Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

Success and recognition. To the question about successful travels of Georgy Baydukov, Chay Blyth, Alain Bombard, Nikolai Garin-Mikhailovsky, Maxim Gorky, Carl Gustaf Mannerheim, Joshua Slocum, Howard Hughes. Essay

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    Success and recognition. To the question about successful travels of Georgy Baydukov, Chay Blyth, Alain Bombard, Nikolai Garin-Mikhailovsky, Maxim Gorky, Carl Gustaf Mannerheim, Joshua Slocum, Howard Hughes. Essay.

  Success and recognition
  Success and recognition. To the question about successful travels of Georgy Baydukov, Chay Blyth, Alain Bombard, Nikolai Garin-Mikhailovsky, Maxim Gorky, Carl Gustaf Mannerheim, Joshua Slocum, Howard Hughes. Essay.
  1. Instead of the preface
  In the process of the preparation and the publication of books about laws of success, the readings books written by successful travelers, books about successful travelers, I have found out that the material characterizing the theme "recognition of success" was gathered.
  Also some generalizations on this matter were formulated.
  This material and these generalizations there were not enough for writing of the conceived essay about success as a cultural phenomenon. There was an alternative: or (1) to include this material and these generalizations in earlier conceived essay, yet not ready, or (2) to try to write an independent essay, having placed emphasis on the subject "recognition of success".
  ("Recognition of success" is one of facultative, optional, not obligatory components of a "successfulness").
  Having taken into account laws of success of Heinrich Schliemann "Publish!" and of Michael Faraday "Work. Finish. Publish", I have chosen the second option (that doesn't interfere with inclusion of the corresponding material and generalizations - if necessary - in a essay about success as a cultural phenomenon).
  Thus, this essay is devoted to the subject "recognition of success".
  2. Success: dominant of a positive perception. 'Communality' ('a communal, an obshchina's mode of existence') and "successfulness".
  We will note that the mainly individual"success" is considered in this essay.
  Of course, it is possible to reflect and argue on a subject: a ratio of a success collective (public) and a success individual. But nevertheless the hypothesis is lawful that a mass individual successfulness is a basis for a collective (public) successfulness.
  We will assume that success - success of a concrete individual - has become a fact. What relation to this fact from a social environment?
  We will take into account that a long time - since primitive times - safety and livelihood were provided for the person in a format of collectivity, in a mode of 'communality' (in 'a communal, an obshchina's mode of existence').
  Social environment has nothing against a collective success. To an individual success at a social environment of "a communal, an obshchina's era" the relation - ambiguous. In some cases - approving, endorsing (a positive attitude). But the unexpected, not planned individual success puts the existing system of social links under a some doubt, and, therefore, can cause a certain negative reaction.
  M. Gorky touched indirectly this subject. He was reflecting on the fate of those who "try to bring in village life something from themselves, new". According to M. Gorky, one of options of reaction to such attempt - "the village meets by mistrust, hostility and quickly squeezes out or throws out from the environment. But more often it happens so that innovators, having faced invincible conservatism of a village, leave rural settlement" (Горький М. 'О русском крестьянстве'. 1922 [Gorky M]). It is possible to suppose that M. Gorky characterized the time period until 1917.
  In some measure this subject, a subject of the attitude of a social environment towards individual success, is characterized by the quote from Evgeny Andreevich Solovyov's essay "L.N. Tolstoy: His life and literary activity" (Соловьев Е.А. 'Л. Н. Толстой: Его жизнь и литературная деятельность' [Solovyov].
  "The one of such a foot rounds for a controlling ... L. Tolstoy to Ivan Churisenok comes. Churisenok asked to himself some stakes or bipods to prop up the collapsed yard . Tolstoy sees that the building really is no good. And Churisenok tells him absolutely indifferently that in his hut a beam fell down from a ceiling and injured his wife. "The impact was upon her back, so she till the night has dead lain".
  Tolstoy, thinking to do much good for Churisenok, suggests him to move at the new farm, in the new stone house hut which is just built on a gerard's system. "I, - says, - this house, perhaps, I will give you on credit at the not market price; you will sometime return a debt". But Churisenok says: "The will of your Excellency!", and at the same time adds that on the new place they shouldn't live; and the woman, that that lay as a dead, rushes to legs to the young landowner, begins to howl and beg the barin to leave them on the old place, in the old collapsed and dangerous log hut.
