Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

A dialogue about a new approach to a forestry

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    A dialogue about a new approach to a forestry.

  A dialogue about a new approach to a forestry.
  - Games with the Forestry Code have exhausted themselves. We can't squeeze anything out of them anymore!
  - Back to the previous Forest Code! But imperceptibly! So that there is no noise, so that no reproaches!
  - "The forest is cutting - the money is flying!" I included this proverb in Dahl's Collection. Through the Academy of Sciences!
  - Do not worry! A new approach began to be applied. One hundred billion dollars - for the re-equipment of the forest industry! Gave tourists? Gave equity holders? Now we are the workers of timber processing, of a forestry ...
  - I have already prepared certificates! The re-equipment of the forestry industry began during the period of the destruction of the Forest Code! And since then we have been re-equipped without state support! .. How much money was spent without any compensation ?!
  - I'm in the same position. But it's time to get the money.
  - Previously, we directed the timber to the neighbors in exchange of currency. Now we will send information on re-equipment of forestry industry to the neighboring offices. Still, a little closer! Savings on a transport costs! The efficiency increases!
  - Don't forget about cardboard, plywood and other deep processing products! This idea is correct.
  - I prefer plywood boxes to cardboard ones. I'll go to give the command. Let them switch to plywood boxes.
  - And I'll order the freight wagons. When the products were brought to Belarus on special trucks, so they were immediately spotted. Made a fuss!
  - Yes, you need to act discreetly. Use freight wagons and write 'Timber products' on them!
  - All! I went. An every lost minute - it's an non-made plywood box.
  - I'm in a hurry too. An every minute - it's a freight wagon for "timber products"! ..
  - Bye! It is necessary to optimize the timber processing - while the climate is favorable. When the climate will changes, we will return back to changes of the Forest Code again!
  - Bye Bye! A forest is our wealth!..
  January 25, 2021 14:43
  Translation from Russian into English: January 25, 2021 15:01.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог о новом подходе к лесопереработке'.
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