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Prilipala (stickyman) about the polonization and the cossackization. A note about the morning broadcast

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    Prilipala (stickyman) about the polonization and the cossackization. A note about the morning broadcast.

  Prilipala (stickyman) about the polonization and the cossackization. A note about the morning broadcast.
  I did not turn off the radio in time (after the morning news release), I got distracted.
  And here (this morning) - another sticky makes a performance.
  Karamzin - he existed near Alexander the First. It was an honor.
  Near whom the prilipala (stickyman) exists?
  An old record from the gramophone of the time of Karamzin and his "History" sounds.
  Prilipala recalls the events of the time of Bogdan Khmelnitsky.
  A polonization - oh-oh-oh, how scary.
  And what about Bogdan Khmelnitsky himself?
  Somehow it is not completely clear about the Khmelnitsky's origin prlipala tells ...
  The mother is a Cossack ('the Cossacks swore an oath'), and what nationality is the father? From the nobility (out of schlachta)? That is why Khmelnitsky had a little estate. And Khmelnitsky's wife is definitely a Pole. Is Bogdan's father really of a Polish origine?
  There is no clarity on this issue (after the radio lecture from prlipala).
  Oh-oh-oh! It is impossible to allow - the polonization in relation of Bogdan Khmelnitsky !!!
  Yes, and we will be frightened - following the prilipala.
  Catherine the First - she is Skavronskaya. She, by any chance, is not from the nobility (out of schlachta)? (The Baltic states were part of the Commonwealth for some time). Or maybe she is of a Polish origin? (Prilipala, maybe he will tell us about this historical detail - he is a connoisseur [expert] of a Russian history).
  Oh-oh-oh!!! Don't allow a polonization in relation Ukraine, but also Russia!!!
  Just in case, shove Sergei Korolev away - in the back pocket of your trousers, - otherwise, there is the risk of the polonization. Do not forget about the author of planning and forced development of the scientific sphere and the sphere of higher education, Krzhizhanovsky (plus Krupskaya). Yes, and about Dzerzhinsky, who pulled the country out of ruin, worked instead of all (almost) people's commissars [ministers], - there is no need to remember him either.
  Somehow, it's not a good situation. And "under the tsar" there was a danger of the polonization, as well as - under the Soviet regime.
  Well, now the new times have come - now you can be stickied (stickyzed)- quite calmly (that is, become a prilipala (stickyman) or his likeness).
  No need to be afraid! If Bogdan Khmelnitsky wasn't the object of polonization, then, of course, he was successfully Cossackizated ...
  Prilipala finished his sticky secretions with peppy statements in the style: there a necessity to fight, to war, but nothing bad - you don't need to be afraid ...
  Such a way prilipala finished his radio lecture.
  Rejoice, citizens!
  And do not forget how important it is to actively look for Natsiks. But look not everywhere. Not to the right, and not to the left, not in front and not behind, but obliquely. That's (only) where you can look for Natsiks ...
  And you don't need to direct your look back or forward, you need to take your eyes away ...
  September 25, 2022 06:58
  Translation from Russian into English: September 25, 2022 08:26.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Прилипала об ополячивании и об оказачивании. Заметка об утренней радиопередаче'.
  { 3186. Прилипала об ополячивании и об оказачивании. Заметка об утренней радиопередаче.
  MMMCLVII. Prilipala (stickyman) about the polonization and the cossackization. A note about the morning broadcast.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}
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