  Churisenok, silent and without a wish to speak, as the most part of our peasants who are pressed down by poverty and back-breaking toil, becomes even eloquent when begins to describe charm of the old place. "Here the place at the general review, the place a cheerful, usual; also it is expensive, and a road to you, and the pond, - clothes, perhaps, to the woman to wash, whether for a cattle to give to drink, - and all our institution rustic, here from time immemorial got, both a barn, and the kitchen-garden, and a tree - here that my parents planted; both the grandfather, and the father ours have died here, and to me if only here the to terminate life, your Excellency. I ask nothing any more". What will you do here? It is impossible to be a benefactor violently.
  Tolstoy refuses the own intention and advises to Churisenok to appeal to the local country community about the wood necessary for repair of the yard. To the community! But not it is necessary to address the landowner in this case. Because Tolstoy has given that part of the wood for repairing of a houses to the full order of peasants. But Churisenk on any business has own views, and he says very quietly that he won't begin to ask from the community. Tolstoy gives him money for purchase of a cow and goes further" [Solovyov E. A.].
  What role in motivations of the peasant the sounded arguments ("charm of the old place") have played? and what - a risk, a strangeness of a successfulness in the conditions of a communal environment? It was motivation of the peasant living in the collapsing house, the peasant, who has refused to move "on the new farm, in the new stone house which is just built according a gerard's system".
  About it everyone can to formate the individual opinion.
  In works by M. Gorky about a "pre-revolutionary life" the mentions are fragmentary scattered: the mentions of cases of persecution of individuals (even not always successful, or - slightly successful, slightly unusual) by a social environment .
  And in pre-revolutionary Russia, and in other countries there were also other cultural formats - not only rejection of innovators, but positive reaction on them. Many processes - development of trade, the industry, development of new lands, others - have been motivated with the aspiration to reach individual success.
  Especially as at some stage of development of a civilization a cultural potential was accumulated: in safety issues and livelihood human was exempted from communal dependence.
  In the world literature this cultural jump was reflected in the book by Daniel Defoe "Robinson Crusoe". Robinson Crusoe is self-sufficient, he by own forces creates the individual world and safely lives in him. One of options of dating of the first publication of Robinson Crusoe - April, 1719. Development by Europeans of earlier unknown far overseas lands has already begun, long round-the-world expeditions have already taken place. Daniel Defoe in the well-known book did a kind of generalizes of already got experience and made conclusions: YES we CAN! However prior to the FIRST single three-year global cruise (1895-1898) of the American citizen Joshua Slocum on the Spray yacht will pass - from the date of the publication of Robinson Crusoe - nearly two centuries (!).
  The book by J. Slocum about the global single cruise (first in the history the global single cruise) was titled "Sailing Alone Around the World"([Slocum J.]) (the date of the first publication of the book by J. Slocum: 1899 or 1900).
  In the book by J. Slocum the self-esteem of the author is felt. J. Slocum realizes the own skill level as shipbuilder and as seafarer, he feels the - let and not a loud, but a glorious - the own the place in the history of mankind. He is ironic in relation to many characters appearing on pages of his book. He is respectful to part of the people met during the sailing; he expresses to them his appreciation. But only with the mention of one person the word "worship" appears.
  "From Cape Pillar I steered for Juan Fernandez, and on the 26th of April, fifteen days out, made that historic island right ahead. The blue hills of Juan Fernandez, high among the clouds, could be seen about thirty miles off. A thousand emotions thrilled me when I saw the island, and I bowed my head to the deck. We may mock the Oriental salaam, but for my part I could find no other way of expressing myself." [Slocum J.].
  J. Slokum was travelling round the world with comfort and with pleasure. His experience and skill level, a seaworthy qualities of his yacht allowed him to travel so comfortable. He by the own hands and at own expense has almost anew recreated the Spray yacht. He lives in that environment where the collectivity (community) is perfectly combined with independence, self-sufficiency, with individual success. J. Slokum is the American citizen. People of a different nationality (citizenship), of a different national identity treat him friendly, express him the respect and support, seek to help. With some share of an exaggeration it is possible to call the J. Slokum's contacts with the met people during his floating the "continued recognition of success". Even Black Pedro, the murderer and the bandit, who was pirating near the Strait of Magellan, have paid a peaceful visit and has said to J. Slokum: "Hombre valiente [Strong person (Spanish).]" [Slokum J.].
  For me the description of an arrival of J. Slocum to the British Gibraltar seemed the most expressive.
  I will note that Joshua Slokam - from the simple labor family; he has passed a way from the ordinary sailor to the captain. On "Spray" he traveled under the American flag, but he represented nobody except personally himself and the own courage and the own qualification of the ship builder and the seaman.
