Залесский Владимир Владимирович : другие произведения.

Senya and the scientific carousel. A story

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Senya and the scientific carousel. A story.

  Senya and the scientific carousel. A story.
  Friends worried about Senya's health.
  What does he walk and do tilts? There is a risk for the Senya's back ...
  Friends advised Senya to switch to other topics - to a ride at a scientific carousel.
  Senya did not want to look at an incomprehensible scientific carousel. But when friends said that this is a very monetary matter, Senya agreed.
  Senya went to a nearby park, where the carousel was located.
  On the way, he thought about the extraordinary ingenuity of the organizer of the carousel - that person managed to get involved in the program of scientific and medical development and received very decent money.
  The entrance to the carousel was not free. The supervisors were sports-looking guys.
  Senya paid the required amount and looked around.
  All the seats on the carousel were occupied. Passengers of scientific horses were the unshaven uncles, by sight - former intellectuals.
  Senya knew from friends' stories that the organizer of the carousel was recruiting future participants of the carousel on the streets and in the courtyards of the city. Due to material difficulties, former intellectuals willingly participated as butaphore props in the attraction (loisir). The owners of long lists of scientific papers were especially valued.
  One of the ex-intellectuals got up from the scientific horse, and Senya took the vacant seat.
  The carousel began to rotate.
  It was fascinating.
  The organizer of the attraction was an inventive man. The light bulbs flashed (they subconsciously reminiscented of either computers or control panels). A firecracker burst above the carousel. At first, beautiful lights - fireworks - soared! Then, from above, colored sheets of paper began to fall, resembling banknotes of various denominations and origin.
  Senya took a few sheets of paper. "I'll give them to the kids for fun!"
  The unshaven uncles were reading from memory some clever texts - in Latin (but this is supposed). In any case, they were uttering a clever phrases.
  Senya returned to the courtyard in a good mood.
  Great idea! Excellent invention!
  Friends were glad to see Senya in a good mood.
  The kids were looking sadly through the window.
  "You are similar to whom?" - a sad thought came to Senya.
  "You don 't have the abilities, skills to organize beautiful attractions..." - Senya suddenly guessed.
  Senya decided to walk around the sports ground, chat with friends, to breathe air of sports achievements ...
  April 21, 2020 05:47
  Translation from Russian into English: April 21, 2020 06:30.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Сеня и научная карусель. Рассказ".
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