Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

Senya and a great organization. A story

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Senya and a great organization. A story.

  Senya and a great organization. A story.
  When someone threw a cigarette butt on the stairs, at the entrance, Senya showed extraordinary organization.
  Through the video communication system, Senya discussed the problem with friends.
  Senya strictly questioned friends about the circumstances of the incident.
  Some friends were instructed to get a scoop for garbage.
  Others were asked in detail about how they would work by a broom.
  By video link, was organized exchange of experience with neighboring yards.
  When a cleaning the cigarette butt started, everyone sighed with relief and admiration.
  Everything is perfectly organized!
  However, any situation requires a skillful individual approach.
  When the news came about the failure of the garbage pipeline, Senya instructed the dude responsible for the garbage pipeline to solve the problem.
  The dude gathered a business meeting at which many indicators were voiced.
  On the one hand, the volumes of accumulated and the volumes of collected, cleaned garbage were compared. There was no balance. The amount of garbage accumulated outweighed .
  On the other hand, a comparison was made between the same period last year and the modern situation, as well as between the situation in the yard and the state of affairs in neighboring yards. The hint was that things were not so bad.
  The children and inhabitants of the yard were disappointed.
  All this was similar a very little at Senya's instant and quick actions. Friends clearly did not reach Senya's level.
  Senya, meanwhile, thoughtfully was examining the yard.
  Problems need to be researched comprehensively, in interconnection!
  Each problem requires an individual approach! In some cases, manual management is required, and in others, emphasis should be placed on the organization, on the transfer of responsibility, and on the delegation of authority.
  Children and residents of the yard tried not pay attention to the increasing smell from the garbage pipeline. If Senya thinks, reflects, then the right approach will be found to solve each problem! As for friends, they showed the whole yard that without Senya they were not capable of anything...
  July 20, 2020 12:15
  Translation from Russian into English: July 20, 2020 12:49.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сеня и великолепная организация. Рассказ'.
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