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Intimidating and refreshing. A weather drawing

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    MMMDXXII. Intimidating and refreshing. A weather drawing. - July 23, 2024.

  Intimidating and refreshing. A weather drawing.
  It was a fresh cloudy early morning yesterday. It was possible to have time to walk - before the rain started.
  But immediately after the walk, it began to rain, it lashed the leaves and knocked on the windowsill.
  In such a situation, I need to take care of how not to get wet. Even if the rain has stopped. How to walk through puddles? What if he will go, again?
  I should wear reliable shoes that allow me to walk through deep puddles, as well as a hooded windbreaker jacket that protects from rain.
  However, the asphalt dried up imperceptibly, and the rain did not resume. So reliable shoes turned out to be redundant, and I had to figure out how to more conveniently to carry a rainproof windbreaker jacket removed due to the heat.
  One rainy day has ended, a new one has begun.
  Today the sky was gloomy in the morning, in the first half of the day, - hinting at the need to prepare for rain.
  But the memories of yesterday's inconveniences associated with the need to find a place for a windbreaker jacket (removed due to the heat) prompted me to limit myself to ordinary sneakers and a light T-shirt. The cloud-covered sky made it possible to walk freely without a headdress.
  And then it started to rain. At first glance, it was something kind of intimidating. Jets from the sky, streams of water on the asphalt. Those who wish can join the people sheltering from the rain under architectural elements and structures. But I don't want to wait. I'm moving on asphalt covered with streams of water.
  Strangely enough, the T-shirt got very moderately wet, and the sneakers almost didn't get wet.
  The plans changed because of the rain, but it ended pretty quickly.
  So I can continue my walk, again. I intend to wear simple sneakers and a light T-shirt again.
  The Sun is gradually coming out. I can think about a headdress.
  The asphalt is almost dry. There are no large puddles in sight. Apparently, the heated surface instantly absorbs or evaporates moisture.
  But there the asphalt ends, there is a sharp descent down the path ahead. Traces of people, sliding earlier, are visible. I can slide on wet ground, standing, - like on ice, - under the influence of gravity, with the risk of losing my balance. But a short running downhill is more effective. Brief touches of the ground with sneakers allow me to avoid the dangerous sliding - with the risk of losing my balance.
  The Sun is getting more and more powerful.
  It turned out that the rain was not as terrible as it might have seemed at first.
  It has stopped going and is not resuming. I can move freely in the right direction.
  The air temperature has moved into the range between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius.
  So the rain turned out to be very pleasant and refreshing.
  July 23, 2024, 19:58
  Translation from Russian into English: July 23, 2024 21:02
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский " Устрашающий и освежающий. Погодная зарисовка ".
  { 3551. Устрашающий и освежающий. Погодная зарисовка. - 23 июля 2024 года.
  MMMDXXII. Intimidating and refreshing. A weather drawing. - July 23, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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