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The attractive Salt Lake. A diary note

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    MMMDXIX. The attractive Salt Lake. A diary note. - July 17, 2024.

  The attractive Salt Lake. A diary note.
  I went to Salt Lake (Rostov Oblast, the city of Bataisk) a couple of times many years ago - on a bicycle.
  Having recently seen the words 'Salt Lake' on one of the bus routes, I decided to go there by public transport.
  I left my home a little after noon - in the very heat. The air temperature was approximately plus 35-37 degrees Celsius. I hoped that such day period (the such time of day) would allow me to find some level of privacy-freedom from the crowded style of life.
  To my surprise, a whole crowd of people in shorts, T-shirts and with backpacks spilled out of the bus, after me.
  Some of them dispersed to different sides, some went to the ticket office of the Yuzhny water park, and some went towards the Salt Lake.
  I moved towards the Salt Lake.
  From the distance about one hundred and fifty meters the surface of the lake opened for view. This water surface looked very attractive. It was as if some kind of freshness was approaching (to) the visitors to the lake.
  Yes, the lake is attractive.
  The shore is of dense sand, along the edges of the sandy beaches there are cafes and shops.
  Despite the great heat, the shore of the lake was 80-90 percent filled with fans of a rest at a banks of water reservoirs.
  The strip of water closest to the shore was filled with people swimming.
  Some of these people were fussing at the water's edge, almost on the shore.
  As soon as I began to undress before entering the water, several people appeared next to me at the water's edge, carefully searching for something in the sand. Someone dug (for fun?) a small hole in a sand. This hole immediately filled with water.
  Fearing that I would push (by my elbow) one of swimming persons, I came into water to a sufficient depth (up to my neck), stood there several seconds, and left the water.
  The water is not transparent, but has an attractive color. Probably the water is clean. The water is warm enough.
  I came out the water, dried myself, changed clothes, and looked around again.
  About 50-100 meters from the shore I saw catamarans (with pedals).
  If I come here again, I will most likely rent a catamaran and will rotate pedals.
  Walking (back) towards the bus stop, I found a large flow of people, walking both towards and away from the Salt Lake.
  The thermometer - key fob showed the temperature: plus 42 degrees.
  At the bus stop, I had to carefully say several word to defend a muscular man (decorated by silver chains, bracelets, rings) with a smartphone and with a small crying boy (apparently his son). To a greater extent, I felt the desire to help the crying boy; as for the man, I didn't have time to form a definite opinion about him - after all, I'm not a psychologist.
  My cautious intercession was supported by some girl who introduced herself as a psychologist (I meet psychologists quite often enough).
  The bus arrived. I headed to Rostov.
  On the way back (from Salt Lake) I tried to visit one fast food restaurant and two supermarkets. Such attempts were unsuccessful for objective reasons (reasons independent of me and these organizations). The doors to these organizations were closed.
  In Rostov, the temperature returned to 35-36 degrees.
  I arrived home in a good mood with the vague hope of going on a catamaran ride - if I visit the Salt Lake again.
  At home, I stood in the shower some time and then began to write this diary note.
  (Intermittently negligible Internet speed. I may have to post this note later - on one of the Internet services.)
  July 17, 2024 17:15
  Translation from Russian into English: July 21, 2024 00:34
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Привлекательность Солёного озера. Дневниковая заметка '.
  { 3548. Привлекательность Солёного озера. Дневниковая заметка. - 17 июля 2024 года.
  MMMDXIX. The attractive Salt Lake. A diary note. - July 17, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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