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Sparrow Chirr submits a petition. A story for children

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    Sparrow Chirr submits a petition. A story for children.

  Sparrow Chirr submits a petition. A story for children.
  It had been raining in the morning, and the sparrow Chirr was patiently waiting for the moment when it would be possible to eat comfortably.
  At some point, the clouds parted, and Sun came out.
  A man appeared under the tree. Apparently, he had a fairly good upbringing, since he immediately took a little bag of millet and poured food for the birds in several places.
  "He understands that while it is early spring, while there are no midges, the birds need to be fed!"
  Chirr and the other sparrows immediately began to eat - they were pecking the millet lying in the most convenient for them places.
  The rest points with the millet were not comfortable. Every now and then a man was walking beside them.
  Chirr and his neighbors-sparrows finished the pecking of the millet and sat down on a branch. They waited for the person to fulfill his tasks. Then it will be possible to peck the millet in uncomfortable places.
  However, the man took now a rake, now a hoe, now an ax and was waving these tools.
  "As long as he will be busy with his tasks, the weather will change again and it will rain again," - Chirr thought.
  He looked at the neighbors-sparrows. They were sitting patiently on a branch next to Chirr.
  "A victims of a slow thinking and of a habits of patience," - Chirr thought with annoyance.
  He began to chirp loudly, trying to draw the attention of the man to the birds waiting for food.
  The man very that moment paused in his classes with usage of a gardening tools.
  He heard Chirr and sprinkled millet again - now in those places where it was possible to eat calmly, without any obstacles.
  Chirr looked at the man approvingly. Even a some titmouse spoke, nearby, a something approving.
  As soon as the millet was again poured by man, the birds began to eat.
  "It seems that we will be able to eat before the rain comes!"
  'You don't have to wave a rake, but to use your brains,' Chirr thought about the people. 'No matter how much you operate with your gardening tools, you nevertheless can't do without birds! If you want a something useful to be growing.'
  [LXXIX. The Christmas story. - January 01, 2018.
  MDCCXXVII. Delicious walnuts, a smart crow and a right behaviour. A moral story. - September 23, 2020.
  MMX. A romantic lunch with a music on Saint Valentine's Day. A story. - February 14, 2021.
  MMXСVIII. A tulip and a sparrow Chirr. A story for children. - April 3, 2021.].
  April 7, 2021 14:22
  Translation from Russian into English: April 7, 2021 19:58.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Воробей Чирр подаёт петицию. Рассказ для детей'.
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