  "But on the following morning a steam-launch, much longer than the 'Spray', came alongside,--or as much of her as could get alongside,--with compliments from the senior naval officer, Admiral Bruce, saying there was a berth for the 'Spray' at the arsenal. This was around at the new mole. (...) Of course I was glad to shift, and did so as soon as possible, thinking of the great company the 'Spray' would be in among battle-ships such as the 'Collingwood', 'Balfleur', and 'Cormorant', which were at that time stationed there, and on board all of which I was entertained, later, most royally.
  - About the berth, it is all right if it suits, and we'll tow you out when you are ready to go. But, say, what repairs do you want? Ahoy the 'Hebe', can you spare your sailmaker? The 'Spray' wants a new jib. Construction and repair, there! will you see to the 'Spray'? Say, old man, you must have knocked the devil out of her coming over alone in twenty-nine days! But we'll make it smooth for you here!" Not even her Majesty's ship the 'Collingwood' was better looked after than the 'Spray' at Gibraltar.
  Later in the day came the hail: " 'Spray' ahoy! Mrs. Bruce would like to come on board and shake hands with the 'Spray'. Will it be convenient to-day!" "Very!" I joyfully shouted.
  On the following day Sir F. Carrington, at the time governor of Gibraltar, with other high officers of the garrison, and all the commanders of the battle-ships, came on board and signed their names in the 'Spray's'log-book. Again there was a hail, "'Spray' ahoy!" "Hello!" "Commander Reynolds's compliments. You are invited on board H.M.S. 'Collingwood', 'at home' at 4:30 P.M. Not later than 5:30 P.M."
  That one should like Gibraltar would go without saying. How could one help loving so hospitable a place? Vegetables twice a week and milk every morning came from the palatial grounds of the admiralty.
  I rambled much about the old city, and a gunner piloted me through the galleries of the rock as far as a stranger is permitted to go. There is no excavation in the world, for military purposes, at all approaching these of Gibraltar in conception or execution. Viewing the stupendous works, it became hard to realize that one was within the Gibraltar of his little old Morse geography.
  Before sailing I was invited on a picnic with the governor, the officers of the garrison, and the commanders of the war-ships at the station; and a royal affair it was.
  On the following day I lunched with General Carrington, the governor, at Line Wall House, which was once the Franciscan convent. In this interesting edifice are preserved relics of the fourteen sieges which Gibraltar has seen. On the next day I supped with the admiral at his residence, the palace, which was once the convent of the Mercenaries. At each place, and all about, I felt the friendly grasp of a manly hand, that lent me vital strength to pass the coming long days at sea. I must confess that the perfect discipline, order, and cheerfulness at Gibraltar were only a second wonder in the great stronghold. The vast amount of business going forward caused no more excitement than the quiet sailing of a well-appointed ship in a smooth sea. No one spoke above his natural voice, save a boatswain's mate now and then. The Hon. Horatio J. Sprague, the venerable United States consul at Gibraltar, honored the 'Spray' with a visit on Sunday, August 24, and was much pleased to find that our British cousins had been so kind to her."
  We will formulate some intermediate conclusions.
  The dominant of positive perception of success is formed gradually. "Communal" perception of success is contradictory, sometimes - is negative. "Recognition", "support" of individually successful person is an element of a culture. Formation of this element of culture accelerates after the moment, when a cultural potential collects to such level that in safety issues and livelihood a certain person finds ability to be exempted from a communal dependence.
  3. The Recognition of success. "Indifference" (A. Peshkov - M. Gorky). "Elitism" and "publicity" (N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky, K.G. Mannerheim, G.F. Baydukov)
  We will assume that individual success has become a fact. Further the recognition of success follows.
  Probably, a "format" of "recognition of success" in each case is individual.
  At the same time, consideration of several examples allows - probably - to make some generalizations.
  We will review four examples. Four travel have come to the end successfully:
  (1) the foot "wanderings across Russia" of A. Peshkov (M. Gorky),
  (2) the round-the-world travel of Nikolai Georgievich Garin-Mikhailovsky,
  (3) the travel across Central Asia the officer (at that time) of the imperial army Karl Gustav Mannerheim,
  (4) flight through the North Pole from the USSR to the USA of the "ANT 25" airplane with crew as a part of V.P. Chkalov, G.F. Baydukov and A.V. Belyakov.
  Alexei Peshkov wanders across Russia. What the places he only didn't visited!
