Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

Senya, money and сlowns. The story

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Senya, money and сlowns. The story.

  Senya, money and сlowns. The story.
  Senya has long planned a good event - a giving of a gifts to kids.
  It was nice to think about it and talk about good plans to other people. A waiting for presents is sometimes nicer than receiving them.
  However, unexpectedly it happened that Senya lost a lot of money. Maybe he forgot money in a cafe?
  Senya was unhappy and upset by this turn of events. He sat in the yard on the bench and thought that the presenting gifts to the kids was again delayed.
  Friends came, saw the sad Senya and offered to call the clowns.
  Senya became interested in a such idea. They found a phone number on the Internet and called.
  Fifteen minutes later, clowns arrived.
  The performance was organized right in the yard.
  The clowns pushed each other, uttered jokes, laughed, did somersaults, went on their hands upside down, - the audience was amazed to the fullest.
  A great show!
  - "Well done, Senya!" - Friends approved.
  The passers-by who stopped were also pleased:
  - "Perfectly, Senya!"
  Friends quickly raised money to pay for clowns. In general, was enough...
  Kids have to express, to give an approval, too. They looked at the clowns performance through the window. Gifts are not yet foreseen. But it is not gifts that matter, but positive emotions.
  In general, everything went well. Instead of visiting the store and shopping for kids, - the show of clowns.
  Senya went to the kids with a good mood!
  March 15, 2020 01:26
  Translation from Russian into English: March 15, 2020 02:01.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сеня, деньги и клоуны. Рассказ'.
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