Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

Senya and the guys from the neighboring yard

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Senya and the guys from the neighboring yard

  Senya and the guys from the neighboring yard
  Senya had a lot of life problems.
  The kids periodically started talking about clothes and food.
  Senya 's pockets were, oddly, empty at the time of the purchases.
  The endless and the complex business deals with a motor vehicles...
  Some, the most loyal, the most honest, the most sincere friends said a nice things.
  They periodically praised Senya, called him a great man, and insisted that Senya should "show himself."
  As a result, Senya began to walk through the neighboring yards and look to find the glory, the opportunity to prove that he was a great man.
  It was bad with parking in the nearby yard. Some internal affairs ... There was not enough space - who and where can to park...
  Senya saw how, after a yard quarrel, one of the large cars simply pushed a relatively small car and crumpled it a lot ...
  Senya rushed to help, helped the driver get out of the car, expressed his sympathy to the owner of a relatively small car, handed over money for repair and offered to start a joint business.
  When it turned out that Senya was ready to invest in joint business huge funds, to be a permanent sponsor and investor, the new partner agreed.
  Thanks to Senya's investments, business was constantly expanding, and a new partner was acquiring a new business acquaintances, projects, and was becoming an increasingly significant figure.
  The most honest friends, seeing such succession of events, admired Senya: "Senya, you is a great man!"
  Meanwhile, the new partner acquired shares in the influential corporations, he began to be invited to influential international forums, he was integrating into a promising processes.
  Senya felt that time was critically short. One of the honest friends was thrown out of the car. Senya wanted to help, but was very busy at this point.
  Another time Senya failed to execute in time his part of the joint plan, which was started with a new business partner. The new business partner mildly reproached Senya: 'I did what I had to do. I fulfilled my obligations. Now the ball is on your side, Senya ... '
  Senya felt the new joint business was in an uncertain position...
  Senya began to feel both himself and his joint business with a new partner, and the own huge invested money, - in general, all that is connected with this, - as a little part of investments in some big, not very understandable to Senya, business project.
  Senya became agitated. He invited his new partner and partner's influential shareholders to a dinner party at the restaurant "The Capital."
  Chic tables were covered. All gathered. Senya stood up and began to give a speech dedicated to the topic of a high values of a friendship.
  A movement began in the hall. Those present began to move closer and closer up to Senya.
  It was weird, slightly unclear.
  Senya remembered that recently the invited persons moved up to him in a same way and so looked at him during a meeting in the cafe.
  Senya 's mood started to ruin.
  "Eh! If there were friends here! If they said nice words: "Senya! You is a great person!" ...".
  Those present at the banquet were moving closer and closer to Senya and looking at him more and more attentively...
  Senya looked at the attendees and made increasingly long pauses...
  January 18, 2020 13:30
  Translation from Russian into English: January 18, 2020 14:16.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сеня и ребята из соседнего двора'.
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