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Robot Fedor on the space scene. The third manned flight of Crew Dragon to the Iss and a summation. The note

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    Robot Fedor on the space scene. The third manned flight of Crew Dragon to the ISS and a summation. The note.

  Robot Fedor on the space scene. The third manned flight of Crew Dragon to the ISS and a summation. The note.
  Crew Dragon made its third manned flight to the International Space Station (ISS). (C206.1 Endeavor: 30 May 2020 - 2 August 2020; C207.1 Resilience: 16 November 2020 - 28 April 2021 (planned); C206.2 Endeavor: 23 April 2021 - 31 October 2021 (planned)).
  What does this important event mean?
  First, it means that the United States is acquiring an autonomous system for delivering cargo and crews to the ISS.
  One of the advantages of the Copernican tradition of space exploration was the enormous level of safety and reliability of space systems.
  In addition to the intuitive Copernican tradition a huge amount of mathematical computation (which is characteristic of the Newtonian tradition) comes.
  The use of mathematics is becoming more and more efficient.
  The Copernican tradition was supplanted from the Russial space industry between about 1991 and 2000. Effective managers ousted the Copernican tradition from all important positions. Hurray, victory! All financial flows, making all fundamental decisions - everything is under control. Yes, somehow not comfortable ...
  (Of course, fundamental Soviet space technical achievements, developments in continue to be used. And what can they be replaced with?
  Secondary (from an intellectual, creative point of view) figures who in Soviet times played mainly the role of performers in space exploration, and after the end of their space career, they were looking for an application to their forces in the public sphere - into a women's organizations, into a 'peace protection', etc. etc., - these figures are now used as a kind of political and cosmic sages, and, apparently, receive not bad compensation for being present at performances and in exchange of performing of quasi-political roles in collective events).
  Under a democratic political system, the accident rate of space systems is one of the critical factors. A trend is emerging to use the safest options.
  The involvement of private companies partly shifts the risks from government agencies to such (private) companies. In addition, minds with high potential - with the potential of intuition and intelligence - come to the space industry through private companies.
  Now, after the third Crew Dragon manned flight to the ISS, it can be concluded that the United States has an autonomous system for the delivery of cargo and crews to the ISS (with full confidence, it will be possible to talk about the presence in the United States of such a delivery system after a significant number of such trouble-free flights ).
  Secondly, this event (the third Crew Dragon manned flight to the ISS) confirms the low level of efficiency of management decisions in the Russial space industry.
  The decision on Russia's withdrawal from the ISS program (project) was made (April 12, 2021) (or is it proposed for adoption?).
  (There are different versions - or is the discussed decision already made on April 12, 2021 -? Or is it still just only a project -?).
  So, the existing or proposed solution appeared in conditions when:
  (a) the United States acquired (with a high level of probability) an autonomous cargo and crew delivery system to the ISS,
  (b) there is no operating (commissioned) Russial space station,
  (c) the creation of a new Russial station is planned to fulfill, according to one of the versions, during the beginning of the 30s of the 21st century,
  (d) there are no international agreements on Russia's withdrawal from the ISS program (project) and on the subsequent fate of the ISS.
  Thirdly, this event (the third manned flight of the Crew Dragon) more and more clearly demonstrates Russia's transition to a secondary role and an increasing lag behind the United States.
  Russia is gradually ceasing to be a competitor for the United States in the field of high technologies in the space industry.
  According to some estimates, Russia at the moment has neither a "lunar program", nor technical capabilities, nor real plans for a manned flight to the Moon.
  Fourth, the real or the proposed withdrawal of Russia from the ISS program (project) completes an almost twenty-year period of international cooperation. During this time, the theme of the ISS gradually faded into the background, and the theme of the exploration of the Moon (and other issues) came to the fore.
  Russia withdrew or intends to withdraw from the ISS program (project) - after twenty years of cooperation - without significant international agreements securing its role as a great space power, fixing its full-fledged or preemptive rights in space exploration. Without a "lunar program".
  How does Russia's 'space status' differ from the status of dozens, hundreds of states that have almost no relation to space exploration?
  How has Russia's international position in the space sector been consolidated and strengthened over the past 20 years of cooperation, over 20 years of Russia's advantageous position in this sector?
  So, the third manned flight of Crew Dragon to the ISS allows you to see what is camouflaged by a numerous historical details and events:
  - the loss by Russia of her role as a leader in the space sector (this can be considered the result of the period from 2000 to 2021),
  - the gradual, continuing loss of "space prospects" by Russia, the loss of the status of one of the great space powers.
  - the lack (at the disposal of effective managers of the space industry) of attractive, popular among citizens, competitive and promising space development programs.
  April 25, 2021 09:07
  Translation from Russian into English: April 25, 2021 11:25.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Робот Фёдор на космической сцене. Третий полёт Crew Dragon (с экипажем) на МКС и некоторые итоги. Заметка'.
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