Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

Senya and the prices of chocolate candies for children. A story

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Senya and the prices of chocolate candies for children. A story.

  Senya and the prices of chocolate candies for children. A story.
  Senya walked around the yard and reflected on economic topics.
  One of the questions was: "Why do kids eat a little candy?"
  Senya allocated good money for a sociological survey and soon found out that the prices for sweets are constantly growing.
  "The rise in candy prices should be stopped immediately!" - Senya was indignant.
  He decided to use the potential of specialists in the field of economics.
  Among the friends were: a specialist in the development of small, medium and large businesses, an expert on effective economic investments and a theorist of the digital economy.
  Senya had a long conversation with a specialist in the development of small, medium and large businesses. The situation with the prices of sweets is not bad in our country - when compared with some underdeveloped countries.
  After the conversation, Senya walked around the yard for half an hour and then asked for the information on the prices of sweets. Prices continued to rise.
  Senya organized a meeting with an expert on effective economic investments. Considerable money is invested in the production of sweets! Huge investment potential!
  After this meeting, Senya visited websites dedicated to economics. He also found up-to-date information on candy prices. Prices continued to rise.
  Senya began discussing the topic of rising candy prices with a digital economy theorist. It turns out that artificial intelligence optimizes economic processes!
  Senya then visited nearby stalls and raised the right money.
  Again, there was information about the rise in candy prices.
  Senya gathered friends for an economic conference.
  The conference aroused general interest (it took place in the middle of the courtyard). Even the kids got interested.
  The conference was a great success.
  Now everyone can see Senya's interest in the economy, Senya's concern for the kids. The kids during and after the economic conference were enjoying the enormous economic prospects that were opening up!
  February 4, 2021 17:22
  Translation from Russian into English: February 5, 2021 15:08.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сеня и цены на шоколадные конфеты для детишек. Рассказ'.
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