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Cherepanovs and Mikhailovsky will build a railway bridge over three days. A historical note

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    Cherepanovs and Mikhailovsky will build a railway bridge over three days. A historical note.

  Cherepanovs and Mikhailovsky will build a railway bridge over three days. A historical note.
  Many historians refer the construction of the first railway in Russia to the number of merits of Nicholas the First.
  On this occasion, we noticed in one of our miniatures that before this, the "first in Russia", the railway, talented Russian people Cherepanovs had built the railway at one of the factories in the Urals (it was launched for three years before The Tsarskoye Selo Railway).
  In the era of Nicholas the First, we do not see the desire to engage capable people in the great achievements and to elevate such people. If Nicholas the First, let's assume, would not free the peasants from serfdom, but he would start the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway, even such a turn of events could significantly change the history of Russia.
  With the name of Garin-Mikhailovsky, we associate the construction of the Great railway track from European Russia to the shores of the Pacific Ocean.
  The construction was the right thing, but by historical standards it was started late. In the US, for example, the transcontinental railway was built in the middle of the 19th century.
  In general, in Siberia and in the Far East, to carry out various kinds of work on railway construction - it's a complex tasks. Recall, for example, the construction of tunnels in the Baikal region ...
  Today, when the movement is temporarily difficult through the Trans-Siberian Highway (due to the destruction of one of the railway bridges), we can recall the names and ingenious Cherepanovs, and effective engineer Mikhailovsky.
  It seems we can hope for the construction (for the restoration) of the railway bridge over three days.
  Apparently, in our time, Cherepanovs and Mikhailovsky were returned to life (were revived). Obstacles will soon disappear, and trains without any delays will run from west to east and from east to west.
  July 24, 2021 7:02:09
  Translation from Russian into English: 24 июля 2021 г. 08:01. Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Черепановы и Михайловский построят железнодорожный мост за три дня. Историческая заметка".
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