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Rhythmic song "A Magic April". A note

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками Юридические услуги. Круглосуточно
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    MMMDCIX. Rhythmic song "A Magic April". A note. - January 29, 2025.

  Rhythmic song "A Magic April". A note.
  I turn on the radio. I switch between radio stations to find cheerful, rhythmic music.
  But there are so many think tanks now, that, regardless of my desire, I absorb a significant amount of political science information. Out of this information the plot of events of April 2022 emerges.
  Images appear in my mind: there are many "forums", "institutes", "centers", individual sages and other sources of powerful socio-political analysis and forecasting.
  All these people and organizations are making a herculean effort and making a PLAN.
  This plan includes: (1) goals, (2) resources, (3) goal achievement periods, etc., etc., etc., etc.
  Then, in accordance with the developed plan, a large-scale event begins.
  There is no complete information on how this event is carried out (for objective reasons).
  Many people are concerned about this event. These people take their phones and start making calls.
  One of these phone calls seems so convincing that a huge (planned) event changes its course: as if a huge crane hooks a diesel locomotive (weighing many tons), lifts it, and moves it from one railway line to another.
  I'm under the impression! Who is this magician who is able to change the course of historical events with the (only) one phone call? But what about the large-scale plan developed specifically for this event - is this plan really needed? is it not needed? What is it for?
  I find a radio station broadcasting a rhythmic song:
  "Who would have imagined,
  Who would have thought,
  That everything will turn out this way?"
  An ABBA song will be broadcast soon: "Money, Money, Money".
  Rhythmic song, nice to listen to.
  January 29, 2025, 10:22
  Translation from Russian into English: January 29, 2025 11:16
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский " Ритмичная песня "Волшебный апрель". Заметка. ".
  { 3638. Ритмичная песня "Волшебный апрель". Заметка. - January 29, 2025.
  MMMDCIX. Rhythmic song "A Magic April". A note. - January 29, 2025.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}

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