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Sergey Sergeyevich almost got married (before disputes regarding the real estate object). A story

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    MMMDXLI. Sergey Sergeyevich almost got married (before disputes regarding the real estate object). A story. - September 16, 2024.

  Sergey Sergeyevich almost got married (before disputes regarding the real estate object). A story.
  Sergey Sergeyevich liked to read the Constitution before going to bed. Many interesting and pleasant truths are written in it.
  Gradually, he got into a good mood and decided to purchase a real estate object.
  This object didn't look bad. However, over time, unpleasant people showed themselves. They spoke various muddy words, mentioned their multiplicity, influence, invincibility. If to put aside the numerous details and nuances, then they were directing a situation to the fact that Sergey Sergeyevich voluntarily would sold them the real estate object (he had purchased) for (price of) three kopecks.
  But Sergey Sergeyevich continued to read the Constitution, which was filling him with confidence in the future.
  Sergey Sergeyevich's mother, an elderly woman, was concerned that he had reached a significant age, but had not married. She had conversations about such problem with him and with various women, she knew.
  At some point, one of Sergey Sergeyevich's mother's friends (elderly woman) informed her that there was a young, pretty woman who was ready to do such step as a marriage.
  There was an exchange of phone numbers. After a several phone conversations, a meeting took place in a cafe (late in the evening), next to Karl Marx Square.
  Sergey Sergeyevich arrived at the meeting with a bouquet of roses. When he saw a charming young woman, resident of Rostov-on-Don, he poured out compliments.
  A young, pretty woman came into a good mood, answered with smiles, she recalled all sorts of pleasant events.
  For example, she mentioned her parents. Although they were from different cultures, they married, lived a happy family life, and had several children (one of the daughters of this couple is now talking to Sergey Sergeyevich in a cafe, the other daughter works as a secretary in court; no mention was made of the other children of this couple).
  Sergey Sergeyevich noted for himself that the future relative (sister of future wife) works as a secretary in the district where the real estate object is located, which is gradually becoming under the dispute. It was interesting, but almost without any hesitation, Sergei Sergeevich mentally rejected for himself the opportunity to contact an influential future future relative (sister of future wife) about possible disputes about a real estate object.
  The meeting in the cafe ended in a great mood. The participants of the meeting took a short walk along Rostov streets in the evening, although Sergey Sergeyevich expressed a cautious protest against this event. He offered to take a taxi (at his expense, of course). The future wife insisted on a night walk.
  Having escorted his future wife to her house (due to the lateness of the time, he was not invited to a tea party), Sergey Sergeyevich went to his home. The future spouses agreed on a new meeting in principle, the details needed to be clarified during phone calls.
  Strangely, the new meeting was postponed and postponed, and some details of the telephone conversations alarmed Sergey Sergeyevich more and more. At last, Sergei Sergeevich was influenced by two circumstances. Firstly, he was simply tired of endless and meaningless telephone conversations. Secondly, during one of the telephone conversations, he heard such words that a more or less adequate person should have been especially alerted.
  Sergey Sergeyevich stopped seeing the prospect of a relationship and stopped calling his future wife and asking when and where they would meet. There was a some period of silence.
  Sergey Sergeyevich often did not take his phone (handset) with him when leaving home, in order to calmly reflect on the problems of the Universe.
  Gradually, he began to see calls on his handset from a phone number belonging to his former future wife.
  Some more time passed. SMS messages began to arrive (instead of phone calls). They came for a long time, almost a year or almost two years. Their tone became increasingly rude. It seemed to Sergey Sergeyevich that he was reading something like insults or threats (addressed to him).
  One day, Sergey Sergeyevich told his mother about one of these SMS messages: this is how his past future wife talks to him (tries to talk)...
  Sergey Sergeyevich's mother said (in response) something a neutral, with a some confusion.
  Gradually, Sergey Sergeyevich's attention shifted to the news related to the purchased real estate object. Around the same time the calls and messages from his former future wife stopped.
  Sergey Sergeyevich, as before, was finding peace of mind not in a happy marriage, but during the reading of the Constitution.
  However, periodically Sergey Sergeyevich nostalgically recalls a wonderful evening meeting in a cafe with a beautiful Rostov woman. Anyway, Rostov is famous for beautiful girls and women.
  September 16, 2024, 19:35
  Translation from Russian into English: September 16, 2024 21:00
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский " Сергей Сергеевич едва не женился (перед спорами о недвижимости). Рассказ ".
  { 3570. Сергей Сергеевич едва не женился (перед спорами о недвижимости). Рассказ. - 16 сентября 2024 г.
  MMMDXLI. Sergey Sergeyevich almost got married (before disputes regarding the real estate object). A story. - September 16, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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