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"Academy" or a Scientific Elevator in the direction of a plinth

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    "Academy" or a Scientific Elevator in the direction of a plinth

  "Academy" or a Scientific Elevator in the direction of a plinth
  The contents:
  I. Medieval universities and "academies".
  II. A feudal style of life and an "academy".
  III. A rapid development of science and economics - without "academies".
  IV. A Scientific Leadership and Academy (in Russia and the USSR).
  V. An "academy" and a social inertia.
  VI. A national science market, a creative markets and an "academy".
  VII. An "academy" and a destruction of creativity, of outstanding intellectuality.
  VIII. Academy and new budget achievement.
  I. Medieval universities and "academies"
  There was such a historian - Nikolai Karamzin. He was a great man - without irony. One of his great achievements is the creation of a historical illusion.
  He made the Grand Duchy of Lithuania almost invisible. In place of the many residents who have gained significant democratic experience - Velikolithuanians by a state affiliation, came the "Lithuanians" (a couple of references to the "Litvins"). Naturally, - the "Poles". They ... they ...
  But if you read a stories about scientists of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the Rech Pospolita (their stories accidentally met on Wikipedia), you come to the conclusion that in medieval Europe there was an open cultural and educational space, a educational market.
  Students in medieval universities had the right to choose - both in relation to universities, and in relation to subjects.
  Each student is a person with advantages and disadvantages.
  But the right of choice, that students was given, created a powerful general vector.
  Smart, knowledgeable people - university teachers - got a real chance to find themselves in a privileged and respected layer of society.
  II. A feudal style of life and an "academy"
  Feudal orders still existed, and high-level feudal lords had suites.
  Since there is a retinue (an escort), then different representatives of privileged circles should be represented in the retinue. Including - "educated people."
  To facilitate organizational aspects the Academies were invented.
  Academics received uniforms and other attributes, some privileges, financing.
  With a university system, creative markets, Academies were insured against a cretinization to some extent.
  III. A rapid development of science and economics - without "academies"
  Then science began to develop in the United States. We take well-known (for Russia) examples - Edison, Tesla, Steinmetz.
  These people moved science, the US economy without any membership in the Academy - of European type.
  Thus, they showed the uselessness of the Academy - the type that was created in the era of feudalism.
  IV. A Scientific Leadership and Academy (in Russia and the USSR)
  In Russia and in the USSR, the Academy of Sciences became famous with the allocation of several hundred rubles to Konstantin Tsiolkovsky for needs of his space research, and with the story of the elections (not elections) Kurchatov.
  According to some memoirs, Lavrentiy Beria, the head of the Special Committee (the uranium project, Soviet atomic bomb project), had to include administrative-repressive levers to ensure the election of Igor Kurchatov as a member of the Academy.
  I can't say for sure - when Sergei Korolev returned from distant places, representatives of the Academy Presidium went to him with joyful cries, or did the Sergey Korolev's new professional start be a merit of a not prone to theft and a knowledgeable people like Minister of Defense, Marshal Vasilevsky, people, who were at that time in the country's leadership?
  V. An "academy" and a social inertia
  Any system that has closed (concentrated, focused) on itself a traditions, a connections, a cash flows, has a certain stability.
  VI. A national science market, a creative markets and an "academy"
  In addition, the science market is among the creative markets. If creative markets are (mostly) destroyed, then what remains, except how to portray activity using the word "Academy"?
  If to speak about a social elevator, about a scientific elevator ...
  Nowhere, and probably never, life was easy for inventors ....
  And vice versa, a knowing of all sorts of 'secrets' makes life easier ...
  If we take the biography of Alexander Dumas (father) as an example, then here we find a lot of 'secrets' - for example, a collective creativity, a relations with the state administration of theaters and with leading members of the theater troupe, a political support, a claqueurs, a connections with censorship, etc.
  But, nevertheless, the last word is spoken by the public ... A relatively independent press is heard, also ...
  That is, with all the secrets, the existence of the creative market makes itself felt, and the atmosphere of the creative market provides an influx of fresh air. A stream of fresh air appears, and this stream directs some talented people up - regardless of any Academies.
  A different situation arises when creative markets are practically liquidated, but so-called Academies exist.
  VII. An "academy" and a destruction of creativity, of outstanding intellectuality
  For any genius (or capable) person, this is a signal. How to decrypt this signal?
  One of the options is as follows. 'You are nobody, even if you have ideas, knowledge, concepts, intellectual potential, abilities or a genius. There is a class of "celestials", 'the highest scientific minds', and you must understand, that you should be engaged not in creative activity, but to step up along this endless stairs, which often destroying personality ... "
  A such or similar signals create a 'scientific elevator' - in the direction of the plinth (baseboard).
  So, for any talented or capable or brilliant person, there is a signal - 'understand that you are a nobody. Learn to be part of the feudal retinue (a suite, an escort) and to demonstrate loyalty. ' "A variant of socially approved behavior exists: instead of effective and profitable creativity - an exploitation of your's abilities in a feudal science system."
  VIII. Academy and new budget achievement
  Congratulations on a next achievement - the next time a means from the budget were received and with new caresses.
  Nano-technologies - megagrants - digital economy ...
  November 12, 2019 19:26, November 13, 2019 10:46
  Translation from Russian into English: November 12, 2019 22:03, November 13, 2019 11:00.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский '"Академия" или Научный лифт в направлении плинтуса'.
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