Залесский Владимир Владимирович : другие произведения.

About Diplomacy

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    About Diplomacy

  1. The Tale of the Mini-Conference in the Cafe-Library of M. Gorky.
  2. The Tale about the Academician Tarle.
  3. The Tale about Talleyrand.
  4. The Tale about Witte.
  5. The Tale about Metternich.
  6. The Tale about Nesselrode.
  7. The Tale of the Congress of Vienna (1814 -1815).
  8. Dialogue about the Peace Treaties of Tilsit (1807).
  9. The dialogue about Peter the Great.
  10. Dialogue about Catherine the Great.
  11. Dialogue about the Human From the Past.
  12.The Tale of October 17.
  13. The Tale about Daladier.
  14. The Fairy Tale about Literary Connoisseurs.
  15. The Fairy Tale about monologue of Hindenburg.
  16. The Monologue about the French Tricolor and about the Stavka.
  17. The Tale about two awards.
  18. Dialogue about Gorchakov.
  19. Dialogue of the republican, the democrat, the liberal and the reformer.
  20. The Tale of the Magic Translation.
  21. The Short Story about reading historical books.
  22. The Short Story about the Unsuccessful Report.
  23. The Fairy Tale of Rifled Muskets and of Fighting Experience.
  24. The Fairy Tale about the Library on the Seacoast.
  25. The Short Story of Monocles.
  26. Dialogue about an adventure literature.
  27. The Fairy Tale of the answer to the European powers.
  28. The Fairy Tale about the politeness of Prince Talleyrand.
  29. The Tale of Ilya Muromets. Series 2.
  30. The Sketch about the originality of a modern political career.
  31. The Sketch about the Butterfly by Ray Bradbury.
  32. The Fairy Tale of the recordings in the diary of Karl Nesselrode.
  33. The Short Story about fans of Shakespeare.
  34. The Short Story about fans of Shakespeare. Series 2.
  35. The Short Story about an Interesting Book
  36. The Fairy Tale of the Making the Difficult Decision.
  37. Dialogue about A plus B.
  38. The Fairy Tale of the Amadeus Hoffmann's walk through Berlin.
  39. The Fairy Tale about Three Travelers.
  40. The Short Story about the Creative Immersion.
  41. The Fairy Tale of Memoirs of the Prince Talleyrand.
  42. The Story about the Political Energy.
  43. The Fairy Tale about a new textbook. The author Vyshinsky.
  44. The Fairy Tale of the Meeting of Leo Tolstoy and Andrei Vyshinsky.
  1. The Tale of the Mini-Conference in the Cafe-Library of M. Gorky
  - Misters!. - Gorky has stopped for a moment. - Comrades!.. I have asked you, the most famous readers of our cafe-library - the Designer, the Writer, the Builder, the Politician - to gather for several minutes for a small discussion.
  One of our young readers was interested in the Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Perigord's personality. He have asked also: and what it is possible to read about a diplomacy art?
  I do an assumption: to make a thematic selection of books. And on its basis to issue the stand with an exhibition of books on a subject.
  The visitor comes into library. Also sees - the stand with a thematic selection of books. The visitor can remain an indifferent, but he can become interested. And I am ready to make explanations, recommendations... The project is potentially useful. In any case - it's not harmful project.
  So, question the first: how to formulate an exhibition subject?
  - Diplomacy is, of course, "an art of a possible", - the Writer has spoken. - But nevertheless diplomacy is perceived as the solution of important foreign policy questions by a peace methods.
  - Territories - an important question, - having sighed, the Builder has spoken.
  - You do a project of a sequence of actions and you receive a useful result, - the Designer was connected.
  - And what about a violence? - the Politician has asked. Participants of discussion with displeasure have looked at him.
  - In a history process we may see a much of violence. Diplomacy art - here is a question, - the Writer has answered the Politician.
  - A beautiful presentation to make ... To give a representation of a voluntariness, of equal rights... - Gorky has thoughtfully said. - Territorial questions - a subject in the history is a frequent. And a diplomacy doesn't stay from the corresponding events aside.
  - As far as will we go deep into a history during a characteristic of an example? - the Writer has asked a question to participants of discussion.
  - We won't do without a conciseness, - the Designer has reacted. - But it is necessary to give an overall historical picture, a historical context.
  - Misters! - the Writer has quickened. - Dear Alexei Maksimovich in 1906 has visited the USA. And meanwhile, venerable mister Talleyrand has also lived some time in the USA. Perhaps, we will address the history of the North American continent?
  Gorky has become somehow nervous. His fingers began to rotate a pencil. Then he has displaced a cup of coffee along some intricate trajectory. He have several times cleared his throat.
  The Politician began to massage eyelids of eyes.
  - Misters! - the Builder has interfered. - Remember the discussed question! Be diplomatic!
  - I meant the southern, only southern, regions of the continent, - the Writer began to justify himself.
  Gorky with interest has looked at him and has specified:
  - Southern regions of the North American continent?
  - Yes! - the Writer has confirmed.
  - Yes! - the Politician has repeated.
  - Perfectly, misters! Now we pass from the first question to the subsequent, - the Designer has joined. - The subject is defined. And we now fastly will make the list of literature works. And then, if necessary, we will help Alexei Maksimovich to place books on the stand.
  We will begin with those books which will allow to give a general idea about the statement of Europeans in Northern and Southern America. I mean book collections about great seafarers, travelers, military leaders, politicians. The reader in these collections won't find detailed information. But he will be able to form a general view: how at "North" of the North American continent there were created USA, and at "South" - Mexico.
  - Spaniards have entered in history, - the Writer has thoughtfully said.
  - Yes, - the Politician has confirmed.
  - Will we include works about formation of democracy, development of economy in the USA in the list of works? - the Builder has asked.
  - Generally, is clear that democracy creates conditions for economic development... - Gorky has said. - Is it necessary to include in the list the books from the Pavlenkov's pre-revolutionary series "Life of Remarkable People": about the American inventors and political figures? Books by Dreiser for a general understanding?
  - None... - the Builder has reacted. - We will consider this question as the theme, which may be easily understanding.
  - So, at "North" - the USA, at "South" - Mexico, - the Politician has continued.
  - Democratically arranged and economically developing USA... - the Designer has added.
  - We won't absolutize the American experience, - M. Gorky has noticed. - Chinese people are concentrated several millennia on the wisdom of ancient. What did ancient wise men call for? They called for a philanthrophy, a justice, an obedience to current laws and an observance of the established ceremonies, a love of truth, a fidelity and a honesty... In Pavlenkov's series there is, by the way, a book about Confucius. The book was published in 1891 and 1897.
  - The land has a value, - the Builder as if thinking of something own a particular has said.
  - If we consider details of military operations between the USA and Mexico then such specification whether will help us to characterize a diplomacy art? - Writer have asked the rhetorical question.
  - We will focus attention on the treaty. - the Designer has offered. - The peace Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo signed on February 2, 1848, in the Villa de Guadalupe Hidalgo. The Treaty ended the Mexican-American War (1846-1848). This war has ended with defeat of Mexico.
  The territory of 2,3 mln sq.km was transferred to the USA according to this Treaty. This territory makes about a quarter of the territory of the modern USA (states Texas, California, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, a part of Colorado and Wyoming).
  According this Treaty the USA paid to Mexico instead of the transferred territories the "compensation" in 15 million dollars and, besides, the American government undertook satisfaction of financial claims of the citizens to Mexico in the sum of 3,2 million dollars.
  - A substantial scale! - the Politician has noted.
  - For the characteristic of art of diplomacy more important another, - the Designer noted. - USA have received Territories not free of charge. For the money.
  - For the money, Misters! - the Designer has repeated, drawing with intonation attention of participants of discussion to the words. - So, it is possible to speak about not "annexations", and especially not (military) "contributio". We may to see, - the Designer has fastened with one hand on the tip of his nose an eyeglasses. With the index finger of the other hand he lightly tapped on an eyeglasses, - both a voluntariness, and a mutual benefit, and equal rights. By the way, in the Treaty there are formulations in which the aspiration to the subsequent peaceful co-existence is expressed. In these "voluntariness", "mutual benefit", "equal rights", "aspiration to peaceful co-existence" a diplomacy art can be revealed.
  - A violence nevertheless took place. And it causes a regret, - the Politician has joined.
  - Mm, - the Writer has muttered.
  - What, misters? - Gorky has specified. - To put several books on an exhibition? Literary collections about great travelers, seafarers, politicians, military leaders? And to add to them the more detailed book about the political destiny of the southern territories of the North American continent containing data on the Treaty of 1848?
  - You put them slightly below, - the Writer has expressed opinion. - And on the top row you may to put the Talleyrand's biography. With his good portrait on a cover. For your attention - in 1797 Talleyrand became Minister of Foreign Affairs. The biography - saturated. An exhibition to anniversary - it is bad? To what anniversary? You may read the biography... We spoke about a historical context. Doesn't a Talleyrand's life story give a certain notion of a historical context of the Treaty of 1848?
  - Give a title to this the small book exhibition: "An Art of Diplomacy in a concrete historical example", - the Designer has spoken.
  - A construction business is not an art of diplomacy? - the Builder has said. Participants of discussion looked at him with a silent understanding. He have continued. - - And, misters, if a part of the title - "in a concrete historical example" - not to show for a public review. For now to make visible only the words "An Art of Diplomacy". Whether such option more diplomatic will be?
  - I thank, misters, for your opinions, - Gorky has said. - I try to present visually offered stand. At the stand the sonorous title and only several books...
  At the top level - a Talleyrand's biography with a good portrait. Below - several books collections with biographies of great people: travelers, seafarers, military leaders, politicians. And - the detailed book, which contains data on the Treaty of 1848.
  - On her cover, this special book, unless it is written that she - about the Treaty of 1848? If at once you don't find her now, so you will put her later. Affairs of bygone days! Whether it is worth to shake the events of the old? To disturb ghosts? - the Writer has noticed. - The reader will begin with Talleyrand's biography. She is sated with the subject "diplomacy art"! And collections of biographies of great people unless aren't sated with data on this subject?
  - It isn't too simple? - M. Gorky has said. - Somehow the action may be percepted as not an academic like... But why not? Who can, that let will make better!
  Misters! I declare the completion of our discussion, our mini-conference.
  I wish you good day and pleasant reading!
  And I go to prepare the thematic exhibition of books.
  May 15, 2017.
  Translation from Russian into English: May 1, 2018 18:57. Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о мини-конференции в кафе-библиотеке М. Горького'.
  2. The Tale about the Academician Tarle
  Gorky has joined the readers of cafe-library who have decided to exchange opinions on the read books behind cups of coffee.
  - 'Alexey Maksimovich', - the Writer has addressed him. - 'You were fond of Tarle?'
  - '"Napoleon", misters', - Gorky has explained, laying before himself on a table the book "Napoleon" by Yevgeny Tarle .
  - 'Listen, misters! - the Builder has quickened. - 'All listened to the lectures Tarle. Who - before revolution, who - after the revolution. Who before the Great Patriotic War, who - later. Who - being the student, who - already with ranks and awards.'
  - 'And who didn't read his books?!' - the Politician has connected to review. - 'All at least something, but - were reading. Or, at least, - heard.'
  - 'The audience were breaking into the auditoriums!' - The Builder has added. - 'Happened, he arrives to a hall, is scheduled for the performance, and he have to stop at distance for one city block or two away. The streets are crammed with parked cars belonging to fans of lectures.
  In peacetime, sometimes, the audience broke through and ticket collectors, and controllers and persons on duty.'
  - 'Imagine, misters!' - the Writer couldn't appease emotions. - 'Wartime: hunger, fatigue. There wasn't enough the most necessary things. . But the crowds were flocking for the lectures of Tarle.
  Both the commanders and the soldiers listened. also the Wounded in hospitals. Engineers and workers. Defenders of the Homeland!'
  - 'He, by the way, transported me more than once on the automobile', - the Builder has connected to talk. - 'He on hand had not the own car. But attached governmental car in continuous use. Less hassle and distractions. And he had the same driver - a constant. Driver helped the academician much.'
  - 'He once transported me in his railroad car-salon', - the Technical Designer remembered.. - 'During the military period all lived very modestly. All starved. And he was moving in "own" railroad car-salon. Accompanied by two conductoresses. Thanks to his railroad car-salon and its mobility I quickly and with comfort have moved from one city to another.'
  - 'All this so, misters', - was added by the Writer. - 'But you would see his apartment in St. Petersburg, that is in Leningrad, on Neva Embankment near the Winter Palace. His flat is the former apartment of count Witte. He was writing in the office-room, looking at Neva, at a silhouette of Peter and Paul Cathedral... He liked to work there.
  I will afford, misters, to conjecture. The academician begins to work. And he addresses to Witte for advices, recommendations. Witte was a person of enormous knowledge: and he will not recommend a bad offers.'
  - 'You dreams, dear Writer', - has reacted the Technical Designer. - 'Knowledge of the academician Tarle had the same sources which are available to all: education, self-training, libraries, archives. Many saw him. In different libraries. Simultaneously. How he managed?
  However, it isn't reasonable to deny intellectual continuity. But let's imagine the academician in the company of Napoleon, Talleyrand... Nakhimov, Ushakov, Kutuzov...'
  After a pause, the Technical Designer added:
  - 'And what a dacha he had!" In a coniferous-deciduous forest! On the banks of the Moskva River. he liked to walk, to get some fresh air. Dreamed on the conquest of the cosmos.'
  - 'Dreamed on conquest of space?' - the Writer has expressed some doubt. - 'He also traveled to Moscow on different affairs: publishings, for example. I visited him in a Moscow apartment.'
  Gorky has put a palm on the book with pleasure and has cleaned away a nonexistent tiny specks of dust off a book-cover.
  The Writer has continued:
  - 'Evgeny Viktorovich was familiar more than twenty years with the writer Eugene Lannes. Because of the circumstances E. Lannes was the namesake of the Napoleonic Marshal Jean Lannes. The writer Eugene Lannes, - according some memoirs, - acquired an engraving with the image of the Marshal Jean Lannes on a white horse. Eugene Lannes has allegedly hung up this engraving among family photos over a desk. One of memoirists reports that Eugene Lannes didn't deny what is a descendant of the marshal Jean Lannes in a straight line.
  Imagine, gentlemen, the auditorium - for example, the huge hall - is filled with listeners. Evgeny Tarle read lecture about Napoleon. But many people know that in his environment, as well as in the environment of Napoleon, - Lannes.
  Evgeny Viktorovich is fond of a subject. Listeners are fond of his story. And here they see before themselves (image of) Napoleon.
  You would have refused, gentlemen, to go to a lecture, look at Napoleon?'
  - "Were at the lectures Tarle!", "Personally I was present: powerful impression!", "I listened repeatedly!", - exclamations of participants of discussion have sounded.
  - 'Evgeny Viktorovich liked to remember a request of Academy of Sciences as soon as possible to send exact date (day, month, year) of the birth. With a note: "Remember that to convert from old style to new should be for the XX century to add 13 days, for the XIX century - 12, XVIII - 11"', - added the Writer.
  Gorky with pleasure has clapped a palm over the book.
  - 'We need Comrade Tarle', - a familiar voice suddenly sounded to everyone. - 'It isn't necessary to rise.' 'Я нэ князь! (I'm not a prince!)'
  The participants of the discussion became immovables as stones.
  The person has taken the book Tarle "Napoleon", which was lying ahead Gorky, has opened it and has leafed through several pages.
  Continuing to hold the book in hand, he began to stroll slowly, reflecting aloud:
  - 'To the academician Tarle during war tired and hungry people were coming to lectures. Why?'
  The person has made a small pause and has continued:
  - 'Because he was speaking about Napoleon's invasion, about fight against this invasion, about a victory of the people. His performances and books became the important moral factor strengthening confidence that the difficult situation which has developed for army and the country has temporary, passing character.'
  The person made a small pause and continued:
  - 'People were coming for hope, for self-confidence, for confidence in inevitability of the Victory!'
  The person has looked at the readers of cafe-library, which were listening to him. Continuing to stroll, he have added:
  - 'We were needed Napoleon. We needed to mobilize him for our ideological front. The academician Tarle has executed a role of "a military commissariat". Thanks to the academician Tarle Napoleon "was at war" as a part of the anti-Hitlerite coalition.
  As for the book by the academician Tarle about Talleyrand... Talleyrand was also very useful! Remember Tehran, Yalta, Potsdam!'
  The person has again looked at the listeners. He returned the book at place ahead Gorky, having quietly added: "Thank you, Aleksey Maximovich!".
  Addressing the audience, he have told:
  - 'I was passing into automobile near a cafe-library. I have asked to stop. I have decided to visit.In order to see and to know. Continue to read books!'
  Also unexpectedly, as he has appeared, has gone to an exit from cafe-library.
  Gorky and his interlocutors were gradually exempting from some embarrassment.
  Taking the book in hand, Gorky has summed up the result of discussion:
  - 'Read historical literature! Read Tarle, misters!'
  He have drunk several sips of coffee.
  May 17, 2017.
  Translation from Russian into English: 22 November 2017 07:45
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка об академике Тарле'.
  3. The Tale about Talleyrand
  The weather in Petersburg was good. Florenty Pavlenkov has gone to Strelka, the easternmost tip of Vasilyevsky Island. Here he saw on the bench, facing the sea, Andrei Kamensky and Christian Insarov.
  Florenty Fyodorovich sat down next to them.
  - 'Misters! We - more precisely, you - prepare books about Prime Minister Gladstone and about the prince Metternich. And what do you think of a plan to publish the book about prince Talleyrand?'
  - 'The outstanding person, the outstanding political figure, the outstanding diplomat.' - has reacted Insarov. - 'Like Clemens Ventsel Lothar Metternich, Charles Maurice Talleyrand - from an ancient aristocratic family. Talleyrand's ancestors "are found" in the history of France since the 10th century.'
  Kamensky tilted his head slightly in assent. He has considered it expedient to begin the presentation of ideas with Gladstone:
  - 'The ancestors of William Ewart Gladstone lived during the reign of king Edward I (XIII century), they were knights.
  But since then the circumstances have changed: the family has become poor, the estate has been sold, and the great-grandfather of the "current" Gladstone is already engaged in the trade of malt in a Scottish town.
  And his grandfather, Thomas Gladstone, moved to tthe port of Leith late in the last century and conducted a fairly extensive trade there bread. He made a fortune, he amassed wealth, he endowed 16 children with a decent inheritance.'
  Having explained Gladston's origin, Kamensky has added:
  - 'Both Gladston, and Talleyrand studied theology. In different scale, of course. Talleyrand has got an education in seminary of Saint-Sulpice.
  If about the childhood, school and student's days Gladstone we have certain data, then we know little about the childhood and years of study of Talleyrand.
  One can assume with certainty: in the Seminary was taught is not bad. Generally not bad. And the more so well historical disciplines were studied.
  I think, that Talleyrand since the time of his studies in seminary has learned: after the revolution is most likely will come an era of instability, the changes in government, the changes of ruling groups. And for this period of post-revolutionary political turbulence several dozens of years will be spend.'
  - 'For most historical examples of this scheme is - correct.' - Florenty Pavlenkov has spoken. - 'One can make a presumable conclusion: Talleyrand well learned history in youth and therefore he has lived successful life.
  Please note, gentlemen, that Talleyrand is among successful statesmen. Why am I doing this accent? Yes, because many prominent people have received the life's knockdowns and knockouts. But Talleyrand was free from such event in his life.'
  - 'There is a legend,' - Kamensky have remembered , - 'that Napoleon, accusing Talleyrand of alleged state treason, tried to strike him blow. But Talleyrand took a step back. And the blow hasn't taken place.'
  Pavlenkov has with astonishment looked on Kamensky.
  -'There are quite a number of allegations made against the Talleyrand in treason, self-interest, perfidy.' - Insarov has specified. - 'In general, he acquired the glory of a wicked man.Allegedly for the life he has brought 14 oaths, contradicting one to another. However, the more the person is known widely, the more chances he has to earn the reputation of "vicious". A well-known person is examined under a microscope. I don't remember, for example, that someone accused Talleyrand in murder or in the personal directive to commit murder. More he is reproached in inconstancy.In personal and political treacheries. In deception.
  However, the biased a history enthusiast may come to a conclusion that it was during the period of the most bloody Napoleonic wars that Talleyrand resigned in 1807. Ostensibly Talleyrand did not want to be a "hangman of Europe" ...
  Perhaps we can talk about indirect involvement of Talleyrand to the persecution of revolutionaries and Bonapartists after returning in 1814 to power of the Bourbon dynasty. Talleyrand, returned to power, saved from the repression of at least forty-three of the persecuted. But, naturally, not all - those, who fell under the repressions.
  Then on September 24, 1815, Talleyrand resigned. Got out of the game again.'
  - 'Talleyrand's tendency to treachery is a widespread point of view.' - Pavlenkov has said.
  - 'It is possible to state the judgment opposite to this developed opinion.' - Kamensky have specified. - 'In the literature there is an opposition of a white cockade and Tricolore. But do not forget that with the offer to revolutionary citizens to use a cockarde three-colored - red-white-blue - the marquis de Lafayette made an initiative (white - the "ancient French colour").
  Red and blue are the colors of Paris (and revolutionaries in day of storm of the Bastille have used these colors). And white is the color of French monarchy. (Gold lilies on a white background were an old royal flag). Since 1790 the French flag - a tricolor - has appeared. [The flag of France since 1794 (interruption 1815-30).]
  The Tricolour has been redesigned - but not essentially, and it remains the flag of France still.
  Thus, Talleyrand and in option of a white cockarde, and in option of a Tricolore - but in both cases was a supporter white.'
  - 'When the insurgent people were storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789,' - Insarov has added, - 'Talleyrand has arrived in the royal palace at night and begged the king's brother to begin armed resistance. That brother has gone to the king.
  It has become clear that the king has decided not to shed blood. Talleyrand, having learned about refusal of the king of vigorous fight, commented that "each of us needs to think only of own interests". The clear statement. And a forced statement. What treachery or perfidy?'
  - 'An interesting picture,' - said Pavlenko. - 'Since the times of learning he was convinced that almost certainly behind the revolution will be followed by a long period of instability. And in 1789 Talleyrand from first hands - from the brother of the king - receives information that the revolution has become a fact. Therefore, all his subsequent life went with understanding that any political regime - temporary, any government - temporary.'
  - 'Not just "temporary". "Temporary" is a word formulation.' - Insarov has specified. - 'We can come to a conclusion that Talleyrand not just expected "temporariness" of any modern to him the governments, but that he promoted - to a greater or lesser extent - his "transformation" into new government.'
  - 'A thousand miles can be went over in a thousand years. But you can - in a thousand seconds.' - joked Pavlenkov. - 'It is possible to make the assumption of your words, that Talleyrand promoted the fastest passing of the period of instability. Bold speculation. Humanity? "Philanthropy"?'
  Insarov has silently looked at Pavlenkov.
  - 'The circumstances of the introduction of Talleyrand in a position of the French foreign minister on July 18, 1797, are curious.' - Kamensky said with intonation of question. - 'He had an insignificant diplomatic experience. He has got an education good, but hardly at that time attention was paid to this factor. It would seem, the person from long emigration has come back - and almost at once occupies a post of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Only using the acquaintance with the favorite dame of one of members of the French Directory (a governmental five-member committee)? It's unconvincing.'
  - 'All the circumstances of this appointment we will not know for certain.' - Pavlenkov said, - 'Someone can build guesses. But everyone agrees that Talleyrand was a man of talent and usefulness. Imagine, gentlemen, an analogy between the two types of relations: "publisher-writer" and "the head of state-Minister of foreign Affairs". The publisher concludes with the writer a contract for the preparation of the book. It's one thing if the writer knows the intent, the main idea, the task, the purpose, and the book is written quickly and efficiently. It is quite another thing if the writer can't adequately understand what is required of him, and the book is written for a long period of time, with poor quality, and in result you receive the unreadable text. And what? the publisher himself had to write this book?
  If we follow this analogy, we will conclude that the Minister for Foreign Affairs is faced with a certain amount of tasks and cares. It is desirable that the person on this post should be able to solve problems quickly and effectively. It is clear that ministers were appointed both before and after Talleyrand. His candidacy is not the only one possible. But at the same time, it is clear that he was able to solve the tasks assigned to him.
  He differed in both talent, and usefulness.
  It was not only the usefulness of a professional diplomat. He was also the head of the French government. It is possible to speak about his usefulness in a broader sense. There are examples.
  He is the member of the Constituent assembly. Being the bishop, referring to his own church status, though being in a conflict with a position of the church authorities, promotes in October, 1789 to strengthening of the French currency due to nationalization of land possession of church. That is promotes "strengthening" of the formed revolutionary mode (due to the estates belonging to the Church). (After these acts he leaves with the status of the bishop and becomes "layman").
  He promotes coming to power in France of Napoleon in 1799.
  He facilitates a victory of allies over Napoleon in 1814, having given timely recommendation to allies to move straight to Paris. Probably, promotes preservation of Paris from destructions and any violence in 1814...
  He promotes return to the power of Burbons after Napoleon's renunciation in 1814.
  He promotes maintaining integrity of the territory of France in 1814 and 1815.
  He promotes the proclamation The Duke of Orleans as the King Louis Philippe I in 1830.
  He promotes adjustment in 1830 - 1832 of the relations with England, to strengthening of provision of new King of France. Years of life of Talleyrand: 1754 - 1838...
  Naturally, this list of "useful" actions not exhaustive. But he shows that Talleyrand's activity promoted achievement of concrete results.'
  - 'Thus,' - Pavlenkov summarized the statement, - 'in Talleyrand's career there was a logic. He was talented. He was productive, he was useful.
  So, we can say: talent, usefulness, success. You know, misters, the readers are liking and the books about scandalousness, about vices. And books about success. A question in accent, in the prevailing focus of attention.'
  - 'And in what concept we can to "include" "acceleration" by Talleyrand - the passing of the period of political instability?' - Kamensky have asked. - 'He promoted replacement of the power of the Directory with Napoleon's power. If to trust Napoleon, Talleyrand directed Napoleon to obviously lawless execution of the duke Engiyensky in 1804, to military operations against Spain and Portugal in 1808. Then Napoleon came out of the historical scene: He, Talleyrand, assisted ... Talleyrand promoted events which didn't do without excess violence...'
