Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

A strict parenting and the internet content from Senya. A story

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    A strict parenting and the internet content from Senya. A story.

  A strict parenting and the internet content from Senya. A story.
  Friends were convinced that Senya (and them - along with Senya) should be admired by all around.
  Who is now in a position to gain massive admiration from the general public? Those who talk about themselves through social networks.
  Friends prepared and posted on video hosting a modest film about Senya's (and the kids') summer rest on the seaside.
  In this film, there were practically no fragments with either Senya or the kids. Mainly, beautiful natural views were demonstrated, and the voice-overs informed on Senya's love to everything beautiful and harmonious.
  The result of placing the film on video hosting disappointed Senya and friends. There were almost no likes, but unpleasant comments appeared.
  The housemates looked at Senya and friends with less deference.
  After an hour of concentrated meditation (while rotating pedals of the velosimulators), the friends came up with a new kind of educational performance.
  Soon the kids will go out for a walk in the yard!
  There will be a table near the exit from the entrance, there will be a beautiful box on the table, and there will be delicious sweets in the box - made of good chocolate.
  The word "Constitution" will be written on the box in large letters.
  If one of the kids wants to take and eat delicious sweets, then the friends of such an immature person will clap (onto his hands) with pointers and rulers.
  From childhood, one must learn that the Constitution is not only rights, but also obligations!
  The kids walk past a box with sweets and the inscription "Constitution" and go into the yard.
  Further, Senya meets them in the yard and gives the kids a lecture on the design of the Universe.
  The kids applaud in unison, collectively.
  The percentage of those who applaud is clearly higher than the percentage of those who tried to take delicious sweets!
  A Senya's strict education is yielding results!
  Senya listened attentively to the proposal of his friends about strict education.
  The measures themselves are correct. It is unpleasant that these actions are forced.
  Because of a movie about a summer rest at sea, you have to start a performance, to demonstrate a strict upbringing.
  "What about the likes after watching the movie?"
  The number of likes did not increase significantly, but the number of disrespectful comments increased.
  "They have to be complete idiots not to appreciate the merits of the film about Senya's summer rest!"
  But the likes are of secondary importance. More importantly, the number of children impatiently reaching out to the box with delicious sweets (and the inscription "Constitution") is clearly less than those who applaud Seine after a lecture on the structure of the Universe. ('It's necessary to buy rulers and pointers, to prepare a reserve!').
  A Senya's strict upbringing needs to be filmed and to be posted on the Internet!
  Friends produce a wonderful video content. And Senya brings up the kids strictly! And the kids are delighted with Senya and his lectures! The percentage of those who admire Senya exceeds the percentage of those who love chocolates!
  Viewers will be admired!
  January 25, 2021 10:00
  Translation from Russian into English: January 25, 2021 10:45.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Строгое воспитание и интернет-контент от Сени. Рассказ'.
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