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Principles of success and the another new achievement of the Western world. Essay on a modern history

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    Principles of success and the another new achievement of the Western world. Essay on a modern history.

  Principles of success and the another new achievement of the Western world. Essay on a modern history.
  In a few years, the Western world has achieved the resolution of several complex crises. There are also problems that are in the process of being solved.
  On 31 January 2020, the UK withdrew from the EU - Europe and the Western world took another successful step into the common future.
  Many centuries have passed since the times of Ancient Greece and the Ancient Rome. Western civilization was accumulating a knowledge and an experience.
  For the UK 's exit from the EU (as well as for a solution the other difficult problems) are typical, for example:
  1) A democracy and the rule of law. Exit from the EU was carried out on a democratic basis using various democratic (and legal) procedures (which was not accompanied by suspicion or accusations of falsification of voting results),
  2) A collegiality (a collectivity). Different politicians have alternately become a leaders of the process.
  3) A credibility (a confidence). The parties to the process acted in the understanding that the problem was only a stage in the complex development of the Western world. There was no petty cheating, no attempt to reach results by a petty deception, no deception on trust.
  4) An openness. The UK 's exit from the EU, if it was confidential in some elements, in its main part it developed in a public space.
  5) A multivariance (a diversity). Were adopting, adjusting, cancelling, clarifying, replacing with new options a various political decisions.
  Accumulation of extensive practical administrative experience, the experience of participation in the solution of the most difficult problems of the state as by the mass of the population (by voters), so and by a political elite, by politicians, became the result of the successful exit of Great Britain from the EU.
  The UK 's exit from the EU has been quite lengthy. According to this parameter it can be opposed to totalitarian methods of decision - when decisions are made in a short time (alone or narrow circle), resources are concentrated, some results are quickly achieved. The topic has the right to exist, as evidenced, in part, by the problem of large-scale forest fires in various parts of the world.
  Especially effectivly and victoriously a totalitarian methods of problem solving look in contrast, in comparison to "Western" approaches and methods - allegedly slow, vulnerable to external influence, etc.
  The success of the another new step of the Western world into the future gives the impression that totalitarian methods are increasingly losing in comparison with the democratic "Western" principles of solving social problems and are becoming tools of a "past times", a signs of real or potential backwardness.
  February 1, 2020 07:16
  Translation from Russian into English: February 1, 2020 07:56.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Принципы успеха и очередное достижение Западного мира".
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