Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

Oscaritos on the Kosti-Nf. The story (continued)

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    Oscaritos on the Kosti-NF. The story (continued).

  Oscaritos on the Kosti-NF. The story (continued).
  Mr. Tenpercend, head of the State Fund for Cinema Support, looked with pleasure at the summary of the proceeds from the distribution of the "Dear Thimbleriggers" movie.
  In total, 150 million Russian rubles were spent, and the proceeds from rental - 16.5 million Russian rubles. Eleven percent! It is perfectly!
  At first, spiteful critics assumed that the proceeds would be three percent of the costs! But great and timely efforts were made.
  Mr. Tenpercend remembered the script brought by the Mrs. Quicktalker from Mr. Wintertund, the second deputy general director of the Kosti-NF radio station.
  The political situation is changing. Better to redo the script. To remove references to Belarus. To make an eternal plot - based on mythology.
  Mr. Tenpercend dialed the phone number of Mr. Pavel Barefoot.
  The Barefoot's phone doesn't answer. After the provincial prize and the sale of a commemorative sign at an Internet auction (allegedly, he received 16 thousand dollars), Mr. Barefoot went on another cultural trip at the state expense? He will travel, and by his arrival the ghostwriters will write the next book. He will edit - and to printing! A literature is developing.
  Mr. Tenpercend found the telephone number of Mr. Monster Cockroach in a note book. Mr. Monster Cockroach has a huge literary personnel reserve! First, the students. Secondly, the teachers.
  - The secretary is listening!
  - This is Mr. Tenpercend! From the Fond! Invite Mr. Monster Cockroach to conversation!
  - Hello! Mr. Monster Cockroach on line!
  - Mr. Monster Cockroach! This is Mr. Tenpercend, from the Fond. I am addressing you, as a recognized specialist. We have a script about the events in Belarus. A simple plot. A pawn (it seems from the precinct election commission) - a supporter of legality - writes the necessary results in the election protocol. Then there were post-electoral events. Her daughter is in trouble. She rushes around the city of Minsk. The mother is assisted by an officer from confidential structures. Lots of drive! Emotions!
  My suggestion! Do not redo much. The simplest changes. An ordinary employee works in the Cinema Statistics Center (CSC). She deals with the sales figures of 'Dear Thimbleriggers'. At first, the film is gaining only three percent of the proceeds (of the total cost of 150 million rubles). But then influential people connected. The employee of the CSC makes timely and useful efforts. The revenue figure suddenly rises from 3 to 11 percent. Meanwhile, the employee's daughter is submerged into films posted on the 'We Are Watching' website. The daughter is undergoing nervous changes. She in a random way moves around the city in search of sedatives. Mother, an employee of the CSC, learning about her daughter's nervous crisis, begins to rush around the city in search of her daughter. She is assisted by an adviser from the Ministry of Culture. The naked daughter freezes on the balcony. Then she participates in the Internet stream. Mother's picture of the whole world turns upside down! A storm of emotions! An entertaining plot! The plot is based on a world mythology!
  You is agree! Fine!
  All will be paid!
  We have a provincial literary prize in mind. Will it suit you?
  Well, what a worries about us? We have 85 federal subjects. No worries for us.
  Diploma, small amount of money and a commemorative sign. Roughly a five thousand dollars in an online auction.
  It is not important for you? But you will not refuse? O'key! It's agreed. Will your representative come to me in an hour for the original script? He will have in hands an exclusive script for the Scarlet Sails movie? I see ... Alexander Fadeyev, 'Razgrom' ["Defeat"], 'Molodaya gvardiya' ["Young Guard"] ... yes, yes ... I'm waiting ...
  Mr. Tenpercend ended the conversation with Mr. Monster Cockroach and dialed Mr. Wintertund's (from the Kosti-NF radio station) phone number.
  - Dear colleague! Your excellent script will be refined for relevant reasons. I am informing you, just in case. Considering our friendly relations, it won't cost you anything. I've already agreed on everything.
