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Senya and a clever humans. A story

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Senya and a clever humans. A story.

  Senya and a clever humans. A story.
  Friends tired to rotate a pedals. In addition, and somehow unpleasantly - the kids are looking out the window. And their faces are sad.
  Senya and friends decided to walk around the yard.
  Three dudes are going towards them. Shaved ones, with eye-glasses. Their faces are both evil and kind at the same time.
  - Dudes! What are you doing here?
  - We are looking for a dogs!
  Senya and friends offended this answer. It looks like a mockery.
  - You mustn't to walk here!!
  - We do not just walk! Our goals are noble and useful. We plan and think! We have a plan for two months ahead! We are moving in stages!
  - Tell us!
  The thinking dudes talked about the difference between patterns, concepts and forecasts.
  A bit tricky, but it doesn't sound bad. All this can be provided, can be injected, at the right time, to neighbors and kids.
  - You will be the scientific dudes! - Senya generously announced.
  Three shaved, with glasses, were happy - it seems, everything could be worse.
  One of the three dudes had a soap in a soap-dish. He suggested to wash hands with soap - this is useful from the point of view of laws of nature, taking into account the concepts of science, and also for subsequent forecasts.
  Senya was pleased. Scientific dudes give recommendations!
  Senya with friends (now with scientific dudes, too) went to the public water tap to wash their hands with soap.
  The children respectfully looked at Senya from the window. Washing hands with soap and water is helpful! Smart people give the useful recommendations!
  April 8, 2020 07:00
  Translation from Russian into English: April 8, 2020 07:27.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сеня и умные люди. Рассказ'.
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