  "His wanderings have so begun. It was at the beginning of April, 1891. (...) From the station Phylonowo his way lay through the Don region, Ukraine and Novorossiya. He gets to himself livelihood at places of travels: he works as the loader in the Rostov port, works as peasant in Ukraine, in Ekaterinoslavsky and Kherson provinces. (...) ... He has come to Ochakovo; here, nearby the Dnieper estuary, he lived with fishermen and in search of earnings he went to salt production. (...) His further way lay to Bessarabia. Gorky has come to the period of Grape Harvest there, and this wonderful edge has given him rest and has restored forces. Having passed the southern part of Bessarabia to coast of Danube, he through Akkerman has come back to Odessa. From Odessa where he worked in port as the loader, through Nikolaev, Kherson, the Perekop, Simferopol, Yalta, Feodosiya, Kerch, Taman, Black Sea Coast, Kuban, Tersky region, on Georgian Military Road Gorky arrives in November, 1891 to Tiflis" (Груздев И. А. 'Горький'. 1958. [Gruzdev I. A.]).
  Really whether none of his numerous acquaintances didn't knew about the beginning of "wanderings" of A. Peshkov, really none of them have met Alexei on the open spaces of Russia, really Alexei hasn't written a letter to someone of his friends-acquaintances?
  And may be a one of the Alexei's "educated" friends have written to other educated character: "And Alexei! He has passed across a half of Russia!" The "educated" environment may be began to be boiling with the energy of interest?! Letters began to scurry. Probably, even the post packages with postal money orders? A support, a recognition would suddenly arise? They, may be, will print two-three of articles in newspapers, - in a newspapers, with which the cultural life of prerevolutionary Russia was so a saturated ...
  A.Peshkov had whether a feeling of non perspectivity, hopelessness of a potential attempts to create an interest of public to the unusual foot travel? On all these questions there can be only intuitive answers. The evidence of an attempts of A. Peshkov create an interest of someone in his "wanderings" (like also an exchange of letters during a travel), of data about an emergence of interest from public, it seems, hasn't remained.
  Of course, on the one hand, questions about a possible (but actually not arised) interest in a pedestrian travel of A. Peshkov are partly can be perceived as an unexpected, inappropriate and naive.
  But, on the other hand! We will open in any encyclopedia an article about Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko, in some sense the literary patron of A. Peshkov (M. Gorky), - the patron of Alexei, who come back from wanderings.
  He is the most vigorous person! Oppositionist, successful public figure, popular writer. He already knew Alexei Peshkov by the time of the beginning of the Alexei's wanderings . Really it isn't interesting: "Alexei Peshkov wanders across Russia"?
  Let's say A. Peshkov yet not the oppositionist, his person didn't attract a particular interest yet ("the vagrant!").
  Let's say "the vagrant!". But V.G. Korolenko also the writer; at least from this point of view it would be possible to receive and to use the information? "The victim of the mode wanders across the unfortunate Russia; the sad wanderer sees a pictures of continuous humiliation and insult ... "
  Unless it's not the variant? It is possible to make the quite "emotional" story, to try "to nail" once again the imperial state mode to a pillar of dishonour...
  No, the signs of a public interest in A. Peshkov's wanderings aren't found.
  It is natural when A. Peshkov (M. Gorky) became the one of the leading (cultural) figures of the opposition movement, the famous oppositional writer, then the active publications about his (M. Gorky) "wanderings" have begun .
  But his travel has come to the end as follows:
  "When have entered into Tiflis, Gorky on a some bench, under a canopy of the station of the horse railroad nearby the Veriysky Bridge, hours six has waited for the promised return of the satellite. Then, having strongly been chilled, he have gone to look for a shelter. He has found him ... in a police station, "where, - Gorky adds, - I have safely and pleasantly spent the first night of my stay in the capital of the Caucasus". The initial edition of the story "My Satellite" comes to an end with a such bitter irony" [Gruzdev I. A.].
  Probably, there are bases to speak about the "indifference", when we meet such a format of "recognition of success".
  About a public meetings of N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky and K.G. Mannerheim, after their travels successfully finished, I haven't found any memories. It is possible to assume that public meetings haven't been organized in any significant form.
  Travelers N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky and K.G. Mannerheim received invitations to receptions of the Emperor of Russia.
  N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky has made the round-the-world trip during the period from July to December, 1898.
