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A walk in the morning, afternoon and evening, under the heat more than 30. A drawing

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    MMMDXV. A walk in the morning, afternoon and evening, with the heat more than 30 degrees. A drawing. - July 9, 2024.

  A walk in the morning, afternoon and evening, with the heat more than 30 degrees. A drawing.
  In the early morning, the temperature is close to 30 Celsius, but it is still below thirty. It's nice to walk in the early morning.
  The time is approaching 7 a.m. Many people do not feel very comfortable under the extreme heat, but not all of them.
  There is a very noticeable crowd at street, near the entrance to the local polyclinic (hospital). It's still a one hour before the opening of the polyclinic, at least. May be, more.
  A little further on, there are street kiosks (stalls). They're still closed. But the outdoor (street) tables that belong to some kiosks - these tables do not disappear anywhere. And they can be used.
  Lively people are standing around these tables and drinking some drinks from bottles. Most likely, it is a mineral water, useful in extreme heat.
  An afternoon. The temperature is over 30.
  Can I buy something at the store?
  I pull the door handle. But the door won't budge. It's closed. Apparently, the cash registers stopped functioning (because the lack of electricity).
  Employees leave office buildings: the air conditioners stopped working. Those who smoke - they can smoke a little and to reflect on the frailty of earthly existence.
  The evening. Between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m.
  The walk dragged on a little. The temperature is over 35.
  I'm approaching the intersection at the peripheral urban area. At the same time, a slender young woman in shorts and a T-shirt, in athletic shoes, with a backpack on her back, approaches the intersection simultaneously with me.
  Our eyes meet. It's hard to understand the expression in her eyes.
  I stop several times to admire the surroundings. During this time, a young woman-tourist with a backpack goes far ahead, and she is barely visible.
  Fatigue has accumulated. I'm going to go out on the one of the busy streets and then to travel home with transfers by public transport.
  I walk slowly towards the needed street, to the bus stop.
  A young woman with a backpack I met earlier is sitting at the bus stop, as well as a girl with light eyes and with blond hair gathered in a bun (she has an attentive gaze). With this girl, a rather plump boy of about twelve years old is sitting.
  They're all looking at their smartphones. The young woman (with the backpack) has a very unhappy face. She doesn't look at me anymore.
  If the young woman has not left yet, then, therefore, the bus has not been there for a long time, and it should arrive soon.
  A girl with blond hair gathered in a bun periodically looks at me with light eyes. I'm looking at her.
  The bus will probably arrive soon. I sit down on the bench that is available at the bus stop. Now there are four people sitting on this bench.
  The girl with light eyes moves over off, - having fenced off from me by a plump boy of 12 years old, she continues to distract herself from her smartphone and to look at me from a new position.
  I am stepping out onto the roadway several times, trying to see a bus approaching. But, alas, there is no bus in sight.
  And the time is approaching 8 p.m.
  If I walk about 15 blocks, I can get to one of the central streets, where I can almost certainly take some kind of bus and get home directly (without any transfer).
  Fatigue has accumulated over the day, - but for some reason it seems to me that I need to go, and not stay at this stop.
  I turn on the stopwatch.
  I get up, go out onto the roadway again, look into the distance (the bus is not visible), continue walking, cross the roadway, accelerate my pace.
  I reached my home, in thirty-five minutes. I'm looking at the stopwatch. It's good that I went on foot, and did not stay at the bus stop.
  Nice walk. In the evening, the Sun sets and the heat weakens a little.
  July 09, 2024 02:52
  Translation from Russian into English: July 9, 2024 22:26
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Прогулка утром, днём и вечером в жару за 30. Зарисовка '.
  { 3544. Прогулка утром, днём и вечером в жару за 30. Зарисовка. - 9 июля 2024 г.
  MMMDXV. A walk in the morning, afternoon and evening, with the heat more than 30 degrees. A drawing. - July 9, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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