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Belyary (Бiлярi) and Popasna (Popasnaya). An essay on geographical and historical associations

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    Belyary (Бiлярi) and Popasna (Popasnaya). An essay on geographical and historical associations.

  Belyary (Бiлярi) and Popasna (Popasnaya). An essay on geographical and historical associations.
  The geographical name 'Беляры' "Belyary" [Бiлярi].
  It seems to sound simple. Something to do with white, with bleach, with underwear, linen (с белым, с отбеливанием, с бельем.).
  Let's not deny such a possibilities.
  However, we can recall the "pesniary" (песняры). Pesnyar (песняр) - is an occupation, a creative profession.
  If we follow this path, then what does 'Беляр' 'Belyar' mean?
  Max Vasmer's Dictionary directs attention to the Turkish and Tatar words 'запястье' "wrist" and 'браслет'"bracelet".
  The Dictionary of the Ancient Slavic language by A.V. Starchevsky gives the meanings 'кольцо' 'ring' and 'лук' 'bow', as well as 'мелкая монета, лепта' 'small coin, mite', 'лист за царским подписанием' 'sheet of paper with the tsar signature'.
  The Ancient Turkic Dictionary gives 'поясница' "lower back", 'пояс' "belt", 'предплечье' "forearm", 'запястье' "wrist", 'браслет' "bracelet". Nearby: 'точильный камень' "whetstone" and 'точить' "grind".
  Did the bracelet makers give the settlement its name? In this version, there is both a profession and creativity?
  It was in this settlement that small coins were minted and the corresponding craftsmen lived?
  It's possible, but unlikely. Was there such a demand for bracelets in ancient times that a whole settlement was engaged in their manufacture?
  Was the coins minted outside the mint?
  The origin of "Belyara" from sharpening masters looks the most realistic variant.
  "Let's go to the grinders, to the belyars!" - a very likely phrase, especially in those days when manual objects of labor and manual cold weapons were very common.
  A good sharpening was a creative activity.
  This is the most realistic option.
  But it seems to me the most attractive version of the origin of "Belyary" - is from "a sheet of paper with a tsar signature."
  The arrival of some extraordinary people distinguished the village from other villages.
  People in an unusual (for the given area) military uniform (with sword belts) (porte-épée) probably gave the name to Popasna (Popasnaya).
  An embassy moving, for example, from North to South, stops in a village.
  A sheet with the tsar signature is presented for general information.
  "What is it?" 'Белег!' "Beleg!" [object, document for protecting? amulet?] ("beleg" is an attempt to write an ancient word with modern letters).
  An unknown, unusual word, an unusual paper with the tsar signature amaze all the inhabitants of the surrounding villages, and the name 'Беляры' "Belyary" is assigned to the village.
  However, the origin of the name from sharpening masters seems to me a more realistic option. Perhaps even more likely - from the bleaching process?
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  May 27, 2022 14:56
  Translation from Russian into English: May 27, 2022 15:53.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Беляры и Попасное. Очерк географических и исторических ассоциаций'.
  { 3020. Беляры и Попасное. Очерк географических и исторических ассоциаций.
  MMCMXCI. Belyary (Бiлярi) and Popasna (Popasnaya). An essay on geographical and historical associations. }
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