  Further I quote the fragment of the article (rus) of Wikipedia about Nikolai Georgievich Garin-Mikhailovsky (["Garin-Mikhailovsky, Nikolai Georgievich"]).
  "The meeting with imperial family
  Having become known in the capital's society not only as the writer, but also as the traveler, Mikhaylovsky has received the invitation to the imperial palace. The meeting with imperial family (exact date isn't determined so far) has taken place. Two memoirs which are written down according to the Mikhaylovsky's (oral) stories have remained: of A.M. Gorky and of M.K. Kuprin-Jordansky. According to the Gorky's version, Mikhaylovsky officially "has been invited to the Anichkov Palace to the empress-widow". However at a meeting there were Nicholas II and his spouse Aleksandra Fiodorovna (she was accompanied by certain court ladies).
  The Gorky's memoir which is written down only in 1927 saves not cooled down Mikhaylovsky's emotions which have been demonstrated, probably, during the first meeting with Gorky after return from the palace.
  - These are provincials! - Garin said puzzly shrugging shoulders, after the reception in the palace.
  Also he have told about the visit approximately so:
  - I will not hide my emotions: I went to palace having tensed very much and even a little timid. Personal acquaintance to the tsar of hundred thirty million people is not absolutely ordinary acquaintance.
  It was involuntarily thought: such a person has to show an own value, has to make an empression. And suddenly: the nice infantry officer sits, smokes, lovely smiles, a questions occasionally raises, but about all not what ought have to interest the tsar, in whose reign really great Siberian way was constructed, and Russia came out to coast of the Pacific Ocean where she was by all met not friendly and - not joyfully.
  Perhaps, I tell with naivety, the tsar shouldn't talk about such questions with the little person? But then - why to call him for the talk? And if he has called, then he must be able to show the seriously attitude and he must not ask: whether Koreans love us? What I could to answer? I have asked also, and unsuccessfully: "About whom you are asking?" I have forgotten that I was warned: I can't ask, has to answer only.
  But how not to ask if he asks a very few of a questions and those questions a silly? And ladies - are silent? The old empress with astonishment lifts the one, the other eyebrow. Young empress, near her, as if a companion-lady, sits in the stiffened pose, eyes - stone, the face - offended. <...> It was generally very boring.
  The story of Kuprin-Jordansky, which was listening to stories by Mikhailovsky in the summer of 1903, was no so a bright emotional. But this story is with a much more details and is saturated details.
  Mikhailovsky believed that the tsar waits the business report. Mikhailovsky has carefully prepared for a meeting and has brought to the palace the portfolio which was filled by plans and drawings. However, Mikhaylovsky, having begun a conversation in a purely business tone, has quickly thought that "the business theme interests resolutely a nobody", and has passed to stories about a road adventures.
  (And the tsar has shown a some interest in the personality of the technician N.E. Borminsky, who was represented by Mikhaylovsky as the nice hunter and the excellent shooter, the shooter, who much improved the defence against the attack Honghuzi).
  After a several days Borminsky and Mikhaylovsky have received notices of rewardings with the orders. However Mikhaylovsky, according to the Gorky's memoirs, "hasn't received the award because he was soon administratively sent from St. Petersburg in punishment for the fact that together with other writers he have signed a protest against the beating of students and the public during the demonstration near Kazan Cathedral" (it is about events on March 4, 1901). Kuprin-Jordansky adds that Mikhaylovsky was not sent off from St. Petersburg simply, but also "was given for the supervision of police"" ["Garin-Mikhailovsky, Nikolai Georgievich"].
  It is interesting that N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky, - the outstanding person and the vigorous, talented, popular writer, - didn't create (seems) the personal written memories about the meeting with the Emperor Nicholas II.
  The Karl Gustav Mannerheim's travel across Central Asia has been carried out according the instructions of the Russian General Staff. It has begun in July, 1906 and has ended in July, 1908.
  "Having arrived in St. Petersburg, I at once visited the General Staff and have soon received the invitation to the emperor for the story about the travel.
  I have asked, what the time period will be given for my story. And I have heard that twenty minutes will be enough. As the emperor wasn't going to sit down, I have asked whether it is possible to begin. He has in the affirmative nodded. I was reporting by standing. The Emperor's questions showed that he listened to my report with great interest. He has accepted Dalai Lama's gift according to tradition. The gift was put down on his straightened arms. Having looked at the clock on the table, I have noticed that there have passed not twenty minutes, but hour twenty, and have right there apologized, having explained that I haven't noticed how there has passed time. His majesty have smiled, he have thanked for the interesting story and have told that he too hasn't noticed, how a time has flown by.