  - 'Talleyrand's confidential paid cooperation with the governments of Russia and Austria is well characterized by the words of Metternich:" People like Talleyrand are like cutting blades that are dangerous to play with."' - Insarov added. - 'Perhaps, the Russian Emperor Alexander I felt the correctness of these words...'
  - 'Over these questions the reflections are necessary... When writing the book about Talleyrand...' - Pavlenkov has answered. - 'If to consider as true the arguments, that Talleyrand promoted maintaining territorial integrity of France in 1814 and 1815 and to preservation of Paris in 1814, then it is necessary to consider him the outstanding historical personality. And, anyway, Talleyrand is the active participant of the major historical events.
  ... For some reason come to mind the memories and reflections of M. Gorky about his meeting with count Witte on the eve of the ninth of January 1905. After the publication of the Manifesto 17 October 1905, Witte 22 (14) April 1906, resigned from the post of Prime Minister of Russia. He was a person of superior intelligence! But we will not switch to other topics.'
  - 'The book about Talleyrand will turn out, of course, interesting.' - Kamensky has expressed . - 'But work in archives, broad access to publications in French are necessary. We have written to respected Thomas Edison the letter with a request to recommend literature, concerning his biography. He has kindly answered. Taking into account his answer about it the biographic essay has also been written. To whom to write concerning Talleyrand? To the French government? It is unlikely, that government will recommend literary sources for writing of a biographic essay about Talleyrand.'
  Pavlenkov looked at Insarov. Insarov expressed allegorically and poetically:
  - "From the sea damp, cold wind was blowing... The gusts of wind were gathering the flying, shriveled, yellow leaves and were throwing them into a fire, inflating a flame..."
  - 'It's clear,' - smiling, Pavlenkov has sighed. - 'It is necessary to address Gorky. About publication of the book, devoted Talleyrand's biography. In the Gorky's series "Life of Remarkable People".'
  May 18, 2017
  Translation from Russian into English: 22 November 2017 - 24 November 2017.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о Талейране'.
  4. The Tale about Witte
  The big family of M. Gorky has gathered in the evening in the hall of the Italian Villa. Gorky sat in a room corner, at a table. In gold eyeglasses. And he looked like an old artisan.
  Outside the window Vesuvius was in the distance visible: his fiery staircase glowed in the sky.
  Among the gathered persons there were a Poetess and the Memoirist. They also lived at this time under the same roof with Gorky and his family.
  Someone lay on a sofa. Several people sat in chairs. On a carpet the dog lay.
  The Memoirist has asked:
  - 'Alexei Maximovich, read us a lecture about Witte, please.'
  - 'I don't consider myself an expert on Witte', - Gorky replied. - 'Many events were connected with Sergei Yulyevich. And I can hardly characterize his work as a whole. But a mini-lecture? Perhaps.'
  - 'First I will quote from "Gorky"', - Gorky smiled. - 'Let's begin...
  "Shortly before the bloody events of 9 January 905, Morozov went to Witte with the delegation of industrialists, tried to convince the minister of the need for some reforms. And then Morozov told me:
  - This rascal, probably, starts some crafty game. He behaves as the provoker. Talking to him was, of course, useless and even stupid. Cunning cattle.
  Have decided to go to Witte...
  Witte was not at home. Hour one and a half we were sitting in the library, waiting for him. finally he came and kindly invited us into his office-room.
  He has started talking tone of a regret, shrugging shoulders, raising liquid eyebrows, smiling to the sliding smile, - this made him even more unpleasant. The voice sounded nasally, words were poured plentifully and easily. To me was heard in them something boastful and as though he complained. But I couldn't catch sense of words, and almost nothing was left by them in my memory. I remember only that when he has impressively told: "The opinion of ruling spheres irreconcilably disperses from yours opinion, misters..." - I have felt in this phrase something impudent, ironical...
  Then he have suggested us to pass into library for a while, until he talks over with the prince Svyatopolk. We left, I heard him talking on the phone, but I still have the strange impression that he called his doorman and talked with him.
  I do not know what was the reply of Svyatopolk - or the doorman - I didn't enter an office on Witte's invitation and didn't ask about it members of deputation. I in general felt not on the my place in this deputation. Besides I very much was interested in Kuzin - I saw that he was fascinated by the collection of awards in a show-window; bending over her, almost touching of her glass's surface by the button of his nose, he was looking at the awards. From his mouth thread of saliva lengthened and dripped on glass. When I alarmed him, he straightened his back and smiling to a buttered, drunk grin, said with a sigh:
  - How many... have accumulated, the devil...
  He sniffed with a wet his nose and wiped his face firmly with the sleeve of his jacket. All this was indescribably disgusting. I couldn't go back in the office with Kuzin".'
  - 'Now, dear friends', - continued Gorky, - 'When sometimes an Talleyrand's opinion is expressed about " acceleration" of the historical process, I can look in a different way at both January 9, 1905, and the subsequent chain of events.
  Russian-Japanese war (1904-1905), was far from the European Russia. Unsuccessful for Russia. On January 2, 1905, Port Arthur capitulated.
  Association of almost all public forces around the idea of the need of the constitution.
  On September 19, 1905 the general strike has begun.
  With the participation of Sergei Witte, the Russian Emperor was given an alternative: either political reforms or dictatorship.
  October 17, 1905, the Imperial Manifesto was issued. Manifesto granted Russia "the unshakable foundation of civil freedom".
  On December 7, 1905 the Moscow uprising of 1905 has begun, which continued 12 days. It was armed action.'
  Gorky has taken a sip of water from a cup, lighted a cigarette. .
  The poetess impulsive said:
  - 'At suppression of a December Moscow armed revolt very emotional scenes were taking place!'
  - 'Yes!' - confirmed Gorky. - 'During this period, almost everyone understood that the Constitution, that political reforms are necessary.
  On the one hand, so-called revolutionaries considered themselves absolutely rights.
  On the other hand, those who shot at them (government officials) also recognized the need of reforms.
  But the military men, which were shooting, felt the influence of the oath, the sense of duty, the very fact of the adoption of the Manifesto on October 17, 1905.
  When were followed the events of June 3, 1907, something in the souls of these people crashed.
  Time will pass, and in the diary of the Emperor there will be a record dated March 2, 1917: "Treason and cowardice and deceit are around!"'
  Gorky paused.
  - "But let's go back to Witte. After the adoption of the Manifesto on October 17, 1905 and the suppression of the December Moscow armed uprising, the State Duma was elected.
  On the eve of opening of the I State Duma the Emperor has approved ""The code of the state's fundamental laws." Article 86 fixed the legislative power of the State Duma: "No new law can not follow without the approval of the State Duma...". This provision has been violated June 3, 1907.
  The State Duma began work April 27, 1906. On the one hand, she was loyal to the existing regime. On the other hand, she put in the agenda the most important question. It was the Constituent Assembly's question - the agrarian question. Notice that in some historical works in relation to the State Duma the word-combination "Constituent Assembly" is used.
  Imagine, dear listeners! The Constituent Assembly began the work long before 1917. In 1906! Albeit under a other name.
  On July 9, 1906 the decree on dissolution of the State Duma has followed.
  The subsequent events "clean out" the State Duma off all her "salt"!
  The change of provision on elections accepted on June 3, 1907, and The other legislative "improvements", have reduced the Duma to the body which is mostly considering and approving budgetary and financial documents.
  It is curious that historians, writers easily express regrets about an occasion of dispersal of the Constituent Assembly in 1917. The sailor Zheleznyak (A. G. Zheleznyakov) - very effective image. But the fate of the I State Duma special regret and strong emotions does not cause.
  So, on April 22, 1906 S.Yu. Witte resigns.
  "Behind" remain:
  1. The safe, calmed-down country (the opposition had enough forces for the Manifesto, but not for a revolution),
  2. The favourable - in general - the end of the Russian-Japanese war,
  3. (It is possible to argue about words, but - we will conjecture:) The Constitution. And the Constituent Assembly - is ready and capable to resolve an agrarian question.
  There is enough time for reforms: the First World War will begin only in 1914.
  Such is, my dear listeners, my mini-lecture about Sergei Yulyevich Witte.'
  - 'Thank You, Alexei Maximovich, for this excellent lecture. For a lecture of the eyewitness of events', - the Memoirist has thanked.
  A general applause were heard.
  - 'To me', - the Memoirist has added, - 'Your lecture has brought into creative mood.'
  Gorky has smiled:
  - 'History - a reason for reflections.'
  - 'It would be desirable to speak out. I want to verify the correctness of the assimilation of what was heard', - the Memoirist has continued.
  - 'Please', - Gorky has reacted.
  - 'Whether it is impossible to find logical links between a December Moscow armed revolt of 1905 (and - in general - Revolution of 1905) and events on July 3-8, 1917? At the beginning of July, 1917 some parts of the Petrograd garrison, workers and other participants of events have tried to overthrow Provisional Government. Bolsheviks have well learned the lessons of 1905: and not especially interfered with events (can be, have even pushed them), but also weren't involved.
  A peculiar historical test has been executed. The peculiar rehearsal. Feeler.
  How your opinion, Alexey Maksimovich?'
  It was quiet. Gorky admired a landscape. Beauty of Vesuvius has drawn attention of all attendees.
  The evening is turning into night, Italy, Villa, Mediterrian sea, Vesuvius, silence...
  May 19, 2017
  Translation from Russian into English: 21 November 2017 17:01, 21 November 2017 19:59.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о Витте'.
  5. The Tale about Metternich
  - 'Gentlemen!' - Yevgeny Tarle has looked at Christian Insarov and Andrei Kamensky. - 'I am glad to our meeting on Neva Embankment.
  I inform you that I am going to interview Mr. Metternich. He is in St. Petersburg now. He is living in the Winter Palace. On the embankment makes morning walks.
  I got a recommendation. I hope that the Prince won't refuse a small interview.
  I invite you to join me. It is clear, that in a short conversation we won't be able to ask many questions. But we will evince interest from the different points of view. For work on our books it will be useful. The Prince Metternich - the historical personality. His years of life:1773-1859.'
  Insarov has smiled.
  - 'Who would refuse such an offer? Of course, I agree with pleasure', - said Kamensky.
  - 'I hurry to join', - Insarov has added.
  Writers have gone on the embankment to the alleged meeting place with the Prince Metternich.
  Three human figures showed up ahead.
  One of these three people differed from the imperceptible satellites in clothes, gait, a look, facial expression.
  Academician Tarle has compared the portraits of Prince Metternich, earlier were previously seen by him, with the external appearance of a man going towards writers. He understood that Prince Metternich was before them. Apparently, the inconspicuous people were the guards.
  Yevgeny Tarle has approached Metternich, has slightly raised a hat and has said:
  - 'May I introduce myself, mister Metternich. Academician Tarle.'
  The Prince has kindly looked at Yevgeny Tarle and his companions.
  Yevgeny Tarle has added:
  - 'Sergei Yulyevich Witte has recommended to me to address You, having referred to his positive recommendations. And to ask You to give an interview. I and my colleagues - misters Insarov and Kamensky - we write books on historical themes, about historic personalities. We'd like to ask you questions about Your identity, about Your activities.'
  - 'Sergei Yulyevich!..' - the Prince has repeated the told name. - 'Yes... I am ready to hear questions from you, respected Academician Tarle, and from your colleagues, respected writers Insarov and Kamensky. Please join me for a walk.'
  The Prince and writers were going along the embankment. They were followed by the guard of the Prince.
  - 'Mr. Metternich! - there has begun the Academician Tarle. - You were one of the most famous European leaders during Napoleon's era and after his leaving from political arena. The maintaining integrity of the territory of France in 1814 and 1815 - merit of the Prince Talleyrand. But before preservation of the territory of France there were circumstances which have demanded preservation of the territory of the Habsburg monarchy.'
  - 'Esteemed Academician! I'll let myself have certain initiative in our conversation. You, as I have heard, intend to ask me questions about my identity, about my activities. For an orderly presentation of the information during the subsequent conversation I will formulate a general biographical thesis: "I was creating history!".'
  Yevgeny Tarle, Christian Insarov and Andrei Kamensky with obvious respect have looked at Metternich.
  The Prince Metternich has continued:
  - 'I was working in the interests of the Habsburg monarchy. In 1867 the Habsburg Empire has turned into the dualistic monarchy - Austria-Hungary. Both to, and after 1867 the Empire was among the largest and most influential European states. For this reason, being on service of this Empire, I was creating history.
  I will add that from 1438 to 1806 the representatives of the Austrian Habsburgs held the title of Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation (with the exception of the Emperor Charles V, representative of the Spanish Habsburgs, 1519-1556). The Holy Roman Empire was founded in 962. In the period of the Napoleonic wars, Francis II was forced in 1806 to abandon the title of Emperor of "Sacred Roman Empire", retaining adopted in 1804 the title of Emperor of Austria.
  I will return to your question, Mr. Academician.
  Until 1812, military operations between the troops of Napoleon and the armies of the Habsburg monarchy were ending, mainly in favor of Napoleon. The victories of Napoleon during this period have led to internal and external disorganization of the Habsburg monarchy.
  But we have received a respite by the conclusion of dynastic marriage between the daughter of the Emperor Francis II, Maria Louise, and Napoleon.
  The Habsburg monarchy for a while became the state, dependent on Napoleonic France. Nevertheless, Empire have kept an essential part of the territory. The territory managed to be preserved because of combination of circumstances, as a result of military and diplomatic efforts. My activities in the diplomatic sphere was very energetic.
  After 1812 the position of the Habsburg monarchy as influential state of Europe began to be restored. The territory also was reinstated. The Habsburg monarchy became one of the leading European states again. In such succession of events there is also my merit.
  Both in heavy, and in favorable times, I held important posts. Therefore I had the opportunity to create history. And therefore I was creating history.
  In 1806 - 1809 I was the Ambassador in Paris. I often communicated with Napoleon. In 1809-1821 I am - Minister of Foreign Affairs and actually the head of the government of the Austrian Empire. In 1821 - 1848 years I am - the Chancellor of the Empire.'
  Writers respectfully looked at the Prince.
  - 'What was your mission, mister Metternich, at fulfillment of duties of the actual head of the government and at the chancellor's position?' - Insarov have asked the question .
  - 'The mission was determined by cultural, historical and geographical conditions. The Habsburg Empire was also called the "Danube" Empire (Danube Monarchy). The Danube is a river of an enormous length.
  The Empire united the different nations. Mostly - European. The Austrian Empire was the European country. Therefore one of components of my mission - cultural. Development of the European culture.
  Danube was determining and defines now transport, economic interaction of the nations. It is unlikely that the government can ensure that every citizen always and everywhere been satisfied with life. But the Empire sought to provide more or less peaceful and comfortable interaction of the people, the security. Was it possible? To some extent. So, other part of my mission - peaceful interaction of the nations.
  Next. As long as the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation existed, we, the leaders of the state, had the function of pan-European integration. Function of integration was linked to the European defence function: remember the Treaty of Karlowitz (1699), and remember the events that preceded this Treaty. And Treaty of Karlowitz not became the completion of affairs.
  In 1806 the Holy Roman Empire ceased - albeit and nominal - existence. I became one of founders of an era of the congresses. I initiated numerous and continuous multilateral, not bilateral, negotiations! Diplomacy mostly bilateral in the past - got a new dimension. It became conference (conferencial) diplomacy (diplomacy of conferences)!
  I will remind of my role on the Congress of Vienna . "The dancing congress" slightly surprised contemporaries. But it is better to dance, than to be at war! Remember the Austrian musical traditions!
  I will generalize. One more part of my mission - the European integration and the all-European defense.
  It is also possible to note that I am the author of the project of a standing conference of ambassadors, regular carrying out the congresses of heads of states and their Ministers of Foreign Affairs.'
  - 'Mr Metternich!' - Kamensky turned to the Prince, - 'I ask You to comment on the results of the backwardness of the Habsburg monarchy in scientific-technical sphere.'
  - 'The backwardness is relative. All can't be the firsts at the same time. As far as possible I promoted industrial revolution, promoted increase in education of the population, construction of the railroads.'
  - 'Your opinion, Mr. Metternich, the role of hydrocarbons?' - Kamensky asked another question.
  - 'Pan-European problem. A pan-European solution', - Metternich replied laconically.
  - 'The opinion is expressed that absolute monarchy slows down development of the enterprise environment, and, as a result, always lags behind the most developed countries. What your position on this question, mister Metternich?' - Insarov has taken an interest.
  - 'I was "a healer of revolutions". There are situations when society reaches the zenith. To go under such circumstances forward means to roll down backward.'
  - 'In 1807 Fulton has constructed the first river steamship "Clermont" ("North River Steamboat") which has made the first flight down the river Hudson from New York to Albany. And in the Crimean (East) war of 1853-1856 the English and French squadrons widely used military steamships. How your opinion, mister Metternich whether this circumstance in favor of decrease in transport significance of Danube testifies? Whether confirms the union of the Ottoman Empire with the Western European countries the decrease in a role of the Habsburg monarchy as participant of the all-European security?'
  - 'How to evaluate the significance of these factors? How to determine the strength of their influence?' - responded Metternich. - 'My most secret thought is that it was the beginning of the end of old Europe. I decided to die with her, performing my duty. I'm a European. The political map is changing. Europe stays!'
  Interlocutors have approached the Winter Palace.
  - 'Thank you for the conversation, gentlemen!' - said Metternich.
  - 'Allow me, Mr. Metternich, to express You our general gratitude for Your consent to give an interview, for Your interesting answers', - Academician Tarle has said.
  - 'My best wishes to Prime Minister Witte', - said the Prince.
  Yevgeny Tarle, Christian Insarov and Andrei Kamensky have slightly bowed.
  Metternich turned around and has gone to the Winter Palace.
  Yevgeny Tarle has addressed Christian Insarov and Andrei Kamensky:
  - 'Thank you for your cooperation, gentlemen. Let's say "goodbye" to each other and became to hurry to write down what we've heard.'
  It seemed to writers that they heard the phrase, was spoken by the Prince: "What two-three centuries mean in the annals of history?"
  May 20, 2017.
  Translation from Russian into English: 20 November 2017 06:10, 20 November 2017 18:21.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о Меттернихе'.
  6. The Tale about Nesselrode
  Сказка о Нессельроде
  The Tale about Nesselrode
  Читатель и Читательница - по виду студенты - вышли из кафе-библиотеки М. Горького.
  The Reader and the Readeress - they were like a students - came out of the cafe-library of Maxim Gorky.
  Вид у них был слегка растерянный и недовольный.
  They looked a little confused and dissatisfied.
  - Странное ощущение после этой встречи с Автором, - произнесла Читательница.
  - Strange a feeling after this meeting with the Author, - the Readeress has said.
  - Я почувствовал подозрение, еще когда прочитал тему встречи. "Подготавливаемая книга о Нессельроде". "Подготавливаемая"! Можно сломать язык!
  - I have felt suspicion, still when have read a meeting subject. "The book, is in process of preparing, about Nesselrode". "Is in process of preparing"! It is possible to break a tongue!
  - Во-первых, я не поняла замысел, - сказала Читательница. - Ну, ладно. Карл Васильевич Нессельроде родился в 1780 году в Лиссабоне. Вроде бы, в семье российского дипломата. И что? Мало дипломатов? Само по себе это событие еще ничего не значит. Во всяком случае, для широкого читателя интереса не представляет.
  - Firstly, I haven't understood a plan, - the Readeress has told. - Well... Karl Vasilyevich Nesselrode was born in 1780 in Lisbon. It seems, in family of the Russian diplomat. And what? Whether there was sometime a shortage of diplomats in Russia? This event in itself still means nothing. In any case, isn't of interest to the general reader.
  Во-вторых. Примерно в 21 год начал карьеру дипломата. И что? В России было мало дипломатов, начавших карьеру в молодом возрасте?
  Secondly. Approximately at the age of 21 years old he have started a career of the diplomat. And what? In Russia was few diplomats who have started a career in young age?
  В-третьих. Участник Венского конгресса 1814-1815 годов. Само мероприятие было, конечно, историческое. И для России в чем-то полезное. Но как-то больше говорят о "танцующем конгрессе", о Талейране, который добился раскола союзников и выхода Франции из изоляции. Тем более, что Нессельроде не был руководителем делегации от России. Его заслуги конкретно в чем? Может, я чего-то не понимаю?
  Thirdly. The participant of the Congress of Vienna of 1814-1815. The event was, of course, a historical. And for Russia was a useful in something. But somehow the historians speak about "the dancing congress", they more speak about Talleyrand who has achieved the split of allies and the exit of France from isolation. Especially as Nesselrode wasn't the head of Russian delegation. His merits specifically in what results? Perhaps I don't understand something?
  - Автор рассказывает, - задумчиво произнес Читатель, - что французский поверенный в делах Ламуссе 3 апреля 1816 года писал: "Господин Нессельроде обычно связан с дипломатическим корпусом и ведет официальные беседы, но ничего сегодня не делается без господина Каподистрии, у которого тайком получают частную аудиенцию". Что это значит?
  - The Author tells, - the Reader has thoughtfully said, - that the French charge d'affaires Lamusse wrote on April 3, 1816: "Mister Nesselrode is usually connected with diplomatic corps and holds official talks. But nothing becomes today without mister Kapodistrias at whom diplomats have a private audience secretly". What does it mean?
  - Этот Автор явно больше склонен к истории литературы, а не к истории дипломатии и не к вопросам биографии Нессельроде, - высказалась Читательница. - Он бы назвал свою книгу "Нессельроде в судьбе Пушкина". Пушкин-то после Лицея "двинулся" по линии Министерства иностранных дел. Судьбы Пушкина и Нессельроде необъяснимым образом соединились.
  - This Author is obviously inclined to history of literature more, but not to history of diplomacy and not to questions of the biography Nesselrode, - the Readeress has spoken. - He would call the book "Nesselrode in Pushkin's Fate". Pushkin after Lyceum "was making a career" in the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Pushkin's and Nesselrode's destinies appeared inexplicably connected.
  - Автор ссылается на Павла Елисеевича Щеголева: мол Нессельроде был в каком-то супердальнем родстве с Дантесом, - уточнил Читатель. - У семьи Дантеса и его приемного отца барона Геккерена сложились якобы неплохие отношения с семьей Нессельроде: уже в Петербурге.
  - The Author refers to Pavel Eliseevich Shchegolev: it may be, that Nesselrode was in some super distant relationship with d'Anthes, - the Reader has specified. - There were allegedly quite good relations between family of d'Anthes, d'Anthes' adoptive father Baron Heeckeren and the family of Nesselrode - in St. Petersburg too.
  - Неплохие! - воскликнула Читательница. - Барон Геккерен при отъезде из России чуть ли не обвинял Нессельроде в невозвращении барону каких-то личных писем. Какая-то кухня, кухонные дела!
  - A quite good relations! - the Readeress has exclaimed. - The Baron Heeckeren at the departure from Russia nearly accused Nesselrode: that Nesselrode not returned of some personal letters back to the Baron. A natural kitchen, kitchen affairs!
  - Венский конгресс был событием историческим, - констатировал Читатель. - Но уже к концу 20-х годов XIX века начала проявляться относительная экономическая слабость Российской империи, вызванная сохранением крепостничества, и началось военно-технического отставание страны от других великих держав. Но не Нессельроде же заниматься этими вопросами: экономическим и военно-техническим развитием. Хотя... Был он и вице-канцлером, и канцлером...
  - The Congress of Vienna was an event a historical, - the Reader noted. - But already by the end of the 20th years of the 19th century the relative economic weakness of the Russian Empire caused by preservation of a serfdom has begun to be shown. Military and technical lag of the country from other great powers has begun . But not Nesselrode to deal with these issues: economic and military and technical development. Though... He was the vice-chancellor, and the chancellor...
  - Поэты поэтами, - продолжала восклицать Читательница. - Но в 10-20-х годах XIX века крупная машинная индустрия в Великобритании одержала решающую победу над мануфактурой и ремесленным производством. Эта страна стала крупной промышленной державой, "мастерской мира".
  - The poets existed. - the Readeress continued to exclaim. - But in the 10-20th years of the 19th century the large machine industry in Great Britain has won a decisive victory over a manufactory and handicraft production. This country became the major industrial power, " a workshop of all the world".
  - С 1816 года Нессельроде управляющий иностранной коллегией. С 1828 года - вице-канцлер, с 1845 - канцлер, - дополнил Читатель.
  - Since 1816 Nesselrode - the managing director of foreign ministry. Since 1828 - the vice-chancellor, since 1845 - the chancellor, - has added the Reader.
  - И Адрианопольский мир, заключенный 2 сентября 1829 года, и Ункяр-Искелесийский договор, подписанный 26 июня 1833 года, относятся к числу дипломатических успехов России, - задумалась Читательница.
  - And the Treaty of Adrianople (1829) sighed on September 2, 1829, and the Treaty of Hunkar Iskelesi signed on June 26, 1833 are among diplomatic success of Russia, - the Readeress has thought.
  - В обоих случаях непосредственные переговоры в Стамбуле вел А.Ф. Орлов, - заметил Читатель.
  - In both cases direct negotiations in Istanbul were conducted by Alexey Fyodorovich Orlov, - the Reader has noticed.
  - В 1849 году Россия по просьбе австрийского императора вмешалась во внутренние дела Австрийской монархии. В чем состояла польза для России? - снова заволновалась Читательница.
  - In 1849 Russia at the request of the Austrian emperor has interfered with internal affairs of the Austrian monarchy. In what did the advantage for Russia consist? - again worried the Readeress.
  - В 1856 году Алексею Федоровичу Орлову было поручено выполнить сложное, хотя и не особенно почетное, поручение нового царя Александра II - заключить мирный договор с победителями в Крымской войне, - подчеркнул Читатель. - На переговорах у него, Орлова, была ведущая роль. Посылал донесения в Петербург. Некоторых успехов российская делегация добилась. Наверное, сыграли свою роль и руководители внешней политики - Александр II и Нессельроде.
  - In 1856 it was entrusted to Alexey Fedorovich Orlov to execute difficult, though not especially honourable, an order of the new tsar Alexander II - to sign the peace treaty with winners in the Crimean war, - the Reader has emphasized. - At negotiations he, Orlov, had a leading role. He sent reports to St. Petersburg. The Russian delegation has achieved some progress. Probably, also heads of foreign policy - Alexander II and Nesselrode have played a role.
  - И что же? - проявила интерес Читательница.
  - And what? - the Readeress has shown interest.