  - Thank you! Our radio station staff prepared a report about 'Dear Thimbleriggers' movie. The total cost of production is 150 million rubles and revenue is 11 percent of total costs. Hazy hint about the jump from 3 percent to 11 percent. There is no airtime for this plot yet.
  As friend to friend! The prepared report about "Dear Thimbleriggers" needs to be improved.
  I suggested this film for the Oscar nomination. It won't cost you anything!
  Of course, costs will be needed - a little - several million dollars.
  To help you navigate the situation, I make a call - with you - in conference mode.
  - Hello! Mr. Oscaritos! Ah ... Is this Ruslan Ruslanovich? Sorry ... I was told that he ought to be near the phone from three to five ... Will it be okay? Thanks in advance...
  (The parallel conference call ended).
  - Well, you've heard everything, dear colleague! The question is agreed completely! In our radio station's report, the mention of percentage (proceeds to the cost) will be replaced by a mention of an Oscar nomination. You can calmly think about creative tasks, not about money!
  - Thank you, colleague!
  Mr. Tenpercend looked at the telephone receiver with pleasure. Mr. Wintertund is effective as always. (Who wants to go back to the tundra? ...).
  It seems that it's time to visit an outstanding cultural figure for congratulations with the anniversary . Two bouquets of flowers. There is no free hand for a briefcase with envelopes.
  ... A short visit of a representative from Mr. Monster Cockroach. The representative gives the script for the film "Scarlet Sails" (exclusive book production - was printed in their own printing house?). In return, Mr. Tenpercend handed an initial version of the script about the events in Belarus. "With an obligatory return!" "Everything will be ready in two days?" "It's good! I am waiting for you personally! "
  So, now the car trip.
  - Hello! Accounting department? You are preparing for an audit? Who is free? Cashier? Can't he help - a little car trip needed? I don't have enough hands for bouquets, for gifts, for other things. The car will bring him back.
  Mr. Tenpercend nodded the cashier towards the briefcase. The cashier readily picked up the load. Mr. Tenpercend, with bouquets of roses in his hands, accompanied by the cashier, moved towards the company car.
  [MDCCXCIII. Journalistess from the province, the People's Ultimatum of Tsikhanouskaya, and metropolitan mortgage. A sketch. - October 27, 2020.
  MDCCXCIX. The balanced information. A story about a difficult media problem. - October 29, 2020.
  MDCCCIII. Day of National Unity and another Karamzinius at the Kosti-NF radio station. A story. - October 31, 2020.
  MDCCCV. Trishka's Kaftan. The Media sketch. - November 2, 2020.
  MDCCCIX. "Conditions" radio program on Kosti-NF. The story. - November 4, 2020.
  MDCCCXVI. The support for bloggers on Kosti-NF. A sketch. - November 7, 2020.
  MDCCCXXXVI. Elections in Moldova on Kosti-NF. A story. - November 15, 2020.
  MDCCCXLII. Brandenburg Gate on Kosti-NF. A story. - November 18, 2020.
  MDCCCXLVI. Mafia of a bearded frog on Kosti-NF. A story. - November 20, 2020.
  MDCCCLI. We know what will be tomorrow. On Kosti-NF. A story. - November 22, 2020.
  MDCCCLXXV. The dismissal of Chubais on Kosti-NF. A buff-story. - December 3, 2020.
  MDCCCLXXXI. A new appointment to the post of great Tolik and a media pill on Kosti-NF. The story. - December 5, 2020.
  MDCCCXCIII. A great Tolik and the aid to the African state of Longo on Kosti-NF. The story. - December 10, 2020.
  MCMII. Brezhnev, Archipelago, Frankfurt on Kosti-NF. A buff-story. - December 13, 2020.
  MCMIX. A Five thousandth radio reportage on Kosti-NF. A story. - December 19, 2020.
  MCMXIV. Dear thimbleriggers on Kosti-NF. A story. - December 21, 2020.
  MCMXVI. A movie script on the Kosti-NF. A story. - December 23, 2020.
  MCMXIX. Alexander Herzen on the Kosti-NF. The story (continued). - December 25, 2020.].
  January 7, 2021 14:40
  Translation from Russian into English: January 8, 2021 21:45.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Оскар Петрович на Кости-NF. Рассказ (продолжение)'.
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