  Saying goodbye, his Majesty inquired me about my plans. "I hope to soon be able to command the regiment, your Majesty, because during my absence I was dismissed from the army," - I said. Emperor responded, that this problem should not disturbed me. I still will have a time to command the regiment. But the opportunity to perform such the task, what I got, have not a many people. Later I understood that his Majesty was right" (Маннергейм Карл Густав. 'Мемуары' [Mannerheim K. G.]).
  The Wikipedia's article (rus) "The Asian expedition of Mannerheim" says: "on December 21, 1908 in the Small hall of the General staff Colonel Mannerheim gave the report about the carried-out expedition in the presence of all the officers - employees of the Asian and Turkestan departments of the General Staff. General Fyodor Palitzin and Senator Pyotr Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky were presented at the report. The report was made with the great success "["The Asian expedition Mannerheim"].
  The Wikipedia article (rus) "Mannerheim, Carl Gustav Emil" contains additional information: "The Major General Brusilov during the one of the arrivals to the Vladimir regiment solemnly handed the Colonel the order of St. Vladimir - the award after the Asian campaign "["Mannerheim, Carl Gustav Emil"]. As can be understood, this awarding of K. G. Mannerheim took place in 1909.
  Perhaps, such format of a "recognition of success", which we see in the cases of N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky and K. G. Mannerheim, you can conditionally call an "elite".
  Time passes, and the format of a recognition of success changes for a some time period.
  1937 year. The non-stop flight of V. P. Chkalov, G. F. Baydukov and A. V. Belyakov from Moscow to the USA through the North pole was realized (18-20 June 1937; 8,504 km during 63 hours and 16 minutes).
  For a moment, let us turn to Yu Trifonov's diary. Yu Trifonov at that time - is the schoolboy.
  1937 year.
  "June 12
  The judicial cases in relation arrested by the NKVD at different times Tukhachevsky, Yakir, Uborevich, Cork, Eidelman, Feldman, Primakov and Putna: the investigation completed and submitted to the court. (...)
  June 12. The article on the first page of newspaper
  "All these Feldmans Yakirs, Primakovs. All these Tukhachevskies and Putnas - are vile rabble...'
  19 June
  Non-stop flight of Chkalov, Baydukov and Belyakov.
  June 21. Monday
  "Brilliant victory of Soviet aviation"". (Трифонов Юрий. 'Из дневников и рабочих тетрадей' (Составитель - Ольга Трифонова) [Yu. Trifonov]).
  In the night from 21 to 22 June, 1937 Valentin Andreyevich Trifonov, Yu. V. Trifonov's father, was arrested.
  Let us return to the non-stop airplane flight by V. P. Chkalov, G. F. Baydukov and A. V. Belyakov.
  G. F. Baydukov writes about the return of the flight crew to the Moscow.
  "... The train has smoothly approached the platform of the Belarusian railway station. The cheerfully smiling Chkalov has appeared in the doorway of the wagon . He has been excited, having seen the platform filled with thousands of people, having heard an enthusiastic applause.
  ... We pass through a corridor thousands of people and we appear before tens of thousands of Muscovites who have filled the huge station square. With wives and kids we rise by a tribune.
  The square raged. Streams of an applause, welcome shouts. (...)
  The meeting has opened. One speaker was replacing another. A storm of applause forced them to do frequent pauses. The People's Commissar of the defensive industry greeted the Chkalov's crew according the request of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (bolsheviks) and Council of People's Commissars of the USSR.
  The short response speech was made by Valery Pavlovich to whom the thousands of participants of a meeting during several minutes didn't give the chance to begin to speak, welcoming him continuous a storm of applause. (...)
  And again an applause, a long, not ceasing, and a shouts "hurrah!".
  The meeting is ended. We have descended from a tribune. We everyone separately with the families were seated in the open automobiles twined garlands of flowers. Have slowly come out to Gorky Street, this already traditional highway of heroes. People dense ranks stood from the Belarusian railway station to the Kremlin. (...)
  In process of advance along the Gorky street the snowstorm of leaflets (they were thrown from balconies and from windows of houses) became stronger, reminding Chkalov and his friends of those real polar cyclones and blizzards through which "ANT 25" made the way, flying through the spaces of "the Pole of an inaccessibility ". (...)