  - Император Николай I cкончался в начале 1855 года, устало произнес Читатель. - Согласно официальной версии - вследствие пневмонии (простудился, принимая парад в явно холодную погоду в лёгком мундире, будучи уже больным гриппом). А Нессельроде после Парижского мирного договора 1856 года (по итогам Крымской войны) был уволен в отставку. Умер в 1862 году. 40 лет руководил внешней политикой России!
  - The emperor Nicholas I has died at the beginning of 1855, - the Reader has wearily said. - According to the official version - owing to pneumonia (he have caught a cold, taking a parade in an easy uniform in period of very cold weather , being already sick flu). And Nesselrode after the Treaty of Paris (1856) (after the Crimean war) has been retired. He have died in 1862. 40 years he directed foreign policy of Russia!
  - Так о чем же "подготавливаемая" книга? О ком и о чем собирается писать Автор? О Пушкине, о Каподистрии, об Алексее Федоровиче Орлове? О Николае I? Об Александре II? - не смогла сдержать эмоций Читательница. - 40 лет в должности! Успехи-то были!
  - So, the "prepared" book about what? The Author is going to write about whom and about what? About Pushkin, about Kapodistrias, about Alexey Fedorovich Orlov? About Nicholas I? About Alexander II? - the Readeress couldn't constrain emotions. - 40 years in a position! Successes were! - probably...
  - Напишет - прочтем, - ответил Читатель. И любезно купил Читательнице мороженое.
  - The Auther will write - we will read, - the Reader has answered. And he have kindly bought for the Readeress an ice cream.
  20 мая 2017 года.
  May 20, 2017.
  Translation from Russian into English: April 10, 2018 - April 12, 2018. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation).
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о Нессельроде'.
  7. The Tale of the Congress of Vienna (1814 -1815)
  The Reader(man) and the Reader(woman) came out of the cafe-library.
  - 'You have a good mood today', - the Reader(man) has noted.
  - 'Christian Insarov interestingly told about the book "Klemens Metternich. His life and political activity. A biographical essay". He made comparisons with the book of Yevgeny Tarle "Talleyrand"', - the Reader(woman) answered. - 'It's not in vain that we came to a meeting with the writer.'
  - 'Insarov's reflections about the Vienna Congress are very curious', - the Reader(man) has added.
  - 'We knew A lot without his book. Although not completely were understanding, how to decipher the "secrets of music box".
  First, it is well-known that the Vienna Congress passed in Vienna in September (November), 1814 - June, 1815, - the Reader(man) recognized. - That Congress has begun after Napoleon's defeat, his renunciation, his attempt of suicide and departure to Elba Island in the Mediterranean Sea.
  Secondly, it is easily understood that Napoleon did not leave the historical scene according his own will. And you can try to compare the role of different powers in achieving this result. Perhaps, one or several states as a result of such a comparison will be in a priority position, as they made the most significant contribution to the victory of the coalition.
  Thirdly, during fighting against Napoleon the center of gravity of efforts of participants of the anti-Napoleonic coalition was displaced towards military effort, towards armed confrontation.
  And nearly all the most important diplomatic efforts were implemented in the period after the victory. That is, in a period, when war efforts were already - as it seemed - completed.
  Fourthly, from the book in the book an expression repeats, that "The Congress was dancing".
  And that, there was everything on the Congress: both intrigues, and briberies, and women, and loud words behind which low, selfish interests, and solemn festivals in honor of "Consent and the world" on which treason and perfidy prepared were...'
  - 'Insarov has placed several interesting semantic emphases', - the Reader(man) recognized. - 'Some his statements and theses seemed to me the most interesting.
  First, the choice of Vienna, the venue of the Congress - this choice created an advantage for one of the member states of the coalition. Prince Metternich was called "the Chairman of the Vienna Congress".
  Secondly, representatives of all European States (except Turkey) participated in the Congress.
  All the members of Congress were never convened for a general meeting. But some mental "projections", mental images, mental mirage visions were created. For example: "projection of the majority ","projection of voting".
  Some representative bodies (public authorities, governmental structures), which making the decisions by a majority vote, were in all epochs.
  And even more so, they "have begun to sound" in the era of revolutions. Anyway, the influence of the "majority" was felt.
  Thirdly, numerous participants of the Congress created "public", "mass", "audience".
  They formed "public opinion".
  And whether it was beneficial to those States, that have made the most significant contribution to the victory over Napoleon? On fields of battle issues were resolved not by vote, not by public opinion...
  Fourthly, even before the beginning of the Congress, prior to the entrance of Allied forces to Paris, a provisional government of France, headed by Prince Talleyrand, was created. Talleyrand insisted on returning to power the French Bourbon dynasty.
  The broken France received legitimate government. Became a member of Congress.
  The return to the power of a dynasty of Burbons, "updated", "rebooted" a situation. The aggressive Napoleon became as if the "hero of the past", he was evacuated outside the political process. In some sense, disappeared the face, the subject to which it was possible to make a claim.
  Talleyrand became the representative of France on the Vienna congress.
  Fifthly, the Prince Talleyrand, the representative of France, the person with good church education, colossal political experience, enormous communications, the great prestige has managed to impose ("to force") a discussion around a number of the principles which were put forward by him (for example, the principles of legitimacy, balance).
  After the efforts of Prince Talleyrand France withdrew from relative international isolation. France became one of the most influential States members of Congress.'
  The Reader(man) has smiled:
  - 'Insarov has separately noted a good education of the Prince Talleyrand. His art to read sermons. His art of scholastic reasonings and scholastic disputes.
  Sixthly, the Congress danced! And he could dance infinitely. To hurry? Is there any need to hurry? The memory was freed by the wind of changes. The victims and efforts of those who have made the greatest contribution to a victory over Napoleon gradually were forgotten.
  But there the completion of Congress came - completion partly forced, partly "natural".
  The Congress ended after the conclusion on January 3, 1815, of a secret alliance between Austria, England and France (was defeated) against Russia and Prussia ...
  Napoleon somehow very in due time escaped from Elba Island (someone was predicting such succession of events even before sending the Emperor to this island) and has disembarked on March 1, 1815 in France.
  Participants of the Vienna congress have created the new (7th) coalition against Napoleon. On June 9, 1815 the final (general) act of the Vienna congress has been signed.'
  - 'Even more interesting was the concise thinking of Insarov on the theme "Whether the historical works of practical value"', - the Reader(woman) said.
  - 'He does not exclude, that both the book "Napoleon" by Yevgeny Tarle and the book "Metternich" by Christian Insarov, and other historical works were the subject of the most intense study in the late 1930s and early 1940s', - clarified the Reader(man).
  - 'Why we have to exclude such opportunity?' - the Reader(woman) has agreed.
  - 'Let's remember the honor, that Yevgeny Tarle was surrounded, - Tarle as the author of the books "Napoleon" and "Talleyrand". He had an "exit" to the "top".'
  - 'Insarov took for example the Tehran (1943), the Yalta (1945), and the Potsdam (1945) conferences', - the Reader noted. - 'And the Yalta and the Potsdam conferences were organized in 1945. But Yalta conference was held before the surrender of Nazi Germany, in the period of active hostilities. Potsdam conference was convened after the Victory.
  It turns out that from these three conferences two - Teheran and Yalta - have been carried out even before completion of military operations. When the contribution to a victory of each of allies was obvious. It created advantage to the participant of the anti-Hitlerite coalition, who made the most powerful contribution to the Victory.
  Only one of these three conferences - Yalta conference (1945) - was held in the territory of the country-member. Perhaps, such decision was recognition of a contribution to the Victory of one of the participants from the side of other allies.
  The participants in all three conferences were the main participants in the coalition. No a large number. No multiplicity. No "public".
  Hitlerite Germany didn't take part in the Teheran and Yalta conferences. The broken Germany didn't accept participation in the Potsdam conference.
  Insarov has made the assumption, that at these conferences neither sermons, nor scholastic reasonings, nor scholastic disputes were voiced.'
  The Reader(man) has kept silent for a moment:
  - 'The Austrian Empire, England, Russia, Prussia were participants of the anti-Napoleonic coalition... But for a short time, after the "Tilsit peace" of 1807, Napoleonic France and Russia become allies. Then so-called Napoleonic invasion to Russia follows... From the beginning of Patriotic war of 1812 the Tilsit world has lost force... It looks like a historical analogy'.
  - 'What conclusion can be drawn?' - the Reader(woman) became worried. - 'Historical literature can be of practical importance? Interested people read the books of Tarle, Insarov, other authors - and are disclosing the "secrets of the music box"? If so, why did we leave the cafй-library without reading today the 500 pages that were needed to each? Urgently back!'
  - "We are already near the bookstore," - the Reader(man) replied. - "Let's go for half an hour. And then we'll go back to the cafe-library".
  May 21, 2017 - May 22, 2017
  Translation from Russian into English: 19 November 2017 10:19, 19 November 2017 16:31.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о Венском конгрессе'.
  8. Dialogue about the Peace Treaties of Tilsit (1807)
  In Petersburg there was good weather. On the Strelka, on the bench, admiring the views of river, the writers Christian Georgievich Insarov and Andrei Vasilyevich Kamensky were conversing.
  Insarov has taken an interest:
  - "Your impressions, mister Kamensky, from a meeting with the Prince Metternich? From the interview received at him?"
  - "Excellent interview!" - Kamensky have answered. - "Of course, the Prince has been limited in time..."
  - "The person talked for nearly six months with Napoleon - after marriage of the Emperor and the Austrian Princess in 1810. It's clear, that Metternich was the master of diplomacy," - Insarov has expanded a context of exchange of opinions.
  - "The army of the Austrian empire has suffered from Napoleon heavy instant defeat near Vagram on July 5-6, 1809. Metternich was appointed after this defeat by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Habsburg monarchy. He had a powerful motivation for dense and long communication with Napoleon in 1810. Military operations have stopped, there has come time of personal contact," - has noticed Kamensky.
  - "Events, amazing! The Unusual! The victories as lightnings - at Austerlitz, Jena, Friedland, Wagram. The immediate defeats of great European States - Prussia, Austrian Empire. The vulnerability of small States. A questionable and anxious mood," - Kamensky continued the thought.
  - "PreuЯisch Eylau (Preussisch Eylau) has become history", - Insarov has reminded. - "This is one of the few battles in which Napoleon personally commanded, and which has ended without Napoleon's troops obvious victory. The Russian troops resisted French almost as equals in that winter battle of the beginning of 1807. The Russian-Prussian-French war of 1806-1807 was been ending. Prussia has been crushed and demoralized. The Napoleon's Empire extended. Appeared a common border with Russia."
  - "Gradually Western and Eastern Europe were appearing under the domination of Napoleon," - has expressed Kamensky. - "Full defeat of troops of the Austrian empire near Vagram was still ahead in 1809. But Napoleon sought to settle the relations with Russia. Russia was in process of specifying the historical prospects. Therefore the Tilsit Peace Treaties in the summer of 1807 has been signed".
  - "By the Treaties of Tilsit, Russia received some territorial acquisition," - Insarov has reminded. - "To the Russian Empire the Bialystok district "has departed" from the crushed Prussia in Napolйon consent. This district "had no leading role". The area of his territory was rather not big. But one question to recognize on paper of territorial changes fulfilled by Napolйon I in Europe. Paper can bear a lot. Another matter to confirm consent by actions. To become the participant of territorial acquisitions. Perhaps, aggressive Napolйon - by the transfer of the Bialystok district - has divided with Russia a certain part of hostility from the the conquered and unoccupied European countries."
  - 'The Treaties of Tilsit acted not so long, - said Kamensky. - In 1807, in the summer, they were signed. In the summer of 1812 Napoleon began the invasion to Russia. And the Treaties of Tilsit has lost force...'
  Insarov has remembered:
  - 'In the book by the Academician Tarle "Napoleon" is noticed change of a position in Russia concerning Napoleon:
  "In 1807, until June, he was proclaimed the forerunner of the Antichrist from the church pulpit, and in conversations - by the Antichrist and destroyer of the Christian faith. From June 1807 the Antichrist suddenly became, without the slightest transitions and explanations, the friend and ally of the Russian Tsar. Now he once again found himself the Antichrist and half of Russia has won almost without resistance".'
  - 'There are such lines ...' - Kamensky agreed . And he added:
  - 'The Austrian Empire has been crushed near Vagram in 1809, then became the obedient ally of Napoleon. Nevertheless, beginning invasion to Russia in 1812, Napoleon was at war actually on two fronts: with Russia and with England. By the way, England was quite active in Spain, people of which showed courageous resistance to invasion of troops of Napoleon.'
  - 'The situation seems to be simplified,' - added Insarov. - 'Napoleon dominates almost all of Western and central Europe. There comes the moment when the period of his brilliant instant victories comes to the end, then passes rather short period of the Peace Treaties of Tilsit, fierce fight of Napoleon on two fronts begins: against Russia and against England.
  But in reality, the situation remained difficult. Seven years separates the summer of 1807, when Treaties of Tilsit were signed, from September 1814, when the Congress of Vienna began. And who could have known what would happen in this seven-year period ...'
  Insarov has kept silent for a moment and has continued:
  - 'About how events developed after the Treaties of Tilsit (1807) , we know now. Napoleon's invasion to Russia. The surrender of Moscow. Skillful actions of Kutuzov. Early winter and others, adverse for the French army, circumstances. The soldiers of the Great Army remained in the snows of Russia.
  No less interesting is another. How would events for Russia became develop, if the Treaties of Tilsit were not signed?'
  Kamensky looked interestedly at Insarov:
  - 'Do you show tendency to a peculiar genre of historical hypotheses, to forming of historical analogies, mister Insarov?
  It is obvious that without the Treaties of Tilsit would continue collisions between Napoleonic France and Russia . Despite the fact that their armies needed to rest, replenishment, restoration of forces.
  The political fate of Prussia would not be enviable.'
  Insarov has continued the reflection:
  - 'The Treaties of Tilsit didn't aim to create the opposition between England and Napoleon. Not the Treaties of Tilsit made Britain and Russia the allies in 1812, after the start of the invasion. By 1807, by the time of the signing of the Treaties of Tilsit England already was with Napoleon at war.
  England fought against pre-Napoleonic France and Napoleonic France since 1792 - except for the short period of the Treaty of Amiens (1802-1803).
  First, there were trade contradictions between England and France. And these contradictions arose long before 1792.
  Second, the people's uprising on 10 August 1792 overthrew Louis XVI from the throne, and he and his family were imprisoned in the Temple. In January 1793 Louis XVI was executed. The execution of the former king was described by England as "the most heinous of all known atrocities in history."For the European monarchies - is a significant argument.
  Napoleon became the head of France in November, 1799'.
  - 'What was the expediency of The Treaties of Tilsit?' - directed the attention of the interlocutor Insarov. And continued:
  - 'Receiving the Bialystok district? Russia had no significant interest in this territory. A small territory has been put on one bowl of the scales. On the other bowl - a historical reputation ...
  Time for preparation for new collision with Napoleon? But Russia was preparing for the confrontation with Napoleon after the beginning of the Russo-Prussian-French war of 1806-1807. And, maybe, earlier? We will remember the Italian campaign of Suvorov of 1799 - during existence of the 2nd anti-French coalition. Russia was included into the coalition against republican France in March, 1793.
  England continuously was at war with Napoleon since 1803 - and until his final leaving from the political scene in 1815.
  On the one hand, in the signing of the Treaties of Tilsit there was a logic. First, in general a lean compromise is better than a fat lawsuit. Secondly, there was a probability that this peace will become "eternal"? Or not?
  If to watch at the Treaties of Tilsit as on the come true historic fact, then he can remind someone not the world, but truce. Truce before resolute collision.
  On the other hand, from 1807 for 1812 Napoleon has collected, has organized, has provided with food and arms enormous army. He prepared and then invaded Russia.
  Someone will find both "pluses", and "minuses" in the Treaties of Tilsit.
  What outweighs?
  However, historical acts seldom deserve unambiguously positive assessment. Or unambiguously negative.
  Pay attention, mister Kamensky, to such feature of military contraposition as its duration. If to take for examples such powers as England and Russia, resisting to Napoleon, then the following picture appears.
  The French revolution of 1789 at first has attracted some sympathies of the English bourgeoisie.
  The radicalism of the French revolution and parallel growth of radicalism in England has alarmed ruling classes.
  The successes of the French Revolution, occupation of Belgium, - the main way of the English sale on the continent, - and threat of occupation of Holland have forced England to join enemies of revolutionary France; war has begun (at the beginning of 1793).
  In England the legislation protecting integrity of human beings has been suspended, and the laws which have limited freedom of press and meetings are issued; radical clubs have been closed.
  War - by one of estimates of its duration - continued 22 years. In historical literature the opinion is expressed that this war was war both on external, and on the internal front. For example, it was necessary to resolve both social, and national contradictions.
  Between the year 1803 and Waterloo (18 June 1815; time of 7 anti-French coalition) were created: 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th anti-Napoleonic coalitions. As you might guess, all of these listed 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th coalitions ended in such a way, that the 7th coalition became necessary.
  And, despite the fact that one of the coalition was been replacing with another, England did not stop uninterruptedly - almost 12 years (if we count from 1803) - to fight against Napoleon.
  And if you count not from 1803, but from the beginning of 1793, when the French National Convention (Convention nationale) declared war on England, and to subtract approximately one year of duration of "peace of Amiens", it turns out - about 21 years!
  About 21 years of active military contraposition! Such historical phenomenon is deserving attention, dear mister Kamensky, doesn't seem to you? In such difficult situation England had a complex of the most difficult questions: budgetary, personnel, internal political and others!'
  - 'England was separated from Napoleon's army by the Strait,' - Kamensky have reminded . - 'England had a strong fleet which has broken the Spanish-French fleet in the Trafalgar battle in 1805. England could resist to Napoleon nearly 12 years uninterruptedly (from 1803 to 1815): Napoleon couldn't destroy England.
  Absolutely other situation - the Russia, which has received in 1807 extensive overland border with the Empire of Napoleon.
  And what would be the history of Russia, if not were concluded the Treaties of Tilsit?
  Russia, like all European continental countries, including France, have discovered a desire for a rapid resolution of the accumulated problems in battles.
  Austerlitz: Kutuzov has been inclined to evade from resolute fight; the Russian Emperor Alexander I accelerated events.
  Quick, lightning, galloping victories were in the style of Napoleon.
  We can assume that the continental European powers tend to minimize the duration of an armed confrontation.
  Habit? Features of economic and governmental systems?
  I will allow myself to to offer for comparison an illustration from another historical period: sir Francis Drake. Whole periods of his life were periods of armed confrontation. The sea battle of the English fleet with the Spanish Invincible Armada in 1588 did not pass in the form of a General battle. It was a multi-day fighting, in which in favor of the English fleet were maximally used natural factors and different circumstances.
  At the time of Francis Drake England was not the rich country. And now we will assume that the country becomes rich, that economic and state systems allow to distribute the period of military contraposition for many years. For example, 20 years.
  Fight of armies turns into fight of the governmental, budgetary systems!'
  Kamensky smiled.
  - 'You, mister Insarov, will reach during your fantastic constructions to the point, when you remember, except England, also Spain, whose population resisted to Napoleon's troops in 1808-1814. Nearly 6 years! You will find some analogies between defense of Zaragoza in 1809 ("each house has turned into fortress") and fights for Stalingrad in 1942. Moreover you will also make the Central staff of the guerrilla movement in the sequence of the reasonings.
  You will remember mass evacuation to the Urals and beyond the Urals. Updating of top military personnel...
  You, mister Insarov, will reach in your fantastic mental constructions unto the "association" the "Peace of Tilsit" with "the Anglo-Spanish model of armed confrontation"...'
  - 'That is, did "Peace of Tilsit" have no alternative?' - summed up the hypothetical reasoning Insarov.
  Kamensky has smiled:
  - 'Who can tell whether Russia had sufficient resources for long and continuous confrontation on "the English sample". Resources for the long-term (armed) confrontation? There was no "Strait factor". And budgetary process? Financing of expenses on army, other expenses? And what about general functionality and flexibility of state machinery?
  Several years of defensive armed struggle in the own territory - without "Strait factor" - put the enormous, surpassing any imaginations, tasks before the state!
  Quick victory is perceived as a manifestation of the art of war. The protracted war has always been understood as a disaster.
  The struggle of Spanish people's masses against the French invaders was accompanied by disasters. The alternative was obedience. The Spaniards chose disobedience and protracted war in the period 1808-1814 years. However, it was primarily a guerrilla war.
  Interestingly, that the talented French general Moro who was hostile to Napoleon, gave to heads of the anti-Napoleonic coalition in 1813 recommendation: "Do not attack those parts of the army, where Napoleon himself, and attack only on the marshals".
  The general Moro put a victory on the first place? At any cost?
  In the territory of Portugal and in the neighboring regions of Spain - along with the guerrilla groups, - the English expeditionary corps operated, which had landed in 1808 on the Iberian Peninsula. Corps included the some units of the Spanish army.
  There was appeared unique Anglo-Spanish experience of prolonged war: based on very functional government institutions (English), effective budgetary process (English), on the broad people's guerrilla movement (Spanish).
  Napoleon said: "The war must feed itself." It is unlikely that this approach suited to the signs of a commonly understood effective budget process. His maneuvering during the warfare was quick and skillful. His crushing victories quickly turned into conditions of peace, into diplomatic achievements.
  It is possible to believe hypothetically that the history "traced" two models of armed confrontation: Anglo-Spanish and Napoleonic.'
  Insarov, having understood that reasonings gain more and more presumable character, have decided to make a pause.
  Kamensky, however, was fond of discussion:
  - 'Let's say Russia has decided to sign the Treaties of Tilsit. May be, the "peace of Tilsit" was connected with intense preparation of the future opponents for the expected collision (Napoleonic France prepared for a campaign to Russia approximately since 1810). Let's say, that after intense and relatively long training followed a relatively short time of an armed confrontation.
  In June, 1812 the Napoleonic army without declaration of war has crossed the Russian border on the Neman River near Kovno (Kaunas).
  December 21, 1812 (on January 2, 1813) Kutuzov in the order on army has congratulated troops on exile of the enemy from borders of Russia and has urged army "to complete defeat of the enemy on his own fields".
  The defeat of the Napoleonic invasion on Russia lasted for about 7 months. 7 months - not a few days, but not for several years. We will assume this period is relatively short. Of course, the period from 1812 to 1815, the same is not small.
  Who used the chosen option more effectively: "rather long preparation and rather short armed confrontation"? Napoleonic France or Russia?
  Anyway, both France, and Russia were preparing. Who "better" "long" prepared? Who "better" "quickly" was at war?'
  Insarov has paid attention Kamensk to ambiguity of concepts:
  - 'What means "was ready"? The concept is quite wide.
  Kutuzov, Suvorov's pupil, in Russia in 1812 was operating. Both Suvorov and Kutuzov were formed as commanders in the era of Catherine II. In 1812, the high resistance of the people and the army was manifested.
  In what measure Kutuzov's "presence", manifestations of firmness is possible to consider as the result of purposeful preparation of the Russian state for Napoleon's invasion?
  Perhaps, it is results of broader and long historical processes?
  Perhaps, early frosts in 1812 and some other events is possible to identify as combination of circumstances, happy for Russia.
  Ingenious and wise Kutuzov strategically relied on firmness of the people and army. Kutuzov have managed "to set sails" under wind of favorable historical circumstances.
  Napoleon persistently looked for decisive battle, sought to break the Russian army in parts. But - he couldn't.
  Napoleon near Neman in June, 1812 had about 420 thousand people. With them he has crossed the border. He has led 135 thousand to Borodino Field.
  Someone will remember the statement of the French Emperor: "The Fortune has changed the (postal) address, which was written on the letter with congratulations!".'
  Insarov has decided to move a conversation to one of favourite subjects: about practical benefits of reading historical literature:
  - 'Military art of the Swedish king Karl XII is estimated is extremely contradictory. The opinion is expressed that Karl XII's victories were fruitless. Supposedly a long time he was gaining victory over a weak and untrained troops of enemies. After this Charles XII began to ignore the basic requirements of the military art. The results were: campaign with insufficient forces and in conditions of poor communications (for example, into Russia in 1708-1709), underestimation of the opponent, bad intelligence, lack of the plan of fight, unrealistic calculations about the aid allies, etc.'
  - 'The historical works on the military art of the Swedish King Charles XII were published before the beginning of the nineteenth century, until 1812, in French?' - thought Kamensky.
  - 'Alexander Pushkin has created the poem "Poltava" after Patriotic war of 1812. After 1812 Academician Tarle created the historical works,' - Insarov has jokingly reacted. - 'I will note that among Tarle's works - "The Crimean war".
  During the Crimean war of 1853-1856 the problems of efficiency of the budget process and functionality of the state apparatus of Russia have proved themselves very significantly and adversely. The problems of scientific and technical backwardness were supplemented.'
  - 'We will refrain from unambiguous conclusions: who "better" "long" prepared to - who "better" "quickly" was at war during invasion of 1812. The strategic victory was for Kutuzov, Russia.
  But from the historical lessons you can make other - unambiguous - conclusions. About the benefits of reading.
  So, we read books by Pushkin! We read historical literature! We read books about history of Europe and the European countries!' - Kamensky have generalized the results of a discussion .
  May 23-25, 2017.
  Translation from Russian into English: 16 November 2017 - 17 November 2017.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог о Тильзитском мире'.
  9. The dialogue about Peter the Great.
  - Mr. Ivanov! - Florenty Fyodorovich Pavlenkov (Florence F. Pavlenkov) invited writer to talk.- In the series "Life of remarkable people" is scheduled for publication the biographies of statesmen.
  Reader's interest and the reader's demand is currently such that the biographies of Russian writers - are the maximally popular.
  Author, invited to talk, nodded, agreeing.
  Pavlenkov continued:
  - Now that the nineteenth century is coming to an end, in Russia is difficult to reach agreement on the issues about the evaluation of those or other Russian historical figures.
  - Yes, - Ivanov reacted.
  - But readers relate to our series with confidence. Paying heed to their trust, their desire to obtain basic knowledge of history of Russia, Russian state figures, we have to publish a biography of Peter the Great.
  Ivanov nodded again, agreeing.
  - How do you think Mr. Ivanov, is it correct to see in the biography of Peter the Great two biographies: his personal biography, characterizing his life's path, and the biography of the Russian Empire? - Pavlenkov asked.
  - In 1721 Peter I declared the Russia as an Empire, - Ivanov reacted. - There are scientific definitions of the concept of "Empire". The empire is defined as a vast state that includes the territories of other peoples and states. Discussions are held about the content of the scientific definition.
