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The Chess Tournament of the Russian World will begin on Monday. A story for children about Seryozha

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    MMMDXII. The Chess Tournament of the Russian World will begin on Monday. A story for children about Seryozha. - June 25, 2024.

  The Chess Tournament of the Russian World will begin on Monday. A story for children about Seryozha.
  On Saturday, in the middle of the afternoon, Seryozha returned to his office in the Pool and began to think.
  Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and the first half of Saturday were filled with public events, where the value of the Russian World was continuously discussed.
  Today, in the first half of Saturday, the Chairman of the Great Sports Committee spoke for half a day about the enormous importance of the Russian World.
  Seryozha, as the Chairman of the Public Council of the Swimming Pool, cannot stand aside from modern trends, from urgent tasks.
  It's time to organize a Chess Tournament of the Russian World and get funding for this project!
  Seryozha looked at his watch. Today is Saturday, therefore, the working day is shortened.
  But there is still a time before the end of the working day. He can make it!
  Seryozha quickly drafted a document entitled "Proposal for the organization of a Chess Tournament of the Russian World."
  The list of participants of the Chess Tournament was given at the end of the text.
  First of all, Seryozha included representatives of the countries of the Global South in the list of participants of the Tournament - those countries that occupy a prominent place in the world production of natural diamonds (and other precious stones).
  Seryozha did not forget to include participants with the surnames "Ivanov", "Smirnov" and "Popov" - 90 persons, in total (that is, 30 percent of the total number of participants - the total number of participants in the Tournament: 300 people).
  In order for the influential person in whose power it was to approve or disapprove of Seryozha's Proposal to understand and evaluate everything correctly, Seryozha took a yellow marker and marked all the surnames "Ivanov", "Smirnov" and "Popov" with yellow.
  According to the Proposal, the tournament should begin as soon as it possible, on Monday.
  Having signed the document, Seryozha walked briskly to the Great Sports Committee (in order to have time to visit this organization before the end of the shortened working day).
  As a man with a reputation as a candidate for the position of International Sports Inspector (for Africa) and a candidate for the position of Honorary Ambassador for International Economic Cooperation with the countries of the global majority, Seryozha received the right of priority visiting the Chairman.
  Without further ado, Seryozha put (placed) his document (the Proposal) in front of the Chairman of the Great Sports Committee.
  The Chairman greeted Seryozha, politely asked how the Main Goals were being fulfilled, and began to read the document. The Chairman read one of paragraphes twice, he manipulated with a pencil during the reading, took a calculator out of one of the desk drawers, counted something and said: "Good idea! I approve!"
  Seryozha jumped up from his chair: there is not much time left until Monday, and before the end of the working day he need to go to the accounting department so that the money started to move.
  The Chairman finished the reading with the writing a resolution on the Seryozha's paper (on the Proposal) and handed the document to the author.
  Seryozha thanked for the support of the idea, which was useful for the Russian World, and ran to the accounting department.
  On the way to the accounting department, he read the Chairman's resolution: "I approve. To the accounting department: to allocate financing for [under condition of the presence of] 210 participants".
  "Someone will have to be crossed off the list," Seryozha thought with annoyance.
  The accounting department was open. The chief accountant read both the resolution of the Chairman and the Seryozha's Proposal. She made a copy for herself. "Where to should I transfer the means?"
  Seryozha informed her about the correct bank account details: "Will the money arrive today?"
  "We will transfer the means now, immediately."
  Seryozha ran to the bank to get the money: "I need to make it before the bank closes! The Russian World is looking forward to the start of the Chess Tournament!" "Let the accounting department decide who to delete from the list of participants!"
  The bank was still open. "Do you have a bag with you?" - A bank employee kindly asked Seryozha.
  June 25, 2024 08:40
  Translation from Russian into English: June 25, 2024 20:26
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Шахматный турнир Русского Мира начнется в понедельник. Рассказ для детей о Серёже '.
  { 3541. Шахматный турнир Русского Мира начнется в понедельник. Рассказ для детей о Серёже. - 25 июня 2024 г.
  MMMDXII. The Chess Tournament of the Russian World will begin on Monday. A story for children about Seryozha. - June 25, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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