  In Georgiyevsky the hall the reception, organized by the Central Committee the All-Union Communist Party (bolsheviks) and the government of the USSR has taken place. Our crew was welcomed and congratulated with all our children and members of household and acquaintances" [Baydukov G. F.].In Georgiyevsky the hall the reception, organized by the Central Committee the All-Union Communist Party (bolsheviks) and the government of the USSR has taken place. Our crew was welcomed and congratulated with all our children and members of household and acquaintances" (Байдуков Г. Ф. 'Чкалов'. 1975 [Baydukov G. F.]).
  Crew members of "ANT 25" have been awarded with the orders of the Red Banner.
  Probably, Yu.A. Gagarin's meeting after the first in the history of mankind the cosmic flight in some measure reminded V.P. Chkalov, G.F. Baydukov and A.V. Belyakov's meeting.
  It is possible to call conditionally such format of "recognition of success": a "public".
  But it seems that in the USSR this "format of recognition of success" didn't take root, didn't become the tradition taken roots. The world-famous voyage of Thor Heyerdahl completed; Yuri Aleksandrovich Senkevich, one of the participants of the expeditions of Thor Heyerdahl, returned to the Soviet Union. I haven't met data on a large-scale meetings of Yu. Senkevich.
  Generalizing information stated above, it is possible to draw, probably, a conclusion that "recognition of success" it is possible to differentiate according the criterias the "elitism" - "publicity". In some cases also an "indifference" appears.
  4. Recognition of success. "Individualism" and "democratism" (H. Hughes and A. Bombard). "Consolidation" (Ch. Blyth)
  We will cite article of Wikipedia about Howard Hughes. It is about the round-the-world flight.
  "On July 10, 1938, loaded by 1500 gallons of fuel (5 678 liters), Lockheed with six crew members onboard, has taken off from New York. Despite long preparation, organizers of flight haven't considered that the runway will be too short for the overloaded plane. Howard has decided not to do the second attempt under the gaze of the crowd, which has gathered for a farewell and, with risk for life, has flown up, having leaved off the earth already outside the runway, from the soil outside the runway, having a little damaged the chassis.
  Howard has decided not to do the second attempt under the gaze of the crowd, which has gathered for a farewell and, with risk for life, has flown up, having leaved the earth surface already outside the runway, from the soil outside the runway, having a little damaged the chassis.
  The crew has headed for Paris. Moscow, where travelers were waited by warm welcome in the Central airfield, was the following item of a route, but the stop was only about 2 hours. Then Omsk, Yakutsk, Ferbanks (Alaska), Minneapolis and, at last, the plane has returned on July 14 to the airport La Goirdia. The new record was 3 days 19 hours 8 minutes and 10 seconds, distance of 23 612 km. The return was a triumphal. Along the streets of New York one million inhabitants met heroes. The same enthusiastic reception waited for the pilot in native Houston where he was welcomed by 350 thousand residents. (...) Hughes for his achievements has been awarded the gold medal of the U. S. Congress, however he has been so busy that hasn't attended a ceremony in Washington. The medal was sent later by mail" (Википедия (рус). Статья 'Хьюз, Говард' ["Hughes, Howard"]).
  Hundreds of thousands of inhabitants welcomed Howard Hughes, but Howard Hughes did not personally receive the medal of the Congress.
  Perhaps, such format of the recognition can be called "individualism in recognition of success".
  In the book by Alain Bombard 'Naufrage volontaire' ("The Voyage of the Heretique"), seems, there is no mention of any state awards. (Бомбар А. 'За бортом по своей воле' [Bombard A.])
  We will provide two quotes from the book by A. Bombard [translation into English from Russian-language text].
  The first quote characterizes the moment when A. Bombard hasn't crossed the Atlantic Ocean yet; this swimming only on the agenda as the main and as the one of the first positions. He has "only" crossed the Mediterranean Sea. Ahead the Canary Islands. A little later - 65 days of floating in almost full loneliness (from October 19 to December 22, 1952; 4400 km). And - the Antilles, America.
  A. Bombard does a stop in Casablanca during the trip to the Canary Islands .
  "And nevertheless I didn't assume that to me such meeting will be arranged! More than hundred people have gathered on airfield. Some charming girl has even presented me the bouquet, according the colors of the city of Paris" [Bombard A.].
  But a time comes, and A. Bombard returns home after the transatlantic floating.
  "... Here and Paris. To me the crowd of the participants of the meeting was showed. I worry, how before examination. The airplane lands. Motors are stopping, the door opens, and I appear before the hearty laudly sounding sea of the friends who have gathered here to be present at my introduction on the earth of France. I have come back there from where I have begun. The circle of events has become completed" [Bombard A.].
