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General Charles de Gaulle and Belarus. A historical note

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    General Charles de Gaulle and Belarus. A historical note.

  General Charles de Gaulle and Belarus. A historical note.
  According to the Riga Peace Treaty (1921), a significant part of Belarus (the historical territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania - the Velikolithuanian state), of the Rzeczpospolita - the East-Republican power), after a short establishment of Soviet power, was reintegrated into the Western World.
  The Peace of Riga (1921) summed up the results of the so-called Soviet-Polish war (1919-1921).
  The captain of the French army, the future president of France, Charles de Gaulle, took part in the relevant historical events.
  As N.N. Molchanov, 'He [Charles de Gaulle] is awarded the rank of Major of the Polish Army. ... in Poland he wears two stars on his cap, like a brigadier general in France. ... He was noted in the order of the head of the French military mission... In February 1921 ... de Gaulle returned to France with the Polish cross ... on his chest '(Н.Н. Молчанов. Генерал де Голль. М., 1980. С.54. [N.N. Molchanov. General de Gaulle. M., 1980. p. 54.]).
  Geopolitics is a complex thing ... As N.N. Molchanov, "He [Charles de Gaulle] himself devotes only five words to his stay in Poland in his War Memoirs."
  Thus, we can conclude that Charles de Gaulle was among the defenders of the western path of Belarus.
  25 August 2020 11:43
  Translation from Russian into English: August 25, 2020 12:22.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Генерал Шарль де Голль и Белоруссия. Историческая заметка'.
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