Залесский Владимир Владимирович : другие произведения.

Awareness of aunt Manya (from a provincial village). A philosophical sketch

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    Awareness of aunt Manya (from a provincial village). A philosophical sketch.

  Awareness of aunt Manya (from a provincial village). A philosophical sketch.
  In an interview on September 8, 2020, Alexander Lukashenko proudly talks about the multitude of situational centers. 'I have a situation center here, in the Palace of Independence. I see everything that is happening in Minsk. From all cameras, what is seen by those who, so to speak, control the troops during this period. We have many such centers, and the siloviki, first of all, and the president as commander-in-chief. The main center is here. " [unofficial translation](https://russian.rt.com/ussr/article/781543-lukashenko-intervyu-polnyi-tekst?utm_source=smi2)
  This pride encourages philosophical reflection.
  How did Alexander Lukashenko decide to build the unprofitable BelNPP - when he has a multitude of situational centers and an abundance of information? "Nuclear Power Plant. Greatest achievement. " [unofficial translation]
  He puts forward the idea of a "petty bourgeois revolution". 'These are protests and these little bourgeois, but they are hiding. You are good fellows, Russians, you noticed, we didn't even notice it, but you noticed that a state enterprise is pressing [from their side] - they are pushing to strike, but not a single private one [they are pushing to strike]. It's you on television, even Vladimir Solovyov, in my opinion, started talking about it. " [unofficial translation]
  Here, it turns out, who and where are the wise men!
  About his pride - about clean water and forests - Aeksand Lukashenko is not able to present information in a convincing, clear form.
  All this reminds of pride in mathematical models, artificial intelligence. Mathematical models are available, and floods and other natural disasters happen unexpectedly.
  And active social disasters are not happen - in connection not of a skillful social and economic policy, but because of the forced transfer of society to an artificially depressive state, into a state of controlled socio-economic catastrophe. (We know from history that peasants dying of hunger are not capable of uprisings. History repeats itself - but at a new level)...
  The essence of all this pseudo-awareness is a simple phenomena.
  A real awareness, a real, useful, effective information - it is generated collectively. It is creating by huge social strata - primarily the intelligentsia.
  We assume that, like in Russia, in Belarus the intelligentsia is being destroyed, and its remnants are being ousted.
  Hence, pseudo-information remains. Imitation of awareness. The illusion of awareness.
  Alexander Lukashenko, with all his numerous situational centers (we add mathematical models, meta-data, artificial intelligence to such circle of notions, to the same conceptual range...), reminds a provincial aunt Manya from the province, who knows in detail who sleeps with whom, in what positions, who what did say to whom in the kitchen and in a private conversations ...
  All this - is the awareness of small provincial gossips of a primitive level. With the help of this information, you can blackmail, intimidate, harm, spread rumors... But a transforming this information into great positive achievements is impossible by definition. All of this has nothing common with effective information ...
  September 12, 2020 04:26
  Translation from Russian into English: September 12, 2020 05:02.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Информированность тёти Мани из провинциальной деревни. Философский скетч'.
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