked to them.
  "And other parts of his body, I'm sure," the third woman commented.
  "You do realize that even though Summers is the leader, they all think of Harry as the leader," Karen said.
  "They would be deluded and foolish not to," Emma added.
  "I'm surprised our fourth guest had to pull out at the last minute," the woman in the shadows commented.
  Emma's smile grew wide. "Selene had to return home, it appears that the King of Nova-Roma has taken a turn for the worst with his recent illness."
  "Is it terminal?" the third women asked.
  "He only has a few months to live, although his subjects do not know about it, not even his daughter has been informed of how fatal his illness is," Emma informed them. "The contract that Har-Rell holds in his hands is one that he holds the cards and not the king."
  "If he bonds with the princess, then he will be next in line to the throne," Karen remarked as she added. "Providing he has not already."
  "And the queen will need some comforting should her husband pass on," Emma added in a knowing voice. "He has bonded with several of them already, hasn't he?"
  "Yes," Karen added but she did not offer any more details than that.
  'Kitty, Kara, Rogue, Wanda, Jean, Rachel, M'Gann, and Gwen....they're his wives right now, even if they haven't quite figured it out yet, all Alpha or at least very high Primary,' Karen commented. 'Of course the ranking system is just for organizational purposes, although these particular ones are the closest to him.'
  Emma smiled, the Star Child was in position to rule over a country that at a population that was almost eighty percent really attractive women who would worship his altar, as it should be.
   To Be Continued in the Next Chapter.

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