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The elections in the Academy and a new media trick on Kosti-Nf. A story

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    The elections in the Academy and a new media trick on Kosti-NF. A story.

  The elections in the Academy and a new media trick on Kosti-NF. A story.
  Mr. Wintertund, the second deputy general director of the Kosti-NF radio station, was drawing up another order for the radio station when a call came to his cell phone from Mrs. Quicktalker.
  - "I'll call you back in three minutes," Mr. Wintertund answered shortly.
  He completed the typing of the order and sent this document through the computer network to all departments and employees of Kosti-NF.
  He dialed the number of Mrs. Quicktalker:
  - "Well? Was you there today? Have you got accreditation?"
  - "Everything is in order with accreditation. But I also had an additional confidential conversation with our media curator ..."
  - "What?" - Mr. Wintertund was on the alert.
  - "Mol Tronich is being pushed into ranks of academicians. But the members of the Academy don't want him. Influential persons had preliminary talks with them. They cling to a formal excuse. They say that Mol Tronich is a figure with a dubious reputation, the media treat him badly, and we will not vote for him."
  - "So ... so what ..."
  - "We, in the sense, our radio station, need to change the atmosphere before the elections to the Academy members ..."
  - "What suggestions?"
  - "I spoke with our employees. Anyone have any ideas? You yourself know who Mol Tronich is ... So ... There is an interesting recommendation ..."
  - "What a suggestion?"
  - "Hardly anyone will listen to Mol Tronich and to his opinion ... The media audience treats him indifferently and contemptuously. Program 555 days and everything else ... Well, you understand ... Therefore, we will not broadcast him ..."
  - "It is interesting!" - Mr. Wintertund felt that, by the will of circumstances, another media find was emerging. - "Come on, tell me!"
  - "At our radio station, radio broadcasting is round-the-clock. News - every half hour. In total, there are 48 newscasts per day. Before each issue we make an advertising insert: "Prominent economics specialist Mol Tronich will talk about his recommendations for achieving economic growth rates outstripping the highest world standards. Live performances - once every three weeks at 12-00. "
  - "It is interesting? But what will he say? And, as I understand it, he should not be broadcasted?"
  - "Yes! There are two months before the elections. I looked at the calendar. That means five weeks. During this period, there should be one live performance by Mol Tronich. But when the time comes for him to speak, we will announce that he has left for a major economic conference. Consequently, his performance is postponed."
  - "So..."
  - "Then, - the elections to the Academy. During two months we will broadcast the advertisement "Outstanding economics specialist Mol Tronich will talk about his recommendations for achieving economic growth rates that outstrip the world's highest standards" 1680 times (to multiply five by seven and by 48 is equal 1680). As one prominent propagandist of the 20th century said ... "
  - "Uh-uh ... No need ..." - Mr. Wintertund reacted quickly.
  - "In short, until the elections to the Academy we will completely change the atmosphere, and academics will no longer be able to refer to the fact that the media treat Mol Tronich badly ..."
  - "Why not?" - Mr. Wintertund thoughtfully reacted to the idea of Mrs. Quicktalker. - "Now, this is the situation, all the options need to be tried, all the schemes should be tested. Will he perform after the elections?"
  - "Several radio listeners will go live when there are other radio broadcasts on our radio station, and these radio listeners will write another hundred messages on social networks. The general meaning of the appeals is that not only Mol Tronich is needed, but a collective conversation on the air is required. We will gather doctors of sciense, associate professors - whom of them we will seduce with the possibility of self-promotion, whom we will connect on a semi-compulsory basis - through influential people. When a group of economists with a moderate aggressiveness gathers, then no one will notice that Mol Tronich is out of the game. Let the gathered experts discuss ... "Why is financial support provided not to everyone, but selectively?" "Why are the prices going up?" ... Someone from the public will listen."
  - "I, in general, do not mind. Prepare a draft order, I will sign ...".
  The conversation ended.
  Mr. Wintertund dialed the telephone number of the first deputy general director of the radio station.
  The first deputy picked up the receiver, said: "I agree" and hung up.
  Mr. Wintertund called the accounting department:
  - "Pay the double premium to the Mrs. Quicktalker ...".
  He thoughtfully got up, went to the window and looked at the passers-by.
  "What would you do here without provincials ...".
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  MMСCCXСIX. An Inviolability of the home on Kosti-NF. Or what the first consul was hinting at. A political sketch. - October 1, 2021.
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  December 2, 2021 17:31
  Translation from Russian into English: December 2, 2021 18:39.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Выборы в Академию и новый медиа-трюк на Кости-NF. Рассказ".
  { 2581. Выборы в Академию и новый медиа-трюк на Кости-NF. Рассказ.
  MMDLI. The elections in the Academy and a new media trick on Kosti-NF. A story. (English). }
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