  In the ordinary consciousness - an Empire is a powerful, "brilliant" state.
  The fates of Peter the Great and the Russian Empire are interrelated.
  The processes that led to the emergence of the Russian Empire, began long before Peter I.
  There are challenges, that facing any government. For example, state must to ensure the independence, security, development, trade and cultural relations with other countries.
  The solution to these "standard" tasks in the specific conditions of Russia led to the emergence of the Russian Empire.
  Pavlenkov looked at Ivanov with interest. Ivanov continued:
  - Victory in the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380 - one of the most important events in the process of gaining independence by Russia. But this victory was the result of the summing of different factors. For example, a significant role was played by the internecine wars in the Golden Horde. Troops of the Golden Horde were repeatedly defeated by the army of Tamerlane. The Great Stand on the Ugra river in 1480 completed the acquisition of Russia's almost complete political independence.
  However, safety was far away. One example is the existence of so-called Qasim Khanate or Kingdom of Qasim within Russia since 1445 in 1681.
  Before Ivan IV Vasilyevich (Ivan the Terrible) were the tasks: and centralization, and security.
  Ivan IV Vasilyevich was born in 1530; Grand Prince from 1533, the first Russian Tzar since 1547. He died in 1584.
  Peter the Great was born in 1672; Russian Tsar from 1682, Emperor of Russia since 1721.
  About one hundred and fifty years were between the periods of activity of Ivan IV Vasilyevich and Peter the Great.
  There are surnames and place-names that "connect" the period of the reign of Ivan IV Vasilyevich and Peter I the Great.
  In 1558, the Stroganov Grigory receives an official document from Ivan IV on ownership of desert land on both sides of the Kama river, from the mouth of the Lysva to the Chusovaya River.
  In 1568 to the possessions of Stroganov by an official document from Ivan IV were attached the lands on the 20 miles up of the Chusovaya River .
  In 1574 Ivan IV attaches lands along the Tobol River to the possessions of Stroganov.
  Stroganovs received the right to populate the earth with people, judge them during 20 years old, not to pay government taxes and duties. Stroganovs had the right to build cities, to have military men, produce cannons.
  On acquired lands Stroganovs develops salt, fish, ores extraction, cultivates arable farming.
  The Stroganovs owned vast lands and received a large income from the salt and trade furs. They were not subject to Royal governors and, subject only to the personal Royal court.
  In 1581 the Stroganovs recruited, equipped, armed, sent a detachment of Cossacks under command of ataman Yermak Timofeyevich.
  In 1582 Ermak breaks the troops of Kuchum Khan and enters into the capital of the Siberian Kingdom (Khanate of Sibir) Isker (Qashliq).
  In 1584 completed the period of the reign of Ivan IV but the Stroganovs continue to be active in Russian history.
  Stroganovs had a significant monetary and military assistance to the Second Volunteer Army..
  In the first years of the reign of Michael I of Russia, the first Russian Tsar of the house of Romanov, when the Treasury was depleted, and often lacked the funds for the maintenance of military men, the Stroganovs had major cash and food aid to the state.
  During the Great Northern War (1700-21), the Stroganovs rendered great financial aid to Peter I.
  - Perhaps, - Ivanov stared at Pavlenkova, - we get the first group of concepts that characterize the history of the Empire:
  Initiative commercial, industrial, and free people.
  Pavlenkov thoughtfully looked at Ivanova.
  Ivanov continued:
  - The desire to develop trade and cultural relations with Europe was one of the motives of the beginning of Ivan IV Vasilyevich the Livonian War (1558-1583).
  Successful start of the Livonian war showed the importance of positive reform of the army and the state apparatus.
  However, there has been a "problem of coalition". Russia had to wage war simultaneously against Lithuania, Poland, Denmark and Sweden. Many forces were distracted by raids of Devlet I Giray, a khan of the Crimean Khanate, on the southern margin of the state. Despite this, Ivan IV rejected the truce in 1566 and continued the fight against the bloc of States in the absence of allies.
  In the late 70's-beginning 80-ies the Russian troops were forced to leave all the conquered territory. The Livonian war ended inconclusively. In the end of the Livonian war ended badly for Russia, and Russia's access to the Baltic sea was carried out only in the early 18th century. Under the leadership of Peter the Great. The result of the Great Northern War of 1700-1721.
  So, thinking about the Livonian war, we come to another group of concepts, describing the history of the Empire:
  - coalition,
  - reform of the army (Peter the Great added the task of creating a fleet),
  - positive government reform (creation of a professional army by Peter the Great demanded changes in the tax system, improved budgetary process).
  - Concisely! - appreciated Pavlenkov. - But - in general - corresponds to the generally accepted historical concepts.
  The activities of Peter the Great is a positive and practical development of concepts, describing the history of the Empire, - continued Ivanov.
  - First, ensuring state independence, security, the trend for centralization,
  Second, the development of the Urals and Siberia, the development of industry in these regions
  Third, the coalition. Peter the Great actively sought to act in a "Holy League"of 1684, uniting the Papal States, the Holy Roman Empire, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Venetian Republic, the Tsardom of Russia. "Holy League" against the Ottoman Empire.
  Peter the Great contributed to the creation of anti-Swedish coalition (the so-called Northern Alliance). In different periods of the Northern Alliance was composed of Russia, Denmark, Saxony, Poland, Hanover and Prussia.
  Peter I managed to achieve a rapprochement with France and sign the Treaty of Amsterdam 1717 of Alliance and friendship between Russia, France and Prussia.
  Russia was among the great European powers.
  Fourth, the reform of the army and the Navy, a positive reform of the state apparatus belong to the generally recognized achievements of Peter the Great.
  Fifth, the reform of the tax system, improve the budget process, has provided funding for the army, Navy and other government spending.
  There is an opinion that excessive growth of expenditure for military needs, and the severity of taxation - these are the main features of the state economy under Peter the Great.
  The state budget reached at the end of the reign of Peter to 8 and a half million. The new tax replaced the old taxes, and gave significant against the previous surplus (2.8 million). 3/4 of state funds spent on the maintenance of the military Department: the land forces (4.6 million) and Navy (1.4 million). From the rest covered the cost of diplomacy, administration, court, public buildings and so on. It should be noted that the poll tax was established when state-owned costs have increased; all the available funds of Central and local offices were allocated to cover the maintenance of the army and Navy, and the old ways of increasing state revenue were invalid before the formidable fact of the exhaustion of means of payment and reduction of the indigenous population of Russia.
  Peter the Great said that the money, collected from people, he must use for the government. He must give an account about this usage to God himself.
  Positive changes gave the result: changed the status of the state.
  Improvement and professionalization of the state apparatus, creating the new army, the appearance of the fleet, the construction of ports on the Baltic sea, changing the position of the Russian state in the international arena, other progressive phenomenon allowed to declare Russia an Empire. Peter I the Great became the first Russian Emperor.
  Ivanov paused and separately added:
  Development of initiative of businessmen, industrial and free people, which was manifested in the activities of the Stroganov, Yermak Timofeyevich and other active personalities, it seems, was "to fade". On the contrary, the bureaucracy has come to dominate, to prevail. Clearly positive effects from the domination of the bureaucracy should not wait.
  - It's hard to argue with You, Mr. Ivanov, - has responded Pavlenkov. - You know that the books of our series "Life of remarkable people" is designed for a wide range of readers. Each book is approximately 100 pages. It is clear: the brevity and compactness will be necessary.
  - Of course, Mr. Pavlenkov, - stated Ivanov, - a wide circle of readers is not planning to purchase scientific historical monographs. To buy and read "thick" books, many readers are not enough funds, not enough time. This series has its own reputation and its own reader. The book of series "Life of remarkable people" will have to balance information about the details of the personal life of Peter the Great and information on the history of the Empire.
  Reading compact 100 page book about Peter the Great, the reader should get an idea not only about the history of the Empire, but about his, Peter the Great's, personality, about his biography.
  There is an opinion that Peter consciously imitated Ivan IV, whose authority he honored highly.
  Probably every Russian reader it is useful to know that Peter eventually acquired the selfeducation is comprehensive and encyclopedic.
  With the "art" he is acquainted practically.
  He was the master of the fourteen crafts.
  Peter became a great military leader, who wanted to, could and was able to do everything himself.
  For example, a whole month Peter kept himself on the soldier's rations, performing all the duties of the soldier. A personal experience gave him reliable data to determine the strength and endurance of his army. Training the newly formed regiments is always performed under his direct supervision.
  Peter waged war, as a practical sage. He is clearly aware the goals of the war, the necessary forces and means, and he never attempted to achieve the impossible.
  Before the decisive moment during the battle of Poltava, the Russian Emperor addressed his soldiers with the words:
  "Soldiers! Here the hour has come which will decide the fate of the Fatherland. And so you shouldn't think that you fight for Peter, but for the state, entrusted to Peter, for the country... You also should not confuse the glory of the enemy. Think about your victories over him.
  As for Peter, know that his life is not dear to him. His purpose is only to Russia lived in happiness and glory for our well-being".
  During the battle of Poltava the Swedish army adopted the linear order of battle, and at 9 a.m. went on the attack. In a fierce melee the Swedes managed to press the Russian centre, but in this moment, Peter I personally led the counter-attack by the second battalion of the Novgorod regiment and restored the situation. During this fight one Swedish bullet pierced his hat, another one stuck in the saddle, and the third flattened Golden crucifix on the chest.
  Practical mindset of Peter the Great combined with philosophical generalizations. For some time before the death of Peter, among unbearable suffering, he spoke ironically: "I know what the poor animal is man!"
  The influence of the reforms of Peter the Great was so significant and lasting that in spite of turmoil in Russia, its political power has not been shaken.
  Quite aptly and eloquently described the diverse transforming activity of Peter the Great, the famous Russian historian Pogodin:
  "We Wake up. What is now the day? January 1, 1841. Peter the Great ordered to count years from the birth of Christ, Peter the Great commanded to count the months from Jan. (...) Catches the eye of the book - Peter the Great introduced the use of this font, and he carved the letters. (...) Brought Newspapers - Peter the Great started them. You need to buy different things - all, from the neck of a silk shawl to a shoe sole, will remind you of Peter the Great: he prescribed, introduced them into use... (...) Lunch from salt herrings to wine, all meals will tell you about Peter the Great. (...) Meet the ladies admitted into the company of men at the request of Peter the Great. Go to University - the first secular school was established under Peter the Great, etc."
  In conversation with You, Mr. Pavlenkov, the publisher, I cannot fail to note, - Ivanov tapped fingers lying beside the newspaper. - Learned some foreign languages, Peter found time to read books of historical and technical. After dinner he usually read the Dutch Newspapers, making marks with a pencil on "St. Petersburg Vedomosti". Peter was actively engaged in the selection of books for translation; he edited textbooks, managed the compilation of the maps and descriptions of various localities, took part in printing and publishing. Decrees and legislation of the era of transformation - for the most part the works of Peter himself, or prepared under his direct supervision.
  Peter I was the author and editor of a number of statutes, military-theoretical and historical works. Among them - "The Book of military regulations", "The Book of the marine regulations", "Regulations concerning the administration of Admiralty and the shipyard...", "Book of Mars or military Affairs..."
  Essays "History of the Swedish war" and "Reflections on the causes of the Northern war" were prepared with close cooperation of Peter.
  He was proportionally complex, his figure was not overwhelmed by its size. Full, dark, precisely sculpted face exuded calm and deep awareness. Quick, shrewd, slightly contemptuous glance, large and massive forehead...
  As if summing up the reflections on the contents of a compact 100 page book about Peter the Great, Ivanov has formulated the wish:
  - However, we will not lose hope that the General reader will - over time - to buy and read "thick" books with a lot of detail, figures, thinking, versions, and interpretations ...
  - Financial conditions of cooperation of the authors with our series "Life of remarkable people" are no secret, - continued Pavlenkov.
  - Yes, - responded Ivanov.
  - Are you ready to start writing a biographical sketch of the life and public activities of Peter the Great for the series "Life of remarkable people"? The approximate volume of the book - 100 pages? - said Pavlenko.
  - Yes, - said Ivanov.
  - In that case, - I propose to begin! - summed up the negotiations Pavlenkov.
  27 may 2017.
  This translation: 04.09.2017 5:32
  Translation from Russian language into English language: Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Диалог о Петре Великом".
  10. Dialogue about Catherine the Great
  In one of the rooms of the publishing house V. A. Kamensky saw V.V. Ogarkov. Ogarkov stood near the window and looked on the street.
  - Do you think about the next project? - asked Kamensky.
  - Ivanov is working on a book about Peter the Great, - Ogarkov replied. - I was asked to write a biographical essay about Catherine the Great. I'm thinking over the proposal ...
  - About Catherine the Great? Interesting time, - stated Kamensky. -Pay attention, Mr. Ogarkov, to the sequence of first faces after Peter the Great.
  The Russian Imperial Guard introduced Catherine I into the power in 1725. (Marta Helena Skowronska; was christened (baptized) into Orthodoxy (1707 or 1708), and changed her name to Catherine Alekseyevna; second wife of Peter the Great; Empress of Russia from 1725 until her death in 1727).
  After Catherine I in 1727 came Peter II. Peter II remains in power not long, he dies at the age of 14 years.
  The Supreme Privy Council invites Anna Ioannovna to the throne in 1730. She rule during a very long period of about 10 years.
  In the years 1740-1741 appear and disappear Regents - Biron and Anna Leopoldovna - at the emperor-baby Ivan VI Antonovich.
  The Russian Imperial Guard introduced in 1741 in power Elizabeth Petrovna, the daughter of Peter the Great and Catherine I. Elizabeth Petrovna was in power during a very impressive period - more than 10 years.
  The legitimate heir of Elizabeth I, Peter III, reigns about half a year. Then again the Guard speaks its own word, and in 1762 Catherine II the Great comes to power. She rules until 1796. Her reign lasted 34 years.
  So, for the period from 1725 to 1796, which is about 70 years, for about 60 years the rulers were mostly women. (Numbers are rounded for clarity).
  - That historical epoch is interesting, - Ogarkov has agreed. - However, I confess to you, Mr. Kamensky, there is no special desire to write a biographical essay about Catherine the Great. One way or another, it is necessary to characterize her personal life. If the details of her personal life fill the book, then I will become the author of not a historical but an artistic work. Biographical material has its own energy. Material - I have a premonition - will prevail over the author. Again, to write according to the standard scheme? Poor German princess? Perhaps, the illegitimate daughter of the king of Prussia? Became on a whim of fate the wife of the Russian heir to the throne? Lovers? With the help of the Russian Imperial Guard seized power? Again lovers? Victory over the Ottoman armies? Matushka- Empress? ..
  Somehow there is no desire, Mr. Kamensky, to repeat all these well-known statements. Is it possible to write something new? Not sure. I'm thinking about plans ...
  - Pay attention to Andrey Ivanovich Osterman. He - Heinrich Johann Friedrich, - advised Kamensky. - The son of a Lutheran pastor. After 1703 into the Russian service. He served under the leadership of Peter the Great. Actively participated in the conclusion of the Peace of Nystadt (1721). Since 1723, Vice-President of the College of Foreign Affairs, in 1725-1741, Vice-Chancellor. Since 1731, he was the actual head of Russia's foreign and domestic policy. After the palace coup in 1741, who elevated Elizaveta Petrovna to the throne, Osterman was put on trial, sentenced to death, replaced by a life-long exile in Berezov (Beryozovo on the Ob River), where he died.
  A. I. Osterman - a native of Westphalia.
  If to look at dates, the activities of Andrey Ivanovich Osterman covered the period of activity of Peter the Great (from 1703 year) and the periods of the reign of Catherine I, Peter II, Anna Ioannovna , and regents at the emperor-baby Ivan VI Antonovich.
  The rulers are different, but on one of the most important positions - the same person.
  Reading about epoch Anna Ioannovna, we meet many critical judgements concerning prevalence, predominance of people from "German environment".
  However, the period of Elizabeth Petrovna's reign passes, and on the throne appears Catherine II, which born in the city of Stettin. She originating from the poor German princely family. In history came in as Catherine the Great. At first glance, it is a paradox.
  It's a strange "perseverance of history." The women - is almost totaly. Representatives of "the German environment" - is rather appreciable...
  - Ivanov plans to touch on the theme of "coalition" in his essay on Peter the Great. Will the readers become interested in this? - Ogarkov expressed doubts.
  - First, how accurate is this concept? - Kamensky have reacted. - Secondly, the volume of "representation" of this concept in the biographical essay can be different.
  Thirdly, as spoke to me , at Ivanov among the directions of mental reflections - there is also Siberia in addition, - have answered Kamensky. - Ivanov may have some grounds for singling out the "European" direction, "Ottoman" direction, "Siberian" direction.
  More or less distinctly these directions "appear" during Ivan IV Vasilyevich's era.
  If to speak about " the European direction ", what we see?
  Actions on the "European direction" into the public consciousness are connected with complex historical associations, thought's links.
  Confrontations in this direction were long, the results of confrontations - changeable.
  A particularly strong influence on the collective historical memory could have the events of the Livonian war that took place in the era of Ivan IV Vasilyevich.
  The duration of the Livonian War of 1558-1583 exceeded 20 years. The Livonian War ended unsuccessfully. Shocks followed, "Time of Troubles", the replacement of the Rurik Dynasty by the Romanov Dynasty.
  Perhaps, after all these events, an intuitively cautious attitude toward actions on the "European direction" arose. Perhaps, there was an understanding of the need for the very "coalition", of the need for inclusion in the coalition.
  The "Ottoman" direction was preferable for several reasons.
  First, two important victories have shown advantage of the European military culture. A victory in 1571 of the joint fleet of a number of the European states (in Sacred league have united:Venice, Spain, the Pope, Malta and a number of the Italian states: Genoa, Naples, Sicily, Savoy, Tuscany, Parma, etc.). A victory near Vienna in 1683.
  These victories - with a possibility of tactical defeats - allowed to predict total military superiority of the European coalition.
  Secondly, the "Ottoman" direction created a tendency of the European coalition (or the European coalitions).
  "Coalition" (the"European coalition") - as a result of the actions in the "Ottoman" direction - had their own (independent) value.
  Thirdly, the state apparatus, and army, and broad masses of the population due to historical and other reasons gave a positive assessment for actions on the "Ottoman" direction.
  As far as "Siberian" direction is concerned, action has been taken in this direction. With different, of course, levels of energy, vivacity at different times.
  For example, the Stroganovs, who explored and mastered Ural and Siberia.
  Stroganovs are active during epoch Ivan IV Vasilyevich.
  Stroganovs rendered substantial monetary and military assistance to the second people's militia (to the second Volunteer Army).
  The Stroganovs provided considerable monetary and food aid to Michael I of Russia (Mikhail Fyodorovich Romanov), the first Russian tsar from the Romanov dynasty.
  They provided great financial assistance to Peter I during the Northern War.
  And not only the name Stroganovs remained in history.
  On 21 October (23 August) 1727 (during the reign of Peter the Second), Russia and China signed the Treaty of Kyakhta. It established the Russian-Chinese border from Transbaikalia to the western Sayбn.
  15 August 1728 (also during the reign of Peter the Second), the Bering Strait between Asia and America was opened.
  All events are not enumerated. But will mention, that in 1784 (during the reign of Catherine the great): the merchant G. I. Shelikhov founded the first Russian settlement on Kodiak island (Alaska).
  -The singling out of these three "directions"-for what, Mr. Kamensky? - asked Ogarkov.
  - And why not to put forward a working version, Mr. Ogarkov? - said Kamensky. - If to accept that long Livonian war for the "European" direction virtually without allies ended not well... If to consider , that the long Livonian war was followed by the "Time of Troubles", the change of dynasties and other adverse events...
  Has the concepts of "peacefulness" (desire for peace) and "coalition" (understanding of importance of the coalition) have appeared in public consciousness (at least, on "the European direction")?
  Peacefulness is largely a female quality.
  Anna Ioannovna and Catherine the Great on the "European" track were quite peace-loving.
  Catherine II participated as part of the coalitions in the partitions of Poland, providing a clear advantage.
  The military confrontation between Russia and Sweden in the reign of Catherine II wore some "residual" character, and consisted, mainly, to the battles of the sea. It ended with a obvious victory for Russia.
  The entry of Russia in 1757 in The Seven Years' War (1756 - 1763) during the period of Elizabeth Petrovna's reign can be considered as an exception of the rule. But - from what point of view to look. During lifetime of Elizabeth Petrovna this war wasn't ended. There were nice victories of the Russian weapon. But, anyway, despite long military operations, so to any positive results this war hasn't led.
  It is possible to draw a conclusion that the exception has confirmed the rule.
  "Partitions", if viewed from a historical point of view, also look either pointless or doubtful.
  - "Women's factor" and "peacefulness" (desire for peace), - with a mild irony summed up the Ogarkov. - Plus "foreign specialists", plus "European Coalition" ... Assumptions, theories, thoughts...
  - As a working version for the explanation of "women's factor", - Kamensky reacted with slight irony. - But you may remember the hypothetical "collective historical memory", the long Livonian war without allies (Russia), and the subsequent "Time of Troubles" ... These are also elements of reasoning.
  - If to take into account your statements, mister Kamensky, it may will reduce "an intimate (sexual) component" in the biography Catherine The Great, - has sighed Ogarkov. - Will reduce, but not by much. It is necessary, by and large, in details to consider her personal life.
  - Make "knight's move" [course of a chess horse], mister Ogarkov, - Kamensky has offered a possible way. - You can write a biographic essay about Grigory Aleksandrovich Potemkin.
  Potemkin acted on the "main" direction - "Ottoman". Of course, You cannot do without mentioning his personal relationship with Catherine II.
  But emphasize, that Potemkin was busy with strategic issues. His excellent organizational communications with the count Pyotr Alexandrovich Rumyantsev (Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky) are obvious.
  So, Grigory Potemkin arrived in St. Petersburg in the late 1770 with excellent recommendations P.A. Rumyantsev. In the letter to the Empress the victorious P.A. Rumyantsev listed the merits of G.A. Potemkin. and, in particular, it was noted:
  "This officer with great abilities can do extensive and far-sighted remarks about the land where the theater of war was, which by their properties deserve to be awarded the highest attention and respect. And therefore I entrust him to convey to You many circumstances related to the glory of the Empire ..."
  Potemkin insisted on the reinforcement of the army of the Danube by new reinforcements from Russia and on the unfettering this army off instructions.
  Thus, Potemkin was not only the favourite. He has appeared in the capital of the Empire as the competent representative of those forces which acted on the "Ottoman" direction.
  Potemkin often wrote the letters to the Empress. This correspondence allowed to draw conclusions about literacy, knowledge and Potemkin's outlook.
  Focusing on writing a biographical essay about Grigory Potemkin, about his glorious accomplishments, You, Mr. Ogarkov, will be able to tell about activities of Catherine the Great without further details about her personal life.
  - So, to write about Potemkin? - showing hesitation, said Ogarkov.
  - Write about epoch, mister Ogarkov. Write about historical processes, about events, about свершениях. Interest the reader! And if you're not willing to delve into intimate details, so to characterize the assumptions, the historical versions, reflections. An essay - not dimensionless. Displace stresses and accents.
  - You are right, mister Kamensky, - Ogarkov has made the decision. - I will focus on Grigory Potemkin's biography and on his affairs. I will tell about Catherine the Great, about her predecessors on a throne. If it is pertinent, then I will mention also historical versions. I thank for a conversation.
  Writers shook hands with each other.
  May 28, 2017 - May 29, 2017.
  Phased translation from Russian into English. Supplementation of translated text, amendment: 10.10.2017 09:40, 10.10.2017 22:30, 13.10.2017 07:04.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог о Екатерине Великой'.
  11. Dialogue about the Human From the Past
  Gorky has decided to take a small break, to distract from the librarian's duties, to drink a cup of coffee.
  Having sat down for a little table, he heard a discussion by two readers, sitting at the adjacent table, about the recently read book "Среди красных вождей" ("Among the red chiefs") by Georgy Alexandrovich Solomon (Isetsky). This book has been for the first time published in Paris in 1930.
  The Technical Designer was presenting his views to the Builder:
  - And I see this Solomon (Isetsky), the offspring of a respectable noble family of Isetsky, on an elective office in the Republic of People's Nobles - Rzeczpospolita (Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth), during era of "the Golden Age of szlachta". Around him the free, wealthy, religious people inclined to education having self-respect and consciousness that "the state is we" ("we are the state").
  - The szlachta ambitions! - the Builder uttered jokingly.
  -A cult of education, effectiveness, honesty, respect for others, of the correct, competent, responsible fulfillment of duties, - the Technical Designer continued.
  - Of course, the author looks like the human from the past, - the Builder has agreed.
  - Pay attention that all this book can be divided into a number of short stories - with the similar plot, - the Technical Designer continued. - First, there is a complex problem that cannot be solved without an educated, widely thinking, vigorous, honest person.
  Secondly, the author is persuaded to join the solution of this problem. Romantic motives are voiced: nation-wide, historical importance and so forth. Naturally, plays not the last role and aspiration of the author to self-realization... The person is inclined to self-realization, and here - they are persuading... He agrees.
  Thirdly, the author organizes business-process, implements the project.
  He integrates the project into the environment. He formulates, creates, tests an algorithms, a standard solutions. Generally, he solves the most responsible, difficult, creative part of work... After "debugging" of the project, the business in some sense can move in itself, by inertia.
  It's like the inventor's job. If the steam engine in its efficient option was created by the genius of James Watt, - then production and use are already destiny of many people - having persistence and vigor, level of knowledge.
  - To the inventor is always not easy, - the Builder has agreed. - What is interesting, - if you go back to the book "Among the red chiefs", - after the initial stage of each project the typical situation was following: the taking away of the project off the author and the transferring it to someone else. And the author some time was the object of "marinating". To make him easier to agree to the next project. A project which was demanding honesty, education, vigor, a broad outlook. And he was agreeing again and again...
  - Curiously, - said the Technical Designer, - that the author has worked under the inspiration of an idea. He wanted to see the results of his activities... Of course both for a ration, and for salary...
  But what the ration and salary mean in comparison to the organized work, for example, of the People's Commissariat of Foreign Trade, in comparison to the establishing of "The State Administration for the Formation of the State Fund of Precious Metals and Precious Stones" (Gokhran) and regimentation it's activity, in comparison to the creation and development of other institutions and branches?What does a moderate salary mean in comparison with the intellectual ability to organize the savings of tens (hundreds?) of millions of gold rubles (in conditions of Russia's misery in the early twenties of the XX century)?
