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The awarding of 20 people for the fight against coronavirus and a some questions. The note

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    The awarding of 20 people for the fight against coronavirus and a some questions. The note.

  The awarding of 20 people for the fight against coronavirus and a some questions. The note.
  Recently, the media reported that 20 people were awarded for the fight against coronavirus.
  There are very few comments on this news. More precisely, there are no comments.
  Let's try to put ourselves in the position of an ordinary citizen who has received such news, and who does not visit any special sites, does not conduct any special information searches.
  What are the questions? he has?
  First: is this award related to the development of the so-called "world's first vaccine against coronavirus," which the authorities are constantly talking about? Apparently, it is not connected, because this is not about a vaccine, but about the fight against coronavirus, and not about scientists, but, apparently, about doctors.
  Secondly, during the period of the most intense fight against the coronavirus, the names of doctors who took part in such a fight and died from this infection were mentioned. These people were mentioned by surnames. It is unclear whether these practitioners (medical workers) were awarded posthumously? They sacrificed their lives to defeat the pandemic ...
  Thirdly, during the period of the most active fight against coronavirus, the names of various kinds of medical high level officials were most often mentioned, including those associated with the so-called personnel reserve [talent pool]. However, during this period, some commentators said that physicians who directly see patients were at greatest risk.
  How many such doctors - I did not remember any information about this. It is possible that she did not appear in the media. But this information exists. Seems a premiums were paid for the risk of infection?
  According to the assumption of a person who does not work in the field of medicine, there are thousands, tens of thousands of such people.
  How then, out of thousands, out of tens of thousands of people, doctors, practitioners, twenty people were selected? By what criterion were they separated from the total number of doctors, who fought against the coronavirus, and awarded? It is not clear ... Maybe some medical high level official was given an assignment to present a list. He presented. But how, according to what criterion, did he make this list of 20 people?
  The ironic spiteful critics are already ready to update the Soviet-era proverb: Malenkov came and we ate some blini [blins]. They brought friends, threw pies ... [пришел Маленков, поели блинков. Привели дружков, бросили пирожков]
  But not spiteful critics, but more constructive citizens pay their attention not to proverbs, but to the awarding process itself ...
  Let's say they don't recall Sergei Furgal, who did not receive an award for his participation in solving the Bureya problem (among other participants) in 2019, they don't recall Oleg Sokolov, who did not receive an award for his practical participation (among other historical reenactors) in a magnificent celebration in 2012 year at the Borodino field (at the international level) of the anniversary of the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812 ...
  Let's recall the award ceremony for two pilots who landed a passenger plane in a corn field. After a while, when this incident and this award had not yet been erased from memory, the military pilots landed a huge, very expensive, very heavy aircraft in extreme conditions. They managed to land him, although he was not working properly. They risked their lives, saved a unique aircraft, showed heroism ... In the wake of memories of awards for landing in a corn field, the question of awarding military pilots for an equally difficult landing of a military aircraft was raised - but it remained unclear whether they were awarded or not?
  After writing this note, we looked at Wikipedia: have the authors of the idea, as well as creators of the "Immortal Regiment" project been awarded? We often hear about this project ... We looked a little, but did not find a clear information on this topic ...
  "The author of the idea was the famous Rostov stage director Yulia Sinelnikova." (Rossiyskaya Gazeta - Week - South of Russia No. 96 (7262). 05/04/2017. "Immortal Regiment" was born on the Don [region]. For the first time portraits of front-line soldiers were carried along Tatsinskaya [stanitsa] in May 1981. Text: Irina Aroyan. Https:// 2017/05/04 / na-donu-rasskazali-o-rozhdenii-idei-bessmertnogo-polka.html)
  '- In 2015, TEFI was no longer awarded to you. The Orpheus statuette was received by the actor Vasily Lanovoy and for some reason the TV Center channel ... " " We had an agreement that the personal PR of officials under the guise of the "Regiment" not allowed! " (Rossiyskaya Gazeta. 26.08.2015. Sergei Lapenkov: The Immortal Regiment is an absolutely personal story. Text: Vladimir Nordvik (City of Tomsk). Https://
  In general, there are many questions related to the awards and to the informing the population about these awards ...
  The state awarding process has not yet been privatized, and citizens have the right to hope that the awarding is carried out in accordance with the principle of justice, for real merit and in accordance with public, state interests ...
  [MDLII. Governor Sergei Furgal and the Bureya problem. The experimental essay - an attempt of a partial biographical reconstruction. - July 9, 2020.
  MDCXXIX. Oleg Sokolov, Andrei Sakharov, Vladimir Medinsky ... Details to the biography of Oleg Sokolov. - August 9, 2020.
  MDCLIX. People of success. A list of personnel reserve instead of the list of creators of the world's first vaccine? A sketch. - August 20, 2020.]
  September 22, 2020 15:55
  P.S. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 21.09.2020 No. 575 "On awarding with state awards of the Russian Federation" (
  Translation from Russian into English: September 22, 2020 19:58.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Награждение 20 человек за борьбу с коронавирусом и некоторые вопросы. Заметка'.
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