  "The sounding sea of friends"!
  A. Bombard whether was noted by any state awards? - we can't to know it from his book. In the Russian-language and French-language articles of Wikipedia devoted to Alain Bombard, the mentions of awards - it seems, - aren't present. But after reading the book by A. Bombard we learn about "the charming girl", "presented the bouquet which is picked up under colors of the city of Paris", about "the sounding sea of friends".
  Perhaps, such format of recognition can be called "democratism in recognition of success".
  The global cruise along very difficult route without calling ports was carried out by British Chay Blyth. The global cruise has begun on October 18, 1970 and has come to the end on August 6, 1971. As Wikipedia says: "He was the first person to sail single-handed non-stop westwards around the world (1971), on a 59-foot boat called British Steel".
  Here is how Chay Blyth has described the return to Britain in the book "The Impossible Voyage" (Блайт Ч. 'Немыслимое путешествие' [Blyth Ch.]) [translation into English from Russian-language text].
  "On Friday, August 6, 1971, in 292 days after start, I have again stepped on the Marina of Royal Southern yacht-club in the mouth of the Hembl River. I was met by the prince of Wales, the princess Anna, the Duke of Edinburgh, the prime minister Edward Heath, other eminent persons and a great number of so-called ordinary people who are actually is the state himself. Mr. Heath has delivered a speech, with the compliments for me. Together with my wife and daughter, who were waiting in Britain my return from the floating, I have approached the microphone and have answered how I could" [Blyth Ch.] .
  Also such the details characterizing a several days period before the completion of the floating are curious.
  "Early in the morning on Monday August 2 the "Moncton" ship under command the Lieutenant commander R. Solt found me. (...)
  Later the "Glesserton" ship under under command the Lieutenant commander Dean had come. The captain, without asking about anything, have sent to me a bottle of champagne, a chicken, a ready beefsteak, two pints of milk and a little of potatoes! Being surprising with this the care, I feel myself even inconveniently. Besides, from "Glesserton" have transferred portable radio station that I could hold communication, without loading the main radio device.
  (...) ... Champagne was useful: I have drunk for health of the team "Glesserton", "Moncton" and the naval forces of England in general ...
  Military seamen didn't leave me, so it was simple to lay a course. Through the portable radio station I was in contact with the escort, and military seamen spoke to me what to doThe radar gave them the possibility to mark from a distance an oncoming vessels and to warn me. Also there has come minute about which I dreamed nearly ten months - the finish of the trip. Frank Elin on "Blue crystal" approached me to escort me to the mooring of Royal Southern yacht-club" [Blyth Ch].
  At the final stage of floating - the escort of WARSHIPS! Not a bad!
  For the outstanding floating, - as Wikipedia says, -: as a result he was made a Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE).
  The record from his diary is given in the book by Ch. Blyth: "on March 18. The British steel Corporation has approved as builders "Filip and Son"" [Blyth Ch.]. A little earlier he writes that "... BSK undertakes to finance the floating,... have received the concrete recommendation to invite as the designer Mr. Robert Clark and to call the yacht "British Steel" " [Blyth Ch].
  Chay Blyth himself has grown up in rather poor large family of the simple railwayman, volunteered to serve in the army, in a parachute regiment, where-seems to be-was promoted to a sergeant.
  Not his origin, either social status, or wealth, but "only" his courage, dedication and his success were a subject of public respect.
  Perhaps, such a format of recognition can be called "consolidation in recognition of success".
  5. Short epilogue
  An unequivocal conclusions from the material given above can't be drawn, probably. But it is clear that a recognition of success is a part of the general culture of society. And in the analysis of such cultural tradition as "recognition of success" we can come to such (generalizing) concepts as "a dominant of positive perception", "indifference", "elitism", "publicity", "democratism", "individualism", "consolidation".
  Perhaps, deserves mentions and a "self-recognition" ("self-acceptance"). The authors of the books in which their travels have been described became and G.F. Baydukov, and Ch. Blyth, and A. Bombard, and N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky and M. Gorky, and K.G. Mannerheim, and J. Slocum.
  December 3, 2016.
  Translation from Russian into English: May 2, 2018 - May 27, 2018.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Успех и признание. К вопросу об успешных путешествиях Г. Ф. Байдукова, Ч. Блайта, А. Бомбара, Н. Г. Гарина Михайловского, М. Горького, К. Г. Маннергейма, Дж. Слокама, Г. Хьюза. Очерк'.
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