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Kolyan - a specialist in constitutional law. A funny story

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    MMMDIX. Kolyan - a specialist in constitutional law. A funny story. - June 19, 2024.

  Kolyan - a specialist in constitutional law. A funny story.
  Kolyan has always been interested in constitutional law.
  One of his uncles - according to family legend - was in the Senate Square in a certain year and shouted: "Long live Constantine and Constitution!"
  Then the cannons fired and the uncle disappeared somewhere - either he was lowered under the ice, or he died in Siberia.
  People couldn't talk much about the Constitution with a landowner or with a police officer, as the grandfathers recalled: people were mostly taken to the stables and flogged.
  But new times have come: it's necessary to develop the Far East. There is a "Far Eastern hectare" and a preferential mortgage (almost at two percent per annum).
  Kolyan moved to the Far East.
  There, free trips to Japan stopped - in return for visits to cemeteries on the Kuril Islands by the Japanese - they respected their ancestors, remembered them and visited their graves.
  But a new opportunity has opened up: periodic free visits to the mysterious Asian country of Alokina.
  This country has been pretty closed for many years. But she decided to develop tourism, and for advertising purposes began to allow (free) tour groups.
  Kolyan went to Alokina: it was not a long flight to Alokina by plane.
  He looked at the main sights: monuments to prominent political figures, a huge square and a beautiful seaside.
  He ate seaweed soup at a local restaurant.
  After eating soup and drinking local vodka, Kolyan asked for a local guide: "Tell me about your Constitution."
  The guide looks at Kolyan as if he does not understand the question.
  Then the guide went away somewhere.
  The restaurant began to fill up with people in sports clothes and athletic shoes. They are sitting at neighboring tables, looking around and thinking about something: probably about the problems of constitutional law.
  However, there was one between them: in a blue silk paramilitary-style suit and eyeglasses.
  If he's wearing glasses, then he probably understands the problems of constitutional law.
  Kolyan quickly got to know him and drank (together) a bottle of local vodka.
  That man was looking at Kolyan intently, as if trying to enlighten Kolyan through and across.
  Kolyan did not make any secrets: he told about the Far Eastern hectare, about a preferential mortgage.
  The man asked how vegetable plantations work. Kolyan praised these plantations very much.
  The man became kinder, and invited Kolyan to take a walk along the seashore.
  They walked a little and admired the sea.
  The man showed Kolyan a chain of bird tracks left in the sand: "This is the Constitution."
  Kolyan did not understand at first: "How is this the Constitution?!"
  The man explained: "A white bird flew over a yellow mountain in the rays of the Sun, rose high into the sky, and then landed on the seashore, walked on the sand, and wrote the Constitution!"
  "And what? are there rights, freedoms?" "And the separation of powers?" "And constitutional rights?" "And is the constitutional right of ownership protected?"
  "Everything is there!" the man replies, "Everything is protected!"
  Kolyan was delighted.
  During the return flight by plane, Kolyan thought about the information he had received about the Constitution. He decided to write to the Legislative Council and the Huge Grants Committee.
  He need to take advantage of the experience gained, new information, and to propose to amend the Constitution! With a successful turn of events, Kolyan will not only receive a huge grant for constitutional research, but he also can become a doctor of law (at the capital, or some other university).
  A useful tourist trip!
  The stewardess brought mineral water.
  Kolyan took a few sips with pleasure.
  June 19, 2024 00:25
  Translation from Russian into English: June 19, 2024 01:22
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский " Колян - специалист по конституционному праву. Шуточный рассказ ".
  { 3538. Колян - специалист по конституционному праву. Шуточный рассказ. - 19 июня 2024 г.
  MMMDIX. Kolyan - a specialist in constitutional law. A funny story. - June 19, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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