  Won't be exaggeration to tell that the author was solving a problem behind a problem - for the idea... Without earning either real reward, or distinct gratitude...
  - Yes, - the Builder has agreed. And, having thought, jokingly, partly ironically, he have sounded rhetorical questions: ""The szlachta's hardness? The state is we?"
  The interlocutors have eaten a pieces of bread, they have drunk coffee.
  The Builder has continued:
  - It is interesting that in the content of hypothetical short stories can be distinguished common features. If we shall analyze the conditions of the author's work in each project.
  In each case here that we see.
  Firstly, hostile, in general, internal and external environment (including the "tops").
  Secondly, some - insignificant - number of allies without whom just it is impossible to start the project.
  Thirdly, the conflict - the unsolvable and lasting from the beginning and before the termination of the project. For some reason, there is a wish to use a word combination "managed conflict".
  And for some cases the word "the baiting" is applicable.
  - It is quite clear and natural, - the Technical Designer has commented. - A certain share of the power, resources is transferring to the author by a coincidence of circumstances. But with these powers and resources, it is necessary to guide the author along a certain trajectory. Wide recognition of merits or expansion of the sphere of competence aren't assumed.Therefore a role of the author - to solve a problem, to turn the project into reality, to be indulging at romantic moods.
  And then - to transfer the made and the fulfiled to the planned candidates.
  And it is necessary to guide the solver of problems. Or - into "another reality", or - upto the solving a new problem, for a new project.
  - Under "another reality" what you understand? - The Builder decided to find out the nuances.
  - It I - is figurative, figuratively, - the Technical Designer has answered. - A bringing into a helpless, confused, bewildered, impecunious position. Though... You can assume the options and the tougher.
  - On memoirs of the author "Among the red chiefs", - the Builder has spoken, - his (author) the friend - the People's Commissar of Foreign Trade Leonid Borisovich Krasin - at return from London through Revel to Russia - expressed fear in Revel (Tallinn) that in Russia he (Krasin) will be arrested. Krasin has achieved the conclusion with Britain of the trade agreement. And Krasin had fears of arrest, execution constantly.
  - Gorky has written and has published in 1926 about Krasin a biographic essay, - the Technical Designer has noted. - In this essay there are pre-revolutionary words of the millionaire Savva Morozov about Krasin: "First of all - the ideal functional employee, entrepreneur. He loves work and is able to force others. And - he is clever. He is extensively clever. The peephole master's is: at once sees the business price. (...) If there are persons thirty like he, they will create party more strong than the party in Germany ".
  From himself Gorky in this essay has added: "... All saw that Leonid Krasin, - the outstanding person".
  - Somehow prematurely Krasin has died, - the Builder has reacted. - He was born in 1870, and he have died in 1926. Of course, there are no healthy people. But still...
  Gorky has drunk up coffee and, without hindering readers to continue the exchange of views, has gone toward the librarian's rack.
  July 18, 2017
  Translation from Russian into English: March 2, 2018.
  Залесский Владимир Владимирович 'Диалог о пришельце из прошлого'.
  12.The Tale of October 17.
  Abstract: Politicians and the public are prepared to discuss a new multivolume book prepared for the presentation: the memoirs of (former) Prime Ministers S.Yu. Witte, V.N Kokovtsov, Minister A.P. Izvolsky, a note of the Minister P.N. Durnovo, memoirs and works of other politicians, writers.
  In the M. Gorky cafe-library completed preparations for the presentation of the new multi-volume books: United in a single edition of the memoirs of the (ex) Prime Ministers S.Yu. Witte, V. N. Kokovtsov, Minister A. P. Izvolsky, a note of the Minister P.N. Durnovo, the memories and the works of other political figures, writers.
  The authors and readers converged to the library.
  It was a hot summer day. Many arrived at the presentation in advance and were in no hurry to enter the room, chatting freely and enjoying the beautiful weather.
  On the street in front of the entrance to the cafe-library a decent number of people accumulated. Someone stood by itself, someone - together with the interlocutor. Formed and significant groups - with famous people as centers of universal attention.
  Surrounded by listeners, Sergei Yulievich Vitte explained:
  - The Emperor was pleased in his very worthy speech in 1895 to say a few words about "vain senseless dreams." It would be better not to express these words, since, fortunately - or unfortunately - for Russia, - but these "vain dreams" after October 17, 1905 ceased to be a dream.
  The manifesto of October 17, 1905 is an act that can be temporarily not executed, it is possible to curse, but nobody can destroy it. It is as if engraved in the hearts and minds of the vast majority of the population of great Russia.
  The public fell silent, puzzled.
  The discussion included the Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich:
  - October 17 - a remarkable number: 17 (October 1888) in Borki was rescued the entire royal family, including the present Emperor, being the Heir. October 17 (1905), you, Count Witte, save the Emperor with His young Heir and His Family.
  Hearing these statements, the public buzzed briskly.
  From the public it was heard:
  - Emperor Alexander III insisted on the transfer of S.Yu. Witte, who had previously warned the Emperor of the danger of a railway accident, to the public service. From 1889 until 1894 (when Alexander III died) S.Yu. Witte enjoys full confidence of the Emperor, occupies the most responsible public offices, carries out the most important reforms. The "Witte era" begins!
  Emperor Nicholas II almost every year on October 17 in his diary recalled the train crash and the rescue of the tsar and the royal family on October 17, 1888. An entry was made in Tobolsk on October 17, 1917: "29 years have passed since the day of our salvation when the train crashed."
  This statement was met with silence. Some crossed themselves.
  (Ex) Premier Ivan Logginovich Goremykin (formerly prime minister several times: "between" S.J. Witte and P.A. Stolypin, then - after V.N. Kokovtsov) decided to respond to the statements of Sergei Yulevich Witte. Goremykin's words sounded skeptical:
  - All this is nonsense, some loud words that will not get any use. The Emperor (Emperor Nicholas II) believed what He had been told, will very soon forget about this new course, and everything will go according to the old.
  All the government in one Tsar, and that He will tell us, will be done by us, and while from Him there is no clear indication, we must wait and endure.
  I didn't mind His Hobbies, because I think that your mistake was always that you took everything seriously and tried always to defend what was considered right. But it was impractical. Subjects should not contradict the Emperor...
  S.Yu. Witte, not paying attention to the reaction of listeners, insisted:
  - Mandjuria could not be ours ... Neither America, nor Britain, nor Japan, nor all of their allies are explicit or secret, nor will China would never agree to give us Mandjuria. That is why keeping to the conviction that one way or another, but it is necessary to seize all of Mandjuria, it was impossible to remove the war.
  To the cafe library came General A. N. Kuropatkin. He stopped under a shady tree. There stood a several respectable people. The general heard the sketchy words of S.Yu. Witte, and "Manchuria" in them. After apologizing, the general took for a moment a briefcase from one of the politicians. Putting a sheet of blank paper on the briefcase, the general held a horizontal line on it and set the asterisk in the left corner rather high above the line, asking that the public watch his image.
  - Here - he said - it's an asterisk above the horizon, it's me at the moment. They carry me on their hands, give me battle horses, bring all kinds of gifts, say welcome speeches, consider me almost the savior of the fatherland, and this will continue until my arrival to the troops. My star will all be exalted and exalted.
  And when I come to the place and give the order to depart to the North and begin to concentrate forces, waiting for the approach of troops from Russia, the same newspapers that glorify me, will begin to wonder why I do not beat the Japanese, and I will start dropping and falling in the assessment. And then, when I will comprehend a small, inevitable setbacks, my star will descend lower and lower to the horizon and then go completely beyond the horizontal line.
  At this point, support me, because then I will start the offensive, I will mercilessly beat the Japanese, my star will go over the horizon again, go higher and higher, and where and how I end - I do not know. I will never forget your support.
  A.N. Kuropatkin returned the briefcase to the owner.
  Someone in the public , with a sigh, with barely perceptible envy, added: "Being in disgrace after the unsuccessful battles of the Russo-Japanese War, Aleksey Nikolayevich opened in his estate agricultural school and library at his own expense." A.N. Kuropatkin died on January 16, 1925 , And in the summer of 1964 the students of the agricultural school founded by him put a marble tombstone on the grave with the inscription "Kuropatkin Alexey Nikolayevich. 1848-1925. Founder of the agricultural school."
  Picture of General A.N. Kuropatkin filled the public with a blind faith in success.
  Enthusiastic exclamations were heard. Began to wish success to Admiral Zinovy Petrovich Rozhdestvensky about the upcoming endless journey of the squadron around Africa on the way to the Russian Far East. Admiral Rozhdestvensky said in a low voice:
  - What can be my success. Should not have started this hopeless case. But can I refuse to obey orders, when all believe in success.
  S.Yu. Witte continued his thought:
  - Thought to immediately extinguish the fire with a small jet of water. Due to a small, although a long stream, also launched by an incompetent fire-master, the fire was not extinguished. I had to put it out in Portsmouth on August 23 (September 5) in 1905.
  At night before the conclusion of the Portsmouth peace, I did not sleep.
  The worst state of a person when inside, in his soul, something twofold. Therefore, the weak should be relatively unhappy. On the one hand, the mind and conscience told me what a happy day, if tomorrow I sign a peace, but on the other hand, my inner voice tells you: "But you'll be much happier if destiny will prevents the conclusion of Portsmouth peace. They will blame you for everything. For no one will want to confess their sins, their crimes before the Fatherland and God. Even the Russian Tsar, and especially Nicholas II. "
  I spent the night in some sort of fatigue, in a nightmare, in sobbing and praying.
  Seeing the Americans thanking God with tears for the gift of peace, I had a question - what do they care about our Portsmouth world? And to this I had a clear answer: yes, because we are all Christians. When I left the church, the choir sang "God Save the Tsar", to the sound of which I made my way to the car and, when the anthem ceased, left.
  In my deepest conviction, if the Portsmouth peace were not concluded, then there would be such external and internal catastrophes in which the Romanovs' house could not be kept on the throne.
  - So it was scary? Because of this - a split? Because you did not sleep? Prayed? Was there a chance to evade the peace and to decisively modernize Russia without delay? - Asked one of the listeners. - Or the Portsmouth peace plus October 17, 1905 - is the salvation and renewal of Russia?
  - Having returned to Petersburg and after October 17, 1905, having taken power, - continued S.Yu. Witte, - I clearly saw that in order for Russia (relatively safely) to survive the revolutionary crisis, and the Romanovs' house was not shaken, two things are necessary: to obtain by loan a large sum of money so as not to need money (in loans) for several years, and to return most of the army from Transbaikalia to European part of Russia.
  Having money and the army, and then following in good faith the policy exactly according to the promises made by the manifesto on October 17, I was sure that in the end everything will calm down and get back to normal, for the life of 150 million people would require it.
  I.L. Goremykin looked blankly somewhere into the sky. Involuntarily he remembered: "In 1906, the resignation of S..Y Witte was final."
  - However ..., - S.Yu. Witte slightly doubted - the loan would be directed against Germany and would be contrary to the interests of France itself (and Russia).
  The German Emperor Wilhelm II and (ex) Minister of Finance of Russia Ivan Pavlovich Shipov, who came to the cafe-library, exchanged views on the Russian alternative "foreign loan (and preservation of ruble exchange for gold) - or refusal to exchange credit tickets for gold (which reduces the need for foreign Loan). "
  Minister of Finance I.P. Shipov expressed his point of view, being in a very gloomy mood:
  - A short-term loan of 267 million francs does not solve the issue and does not eliminate the need to introduce compulsory paper circulation ... Some more favorable information from many state Chambers on the receipt of state revenues does not deserve much faith, since they can be replaced by the same catastrophic news that have been received...
  I think it is advisable to repeatedly introduce the draft Decree on the suspension of the exchange of credit tickets for gold.
  One of the participants of the forthcoming presentation, who was standing nearby, thought: "The termination of the exchange of the ruble for gold, the issue of paper money would have facilitated the beginning of the redemption of land from the landlords and the subsequent sale of these lands to the peasants. And who knows what is more important - a hard ruble (exchange of the ruble for gold ), stimulating economic growth, or - resolving the agrarian issue, agrarian reform, giving land to the peasants. However, the refusal to exchange credit tickets for gold, the issue of paper money is unlikely to become insurmountable obstacle for stimulating economic growth."
  The German Emperor Wilhelm II reacted rather dryly and indifferently to the words of Minister I.P. Shipov:
  - I'm not a big financier, and I don't understand why Russia needs so much to care for its monetary system, when she has so many other worries?
  Tell me, please, do not you think that it is simply wild that among the general disintegration, among the constant unrest that can sweep away everything that is still conservative in Europe, the two Monarchic countries can not join together to form one dense core and defend their existence .
  Is it not a direct madness that Monarchist Russia, over the head of Monarchist Germany, seeks support in Revolutionary France and, together with it, always goes against its natural and historical friend.
  Several steps alongside the German Emperor and the Minister of Finance of Russia were stepped by Lev Davidovich Trotsky (who in 1905 became chairman of the Petersburg Soviet of Workers' Deputies). As if speaking aloud to himself, he said:
  - The debt obligations of the Romanovs will not be recognized by the victorious nation. We decide to avoid the payment of debts for all those loans, which the Imperial government has concluded. The Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of February 10, 1918 declared all tsarist debts to be completely annulled. Those who claim that the October Revolution does not recognize any obligations are wrong. The revolution recognizes its obligations. The obligation, which she assumed on December 2, 1905, she carried out on February 10, 1918. To creditors of tsarism, the revolution has the right to recall: "Gentlemen, you were warned in time!".
  Having stated, L.D. Trotsky stepped aside, waiting for the start of the presentation of the memoirs unified in one edition. Not far from him was the chairman of the First State Duma, Sergei Andreevich Muromtsev. S.A. Muromtsev dispassionately said: "The Vyborg appeal, adopted in Vyborg on July 10, 1906 in response to the dissolution of the First State Duma, called upon citizens of all of Russia, before the convening of the Duma, not to" give a penny to the treasury, no soldier to the army". Loans that will be concluded without consent of the Duma, were declared invalid".
  The German Emperor and the Minister of Finance of Russia politely bowed to the Empress Maria Feodorovna, the mother of Emperor Nicholas II. She spoke out to the Minister of the Imperial Court, Vladimir Borisovich Frederiks:
  - Unfortunately, my son is too kind, soft ...
  It's really terrible, and I understand that Stolypin simply drops his hands, and he has no confidence in how to do business.
  The Emperor is too proud of himself and is experiencing the crisis that has developed together with the Empress, without showing any appearance to those around him. He is worried and is looking for an outcome.
  I do not see anything good ahead.
  The farther away, the more and deeper the Emperor's grievances with Stolypin will grow. And I'm almost sure that now poor Stolypin will win the case, but for a very short time, and we will soon see him out of work, and this is very unfortunate for the Sovereign and for all of Russia. I personally do not know much of Stolypin, but it seems to me that he is necessary for us, and his departure will be a great grief for us all.
  My poor son, how little luck he has in people. There was a man whom no one knew here, but who was smart and energetic and was able to enter the order after the horror that we experienced only 6 years ago, and this man is being pushed into the abyss. And who? Those who say that they love the Sovereign and Russia. But in fact, these people are ruining Him and homeland. That's just terrible...
  V.B. Frederiks looked sympathetically at the Empress-Mother.
  - During my long diplomatic service, held among a variety of peoples under all latitudes, - joined in the conversation with Witte and Goremykin Foreign Minister Alexander Petrovich Izvolsky, - I saw many public figures who were known for their radicalism, since they remained in the opposition, and who became ardent supporters of order, when they were called to power.
  Is it really possible to seriously believe that the most influential figures of the First Duma like Muromtsev, Shipov and Prince Lvov, who are big landowners and so vitally interested in maintaining peace and resolving the agrarian question peacefully, would be less loyal and less conservative than the bureaucrats category Schwenenbach. Who have no connection with the land and whose well-being consists in receiving a salary on the twentieth day of each month?
  S.Yu. Witte - more and more nervously - continued to state his point of view:
  - ... They did not dare to dissolve or disperse the Duma, not to set a date for elections to a new Duma and not to give a new election law, that is, they did not dare to completely destroy October 17, or, in other words, destroy legislative institutions. But only decided to make such a law, so that the State Duma was completely obedient.
  Which, in the end, the results will give an elective law on June 3 (1907) - a dark question.
  I think that this law will not last long, or it will be changed to a more reasonable, principled one, or there will be no Duma at all. Why actually own the Duma?
  This coup essentially consisted in the fact that the new election law excluded the people's voice from the Duma, that is, the voice of the masses and their representatives, but gave only a strong and obedient voice: the nobility, bureaucracy and part of the obedient merchant class and industrialists.
  Thus, the State Duma ceased to be the spokesperson for popular desires, but only expressed the desires of strong and rich, desires, made in such a way as not to incur a stern look from the top.
  This coup completely violated the basic state laws promulgated in my ministry, after October 17, 1905.
  To the group of listeners who surrounded S.Yu. Witte, came (ex) Prime Minister Vladimir Nikolayevich Kokovtsov (who became Prime Minister after P. A. Stolypin):
  - I, as an honest man, passionately fond of my Motherland and my Sovereign, I will say: you can be calm for the fate of the country and the dynasty, as long as the finances and the army are in order. Finances are good. But the army is not in order. army is not arranged and is badly managed. Military Minister Sukhomlinov is not respected by any of the prominent military: some are mocked at him, others despise him, and with such a military leader to prepare the army for a victorious battle - it is impossible.
  God forbid that I should be mistaken, but I have fear for the future, and I see terrible signs in it. I hope that the Emperor of Russia and the Heir will be saved by God.
  S.Yu. Witte, as if agreeing, bowed his head.
  Someone from the public commented: "With an influential, capable Duma, - as it was supposed on October 17, 1905, - there would not be Sukhomlinov a military minister."
  V.N. Kokovtsov continued:
  - When the "honeymoon" of my premiership passed and the clouds were already gathering over my head, my liquidation (like the premiere) was nearing its culmination, I in one of the conversations with the Comrade of the Minister of Internal Affairs and the Commander of the Gendarmes Corps received in response: "I have nothing I dispose of and decisively do not know who and how he gets access to the places of residence of the Royal Family. " I have only to add to him (the Commander of the Gendarmerie Corps): "So close to Bagrov."
  S.Yu. Witte looked at V.N. Kokovtsov with understanding eyes.
  The student who appeared in the ranks of the public suddenly announced:
  - There is virtually no autocracy!
  The public cautiously moved away from the student.
  - This was clearly expressed by Leo Tolstoy in his work "Meaningless Dreams"! -Continued the student. And he quoted the words of Leo Tolstoy:
  "It is believed and is supposed that the Tsar governs the affairs of the state, but this is only considered and is supposed: one Tsar can not rule the affairs of the state, because these matters are too complicated ... he can not rule affairs because It is absolutely impossible for one person. To really rule: ministers, members of different councils, directors and all kinds of bosses ... In Russia today, ten thousand daily decisions are needed to govern the state. "Who is to deliver these decisions?" .
  - The question is how to legally formalize the ALREADY-EXISTENT disappearance of the autocracy, - the student explained. - Instead, they retain the sign "autocracy" and the corresponding legal arbitrariness, organizational confusion, business confusion. Top often endows with power ineffective people. "Denounced" the October 17, 1905. Willy-nilly, Tsar gradually transfer power to the hands of the government and the bureaucracy. And to preserve the signs "autocracy" Tsar changing-shuffle premiers and ministers.
  - The government is active! - V.N. Kokovtsov noted. - In ten years from 1904 to 1914, Russia showed a remarkable economic flowering.
  The calming of the country in 1907, the strengthening of the circulation of money, the broad development of credit, the accumulation and flow of free capital and, at the same time, the increasing peasant demand - all these phenomena led to a remarkable revival of Russian industry in the decade.
  The Russian peasantry grew stronger, and the stability of crops and the productivity of crops increased. The foundation for the healthy and rational development of all the country's productive forces was built, strengthened and expanded.
  The revival of Russian industry in the epoch described was, therefore, a normal phenomenon, rooted in the entire economic and state life of the country and a solid foundation on which it (without the Bolshevik catastrophe) could continue its rapid and powerful development with a parallel increase in the people's welfare.
  The public greeted the words of Vladimir Nikolayevich Kokovtsov with amicable applause and with a general approving hum. Someone from the public even cried out (not entirely appropriate): "Hurray Witte! Ura Kokovtsov!". Again applause.
  - Sharp growth in the production of cotton yarn, white sugar, cigarettes, hard coal, cast iron! The progress of the railway network! Sumptuously! The student agreed. - This, of course, is not the creation of the aircraft and space industries ... But, after all, - without blood, without mass deaths, without social cataclysms.
  But is it a prosperous government headed by V.N. Kokovtsov, is he, an effective, moderate, highly professional prime workaholic and - "part-time" - finance minister, given the opportunity to work long and smoothly?
  -It's strange, - the two gentlemen exchanged opinions. - They criticize Emperor Nicholas II ... But who appointed Witte? Who appointed Kokovtsov? At whom was the economic boom of 1904-1914?
  - The glitter of Witte and Kokovtsov "embarrassed", - the interlocutor replied vaguely, - and this shine was relatively short. Witte and Kokovtsev were replaced ... New people replaced them ... New events changed the economic flowering ...
  - And do you think that the arrival of new people and events gives grounds for criticizing Emperor Nicholas II?
  The interlocutor was silent. Uncertainly shrugged his shoulders.
  Among the public was an unusual person - a village peasant in a shirt for release, trousers and boots, but with a guard. The employee sympathetically asked the Siberian peasant why he was thoughtful. The answer was: "I can not decide whether to convoke the Duma or not to convoke?".
  - Why is Russia dissatisfied with me, because by August of 1914, by the beginning of the world war, I had put out four and a half million troops? I was at the head of the military department and everything was all right, - said the military minister Sukhomlinov.
  The student only sighed in response to the words of VA. Sukhomlinov. The public was seized with an awkward and dreary silence.
  To the group "headed" by S.Yu. Witte was joined by Nikolai Petrovich Durnovo, a graduate of the military-legal academy, Russian statesman (the director of the police department, and the senator, and the Minister of the Interior, and a member of the State Council), who arrived at the presentation of the book, and the author of the famous prophetic Note. His statements led many into a pensive state:
  - Are we ready for such a stubborn struggle, which, undoubtedly, will be the future war of the European peoples? This question has to be answered negatively without taking offense.
  Proof of this is the huge number of pending, unaccepted, unapproved bills of the military and naval departments, and, in particular, the plan for organizing our state defense, which was submitted to the Duma under the State Secretary Stolypin.
  The defeated army, which, moreover, lost its most reliable personnel during the war, embraced by a common peasant aspiration for land, will prove too demoralized to serve as a stronghold of law and order.
  Legislative institutions and opposition-intelligent parties deprived of real authority in the eyes of the people will not be able to contain the divergent popular waves raised by them, and Russia will be plunged into a hopeless anarchy, the outcome of which does not lend itself to foresight.
  Under the exceptional conditions of the impending pan-European war, this, again, regardless of its outcome, will present a mortal danger both for Russia and for Germany. In the conquered country, inevitably a social revolution will break out, which, by the force of things, will spread to the victor country.
  Counter-opinion - not very legible - was heard from (ex) Military Minister Vladimir Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinov:
  -... Anyway ... we can not escape, and it is more profitable for us to start ... earlier." Moreover, it is (personally) your (Minister SD Sazonov) and the Chairman of the Council of Ministers (VN Kokovtsova) a belief in our unpreparedness. And the Sovereign and I - we - believe in the Army and know that ... only one good thing will happen for us.
  The people gathered in front of the cafe-library heard a loud invitation from Gorky:
  - Gentlemen! Comrades! I ask you to go to the library!
  July 10, 2017 - July 23, 2017
  This translation: 21 August 2017
  13. The Tale about Daladier
  Edouard Daladier has decided to fill period of time outside official contacts. He went to walk around the city.
  Having seen the sign plaque of "Cafe-library", he has become interested and has come in.
  - "Hello, mister Daladier!" - Maxim Gorky has approached him. - "Do you wish to get acquainted with literature, with the press?"
  - "Mister Gorky, I has become interested in cafe-library." - Edouard Daladier has answered. - "It is interesting to look at readers. Who are they? What people they are?"
  - "O'key..." - Gorky has said somehow thoughtfully.
  In a few minutes Edouard Daladier sat behind one of the tables. Readers have settled down on chairs before him.
  Maxim Gorky announced:
  - "Respected readers! The famous politician Edouard Daladier arrived with visit in our library. He is interested in getting acquainted with readers of library. Even if this acquaintance would be brief, minimal. And we, readers, in return, are interested in getting acquainted with Edouard Daladier. Let's ask our guest to inform us briefly about his personal experience of reading literary works. He has not a lot of time for communication with us. But we will see the famous politician. And he will see us."
  Objections haven't followed.
  Gorky made step aside and has sat down, giving the guest an opportunity to express.
  - "France - is the reading the books country, respected visitors of library." - Edouard Daladier has begun. - "But, certainly, in the conditions of World War I the military person had no special opportunities for reading literary works.
  World War I was some kind of meat grinder. Many - very - a lot of deaths.
  Probably, the Bible was the most readable book. You know, that I became a capitan during the war period . I was a commander of the roth.
  Someone will tell, that before you - is the French captain. I won't begin to protest to such representation."
  Daladier has kept silent for moment.
  - "At one time the book with stories by Guy de Maupassant appeared near me. In the book there was a story "Boule de Suif" (other variants of the title: "Dumpling", "Butterball", "Ball of Fat", or "Ball of Lard"). "...The need in commercial transactions has again recovered in the hearts the local merchants...". French passengers in the diligence are traveling in the territory occupied by the German troops. The woman with the informal name "Boule de Suif" (Tallow Ball) offers fellow travelers some food. But it were a conditions of the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871."
  - "Reminds the story by Heinrich Schliemann about his visit of Paris in 1871." - one of readers has spoken. - "Schliemann wanted to see the library, the books, the Parisian real estate. Schliemann illegally used the postmaster's uniform and the personal documents of one of the postmaster. Schliemann could get to Paris through the line of occupational German troops. He was risking to be stopped as the spy at the same time. All were intact, in good condition. Schliemann wrote in one of letters, that when he has entered the Parisian house and he have seen library in proper condition, has kissed books as own children."
