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Andrei Konchalovsky's film of Vladimir Medinsky's era about Novocherkassk events. An essay on the history of filmmaking

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    Andrei Konchalovsky's film of Vladimir Medinsky's era about Novocherkassk events. An essay on the history of filmmaking.

  Andrei Konchalovsky's film of Vladimir Medinsky's era about Novocherkassk events. An essay on the history of filmmaking.
  February 25, 2018 - March 04, 2018 we wrote a miniature '[CXXXIII.] The Monologue about the Novocherkassk-style Small Pies'.
  Then this theme was developed in our work (for example, "[CCXXX.] The Fairy Tale about the Screenplay and about the Large Public Money" - May 27, 2018).
  More and more messages began to appear about Konchalovsky's intention to make a film about the Novocherkassk events of 1962. (Conspiracy theorists observing our work drew attention to the mention of the events in Novochersk and decided to answer?).
  At that time, Medinsky was the Minister of Culture. Huge state money was allocated for the film. Initially, the digit was called 150 million rubles. The local Rostov press announced the intention to provide Konchalovsky (without recovery of cost?) assistance in making the film.
  This film, now, has now been completed and released to the public.
  Various photographs (from the past?) show Konchalovsky's smiling, happy face ... (Strange, the theme of the film is tragic ...).
  I have not come across any comments on the moral aspects of the act of his wife, Yulia Vysotskaya, who was born in the city of Novocherkassk, Rostov oblast.
  I have not watched this film. To watch it - there is no desire. But, for a number of reasons, I want to draw the attention of art history lovers to a number of points.
  One of the most powerful traditions of European, Italian, cinema is realism.
  The Novocherkassk events are connected by many threads with the direction of Khrushev's associates to the Western Hemisphere. Khrushchev's confrontation with the United States began, this all history with Cuba. (The history with Cuba in our time was supplemented by the history with Venezuela of Maduro).
  Of course, the widespread development of prostitution in Cuba at that time is regrettable. But the revolution took place under the leadership of Fidel Castro, the year 2020 came, and we were informed that a Cuban citizen, a young girl, had come from Cuba to Russia. Here she went into prostitution (according to media reports). And she was killed during one of the visits to the client.
  So - if we talk about Cuba's problems, then the big question is to what extent the actions of Khrushchev and his associates helped and to what extent prevented Cuba in solving its problems.
  Khrushchev's propaganda focused on the problems of race relations in the United States.
  Stalin was not particularly active in the Western Hemisphere. On the contrary, the Western Hemisphere acted as a united front during the Second World War. This position was positively received by the allies in the anti-Hitler coalition (CCLXXXV. The Story about the visiting of the libraries by President Franklin Roosevelt. - August 1, 2018; CCXCII. The Short Story about Declaration of Panama (1939). - August 6, 2018).
  It is noteworthy that many of Khrushchov's associates who acted in Novocherkassk and who kindled the fire in the Western Hemisphere are the same people.
  Thus, the Novocherkassk events are only an element of a large panorama of international and domestic political events initiated by Khrushchev and his associates.
  Note that all the European rulers of the period of the Second World War in the depths of their consciousness understood the role of their countries in the Western world and did not pursue a consistent anti-Western policy.
  The film by Andrei Konchalovsky is a product of the era of Vladimir Medinsky. However, Europe is gaining more and more experience, and there are fewer and fewer 'useful fools' in the Europe...
  August 3, 2020 7:00
  Translation from Russian into English: August 3, 2020 07:47.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Фильм Андрея Кончаловского эпохи Владимира Мединского о Новочеркасских событиях. Очерк истории киноискусства'.
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