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Generals of online orders. The story about Rickshaw Vanya Winklov

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    MMMDXLII. Generals of online orders. The story about Rickshaw Vanya Winklov. - September 19, 2024.

  Generals of online orders. The story about Rickshaw Vanya Winklov.
  Rickshaw Vanya Winklov was walking towards a beautiful bridge spanning a wide river.
  His gaze fell on a large advertisement for a film that is being shown at a local cinema: "The Sandpit Generals." Rickshaw Vanya Winklov remembered the lyrics of the song:
  "If only I could gather all my might
  Not one my claim would be denied".
  "They're eating pineapples in Brazil now," Rickshaw Vanya Winklov thought enviously.
  "Can I buy a glass of milk from you?" - he asked a man who was passing nearby with a goat.
  "Who are you?"
  Rickshaw Vanya Winklov thought that he needed to present himself as solidly, as respectable, as possible in order to get a glass of milk, even for money.
  "I am the great round-the-world traveler Rickshaw Vanya Winklov! I travel with a cart. It's in the paid parking lot now!"
  The man with the goat looked at Rickshaw Vanya Winklov with contempt: "Are you the great round-the-world traveler?"
  "yeah... I even received financial support from RosFAFO. A lot of money! The RosFAFO logo was placed on my cart!".
  "Where is this money?"
  "They are advantageously deposited. The discount rate has increased, noticeably!"
  The gaze of the man warmed up: "Okay, come with me. You'll get your glass of milk!"
  Rickshaw Vanya Winklov followed the man with the goat.
  They came to a land plot with a fence and with a house. A huge dog was visible behind the fence, silently looking at everything around.
  The interlocutor led the goat into the pen. The sounds of the numerous inhabitants could be heard from the pen.
  "Let's go!" - The interlocutor brought Rickshaw Vanya Winklov into the house, - "Now you will receive your milk." The interlocutor said into the phone: "Gosha, come here."
  After a while, there was a knock on the door.
  "Come in!"
  The interlocutor quickly put on a jacket, glasses, picked up a small hatchet and sat down at the table.
  A young man appeared on the threshold of the room with a big bottle of milk.
  "Gosha!" said the interlocutor, "You delivered me a sour milk! And in accordance with the Regulations on Supplies approved by the Council of Ministers of the USSR on August 15, 1984, you must pay me damages and a penalty in the amount of one hundred thousand rubles!" The interlocutor did a hit with the hatchet onto a piece of wooden board lying on the table in front of him.
  Gosha objected to this: "It has long ago been accepted that after receiving milk, the buyer should try, should taste it. And if he didn't try, taste it, so what kind of complaints can there be?"
  The interlocutor thought for a few seconds: "Okay, Gosha, go. You'll come back for the money later." Gosha left.
  The interlocutor nodded at the bottle of milk: "Take a glass, drink as much as you want!"
  Rickshaw Vanya Winklov looked for a glass, poured milk and took a few sips. "Good milk! Great milk!" No word in response was heard.
  Rickshaw Vanya Winklov looked around. His interlocutor was wearing a white pressurized spacesuit (costume). He was sitting at the table, with a soldering iron in his hand, and he was soldering something.
  Rickshaw Vanya Winklov was amazed: "What are you soldering?"
  "Now it is our duty to launch a new space station! And who will create it? There are a lot of detractors around. A self-sufficiency now!...".
  There was a sound at the door again. Gosha was standing on the threshold again: "Bad people broke down the fence, occupied part of your vegetable garden!..." - Gosha said.
  " Wait, no need to rush. It's ... the very desire ... of them ... that me to rush to kick them out..." the interlocutor replied to Gosha. - "Go!.."
  Gosha went out again.
  The receiver of the interlocutor's cell phone began to make sounds. He held it to his ear and asked a few clarifying questions.
  Then he turned to Rickshaw Vanya Winklov: "Do you want to become a billionaire?"
  Rickshaw Vanya Winklov shrugged his shoulders: "Who doesn't want to?"
  "Then let's go!..."
  They left the house.
  Several huge black cars jumped up to the gate.
  The interlocutor looked at Rickshaw Vanya Winklov: "Why are you without anything?"
  "Without what anything?"
  "Go, take something. At least a hatchet or a soldering iron!"
  Rickshaw Vanya Winklov went back to the house.
  In the pen, its inhabitants were bleating plaintively.
  September 19, 2024 10:53
  Translation from Russian into English: September 20, 2024 05:36
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский " Генералы он-лайн заказов. Рассказ о Рикше Ване Винклове ".
  { 3571. Генералы он-лайн заказов. Рассказ о Рикше Ване Винклове. - 19 сентября 2024 г.
  MMMDXLII. Generals of online orders. The story about Rickshaw Vanya Winklov. - September 19, 2024
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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