  Edouard Daladier with curiosity has looked at the reader who has made addition about Heinrich Schliemann. Then he have continued:
  - "After the war, I became a politician. I was busy with politics. With interest I have got acquainted with views of the prince Talleyrand concerning the concept of the European balance. I read different books. Perhaps, you agree that after the entry of the USA in World War I Germany didn't have chances of a victory."
  Daladier sighed, and looking slightly to the side, he added:
  - "There is a point of view, that the separate peace Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (signed on 3 March 1918) was not chance for Germany's victory, but a decisive argument for the USA, Great Britain and France to bring the matter to full defeat and capitulation of Germany."
  Readers were silently looking at Daladier. Daladier has continued:
  - "The politician reads different books. All of the books are difficult to list. It is unlikely in several minutes of a meeting I will be able to tell you about the experience of reading literary works. Let's, I will mention several phrases which were remembered to me. Here we will take for an example the book by Mikhail Mikhalkov "In labyrinths of deadly risk" (Михаил Михалков 'В лабиринтах смертельного риска'). The author of this book, the participant of World War II, tells about a conversation of the German officers. One of these officers used a word-combination "The Bohemian corporal". If I ask you - with a portion of joke -: who will win? the French captain or "the Bohemian corporal"? In an situation of struggle? I believe, you already know the answer.
  And here some citations from the book by Sergey Mikhalkov: "Really, the destiny has thrown me here into this terrible institution specially to give the chance to overestimate values. Every morning cows were entered one by one into gate of a slaughter. (...) I was fixed for the machine - the meat grinder. ...I had to with incredible efforts, resting both hands against the handle, to rotate a wheel. (...) It was incredibly difficult to rotating this infernal machine."
  I, the respected visitors of library, have the limited volume of time for communication.
  Do you have questions?"
  There were no questions.
  - "I thank for attention. I have visited cafe-library with great interest. Having returned to Paris, I will try to find books about Heinrich Schliemann".
  Edouard Daladier accompanied by Maxim Gorky went to an exit.
  Gorky has returned and has addressed the gathered listeners, who were continuing to be silent:
  - "The prince Talleyrand believed that language is given to the person to hide the thoughts. But our guest as it seems to me, was - though laconic, but - frank. As you see, our respected guest didn't deny usefulness of reading. I hope, acquaintance with him will induce you to more active reading of the books."
  Readers began to rise and return silently to their places.
  The readers, which were wishing to receive new books for reading, created a crowd near a stand of the librarian.
  November 26, 2017 22:23
  Translation from Russian into English: 29 November 2017 00:16, 29 November 2017 08:08.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о Даладье'.
  14. The Fairy Tale about Literary Connoisseurs
  Lev Davidovich received fresh newspapers: "Finally!". He dialed Edouard Daladier's number.
  - "Mr. Daladier! I greet you with revolutionary greetings! King Alfonso XIII of Spain stepped back off power. The republic was proclaimed. The day of glory has arrived! How is it sung in Marseillaise: "To arms, citizens, // Form your battalions, // Let's march, let's march!". There is a good chance of our meeting. Political groups invite me to Spain."
  Edouard Daladier got sick with teeth. And he grabbed the cheek.
  - "Of course, Lev Davidovich! "Freedom will greet us joyfully at the entrance. [Alexander Pushkin's words]". France is a country of reading."
  Edouard Daladier relieved to hang up. And then he picked it up again. Dialed the number.
  - "Mr. Francisco Franco? This is Edouard Daladier. I read the other day the so-called Columbus's diaries. Admiral swam to the New World, but never forgot about Spain."The charm of the morning hours was a great pleasure, and it seemed like there was not enough only the nightingale's singing." "The weather was like in Andalusia in April." And what about Morocco? Is the heat overwhelming? ... This is our work ... Classical traditions of French and World diplomacy ... Good bye..."
  - "Joseph Vissarionovich? This is Edouard Daladier. You, of course, know that King Alfonso XIII of Spain stepped back off power. I will not touch details: You are aware of the matter ... We are planning a policy of non-intervention ... You are supporting? So! But... will this be enough?.. You are urgently sending advisers?.. That's so! By the way, recently published in Paris a book of Your compatriot Boris Nikitine ... You are already know? You have read it? I understand! That's so! Good bye..."
  Stalin has put the telephone receiver. "What did Cervantes write about Don Quixote? But about this later - a little later. "
  He lit a pipe. "King Alfonso XIII of Spain, Trotsky, Daladier, Franco ..." The thought suddenly became focusing on the name "Daladier" and began to move associatively: "Daladier - France - revolution - the guillotine ...". "But to transport the guillotine there?.. They will decide on the spot." The thought arose: "Whether not enough concerns in Central Europe?..".
  He picked up the phone: "I order to invite Comrade Mercader!".
  10 December 2017 20:29
  Translation from Russian into English: 11 December 2017 00:21
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о знатоках литературы'.
  15. The Fairy Tale about monologue of Hindenburg
  When to the person more than 80 years old, thoughts often go to the past.
  Hindenburg was meditating. He was sitting in an office-room.
  The career is, in many respects, a question of good luck.
  When did he retire from a position of the commander of the Corps - who could suppose his (Hindenburg) future career? It seemed that the most active phase of his life is complete.
  But, however, everything was developing in a different way. After some defeats of the German army in August, 1914 he is given high military post. Further, the successes followed.
  Who could expect that the Russian army will carry out strategic retreat in 1915, "straightening of the front line", will leave Poland, many other territories?
  On the one hand, it was the strategic military solution, correct for the Russian Empire.
  On the other hand, being combined with many other historical circumstances, this retreat looked in the opinion of contemporaries absolutely in a different way, and became one of factors of overthrow of the Russian monarchy in 1917.
  And his, - Hindenburg's, - political career after completion of World War I.
  Many consider, that policy is a difficult business.
  By and large, anything difficult.
  First, his image of the participant of successful wars in the 19th century with France and Austria.
  Secondly, his reputation of the participant of successful events on East front.
  Thirdly, consecutive declaring of his commitment to a monarchist system in Germany.
  All this has been successfully integrated and he - is the president of Germany.
  In general, the German officers, the German nobility gradually lag behind life. Antediluvian principles, narrow views. They are going to the past.
  New people come. They develop new concepts. New, unexpected, nonconventional decisions. Who could assume, guess political union, alliance which has been concluded for purposes of defeat of the Russian Imperial Army and of an exit of Imperial Russia from world war?
  People were able to bargain, they were agreementable. Germany has made the magnificent peace, has received quite good payment - remuneration. And territories? Who has lost this victory? Who has missed this money? Who has lost these territories?!
  Europe, of course, during war was similar to a slaughter, the meat grinder.
  Recently he, Hindenburg, has received a greeting card from Francisco Franco. Young vigorous Spanish officer.
  They, Spaniards, hope to be fenced off by their Pyrenees again? Again be out off the meat grinder?
  What destiny waits for this Franco and his king? Certainly, no any outstanding prospects. Usual "normal", safe life. - If no new circumstances will arise.
  It is necessary to study new views, to absorb new trends.
  The thought from Spain has passed to France. Unexpectedly weak hand has struck powerful punch to a table. It he, this French captain, this Daladier ... These, - are such as he! Slippery people with Talleyrand's traditions! From them - all problems!
  Fingers of a fist were clenching and unclenching.
  They - with the political salons!... With a variety shows!
  Nevertheless well we showed our military art in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71 years!
  Hindenburg at memories about 1870-71 years has calmed a little. The mood has improved.
  His gaze focused on the portrait of the German Emperor.
  Certainly, the Emperor waits abroad when his (Hindenburg's) political messages to the German people will turn into actions and results. When he, the president, restore the monarchy.
  The mood has again gone down.
  What means: to restore the monarchy? It means to conduct political work with parties, hard work and, generally, unpleasant. It means to make the pro-monarchic government. It means to convoke the new Constituent Assembly. How many efforts were with Constituent Assembly which already worked in past?
  Of course, on the one hand, the German people wait. If not all people, then - many. Not accidentally he, Hindenburg, became a president. But on the other hand, whether the people don't support those who sit in a reception-room, these new, vigorous, filled with the new ideas, the agreementable people?
  He don't want to be like the German nobility and the German officer's community of the old traditions?
  Inert people! Those, who has lost understanding of reality.
  Some of them even announced the idea, relying on the army, invite the Emperor to Germany, and without any democratic procedures to restore Emperor's power?!
  Such way will obviously lead to the new internal conflicts, to the new victims. Lawful constitutional - democratic! - ways are necessary.
  Hindenburg has sighed. He have remembered the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, advance of army to the East, good payment - remuneration in favor of Germany. Feeling of a victory. Admiration of the people.
  Let this French captain prepare! This Daladier!
  To you, the young and perspective Francisco Franco, the place among nice commanders will be found.
  You will not be able to exercise, to play sports under your orange trees, not knowing the smell of the Central European meat grinders!
  The usage will be found for the German officers and the German nobility too! You will not dance waltzes on the imperial holidays. These Austrian manners of Metternich need to be forgotten.
  It is clear, that the Emperor - if returns to Germany - will be calm and peaceful.
  The new ideas are necessary! New, unexpected, nonconventional decisions! And they are existing! And we will renew our glory, glory of victories on East front!
  Hindenburg has collected the strength, has got up, has approached a wall, has removed the Emperor's portrait. He have found for a portrait the place between a wall and one of book-cases.
  He have pressed the call button. The secretary has come.
  - Invite the politicians, expecting in reception-room!
  December 16, 2017 20:18
  Translation from Russian into English: 17 December 2017 05:47
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о монологе Гинденбурга'.
  16. The Monologue about the French Tricolor and about the Stavka
  He raised his glass. Symbols of anti-Christian paganism in a month will be thrown on the ground.
  Army under banners with the French tricolor was the only one in the modern era, which was able after the battles to enter in Moscow.
  The Committee of Public Safety! "The Fatherland is in danger" (Fr. La patrie est en danger)! The victories of Pan-European scale!
  The State Defense Committee has led the country to the Victory!
  "I have a spot, the stigma on a military uniform!" - he has remembered Napoleon's words.
  Supreme Commanders... Nicholas Nikolaevich, Nicholas II... "The Stavka capitulating"... The killed Dukhonin... The peace Treaty of Brest-Litovsk! It - not a one spot! These are several spots!
  The Stavka - wasn't capitulated! Stavka have won the war!
  Supreme commander raises his glass, intending to give a toast in honor of the Victory.
  "No war, no peace"?!
  "We have in a reserve no Hindenburgs" - he said in the hardest 1942.
  "Bayonets to the earth?" - No! "Not one step backwards!"
  Peace!.. he glanced at the smiling Marshal Rokossovsky, - it is possible to speak about the peace with honor.
  Peace of victorious powers! Tehran, Yalta, Potsdam!
  There are presented the young vigorous marshals, generals. Admirals - with naval dirks. All - in beautiful, ceremonial military uniforms!
  We waited for forty years, we, the people of old generation, this day. - When a spot - several spots! - will be liquidated.
  He raised his glass:
  - I as the representative of our Soviet Government, I would like to raise a toast to the health of our Soviet people and, above all, the Russian people.
  December 28, 2017 12:59
  Translation from Russian into English: December 28, 2017 19:10.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Монолог о французском триколоре и о Ставке'.
  17. The Tale about two awards
  Stalin has once again looked at materials of a personal records. "Captain with 'Anna' on a breast and married to a Countess". "He is awarded the order the Red Banner".
  The Chief of the General Staff B.M. Shaposhnikov and the brigade commander Fyodor Tolbukhin have entered an office-room.
  - In what ranks You have served at the Tsar and by what awards he has greeted you? - the General secretary has addressed Tolbukhin.
  - Latterly I was shtabs-captain. I was awarded with two orders - Anna and Stanislav.
  "From the beginning of war with Germany the Persian corridor, the Transiranian railroad will be necessary. It will be one of the easiest ways of implementation of the program a Lend-Lease". "During historically short period there will be the very extended factual Soviet-British border". "The history slightly will correct events of 1917 and 1918". "We will liquidate a spot!".
  - You may go.
  In five minutes there was also B.M. Shaposhnikov. B.M. Shaposhnikov and F.I. Tolbukhin have got into the automobile, have gone to the General Staff Building.
  - And everything was in the best way, - gleaming by eye-glasses, B.M. Shaposhnikov has told. - You are appointed the chief of staff of the Transcaucasian military district and awarded the order of the Red Star according to the proposal of the General secretary. Tomorrow the award to you will be presented in the Management of personnel. I wish success!
  December 29, 2017 23:42
  Translation from Russian into English: December 30, 2017 00:25.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ о двух орденах'.
  18. Dialogue about Gorchakov
  The Reader and the Readeress (Reader(woman)) left M. Gorky's cafe-library under an impression. The book about Alexander Gorchakov, the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry, the Chancellor of the Russian Empire was discussed.
  - Interesting biography, - the Reader has said. - As well as Nesselrode, Gorchakov biographically have been connected with Alexander Pushkin. As well as Nesselrode, Gorchakov participated in many historical events.
  - He was supposed to. By rank. - Readeress joked.
  And have added:
  - In historical works the preparation and the direction by Gorchakov of the "Dispatch" on October 19, 1870, is especially highlighted. "... The sovereign the emperor, in trust to sense of justice of the powers which have signed the treatise of 1856 and to their consciousness of own advantage, instructs to declare...: that emperor can't further consider himself connected by obligations of the treatise on March 18-go/30-go, 1856 as far as they limit his (emperor's) Supreme rights in the Black Sea ...".
  - Yes. In Europe there was a new situation. On July 19, 1870, Napoleon III has declared war of Prussia and has assumed the Supreme command. On September 1, 1870 - Fight at the Sedan, defeat of Napoleonic army by Prussian troops.
  - The ones praise Gorchakov for "destruction" of the 2nd article of the Parisian treatise about neutralization of the Black Sea. The others can tell that Russia needed not unilateral diplomatic steps in the conditions of the European crisis, how many intensive economic and political development. The thirds will tell that Russia needed both development, and skillful diplomacy.
  - In 1991 there were motives to remember Gorchakov and about Gorchakov. And 1917-1918 gave reasons to such a memoirs.
  - Yes. He has rejected initiatives of the European powers about the international legal solution of a question of the status of the Kingdom of Poland. On this matter England, France, Austria addressed. But not only. The Diplomatic Notes were send by Spain, Sweden, Italy, Netherlands, Denmark, Portugal and Turkey.
  On June 29, 1863 allies on "The Crimean system" have again performed with the notes containing offers on truce with Poles and convocation of a conference of 8 powers on the Polish question . References to provisions of the Vienna congress (1815) sounded.
  A.M. Gorchakov in the "Dispatch" on July 1 (13), 1863, has categorically rejected the Anglo-French-Austrian requirements, having pointed that since 1831 Russia owns Poland not on the basis of provisions of 1815, and by the right of conquest, and, therefore, claims addressed to St. Petersburg can't legally be considered as reasonable.
  Meanwhile the movement to restoration of the state sovereignty of Poland was one of - many - the factors which have caused events of 1917.
  - The further political history of Poland was one of many questions which have appeared after Partitions (divisions) of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. In November, 1918 Poland became the independent state.
  On September 6, 1991 the State Council of the USSR recognized an exit of three Baltic republics (Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia) from USSR.
  On December 8, 1991 Republic of Belarus, Ukraine and the Russian Federation (RSFSR) have signed the Belavezha Accords.
  - It is easy for us, knowing about the taken place events, - to argue. But Gorchakov didn't know about them. He has rejected offers of the European powers.
  - Russia was rushing from 1853-1856 to 1905. And from 1905 - to 1917. To stop, to change this process could either the Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, or the Emperor Peter the First. And maybe, - if to be expressed with elements of a joke and exaggeration, - ten Peters the Firsts.
  - Gorchakov is a part of our history.
  - Yes-s-s!
  December 31, 2017 10:24
  Translation from Russian into English: December 31, 2017 20:12.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог о Горчакове'.
  19. Dialogue of the republican, the democrat, the liberal and the reformer
  Диалог республиканца, демократа, либерала и реформатора
  Dialogue of the republican, the democrat, the liberal and the reformer
  - Мне сегодня приснился сон. Два всадника в офицерской форме. Другая сторона Земли. Форма образца начала 19 века. У одного эмблема - французский флаг. У другого эмблема - американский флаг. Смотрят друг на друга и улыбаются. Что бы значил этот сон?
  - The dream has dreamed me today. Two riders in an officer uniform. The other side of Earth. The uniform of a sample of the beginning of the 19th century. At one rider is emblem - the French flag. At another an emblem - the American flag. They are looking at each other and are smiling. What this vision mean?
  - Может быть, настало время для важных шагов, Ваше Императорское Величество?
  - Perhaps, time for important steps, Your Imperial Majesty, has come?
  - Для важных шагов... Для важных шагов... Да! Для важных шагов!
  - For significant steps ... For significant steps ... Yes! For significant steps!
  5 января 2018 г. 22:05
  January 5, 2018 22:05
  Translation from Russian into English: January 5, 2018. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation).
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог республиканца, демократа, либерала и реформатора'.
  20. The Tale of the Magic Translation
  - Vladimir Ilyich! The English newspapers have come. Lloyd George a bad word calls the possible peace with Germany. Members of the Central Committee are whispering ...
  - Nadia! What does Lloyd George tell about the possible peace?
  - Offensive word. Hints that such peace - not lawful.
  - Something I don't see the English-Russian dictionary ...
  - The letter from one of our supporters from London has come, I make the translation. The dictionary is necessary.
  - Nadenka, now the dictionary is necessary to me. Return it, please. It seems, messages from Russia aren't deciphered yet ...
  - Here dictionary, Volodya!
  - Thanks, Nadia!
  - Volodya! Something you silent long ago!
  - You can take away the dictionary, Nadine. Comrades from our Central Committee have to understand that the "illegal" peace with Germany can NOT be. And can be - грубый (rough), 'похабный' ("obscene"). 'Похабный' "obscene" - 'ухабный' "ukhabny" ("bumpsial") - 'тряский' "jolty" - 'катастрофичный' ("catastrophic") ... It I so ... not for "others": I reflect aloud.
  What the Russian doesn't love the fast driving?
  Nikolai Gogol, Nadenka!
  Classics need to be known, but not to be as Mitrofanushka. "Russia where you rush? give the answer. Doesn't give the answer." Ability to translate and knowledge of classics!
  Time will come, we'll send our representatives to Genoa for a meeting with Lloyd George, Nadine!
  I need an hour or so more of the concentrated work. The translation has finished. I have passed to writing of April Theses!
  January 9, 2018 14:42
  Translation from Russian into English: January 9, 2018 16:57.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о волшебном переводе'.
  21. The Short Story about reading historical books
   Edouard Daladier has closed the book. "Today's visit into cafe-library is complete".
   Maxim Gorky has approached him:
   - Respected mister Daladier, you couldn't have a talk a several minutes with our readers?
   - I have five minutes.
   Visitors of library have surrounded Edouard Daladier.
   - What thoughts from the books read today have paid your attention to themselves, mister Daladier?
   - I read historical books. What subjects can be interesting to me, the participant of World War I, the politician of the first half and the middle of the 20th century? On August 3-4, 1914 Great Britain has entered world war. When on August 7 jars were opened, panic hasn't arisen; the slogan has prevailed: "affairs go, as always"". "In 1914 only two machine guns were in the battalion [in the British army]. ... the Minister of War [Herbert Kitchener] has uttered: on battalion not less than two machine guns and no more than four are necessary; everything that over such norm - luxury."
   - I quote David Lloyd George's biography written by Kirill Vinogradov, - Edouard Daladier has explained. Also he have continued:
   - "The deadlock on the Western front, the Romania defeat (this country was involved in war on the party of the Entente thanks to efforts of England and France), the revolutionary fermentation within the country, amplified - all this forced the mighty of this world to become thoughtful. Some of them became on the way of search ... the peace. The Tory's old figure Lensdaun has addressed with the confidential memorandum to members of the cabinet, suggesting to begin negotiations with Germany. [Minister] Gray who since 1915 held in hand of thread of confidential communications with Berlin also began to incline to the same point of view".
   "Lloyd George who was once ranked as pacifists, now was considered as the adherent of the slogan "the absolute war". He really in the sharpest expressions spoke publicly against the "bastardish" world."
   "England [under the direction of Lloyd-George] didn't undertake anything to improve matters of Russia on Baltic, and ignored wishes of the Russian command about offensive in the Balkans. Even Nabokov, was delighted by activity of the English leaders, noted: "They refused to us in the essential assistance"."
   "The tone was set by the prime minister [Lloyd George]. It is necessary to take an opportunity "to remake Britain. It isn't necessary to think all the time of that, to return there where we were before war"... Remounting old holes, we won't be able to create the new world, Lloyd George in other case said. At the initiative of the head of the government the new "ministry of reconstruction" has been formed. If in the beginning understood "restoration" of old pre-war regimes as reconstruction, then soon, probably according to instructions of the prime minister, began to place emphasis on the slogan "transformations" of the country and search of other, best orders invented by him".
   -And what is the attraction of "new orders"? Allow me to make addition about "the best state orders", - the voice of one of visitors of library was alouded.
   - Please, - Edouard Daladier has invited.
   - Mark Aldanov in the story "Field marshal" has tried to design mentally thoughts of one of Field marshals about Hitler and Hitler's regime: "We had no such people. And couldn't be. After all our system was existed for centuries and was under construction, been preparing - for the centuries. We needed people with traditions, more or less (of course, only more or less) insured by education, the conventional truths, social environment's opinions, at last, religion from the meanness reigning here. At us was what to protect, and to these bastards of society who yesterday came out of an underground, they spit on everything: "though day and mine, also I will live happily!" Enemies of the monarchy also don't understand, which the level of stability was creating in the world by the monarchy. We weren't too soft on enemies, but the monarchs who were in 1815 on the congress in Vienna haven't imposed to the defeated France of those conditions which democrats in hundred years have imposed to the defeated Germany."
   - Talleyrand, Metternich ... Alexander I ... - has sighed Daladier - "... "... by the end of war [World War I] the English battalions (each of them) had 64, and some of them - 80 machine guns".
   - What will you tell about the events which have taken place after the end of World War I, mister Daladier? - one of visitors of library expressed an interest.
   - The history has disposed that both the ability to talk to trade unions, with hired workers, to organize "the peace of classes", and ability to talk in the Welsh and English languages were joined in one person, - Edouard Daladier has philosophically noticed. - This person, if to trust the book, considered that "it isn't necessary to think all the time of that, to return there, where we were before war".
   Edouard Daladier has kept silent. Then he with a smile has looked at audience:
   - Here the quote from the story "Field marshal" was heard. I will quote words from the short story "Josephine de Beauharnais and Her Fortuneteller": "She daily devoted in the mornings for a dresses about three hours, then many times changed clothes and three times a day changed linen. She had four hundred shawls and a myriad of dresses ... The whole day in her apartments some suppliers, dressmakers, fashion makers whom she treated, as with the best friends, were replacing each other; Josephine didn't recognize any etiquette: for why this nonsense? She told fashion makers and dressmakers all the family affairs and chagrin; She had no secrets and from maids. Josephine didn't read either books, or newspapers - there one frustration - did nothing the whole day and not at all bored."
   Edouard Daladier with a strange smile has looked at audience.
   The active visitor of library has again joined in discussion:
   - On June 7, 1919 Lloyd George recognized that "the admiral Kolchak won't win against Lenin". In the spring of 1920 Lloyd George characterized Lenin the "most great person in policy" who is successfully carrying out "great economic experiment".
   Lenin wrote that Lloyd-George "not only the person very clever, but also to much learned from Marxists. Not a sin and to us to learn at Lloyd of George".
   Edouard Daladier has put a palm of hand on one of books:
   - To study, to study and study!. And to read!
   - Our previous conversation was similar to my monologue. Today's meeting is more similar to dialogue. I come into your library with interest! - Edouard Daladier has politely said. - I wish useful reading.
   Gorky has thanked Edouard Daladier for a conversation with visitors and walked with him to an exit from library.
   January 13, 2018 12:38
   Translation from Russian into English: January 14, 2018 10:51. Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Рассказ о чтении исторических книг".
  22. The Short Story about the Unsuccessful Report
  The Emperor Nicholas I has taken the place behind the pulpit and has inspected the audience which has settled down before him in the big hall:
  - I confess, gentlemen, I do not understand why I should speak here, in this audience...
  - "It isn't necessary for me clever men, and it is necessary obedient persons" are Your words! Who can make the report, except You? - the voice from audience was distributed.
  The Emperor has thoughtfully looked at the people sitting before him:
  - "How began the Crimean war of 1853-1856?" - here a subject of my report.
  From audience attentively were looking at the Emperor. He continued:
  - I considered the Ottoman empire the sick person doomed to death. The Straits, of course, had to "depart" to Russia in this situation...
  The Emperor has looked to the hall, checking reaction of audience.
  The audience was silent. The Emperor felt himself more vigorously:
  - The governments of the western powers showed the unwillingness to interfere with the expected conflict of Russia with the Ottoman empire.
  - How could you draw such conclusion? - the question from audience was distributed.
  - I was informed by Russian ambassadors from France, from England. Heads of these states talked to them. Also other informed persons wrote to me. Information arrived from different sources, the reliable information. Creation of the coalition, the consolidated performance of this coalition against Russia is a casual confluence of unhappy circumstances.
  - And you have took into account that in France after end of "Napoleon I's Era" there was an industrial revolution? That France of 1812 and France of the beginning of the 1850th years were significantly differ on indicators of economic potential?
  -Issues of war and peace are decided by heads of State, Government. The ambassadors reported me about the positions of these statesmen.
  - Have you compared the integrated potentials of England, France, the Ottoman empire, on the one hand, and Russia, with another?. - didn't relaxed in audience.
  - I repeat! Information went from the knowing people. Our institutions have been abroad staffed by skilled employees. Mister Nesselrode was at the head. He participated in the Vienna congress of 1814-1815. Even Dantes as the diplomatic courier in 1850 arrived to me!
  Noise in audience amplified. In air words flew: "fakes!", "gossips!", "saloon chatter!", "kitchen talk!", "Pushkin!", "Lermontov!".
  Some listener has impudently got up from the place and has loudly said, addressing the Emperor:
  - You were guided by outdated concepts, were collecting not that information which was necessary, made false conclusions. And the people, capable to set the correct goals, to formulate right tasks and to ensure effective functioning, under Your management weren't found.
