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A wonderful note about Valentin Pikul. My wonderful answer with the idea of supplementing the Turgenev's biography

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    MMMDCVIII. A wonderful note about Valentin Pikul. My wonderful answer with the idea of supplementing the Turgenev's biography. - January 27, 2025.

  A wonderful note about Valentin Pikul. My wonderful answer with the idea of supplementing the Turgenev's biography.
  "A wonderful note about Pikul, thank you! But are there any serious monographs about his life and fate? Or just his wife's memories?
  Polina Rebenina" January 23, 2025 19:04 (Review of "The main historian of Russia of the 20th century. An essay on the book of Anto" (Vladimir Vladimirovich Zalessky)). [MMCMXCIX. Chief (East-Republican) historian of Russia of the 20th century. An essay on the Antonina Pikul's book "Valentin Pikul". - May 31, 2022.]
  It's nice (for me) to see the word "wonderful." Especially from a writer (writeress) with a large number of published and selling books.
  My respects to you, dear Polina Rebenina! My respect to your section (web-pages) Polina Rebenina/Prose.ru https://proza.ru/avtor/paures .
  You write: "But are there any serious monographs about his life and fate?"
  I've been thinking about how to answer this question - for some time.
  I decided to express two ideas.
  The first. It would probably be interesting to compare the biographies of Vladimir Vysotsky and of Valentin Pikul. Both Vysotsky and Pikul were talented, were creative people. They were surviving in the era of "late socialism" ... The attitude of the bureaucracy towards them, the problems of author's rights enforcement...
  The second. I found biographical works about Turgenev [books in Russian] in the list of your books. I am periodically visited by the thought of the incompleteness of Turgenev's biographies.
  He was an interesting representative of the Russian nobility. If the nobility (szlachta) of Poland and of Great Duchy of Lithuania were skillfully robbed after 1795 (the year of partition the Polish- Lithuanian Commonwealth), - this process took a considerable historical period, - then the Russian nobility was in a different, more advantageous, position.
  By 1861 (to the 'Great Reform'), if I understand correctly, Turgenev approached not only with humanistic stories about his hunting in the rich Russian forests and about Russian peasants. (Imperator Alexander II wept while reading some of Turgenev's works, and started freeing peasants from serfdom - ?).
  Turgenev came to the "Great Reform" of 1861 with a large amount of a liquid (ready for quick and profitable sale) real estate: judging by some details, he owned significant massifs of forests.
  By selling these forests for logging, rafting and for sale abroad, he received significant financial means to (1) feed leading French writers with "literary dinners" in Parisian restaurants, (2) take his daughter abroad (to France), (3) give her education there (in Polina Viardot's family), (4) marry his daughter to a Frenchman and (5) give his daughter an excellent dowry. If I understand correctly, the French husband of Turgenev's Russian daughter spent down (squandered) all this dowry (during unsuccessful business deals), which was received from felled Russian forests sold abroad and parted with his Russian wife.
  Thus, to the biography of Turgenev, a creative person, should be added with the biography of Turgenev, the owner of real estate (significant massifs of Russian forests).
  Do you think I'm presenting a rational idea about supplementing Turgenev's biography (as a Russian nobleman and landowner)?
  I keep my ideas about Vasily Zhukovsky (for now) to myself: in order not to spoil the presentation: "We invite you to a meeting with Polina Rebenina and the presentation of the book "Romantic poet Vasily Zhukovsky and his tragic love." [the book in Russian] "Presentation of the book "Romantic poet Vasily Zhukovsky and his tragic love" Bookstore "BIBLIO-GLOBUS" We are waiting for you! Will see you!" (https://proza.ru/2025/01/11/669 )
  Sincerely, Vladimir Zalessky (Henry de Overwood)
  January 27, 2025, 10:02
  Translation from Russian into English: January 28, 2025 09:57
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Замечательная заметка о Пикуле. Замечательный мой ответ с идеей о дополнении биографии Тургенева. '.
  { 3637. Замечательная заметка о Пикуле. Замечательный мой ответ с идеей о дополнении биографии Тургенева. - 27 января 2025 г.
  MMMDCVIII. A wonderful note about Valentin Pikul. My wonderful answer with the idea of supplementing the Turgenev's biography. - January 27, 2025.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}

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