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Belinsky - Viardot. An experience of organizing the intercultural communication. A note on chapters 14 - 17 of the Nicholas Bogoslovskiy's book "Turgenev."

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    Belinsky - Viardot. An experience of organizing the intercultural communication. A note on chapters 14 - 17 of the Nicholas Bogoslovskiy's book "Turgenev."

  Belinsky - Viardot. An experience of organizing the intercultural communication. A note on chapters 14 - 17 of the Nicholas Bogoslovskiy's book "Turgenev."
  'Belinsky and Turgenev twice visited the Dresden Gallery. Ivan Sergeyevich knew in advance that the sspouses Viardo would also come there; he really wanted to introduce Belinsky to them...
  'Mr. Viardot knows a lot about paintings and will show us all the best,' he said.
  'I do not want to make acquaintances when there is nothing to explain, except perhaps on the fingers,' answered Belinsky, referring to his bad knowledge of the French language.
  Just during this dispute, which took place in one of the halls of the gallery, they saw the spouses Viardo, heading towards them. The retreat was cut off - the acquaintance took place, and to Belinsky's great pleasure the affair was limited to a simple bow on both sides. The next day, they all met again in the gallery, and everything was going well, when suddenly, already in the last hall, [madame] Viardo, quickly turning to Belinsky, said:
  - "Do you feel better [yourself]?"
  Belinsky was lost, [madame] Viardo repeated the question. He was embarrassed even more; then the artistess [madame Viardo] began to speak Russian, ridiculously misrepresenting the words, and herself at the same time laughed contagiously.
  Only then he decided to speak broken French and said that he was feeling well, although he [in fact] was very tired. ' (Here and further - quotes from the book by Nicholas Bogoslovskiy "Turgenev").
  Viardot moves along Europe. Turgenev awaits her at her estate Courtavenel (or in Paris). So, in France, he lived, almost without a break, for three years (1847-1850). Here he gained psychological balance and felt an influx of creative forces. Packets with new works by Turgenev are regularly sent to the editorial office of "Sovremennik" Journal.
  Turgenev writes plays, learns Spanish, translates from French into Spanish, for training he starts correspondence in Spanish...
  The revolution of 1848. The government of imperial Russia looks with suspicion on Russian subjects living in France during this period.
  The cholera epidemic. Turgenev falls ill. 'Turgenev was ending the lease of the apartment, and he did not renew the contract, intending to leave Paris. It was the end of May, when Turgenev came to spend the night at the Herzen apartment. After lunch, he began to complain about the anguish that was inflicted on him by the heat and stuffiness. In the evening, he went, on Herzen's advice, to swim. When he returned, he felt unwell, drank soda water with wine and sugar, and went to bed. At night, he woke Herzen.
  'I am a lost man,' he told his friend. - "I have cholera".
  The next morning, Herzen sent his wife and children to the village of Ville-d'Avray near Paris. Then, Herzen nursed the sick Ivan Ivanovich during ten days, remaining with him in the apartment together. '
  Having returned to Russia in 1850, Turgenev in correspondence agrees with Polina Viardo about the fate of his daughter Pelageya [Pélagie] (from Avdotya Ermolaevna).
  "" ... Madame Viardot invited me to place the girl in her house, where she will be raised with her children. "
  At the end of October [1850] Pélagie, accompanied by the Frenchwoman Roder, who was leaving for Paris, was already on her way abroad ... "
  November 16, 1850. The death of mother of Turgenev [Varvara Petrovna Turgeneva (née Lutovinova; 1787-1850)].
  Europe imperceptibly, but persistently worried about the 'Polish question' (partition of the Commonwealth in 1775), in general - about the role of the Russian Empire on the European continent.
  After Russia's intervention in the Hungarian revolutionary events in 1849, the situation gradually directed to the Crimean War of 1853-1856 (between Russia, on the one hand, France, Great Britain and other allies, on the other hand).
  In such a situation, Turgenev - regardless of desire - was forced to remain in Russia.
  May 29, 2020 08:51
  Translation from Russian into English: June 1, 2020 19:24.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Белинский - Виардо. Опыт организации межкультурной коммуникации. Заметка о главах 14 - 17 книги Николая Богословского 'Тургенев''.
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