Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

Senya and an economic breakthrough. A story (continued)

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Senya and an economic breakthrough. A story (continued).

  Senya and an economic breakthrough. A story (continued).
  Senya was walking around the sportsground when one of friends told him that the kids were looking with envy at the boy, who is walking in the yard and who is eating candy from a little package.
  The perspective was such. The kids will come to the Senya with a story about delicious sweets.
  At this moment, a once impudent neighbor appeared. He still walked on his hands, upside down, but was extremely respectable towards the Senya.
  His "Black Fashion Parades" attracted worldwide attention, but proved to be a costly event. Now he desperately needs Senya's help. And he turns to Senya for financial support.
  Senya entrusted a care about the neighbor to one of friends (an economist) and continued thinking about the correct methods of raising children.
  The economist immediately took the neighbor (once daring, but now loyal to the Senya), to the nearby kiosk [stall] "Fast Ruble", where the neighbor without documents and without unnecessary formalities was given a pack of bills at a huge percentage. ("The best guarantee is Senya's word!").
  After receiving a loan, the once cocky neighbor was transferred to a nearby stall. There he was introduced to a watchmaker. As a result of quick but effective negotiations, an agreement was reached whereby a neighbor will supply leather watch straps.
  (Senya and friends do not entangle anyone with debts. They create economic cooperation - an economic environment for an economic breakthrough!).
  After productive visits to a micro-credit institution and a watch repair shop, the economist and the once cocky neighbor approached Senya again and informed him of the results of the efforts undertaken.
  Senya assessed the situation as a major breakthrough in economic cooperation and economic development. 'I wish you success! I propose to draw up a roadmap for economic integration! "
  The once cocky (but now loyal to Senya) neighbor, holding in his hand a bundle of bills received at huge interest rates, went to his yard to develop a business plan for the production of leather watch straps. He is now an important figure in the integration project!
  Senya, meanwhile, made a decision on educational methods.
  When the kids, having seen enough of the little package of sweets, approached the sportsground, Senya dialed the direct line with the candidates.
  At the other end of the multichannel line, an operator immediately answered: "Direct line with candidates!"
  - "The main task now is an economic breakthrough!"
  The kids, who approached the sportsground with their impressions of the sweets, looked at Senya with great attention and listened to his words.
  The operator, meanwhile, put Senya on the air.
  Senya put the phone into speakerphone mode.
  - "It will be better!" - Senya said loudly into the phone, at the same time looking at the kids with a friendly look. - 'A time for an economic breakthrough! A creating a favorable business environment! Will be better!"
  The candidates thanked Senya and promised an economic breakthrough.
  The kids, having heard the unanimous opinion of the candidates in response to Senya's words, forgot about sweets and went to play economic improvements. Leaves flying from trees were used as money.
  The friend (the economist) handed over two packages to Senya. One, very large, was from the Fast Ruble kiosk [stall], and the other, small, from a kiosk with a watch workshop.
  Senya was pleased. 'Finding and taking of own place - it is important for success. In a collective!" Senya walked around the playground, patting the shoulders of friends who were pedaling velosimulators, and repeated: 'An economic breakthrough! Will be better!"
  Friends looked at Senya with respect! He knows how to raise kids and how to provide a powerful economic breakthrough!
  [MDCIV. Senya, vacations and an unpleasant message. The story. - July 31, 2020.
  MDCXIV. Senya and neighbor mice. A story (continued). - August 4, 2020.
  MDCXX. Senya, a cool neighbor and famous TV presenter. The story (continued). - August 6, 2020.
  MDCXXIV. Senya and invasions of mice. The story (continued). - August 8, 2020.
  MDCXXXI. Senya and the extraordinary adventures of a cool neighbor. A story (continued). - August 10, 2020.
  MDCXXXV. Skillful Senya and the approaching completion of vacation. A story (continued). - August 11, 2020.
  MDCXXXIV. Senya and a song from a smartphone. A story (continued). - August 11, 2020.
  MDCL. Senya and the orderlies. The story (continued).- August 16, 2020.
  MDCLX. A kind Senya and a visit to the cafe. The story (continued). - August 21, 2020.
  MDCLXVII. Senya and a mini water heater, which exploded up. The story (continued). - August 24, 2020.
  MDCLXXVIII. Senya and two rotten bananas. A story (continued). - August 29, 2020.
  MDCXCI. Senya and the mysterious anecdote. A story (continued). - September 5, 2020.
  MDCXCVI. Senya as a large cultural value. A story (continued). - September 7, 2020.]
  September 12, 2020 12:09
  Translation from Russian into English: September 12, 2020 21:07.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сеня и экономический прорыв. Рассказ (продолжение)'.
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