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Space tourism services market. The password is "Branson-Bezos". The note

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    Space tourism services market. The password is "Branson-Bezos". The note.

  Space tourism services market. The password is "Branson-Bezos". The note.
  What can we say in connection with the flight of Richard Branson on July 11, 2021 on the SpaceShipTwo?
  First, we can say that entrepreneurs from the UK do not stay away from space exploration.
  Secondly, both Branson and Bezos (who intends to fly on their own in July 2021) are people who rely on private initiative. Here, at this point, one can recall how many people - Soviet, Russian citizens - have passed through organizations related to outer space. How many of them became space entrepreneurs? Where are the people of the level of Branson and Bezos? There is no culture of entrepreneurial success - including in the field of space ...
  Third, Branson's flight invites thinking about the space tourism market. It seems that even the state organizations of Russia began, not without success, to act in this area ... How did it all end? The result - the success of Branson, Bezos and other non-Russial entrepreneurs? However, the development of the space tourism market can be assisted by introducing a space tourist cashback. Foreign citizens fly into space on Russian spacecraft - in this case, the Russial state partially reimburses them for the flight costs - but no more than X million dollars.
  Fourth, there is a reason to remember that the active use of the Crew Dragon spacecraft (by the United States) makes it unnecessary for the United States to purchase seats in Russian spaceships for astronauts from the United States. So this market, which is parallel to the market for space tourism services, also ceases to be a sphere of successful activity for Russia.
  At first glance, the flight of Richard Branson has nothing to do with the problems of Russial space. In fact, this flight raises important questions and makes you think about important things.
  As for passwords, today, July 11, 2021, the password is "Branson-Bezos". However, tomorrow the password may be different - passwords change over time ...
  July 11, 2021 19:38
  Translation from Russian into English: July 11, 2021 20:10.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рынок услуг космического туризма. Пароль 'Брэнсон-Безос'. Заметка'.
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