Залесский Владимир Владимирович : другие произведения.

Report of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Lavrov. An essay on the history of Russia 's foreign policy

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    Report of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Lavrov. An essay on the history of Russia 's foreign policy.

  Report of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Lavrov. An essay on the history of Russia 's foreign policy.
  Sergey Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs in the previous composition of the Government of the Russian Federation, moved to the new composition of the Russial Government in a Russial style - without a report about results of activity. In any case, the ordinary Internet user has no information about any reports by S. V. Lavrov (at the time of transition from one government into another).
  We will present our subjective opinion about the current (at the time of the transition of S. V. Lavrov from the previous composition of the government to the new composition) foreign policy realities.
  The Northern (Arctic) direction. The northern sea route has been used more or less actively by the USSR (Russia) since the second half of the 1930s 20 century. These activities were perceived as legitimate and natural.
  At the turn of the 20 and 21 centuries, Russia 's activities in the Arctic meet the increasing irritation of the great and Arctic powers. The foreign policy tension is increasing. Mistrust of the environmental friendliness of Russian economic projects in the Arctic is also growing.
  The Western direction. Question of the border with Estonia. New Intonations in Relations with Belarus.
  Russia 's relations with the countries of Eastern, Central and Western Europe are generally very favorable. In Europe, Russia has been treated as a European country since 1815.
  Today, however, it is difficult to hear at the highest Russian level the recognition that Russia is a European power. Rather, you can hear about Russia 's "Euro-Asian" nature. Well ... the problems are ahead.
  If not to mention about the France 's friendliness towards Russia - it would not be fair. And, taking the opportunity, to ask the question: did Russia not send France a diplomatic note in connection with some situation around "Sputnik" (during the period of Mr. Lavrov's leadership of the foreign Ministry)?
  Let 's see to the South and East directions.
  The goals of Russia 's foreign policy in Libya are the most vague (according to our subjective assessment).
  "The Key to Africa" (the ousted president called the Sudan with such a word) - what is his (key) fate?
  The Syria 's civil war, seems, is not moving to finish?
  The situation in Iran and Iraq, with all due respect for their history and culture, raises increasing questions.
  In China - at the time of the transition of Mr. Lavrov from one composition of the Russian government to another - an epidemic has already begun.
  The negotiations around the Kuril Islands subtly, slightly resemble the voucher privatization led by a well-known figure.
  In general, there is a sense of a return to "Soviet" foreign policy.
  When under beautiful words were issued and written off multi-billion-dollar loans. The very Soviet population was allowed to save, to accumulate money to buy a radio receiver or a moped.
  Of course, if there were no examples of the countries with a profitable - profitable! - foreign policy, almost centenary talk with use of the correct and pleasant words - with transfer of huge values (unclear to whom and it is unclear why), - would be perceived as something self-evident.
  But examples of effective foreign policy were both before 1917 and after 1917 (if not in the USSR, then in the world), they are now.
  The largest foreign policy achievements of the USSR (Russia) are Siberia and the Far East (19 century) and allied relations between the USSR, the United States and Great Britain (we, generally, summarizing, can speak about the year 1945).
  But you want to eat not from time to time, but - constantly...
  And if the general foreign policy situation of Russia is regrettable (a subjective assessment), then to please the population of Russia with achievements and effectiveness, foreign policy makers were not able before and are not able in our time (a subjective assessment).
  January 25, 2020 06:55
  Translation from Russian into English: January 25, 2020 07:45.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Отчет Министра иностранных дел РФ Лаврова. Очерк истории внешней политики России".
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