  The Emperor has turned pale:
  - Who I am - all know. And You haven't told the Your name!
  The listener continued to pronounce some words that could not be disassembled because of the general noise.
  Negative emotions were reflected in Nicholas I's face:
  - In such conditions I the report doesn't intend to do!
  The Emperor has came out off the pulpit and left audience.
  From the hall the dissatisfied rumble was heard.
  January 20, 2018 - January 21, 2018.
  Translation from Russian into English: January 21, 2018 06:50.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ о неудавшемся докладе'.
  23. The Fairy Tale of Rifled Muskets and of Fighting Experience
  Napoleon III had a high temperature.
  The late general de Saint-Arnaud has come to visit the deposed emperor:
  - The emperor Nikolay Pavlovich doesn't wish to call You "dear brother"?
  - You won't please for all.
  - We will test new models of the long-range rifled muskets. New experience ...
  - Arms novelties? Yes ..., no one will stop progress ...
  - The Crimean war will uplift you on high degree of power and influence.
  - Sounds attractively! Generally idea not bad ...
  Napoleon III has remembered that during the Crimean war the Marshal of France de Saint-Arnaud has got sick with cholera. He was transported on board of the ship. De Saint-Arnaud has died by the "Bertholet" ship in the sea, on the way to Constantinople, on September 29, 1854.
  The temperature was rising.
  The last words spoken by Napoleon III in the delirium to the servant were: "Isn't it true that we weren't cowards at Sedan?"
  February 23, 2018 07:20
  Translation from Russian into English: February 24, 2018 08:06.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о штуцерах и о боевом опыте'.
  24. The Fairy Tale about the Library on the Seacoast
  Confucius and Jefferson were reading the books in the library on the Seacoast.
  Confucius was reading the book by the one of the ancient wise men.
  Jefferson was reading the book by the one of the Enlightenment philosophers.
  Simultaneously they heard the ringing signals of their mobile telephones and went toward verandah to converse at a fresh air.
  They put their books on the table near the entrance to verandah.
  Returning into the library after the talks, Confucius took the book of the Enlightenment times, Jefferson took the ancient book.
  They looked through the books.
  "The man of knowledge" - they expressed their opinions.
  March 9, 2018 08:55
  25. The Short Story of Monocles
  Рассказ о моноклях
  The Short Story of Monocles
  Громадный зал был заполнен представителями разных государств. Оратор продолжал начатую мысль:
  The enormous hall has been filled by representatives of the different states. The orator continued the begun thought:
  - Эта страна, - страна-наследница Великой хартии вольностей, - стала государством, в котором появились 'гнилые местечки'!
  - This country, - the country successor of the Great charter of liberties, - became the state in which "Rotten and pocket boroughs" have appeared!
  Выступающий сделал паузу и посмотрел в зал.
  The orator has made a pause and has looked to the hall.
  - Эта страна, - продолжал выступающий, - страна Голсуорси, Диккенса и Киплинга... Что эта страна сделала с Даниэлем Дефо?!
  - This country, - the speaker continued, - the country of Dickens, Galsworthy and Kipling ... What has this country made with Daniel Defoe?!
  У одного из делегатов, присутствующих в зале, оказалась книга Дефо. Услышав слова оратора, этот делегат взял книгу, с интересом посмотрел на нее, и положил обратно.
  One of the delegates present in the hall had had a book by Defoe. Having heard the words of the speaker, this delegate has taken the book, with interest has looked at it, and has put back.
  - Эта страна, страна Шерлока Холмса, показала всему миру инспектора Лестрейда! - заявил оратор.
  - This country, the Sherlock Holmes's country, has shown to the whole world of the inspector Lestrade! - the speaker has said.
  В зале началось какое-то шевеление.
  Some a stirring has begun in the hall.
  Председатель вежливо объявил: 'Регламент! Время выступления завершилось'.
  The chairman politely declared: "Regulations! The time of a speech has completed".
  Сидевшие в зале делегаты вставили монокли и посмотрели на выступавшего через монокли.
  The delegates sitting in the hall have inserted monocles and have looked at the speaker through monocles.
  Оратор сошел с трибуны.
  The speaker has descended from a tribune.
  24 марта 2018 г.
  March 24, 2018
  Translation from Russian into English: March 24, 2018. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation).
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ о моноклях'.
  26. Dialogue about an adventure literature
  Диалог о приключенческой литературе
  Dialogue about an adventure literature
  - Господин Ульянов? Здравствуйте. Это Ллойд Джордж. Прошел 95-летний юбилей Генуэзской конференции. Я решил позвонить Вам сейчас.
  - Mister Ulyanov? Hello. This is Lloyd George. There has passed the 95-year anniversary of the Genoa Conference. I have decided to call you now.
  - Здравствуйте, господин Ллойд Джордж. О Генуэзской конференции я размышлял после перевода Вашего высказывания о мире и при подготовки мною Апрельских тезисов. Написал их буквально за несколько часов. Если считать с правкой и литературной обработкой - то за несколько дней. Сейчас, конечно, - литературные фабрики...
  - Hello, mister Lloyd George. About the Genoa Conference I reflected after the translation of your statement on the peace and at preparation of April theses by me. I have written them in several hours. If to consider with editing and literary processing - that for several days. Now, of course, - a literary factories ...
  - Старые добрые времена, господин Ульянов... Недавно я прочитал книгу о Шерлоке Холмсе. Возникла мысль - Вам послать экземпляр.
  - Good old times, mister Ulyanov ... Recently I have read the book about Sherlock Holmes. There is a thought - to send you a copy.
  - Спасибо, господин Ллойд Джордж! Мы с удовольствием читали об уважаемом Шерлоке Холмсе. Но не только о нем. В романе Владимира Богомолова 'В августе сорок четвертого...' ( 'Момент истины') один из сотрудников контрразведки размышляет как 'перевернулась' ситуация. Если в обычных условиях сотрудники уголовного розыска, оснащенные знаниями, оборудованием, сведениями из архивов, ведут поиск преступников, которых обучали их (преступников) старшие 'товарищи', то в ситуации военных действий контрразведчики, оснащенные головой, ногами и личным оружием, вели поиски на громадных территориях агентов, подготовленных и экипированных передовым государством. Роман документальный. Высококвалифицированную и подготовленную группу опытных гитлеровских разведчиков, действовавшую на громадной территории, в тылу нескольких фронтов, нашли, раскрыли и 'подготовили' к сотрудничеству примерно за сутки. Как Вы помните, Великобритания и СССР во второй мировой войне были союзниками.
  - Thanks, mister Lloyd George! We with pleasure read about dear Sherlock Holmes. But not only about him. In the novel by Vladimir Bogomolov "In August of the forty fourth ..." ("The Moment of Truth") one of the staff of counterintelligence reflects as the situation "has turned over". If in usual conditions the staff of criminal investigation department equipped with knowledge, the equipment, data from archives conducts search of criminals whom (criminals) senior "companions" trained, then in a situation of military operations the counterspies equipped with the head, legs and an individual weapon conducted search in enormous territories of the agents trained and equipped with the advanced state. Documentary novel. The highly skilled and trained group of competent Hitlerite intelligence agents acting in the enormous territory in the rear of several fronts, was found, opened and "prepared" for cooperation approximately per day. As you remember, Great Britain and the USSR in World War II were allies.
  Присланную Вами книгу о Шерлоке Холмсе я передам литераторам. Может быть, примут в качестве образца.
  I will transfer the book sent by you about Sherlock Holmes to writers. Perhaps, they will accept as an example.
  - Я рад, господин Ульянов, что британская литература вызывает у Вас интерес по-прежнему. Интересно было услышать Ваше мнение.
  - I am glad, mister Ulyanov, that the British literature attracts interest of you still. It was interesting to hear your opinion.
  - Вспоминаю библиотеку Британского музея! Вспоминая о ней, я организовал быструю подготовку и принятие Декрета о библиотечном деле. Надеюсь, очередной юбилей Генуэзской конференции даст повод для нашей очередной беседы.
  - I am remembering the Library of the British museum! Remembering her, I have organized fast preparation and adoption of the Decree about library science. I hope, another anniversary of the Genoa Conference will give a reason for our another conversation.
  - До свидания, господин Ульянов!
  - Good-bye, mister Ulyanov!
  - До свидания, господин Ллойд Джордж!
  - Good-bye, mister Lloyd George!
  30 марта 2018 г. 16:20
  March 30, 2018 16:20
  Translation from Russian into English: March 30, 2018 23:29. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation).
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог о приключенческой литературе'.
  27. The Fairy Tale of the answer to the European powers
  Сказка об ответе европейским державам
  The Fairy Tale of the answer to the European powers
  Михаил Лермонтов размышлял над рифмой. Пришел визитер и начал рассказывать: Малороссия и нормандская теория, Бессарабия и новый тип господаря.
  Mikhail Lermontov reflected over a rhyme. The visitor has come and has begun to tell: Malorossiya and Norman theory, Bessarabia and new type of Hospodar.
  'Странно...', - подумал Лермонтов.
  "It is strange ...", - Lermontov has thought.
  Визитер продолжал: на степных пространствах между Каспийским морем и озером Балхаш обсуждают вопросы алфавита.
  The visitor continued: on steppe spaces between the Caspian Sea and Lake Balkhash discuss issues of the alphabet.
  Лермонтов решил прогуляться на свежем воздухе.
  Lermontov has decided to walk in the fresh air.
  Идет он по центральной улице. Вдруг из одного магазина выбегает человек. Но не сам грф Нессельроде, а его заместитель. И этот человек едва не сталкивается с Лермонтовым.
  He is walking along the central street. Suddenly from one shop the person runs out. But not the count Nesselrode, but his deputy. And this person nearly faces Lermontov.
  Лермонтов, естественно, почувствовал неудовольствие и произнес: 'Ну что?' 'Отдохнули?'
  Lermontov, naturally, has felt displeasure and has said: "Well?" "Have had a good rest?"
  Тот что-то сказал о Венском конгрессе. Прыгнул в подъехавшую карету и уехал.
  Person has said something about the Congress of Vienna. He have jumped in the approached a horse carriage and have left.
  Лермонтов развернулся и направился домой: 'Напишу роман 'Герой нашего времени'!'
  Lermontov has turned and has gone home: "I will write the novel "Hero of Our Time"!"
  Оказалось, что в момент встречи Лермонтова и заместителя графа Нессельроде рядом проходил Александр Горчаков.
  It has happened that at the time of the meeting of Lermontov and the Deputy count Nesselrode there passed Alexander Gorchakov nearby.
  Горчаков услышал о Венском конгрессе. Он направился в свой офис и написал ответ на ноты европейских держав о международно-правовом решении вопроса о статусе Польши.
  Gorchakov have heard about the Vienna congress. He has gone to the office and has written the answer to notes of the European powers about the international legal solution of a question of the status of Poland.
  3 апреля 2018 г. 17:21
  April 3, 2018 17:21
  Translation from Russian into English: April 3, 2018 17:45. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation).
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка об ответе европейским державам'.
  28. The Fairy Tale about the politeness of Prince Talleyrand
  Сказка о вежливости князя Талейрана
  The Fairy Tale about the politeness of Prince Talleyrand
  После печального завершения жизненного пути Людовика XVI в Париж пришли вести из Лондона. Максимилиан Робеспьер читал полученную депешу: '...самое гнусное из всех известных в истории злодеяний...'.
  After sad end of a course of life of Louis XVI to Paris the news from London have arrived. Maximilien Robespierre read the received dispatch: "... the most heinous of all known in the history of crimes ...".
  'Разве это вежливое высказывание?' - обратился Максимилиан к своему брату Огюстену.
  "Unless this polite statement?" - Maksimilian has addressed the brother Augustin.
  'Нет' - ответил тот.
  "No" - the brother has answered.
  'Объясни ситуацию Наполеону Бонапарту. Скажи ему, чтобы он организовал взятие Тулона!'
  "Explain a situation to Napoleon Bonaparte. Say to him! Let he organize the capture of the Toulon!"
  Через некоторое время Тулон был взят.
  After a while Toulon has been taken.
  Прошло некоторое количество лет. И, наконец, начался Венский конгресс.
  A quantity of years there has passed. And, at last, the Congress of Vienna has begun.
  Собрались герцог Веллингтон, князь Талейран и князь Меттерних.
  The Duke of Wellington, the Prince Talleyrand and the Prince Metternich have gathered.
  Князь Меттерних посмотрел на танцующего императора Александра I и говорит: 'Историки рассказывают, что император Наполеон, - был случай, - невежливо обошелся с князем Талейраном.' 'А по-моему', - продолжал князь Меттерних, - 'император Наполеон - вежливый человек. И он, как вежливый человек, стремится вернуться с острова Эльбы в Париж'.
  The Prince Metternich has looked at the dancing emperor Alexander I and says: "Historians tell that the emperor Napoleon, - was a case, - has impolitely managed with the Prince Talleyrand." "And in my opinion", - the Prince Metternich continued, - "the emperor Napoleon - the polite person. And he as the polite person, seeks to return from the island of Elba to Paris".
  'Вы полагаете, что если император Наполеон вернется в Париж, то он извинится перед князем Талейраном?' - скептически произнес герцог Веллингтон.
  "Do you believe that if the emperor Napoleon will return to Paris, then he will apologize to the Prince Talleyrand?" - the Duke of Wellington has skeptically said.
  'Во всяком случае, будет проявлением вежливости, если князь Талейран, - в порядке компенсации за перенесенные переживания, - сможет вписать в свою биографию строки о наличии у него опыта руководителя временным правительством Франции'.
  "In any case, will be manifestation of politeness if the Prince Talleyrand, - as compensation for the postponed experiences, - will be able to enter in the biography lines about presence at him of experience of the head of provisional government of France".
  'Хорошо сказано!' - вежливо поддержал мысль князя Меттерниха подошедший к собеседникам император Александр I.
  "Well said!" - the emperor Alexander I, who has approached interlocutors, has politely supported a thought of the Prince Metternich.
  'Язык, господа', - скаламбурил князь Талейран, - 'дан человеку, чтобы скрывать свои мысли и проявлять свою вежливость'.
  "The language, gentlemen," - the pun was formulated by Prince Talleyrand, - "was given to human to concealing thoughts and to showing a courtesy."
  Собеседники уважительно и вежливо посмотрели на князя Талейрана.
  Interlocutors have validly and politely looked at the Prince Talleyrand.
  5 апреля 2018 г. 4:39
  April 5, 2018 4:39
  Translation from Russian into English: April 5, 2018 05:37. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation).
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о вежливости князя Талейрана'.
  29. The Tale of Ilya Muromets. Series 2
  Сказка об Илье Муромце. Серия 2
  The Tale of Ilya Muromets. Series 2
  Илья Муромец решил привести себя в бодрое состояние. Он направился на берег Белого моря.
  Ilya Muromets has decided to bring himself to a vigorous state. He has gone to the coast of the White Sea.
  Он зашел неглубоко в воду и стал зачерпывать ладонями воду и бросать ее себе в лицо.
  He went shallow in the water and began to take in the palms of a water and throw water in his own face.
  Бодрости прибавилось.
  Cheerfulness has increased.
  Илья Муромец вспомнил, как спортсмены, - иногда, - приводят себя в активное состояние, издавая громкие, резкие, угрожающие крики. Он решил последовать примеру спортсменов и несколько раз громко крикнул. Бодрости прибавилось. Настроение стало хорошим.
  Ilya Muromets has remembered how athletes, - sometimes, - bring themselves to an active state, letting out the loud, sharp, menacing cries. He has decided to follow the example of athletes and several times has loudly shouted. Cheerfulness has increased. The mood became good.
  Илья Муромец вышел на берег и вытер лицо полотенцем.
  Ilya Muromets came to the coast and has wiped a face a towel.
  Неожиданно он увидел флотилию парусных кораблей под косыми парусами.
  Unexpectedly he has seen a flotilla of the sailing ships under slanting sails.
  Аналогичные корабли он видел в детстве на картинках в детской книжке, - на картинках были изображены суда легендарной флотилии, снаряженной Великой Восточной Империей для дальнего морского похода.
  He saw the similar ships in the childhood on pictures in the children's book, - on pictures vessels of the legendary flotilla equipped with Great East Empire for a distant sea campaign have been represented.
  К своему изумлению Илья Муромец понял, что его богатырские крики были услышаны проплывающим флотом и каким-то образом расшифрованы.
  To his own amazement Ilya Muromets has understood that his powerful shouts have been heard by the floating fleet and the shouts somehow were deciphered.
  На кораблях поднимались флаги с иероглифами. Люди на кораблях подавали какие-то знаки, размахивая желтыми и красными флагами.
  By the ships flags with hieroglyphs were rising. People on the ships gave some signs, swinging yellow and red flags.
  Иероглифы на флагах почему-то смутили Илью Муромца: 'Пишут что-то...'.
  Hieroglyphs on flags have for some reason confused Ilya Muromts: "They may write a something ...".
  Настроение испортилось.
  The mood has deteriorated.
  Он заглянул в календарь, посчитал в уме и направился от берега моря к себе обратно.
  He has glanced in the calendar, has counted in mind and has gone from the seashore to himself back.
  11 апреля 2018 г. 19:39
  April 11, 2018 19:39
  Translation from Russian into English: April 11, 2018 20:05. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation).
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка об Илье Муромце. Серия 2'
  30. The Sketch about the originality of a modern political career
  Скетч об особенностях современной политической карьеры
  The Sketch about the originality of a modern political career
  В кафе библиотеке М. Горького была организована выставка книг, посвященная политической карьере старейшего на Земле политика.
  In M. Gorky's cafe-library the exhibition of books devoted to political career of the oldest on Earth politician has been organized.
  Многочисленные читатели, проходя рядом со стендами, заполненными книгами, уважительно замолкали.
  Numerous readers, passing near the stands, filled with books, were respectfully silent.
  Политик участвовал в принятии важнейших решений: он был современником многочисленных политических и экономических кризисов, технических революций и культурных трансформаций.
  The politician participated in adoption of the major decisions: he was a contemporary of numerous political and economic crises, technical revolutions and cultural transformations.
  Ему было почти 500 лет.
  He was nearly 500 years old.
  Этого политика решили пригласить в кафе-библиотеку на встречу с читателями.
  This politician was decided to be invited in café-library to a meeting with readers.
  Политик не заставил себя упрашивать. Он пришел и доброжелательно посмотрел на читателей:
  The politician hasn't forced itself to ask. He has come and has kindly looked at readers:
  - Какие будут вопросы?
  - What questions will be?
  Обнаружился один из читателей, который успел прочитать все книги, расставленные на стендах.
  One of the readers who managed to read all the books placed on the book stands has discovered himself.
  Этот читатель спросил:
  This reader has asked:
  - Уважаемый политик! Вы участвовали в принятии важнейших решений. Вы были современником многочисленных политических и экономических кризисов, технических революций и культурных трансформаций. Однако, я с удивлением обнаружил, что эти книги главным образом посвящены теме РАССЛЕДОВАНИЯ.
  - Dear politician! You participated in adoption of the major decisions. You were a contemporary of numerous political and economic crises, technical revolutions and cultural transformations. However, I with surprise have found out that these books are mainly devoted to the theme "INVESTIGATIONS".
  Мне это не понятно.
  It isn't clear to me.
  Может быть, вы что-то расскажете об этом.
  Maybe you can tell us something about it.
  Политик с улыбкой ответил:
  The politician with a smile has answered:
  - Действительно, примерно 250 лет тому назад был поднят вопрос о случае, предположительно случившемся около 400 лет тому назад. Обнаружились неясные записи, воспоминания потомков...
  - Really, the question of the case, which has presumably happened about 400 years ago, has been brought up about 250 years ago. Not a clear records, some a memoirs of descendants were found ...
  Выдвинута следующая версия: я шел по одной из европейских столиц и то ли столкнулся, то ли почти столкнулся с одним из почтенных жителей. Что именно в результате произошло - этот вопрос и стал предметом расследования.
  The following version was put forward: I went on one of the European capitals and whether have faced, whether have almost faced one of respectable inhabitants. What has happened - this question and became an investigation subject.
  Начались расспросы: неофициальные, полуофициальные и официальные. Без присяги и под присягой.
  Inquiries have begun: informal, semi-official and official. Without oath and under the oath.
  Поскольку дело было давнее, то поначалу я даже не смог точно вспомнить, имел ли место соответствующий случай в действительности.
  Since it was a long time ago, I couldn't even remember for sure whether the case was in fact.
  Но активные цитирования свидетельских показаний и обнаруженных записей 'активировали' мою память: вроде бы что-то было...
  But active a citings a testimony and a found records "activated" my memory: it seems, something was ...
  Ведь действительно что-то могло быть: я действительно ходил по улицам, и встреча была вполне реальной. А если человек ходит по улицам, то неправдоподобно будет, если он станет отрицать, что он когда-то с кем-то столкнулся, когда шел по улице.
  Something could be valid: I really walked the streets, and the meeting was quite real. And if the person walks the streets, then it will be improbable if he begins to deny that he once has faced someone when went along the street.
  Поскольку расследование этого инцидента заняло несколько веков, то начали накапливаться противоречия в показаниях, данных мною в разное время и при различных обстоятельствах.
  As investigation of this incident has taken several centuries, contradictions in the evidences given by me at different times and under various circumstances have begun to collect.
  В итоге и возникло РАССЛЕДОВАНИЕ, о котором Вы говорите.
  As a result there was appeared the "INVESTIGATIONS" about which you speak.
  - Каковы же перспективы этого дела? - озадаченно спросил активный читатель.
  - What prospects of this case? - the active reader has perplexedly asked.
  - Политические и экономические кризисы, технические революции и культурные трансформации никуда не исчезли. Буду по мере сил участвовать в принятии решений. А РАССЛЕДОВАНИЕ? Думаю, оно будет продолжаться еще 500 лет после моего ухода из этой жизни. Во-первых, не исчезает интерес у публики. Во-вторых, человеку свойственно докапываться до истины.
  - Political and economic crises, technical revolutions and cultural transformations haven't disappeared anywhere. I will participate in decision-making - as I can. And "INVESTIGATIONS"? I think, it will proceed more then 500 years after my withdrawal from this life. Firstly, the public's interest doesn't disappear. Secondly, the human is wishing to get to the truth.
  Поэтому я настроен оптимистично: лет так через 600 в вашей кафе-библиотеке будет устроена выставка, на которой будет в десять раз больше книг, чем выставлено сегодня. Соберутся новые читатели и будут обсуждать мою политическую карьеру и ее особенности.
  Therefore I am optimistic: years so through 600 in your cafe-library the exhibition will be organized. At exhibition will be ten times more books, than it is exposed today. New readers will gather and will discuss my political career and its features.
  А разве это плохо?
  And unless it is bad?
  Среди читателей раздался смех.
  Among readers a laughter has sounded.
  - Мы желаем вам долгих лет жизни! Ваша карьера - это наше чтение! - раздались пожелания.
  - We wish you long years of life! Your career is the our reading! - the wishes were spoken.
  Читатели снова поприветствовали политика аплодисментами.
  Readers have again greeted the politician an applause.
  - До встречи на Марсе! - пошутил политик. И в сопровождении Горького направился к выходу из библиотеки.
  -See you on Mars! -the politician joked. And accompanied by Gorky has gone to an exit from library.
  12 апреля 2018 г. 21:51
  April 12, 2018 21:51
  Translation from Russian into English: April 12, 2018 22:48. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation).
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Скетч об особенностях современной политической карьеры'.
  31. The Sketch about the Butterfly by Ray Bradbury
  Скетч о бабочке Рэя Брэдбери
  The Sketch about the Butterfly by Ray Bradbury
  Три политика проходили неподалеку от учебного заведения, в котором готовили дипломатов.
  Three politicians were passing near educational institution in which diplomats were educating.
  На четвертом этаже у открытого окна стояла женщина и громко говорила, чтобы всем было слышно: 'Международные принципы! Система международной безопасности! Права человека!'
  On the fourth floor the woman was staying by the open window. The woman loudly was saying, - so, that everybody could to hear: "International principles! System of the international security! Human rights!"
  За спиной у громко говорящей женщины показался человек. Через мгновение она выпала из окна и полетела вниз на землю.
  Behind the back of loudly speaking woman the person has seemed. In a moment she has dropped out of a window and has departed down on the ground.
  Человек, подошедший к женщине из-за спины, встал перед окном на ее место и начал громко говорить: 'Права человека! Система международной безопасности! Международные принципы!'.
  The person, who has approached the woman because of a back, has got up before a window on her place and has begun to say loudly: "Human rights! System of the international security! International principles!".
  - Он и бабочки не обидит! - прокомментировал ситуацию один из политиков.
  - He can't offend even and a butterfly! - one of politicians has commented on a situation.
  - Дайте ему доучиться, - дополнил комментарий другой политик.
  - Give him the opportunity to complete the learning process, - other politician has added the comment.
  - Мориарти! Несомненно! - послышалось третье мнение.
  - Moriarty! Undoubtedly! - the third opinion was heard.
  Из учебного заведения, готовящего дипломатов, к упавшей женщине начали выбегать специалисты по международным отношениям.
  From the educational institution the specialists in the international relations have begun to run out to the dropped out woman.
  14 апреля 2018 г. 17:55
  April 14, 2018 17:55
  Translation from Russian into English: April 14, 2018 18:27. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation).
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Скетч о бабочке Рэя Брэдбери'.
  32. The Fairy Tale of the recordings in the diary of Karl Nesselrode
  Сказка о записях в дневнике Карла Нессельроде
  The Fairy Tale of the recordings in the diary of Karl Nesselrode
  ... Авторитет Венского конгресса подорван. Мы заявили об этом во всеуслышание!
  ... The authority of the Congress of Vienna is undermined. We have declared about it publicly!
  ... Мы требуем! Созвать заседание Венского конгресса!
  ... We demand! To convene the meeting of the Congress of Vienna!
  ... Мы ставим на голосование наш проект резолюции.
  ... We put our draft resolution to the voting.
  ... Большинство участников заседания проголосовали против нашего проекта. Мы остались в очень неприятном меньшинстве.
  ... The majority of participants of a summit have voted against our project. We remained in very unpleasant minority.
  ... Мы дали негативную оценку действий известных великих держав. Мы разочарованы... Авторитет Венского конгресса все больше ставится под сомнение.
  ... We have given a negative assessment of actions of the known great powers. We are disappointed ... The authority of the Congress of Vienna is more and more called into question.
