Залесский Владимир Владимирович : другие произведения.

Сеня и Чарльз Диккенс. Рассказ

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    Сеня и Чарльз Диккенс. Рассказ.

  Senya and Charles Dickens. A story.
  Friends told Senya about the displeasure of the neighbors. Some neighbors are unhappy that Senya has a handle from the yard tap for cold water, and that Senya and his friends use this tap (and cold water) at their own discretion.
  Senya, after a short walk around the yard, gathered the kids.
  - What are you reading now?
  - I read about Lukomorye and about a well learned cat!
  - I'm reading about Piglet and Winnie‑the‑Pooh!
  - I'm reading about Karlsson-on-the-Roof!
  - Which of you reads Dickens's works?
  The kids were silent.
  - There is such an outstanding writer - Charles Dickens!
  Senya paused and looked closely at the children. The kids stared wide-eyed at Senya. Like spellbound bodies.
  - Charles Dickens wrote about Oliver Twist and about the fact that it is not good for children to steal other people's handkerchiefs!
  Some of the kids recalled that they had no handkerchiefs.
  - Charles Dickens is an outstanding writer! - Senya repeated with conviction. - '... to portray real members of a criminal gang, to show the all their ugliness, with all their vileness, to show their miserable, impoverished life, to show them as they really are, - they always sneak, seized by anxiety, along the dirtiest paths of life, and wherever they throw a gaze, everywhere looms before them a big black terrible gallows - it seemed to me that to portray this means trying to do what is necessary and that will serve the society." [the reverse translation from Russian to English of a quote posted on Wikipedia] This is what Charles Dickens wrote in the introduction to "Oliver Twist" novel!
  The kids listened carefully to Senya. Then, they continued their games in the yard.
  And the residents of the yard were happy to discuss Senya's correct statements about the immorality and unlawfulness of stealing handkerchiefs by children.
  Senya knows world literature very well and tells kids about it! Now the kids will read not only about Lukomorye and the well learned cat, about Piglet and Winnie-the-Pooh, about Karlsson-on-the-Roof, but also about Oliver Twist! Senya perfectly feels the trends of modern cultural development and skillfully brings up kids!
  April 22, 2021 08:44
  Translation from Russian into English: April 22, 2021 09:39.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сеня и Чарльз Диккенс. Рассказ'.
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