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A new statement about Russia's withdrawal from the Iss program. Sketch

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    A new statement about Russia's withdrawal from the ISS program. Sketch.

  A new statement about Russia's withdrawal from the ISS program. Sketch.
  There is information about a new statement about Russia's withdrawal from the ISS program. It seems that this statement was made yesterday, July 31, 2021.
  Let us recall the words of Boris Chertok that the entire line of spaceships - from Vostok to Soyuz - is a modification of the R-7 rocket created by Sergei Korolev.
  "Among all the rockets of the beginning of the space age, the R-7 rocket turned out to be a record long-liver. Having started its triumphal path in 1957 ... R-7, after several upgrades in various modifications, continues to faithfully serve cosmonautics and, according to all forecasts, will finally end its service no earlier than the beginning of the XXI century. The unchanged first two stages serve as the foundation on which the third and fourth stages are built. The history of this rocket was described in the form of a continuous solemn march of winners from one space triumph to another. Each of these triumphs, as a rule, was presented by the media under the heading "First in the world." (...) Since 1957, the R-7 has undergone 12 upgrades and modifications. In open publications, it is called, depending on the usage, "Sputnik", "Vostok", "Molniya", "Soyuz". For us, veterans, it remains the "seven". " (Boris Evseevich Chertok. Book 2. Rockets and people. Fili-Podlipki-Tyuratam. 1999.)
  It follows from this that for almost twenty years that have passed since the beginning of the 21st century, nothing fundamentally new has been created in Russia in the space sphere.
  If so, the statement about Russia's withdrawal from the ISS program can be viewed as a form of protest against the investigation, - especially the international investigation, - of the alarming situation that developed in connection with the launch and docking to the ISS of the Nauka module in July 2021.
  With what to leave the ISS program? To leave the ISS program having a technique that creates anxiety? To leave without any fundamental technical advances?
  However, let's look at the current situation from a different point of view.
  What if the above statement is not a form of threat (protest), but serious plans?
  What awaits Russia in this scenario?
  Firstly, these will be concerns related to the alarming manifestations of technical samples in the space sphere.
  Secondly, there will be more and more attempts to do something fundamentally new. Will these attempts go beyond the scope of demonstration samples presented for public viewing at various kinds of air and space shows (salons)?
  Thirdly, let's not forget about the Turkish space plans (the creation of a cosmodrome, the creation of own spacecraft, the beginning of own manned space program). Taking into account the thousands of Russian tourists visiting Turkish resorts and other circumstances, one should expect large-scale assistance to Turkey from Russia, and, according to tradition, either free or almost free. Moreover, Turkey already has a satellite, which, it seems, allows directing drones with greater efficiency over the territory between Europe and Kazakhstan ...
  Fourth, China may need (1) the archives and experience accumulated by the Russian space sector, (2) Russia's voice in the UN Security Council, and Russia's overall historical space reputation. A skilled Chinese specialists are able to put all this into circulation with great benefit for themselves (just as they use comparatively inexpensive gas and electricity received from Russia for their own benefit).
  Thus, after a possible exit from the ISS program (project), Russia will have several directions of promising activities.
  Under such reflections, an interesting question remains unanswered: why should one avoid an investigation related to the circumstances of the launch of the Nauka module and its docking to the ISS? To answer this question, it's necessary to concentrate the most powerful intellectual forces. Perhaps, experts from Rostourism will play a central role in the reflections.
  August 1, 2021 11:44
  Translation from Russian into English: August 1, 2021 16:03.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Новое высказывание о выходе России из программы МКС. Скетч".
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