  ... Талейран! Меттерних!! Веллингтон!!! (Неразборчиво).
  ... Talleyrand! Metternich!! Wellington!!! (Illegibly).
  15 апреля 2018 г. 07:39
  April 15, 2018 07:39
  Translation from Russian into English: April 15, 2018 08:22. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation).
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о записях в дневнике Карла Нессельроде'.
  33. The Short Story about fans of Shakespeare
  Рассказ о любителях Шекспира
  The Short Story about fans of Shakespeare
  Громадный зал был заполнен представителями разных государств. Оратор предложил посмотреть видеоролик.
  The enormous hall has been filled by representatives of the different states. The orator has suggested to watch the video file.
  Появились кадры: Человек. Со включенным кипятильником во рту.
  Video images were appearing: The human. With the switched-on mini water boiler in a mouth.
  Один из делегатов сообщил свое мнение другому:
  One of delegates has told out his opinion to another:
  - Стоит ли смотреть Шекспира? При наличии таких событий?
  - Whether it is worth watching Shakespeare? In the presence of such events?
  - Потому-то они и увлекаются Шекспиром, чтобы не стать свидетелями таких событий, - ответил другой делегат.
  - Therefore they are also fond of Shakespeare - in a hope not to become witnesses of such events, - other delegate has answered.
  - 'Мне представляется совсем простая штука...', - продолжил размышления первый делегат.
  - "Absolutely simple a thing is seemed to me ...", - the first delegate has continued his reflections.
  - Для балета есть местная сцена, - разъяснил собеседник.
  - For the ballet there is a domestic scene, - the interlocutor has explained.
  Просмотр видеоролика подошел к завершению.
  The viewing of the video file has completed.
  Сидевшие в зале делегаты вставили монокли и посмотрели на выступавшего через монокли.
  The delegates sitting in the hall have inserted monocles and have looked at the orator through monocles.
  Оратор сошел с трибуны.
  The orator has descended from a tribune.
  21 апреля 2018 г. 15:24
  April 21, 2018 15:24
  Translation from Russian into English: April 21, 2018 15:52. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation).
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ о любителях Шекспира'.
  34. The Short Story about fans of Shakespeare. Series 2
  Рассказ о любителях Шекспира. Серия 2
  The Short Story about fans of Shakespeare. Series 2
  Плывет капитан Кук по океану и думает: 'Моя задача - исследовать моря, острова!'
  The captain Cook sails the Ocean and thinks: "My task is - to explore the seas, islands!"
  Вот и остров незнакомый.
  Here and the island the unknown.
  Встречают капитана Кука местные жители. Говорят все на оксфордском английском. Свободно цитируют Шекспира. Приглашают...
  Local residents meet the captain Cook. All speak the Oxford English. They freely quote Shakespeare. They invite...
  Капитан Кук насторожился. Вспомнилось ему, как Людовика XVI вели на эшафот из Тампля. И Людовик спросил у палача, у последнего человека, к которому он мог обратиться: 'Братец, скажи, что слышно об экспедиции Лаперуза?'
  The captain Cook has focused his attention. It was remembered to him as Louis XVI was conducted towards a scaffold from Temple. Louis XVI has asked the executioner, the last person whom he could address: "The brother, tell that it is heard about the Laperouse's expedition?"
  Неприятное какое-то воспоминание.
  The unpleasant some reminiscence.
  В этот момент подходит к Куку местный житель и, глядя внимательно в глаза, говорит: 'Быть или не быть? Вот в чем вопрос...'.
  At this moment the local resident approaches captain Cook and, looking carefully in eyes, says: "To be or not to be? That is the question ...".
  Прошло много лет. И очередной ученый написал очередной научный труд о капитане Куке. Текст научного труда был весьма объемный, но завершался этот труд словами '... молчит наука'.
  There have passed many years. And one of many scientists has written a one of many scientific works about the captain Cook. The text of scientific work was very volume, but this work came to the end with the words "... the science is silent".
  Такой вот Шекспир на тропическом острове.
  Such here Shakespeare on the tropical island.
  21 апреля 2018 г. 22:14
  April 21, 2018 22:14
  Translation from Russian into English: April 21, 2018 22:41. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation).
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ о любителях Шекспира. Серия 2'.
  35. The Short Story about an Interesting Book
  Рассказ об интересной книге
  The Short Story about an Interesting Book
  1783 год. Григорий Потемкин ведет важные переговоры.
  1783. Grigory Potemkin conducts important negotiations.
  Входит подчиненный: 'Опубликована интересная книга! Написала женщина! Большой общественный интерес!'
  The subordinate enters: "The interesting book is published! The woman has written! The great public interest!"
  Конечно, информация интересная. Но ведь и переговоры в карман не спрячешь.
  Of course, the information interesting. But and negotiations you won't to put away into a pocket.
  Потемкин попросил подчиненного обождать с этим вопросом.
  Potemkin has asked the subordinate to wait with this question.
  Переговоры завершились. Все необходимые документы были подписаны.
  Negotiations were completed. All necessary documents were signed.
  После подписания документов партнер Григория Потемкина по переговорам едет и видит: книжный магазин.
  After the signing of documents the Grigory Potemkin 's partner in negotiations rides and sees: a bookstore.
  Он вспомнил, что в ходе переговоров упоминалась книга интересная. 'Почему не зайти в книжный магазин?'
  He has remembered that during negotiations a book interesting was mentioned. "Why not to come into bookstore?"
  Заходит. Берет книгу с полки наугад. Миф об Оресте. По одной из версий мифа Орест должен был похитить статую Артемиды из Тавриды.
  He enters. Takes the book from the shelf at random. The myth about Orestes. According to one of versions of the myth Orestes had to carry off the statue of Artemis from the land of the Tauride (Tauris).
  'Ну... Это мифы...'
  "Well ... These are myths ..."
  Взял другую книгу. Энциклопедия. Античные города Северного Причерноморья...
  He have taken other book. Encyclopedia. Antique cities of the Northern Black Sea Coast ...
  Подумал: 'Много книг написано... Сколько страниц в день нужно читать, чтобы их все прочитать?'
  He have thought: "Many books are written ... How many pages in day need to be read? For the full reading up of all those books?"
  'Вообще, конечно, интересная вещь история...' - решил он. И продолжил свой путь.
  "In general, of course, a history is an interesting thing ..." - he has solved. And he have continued the his way.
  25 апреля 2018 г. 18:45
  April 25, 2018 18:45
  Translation from Russian into English: April 26, 2018 03:08. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation).
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ об интересной книге'.
  36. The Fairy Tale of the Making the Difficult Decision
  His fate brought him from a distant ancient but relatively small country to the capital of a vast state... ...Although this a vast state and wasn't such an ancient one.
  He was walking. Не was thinking about his doubts.
  On the one hand, he has tremendous achievements. Huge expenses were made - money, forces, time.
  At some moments the whole world watched with alarm at every his movement, listened every his word.
  On the other hand, the whole world is against him now. It's like being in a hot desert without water. Every second, every minute, every hour is getting worse and harder. A human body needs water....
  What should I do?!
  How to get out of the situation with the maximum benefit and the minimum losses?
  These thoughts and doubts tormented him, filled all his consciousness.
  Suddenly he stopped, amazed.
  To him, towards to him the ex-head of the vast, but not such an ancient, state was walking.
  And although the distance between them was quite large, the face was clearly visible.
  Out the cafe of the world known trademark a group of loudly speaking teenagers was going off in this time. They have approached the former head of the state and have asked for permission with him to be photographed.
  He agreed with a smile. In the smile may have been visible as a delicate irony, so a subtle sadness.
  After the photographing the ex-head entered in the public cafe, - cafe with the name and the trade mark known around the world.
  It is difficult to define with what facts or thoughts the guest of the capital was impressed.
  Did he doubt: this scene a casual, but not a specially organized?
  He has been surprised with behavior of teenagers?
  Was for him the fact strange that the former head of the state comes into that cafe which is visited also by all other "ordinary" people?
  In any case, the guest of the capital has stopped. He rested his hand on the tree and stood silently.
  A time, however, was running.
  The former head of the state has eaten something, has drunk something and has gone outside from cafe. At this moment the other group of loudly teenagers has approached him and has asked for permission with him to be photographed. He has agreed with a smile, in general, of benevolent. But, maybe, with a slightly the ironic look.
  After a few photos he walked along the street. But now the guest of the capital was seeing not the face, but the back of this man.
  The guest's thoughts returned to the previous topic, to the former doubts. The whole world against him. How to get out of the situation with the maximum benefit and the minimum losses?
  What to do?
  "I'll think about it later," - he decided and entered into the same cafe (with the name and the trademark known around the world). - "It is not that food which I usually eat. But, after all, it is interesting. Why not to try?'
  In cafe there were many visitors. The vacant seats were.
  The guest of the capital has looked in the menu.
  May 2, 2018 06:29
  Translation from Russian into English: May 2, 2018 10:17.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о принятии трудного решения'.
  37. Dialogue about A plus B
  - You can congratulate us!
  - ?
  - The simple, - but fast and effective, - the solution of complex problems! "My respect!" and "good luck"! A Gorchakov!
  - ?
  - No! Not twice two! But A plus B! It has turned out more than one hundred! In our advantage!
  - ! ... ???...
  - We are walking and see. Window. The man in a window. Speaks loudly, into all street space. "Friendship! Human rights! International cooperation!". Have found out. The young man. He have arrived from the province. To quickly make a good capital. There he have tried ... And here ... Some problems at the railway station square ... Now he learns the high art ... It was necessary to invest a much. He was not one, and ... with friends ... with schoolmates ... They acted quickly and vigorously! The result is obvious!
  - Don't relax! This "holiday" somehow was too quickly got twisted ... What at him in a bottle? How many at him baseball caps?
  - We will explore!
  - Generally, keep it up!!
  - Thanks you!
  - Act!
  On May 3, 2018 08:28
  Translation from Russian into English: May 3, 2018 09:20. Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог об А плюс Б'.
  38. The Fairy Tale of the Amadeus Hoffmann's walk through Berlin
  July 27, 1817. Amadeus Hoffmann goes across Berlin.
  A shop of musical instruments.
  Hoffmann comes in the shop.
  "An interesting shop!".
  He takes a trumpet. He is examining. Brings the trumpet by mouthpiece to own face. From a bell the voice says: "I congratulate!". Hoffmann politely answers: "I congratulate!". He returns the trumpet into place. He takes other copy.
  This trumpet also attracts his interest. Amadeus Hoffmann brings trumpet up nearby his own face. Looks in the mouthpiece. And again hears a voice: "I congratulate!" - from the bell. "I congratulate!" - Hoffmann politely answers.
  Hoffmann overturns the trumpet.
  Now he looks in a bell.
  "I congratulate!" - he heard from side of the mouthpiece. "I congratulate!" - Hoffman answers.
  He returns the trumpet into place and leaves shop.
  In the creative atmosphere of Europe fantastic literary plots are born. In 1833 Alexander Pushkin will write "The Queen of Spades".
  May 6, 2018 22:11
  Translation from Russian into English: May 6, 2018 - May 7, 2018.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о прогулке Амадея Гофмана по Берлину'.
  39. The Fairy Tale about Three Travelers
  The baron Ferdinand von Richthofen was working on the manuscript of his multivolume book "China: The results of my travels and the studies based thereon". There was 1877 year. And ahead there were some more years of work.
  The fatigue was accumulating. Baron has decided to call Johann Schiltberger.
  - Hello, mister Schiltberger!
  - I welcome you, mister von Richthofen!
  - What new is on your travel?
  - Now I admire the river Kur. Near coast of this river the best silk gathers!
  The baron has felt some worry:
  - The travels - are the travels, the landscapes - are the landscapes! But don't forget and about the Heinrich Schliemann's law "Publish!". I wish you success, mister Schiltberger!
  - I wish you successful literary creativity, mister baron!
  The baron has completed the conversation and has returned to the manuscript. "Mister Schiltberger travels a much, but he is still polite! The european upbringing!". "River ... Silk ...".
  The hand of the baron by itself has written on paper of the words "Silk Routes".
  Johann Schiltberger after the call of the baron has thought: "Probably, the baron phoned me not accidentally". "And Heinrich Schliemann won't advise of bad!".
  Johann Shiltberger has returned home and has written the book: "The travel of Johann Schiltberger, the native of Munich, across Europe, Asia and Africa from 1394 to 1427".
  May 8, 2018 23:59
  Translation from Russian into English: May 9, 2018 00:47.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский'Сказка о трех путешественниках'.
  40. The Short Story about the Creative Immersion
  - The world changes! Send me to a creative business trip!
  - Do the trip to the City on the bank of the Great Ocean. The center of world politics is shifting to those edges. It is necessary "to smell an air" ... Go by local electric trains. Did in the Institute tell you about the method of the creative immersion? When you will arrive, you will inhale fresh air and you will write the report.
  Thirty days later the phone rang.
  - I'm here! Excellent sea air! Many energetic hardworking polite people.
  The narrator coughed. Perhaps, 30-day path impacted on health.
  The narrator continued:
  - I can to recognize not all the texts ...
  Coughed again.
  At last, the reporter have summarized the impressions:
  - Of course, after 30 days of the riding on local electric trains a fresh sea air is a pleasure to sigh.
  - Take a walk around the city, along the ocean coast. Write a report. Remember what taught at Institute to! An integrated approach to a problem! Place, people, prospects.
  The visitor walked around the city, walked along the ocean coast. He has even not deeply come into sea water. Then he went ashore and quickly wrote:
  "The Great City on the bank of the Great Ocean. Fresh wind. Beautiful views. The smiling, vigorous, hardworking, disciplined people. Enormous prospects."
  He has sent the report by e-mail and has gone to the local electric train: "Method of creative immersion!". "An integrated approach to a problem. Place, people, prospects!".
  May 9, 2018 20:55
  Translation from Russian into English: May 9, 2018 22:28.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ о творческом погружении'.
  41. The Fairy Tale of Memoirs of the Prince Talleyrand
  Prince Talleyrand continued his work on his memoirs.
  Near the Prince there was his personal secretary who wrote down thoughts of the Prince from dictation.
  July 28, 1830. The sounds of shots, a drumbeat and sounds of an alarm from all a bell towers were heard.
  Prince dialed number Grigory Potemkin. "Happy to hear? But very busy? Do you complete a great diplomatic mission? I wish you success!".
  Talleyrand thought for a moment and phoned to marshal de Saint-Arnaud: "Hello, Mr. marshall... You very busy?.. You will call me later?'.
  The call to Napoleon III. The number is occupied.
  The call to Admiral Nakhimov's number. Sounds of the cannonade. The nothing is heard.
  Nicholas I's number. The count Nesselrode has answered. "In the foreground - the health?.. Please pass on my most sincere wishes for recovery...".
  The connection with Leo Tolstoy. 'You are working on the article, Mr. Tolstoy? I will not distract you!! We are waiting of your article impatiently!'
  The call to Prince Metternich.
  "At last!" "The remote sounds of the Vienna waltzes are heard. The Prince Metternich as always is optimistical ..."
  "Your mood is a positive, Mr. Metternich?.. Europe moves forward?!" "I thank for kind wishes, mister Metternich!.."
  The Prince Talleyrand has thought. "If to write, so to write! If to call, so to call!".
  "Mr. First Secretary?.."
  "In any case you do a some an inventions?.."
  "My respect, mister First Secretary!" - the Prince completed the conversation.
  "We are winning!"- the prince Talleyrand has generalized the situation.
  "We?! Who are we?! Who exactly are winning, the Prince?" - the secretary has become interested.
  "Hush, not an one word more: tomorrow I will tell you!'
  The Prince has postponed work on memoirs to the next day and he has called the hairdresser.
  May 15, 2018 04:21
  Translation from Russian into English: May 15, 2018 20:59.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о мемуарах князя Талейрана'.
  42. The Story about the Political Energy
  Maxim Gorky has addressed guests and readers of the cafe-library:
  - The theme of our today's meeting - political energy.
  - It is difficult for you to imagine gloss and greatness of the empire of Napoleon I, - Napoleon III has exclaimed. - Napoleon I has become related with the emperor of Austria. Napoleon I married the Austrian princess! What has occurred further? What was a role of the emperor of Austria during process of leaving Napoleon I from the power?
  - I didn't have any special prospects for taking a place in the first row. I was the Austrian Archduke, brother of the Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I. I "worked" in 1857-1859 as Governor-General of the Austrian possessions in Italy. I served as commander-in-chief of the Austrian navy. So when the idea came to declare me Emperor of Mexico, I took this idea with interest. I became Emperor of Mexico in April 1864, - explained Maximilian.
  - We can't control the whole world. I saw my immediate goal in that affairs in the subordinated to me Austrian Empire went by the established traditions, - the Austrian Emperor has philosophically commented on the decision of the brother to become the Emperor of Mexico.
  - I spent money! I sent troops! - stated Napoleon III.
  - There has come the moment when Napoleon III's troops have been recalled back to Europe. It happened in 1867, - Maksimilian's spouse Empress Charlotte has sadly remembered. - Suddenly in front of us, - in front of my husband and me, - the terrible abyss has appeared ... I have left Mexico for search of the support in the European capitals. Such help seemed to heads of the states in the such the circumstances the business doubtful and senseless. Everywhere I heard refusals. The people surrounding me had had an impression that I was going crazy. After the sad events I have lived sixty more years.
  - I remained in Mexico. And though my situation was very difficult, I tried to keep my status, - Maksimilian has noticed.
  - Why you didn't leave Mexico, haven't gone to Europe? - the question from audience was heard.
  - First, there was still a small hope for a successful outcome. Secondly, it is difficult to choose the right moment for the exit. Third, I was a man of another world. For me words a "honor " and a "dignity" (a "vanity"?) were not empty sounds. From the position of the winning hero and the tragic hero suddenly move to the position of the defeated, and, perhaps, and partly a pathetic character - not so easy. Since we are in Your library gathered in such a composition, - Maximilian slightly tilted his head towards Maxim Gorky, - then remember the events of the Crimean war. Seems, the some historical characters preferred "to evade" the position of the vanquished? So I don't think that my attempt to continue the fight in unfavorable conditions is too strange. Fourthly, there were other motives. There's hardly any sense to going into details now.
  - We exerted the consecutive, amplifying pressure, - Benito Pablo Juarez noted. - I have headed the fight against foreign interventionists which has come to the end with a clear victory of the Mexican people. However, after reading historical literature it is possible to draw a conclusion that if we couldn't convince one of supporters emperor Maksimilian to come over to our side, then it is difficult to tell for what period of time the opposition would drag on.
  - We hoped on the reign of Emperor Maximilian! - one of the Maksimilian's supporters has commented on a situation. - The cultural, educated, humane person! Gradually, he would received a management experience. Unless we didn't want to live in the European country? Political regimes come and leave, and the European culture remains!
  - Benito Pablo Juarez Garcia was born into a poor Indian peasant family. He graduated from a theological Seminary and law school. He engaged in advocacy. He was both the Minister and the head of the government. He was supported by many locals. Mexico is a country with an ancient culture! He had every reason to claim power. Maximilian was a stranger to us! He was the protege of some European figures! - one of the supporters of the resistance to the Emperor Maximilian reign commented on the situation.
  - My personal fate was not bad! - stated Benito Juarez. - I became President of the country. As for the political regime, that emerged after the Mr. Maximilian's "departure", so ... a nothing is eternal under the Moon.
  The representative of the government of the influential Northern neighbor thoughtfully listened to the exchange of views.
  - Historians can't reproach me for my behavior during the periods of trials and after them. On the contrary, it is noted that the verdict of the military Tribunal and the execution in June 1867 were perceived by many residents without any jubilation, with sorrow,-Maximilian noted. - The sentence to death by a fusillade was passed by a majority of four votes against three. Three members of the military court spoke in favour of an expulsion. "The 'last' exam was passed".
  - We can consider the personal history of the respected Emperor Maximilian as an independent historical fact. The reading the works by Mark Aldanov can lead us to the conclusion that the events that happened with the respected Mr. Maximilian, is part of an interesting historical path that the Imperial power of Austria (Austria-Hungary) has passed since the epoch of Napoleon I and until 1918 - 1919. At what point this historical period started? It is fascinating to build a logical pattern and say that this period began in 1806, with the voluntary the refusal the Emperor of Austria off the competency of the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire... Probably this question - for historical research and reflection. In any case, we can say without exaggeration that we briefly considered a practical example of the action of political energy.
  There was no objection to such a conclusion in the audience.
  Looking kindly at each other, the guests of the cafe-library began to disperse.
  Readers lined up for the obtaining of a new books.
  May 21, 2018 13: 03
  Translation from Russian into English: May 21, 2018 18:21. Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ о политической энергии'.
  43. The Fairy Tale about a new textbook. The author Vyshinsky
  Somewhere very far a rather strong explosion has sounded. The earth has begun to tremble.
  Andrey Yanuaryevich Vyshinsky has palpated the own body. And he have breathed a sigh of relief: "It seems, everything is all right!" "As I was lucky to appear in a chair!" "And here several people lie on a floor!"
  Andrey Yanuaryevich has looked round. Well familiar office-room. He with some relief has finished "career" in judicial authorities in due time.Then here, after transition to a new kind of activity, he has also got acquainted with this office-room.
  Having examined an office-room, Vyshinsky has found out that on a floor already nobody lies. But he is faced by three figures.
  "I think I know who are they," - thought Andrey Yanuaryevich.
  At one of the standing gradually the look changed. Confusion traces quickly passed, signs of aggression, irritation and anger appeared.
  "Well, I do not intend to wait when he starts his speech," - thought Vyshinsky. - 'Then it will be impossible to stop him!" And said loudly:
  - Nikita Sergeyevich! You are dismissed! Go you to ... to this who in churches isn't mentioned!
  - Yes as you dare! You! The exposed accomplice of deeds of evil!
  - You really do not make a noise! Stalingrad, of course, you defended... But the corn project and other tricks - they robbed you of any trust! There no faith to your words!
  - Who are you? And who am I? Not you me! I dismiss you!
  Vyshinsky has smiled:
  - Understand, Nikita! I was in the chair and you were on the floor! If you make a noise, you'll be at the UN. There haven't forgotten your boot. And boys, to whom you took care, will tell you something...
  The interlocutor has somehow lost an energy:
  - All right, I have gone to the dacha! You are right, perhaps, Andrey Yanuaryevich.
  And he left the office-room.
  Two others were in uniforms of imperial time and with awards. Both had a personal portrait on the wall of the office-room.
  Vyshinsky has thought: "Not just ministers, but also chancellors!" "One of them has connected the name with a name of Pushkin. In this case it is possible and more steep". "The second was called "iron". It seems, ... he tried ... as it turned out ... so it appeared to be ...".
  The habits acquired after end of legal career have made felt. Vyshinsky didn't hurry to tell something and was silent.
  The pause has dragged on.
  At last both persons in uniforms and with awards left, without telling anything, from the office-room.
  Vyshinsky has hardly kept not to sigh with relief. "What will you tell them? 'Tehran-Yalta-Potsdam'. And it is necessary to add nothing. And they have nothing to answer ... It is good that it wasn't necessary to talk ... Disputes are senseless ..."
  Vyshinsky has opened a table box. Pack of clean sheets of paper.
  "I have written textbooks concerning the state and the right. Why don't I be engaged in writing of the textbook on diplomacy art?"
  Vyshinsky has put before himself a pile of clean sheets of paper.
  May 26, 2018 13:52
  Translation from Russian into English: May 26, 2018 15:21.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о новом учебнике Вышинского'.
  44. The Fairy Tale of the Meeting of Leo Tolstoy and Andrei Vyshinsky
  Leo Tolstoy read a new book about the life of the playwright Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky. A new biography, but the circumstances of life, in general, known. Let's say, Alexander, when he was a little boy, with his mother visited an interesting places of Moscow.
  "Really," - thought Tolstoy. - "There are many the interest places in the Moscow. Why don't I take a walk?..'
  Leo Tolstoy is walking across Moscow and sees. Towards to him, still quite far, Andrey Vyshinsky is moving.
  Tolstoy has thought: "I will sit down on a bench and I will a little doze. Several minutes".
  He have sat down. He closed the eyes. And, in fact, dozed off.
  He dreamed that Tolstoy Peter Andreyevich arrived to visit the Tsarevich (Crown Prince) Alexei Petrovich, who has gone abroad from Russia. Graf offers Prince play cards. The Prince agrees. Peter Andreevich won several gold coins from the Prince and went to Russia. In Russia the Tsar Pyotr Alekseyevich asks him: "Delivered, Pyotr Andreyevich, the Crown Prince?" Pyotr Andreyevich says that the Prince to discuss the theme of returning to Russia does not want to. These are the circumstances. Tsar looks at Peter Andreevich in anger. And - in a very bad mood Lev Nikolayevich woke up from a sleepiness.
  He have got up from a bench. Suddenly sees - two steps away from him Andrey Vyshinsky. It has appeared while Leo Tolstoy had an unpleasant dream, Vyshinsky just also has approached.
  Leo Tolstoy has thought with a sigh: "It seems, he was in a student's peaked cap?" It - about some past meeting.
  Leo Tolstoy has sighed the second time and says: "Andrey Yanuaryevich! A different people read my novel "War and peace". I with myself have a copy. I give this book to you as the gift".
  "Sign the book, Lev Nikolayevich!'
  Leo Tolstoy wrote "To Andrey Yanuaryevich Vyshinsky ..." and thought for a moment: anything to add? But sighed for the third time and nothing added. Also he has undersigned.
  "Thanks, Lev Nikolayevich! Very I am grateful to you! If I have with myself a copy of my work concerning a state and a right, I, of course, would present it to you. But - I haven't taken ... The high access control. Excess questions ... I apologize".
  Leo Tolstoy has kept silent. He have slightly bowed and has gone further.
  Andrey Vyshinsky has thought: "Not the accidental, perhaps, meeting. Pyotr Andreevich was the famous diplomat. Isn't it time for me to replace a kind of activity? I will show during the report the copy, signed today, and I will remember aloud, - as if accidentally, - about Pyotr Andreevich, the diplomat very outstanding ..." Vyshinsky have put a novel copy in a briefcase and has continued the way.
  May 31, 2018 14:33.
  Translation from Russian into English: May 31, 2018 - June 1, 2018.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о встрече Льва Толстого и Андрея Вышинского'.
  The Collection was composed: May 28, 2018, June 1, 2018.
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